Fractional Ownership Guides

The 2023 definitive guide to fractional ownership.

fractional ownership sailboat

Fractional ownership gives those looking to invest in a vacation home the power to purchase next-level luxury for less investment. The same co-ownership model applies to many high-end assets aimed at the aspirational consumer. But how do you know if they are legitimate fractional ownership or not?

Here, we investigate the true fractional ownership definition. We check out the benefits so you can decide if it’s right for you. Read on for an in-depth, updated 2023 guide to everything fractional ownership.

What Does Fractional Ownership Mean?

The definition of fractional ownership is quite simple. If you break down the words, then you have the answer instantly. ‘Fractional’ refers to the asset being equally split into fractions so that the costs can be shared. ‘Ownership’ is the owned interest of the fractions.

Fractional ownership is where two or more people choose to co-own an asset benefitting from shared costs and benefits.

The vital part of this definition is the word ‘ownership.’ Always make sure that you own part of the asset when looking at anything sold through a fractional ownership model.

The fractional ownership method is not something new; you only need to look at the stock market for another example. An investor can buy shares of a company. Suppose, for example, you purchase 50 shares in your selected company. In this case, you have partial ownership of the company with those 50 shares until you decide to sell them. In the meantime, you and all the other company shareholders will benefit from any dividends and share growth over time.

How Fractional Ownership Works

Interested parties enter an ownership arrangement whereby they agree to co-own a property (or another asset) with several like-minded individuals. Owning a property abroad is a dream shared by many. Let’s look at how the fractional ownership agreement would typically work for co-owning a property through a reputable developer, step by step.

  • The real estate property is usually purchased through a Limited Liability Company (LLC).
  • The property is then divided into equal fractions, with buyers typically able to purchase 1/8 or 1/12 fractions.
  • These fractions are freehold, and each co-owner holds a deeded share of the asset’s title for each share purchased.
  • Investors can purchase one or more shares in the property, dictating the amount of time spent at the property. The exclusive usage per year is generally four-five weeks per 1/12 fraction, depending on the original agreement.
  • The properties are typically taken care of by a property management company that deals with the property’s upkeep, maintenance, and repairs. The associated and annual running costs are split equally between the property co-owners.
  • You will own the deeded fraction in perpetuity if it is actual fractional ownership. Your titled interest should also be sellable and willable.

There are many fractional ownership properties for sale. The Fractional Group will thoroughly vet any potential developers, ensuring you see the best, high-quality fractional homes on the market.

Is Fractional Ownership the Same as Timeshare?

No, real estate fractional ownership is NOT timeshare. Timeshare is what it says—you buy a share of time to use each year. You don’t possess ownership rights to the physical accommodation you stay in each time you visit. You are paying to stay for a set amount of time each year, usually at a resort or hotel. There will be a maintenance fee to pay to the resort where the timeshare is based. There will be no ownership of the physical property asset.

As we explained earlier, true fractional ownership allows you to purchase a share of the freehold property. Owning a slice of the asset. Each fraction typically comes with four-five weeks per share (allowing all co-owners exclusive annual usage). You hold a deeded share of the property title and will profit from any capital appreciation over time. The asset is owned outright by a definitive number of the fractional property owners. The number of owners generally doesn’t exceed twelve.

Many timeshare resorts also use other terminology to talk about their product. You’re likely to hear phrases like private residence clubs, fractionals, destination clubs, and condotels, to name a few. The use of the word fractional can understandably be confusing when applied to timeshare. Especially as the purchaser is not typically given anything other than the usage of time.

Check out our latest article, Fractional Ownership vs Timeshare: What’s the Difference . This will give you a thorough understanding of how actual fractional ownership is very different to timeshare.

Popular Types of Fractional Assets

Owning a fraction of something allows you to join others and share the cost of an asset. Ultimately, investing less initially will prove a more cost-effective option.

Many business sectors are realizing the appeal of this model. This is why fractional ownership operates in and beyond the real estate industry, as you can own a fraction of most tangible assets. Art, a private jet, aircraft, boat, yacht, supercar, or house—all of these can be fractionalized.

The fractional ownership model is prevalent throughout the luxury market. The main reason for this is that it gives one the opportunity to co-own a luxury asset like a high-end villa, a private jet, or a supercar that may have otherwise been out of financial reach.

Fractional Ownership of Aircraft

Popularity in fractional ownership of private jets has rocketed over the years. We are seeing businesses primarily using the method to potentially lower corporate travel costs. The program could prove cost-effective to regular private aircraft users as they effectively only pay for the time they fly.

How it works

The fractional ownership aircraft programs will offer multiple owners shares in aircraft ownership via fractions. These shares will guarantee a certain number of flying hours or days for a particular aircraft type throughout the year. And are generally sold in 1/16 or 1/8 fractions.

Some well-known management companies offer fractional ownership programs for aircraft, including NetJets, Flexjet, Planesense, and Airsprint. Each company gives its fractional owners the right to use a choice of similar aircraft from their fleet. This usage comes with an agreed number of hours. NetJets owners typically own shares sold in 25-hour increments. The minimum purchase is of 50 hours for ownership of the aircraft asset for three years upwards.

Fractional Ownership Aircraft Costs

Hassle-free is the name of the game once again, just like with fractional ownership homes for sale. The owners eliminate the worry of actually looking after the aircraft. No maintenance or insurance to arrange or other services that come with owning a plane like the hangarage and catering.

You will pay extra costs such as a monthly management fee and a shared percentage of the costs with other owners. There are no operational issues to be concerned with. Simply turn up and fly in a fully prepared aircraft—often with just a few hours notice!

Always check the small print regarding the length of aircraft ownership time. Some companies can stipulate this to be a minimum period of five years before you can sell. Also, with fractional jet ownership programs, there are additional costs to be aware of. These include a charge for each hour you fly, along with fuel surcharges, to name a few.

Unlike bricks and mortar, aircraft–even the most high-spec jets, will suffer from capital depreciation over time. So be sure to factor this into your costs. Some operators will guarantee to buy back your share after a certain number of years. Good to know that if you stop flying, there is the option to recoup a percentage of your investment.

Ultimately, if you travel by private jet and want to own your own aircraft minus the hassles that come with it, then owning a fraction could be right for you. Co-owning will eliminate the necessity for a considerable capital outlay. And selecting a renowned company with a large fleet will give you access to your aircraft or similar in which to use your flying hours—potentially giving you access to a whole fleet!

Fractional Ownership Boats

The thrill of being on the open water is a big enough lure for most potential boat owners. Thoughts of crystalline waters and packing up the diving or snorkeling equipment, some quality family time, and relaxation are things we’ve all dreamed of at some point in our lives. But what about the reality? Let’s explore why fractional ownership of a boat might be a good thing.

