Tide 25 : An enrichment for the compact cruisers

Fridtjof Gunkel

 ·  24.05.2023

Under gennaker, the Tide 25 demonstrates the will to glide

The compact cruiser scene has been enriched by a new old model. The Tide 25 was launched back in 2014 with the manufacturer SQ Yachts, which was founded by former Dehler employees after the shipyard was sold to Hanseyachts and relocated to Greifswald. The name SQ, in turn, was intended to remind us of some Dehler models that were labelled with the abbreviation that stood for Speed & Quality - which, confusingly, is now used by Dehler again. With the SQ 25 and commissioned work for Comfortina, SQ Yachts endeavoured to make a new start at the traditional site in Freienohl in the Sauerland region, where Germany's largest and Europe's most innovative shipyard once built yachts with great success.

Insolvency after dreams

It went wrong. The young company had to file for insolvency back in October. Too few boats sold, too few external orders. The mast breakage of the SQ 25 during the YACHT test is unlikely to have helped the development of the brand either.

to the test video (with the mast break)...

A pity, because the SQ 25, designed by Marc-Oliver von Ahlen as a "30-footer that was washed too hot" (von Ahlen), as a large boat in a small format, proved to be a well-sailing, cleanly built, independent and versatile, beautiful specimen that would have deserved its place in the market.

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tide 25 sailboat

But now salvation is in sight. The East Frisia-based shipyard Maritime Faserverbundtechnik Haring has taken over the moulds and rights and is now building the ship as the Tide 25. The manufacturer already produces the highly acclaimed Tide 36 in addition to high-class specified components for megayachts, submarines and wind turbines.

  • to test the Tide 36

A new start with the Tide 25

But can a design from 2014 still be contemporary or at least timeless almost a decade later? It can: with dynamic bevels and edges, a vertical stem, continuous chines, short underwater profiles and the option of an open stern and double rudder blades, the Tide 25 is still an attractive and modern compact cruiser both visually and in terms of design, which the designer sees more as a "weekender than a sports boat".

In other words: basic comfort meets superior sailing performance. The boat retained another special feature during the transition from the SQ to the Tide: the great variance, which is unrivalled in this size. Open or closed stern, traveller aft or just a foot block in the centre of the cockpit, dents of the same height throughout or flat aft cockpit boxes are available.

The Tide 25 is extremely variable

Things really take off under water: A central or double rudder, two fixed keels for draughts of 1.10 and 1.60 metres and even a swing keel version with a variable draught of 0.75 to 1.80 metres are possible. And for the backstayless rig with the strongly swept spreaders, mainsails of various dimensions as well as a self-tacking jib or a genoa can be selected, which is also sheeted on the roof and with the halyard winches.

The wealth of variants continues below deck. The basic version is equipped with four berths. A toilet room, galley and electric cool box can be added or retrofitted. And for propulsion, a petrol or electric outboard engine, built-in diesel, built-in electric motor or even double e-pods like on the test boat are possible.

Comfort or camping?

Regardless of the version, the visible finish of the plastic, fittings and installations is upmarket and the overall impression is one of quality. However, the space available in the interior is quite limited. There are no cupboards, only open shelves and space under the bunks.

The forward cabin is 2.04 metres long and just under 1.50 metres wide, and the other berths also have comfortable dimensions. However, there is no headroom. The interior height is 1.46 metres. Marc-Oliver von Ahlen: "We deliberately did not try to offer a yacht with headroom and maximised volume. In comparison, the Weekender offers more elegant lines, better sailing characteristics and performance as well as easy towing thanks to its lower weight."

The Tide 25 has impressive sailing qualities

The strengths of the SQ 25 therefore lie in its sailing qualities. In winds of up to 18 knots, the ship proves to be stiff and can take a lot of position, which is also thanks to the externally mounted double-blade system, which works smoothly and with little play. The optional wide traveller at the stern makes it easy to parry gusts.

The arrangement of the headsheets on the coachroof - in addition to the self-tacking jib, the conventional genoa for narrow sheet angles is also run with rails on the roof - makes it difficult for the helmsman to operate them. The tacking angles, i.e. the height upwind, are good, as are the speeds. Double-digit values can be achieved under gennaker, whereby the boat is also controlled on these courses.

Bild 1

The price of the Tide 25 is upmarket. 77,350 euros for a seven-and-a-half metre boat is a confident statement - but one that is likely to be accepted on the market.



Die variantenreiche segelyacht.

