Oliver Kahn: Neue Bleibe: Er lässt sich eine Luxus-Villa auf Mallorca bauen

oliver kahn yacht mallorca

Er hat große Pläne. Bayern-Boss Oliver Kahn soll sich aktuell sein persönliches Traumhaus auf Mallorca bauen lassen, wo er seine Zeit abseits des Fußball-Alltags genießen will.

Beruflich und finanziell läuft es bei ihm schon seit Jahren rund. Bayerns Vorstandschef Oliver Kahn (53) ist dafür bekannt, sein Luxusleben in vollen Zügen zu genießen. Der ehemalige Weltklasse-Torhüter ist jedoch nicht nur beruflich auf der Überholspur unterwegs. Auch privat hat er den Jackpot gezogen, denn seit 2011 ist Oliver glücklich mit seiner Svenja verheiratet.

Im Video oben seht ihr Oliver Kahn Arm in Arm mit seiner Svenja – und sie sieht fabelhaft aus!

Das Paar fühlt sich zwar in München zuhause, doch wie die "Bild"-Zeitung berichtet, arbeitet Oliver Kahn gerade parallel an einem weiteren Traumhaus. Wo das neue Luxus-Domizil stehen soll? Auf der Baleareninsel Mallorca – genauer gesagt in der exklusiven Gegend Son Vida, einem der prestigeträchtigsten Wohnorte außerhalb von Palma.

Oliver Kahn: Er wurde in den letzten Monaten häufiger auf Mallorca gesichtet

Wie "Bild" berichtet, soll Kahn in den vergangenen Monaten immer wieder auf der beliebten Ferieninsel gesichtet worden sein. Der Grund? Er besuchte die Baustelle, auf der aktuell an seiner neuen Traumvilla gearbeitet wird. Warum die Gegend rund um Son Vida so attraktiv für den 53-Jährigen zu sein scheint? Vor Ort soll sich eine der schönsten Golfanlagen von Mallorca befinden. Ein Traum für Kahn, der neben seiner Leidenschaft für den Fußball auch als leidenschaftlicher Golfer bekannt ist.

Oliver Kahn: Er soll schon im Sommer in sein Ferienhaus ziehen können

Wie die "Bild"-Zeitung schreibt, soll der Bayern-Boss vorhaben, vor allem seine Freizeit auf Mallorca zu verbringen. Dort kann er abschalten und sich von seinem stressigen Fußball-Alltag erholen. Wann Oliver Kahn sein Traum-Domizil endlich beziehen kann? Angeblich sollen die Bauarbeiten bereits in diesem Sommer abgeschlossen werden. Perfektes Timing also!

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oliver kahn yacht mallorca

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Oliver Kahn lässt sich Traum-Villa auf Mallorca bauen

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Oliver KAHN (Vorstandsvorsitzender FCB), Einzelbild,angeschnittenes Einzelmotiv,Portraet,Portrait,Porträt. Fussball 1. B

Beruflich und finanziell läuft es bei ihm schon seit Jahren rund. Bayerns Vorstandschef Oliver Kahn ist dafür bekannt, sein Luxusleben in vollen Zügen zu genießen. Der ehemalige Weltklasse-Torhüter ist jedoch nicht nur beruflich auf der Überholspur unterwegs. Auch privat hat er den Jackpot gezogen, denn seit 2011 ist Oliver glücklich mit seiner Svenja verheiratet .

Das Paar lebt derzeit in München. Doch laut „Bild“-Informationen lässt Oliver Kahn sich zurzeit eine zweite Bleibe bauen – und zwar auf Mallorca, genauer gesagt in der exklusiven Gegend Son Vida, einem der prestigeträchtigsten Wohnorte außerhalb von Palma.

Oliver Kahn kann auf Mallorca seiner Golf-Leidenschaft nachgehen

Wie „Bild“ berichtet, soll Kahn in den vergangenen Monaten immer wieder auf der beliebten Ferieninsel gesichtet worden sein. Der Grund? Er besuchte die Baustelle, auf der aktuell an seiner neuen Traumvilla gearbeitet wird. Warum die Gegend rund um Son Vida so attraktiv für den 53-Jährigen zu sein scheint? Vor Ort soll sich eine der schönsten Golfanlagen von Mallorca befinden. Ein Traum für Kahn, der neben seiner Leidenschaft für den Fußball auch als leidenschaftlicher Golfer bekannt ist.

Oliver Kahn will seine Freizeit auf Mallorca verbringen

Wie die „Bild“-Zeitung schreibt, soll der Bayern-Boss vorhaben, vor allem seine Freizeit auf Mallorca zu verbringen. Dort kann er abschalten und sich von seinem stressigen Fußball-Alltag erholen. Wann Oliver Kahn sein Traum-Domizil endlich beziehen kann? Angeblich sollen die Bauarbeiten bereits in diesem Sommer abgeschlossen werden. Perfektes Timing also!

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Gemeinsames Foto mit Parfümerie-Kundinnen: Oliver Kahn zu Besuch auf Mallorca

Es ist anzunehmen, dass der "titan" bei seinem aufenthalt auf der insel auch den baufortschritt an seiner villa begutachtete.

Oliver Kahn (M.) mit den Verkäuferinnen der Parfümerie (v.l.n.r.) Zaira, María Luisa, Ainhoa und Neus.

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Mit seinen 1,88 Meter Körpergröße und den blonden Haaren fiel der frühere Welttorhüter Oliver Kahn den Kunden und Verkäuferinnen bei seinem Besuch der Parfümerie Tin Tin in Palma de Mallorca vor wenigen Tagen sofort auf. Unverzüglich zogen, wie die spanischsprachige MM-Schwesterzeitung "Ultima Hora" berichtet, die Besucher des Geschäfts ihre Handys, um sich mit dem prominenten Ex-Fußballer ablichten zu lassen. Sodann soll sich der 54-jährige wieder den Verkäuferinnen der Parfümerie zugewandt haben, um sich von ihnen bei der Wahl der Produkte beraten zu lassen ...

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Es ist zu vermuten, dass der frühere Bayern-Boss bei seinem Besuch auf der Sonneninsel durchaus auch den Fortschritt an den Bauarbeiten an seiner Villa begutachtete. Neu entstandene Fotos von seinem luxuriösen Domizil im Südwesten der Insel deuten darauf hin, dass der ehemalige deutsche Fußballtorwart und jetzige Fußballfunktionär Kahn schon bald in sein Mallorca-Domizil ziehen könnte – zumindest für Insel-Urlaube . Bereits 2023 war berichtet worden, dass der Fußball-Experte mehrfach vor Ort war, um den Baufortschritt an seinem neuen Haus zu begutachten.

oliver kahn yacht mallorca

Die 54-jährige Torwartlegende war bis Mai 2023 Vorstandsvorsitzender des FC Bayern München. In der Vergangenheit konnte Kahn mit seinem Verein insgesamt achtmal Deutscher Meister, sechsmal DFB-Pokalsieger und weitere sechsmal DFB-Ligapokalsieger werden.

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FC Bayern | Bericht: Oliver Kahn baut Feriendomizil auf Mallorca


Villa schon im Sommer bezugsfertig?

Bericht: bayern-boss baut feriendomizil auf mallorca.

Oliver Kahn (l.) zieht es ins warme Spanien

Als Vorstandsvorsitzender ist Oliver Kahn seit 2021 für den FC Bayern tätig. Um dem Stress zu entgehen, den der ehemalige Nationalspieler mit der Arbeit beim deutschen Rekordmeister hat, lässt sich der ehemalige Weltklasse-Torhüter nun ein Urlaubsdomizil auf Mallorca errichten.

Seit 2011 ist Oliver Kahn glücklich mit seiner Svenja verheiratet. Das Paar lebt derzeit in München. Doch laut Informationen der "Bild" lässt der ehemalige Weltklasse-Torhüter zurzeit eine zweite Bleibe bauen – und zwar auf Mallorca.

Sein neues Ferien-Domizil soll in der exklusiven Gegend Son Vida, einem der prestigeträchtigsten Wohnorte außerhalb von Palma, stehen. Besonders attraktiv für Kahn: Vor Ort soll sich eine der schönsten Golfanlagen von Mallorca befinden. Perfekt zum Abschalten für den 53-Jährigen, der neben seiner Leidenschaft für den Fußball auch als leidenschaftlicher Golfer bekannt ist.

FC Bayern: Bauarbeiten im Sommer beendet?