For starters, there’s the high price tag of a quality yacht, and then there’s all the boat maintenance to consider. The cost of mooring, staff costs, fuel costs—the list goes on. More than the cost, we’re realizing more and more that people have a finite amount of time to enjoy their time away and just don’t want the hassles that come with owning outright and which eat into this precious time away. Cue fractional boat ownership—the flexible way to part-own your very own boat minus the large outlay and ongoing responsibilities of looking after and maintaining it.

As with all true fractional ownership, you will jointly own the physical boat or yacht asset. For fractional or shared ownership of a boat, you’ll enter into an agreement to purchase a part-share of the boat with a number of other owners. This number can vary from two, three, four, or more—so check your budget. Each owner is assigned a set number of days’ usage each year proportional to their investment.

Boat Ownership Costs

As for costs—you will pay for your share or fraction of the yacht followed by your percentage of the ongoing running costs, which cover insurance, berthing, maintenance, and maybe crew, depending on the agreement. With all this taken care of for you, you’re free to simply turn up and enjoy the boat during your exclusive usage time and leave the hassles of yacht admin and the general ‘looking after’ of the boat to the managing agent. You will get to enjoy all of the fun of owning a boat without the stresses that come with owning one outright.

Another advantage of co-owning a boat is that it allows you to move up to the next-level yacht for less. While the plus points are many, you need to ask yourself a few questions before deciding if investing in a part-share of a boat is for you. For example, while it is possible to move the fractional boat to another location, this is something that all fractional owners must agree upon and will need to be planned well in advance.

You will also need to book ahead to secure your time on board, so this probably wouldn’t suit those who prefer to book things last minute. A fractional boat program can save a lot of time and stress, proving a perfect choice for those that don’t have the time or funds to own a boat outright.

Fractional Ownership of Real Estate

We all have that property on our wish list, whether written down or in our heads. Some of us will eventually own the vacation home of our dreams, while others will compromise, looking for something within budget or opting to keep it on the list to look at again one day in the future.

Let’s face it, buying property is expensive, but purchasing through fractional ownership is becoming more commonplace nowadays, especially among those looking to invest for less.

Hailed as the intelligent way to own that dream vacation home, this refreshingly uncomplicated way to co-own a luxury second home makes dream vacation home ownership accessible to those who previously deemed it out of reach. With more and more fractional ownership luxury homes entering the market, there are more opportunities than ever before. Buyers are seeing that they can make their investment (and exchange rate!) go further by investing less in a high-end property that can be enjoyed each year whilst leaving the stresses of running it to someone else!

Whether you’ve got your eye on that luxury villa in Italy with sweeping views of the coastline and the sparkling Mediterranean Sea, or the uber-modern condo in the historical town center, it’s fair to say that these price tags will be on the high-to-incredibly-expensive side. But that doesn’t have to stop you from landing the property of your dreams.

Suppose you were to purchase the whole property, then yes, in this high price bracket, a lottery win could prove more than helpful! Even after such a windfall—if you have four weeks’ vacation time a year, it might still prove too time-consuming to maintain or deal with the possible rentals or vacant time. The simple solution is to buy some of the property and not all of it, thereby giving you some of the running costs to pay but not all of them.

Typically, high-quality vacation homes are divided into fractions and sold to a group of co-owners, as we explained earlier. Popular with investors from Europe, the US, Canada, and, more recently, the UK, the best fractional ownership properties come from trustworthy and legitimate developers who offer an easy way to access next-level luxury through purchasing and owning a fraction of freehold real estate and equity in a stylish home that could be straight out of a magazine!

Is Fractional Ownership a Good Investment?

Fractional ownership has become a fast-growing space and is being seen as a good investment due to its lower acquisition cost for a higher-value product. Fractional vacation home ownership makes properties in the higher price brackets more accessible and more appealing to anyone looking to own a slice of a luxury second home.

Whether fractional ownership is a good investment for you or not will depend on the reasons you are investing in the first place, so it’s wise to ask yourself a couple of questions.

  • How often will you visit the property?
  • Will you be managing the property upkeep or know someone locally when you’re not there?
  • Will you be renting out your vacation home?
  • Are you aware of the country’s local laws regarding owning property?

Uncomplicated Property Ownership

As so many people get carried away with the dream of owning an abode abroad, the cold hard reality often stops them from going ahead with their plans. Additional unexpected costs can scupper even the most thought-out plans.

If you want somewhere, you can visit for two weeks here and two weeks there; fractional ownership might be right for you. As you literally are paying for the amount of time you are using, you can move up the property bracket to that property of your dreams and purchase a fraction of it with other prospective owners. Not only do you have co-owners with whom to share the running costs, but you have the developer’s knowledge to assist you in navigating the purchase process.

Are fractional ownerships a good investment? Well, If you’ve always aspired to own that beautiful villa with a stunning infinity pool where you, your family, and friends can enjoy spacious rooms and relaxing spaces, why settle for an apartment with no view? Your fractional ownership vacation home could be more accessible than you first thought. Also, owning a fraction of a high-quality built property in a salubrious area could allow you to benefit from any capital growth. It could also enable you to generate a rental income on any property time you decide not to use, making fractional ownership a good investment for your lifestyle choices.

Advantages and Pitfalls of Fractional Ownership

Unless you move permanently to another country and buy a house where you will spend all of the year, the likelihood of using a second home abroad for much more than one to two months a year is pretty slim. This factor, along with getting a more luxurious property for less, raises the question of “why pay for more than you will use?”

Five advantages we see of buying a fractional ownership vacation home are

  • Enjoy a more expensive property for less investment
  • Less burden by being able to share all the running costs with your co-owners
  • Fewer worries over the property remaining vacant for periods of time
  • Less hassle as the property management company takes care of the running of the property, leaving you to enjoy quality family time from the minute you arrive.
  • Enjoy asset appreciation on your fractional ownership vacation home

Fractional ownership pitfalls will vary depending on your property search requirements and intention behind purchasing a property. Every buyer has prerequisites when selecting a location and making a second home purchase. There’s more to read on fractional ownership pros and cons . It is worth doing the homework first to see whether buying fractional home ownership is a better option for you than purchasing a vacation home outright.

What to Look for When Choosing Fractional Ownership Real Estate Companies

As with any investment, you must do some homework to ensure you are dealing with a legitimate company. As you begin your research, ask a few basic questions to help you find the developer or real estate company that is right for you.

  • Do they have a successful track record of fractional ownership properties?
  • Are the fractions freehold and deeded?
  • Are the properties purchased through a Limited Liability Company?