Innovativer Yachtbau: Made in Germany

Sie fällt auf mit ihren eleganten Linien: TIDE 25 ist die trailerbare Segelyacht für mehr Flexibilität und reinen Segelspaß. Die smarte kleine Yacht lädt zu sportlich rasanten Törns ebenso ein wie zum entspannten Cruisen und zu komfortablen Wochenend-Trips. Mit der TIDE 25 lassen sich Reviere erkunden, die auf eigenem Kiel unerreichbar wären. Die Konstruktion ist auf optimierte Segeleigenschaften angelegt. Und ihr geringes Gewicht macht das Trailern dieser Yacht ganz leicht. Made in Germany ist sie sowieso: Die TIDE-Familie kommt aus Emden an der Nordsee.


Diese Segelyacht, designt im Hause v. Ahlen, ist in drei Varianten zu haben: in den Ausführungen Basis, Sport und Komfort . Welche passt am besten zu Ihren Vorlieben beim Segeln? Sie haben die Wahl.

tide 25 sailboat

Prospekt TIDE 25 zum Download

tide 25 sailboat

Ein Schwenkkiel als Option

Grundsätzlich sind alle drei Ausführungen mit hydraulischem Schwenkkiel erhältlich. Der variable Tiefgang liegt dann zwischen 0,75 m und 1,80 m. Der Schwenkkiel besitzt in Segelstellung ein vergleichbar aufrichtendes Moment wie der Performance-Kiel. Das Systemgewicht ist etwas höher, somit ist der Performance-Kiel für die Variante Sport die erste Wahl.

tide 25 sailboat

TIDE 25 IN DER BASIS-VARIANTE Sie bietet bereits alles, was zum genussvollen Segeln nötig ist - auch für ein besonders niedriges Gesamtgewicht, was den Segeleigenschaften deutlich zugute kommt. Im offenen Cockpit mit ergonomischer Steuerposition befinden sich beidseits Backskisten. Das Deck ist rutschfest beschichtet. Eine große Wartungsklappe bietet freien Zugang zu einem optionalen Einbaumotor oder einer Rettungsinsel. Das Rigg bietet serienmäßig eine überlappende Fock. Unter Deck gibt es bis zu vier Schlafplätze, inklusive Leseecke und Hundekoje.

tide 25 sailboat

TIDE 25 IN DER KOMFORT-VARIANTE Wer bequemes Segeln, den eleganten Auftritt und das Maximum an Funktionen schätzt, wählt die Komfort-Variante. Sowohl für Binnenreviere als auch für flache Buchten und Häfen ist ihr Flachkiel mit nur 1,10 m Tiefgang ideal. Mit dem Mittelruder ist das Manövrieren im Hafen ganz leicht – erst recht, wenn es per optionaler Einbaumaschine angeströmt wird. Das geschlossene Heck und das praktische Rigg mit Selbstwendefock machen die Komfort-Variante überaus familienfreundlich. Im Cockpit lockt die durchgehende Sitzducht zum Sonnenbaden. Der Flexiteak-Belag und ein dunkler Rumpf sind optional und unterstreichen die edle Optik der TIDE 25. Unter Deck lassen sich die Module WC-Raum und Pantry ergänzen.

tide 25 sailboat

TIDE 25 IN DER SPORT-VARIANTE Das vergrößerte Sportrigg mit verlängertem Baum und Traveller von Harken ® fällt sofort auf. Das Großsegel ist mit einem Fathead ausgestattet, die Fock ist überlappend geschnitten. Der hydrodynamisch erprobte Performance-Kiel sorgt für ein hohes aufrichtendes Moment. Und die Doppelruderanlage gewährleistet auch bei böigem Wetter und sportlichen Gennakerkursen eine gute Kontrolle. Im offenen Cockpit mit ergonomischer Steuerposition befinden sich beidseits Backskisten. In der Sport-Variante bieten wir Ihnen eine spezielle Farbpalette für den Rumpf an. Unter dem rutschfest beschichteten Deck gibt es bis zu vier Schlafplätze, inklusive Leseecke und Hundekoje. Um das Gewicht gering zu halten, empfehlen wir, auf Optionen wie Einbaumotor oder Einrichtungsmodule zu verzichten.

Module für besondere Wünsche

Die TIDE 25 ist so konzipiert, dass sie sich durch spezielle Module ergänzen lässt. Ganz nach Ihren Vorlieben – mit praktischen Elementen fürs Daysailing oder Fahrtensegeln am Wochenende.