In den vergangenen Monaten wurde Kahn immer wieder auf der beliebten Ferieninsel gesichtet. Der Grund dürfte damit gelüftet sein. Er besuchte der „Bild“ zufolge die Baustelle, auf der aktuell an seiner neuen Traumvilla gearbeitet wird.

Wann Kahn sein Domizil beziehen kann, ist noch unklar. Angeblich sollen die Bauarbeiten bereits in diesem Sommer abgeschlossen werden.

Vielleicht kann Kahn dann nicht nur auf sein neues Domizil anstoßen, sondern auch auf die elfte Meisterschaft in Serie mit den Bayern. Entschieden ist allerdings noch nichts. Denn in dieser Saison ist der Titel-Kampf in der Bundesliga so spannend wie lange nicht mehr. Nach 25 Spieltagen liegen die Bayern (52) einen Punkt hinter Tabellenführer Dortmund (53.). Am 1. April kommt es zum Showdown in der Allianz Arena – und zum womöglich entscheidenden Spiel auf dem Weg zur Meisterschale. 

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Oliver Kahn Constructs a Villa on Mallorca as Part of Bayern Munich’s Expansion Plans.

  • By PBN Team
  • Posted in Sports
  • Updated March 23, 2023
  • 2 mins read

Bayern Munich: Oliver Kahn builds villa on Mallorca

Mystery Solved: Oliver Kahn’s Love Affair with Mallorca Revealed!

Oliver Kahn (53), the CEO of Bayern Munich, has been spotted multiple times on the Mediterranean haven of Mallorca in recent months. It was reported that he even traveled to Spain for a Bundesliga game in Wolfsburg on February 5th. What was he up to on this Spanish island? Finally, his secret has been revealed!

Kahn’s frequent visits to Mallorca were not solely for leisure but rather to inspect the construction of his dream home in Son Vida- one of the finest residential areas on the outskirts of Palma that is often dubbed “Mallorca’s Beverly Hills.” The success story of this part of the island can be attributed to its luxury facilities and gorgeous views that attract the elite from around the world.

As an enthusiastic golfer, Kahn is no stranger to the area. Son Vida offers a golf course right at his doorstep! The famous Arabella Sheraton Golf Hotel in Mallorca was the German team’s residence before the 2008 European Championship- this place holds special meaning for Kahn.

The plan is to build a stunning holiday home where he and his family can escape from their busy everyday life. Perhaps he will even run into Jürgen Klopp (55), the Liverpool coach who bought a luxurious villa in Santa Ponça, a mere 20-minute drive from Son Vida, last June.

Kahn’s new dream home is set to be completed this summer. When asked by BILD, he declined to comment on this exciting new investment.

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Geschasster Kahn tritt gegen Bayern nach «Das war der schlimmste Tag meines Lebens»

Das kriegt gefühlt auch nur der FC Bayern München hin. Vom Meistertitel, dem elften in Serie, spricht eigentlich jetzt schon keiner mehr. Das grosse Thema ist der offizielle Rauswurf von Oliver Kahn (53) und Hasan «Brazzo» Salihamidzic (46) rund eine Stunde nach dem Gewinn der Schale.

«Das war der schlimmste Tag meines Lebens», offenbart Kahn, seit Samstagabend Ex-Vorstandsvorsitzender des deutschen FCB, in der TV-Show Sky90.

Wieso fehlte Kahn in Köln?

Was den «Titan» tief trifft: Er darf nicht mit seinen Spielern feiern. Weder am Samstag in Köln noch am Sonntag auf dem Marienplatz in München. «Mir wurde die Reise zum Spiel nach Köln und der Besuch der Meisterfeier vom Klub untersagt», erzählt Kahn der «Bild». Vor dem Spiel am Nachmittag hat der Verein mitgeteilt, der 53-Jährige fehle in Köln wegen einer Grippe.

Am frühen Abend, nach dem 2:1-Sieg, meldet sich Kahn zunächst via Twitter: «Ich würde gerne mit euch mitfeiern, aber leider kann ich heute nicht bei euch sein, weil es mir vom Club untersagt wurde.» Von einer Grippe oder einer ähnlichen Krankheit ist nicht die Rede in diesem Post.

Rauswurf am Donnerstag

Laut der «Abendzeitung» erfuhren Kahn und Sportvorstand Salihamidzic am Donnerstag von ihrem Rauswurf. Dem Bericht zufolge nahm Kahn seine Entlassung «sehr enttäuscht» auf. Salihamidzic konnte besser damit umgehen. Was dies stützt: In der offiziellen Medienmitteilung des FC Bayern fehlt eine Aussage von Kahn, der von Jan-Christian Dreesen (55), dem stellvertretenden Vorstandsvorsitzenden, abgelöst wird. Dieser gab im Herbst bekannt, er wolle Ende 2022/23 die Bayern verlassen.

Salihamidzic, dessen Nachfolge ungeklärt ist, hingegen kommt zu Wort. Er bedankt sich artig bei allen Mitarbeitenden, so wie das normalerweise üblich ist. «Es ist für mich emotional keine einfache Situation», wird er dann später von «t-online» zitiert. «Ich falle nicht tief. Ich habe ja auch gerade den Vertrag verlängert. Ich werde natürlich erstmal Urlaub machen. Werde mal Sachen machen oder Sachen aufschreiben, die ich immer mal machen wollte.»

«Das nächste politische Thema»

Speziell ist die Situation auch für Trainer Thomas Tuchel (49). Er wurde von Kahn und Salihamidzic an die Isar gelotst, als die Bayern überraschend Julian Nagelsmann (35) im März entliessen. Auch dieser Rauswurf spielte sich nicht ohne Nebengeräusche ab. «Seit gestern weiss ich Bescheid», sagt Tuchel am Samstagabend gegenüber Sky. «Das muss ich auch erst einmal verarbeiten. Statt zu feiern, haben wir jetzt das nächste politische Thema.» So läuft das derzeit bei den Bayern. (yap)

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oliver kahn yacht mallorca



The 30 best goalkeepers of the 2000s

Posted: 25 March 2024 | Last updated: 25 March 2024

<p>                     Goalkeepers were hugely influential in the first decade of the new millennium.                   </p>                                      <p>                     At the 2002 World Cup, a goalkeeper won the Golden Ball for the tournament's standout player, even though that award should really have gone to Ronaldo.                   </p>                                      <p>                     In 2006, Italy conceded only twice en route to winning the World Cup for the fourth time, while a number of high-profile matches across the decade were settled on penalties – including the Champions League finals in 2001, 2003 and 2005.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Here, a look at the best goalkeepers in the world from 2000 to 2009...                   </p>

A look at the best goalkeepers in the men's game in the first decade of the new millennium...

Goalkeepers were hugely influential in the first decade of the new millennium.

At the 2002 World Cup, a goalkeeper won the Golden Ball for the tournament's standout player, even though that award should really have gone to Ronaldo.

In 2006, Italy conceded only twice en route to winning the World Cup for the fourth time, while a number of high-profile matches across the decade were settled on penalties – including the Champions League finals in 2001, 2003 and 2005.

Here, a look at the best goalkeepers in the world from 2000 to 2009...

<p>                     David James won 53 caps for England between 1997 and 2010 and became a better goalkeeper in the latter part of his career.                   </p>                                      <p>                     A starter at Euro 2004, he became the oldest World Cup debutant in 2010 at the age of almost 40 years old. He played for Aston Villa, West Ham, Manchester City and Portsmouth in the 2000s, helping the latter win the FA Cup in 2008.                   </p>

David James

David James won 53 caps for England between 1997 and 2010 and became a better goalkeeper in the latter part of his career.

A starter at Euro 2004, he became the oldest World Cup debutant in 2010 at the age of almost 40 years old. He played for Aston Villa, West Ham, Manchester City and Portsmouth in the 2000s, helping the latter win the FA Cup in 2008.

<p>                     Jerzy Dudek will be forever in the hearts of Liverpool fans for his heroics in Istanbul on the night of May 25th, 2005.                   </p>                                      <p>                     After Liverpool had come back from three goals down in the Champions League final against AC Milan, the Polish goalkeeper made an extraordinary double save from Andriy Shevchenko in extra time and went on to stop two penalties in the shootout as the Reds claimed an incredible victory. Dudek later joined Real Madrid as back-up to Iker Casillas and won 60 caps for Poland.                   </p>

Jerzy Dudek

Jerzy Dudek will be forever in the hearts of Liverpool fans for his heroics in Istanbul on the night of May 25th, 2005.