Suppose the location of the fractional vacation home you are interested in is in a country where you are unfamiliar with the language and local tax and property laws. In this case, it is prudent to check out the support offered to you during the buying process to prevent you from becoming frazzled and out of pocket. Remember, buying a fractionalized property aims to eliminate the stresses of owning a whole property and save money!

We cover some of the benefits in 5 Reasons Why Fractional Ownership Vacation Homes Make the Best Second Homes.

Any fractional ownership companies serious about their properties will be able to arrange an Inspection Visit. This gives you an opportunity to check out the location and properties first-hand. And allows you to familiarize yourself with the area while asking questions about the buying process.

We will continually add new developers and properties to our website at the Fractional Group. They will only appear online after we thoroughly vet the developer, saving you time and energy searching the internet.

How many weeks are typical of fractional ownership?

This depends on the company and agreement. As a rule of thumb, you can usually expect 4–5 weeks of exclusive usage per year per fraction.

How to sell fractional ownership?

With a fractional ownership property, you can look at it the same as you would if you purchased a property outright. The attraction would still be the location, style, exceptional finish and design, and property value. These factors remain the same when you come to sell your share of the property. The apparent difference is the number of fractions you purchased in the property to sell. The first refusal will usually always go to the other co-owners of the property, thereby creating a pool of possible interested parties. We’ve collated many more answers to the most frequently asked questions about fractional ownership so you can be more informed when searching for your dream property. Check out our FAQs page for more top tips.

Luxury Vacation Homes for a Fraction of the Cost

In this article, featured property.

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Casa Tramonto

  • Agropoli, Salerno

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Yacht Share Fractional Ownership

For those seeking the luxury yachting lifestyle without the extra costs and headaches, SeaNet offers the perfect solution. Our Smart Yacht Share and Fractional program creates an easy yacht ownership experience that eliminates maintenance costs, docking fees, service appointments, and more.

Woman wearing sunhat on a yacht.

A fraction of the price, 100% of the pleasure

SeaNet's innovative yachts ownership programs provide you with a financially savvy solution to yachts ownership that is ideal for your active lifestyle. Yachts have a high initial investment combined with a high yearly returning cost in operating expenses. Furthermore, yacht owners traditionally use their yachts for only an estimated 5 weeks a year to a maximum of 8 weeks a year. Therefore, our concept provides you all the benefits of traditional yacht ownership for the time you have available. SeaNet’s fractional ownership concept is further enhanced by our complete yacht management services, which includes crew organization, maintenance, provisioning, and much more to provide you with a turnkey solution to the yachting lifestyle all for a fraction of the cost.

Brands We Work With

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The Luxury Yachting Lifestyle

SeaNet brings together yachting enthusiasts who wish to share the expense of owning a luxury boat in a completely managed and hassle-free program. We know that your free time is limited and it’s important to make the most of it when out enjoying your yacht, so our management team ensure that the co-owners’ time on board is as seamless as possible.

The SeaNet Experience

  • Turnkey Yacht Ownership Experience
  • Sell Ownership Interest Anytime
  • Fully Equipped Yacht
  • Completely Personalized Itineraries
  • Schedule Trips Easily on SeaNet App
  • Professionally Managed
  • Transparent Financial Reports
  • Full Time Caption and Crew
  • Various Boating Locations Globally
  • Exclusive Yacht Concierge Services

Woman reading book on yacht.

Types of Programs

Our diverse programs cater to your every desire, ensuring that you get the most out of your ownership experience, whether you're cruising local waters or exploring distant shores.

Local Program

(Newport Beach / Los Angeles / San Diego / Seattle Cruising)

5 Day Blocks per month per 25% ownership

Check in: Wednesday 9AM | Check out: Sunday 6PM

*Inquire with our concierge for early check in/out per trip

Travel Program

(Mediterranean, Caribbean, Bahamas, Florida, Northeast Cruising)

10 Day blocks, 5-6 Trips per year per 25% ownership

Check in: Friday 3pm | Check out: Monday 9am

SeaNet Financial Summary

60 Fly

* Subject to itinerary plan, budget, maintenance schedule and turnover

** Minus downtime for maintenance, crew or repositioning

Featured Fractional Yachts

44 Open

  • 1 Staterooms

Absolute 60 Fly

  • 4 Staterooms

Navetta 48

Absolute Navetta 48

  • 3 Staterooms

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Thank you for making this happen for my family. You have done such an amazing job getting this all put together the right way. Everything is perfect! Crew is amazing! The Chefs food is on point! The boat is just gorgeous. SeaNet picked out all the finishes perfectly. The whole family loves the boat. Thank you again so much for making this happen so many family can enjoy some unforgettable memories! You guys rock!

We loved the trip, there staff was personally and professionally. Food was amazing, better than expected. The captain was so knowledgeable about the area and his contacts in the ports were very helpful. Very flexible with the day to day activities.  

Their Yacht Management staff is second to none, and they keep my boat in pristine shape, and they are always in contact with me. I even call them off-hours and get help operating my boat systems.They've made boat ownership easy and enjoyable.

SeaNet Yachts Team are true professionals. They make sure that we are completely happy with our boat and follow through on all the service they provide to perfection. There is nobody we trust more!

This is definitely a 5-Star treatment service here at SeaNet Yachts. From day 1, I was treated like a VIP. Any question, any time, their team was there for me. I would recommend this place to anyone looking for a boat. 

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  • Absolute Yachts
  • Benetti Yachts
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Enjoy Unforgettable Vacations With Fractional Yacht Ownership

Incredible adventures await with our yacht timeshare program, monocle's fractional program is reshaping the yachting world, affordable yacht ownership is a smart lifestyle investment, experience unparalleled value with monocle yachts, yachting is the ultimate luxury vacation – monocle’s fractional yacht ownership program is unparalleled.

Industry-Leader Monocle is Transforming the World of Yachting through Fractional Ownership. Making Yachting Highly Affordable & Saving Owners Millions.

Attention Cruise Ship Travelers:

Cruise the Mediterranean this summer on your own private yacht for less than a charter cost. Why risk your family’s health traveling with thousands of strangers when now is the perfect time to safely cruise on a private yacht at a fraction of the cost. Monocle Fractional Yachts invites you to a one-week trial cruise with your own private crew ensuring an amazing, relaxing and safe vacation. Don’t miss out, call us today! 954-563-5808

"The Absolute Best Value in Yachting"

3 stateroom example       4 stateroom example.

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The Monocle Fleet

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Monocle Worldwide

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Yacht Lifestyle

Your yachting vacation is not just about seeing new horizons, vistas, landscapes and seascapes. It is about witnessing glorious sunrises, magnificent sunsets and conversing happily over dinner under the stars with loved ones aboard your own private yacht. With no intrusions from the outside world, you and your family can reconnect enjoying fun filled days swimming, snorkeling and jet skiing in a secluded bay. You can explore beaches or immerse yourself in the local lifestyle creating a family vacation filled with unforgettable moments and a lifetime of loving memories. Monocle’s Fractional yacht program affords you the incredible opportunity to share precious private time with your family and friends in the most luxurious and enchanting settings.