  • Das Modul Pantry mit Kocher, Spüle und Stauraum lässt sich anstelle der Leseecke unterbringen.
  • Statt der Hundekoje kann das Modul Kühlbox mit oder ohne Kompressor installiert werden.
  • Alternativ ließe sich hier mit dem Modul WC-Raum sogar ein abgeschlossener Teil mit Pump-WC und Handwaschbecken einrichten.
  • Ein Elektroantrieb mit Hochleistungsbatterien empfiehlt sich für Manöverfahrten.
  • Als weitere Antriebsvariante bieten wir Ihnen einen Dieselmotor an.
  • Unter dem Vorschiffspolster ist Platz für ein Chemie-WC.

tide 25 sailboat

Technische Daten

Maximale Länge 7,50 m Länge Wasserlinie 6,74 m Rumpfbreite 2,49 m Brückenhöhe ca. 11,40 m Festkiel, Standard 1,60 m Festkiel, flach 1,10 m Verdrängung ca. 1850 kg (je nach Variante abweichend)

BASIS-VARIANTE Segelfläche 35,0 m Tiefgang 1,60 m

KOMFORT-VARIANTE Segelfläche 32,9 m Tiefgang 1,10 m

SPORT-VARIANTE Segelfläche 40,60 m Tiefgang 1,80 m

OPTION SCHWENKKIEL Tiefgang 0,75 - 1,80 m

tide 25 sailboat

Yachting Monthly

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Yachting Monthly cover

The best small cruising yachts in 2023

  • Theo Stocker
  • September 29, 2023

Despite bigger yachts dominating the new boat scene in recent decades, there are still any number of builders making new smaller cruisers. Here's our pick of the best small cruising yachts in 2023

tide 25 sailboat

We have seen a surprisingly large number of builders going against the grain to bring small cruising yachts to market in the last year or so, ranging from trailer0-sailers to smaller traditionally-styled options. Here, we’ve rounded up 4 of the best small cruising yachts launched in the last year.

Typically this size of yacht appeals to those who are looking for a day sailer or weekender and will often offer reduced draught in able to allow you to go creek crawling or nose your way into otherwise hard to get to anchorages.

The best small cruising yachts 2023

tide 25 sailboat

Once you’ve seen one, Bente yachts are unmistakable. We revisited the brand’s first boat, the Bente 24 , a couple of issues ago, which has been around for 10 years or so. The brand then launched the striking Bente 39 which was immensely innovative, but the company ran into financial difficulties. Now under new owners and a more stable footing, a third model has been launched, which I can’t wait to test sail. The Bente 28 is unlike any other 28-footer.

The hull is cutting edge with wide transom, double rudders and full bows providing a powerful hull form as well as volume below. Construction is polyester GRP foam sandwich, with the basic version being heavier hand lamination, and the more expensive Edition version being vacuum infused. While this is a boat designed to be fast, it’s a long way from a wild racing boat.

Displacement is a not outlandish 3.2 tonnes and draught is 1.6m (there’s an option for a 1.95m performance T-keel with lead bulb that’s 100kg lighter), so it fits well within the scope of a sensible cruising boat.

tide 25 sailboat

The Tide 25, built by MFH in north Germany – began its life as a Dehler SQ25, but the mould was sold off when that company hit hard times. Plumb bows and stern with a long hull chine, bevelled deck edge and twin rudders put her on trend, and maximise performance under sail and accommodation on board.

On deck, she has a large cockpit with benches forward and four decent lockers. Under the cockpit sole there’s access to what would be engine space for a diesel inboard, now housing batteries for the electric motors.

Opt for the sport version, and you’ll get beefed up deck hardware and a minimalist fit out, with the mainsheet traveller across the transom, while the comfort version has a smaller main with the mainsheet coming to a fixed point on the cockpit sole forward of the helm. The rig has aft-swept spreaders and no backstay.

tide 25 sailboat

The fact that the accommodation of the Pointer 30 is designed around a Nespresso machine, enshrined in glory, tells you a lot about this boat. It was conceived as a comfortable, fast and stylish weekend cruiser that you can take your friends down to for a coffee before a nice sail to somewhere for lunch. This is a boat that knows what it is about. Tea drinkers, don’t worry; there’s still a gas hob to boil a kettle.

The sail area isn’t vast, but this looks to be an easily driven hull. A below-deck furler setting a genoa that sheets to tracks on the coachroof is standard, with a self-tacker being optional.