After Liverpool had come back from three goals down in the Champions League final against AC Milan, the Polish goalkeeper made an extraordinary double save from Andriy Shevchenko in extra time and went on to stop two penalties in the shootout as the Reds claimed an incredible victory. Dudek later joined Real Madrid as back-up to Iker Casillas and won 60 caps for Poland.

<p>                     Paul Robinson was a fine goalkeeper for England in the mid-2000s but ultimately lost his place following a decline in form and confidence in 2007.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Robinson won 41 caps overall and was in goal for the Three Lions at the 2006 World Cup. He also scored two goals in his career – a header for Leeds against Swindon in 2004 and a free-kick from his own half for Tottenham versus Watford in 2007.                   </p>

Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson was a fine goalkeeper for England in the mid-2000s but ultimately lost his place following a decline in form and confidence in 2007.

Robinson won 41 caps overall and was in goal for the Three Lions at the 2006 World Cup. He also scored two goals in his career – a header for Leeds against Swindon in 2004 and a free-kick from his own half for Tottenham versus Watford in 2007.

<p>                     Roberto Abbondanzieri was in goal for Boca Juniors as the Buenos Aires-based club won a series of international honours in the early 2000s.                   </p>                                      <p>                     A three-time Copa Libertadores champion in 2000, 2001 and 2003, Abbondanzieri also helped Boca claim the Intercontinental Cup in 2000 and 2003, plus two Copas Sudamericana in 2004 and 2005. He won 46 caps for Argentina and was first choice at the 2006 World Cup, when he was taken off injured at 1-0 up in the South Americans' eventual loss to Germany on penalties.                   </p>

Roberto Abbondanzieri

Roberto Abbondanzieri was in goal for Boca Juniors as the Buenos Aires-based club won a series of international honours in the early 2000s.

A three-time Copa Libertadores champion in 2000, 2001 and 2003, Abbondanzieri also helped Boca claim the Intercontinental Cup in 2000 and 2003, plus two Copas Sudamericana in 2004 and 2005. He won 46 caps for Argentina and was first choice at the 2006 World Cup, when he was taken off injured at 1-0 up in the South Americans' eventual loss to Germany on penalties.

<p>                     Angelo Peruzzi only made nine appearances for Italy in the 2000s, but finished his international career with a World Cup winners' medal in 2006.                   </p>                                      <p>                     After a sole season at Inter, Peruzzi played at Lazio between 2000 and 2007 and was still one of the finest goalkeepers in Serie A. At the World Cup in Germany, he was back-up to Gianluigi Buffon.                   </p>

Angelo Peruzzi

Angelo Peruzzi only made nine appearances for Italy in the 2000s, but finished his international career with a World Cup winners' medal in 2006.

After a sole season at Inter, Peruzzi played at Lazio between 2000 and 2007 and was still one of the finest goalkeepers in Serie A. At the World Cup in Germany, he was back-up to Gianluigi Buffon.

<p>                     Essam El-Hadary won 159 caps for Egypt between 1996 and 2018 and is considered by some to be the greatest goalkeeper ever from Africa.                   </p>                                      <p>                     A four-time Africa Cup of Nations winner, El-Hadary was named as the tournament's best goalkeeper in 2006, 2008 and 2010. He was also best goalkeeper in the CAF Champions League on three occasions – in 2001, 2005 and 2006 – and won a string of honours for club side Al-Ahly.                   </p>

Essam El-Hadary

Essam El-Hadary won 159 caps for Egypt between 1996 and 2018 and is considered by some to be the greatest goalkeeper ever from Africa.

A four-time Africa Cup of Nations winner, El-Hadary was named as the tournament's best goalkeeper in 2006, 2008 and 2010. He was also best goalkeeper in the CAF Champions League on three occasions – in 2001, 2005 and 2006 – and won a string of honours for club side Al-Ahly.

<p>                     Oswaldo Sanchez won 99 caps for Mexico between 1996 and 2011 and is considered one of the greatest goalkeepers in the nation's history.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Sanchez won the CONCACAF Gold Cup with Mexico in 2003, was Golden Glove at the Confederations Cup in 2005 and won club titles with Chivas and Santos Laguna. In the mid-2000s, he was one of the best in the world.                   </p>

Oswaldo Sanchez

Oswaldo Sanchez won 99 caps for Mexico between 1996 and 2011 and is considered one of the greatest goalkeepers in the nation's history.

Sanchez won the CONCACAF Gold Cup with Mexico in 2003, was Golden Glove at the Confederations Cup in 2005 and won club titles with Chivas and Santos Laguna. In the mid-2000s, he was one of the best in the world.

<p>                     Tim Howard is a legend for the United States men's national team, with 121 caps for the USA in a 15-year international career between 2002 and 2017.                   </p>                                      <p>                     A CONCACAF Gold Cup winner in 2007 and 2017, Howard was also a runner-up at the 2009 Confederations Cup. At club level, he made over 400 appearances for Everton and also had a spell at Manchester United.                   </p>

Tim Howard is a legend for the United States men's national team, with 121 caps for the USA in a 15-year international career between 2002 and 2017.

A CONCACAF Gold Cup winner in 2007 and 2017, Howard was also a runner-up at the 2009 Confederations Cup. At club level, he made over 400 appearances for Everton and also had a spell at Manchester United.

<p>                     One of the best Spanish goalkeepers of his generation, Pepe Reina was part of the European Championship-winning squads of 2008 and 2012 and also at the 2010 World Cup.                   </p>                                      <p>                     At club level, he impressed at Villarreal before spending nine seasons at Liverpool from 2005 to 2014. He kept 20 clean sheets to win the Golden Glove in his first season and although he made mistakes in the 2006 FA Cup final against West Ham, he redeemed himself by saving three out of four penalties in the Reds' shootout win.                   </p>

One of the best Spanish goalkeepers of his generation, Pepe Reina was part of the European Championship-winning squads of 2008 and 2012 and also at the 2010 World Cup.

At club level, he impressed at Villarreal before spending nine seasons at Liverpool from 2005 to 2014. He kept 20 clean sheets to win the Golden Glove in his first season and although he made mistakes in the 2006 FA Cup final against West Ham, he redeemed himself by saving three out of four penalties in the Reds' shootout win.

<p>                     Shay Given won 134 caps for the Republic of Ireland in a 20-year international career and is considered one of the greatest goalkeepers in the nation's history.                   </p>                                      <p>                     An agile, athletic goalkeeper with quick reflexes and good anticipation, Given is best known at club level for his spell at Newcastle United, where he made over 450 appearances between 1997 and 2009.                   </p>

Shay Given won 134 caps for the Republic of Ireland in a 20-year international career and is considered one of the greatest goalkeepers in the nation's history.

An agile, athletic goalkeeper with quick reflexes and good anticipation, Given is best known at club level for his spell at Newcastle United, where he made over 450 appearances between 1997 and 2009.

<p>                     Rustu Recber played 120 times for Turkey between 1994 and 2012 and was one of two goalkeepers in the 16-man team of the tournament at the 2002 World Cup, alongside Germany's Oliver Kahn.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Rustu had helped Turkey to third place in Japan and Korea. He was named as the best goalkeeper in European competitions that same year and Pele included him in his list of the greatest living footballers in 2004.                   </p>

Rustu Recber

Rustu Recber played 120 times for Turkey between 1994 and 2012 and was one of two goalkeepers in the 16-man team of the tournament at the 2002 World Cup, alongside Germany's Oliver Kahn.

Rustu had helped Turkey to third place in Japan and Korea. He was named as the best goalkeeper in European competitions that same year and Pele included him in his list of the greatest living footballers in 2004.

<p>                     Ricardo won 79 caps for Portugal and all of those came in the 2000s – between 2001 and 2008.                   </p>                                      <p>                     At Euro 2004, he saved one penalty and scored the decisive spot-kick against England in the quarter-finals. At the World Cup two years later, he saved three penalties in a shootout as the Portuguese knocked out England again in the last eight.                   </p>

Ricardo won 79 caps for Portugal and all of those came in the 2000s – between 2001 and 2008.

At Euro 2004, he saved one penalty and scored the decisive spot-kick against England in the quarter-finals. At the World Cup two years later, he saved three penalties in a shootout as the Portuguese knocked out England again in the last eight.

<p>                     Manuel Neuer's best years came later at Bayern Munich and as part of Germany's World Cup-winning team in 2014, but he was still a great goalkeeper in the 2000s.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Now regarded as one of the greatest goalkeepers in history, Neuer broke through in the 2006/07 season at Schalke and impressed in those early years. He made his Germany debut in 2009.                   </p>

Manuel Neuer

Manuel Neuer's best years came later at Bayern Munich and as part of Germany's World Cup-winning team in 2014, but he was still a great goalkeeper in the 2000s.