Monocle is headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida; however, our program is global.  The most popular destinations for our fractional yacht program are the Bahamas, Caribbean, the Mediterranean & the American northeast in areas such as Maine, Cape Cod & Nantucket.

2024 © Monocle Yachts Worldwide LLC. ALL Rights Reserved   ·   (954) 563-5808

Click to speak with a private yacht concierge.

Understanding Yacht Co-Ownership: Answers to the 8 most-asked questions.

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Whether you want to buy a share of a yacht, sell a share of a yacht, or are completely new to the concept of yacht co-ownership, this article is for you. We’re sharing some of the most popular questions we get from clients, and our answers.

What is yacht co-ownership?

Yacht co-ownership  – also referred to as fractional yacht ownership or shared equity yacht ownership – describes an ownership structure that enables a designated number of co-owners to share all the benefits and costs associated with owning a yacht. 

Why choose co-ownership?

The immediate appeal of co-ownership, as opposed to conventional yacht ownership, is that you only pay for the time you spend on the yacht. If you were to own a yacht outright, you would be paying for the yacht even when it’s simply docked in the marina.

Plus, with shared ownership, your yachting budget can go a much longer way. The more people you have to share the cost with, the bigger your budget and your yacht options will be. Rather than having just one single budget to work within, you’ll have double or triple that depending on how many partners you share the yacht with.

Another major advantage to co-ownership is the hassle-free experience it offers. As part of AvYachts Co-ownership Plan, management and maintenance responsibilities can be taken care of for you. Rather than worry about planning yard times, hiring and managing crew, and the day-to-day challenges of yacht ownership, you’ll be able to spend more time enjoying your yacht and having fun.

How does co-ownership work?

With yacht co-ownership, each owner gets to use the yacht on a fair basis according to how large their share is. There is a round-robin system that rotates the most popular weeks of the year, such as high-season or school holidays, with the flexibility to swap weeks.

What is the right number of co-owners?

There is no one right number of owners. It is dependent on a variety of factors, including the size of the yacht, plus where and how often you plan on using it. Our expert matchmakers will work with you to find just the right ownership structure for you. 

Why do so few companies offer Co-Ownership services?

Co-ownership has long been a part of yachting culture – whether it’s family members buying together, business partners, or even friends. So why is it that so few companies offer co-ownership services? The honest answer is that it requires a lot more effort and dedication to put a shared deal together than a single ownership deal. In some cases, it can be twice to four times the work, so a company/broker needs to be passionate about the concept of finding the right fit for you and be experienced at successful yacht partner matchmaking.

Why consider selling a portion of your yacht?

The demand for yachting is growing.  Every yacht owner has weeks their yacht is sitting empty.  That is never good for the yacht, the crew, or the bottom line.  While some owners open their yacht for charter to defray the cost, another option is to sell ¼ or more of your yacht for a lump sum plus an annual rate for a guaranteed number of weeks a year.  As the seller, you set the rules of ownership.  It is a guaranteed flow of funds and will keep the yacht and crew moving. 

If you are looking to buy a share of a yacht, what factors should you consider when setting a budget?

Owning a yacht is expensive, no matter what your budget is. Here are some questions to consider when setting your budget:

-    Do you want a crew, or are you planning on being the captain and maintaining the yacht?  -      Usage weeks: How many times a year are you going to use the yacht?  -      Number of staterooms: How many people will you be traveling with? -      Destination: Where do you want to go on the yacht? -      Homeport: Where do you want to keep the yacht? -      How long do you want to own the yacht? -      Do you want to handle the maintenance and logistics of owning a yacht?  

Any additional considerations?

At the end of the day, it is not only the purchase price of the yacht that you should keep in mind.  The yearly maintenance and running budget are some of the most important numbers to consider when shopping for a yacht.

 As the expert in helping you buy or sell a share of a yacht, AvYachts matchmakers can connect you with the yachting experience you dream of, at a fraction of the price you imagine. Ready to get started? Contact us today. 

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Yacht Share Network

Yacht Share Network – as featured in the Sunday Times – is the world’s largest yacht brokerage dedicated to co-owned yachts representing over 200 yachts in the best global boating hotspots.

We are purposefully not tied to any particular yacht brand as we recognise that our range of differing yachts from all the leading brands offers potential co-owners much more choice, which simultaneously translates to more competitive offerings.


Fractional yachting, jet share network, featured yachts, prestige 750 fly, sunseeker 88, riva 90 argo – monaco, pearl 62 – puerto portals – mallorca, pearl 95 – balearics & western med, azimut 26m grande, the world's largest yacht share brokerage.

We have 3 teenage lads, and they just didn’t want to come on holiday with us anymore. However, once there was a yacht on offer that suddenly changed. Now they love to come along and we have wonderful family times together. The boys are great company and we have created lots and lots of new family memories that will remain with us forever.

The yacht share idea always appealed to us, finding a professional and reliable syndicate was harder. I am happy to vouch for Yacht Share Network, they are truly the masters of the universe and make it work incredibly well.

Boating was never my dream however it was my husband Robert’s ultimate goal in life. Sharing meant we managed to achieve a of this and more with a fraction of the cost. We could still take the children skiing and do all the other things a busy family wants to do. When you see your 7 year old swimming in the sea and in the tender shouting faster whilst laughing and screaming you know that holidays are back to being magical. This has been the making of us as a family thank you so much.

I’ve known William for many years and he knew that our boat sat empty in Cannes for most of the time. He suggested we sell some shares instead of just burning cash on moorings and maintenance. Yacht Share Network took her into their fleet and we got ¾ of our capital back. Now we just have ¼ of the running costs, and don’t feel so guilty that we only use the boat about 6 weeks of the year.

I have to admit, I probably love boating more than my wife does so buying a boat was unlikely to ever happen. A boat share however… I got the boss to approve, and a happy wife is a happy life lol!

Our best deals

Aquilla 44 – miami/bahamas winter & hamptons/newport/nantucket summer, princess 62 – puerto portals, princess 64, 2005 sunseeker manhattan 50, azimut 60 – miami, how it works, fractional yacht ownership.

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Ownership Redefined For The Sharing Community: Sharing Is The New Owning!