The fixed bowsprit houses a bow roller, and a tack point for furling offwind sails – the gennaker takes her offwind sail area up to 100m2, set from an aluminium twin-spreader rig with adjustable backstay. She has a powerful kicker, but no traveller for the main, which is sheeted to a raised plinth in the cockpit sole.

Below deck the layout is simple, clean and quietly stylish. Headroom is restricted, dictated by the low freeboard and elegant lines.

To port, the heart of the boat is the ‘coffee bar’ on a shelf in the moulded hull liner, next to a small dinette-style table with two leather swivel armchairs. The forward of these chairs spins round to face a neat lift-top desk (though the drawer below isn’t large enough for a chart).

tide 25 sailboat

Swallow Yachts 32

Aimed at sailors who may have owned larger yachts before but want to downsize, Swallow Yachts owner Matt Newland explained that he ‘wanted to build a boat that was fun and easy to sail, simple to maintain and had timeless looks with as low an environmental impact as possible.’

Though not a true launch-and-sail trailer sailer, a four-by-four will still be able to tow the 32 on her own trailer, as boat and trailer come in at under 3.5 tonnes, and within the 2.9m overhang limit.

With a keel-down draught of 2.8m, a fine entry at the bow and broad aft sections, this boat promises to be a good performer. You can sail with the lifting keel in any position for shoal waters, but lift it all the way and you’ve got a draught of just 40cm for creek crawling and drying out.

Newland has tried to draw lines that are timeless rather than trendy while a retractable bowsprit, backstayless carbon rig and square-top mainsail ensure she is right up there in terms of her contemporary design and latest tech.

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The LT10 is the Gheenoe you need to see before you go buy that kayak.  Weighing in just over 190 lbs., it offers the best of both worlds.  You can use a small outboard to get to those places your buddies don’t want to paddle to or take the motor off and fish those No Motor Zones.  

The LT 10 offers a variety of different layouts to fit your needs. You can paddle or pole, car top or trailer, sit down or stand up with no problem.  So if you are looking for an economical skiff to get in those hard to reach places, the LT10 is the Gheenoe for you.

LT10 Specifications:

Length::                         15’10” Beam:                              3’9″ Draft:                                5″ Approx. Weight:          190 lbs Max Horse Power:      10 Capacity:                         3 Fuel:                                   Portable

The LT 25 combines the benefits of an ultra-shallow drafting canoe and traditional skiff to create one of the most popular and capable micro skiffs on the market. 

Incorporating the proven reverse chine design that allows for maximum stability, the LT 25 offers more space for anglers, tackle, gear and larger outboards.  

The LT 25 can be customized to the owner’s desires with the option of a tiller or center/side console.  The newest model features an elevated fiberglass console that enables the operator maximum visibility. 

Outfitted with a 25 hp Tohatsu, the Low Tide 25 literally skips over the water’s surface and cuts through chop with ease.

LT25 Specifications:

Length:            16′

Beam:               56″

Draft:                 5″

Freeboard Transom:   16″

Weight:             270 lbs.

Max HP:             25

Capacity:          3 persons

tide 25 sailboat

Fly Life Magazine

Moday Gear Review: Gheenoe Low Tide 25 is a low cost skiff with a good attitude

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]y friend and oft-times fishing buddy Mike said: “ If you’re like me, and like many others, plunking down $65,000 for a “technical” skiff isn’t going to happen, but I’m OK with under $10,000. That’s right about where the Gheenoe LT 25 came into my rear view mirror. I need to get off the dime I’ve been sitting on for the past 10 boat-less years, I decided, after due diligence, on the LT 25 with modest add on options to the base price. I want a new skiff, not a used one with warts and an out-of-warranty motor. I’m not a tool handy guy. That said, you sure can get a great used flats boat if you look hard and often at the usual online used boat stores . “

Gheenoe LT 25 similar to Mike's skiff.

Gheenoe LT 25 similar to Mike’s skiff.

The Gheenoe was the late 1960s brainchild of Harley Gheen, Sr. who had a day job as a senior designer at Bendix Launch Support Systems at the Kennedy Space Center. Harley tinkered with scaled down designs of a hybrid skiff that he float tested in the family bathtub for four years before settling on a single design. After perfecting the design Gheenoe was birthed: a hybrid that had the efficiency of a canoe and the stability of a wider beamed flats-like boat. Today, over 45,000 Gheenoe’s ply the lakes, rivers, streams, canals, lagoons and protected backcountry waters of the world.