Now regarded as one of the greatest goalkeepers in history, Neuer broke through in the 2006/07 season at Schalke and impressed in those early years. He made his Germany debut in 2009.

<p>                     One of the best Brazilian goalkeepers of his generation, Rogerio Ceni was also Sao Paulo's set-piece taker between 1997 and his retirement in 2015.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Ceni scored over 100 career goals for Sao Paulo in over 1,000 appearances for the club. He was part of the Brazil squad which won the 2002 World Cup. In total, he won 17 caps for his country.                   </p>

Rogerio Ceni

One of the best Brazilian goalkeepers of his generation, Rogerio Ceni was also Sao Paulo's set-piece taker between 1997 and his retirement in 2015.

Ceni scored over 100 career goals for Sao Paulo in over 1,000 appearances for the club. He was part of the Brazil squad which won the 2002 World Cup. In total, he won 17 caps for his country.

<p>                     David Seaman won the last 20 of his 75 England caps in the early 2000s and was still a great goalkeeper in his final years – even if he is remembered for his mistake against Brazil in the World Cup quarter-finals in 2002.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Beaten by Ronaldinho's long-range free-kick as he expected a cross, Seaman was mortified. He retired from England duty that summer, but played on for two more seasons – one with Arsenal and another at Manchester City.                   </p>

David Seaman

David Seaman won the last 20 of his 75 England caps in the early 2000s and was still a great goalkeeper in his final years – even if he is remembered for his mistake against Brazil in the World Cup quarter-finals in 2002.

Beaten by Ronaldinho's long-range free-kick as he expected a cross, Seaman was mortified. He retired from England duty that summer, but played on for two more seasons – one with Arsenal and another at Manchester City.

<p>                     Although Claudio Taffarel and Dida both played more matches for Brazil, the starting goalkeeper for the South Americans' 2002 World Cup campaign was Marcos.                   </p>                                      <p>                     The (6 ft 4 in) 1.93m goalkeeper spent his entire career at Palmeiras and won 29 caps for Brazil between 1999 and 2005. He was named fourth best goalkeeper in the world by IFFHS in 2002.                   </p>

Although Claudio Taffarel and Dida both played more matches for Brazil, the starting goalkeeper for the South Americans' 2002 World Cup campaign was Marcos.

The (6 ft 4 in) 1.93m goalkeeper spent his entire career at Palmeiras and won 29 caps for Brazil between 1999 and 2005. He was named fourth best goalkeeper in the world by IFFHS in 2002.

<p>                     Santiago Cañizares was Valencia's goalkeeper for a decade between 1998 and 2008 and a key part of the club's success in that era.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Described as the best goalkeeper in the world by Peter Schmeichel in 2004, Cañizares won two La Liga titles with Valencia in the early 2000s and played in back-to-back Champions League finals in 2000 and 2001. He also won 46 caps for Spain.                   </p>

Santiago Cañizares

Santiago Cañizares was Valencia's goalkeeper for a decade between 1998 and 2008 and a key part of the club's success in that era.

Described as the best goalkeeper in the world by Peter Schmeichel in 2004, Cañizares won two La Liga titles with Valencia in the early 2000s and played in back-to-back Champions League finals in 2000 and 2001. He also won 46 caps for Spain.

<p>                     Gregory Coupet was France's first-choice goalkeeper for much of the 2000s and the last line of defence for the successful Lyon side of that era.                   </p>                                      <p>                     With Lyon, he won seven Ligue 1 titles in a row and was named as the best goalkeeper in the competition on four occasions. Coupet won 34 caps for France, but was surprisingly left out of the team for the 2006 World Cup as Fabien Barthez returned in goal.                   </p>

Gregory Coupet

Gregory Coupet was France's first-choice goalkeeper for much of the 2000s and the last line of defence for the successful Lyon side of that era.

With Lyon, he won seven Ligue 1 titles in a row and was named as the best goalkeeper in the competition on four occasions. Coupet won 34 caps for France, but was surprisingly left out of the team for the 2006 World Cup as Fabien Barthez returned in goal.

<p>                     Antonios Nikopolidis won 90 caps for Greece between 1999 and 2008 and was in goal for his nation's historic European Championship win in 2004.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Nikpolidis was instrumental in Greece's triumph, which was built on a solid defence, and he was named in the team of the tournament after keeping clean sheets against France, Czech Republic and hosts Portugal in the knockout stages. At club level, he won six Greek titles in the 2000s.                   </p>

Antonios Nikopolidis

Antonios Nikopolidis won 90 caps for Greece between 1999 and 2008 and was in goal for his nation's historic European Championship win in 2004.

Nikpolidis was instrumental in Greece's triumph, which was built on a solid defence, and he was named in the team of the tournament after keeping clean sheets against France, Czech Republic and hosts Portugal in the knockout stages. At club level, he won six Greek titles in the 2000s.

<p>                     One of the greatest Brazilian goalkeepers of all time, Julio Cesar was known for his rapid reflexes, his agility and his athleticism.                   </p>                                      <p>                     A penalty specialist, he saved a spot-kick from Andres d'Alessandro as Brazil beat Argentina in a shootout to win the 2004 Copa America and was first choice for Inter as the Nerazzurri won five Serie A titles in the second half of the 2000s, culminating in a treble triumph in 2009/10.                   </p>

Julio Cesar

One of the greatest Brazilian goalkeepers of all time, Julio Cesar was known for his rapid reflexes, his agility and his athleticism.

A penalty specialist, he saved a spot-kick from Andres d'Alessandro as Brazil beat Argentina in a shootout to win the 2004 Copa America and was first choice for Inter as the Nerazzurri won five Serie A titles in the second half of the 2000s, culminating in a treble triumph in 2009/10.

<p>                     Jens Lehmann replaced two legends for club and country in David Seaman and Oliver Kahn – and he was an outstanding goalkeeper in his own right.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Lehmann was between the sticks for the Gunners in their Invincible Premier League season in 2003/04, after signing for Borussia Dortmund, and was first choice for Germany as they reached the World Cup semi-finals in 2006. In the penalty shootout against Argentina in the last eight, Lehmann went the right way every time and saved two. He also made several spectacular saves against Italy in the semi-finals.                   </p>

Jens Lehmann

Jens Lehmann replaced two legends for club and country in David Seaman and Oliver Kahn – and he was an outstanding goalkeeper in his own right.

Lehmann was between the sticks for the Gunners in their Invincible Premier League season in 2003/04, after signing for Borussia Dortmund, and was first choice for Germany as they reached the World Cup semi-finals in 2006. In the penalty shootout against Argentina in the last eight, Lehmann went the right way every time and saved two. He also made several spectacular saves against Italy in the semi-finals.

<p>                     Francesco Toldo was chosen to start for Italy at Euro 2000 after Gianluigi Buffon suffered an injury eight days before the tournament.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Toldo kept three clean sheets and saved three penalties in the semi-final win over the Netherlands – one in normal time and two in the shootout. He was named in the team of the tournament and won 28 caps for Italy overall. He was also Serie A goalkeeper of the year in 2000, while at Fiorentina. At Inter, he won a series of trophies following his move in 2001, although he was not first choice in his latter years.                   </p>

Francesco Toldo

Francesco Toldo was chosen to start for Italy at Euro 2000 after Gianluigi Buffon suffered an injury eight days before the tournament.

Toldo kept three clean sheets and saved three penalties in the semi-final win over the Netherlands – one in normal time and two in the shootout. He was named in the team of the tournament and won 28 caps for Italy overall. He was also Serie A goalkeeper of the year in 2000, while at Fiorentina. At Inter, he won a series of trophies following his move in 2001, although he was not first choice in his latter years.

<p>                     One of the most consistent goalkeepers of the 2000s, Edwin van der Sar won 130 caps for the Netherlands between 1995 and 2008.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Named European goalkeeper of the year in 2009, Van der Sar won a series of trophies as a Manchester United player – including the Champions League in 2008 – and was one of the best of his generation.                   </p>

Edwin van der Sar

One of the most consistent goalkeepers of the 2000s, Edwin van der Sar won 130 caps for the Netherlands between 1995 and 2008.

Named European goalkeeper of the year in 2009, Van der Sar won a series of trophies as a Manchester United player – including the Champions League in 2008 – and was one of the best of his generation.