Our current ideal of owning as much “stuff” as we can and of over consumption is being replaced with a new ideal of shared use and ownership. It gives people access to a lifestyle that they otherwise might not be able to afford, and it reduces waste. Imagine owning and sailing your own luxury catamaran for less than 20% of what conventional yacht ownership or bareboat charter would usually cost you! Not only does it save you money but it eliminates the waste of an asset sitting idle for months, collecting dust AND problems. 

That is exactly what this program is designed to do! Fractional or Shared Yacht Ownership gives you the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of yacht ownership for a fraction of the cost of conventional ownership or even charter! Shared yacht ownership is exactly what it sounds like—you buy a share or fraction of a yacht. It is not a timeshare where you only purchase the rights of usage for a certain amount of time and end up with nothing when the term expires. With shared ownership you legally own the fraction of the asset and hold the title to the yacht.

It holds the answer to hassle-free and financially smart boat ownership. It’s a simple concept— up to five co-owners can enjoy the benefits of owning a yacht while splitting the cost of the vessel and its management. It is the simplest way to realize your sailing dreams sooner than you otherwise could and with the least hassle. You can use the yacht as you like and your preferred holidays are always available for you.

Shared Catamaran Ownership is Appealing But…

People have been forming partnerships to co-own expensive assets for a long time, but until now they have had to figure out the logistics themselves. The benefits of shared ownership are very appealing, but it’s been too cumbersome for most to set up. Finding the right partners, setting up partnerships, and managing the logistics of owning a shared asset can be time consuming and difficult. We have created a program that makes the entire process easier and makes shared ownership available to everyone.

Fractional / Shared Yacht Ownership Structure

Number of owners.

Up to five owners each buys a share in a luxury yacht at a fraction of the cost. Unlike timeshare programs where you do not own the yacht and end up with nothing at the end, this program ensures that you have an equity stake in the yacht and hold title of the vessel. We limit the shares to only five owners per boat or less. That way all owners are guaranteed to get equal time. Because owners of fractional shares involve direct ownership, each user has greater control over how the boat is used and maintained and where it is located.

Duration Of The Program

Duration of the program is 7 years. The boat will be sold at the end of the program. Upon the sale of the asset, the owners recover a percentage of their initial cost and will be proportionally refunded from the net proceeds. The owner is free to sell their ownership interest at any time. Since fractional yachts are well maintained and serviced, the value of each owner’s share may not devalue as rapidly as an average yacht’s value.

Owner Weeks & Cost Per Share

Partners own 20% of the boat in an LLC, boat is financed, and chartered through a charter company based in the British Virgin Islands or Bahamas. Partners get to use it two weeks a year plus anytime it’s not booked within 30 days out for a total of 10-15 weeks for the duration of the program.  Each week retails for $12K which is waived. Partners only pay cleaning and insurance and variable weekly costs.

Fractional Yacht Owner Use

Owner use is shared equally between the owners according to the number of members. Owner access is allocated fairly to ensure that all owners can optimize the use of the yacht and that all the owners get quality time on the yacht to meet their needs or desires.

  • Owner Use Reservations: Owners will reserve time on a reservation system on first come basis (Member A, Member B etc.) with limitations. Dates are decided upon via an equal reservation system well in advance. The first co-owner who signs up becomes “A” in the rotation, the second person “B,” and so on during the first year. The next year, the co-owner who was “A” and had first choice becomes “E”
  • Owner Use Limitations: It is envisaged that the maximum continuous owner use will be two weeks per year per owner
  • Owner Competency: A competency check will be done with each owner after which owners will operate the vessel as their private yacht. No captain or further supervision will be required once competency is established (training is available should the owner wish to improve skills). If owners wish to hire captains for their use, they may do so at their own cost.
  • Reciprocal Use: The plan is to develop co-ownership bases in other locations that will create a reciprocal owner use option. Potential locations currently being investigated –Bahamas (Marsh Harbor), Puerto Rico, Annapolis, USVI (St Thomas). To start, the only location will be Fort Lauderdale, which has easy access to the Bahamas and the Florida Keys cruising grounds.

Operating Costs Are Covered By Charter Revenue

The annual operating costs such as insurance, dockage, annual haul out and scheduled maintenance will be offset by income from chartering the yacht. With traditional yacht ownership, the owner spends around 10 percent of the total value of the yacht annually but with our model based on seven years, one can save up to 90 percent of the cost of traditional yacht ownership. That is a huge advantage for the owners of a fractional yacht.

Fractional Yacht Models

The latest catamaran models from the world’s top manufacturers like Lagoon, Fountaine Pajot, Nautitech and Bali are available for these programs, fully equipped with air-conditioning, generator, full electronics, dingy, outboard and sun awnings. 

Fractional Yacht Management & Maintenance

The vessel will be professionally managed and maintained by a management company to ensure that you enjoy your use of the boat with minimum hassle – boats are maintained in turn key condition and ready for you to step aboard.

Fractional Yacht Shares Figures: Cost Of Yacht Share Ownership

We have made up a sample of cost per share using a 46ft catamaran plus full financials. Please contact us for more details.

Catamaran Guru Making Fractional Yacht Ownership Work!

Some of the early fractional yacht business models were guilty of taking advantage of the shareholders, and plenty have failed along the way. They would take a boat with a market price of say $2 million and divide it into 10 shares of $400,000, thereby doubling their investment by selling it for a total of $4 million. The Management / brokerage companies were trying to make a killing on one boat. It did not sit well with many potential buyers. Savvy boat owners might be willing to pay a small premium, but they’re not willing to get taken to the cleaners. 

Catamaran Guru’s innovative fractional shared yacht ownership programs provide you with a financially savvy solution to yacht ownership that is ideal for your active lifestyle. You can experience all the benefits of yacht ownership without the hassles of staffing, maintaining, or servicing your yacht.

Contact us for full details today!  OR Call: 804.815.5054

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Estelle Cockcroft

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Hi could you add my name for the next available round of fractional ownership.

Many thanks in advance

fractional ownership sailboat

Matt we have you on the list!

fractional ownership sailboat

Will do! It looks like we will have another Bali 4.6 available in the coming weeks.

fractional ownership sailboat

We lost our Leopard catamaran in Hurricane Irma and have been looking to buy again.

We are interested in fractional ownership. Can you let me know if this is currently available?

fractional ownership sailboat

Hi there My wife and I are in Australia We are just about to buy our second vessel We are trying to decide on buying into a syndicate of private owners for private use or whether to buy into a charter program in the Whitsundays and attach a business loan to it including our deposit Wondering if you guys may have something that would suit our needs Ideally We would be looking at a cat around 45 foot in length with preferably four cabins

Craig, my apologies for the late reply! Your comment got buried in the hundreds of comments we’ve received lately. We would be happy to have a chat with you and see what might work for you. We can chat online or by phone or alternately email us your questions and I will reply asap. [email protected]

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Fractional Ownership - Buy a Yacht in India

Fractional boat ownership offers a cost effective alternative to the financial burden and other stresses of owning a boat or yacht. Sailing boats are rapidly depreciating assets, and often end up being used much less frequently than the owner anticipated.