Small, practical, very reasonably priced describes well the Low Tide 25

Based on his father’s original Gheenoe design of the late 1960s; son Harley “Pugar” Gheen Jr. went on a different path in 2003 and started Unlimited Glassworks; building  the LT 15, LT 25 and NMZ 15’ 4”. In so doing, Pugar created some of the best “micro” skiffs on the market today with sales keeping builds out to 6- to 8-weeks and with a mounting cadre of followers as devoted to their boats as the Gheen family has been about the quality of their products.

After Mike picked up his LT 25 with a Tohatsu 15-hp four stroke, we headed out to fish the Everglades – entering the canal system that straddles Broward County and Palm Beach County – called Holey Land (Florida). Weighing in at just over 375, it was an easy task to back it down a steep, gravely grade and slide her into the canal.

Handling requires a little getting used to if you’re flats boat oriented. On very sharp turns it wants to heal over on its side, but not an issue once you’ve learned the feel. Although the LT 25 is very stable, it would be prudent to walk the keel when moving about – it’s not a 72-inch beamed skiff. Although Mike has Stiffy mounted, we’re both passed our poling days so we couldn’t state how that goes.

In a conversation with a guide friend Paul from Placida, Florida, who has a really tricked out LT 25, had this to say about poling: “The LT 25 is easy to move but not easy to keep on a track – doesn’t turn on its axis. It tends to slide and in a good winter breeze it’s even tougher to pole . Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a deterrent to using it, it just requires more effort to pole properly – no skiff is perfect .”

About the building of a Gheenoe

According to Micorskiff’s blog regarding the Gheenoe build method: “ The construction follows a tried and true method for cost efficient boats. Due to its shape the mold is two parts. The two mold halves are bolted together and then the construction process starts with a line of tape down the keel. This is simply prep for the next step. Gel Coat is applied then chopper glass is blown into the mold. Finally the false floor, decks, hatches and storage boxes are glassed into the finished boat. While the process may not be the latest and most hi-tech process it has a proven track record. Today combined with father Harley’s original Gheenoe brand there are approximately 45,000 boats emblazoned with the “Gheenoe” moniker according to Pugar.

The standard LT 25 included their front low deck, center storage box, rear seating and poling platform. Power was supplied by a new four stroke Tohatsu 15hp tiller outboard. This package along with safety gear, tackle box and rods would hit a top speed of 23.1 MPH WOT on an OEM aluminum 9 pitch three blade prop and two persons .”

Mike is satisfied with his choice and says he’d readily recommend the LT 25 to anyone who wants to fish shallow, protected waters.

Website: […]

Unlimited Glassworks 625 Childre Avenue / Titusville, FL 32796

Telephone: 321-269-9093

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tide 25 sailboat

SeaDek on a Custom Gheenoe Low Tide 25

  • March 13, 2015

Thanks to Dustin DeVos for the good words!


Gheenoe website: http://www.gheenoe.net/

For pricing and availability on your particular project please call 321-632-4466 or email [email protected]

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Are u really fishing? or u just playing with his new toy?....lol  

i have the boat at my house right now while tom is on vacation so if anyone wants to go for a ride let me know  

i have the boat at my house right now while tom is on vacation so if anyone wants to go for a ride let me know Click to expand...


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Better Sailing

Best Sailboats Under 25 Feet

Best Sailboats Under 25 Feet

Love fishing, going out on open water, and love the gentle rocking of waves? Then, now is the time to think of investing in a sailboat. Sailboats are silent, eco-friendly, and a great mode of transportation for water lovers. In addition, you can choose smaller boats for family sailing excursions. 

Why Get a Sailboat Under 25 Feet?