<p>                     Dida was AC Milan's goalkeeper through most of the 2000s and was part of two Champions League-winning teams for the Rossoneri in 2003 and 2007.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Named second best goalkeeper in the world by IFFHS in 2005 and third best in 2004, Dida won 91 caps for Brazil and was a World Cup winner in 2002, although he did not play a single minute in Japan and South Korea.                   </p>

Dida was AC Milan's goalkeeper through most of the 2000s and was part of two Champions League-winning teams for the Rossoneri in 2003 and 2007.

Named second best goalkeeper in the world by IFFHS in 2005 and third best in 2004, Dida won 91 caps for Brazil and was a World Cup winner in 2002, although he did not play a single minute in Japan and South Korea.

<p>                     Victor Valdes did not play for Spain until 2010 and was only a back-up option when he did, but he was one of the best goalkeepers in the world throughout the 2000s.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Valdes made a number of key saves as Barcelona beat Arsenal in Paris to win the Champions League in 2006. Strong with his feet as well as making saves, he was important in initiating attacks under Pep Guardiola as the goalkeeper in possibly the greatest club side of all time, winning the treble in 2008/09.                   </p>

Victor Valdes

Victor Valdes did not play for Spain until 2010 and was only a back-up option when he did, but he was one of the best goalkeepers in the world throughout the 2000s.

Valdes made a number of key saves as Barcelona beat Arsenal in Paris to win the Champions League in 2006. Strong with his feet as well as making saves, he was important in initiating attacks under Pep Guardiola as the goalkeeper in possibly the greatest club side of all time, winning the treble in 2008/09.

<p>                     Petr Cech was one of the best goalkeepers in the world for most of the 2000s and the Czech won a series of trophies in an 11-year spell at Chelsea.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Named by IFFHS as the world's best goalkeeper in 2005, Cech was European goalkeeper of the year in 2005, 2007 and 2008. He was also part of the successful Czech Republic side which reached the semi-finals of Euro 2004.                   </p>

Petr Cech was one of the best goalkeepers in the world for most of the 2000s and the Czech won a series of trophies in an 11-year spell at Chelsea.

Named by IFFHS as the world's best goalkeeper in 2005, Cech was European goalkeeper of the year in 2005, 2007 and 2008. He was also part of the successful Czech Republic side which reached the semi-finals of Euro 2004.

<p>                     Fabien Barthez started off the 2000s by helping France follow up their 1998 World Cup win with the title at Euro 2000.                   </p>                                      <p>                     A two-time Premier League winner with Manchester United in 2001 and 2002, Barthez played in another World Cup final with France in 2006 and made a record 17 World Cup appearances for Les Bleus in 87 caps overall. Named by IFFHS as world's best goalkeeper in 2000.                   </p>

Fabien Barthez

Fabien Barthez started off the 2000s by helping France follow up their 1998 World Cup win with the title at Euro 2000.

A two-time Premier League winner with Manchester United in 2001 and 2002, Barthez played in another World Cup final with France in 2006 and made a record 17 World Cup appearances for Les Bleus in 87 caps overall. Named by IFFHS as world's best goalkeeper in 2000.

<p>                     Oliver Kahn won the World Cup Golden Ball in 2002 for his role in leading an average Germany side all the way to the final. He later made a mistake against Brazil which cost a goal, but was still excellent throughout the tournament.                   </p>                                      <p>                     A year earlier, he was the hero for Bayern Munich in a Man of the Match performance as he saved three penalties against Valencia in the Champions League final. Named world's best goalkeeper in 2001 and 2002 by IFFHS, Kahn won 86 caps for Germany and is considered one of the greatest of all time.                   </p>

Oliver Kahn

Oliver Kahn won the World Cup Golden Ball in 2002 for his role in leading an average Germany side all the way to the final. He later made a mistake against Brazil which cost a goal, but was still excellent throughout the tournament.

A year earlier, he was the hero for Bayern Munich in a Man of the Match performance as he saved three penalties against Valencia in the Champions League final. Named world's best goalkeeper in 2001 and 2002 by IFFHS, Kahn won 86 caps for Germany and is considered one of the greatest of all time.

<p>                     Iker Casillas is one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time and a huge reason behind the success of Real Madrid and Spain in the 2000s.                   </p>                                      <p>                     A Champions League winner with Madrid in 2000 and 2002, Casillas came off the bench to make a number of key saves in the 2002 final against Bayer Leverkusen. Such interventions earned him the nickname "San Iker" and later in the decade, he captained Spain to victory at Euro 2008, which marked the start of a glorious era as La Roja won the World Cup in 2010 and another continental crown in 2012.                   </p>

Iker Casillas

Iker Casillas is one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time and a huge reason behind the success of Real Madrid and Spain in the 2000s.

A Champions League winner with Madrid in 2000 and 2002, Casillas came off the bench to make a number of key saves in the 2002 final against Bayer Leverkusen. Such interventions earned him the nickname "San Iker" and later in the decade, he captained Spain to victory at Euro 2008, which marked the start of a glorious era as La Roja won the World Cup in 2010 and another continental crown in 2012.

<p>                     Gianluigi Buffon was instrumental for Italy in their 2006 World Cup win, conceding only twice en route to the title – an own goal and a penalty.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Named world's best goalkeeper by IFFHS in 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2007, Buffon was also their best of the decade and a runner-up in the 2006 Ballon d'Or. Italy's first choice throughout the 2000s, he won 176 caps in total and is considered one of the greatest goalkeepers in football history.                   </p>

Gianluigi Buffon

Gianluigi Buffon was instrumental for Italy in their 2006 World Cup win, conceding only twice en route to the title – an own goal and a penalty.

Named world's best goalkeeper by IFFHS in 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2007, Buffon was also their best of the decade and a runner-up in the 2006 Ballon d'Or. Italy's first choice throughout the 2000s, he won 176 caps in total and is considered one of the greatest goalkeepers in football history.

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David has a background in starting, running and managing different businesses

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Oliver has lived in Mallorca for 17 years and has 15 years of experience in the sale of

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Mother-of-four, 31, suffered such heavy periods she bled through 30 pads a day and now doctors have discovered the cause: she has TWO wombs

  • Mother of four suffered with heavy periods for a decade even when pregnant
  • Doctors eventually discovered the cause: she was bleeding from two uteruses

By Rebecca Whittaker For Mailonline

Published: 11:05 EDT, 28 May 2024 | Updated: 11:27 EDT, 28 May 2024

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A mother-of-four who suffered with such heavy periods she needed 30 pads a day was told her GP 'some women bleed heavily' before scans revealed she has two uteruses. 

Jade Williams, 31, from Basingstoke started having problems after giving birth to her first child Elouise, in November 2012, when she was 19.

Even after having three more children — Ajay, seven, Maisie, five, and Sienna, four — Jade’s bleeding persisted and doctors struggled to pinpoint the reason. 

Ms Williams, who wore nappy-sized period pads and two pairs of trousers to avoid leaks, was put on various medication to control the bleeding, but still nothing helped. 

But in late 2023 Ms Williams switched to a different hospital where an exploratory surgery revealed she was bleeding from two uteruses.

Jade Williams, 31, from Basingstoke started getting heavy periods after giving birth to her first child Elouise, in November 2012, when she was 19

Jade Williams, 31, from Basingstoke started getting heavy periods after giving birth to her first child Elouise, in November 2012, when she was 19

The rare condition, known as uterus didelphys, had been missed despite Ms Williams having four children and as a result numerous scans. 

The condition is congenital, meaning babies are born with it. 

It occurs while a female foetus is developing and is rare, thought to affect just 0.03 per cent of the population. 

Often referred to a double uterus, women with the condition typically have two separate cervixes — the name given to the opening at the base of the uterus — and even more rarely, two vaginas.

What is  uterus didelphys?

Uterus didelphys, also known as a double uterus, is a condition where a woman is born with two uterus, two separate cervixes and sometimes two vaginas, though this is not always the case.

It occurs because in a female foetus the uterus starts out as two small tubes.

As the foetus develops, the tubes normally join to create one larger, hollow organ — the uterus.

Sometimes the tubes don't join completely and each one develops into a separate hollow organ so the woman is born with two wombs.

It often only becomes noticeable after puberty and is diagnosed with a physical exam or an ultrasound scan.

In terms of physical anatomy, the two wombs are often slightly smaller than average in order to fit, though they can be as big as a 'normal' womb.

It also makes it possible to be pregnant twice at the same time - with a baby in each womb.

Some women are also born with two vaginas, although they can have sex and menstruate in the same way as women with just one.