Owning a share of a fractional yacht enables the buyer to only pay for what they will realistically use. And don’t forget that yachts and boats are not only expensive to buy, but to run and maintain. An added bonus of a fractional ownership is that the annual maintenance expenses will be handled by our club.

There is a huge variety of sailboats boats and yachts on offer, from modest day cruisers and sailing yachts.

Membership Benefits

  • Sail on any day of the year
  • Bring your guests along at no extra cost
  • All members will get a Free learn to sail course at any time of the year
  • All members will receive a YAI Learn to Sail Certificate on successful completion of the coures
  • All members will receive special discounts on all Adventure sailing trips
  • Access to participate in National and Regional Regattas

Fractional Boat Ownership.

Everything to Know About Fractional Boat Ownership

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Table of Contents

Last Updated on October 27, 2022 by Boatsetter Team

In recent years, the boating industry has seen incredible growth and innovation, with amazing advancements in everything from navigation tools to outboard engine design. So many new products have made the boating lifestyle safer, more enjoyable, and easier on the environment, with even more released yearly.

It also made boat ownership more inclusive. Now more people can consider buying a boat with interesting new options such as fractional boat ownership. Haven’t heard about it yet? We’ll tell you all about it.

Let your boat pay for itself. List, rent, earn — Only at Boatsetter.

So, what is fractional boat ownership?

Put simply: it’s sharing the responsibilities related to owning a boat (that includes cost!) Like splitting the cost of a batting cage rental with a good friend, in boating, it’s common for friends or family members to partner in the purchase, slip, storage costs, and maintenance of a boat to reduce expenses.

Keep in mind that these partnerships are typically informal, providing little or no legal protection. If you’re considering this, make sure it’s with someone you know well and trust.

You may enter a fractional ownership agreement that is formal and legally binding, with each partner owning a defined percentage of the boat or yacht. This ownership percentage is treated as an asset, like shares of a company’s stock.

Let’s go over the pros and cons of fractional boat ownership.

Friends on a Boat.

PROs & CONs: Fractional boat ownership

PROs for fractional boat owners, fractional ownership can allow you to get a much larger boat than what you were considering in the first place. For example, an owner can enjoy the yachting lifestyle for much less than the cost of purchasing a vessel outright.

Boat ownership costs and responsibilities are also limited, making it possible for new owners to stick to a predetermined budget. By dividing the operational and maintenance costs based on the fractional ownership percentages, each owner is responsible for a more predictable amount.

Other ownership expenses, such as repair costs, off-season storage, upgrades, improvements, or even regular maintenance and cleaning expenses, are also reduced for each owner, making the total cost of ownership more affordable for each.

Like any other partnership in business, CONs for fractional boat owners may include your partner may not see eye to eye on every boat-related decision like moving the vessel somewhere you are unfamiliar with or having differing tastes in colors, furnishings, and decor.

Another potential downside to fractional boat ownership may be not being able to hop on the boat and go out for a cruise whenever you want. You’ll be sharing everything, which also includes usage.

Friends on a Sailboat.

Okay! How does fractional boat ownership work?

As the name suggests, each owner is responsible for a percentage of the operational and maintenance expenses, repair costs, and vessel maintenance equal to their ownership percentage.

In many cases, a fractional ownership arrangement may be handled by a management company, leaving the owners with little to no responsibilities other than showing up and enjoying the boat.

Fractional boat ownership creates opportunities.

Overall, we believe that fractional boat ownership gives people opportunities to enter the booming boating industry.

The recreational benefits are obvious — outings with your favorite people, access to beautiful islands, and party coves. But one benefit of fractional boat ownership you may not think about is listing your boat on a platform like Boatsetter’s to offset your costs and earn extra income, too! It’s a great time to get into boating. Jump on it!

Boatsetter is a unique boat-sharing platform that gives everyone — whether you own a boat or you’re just renting — the chance to experience life on the water. You can list a boat , book a boat , or make money as a captain .


Chuck Warren fell in love with boats at 9 years old while helping to restore his grandfather’s 1939 44-foot Elco cruiser. A lifelong boater, Chuck has experience operating large and small vessels on the waters of the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and the Great Lakes.

During his 35-year marine industry career, Chuck has been the driver for several offshore powerboat racing teams, the chief engineer aboard a Caribbean research and salvage vessel, captain of a Florida Keys sunset cruise, and more.

Today, Chuck is a boating industry writer, copywriter, and captain who lives on his 40-foot boat in the summer when he isn’t delivering vessels around the Great Lakes or teaching new boaters to drive. Winters are split between the West Michigan lakeshore and wherever his travels take him.

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Fractional Boat Ownership: A Budget-Friendly Alternative

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Boat ownership has long been considered a luxury reserved for the wealthy. However, the concept of fractional boat ownership is changing this perception, making the boating lifestyle accessible to more people than ever before. Fractional ownership is a cost-effective and hassle-free way for individuals to own and enjoy a boat without bearing the full responsibilities and expenses of sole ownership. This innovative approach allows several people to share ownership of a watercraft, dividing the costs and responsibilities associated with maintenance, moorage, and insurance among them. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of fractional boat ownership and how it can serve as a budget-friendly alternative to traditional boat ownership.

What is Fractional Boat Ownership?

Fractional boat ownership is an arrangement in which multiple people share ownership of a boat, each owning a fraction of the watercraft. This model allows each co-owner to use the boat for a specified amount of time throughout the year, depending on their share in the partnership. It can also be compared to a timeshare for boats, as each owner gets to enjoy the vessel without assuming full responsibility for its operation, maintenance, and expenses.

Advantages of Fractional Boat Ownership

1. lower costs.

One of the primary benefits of fractional boat ownership is the reduced cost. By splitting the purchase price, maintenance, moorage, and insurance expenses among multiple owners, individuals can enjoy boating without the exorbitant costs associated with traditional ownership. Fractional ownership can make owning a boat more affordable and accessible, allowing more people to enjoy the lifestyle.

2. Less responsibility

Owning a boat can be a significant burden, with maintenance, repairs, and other expenses piling up throughout the year. With fractional ownership, these responsibilities are shared among multiple owners. This means that each person has less of a workload when it comes to taking care of the boat, making the entire experience more enjoyable and stress-free.

3. Greater variety

By participating in a fractional ownership program, boat enthusiasts can experience different types of boats and locations. Many fractional boat ownership programs allow their members to swap time aboard their vessel for time aboard another boat within the same program or network. As a result, members can enjoy a broader range of boating experiences.