Owning a sailboat can be amazing for those who like an adventure. Having a small sailboat for some weekend fun can be a big achievement for people who like boats, water, and adventurous outings. These sailboats are a great way to have fun on the water, but they can also often accommodate a couple or a small family for a weekend. Here are some reasons why owning a sailboat is not a bad idea:

  • Eco-friendly : Sailboats use wind energy to sail on water. This makes these boats eco-friendly because it is safer for the environment. This keeps the water clean and the marine life safe from any pollutants. The sailboats are also less noisy. 
  • Power : Modern sailboats are quite different from the older versions. These days, boats have engineer power included. Yes, most of the navigation is done manually using the sails. Still, the engine gives a certain boost to the performance. This makes sailing an easier task and also provides more enjoyment for people on board.
  • Right-of-Way : When it comes to sailboats, they do not stop easily. That means they are required to have the right-of-way while on the water. You can easily pass through the water because nobody expects the sailboat to stop.
  • Affordable:  Most sailboats in the 25-and-under feet category are affordable and much cheaper to have fun with than pretty much any other weekend vehicle. You do not have to worry about fuel expenses or anything like that and 
  • Travel : A small sailboat under 25 feet can be a great way to go through the water for those who like to travel. Those who love sailing the water’s calmness and want to drift through less traffic should invest in a beautiful sailboat. Also, you can take your family with you without having to pay for separate tickets. 
  • Variety : Lastly, you can choose from a large variety of boats. There are hundreds of types to pick from based on their size, features, and ability to sail in various water bodies. This gives you a choice based on your budget, making it a convenient mode of transportation without spending too much. 

Here Are The 5 Best Sailboats Under 25 Feet:

Catalina 22 sport.

Catalina 22 is a very popular choice for smaller sailboats that can be trailered easily. The Catalina 22 sport is the updated version that has some added features. This sailboat is perfect for the weekend sailing excursion. 

  • Retractable keel made of lead
  • Roller furling jib
  • The fractional rig has the mainsail
  • The large cabin that can sleep four people
  • Engine, cloth cushions, and swim ladders are optional

Catalina 22 Sport Sailboat

>>Also Read:  Best Sailboats Under 100k

Montgomery 17

This is another smaller pocket sailboat. This sailboat can be trailered easily when required. It is a bit stout in looks, and the entire body is made of fiberglass. 

  • The deck-stepped mast can be used with a 4-part tackle
  • The boat is about 2 feet in depth
  • Comes in 15 and 23-foot models
  • Bunk beds in the cabin
  • Has a portable toilet
  • The boat has a lot of storage space
  • DC power is optional

montgomery 17 sailboat

>>Also Read:  Best Small Sailboats To Sail Around The World

This is one of the best family vacation sailboats in a smaller size. It has an open transom cockpit, which is quite large and comfortable. This is a perfect two-person sailboat:

  • Hull and deck have laminated fiberglass
  • The centerboard can be lifted through hydraulics
  • The deck is molded as nonskid
  • Has a cuddy cabin with a bunk bed 
  • Portable toilet screened ports and an optional electrical system 

Hunter 22 Sailboat

>>Also Read: Best Small Sailboats Under 20 Feet

Norseboat 17.5

This is Canadian-made and is fit for both sailing and rowing. This is a comparatively recent addition to the sailboat market. It has an open cockpit that is enough for a two-man team.

  • The rig has a curved raff type
  • Two rowing stations
  • Carbon fiber mast
  • Fiberglass hull with ply interiors 
  • 9-foot oars as well

Norseboat 17.5 Sailboat

>>Also Read: Best Small and Trailerable Sailboats

Small Sailboat Buying Guide

Finding the right sailboat is not child’s play. These are not some simple appliances for the kitchen. Sailboats are large vehicles with many components and specifications. That is why you should pay attention to the overall features and details regarding the sailboat before. Choosing the right sailboat is about the size and the power, navigation controls, space, deck, and durability. Here are a few things that should be paid attention to when picking a sailboat for traveling:

  • Used or new : The first question you need to ask is whether to choose a new boat or a used one. New sailboats are expensive and are going to cost more than buying a used one. Also, the new ones will depreciate quickly as compared to the older boats. With new boats, you can take them to the water almost immediately. But with old ones, you will probably have to hire someone to make repairs and maybe upgrades. This will cost you some extra money too. It is always wiser to check the engine; the hull and deck should be dry and intact. Also, you should hire an experienced electrician to get the electric system upgraded. I am always a big believer in used sailboats, but you need to shop around for a good deal.
  • Small or big : Another big question that needs to be answered is whether the boat should be small or big. You can easily find smaller-sized boats under 25 feet, but also lavish 40-foot sailboats. Yes, the bigger ones do look great and enticing. But the larger the boat, the larger the expenses on it. If you are new to sailboats, then buying a smaller one is the best option. It will be easier to learn. Another thing to keep in mind is that larger boats are not that safe and beginner-friendly. It requires a lot of practice to navigate a bigger boat.
  • Ocean or lake : You should also consider where you will sail. Sailing on a calm lake is much different than sailing on an open ocean. Therefore, the boat choice should be decided based on that. You should ask whether you will sail inland or offshore. If you will sail on the ocean, then choose one sturdy and built for ocean sailing. Smaller sailboats work just fine if you plan to sail on a lake because they don’t need to be too bulky or fancy.
  • Leisure or adventure : Some people are serious sailors who like to reach the bigger waves and have an adventure on rough ocean waters. Others like to go fishing with their family on a lake. Now, the choice of sailboat should be made, considering the purpose of the sailboat. You should also consider how many people will be on board before buying a boat. Users should pick a boat that will be comfortable for everyone, especially for longer vacations. 
  • Cheap or expensive : Lastly, consider the cost of owning a sailboat. The sailboat cost is not just the buying price you need to pay. The cost of owning a sailboat will include all the upkeep, maintenance, and upgrading costs that the sailboat will incur over time. Always keep in mind the time you are planning to keep the sailboat. If the sailboat is for a shorter time, then investing too much is not smart. Also, you should be careful of the repair costs for older sailboats that need to be paid. 

Best Sailboats Under 25 Ft – Final Thoughts

Sailboats are a great way to have memorable vacations even when they are under 25 feet long. You can enjoy open waters, comfortable sailing, and some fun and quality family time on them. The best thing is that there are so many of them to choose from. Smaller sailboats are best for inland water sailing, weekend trips, and during holidays for a great fishing experience. Get ready to become a sailboat owner!


Peter is the editor of Better Sailing. He has sailed for countless hours and has maintained his own boats and sailboats for years. After years of trial and error, he decided to start this website to share the knowledge.

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Bluewater Sailboat – Pacific Seacraft 25

Also called: psc25, ps25.

The 25 was the first Bluewater sailboat to bear the famed Pacific Seacraft name, designed by Henry Mohrschladt and built in his garage in 1976. This compact double-ender was inspired by the workboats of the nineteenth century, which could carry big loads and sail fast and safely in a variety of weather conditions. The modest Pacific Seacraft 25 footer is considered slow by modern standards, but she compensates by being extremely sturdy and seaworthy, cheap maintenance, and fully capable of being trailered to your preferred cruising ground.

The Pacific Seacraft 25 is claimed to resemble a cross between a fishing boat and a ship’s lifeboat, with a traditional old world feel. A full keel with a forefoot cutaway beneath the waterline provides her with excellent tracking ability when combined with a substantial rudder suspended from the double-stern ender’s post. If she is tied up while the tide is out, the bottom of the keel has a long enough straight part to allow her to sit erect without nosing forward.

Pacific Seacraft 25

  • LOA: 26′ 3″
  • LOD: 24′ 6″
  • LWL: 21′ 0″
  • Beam: 8′ 0″
  • Draft: 3′ 3″
  • Displacement: 4,750 lbs.
  • Ballast: 1750 lbs.
  • Sail Area: 250 sq. ft.
  • Headroom: 5′ 2″
  • Fuel: 20 US Gal.
  • Engine: 8hp Yanmar 1-cylinder
  • Designer: Henry Mohrschladt
  • Builder: Pacific Seacraft
  • Year Introduced: 1976
  • Year Ended: 1980
  • Total Built: 157
  • Also Known As: PSC25, PS25

Pacific Seacraft’s two founders, Mike Howarth and Henry Mohrschladt, built the first hull in Henry’s garage in Orange County, California. The yacht was quickly hauled to a local boat exhibition, where it sold quickly and sparked a lot of curiosity. When the residential neighbors didn’t like the smell and sounds of fibreglass boatbuilding, production was eventually shifted from the garage to the company’s first official premises in Santa Ana on South Susan Street.

Early Bluewater Pacific Seacraft 25s were sloop-rigged with no bowsprits or cutter rig. Many alternatives were available, and there are various variants on the market today. In subsequent variants, options included different hull colours, teak sea-hoods for the hatches, teak decks, cockpit grates, and cutter rigs. A private forward compartment separated by a full wall and a well built door was even an option. Four boats were apparently built with swing keels, and a couple vessels were owner-finished.

Production lasted until 1981, with the latest boat recorded being hull number #257, for a total production count of 157. The Pacific Seacraft 25 was later phased out when Bruce Bingham’s Flicka 20 was added to the company’s yacht inventory. Standing headroom and intelligent use of space in the new 20-footer’s open cabin layout proved crucial. The Pacific Seacraft 25 moulds were eventually delivered to Japan, but their ultimate fate is unclear.