Uterus didelphys is often only picked up after puberty when it's noticed during a routine physical examination or scan.

Women with a double uterus are at higher risk of pregnancy problems such as miscarriage and giving birth prematurely. 

'I had heavy bleeding after my first daughter.  I could barely leave the house — I was wearing underwear, pads, leggings, trousers, and then I’d still have to go home and change,' said Ms Williams.

'Doctors gave me pills but nothing would help and I would bloat so much I would be bigger than when I was pregnant.

'They told me it would stop on its own, and not to worry — but of course I did worry.'

Ms Williams, a McDonalds manager, explained the heavy bleeding started after her first pregnancy in 2012. 

The symptom worsened over time and caused painful cramps.

When she went to her GP with her debilitating symptoms she claims she was told 'some women bleed heavily' and was prescribed hormonal contraception to control the bleeding. But it didn't work. 

For a decade, she had no idea what was causing her extremely heavy periods and  eventually moved to a different hospital in the hope it would be taken seriously.

'I thought "I can’t keep living like this".

'I knew it wasn’t normal and it wasn’t going away,' said Ms Williams. 

In October 2023 she went in for a scan and was called in for an emergency biopsy shortly after.

Ms Williams had needed treatment to have pre-cancerous cells removed from her cervix directly after her first pregnancy over a decade earlier.

The rare condition, known as uterus didelphys, had been missed despite Ms Williams having four children and as a result countless scans

The rare condition, known as uterus didelphys, had been missed despite Ms Williams having four children and as a result countless scans

 After further biopsies and an exploratory surgery the following month, Ms Williams was given the all clear. 

But doctors went on to tell her the reason her bleeding was so heavy: because she was bleeding from two uteruses.

She said: 'They said the condition causes pre-term labour, and all my babies were early so that makes sense.'

The doctors also removed nine uterine polyps during the procedure.

Medics were unsure why, but after the surgery, her second uterus started to fail - and eventually blocked off.

Ms Williams, a McDonalds manager, has since had a IUS coil fitted, which is a form of hormonal contraception which can also make periods lighter, shorter, and less painful, according to the NHS

Ms Williams, a McDonalds manager, has since had a IUS coil fitted, which is a form of hormonal contraception which can also make periods lighter, shorter, and less painful, according to the NHS

Ms Williams has since had a IUS coil fitted, which is a form of hormonal contraception which can also make periods lighter, shorter, and less painful, according to the  NHS . 

The coil was inserted into her one remaining functional uterus and it's helped her go about her daily life again without worrying about heavy periods.  

She said: 'Since the bleeding has been under control I have been able to go back to work — and I’ll be able to wear shorts and dresses for the first time this summer.

'But this condition ruined my life for ten years and we need more research into it.'

She added: 'My situation is a lot better now.

'Before, I was constantly using heat pads and getting through 30 sanitary towels a day - it was so bad.

'In summer I’d need to wear a jacket in case I needed to tie it around my waist - people would ask "are you hot?" and I’d say "yes!".

'Now I can go swimming with my kids - whenever they asked before, I would have to say no.

'Finally I know the reason why and I can have more of a normal life.

'But there’s not much awareness and I still never really got answers.

'I want more women to be aware of it and I want there to be more information out there.'

Share or comment on this article: Mother-of-four, 31, suffered such heavy periods she bled through 30 pads a day and now doctors have discovered the cause: she has TWO wombs

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64  Crewed Luxury Yachts for Charter in Mallorca

Mallorca Yacht Charters

Mallorca opens up an entire world of possibilities for those visiting as part of a crewed yacht charter in Spain . The beautiful bays and crystal clear waters that surround the island's interior provide a fantastic playground for the modern charterer. What’s more, thanks to the marine facilities located just outside of the Spanish capital city of Palma, those visiting by superyacht are able to access the up-and-coming hotspot with incredible ease.

Mallorca Luxury Yacht Charter As part of the world-renowned Balearic Islands , Mallorca has beautifully striking landscapes and enjoys characteristically hot summers. Along with seemingly endless stretches of blemish-free beaches, there are a series of caves above and below the water for those who enjoy scuba diving when away on vacation. As much of a cultural hotspot as a geographical marvel, Mallorca is also home to an incredible dining scene as well as a burgeoning art world.

Luxury Yacht Charter In Mallorca A truly distinguished charter destination, Mallorca brings together everything that is great about the Balearic Islands and Spain more generally. Specifically, it combines an beautiful, natural landscape with plenty of attractions to enjoy on the mainland. With such an enviable backdrop on hand to charter guests, there are fewer destinations better suited for a luxury yacht charter in the summer. Of course, the city of Palma in the southwest of Majorca promises to amaze visitors with its sheer variety of sights and architecture.

Yacht Charters in Mallorca As an outstanding Mediterranean charter destination there is a wide selection of motor yachts, sailing yachts and luxury catamarans available for rent around Majorca.The Serra de Tramuntana mountain range in the north protects the island from violent gales, meaning its climate is consistently mild and pleasant, with temperatures creeping up to 30°C (85°F) in the hottest months of July and August. 

Charter Itineraries in Mallorca Hosting one of Europe’s largest marinas, Palma is undoubtedly the best place to begin a yacht vacation. Paved with winding cobbled streets, it’s well worth immersing yourself in the historic city before getting underway for Port’ d’Andrax, Soller, Pollenca, and Cala Ratjada. Each offering something unique to the modern charterer, these spots are perfect for enjoying the climate and culture.

Chartering a Private Yacht In Mallorca For more information about renting a private luxury charter yacht in Mallorca please contact your preferred yacht charter broker . They will be happy to assist in putting together your dream itinerary, combining your party's needs with recommendations about the best time to visit this superb destination.

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Crewed Charter Yachts in Mallorca

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Big Aron Yacht Charter in Mallorca

46m   Royal Denship

from $165,000 p/week

My Bro Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Black Pearl 14

105m Oceanco

105m   2018

Joia The Crown Jewel Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Joia The Crown Jewel 12

65m Codecasa

65m   2010/2023

from $544,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Virginian Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Virginian 12

62m Feadship

62m   1990/2024

from $266,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Satemi Yacht Charter in Mallorca

55m Trinity Yachts

55m   2006/2023

from $292,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Eternal Spark Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Eternal Spark 12

50m Bilgin Yachts

from $379,000 p/w eek ♦︎

My Bro Yacht Charter in Mallorca

48m Dunya Yachts

from $324,000 p/w eek ♦︎

MITseaAH Yacht Charter in Mallorca

MITseaAH 10

48m Pendennis

from $147,000 p/w eek

Lulworth Yacht Charter in Mallorca

46m White Brothers

46m   1920/2006

Big Aron Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Big Aron 10

46m Royal Denship

46m   2004/2020

from $165,000 p/w eek

Aiglon Yacht Charter in Mallorca

45m Abeking & Rasmussen

45m   1970/2009

Sir Robert Baden Powell Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Sir Robert Baden Powell 17

42m Edgar Andre

42m   1957/2017

Barbara Anne Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Barbara Anne 11

41m Baglietto

from $243,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Legend Yacht Charter in Mallorca

37m Benetti

from $169,000 p/w eek ♦︎

The Palm Yacht Charter in Mallorca

The Palm 10

37m Canados

from $108,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Vayus Yacht Charter in Mallorca

37m Ocean King

from $163,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Mana I Yacht Charter in Mallorca

36m Mulder Shipyard

36m   2020/2021

from $152,000 p/w eek ♦︎

By Bubanny Yacht Charter in Mallorca

By Bubanny 8

35m Canados

from $76,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Ocean One Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Ocean One 12

from $173,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Gaja Yacht Charter in Mallorca

35m Hotchya Shipyard

35m   2006/2013

from $77,000 p/w eek

Spellbound Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Spellbound 9

35m Admiral Yachts

from $80,000 p/w eek ♦︎

V. Bahria Yacht Charter in Mallorca

V. Bahria 10

35m SBF Shipbuilders

from $78,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Amata Yacht Charter in Mallorca

33m Cantieri di Pisa

33m   2009/2014

Belisa Yacht Charter in Mallorca

33m Overmarine

33m   2004/2021

from $84,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Never Give Up Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Never Give Up 12

Gihramar Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Gihramar 10

31m Custom Line

31m   2001/2015

from $51,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Crystal Yacht Charter in Mallorca

from $58,000 p/w eek ♦︎

La Mer Yacht Charter in Mallorca

30m   2003/2021

from $30,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Yolo Too Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Yolo Too 10