4. Professional management

Most fractional boat ownership programs include professional management services. A management company oversees the scheduling, maintenance, and other essentials on behalf of the owners. This service ensures that the boat remains in excellent condition and that each owner has a seamless experience when it’s their turn to use the vessel.

5. Shared risk

By owning a fraction of a boat rather than the entire vessel, individuals also take on less risk. If the boat experiences any significant issues or loses value, the impact on each co-owner is less severe than if they were to bear the full brunt of the loss.

How to Get Started with Fractional Boat Ownership

1. do your research.

To begin exploring fractional boat ownership, start by researching various programs and companies that offer this service. Different programs may vary in the types of boats available, locations, and fees involved. Be sure to read reviews and obtain recommendations from others who have participated in fractional ownership to find a reliable and reputable program that meets your needs.

2. Assess your boating needs

Take the time to determine how you plan to use the boat and how frequently. This information will help you choose the right fractional ownership program and select the ideal share size for you. Keep in mind that the more time you want on the water, the larger your share will need to be.

3. Choose a boat and location

Once you have selected a fractional ownership program, it’s time to decide on the boat and location that best suits your preferences. Be sure to consider factors such as the size of the boat, type of vessel, and location of the marina when making your decision.

4. Review the legal agreements

Carefully review the legal agreements associated with the fractional ownership program. These documents will outline the terms and conditions, such as scheduling, maintenance responsibilities, and fees. It is essential to fully understand and be comfortable with these agreements before committing to a fractional boat ownership arrangement.

Fractional boat ownership provides a budget-friendly alternative to traditional boat ownership by offering reduced costs, shared responsibilities, greater variety, professional management, and minimized risk. By doing thorough research and assessing personal boating needs, individuals can enjoy the boating lifestyle without the financial burden and hassle of sole ownership.



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Fractional boat membership, how fractional boat membership works, what it offers, easy, hassle-free membership.

Each boat has a maximum of eight equivalent “Classic” memberships, which distributes the available time equally among Members throughout each month. You simply use the web-based calendar to select the times you want to sail, and your boat will be ready when you arrive. Once at the marina, you will inspect the boat to be sure it is ready, using the automated “Embark” system. Then go sailing, being sure to return in time to ready the boat for the next member.


Guaranteed monthly usage.

SailTime offers guaranteed access to your boat every month. You can make reservations online up to one year in advance and can book additional free “as-available” sail times using your smartphone. “Classic” SailTime memberships allow a minimum of seven sail times per month and can get additional free sail times when reservations are made within 36 hours of the start time. “Lite” memberships get three sail times per month and “Premium” memberships get 14 sail times per month. Premium members can take the boat for up to seven continuous days and nights. With SailTime PLUS, members can rent boats at other SailTime locations at a mere fraction of the cost of regular bareboat chartering.


Seasonal (annual) memberships.

SailTime Southwest Florida is open year-round.

Member agreements are structured as annual contracts, allowing you to join anytime during the season and still be able to get an entire season of sailing.

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01-03-2023, 05:29  
to share in.

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01-03-2023, 11:30  
between friends is never a good idea. People's circumstances change, and sure as little apples, if, or more likely when, one participant needs to get his "investment" out, one side or t'other is going to up hurting!

Another thing you need to look out for is that at least in the strict sense, if you declare yourselves "partners", each one of you becomes wholly liable for the other's debts! That includes debt NOT relating to the jointly owned boat!

Best, perhaps, to de-escalate your wants, and get a you can afford to keep without financial contributions from friends!

Remember that a lot of people can find the to BUY a boat. It's the KEEPING of a boat that slays people financially!

01-03-2023, 11:49  

01-03-2023, 12:31  
Boat: Alden 50, Sarasota, Florida
way to kind of own a boat but begs the question - if you can’t afford a boat, why buy one? It’s a purely discretionary toy .
01-03-2023, 12:56  
Boat: Swarbrick S-80
really well with three co-owners who were all mates before they started.

Every month each paid a set amount into a shared bank account to cover running costs.
One-off expenses were split equally as they arose.

During the year, they rotated the every month for club and weekends away.
During summer, they cruised for 6 weeks with each owner having the boat for their own purposes for two weeks at a time (flying in/out at the end of each two week period).

The important thing is to make sure that all arrangements are well understood (and preferably documented) before going into the deal.
01-03-2023, 12:59  
Boat: CS27, C&C25 half a lifetime ago
with friends was lesson enough.
01-03-2023, 16:29  
Boat: Lagoon 380
01-03-2023, 16:48  
Boat: Bavaria 35E
01-03-2023, 17:19  
Boat: C&C 27 Mk III
one after is a pain to get all the right signatures on all the paperwork was a pita
01-03-2023, 18:31  
underwriter would write a policy on a boat owned in some kind of loosey-goosey share ownership or .

It would be possible to cobble up something akin to a Strata Corporation holding real estate for the purpose of owning a boat, but since a boat is NOT real estate - but PERSONAL PROPERTY - it is doubtful that in case of dispute between the "unit owners" a court would pay the slightest attention to any opinion held by the "unit owners" that liability should be divisible and apportioned as it is done by a Strata Corporation. Such a corporation can only be formed under the provisions of duly enacted legislation in the given jurisdiction and must be operated strictly - and I mean STRICTLY - in accordance with procedures laid down in that legislation.

Fortunate the man who learns early in life to avoid financial entanglements involving discretionary :-)!


01-03-2023, 18:53  
Boat: Dufour 29
homes, , etc. Some general observations:

1. Ownership should be though an entity, such as a corporation or LLC. That protects you against your "partner's" possible negligence.
2. If things go well, well that's great --sometimes things do out!
3. Make plans for succession. If your partner dies, who gets that share and what are their rights. A lawyer helping you put the entity together can walk you through the ways of handling this.
4. As others have said, it is best to be clear on potential points of disagreement and how to resolve those, such as escrowing money for and deciding when it is necessary to do updates or , and how to schedule taking turns using the boat.
5. Hope for the best, but assume that things will not work out at some point and prepare for the worst. To avoid litigation, include worst-case procedures in your agreement.
6. A common provision is a buy-sell provision. If you can afford it, this is a good way to resolve disputes -- when you reach an impasse, you name a and either your partner buys you out for that or you buy them out.
7. If you can't afford to buy out your partner in an extreme case, then another common provision would allow you to force a public -- if you reach a point where going on together won't work, you can agree in that case the boat will be put on the market and within X number of days or months to the highest bidder. Either partner of course could also bid in that case. You have to be prepared for a possible at a loss.
8. Also consider where the boat might be and get a knowledgable lawyer to advise you on the mechanics of enforcing an agreement if the boat is in distant lands.