The hulls were hand-laid fibreglass with lengthwise mock-planking moulded in, while the deck and cabin were balsa cored fibreglass to save weight. The cabin trunk is fairly boxy in shape, and despite its apparent height, the inside headroom is barely five feet two inches.

The bow has a two-inch gunwale that narrows to nothing at the cockpit and is topped with a wide teak caprail. The sidedecks are spacious and expand broader as you move forward on the boat.

The cockpit is an excellent size and form for a seagoing sailboat, and it has a secure feel to it. It boasts rounded edges for lounging, a large stern lazarette, and a large port-side locker. The cockpit has two acceptable drains on the forward edge, although four drains would be preferable for severe offshore operations.

A huge hatch beneath the cockpit floor may be unlocked and detachable by unscrewing 25 screws. It’s a vast area to keep watertight and well-sealed, but it allows for unparalleled access to the engine and stuffing box. The basic engine is an 8-horsepower single-cylinder Yanmar diesel that fits securely under the cockpit. Access to the engine from behind the companionway steps is limited to a quick glance.

A deep and narrow fuel tank is positioned in the bilge immediately forward of the engine area, which is ideal for space efficiency and maintaining a low centre of gravity. Unfortunately, they were built of aluminium, and because they were positioned in the bilge, despite having runners under them, the tank would typically acquire seawater corrosion and leaks six to eight years into its life. The replacement of these tanks has become infamous in the industry.

The mast is stepped onto a tabernacle, which allows it to be readily dropped or raised; this region is supported by a wooden compression post, which transmits the rig’s load to the keel.

Belowdecks are accommodations for up to five people; you’re unlikely to cruise with more than two people on a boat this size, but the extra berths may come in handy for short coastal outings. The forepeak features a small double berth that is more suited for children, as well as a head and hanging locker on either side of the hull. This space is separated from the saloon by a curtain.

The Sailboats Galley  is spacious and well-equipped, with fresh and seawater hand pumps, a sink, and an original pressurised kerosene or alcohol two-burner stove. A dinette and settees facing forward and aft can seat up to three people. The dinette may be lowered to create a double berth, and there is a seagoing quarter-berth farther aft.


The boats came in cutter and sloop configurations. The cutter-rigged boats had a small bowsprit that was less than two feet long, and the slot between the headsail and the staysail that anchors at the stem head were quite small.

The helm is light under sail, and the tracking is good. Light air performance is horrible, and more canvas area is sorely needed, yet in winds above 8 knots, she can travel remarkably effectively, with hull speed reaching 12-14 knots. She’s delicate at first, then stiffens at approximately 10 degrees of heel, with the first reef usually thrown in above 16 knots. With a reefed staysail and triple reefed main, she is reputed to heave to exceptionally well in harsh situations.

If you are interested in learning more about the specifications and details of a sailboat, we recommend visiting the page Bluewater Sailboat data . This page provides comprehensive information and is an excellent resource for anyone seeking detailed information about 1000+ sailboats.

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The Seaward 25 is a 26.75ft fractional sloop designed by Nick Hake and built in fiberglass by Hake Yachts (Seaward) since 1984.

600 units have been built..

The Seaward 25 is a light sailboat which is a reasonably good performer. It is reasonably stable / stiff and has a low righting capability if capsized. It is best suited as a day-boat.

Seaward 25 sailboat under sail

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  21. Bluewater Sailboat

    Overview. The 25 was the first Bluewater sailboat to bear the famed Pacific Seacraft name, designed by Henry Mohrschladt and built in his garage in 1976. This compact double-ender was inspired by the workboats of the nineteenth century, which could carry big loads and sail fast and safely in a variety of weather conditions.

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    270.00 ft² / 25.08 m² ... Like the LWL, it will vary with the weights of fuel, water, stores and equipment. A boat's actual draft is usually somewhat more than the original designed or advertised draft. For boats with adjustable keels (centerboards, daggerboards, lifting and swing keels), Draft (max) is with the board down. ...

  23. Seaward 25

    The Seaward 25 is a 26.75ft fractional sloop designed by Nick Hake and built in fiberglass by Hake Yachts (Seaward) since 1984. 600 units have been built. The Seaward 25 is a light sailboat which is a reasonably good performer. It is reasonably stable / stiff and has a low righting capability if capsized. It is best suited as a day-boat.