30m Custom Line

30m   2001/2024

Princess 95 Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Princess 95 8

29m Princess

Oasis Yacht Charter in Mallorca

28m Sunseeker

from $59,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Twenty-Eight Yacht Charter in Mallorca


Inspiration Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Inspiration 8

27m Pershing

27m   2006/2019

Lady Alhena of London Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Lady Alhena of London 11

27m Astondoa

27m   1994/2007

from $43,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Maximo Yacht Charter in Mallorca

27m   2007/2010

from $49,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Aya Yacht Charter in Mallorca

27m Leopard

27m   2003/2009

from $52,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Vita Yacht Charter in Mallorca

27m Sunseeker

from $41,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Ariyas Yacht Charter in Mallorca

26m Sunseeker

26m   2011/2023

Dune Yacht Charter in Mallorca

26m Benetti

26m   1974/2018

from $24,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Sula Yacht Charter in Mallorca

26m   2009/2017

from $46,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Top Yacht Charter in Mallorca

26m Princess

from $45,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Blue Ocean Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Blue Ocean 8

25m Astondoa

from $28,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Victoria III Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Victoria III 8

25m Benetti Sail Division

25m   2001/2015

from $21,000 p/w eek

Paladio Yacht Charter in Mallorca

25m Italversil

25m   1993/2023

from $23,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Atraversia Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Atraversia 9

24m Silent Yachts

Georgia Yacht Charter in Mallorca

24m Sunseeker

24m   2007/2014

Spoom Yacht Charter in Mallorca

24m Gideon Shipyards

24m   1962/2010

Essoess Yacht Charter in Mallorca

24m Spertini Alalunga

24m   2007/2022

from $32,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Regis Yacht Charter in Mallorca

from $22,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Dolce Vita Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Dolce Vita 8

22m Astondoa

22m   2001/2016

Electra Yacht Charter in Mallorca

from $16,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Sensation Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Sensation 6

22m Pershing

22m   2008/2023

Beauty Yacht Charter in Mallorca

22m   2007/2017

from $21,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Kitty Kat Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Kitty Kat 8

22m   2000/2018

Maia Fair Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Maia Fair 6

22m Sunseeker

from $42,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Sixteen Tons Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Sixteen Tons 8

22m North Wind

22m   2007/2014

Moet Yacht Charter in Mallorca

21m Prestige

from $29,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Tranquility Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Tranquility 4

21m Sunseeker

21m   2005/2018

Midnight Summer Dream Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Midnight Summer Dream 10

Turquoise Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Turquoise 8

21m   2015/2017

Adriano Yacht Charter in Mallorca

from $33,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Furia Sexto Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Furia Sexto 8

21m Astondoa

21m   2004/2018

from $19,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Babosch Yacht Charter in Mallorca

20m   2014/2018

GIGI OF LYMINGTON Yacht Charter in Mallorca


from $18,000 p/w eek ♦︎

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Property offers Mallorca

oliver kahn yacht mallorca

Finca in Artà

33.739,00m², 6.500.000,00 €.

oliver kahn yacht mallorca

Town house in Son Servera

659.000,00 €.

oliver kahn yacht mallorca

Finca in Arta

21.753,00m², 1.200.000,00 €.

oliver kahn yacht mallorca

Apartment in Colònia de Sant Jordi

825.000,00 €.

oliver kahn yacht mallorca

Apartment in Ses Salines

565.000,00 €.

oliver kahn yacht mallorca

560.000,00 €


Town house in Alaró

1.325.000,00 €.

2. Sea view terrace in Illetas

Apartment in Illetas

750.000,00 €.

1. Villa mit Pool

Villa in Costa De La Calma

oliver kahn yacht mallorca

Penthouse in Porto Cristo

619.000,00 €, mallorca properties.

Natural beauty, a mild Mediterranean climate, about 300 days of sunshine in a year, friendly people, long sandy beaches and solitary bays – the biggest of the Balearic islands offers all advantages to make it the ideal base for you.

Many business people already use it as the base for their family – living within sight of the Mediterranean and working in London. Large numbers of daily flights are available to the main towns in Europe, with flight times around two hours. The top-class modern airport of the capital, Palma, is being extended and is now the third largest airport in Spain.

Moreover, Mallorca offers a full range of facilities. A network of motorways, roads, rail and bus services connect most of the towns and regions. Hospitals and specialised medical centres are well up to European standards. Five international schools and a wide range of excellent state schools offer first-rate educational options. The island’s sports facilities are unequalled. There are currently 23 golf courts, numerous tennis courts and a wealth of sailing and water sports facilities to choose from.

Yacht owners have long known about the islands’ exclusive harbours, such as the Club Náutico in the bay of Palma or Puerto Portals. In 2011, more moorings for mega yachts will become available in Port Adriano (in south-west Mallorca), designed by Philippe Starck.

For many decades Mallorca has been the holiday island of the Spanish royal family during the summer months. Large numbers of celebrities including artists, sportsmen, politicians and economists are permanent guests in Mallorca. To name but a few: Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Woody Allen, Annie Lennox, Elle MacPherson, Naomi Campbell, Boris Becker, Franz Beckenbauer, David Beckham, Florentino Pérez, the Mallorcan tennis star Rafael Nadal, Gerard Dépardieu, Paris Hilton, Oliver Kahn, Niki Lauda, Michael Schumacher, Claudia Schiffer.

Mallorca has for many years boasted one of the lowest crime rates in southern Europe. This is a further, very important reason for many property owners to move from mainland Spain or the French Mediterranean coast to Mallorca. Burglaries and muggings very rarely occur on this island.

And there is more to the riches of the island than the 5-star-hotels, limousines, mega yachts, private jets and designer villas. Venture away from the hotspots and visit the interior of the island and you can shed your notion of time and abandon yourself to the riches of nature, making Mallorca into a prized spiritual haven.

Properties Mallorca

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The stars bring their super yachts to Palma

Superstars have their super yachts kitted out in palma.

1 de 2 | 'Va Bene' super yacht in Palma. | Julián Aguirre

'Va Bene' super yacht in Palma.

2 de 2 | 'Cyan' docked in Palma. | Julián Aguirre

'Cyan' docked in Palma.

The summer season is just around the corner and the stars are lining up to sail on the crystal clear waters of Mallorca.

Two stunning mega yachts are ready and waiting in Palma for two very special owners.

'Va Bene' is moored up at Club de Mar in Palma next to ‘Zen’ a mega yacht owned by the Chinese billionaire, Jack Ma.

‘Va Bene' is getting her final once-over to make sure everything is in perfect working order and the interior decoration is up to scratch, before she’s handed back to the iconic rock guitarist, Eric Clapton .

She was designed by Richard Hein and built by Kees Cornelissen in 1992. She has 6 cabins and can accommodate up to 12 guests.

'Cyan' docked in Palma.

The Edge usually travels to Palma to spends a few days, sailing through the waters of Ibiza.

The 48.71 metre super yacht was built by the Italian shipbuilder, Codecasa in 1997 and she’s a stunner with state of the art technology throughout. She has a master suite, 3 double cabins and 2 twin cabins and can accommodate 12 guests.

  • Majorca 'Cyan' super yacht
  • Majorca 'Va Bene' super yacht
  • Majorca Super Yachts
  • Mallorca 'Cyan' super yacht
  • Mallorca 'Va Bene' super yacht
  • Mallorca Super Yachts

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Is this the I am soooo concerned about the environment Bono or the other one.


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  5. Megayacht "A" (SIGMA SF99) of Andrei Igorewitsch Melnitschenko in Mallorca (2008)

  6. Oliver Kahn


  1. Erste Bilder von Oliver Kahns Luxusvilla auf Mallorca aufgetaucht

    Erst vor einigen Tagen war bekannt geworden, dass sich Bayern-Vorstand Oliver Kahn auf Mallorca eine neue Luxusvilla bauen lässt. Nun sind erste Fotos des im Bau befindlichen Anwesens aufgetaucht ...

  2. Dream Mallorca home

    Jason Moore 31/03/2023 11:58. F T W M 1. Legendary German goalkeeper Oliver Kahn is carrying out renovation work at the Mallorca home he purchased recently. It is in one of the most exclusive parts of the island and the German star player intends to spend long periods on the island. Kahn is one of the most successful German players in recent ...

  3. Oliver Kahn: Neue Bleibe: Er lässt sich eine Luxus-Villa auf Mallorca

    März 2023 um 22:59 Uhr. Er hat große Pläne. Bayern-Boss Oliver Kahn soll sich aktuell sein persönliches Traumhaus auf Mallorca bauen lassen, wo er seine Zeit abseits des Fußball-Alltags ...

  4. Bayern-Boss Oliver Kahn lässt sich Traumvilla auf Mallorca bauen

    Bayern-Boss Oliver Kahn lässt sich seine Traumvilla auf Mallorca bauen. Er ist eine deutsche Torwart-Legende, sein Spitzname lautet "Titan" - und bald könnte er auch neuer Resident auf ...

  5. Oliver Kahn lässt sich Traum-Villa auf Mallorca bauen

    Oliver Kahn soll sich zurzeit eine Villa in einer prestigeträchtigen Gegend von Mallorca bauen lassen. Dort will er angeblich vor allem seine Freizeit genießen.

  6. Gemeinsames Foto mit Parfümerie-Kundinnen: Oliver Kahn zu Besuch auf

    Oliver Kahn (M.) mit den Verkäuferinnen der Parfümerie (v.l.n.r.) Zaira, María Luisa, Ainhoa und Neus. | Ultima Hora. Dominik Sarota Julián Aguirre Mallorca 11.03.24 15:19. F T W M 0. Mit ...

  7. FC Bayern

    Bericht: Bayern-Boss baut Feriendomizil auf Mallorca. 23. März 2023, 11:49. Als Vorstandsvorsitzender ist Oliver Kahn seit 2021 für den FC Bayern tätig. Um dem Stress zu entgehen, den der ...

  8. Oliver Kahn's Yacht in Saint Tropez

    98 Likes, TikTok video from markus (@markus757): "Experience the magnificence of Oliver Kahn's luxurious yacht in the stunning location of Saint Tropez. Immerse yourself in the opulence of #yachtlife and get a glimpse of the legendary goalkeeper's lifestyle. #fcbayern #fyp #oliverkahn #viral".

  9. Oliver Kahn's Family Yacht Vacation in Saint Tropez

    38 Likes, TikTok video from markus (@markus757): "Join Oliver Kahn and his family on their luxurious yacht vacation in the stunning Saint Tropez. Experience the #viral #yachtlife and get a glimpse of the famous #fy #fcbayern player's getaway. Don't miss this exclusive adventure!".

  10. Oliver Kahn Constructs a Villa on Mallorca as Part of Bayern Munich's

    Mystery Solved: Oliver Kahn's Love Affair with Mallorca Revealed! Oliver Kahn (53), the CEO of Bayern Munich, has been spotted multiple times on the Mediterranean haven of Mallorca in recent months. It was reported that he even traveled to Spain for a Bundesliga game in Wolfsburg on February 5th. What was he up to on […]

  11. Fastest superyacht in the world in Mallorca yacht club

    Jason Moore 17/01/2024 10:40. F T W M 2. The super-yacht, Alamshar, which can reach a maximum speed of 45 knots, is moored in a Calvia yacht club at moment. She was built at the Devenport shipyard in Plymouth (England) and was initially expected to have a top speed of 65 knots thanks to her six gas turbines. However, she only reached 45 knots ...

  12. Mallorca is a winner with the world's football elite

    In addition to the regulars, such as the former German goalkeeper Oliver Kahn, and the Liverpool and Arsenal coaches, Jürgen Klopp and Mikel Arteta, respectively, Cristiano Ronaldo and his family returned to the island for their summer holiday.. Robert Lewandowski and his wife Anna, who bought a beautiful house in Santa Ponsa, have been back in Mallorca and the top striker could settle in ...

  13. Oliver Kahns unerwarteter Fotofauxpas: Spekuliert er über eine ...

    Hast du schon gehört, wie Oliver Kahn, der legendäre Fußballtorhüter, in Monaco eine peinliche Panne erlebte? Stell dir vor: Du bist auf einem prestigeträchtigen Event, gratulierst einem ...

  14. Fußballer Oliver Kahn sieht man auf einer Yacht in Saint ...

    Dieses Stockfoto: Fußballer Oliver Kahn sieht man auf einer Yacht in Saint-Tropez, Saint-Tropez, Frankreich-30.07.12 - DREKXR aus der Alamy-Bibliothek mit Millionen von Stockfotos, Illustrationen und Vektorgrafiken in hoher Auflösung herunterladen.

  15. Bundesliga: Oliver Kahns Zoff mit dem FC Bayern München

    Das grosse Thema ist der offizielle Rauswurf von Oliver Kahn (53) und Hasan «Brazzo» Salihamidzic (46) rund eine Stunde nach dem Gewinn der Schale. ... Held von Mallorca stirbt bei Beachclub ...

  16. The 30 best goalkeepers of the 2000s

    Rustu Recber played 120 times for Turkey between 1994 and 2012 and was one of two goalkeepers in the 16-man team of the tournament at the 2002 World Cup, alongside Germany's Oliver Kahn.

  17. About us

    About YACHTSMART. Yacht Smart is an established yacht brokerage with 17 years knowledge of buying, selling, reforming and transporting luxury boats throughout the world. We have a wealth of industry knowledge and experience to offer. A luxury yacht brokerage that goes beyond - To our buyers we deliver the complete package from finding the ...

  18. Mother-of-four, 31, suffered such heavy periods she bled through 30

    A mother-of-four who suffered with such heavy periods she needed 30 pads a day was told her GP 'some women bleed heavily' before scans revealed she has two uteruses. Jade Williams, 31, from ...

  19. No surprises as Jesse Marsch announces first selection as Canadian men

    Strike a 'tragic mistake' Gaza 9:57 am - 7,471 views North Korea fires missile World 7:55 am - 2,247 views; Big week at Trump trial New York 6:21 am - 12,577 views; More World News

  20. Oliver Kahn

    Oliver Kahn permaneció en el club durante siete temporadas. Bayern de Múnich Kahn en 2006. Kahn en su partido de despedida entre el Bayern de Múnich y Alemania en el Allianz Arena el 2 de septiembre de 2008. En 1994 fichó por el Bayern de Múnich por una cifra de 2,5 millones de euros, disputando 23 encuentros. En la temporada 1995-96 ...

  21. Mallorca Yacht Charters

    48m Dunya Yachts - 2024. from $325,000 p/week♦︎. Add to shortlist. MITseaAH. 10 Guests. 48m Pendennis - 2004. from $147,000 p/week.

  22. $110,000,000 superyacht shines in Mallorca

    F T W M 4. Forget the millionaires who have visited Mallorca on their superyachts this year, the billionaires on their mega superyachts are continuing to sail to the island. The latest is the German billionaire Udo Mueller. on board M/Y Kensho, spotted off Camp de Mar, which is reportedly worth $110,000,000 and costs $11,000,0000 a year to run.

  23. Superyacht

    Azzam, at 180.6 metres (592.5 ft) the longest superyacht, as of 2020 A, at 142.8 metres (468.5 ft) the largest "sail-assisted" motor yacht, as of 2018. A superyacht or megayacht is a large and luxurious pleasure vessel. There are no official or agreed upon definitions for such yachts, but these terms are regularly used to describe professionally crewed motor or sailing yachts, ranging from 40 ...

  24. Mallorca Properties

    Yacht owners have long known about the islands' exclusive harbours, such as the Club Náutico in the bay of Palma or Puerto Portals. ... David Beckham, Florentino Pérez, the Mallorcan tennis star Rafael Nadal, Gerard Dépardieu, Paris Hilton, Oliver Kahn, Niki Lauda, Michael Schumacher, Claudia Schiffer. Mallorca has for many years boasted ...

  25. WHITES YACHTS International Yacht Brokers In Mallorca

    Years of Experience. 15 +. Whites International Yachts - Yacht Broker on Mallorca is well-established, Dutch owned and managed professional Yacht Brokerage Company with an internationally successful track record. We offer selected pre-owned sailing, motor and superyachts for sale. More about us.

  26. File:Flag of Elektrostal (Moscow oblast).svg

    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License.

  27. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  28. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  29. Stunning super yachts moor up in Palma

    The Edge usually travels to Palma to spends a few days, sailing through the waters of Ibiza. The 48.71 metre super yacht was built by the Italian shipbuilder, Codecasa in 1997 and she's a stunner with state of the art technology throughout. She has a master suite, 3 double cabins and 2 twin cabins and can accommodate 12 guests.

  30. Russia: Gazprom Appoints Pavel Oderov as Head of International Business

    March 17, 2011. Pavel Oderov was appointed as Head of the International Business Department pursuant to a Gazprom order. Pavel Oderov was born in June 1979 in the town of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast. He graduated from Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas with an Economics degree in 2000 and a Management degree in 2002.