Obviously, I think that boat sharing could work well as long as partners remain in agreement, but should have strong protections in case of disagreement.

Not quite on point, but illustrating my concerns, we once had a couple who split ownership of a nice house on a very nice beach. After many happy years, the two sets of owners came to blows. We worked hard for many months to bring them to agreement (while they were paying substantial fees) and eventually got everyone to come to the table to sign off on a settlement. Then at the planned closing it turned out that there was a wooden pelican by the front door that we had not talked about, and the whole settlement fell apart because they could not agree on who got the pelican .

Hope this gives you something to consider.
01-03-2023, 19:13  
approach, the 3 parties agreed the friendships were worth more than any material value. Boat is owned in one name, no written agreements about anything. We split the costs.

We have used the same structure for 3 (same owners/friends), has worked for many years.
01-03-2023, 19:38  
Boat: Watkins 27 - 27'
on the . First year went pretty good. Expenses were split 50/50.

Because the engines were 'tired' I suggested we them (two 4 cyl Mercruisers) during the off-season. Cost was ~$1000 / $500 ea, with us doing most of the labor. He 'vetoed', said the boat wasn't worth putting that much money into it. So I backed off.

Fast forward to the summer. We were using the boat separately more, and I was always the one fueling it up. He always had an excuse - that he got back after the was closed, but he would pay me back (he didn't). Then I made a 4 week trip and, while I was out-of-country, I wasn't out-of-touch. When I came back I was informed that I owed him $900. Seems while I was gone, he unilaterally decided to have new made for the boat, without telling me.

I paid him, and listed the boat the next day (title was me 'or' him). He bought me out.

Haven't spoken to, or seen him since.
01-03-2023, 21:21  
01-03-2023, 22:17  
Boat: Watkins 27 - 27'
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How does fractional ownership work in real estate investing?

Fractional ownership is a real estate investing strategy involving multiple investors who own pieces of a single property. By pooling their resources, investors can get an ownership stake in properties they may not otherwise be able to afford.

Some people use fractional ownership to pool their money on an expensive piece of real estate, like a vacation home. A growing number of online platforms are also making it easier than ever to buy fractional real estate.

Is this ownership model for you? We’ll cover how fractional ownership works, the pros and cons, and how you can invest.

How fractional ownership works in real estate investing

Fractional property ownership is a way to get into real estate investing by buying a partial stake in a property, even one that may otherwise be out of reach.

The ownership model is nothing new. For example, if you and two friends bought a vacation home using a tenancy-in-common ownership structure where you’re each co-owners with a 33.33% stake, you’d all be fractional owners.

Technically, timeshares are a form of fractional ownership. But properties that are marketed as fractional real estate are often expensive vacation homes or resorts called private residence clubs. A management company usually handles the day-to-day issues that crop up, so you avoid many of the hassles that come with property ownership.

Meanwhile, you can build equity and earn rental income without making a large up-front down payment.

How the fractional ownership model works

Though there are several types of fractional ownership in real estate, here’s how the process of buying property and splitting it into fractional ownership interest typically works:

A sponsor creates a legal entity to buy real property, like a limited liability company (LLC) or a limited partnership.

The entity buys property and divides it into shares.

The entity sells property shares to individual investors.

Some people buy fractional real estate solely as an investment. If you buy a rental property, you can earn monthly rental income based on your share. If the property sells, you get a portion of the profits that corresponds with your investment. You’re also responsible for paying your share for maintenance, repairs, and other ongoing expenses.

With other fractional ownership arrangements, the primary benefit is usage rights to a property. For example, if you bought into a private residence club with nine other investors and you each owned equal shares, you’d probably be able to use the home for about five weeks a year.

A growing number of startups allow you to invest small amounts in individual properties solely for the potential capital gains and rental income. These platforms are similar to crowdfunding sites that allow multiple investors to pool their money to fund real estate projects.

For example, Jeff Bezos-backed Arrived buys single-family homes and vacation properties, then splits them into fractional shares and lists them on its marketplace. With a minimum investment of $100, you can earn dividends that are paid monthly, as well as capital gains if the property sells for a profit. Investors can also choose portfolios that consist of multiple homes instead of focusing on individual properties.

Another startup, Lofty, bills itself as an online marketplace. The platform lets property owners transfer ownership to an LLC via a quitclaim deed, though they’re required to maintain a 10% stake. Lofty lists the property and allows investors to buy shares. Investors can then collect rent based on their share of ownership. Lofty requires at least a $50 investment, made through digital tokens.

Fractional ownership vs. timeshares

There are key differences between traditional fractional ownership and timeshares .

Namely, who holds the deed. Fractional owners of a vacation property or second home get deeds and ownership for their share of the residence. With many timeshare purchases, you’re buying the right to a certain number of days’ use of the property, but the developer holds the deed. Timeshare owners typically don’t get an actual stake in the real estate.

However, some timeshares provide deeded ownership. For instance, if you’re allowed one week a year at a timeshare, you’d get a deed for 1/52nd ownership of the property under these models.

Often, the term “fractional ownership” is applied to higher-end properties and involves fewer owners than a timeshare. Because you’re sharing operating costs with fewer people, fractional ownership usually costs more than a timeshare.

Fractional ownership vs. condos

With fractional ownership, an entire property is divided into shares. Buying a condominium unit gives you full ownership of the interior of your unit, whereas you and other condo owners each own an interest in common areas.

A condo is a real estate asset that comes with all the rights and responsibilities of home ownership, including taxes and homeowners insurance.

Fractional ownership vs. REITs

REITs, or real estate investment trusts, are another way to invest in property without paying for the full costs of ownership. REITs are companies that invest in an array of income-producing properties. Many REITs are publicly traded on the stock market.

While fractional real estate investors own pieces of individual properties, REITs generally invest in commercial real estate, rather than single-family residences and vacation homes.

Yahoo Finance tip: Fractional ownership isn’t unique to real estate investments. Some people use similar ownership agreements for assets like private jets, yachts, RVs, or fine art.

Fractional real estate investing: Pros and cons

Before you toss your hard-earned money into fractional real estate, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons.

You can invest in real estate for less money than it would cost to buy an entire property. Some platforms allow you to buy fractional interests in properties with as little as $50 to $100 — similar to the way you can now buy fractional shares of stocks with many brokerage accounts. Even if you’re buying fractional ownership in a property that allows you usage, you can limit the amount of your investment.

Hassle-free real estate investing. A property management company typically handles issues like upkeep and repairs with fractional real estate. You can sit back and earn passive income through dividends or rent. You can also earn a share of the capital gains if the property sells for a profit.

Ownership rights plus use of the property. When you have fractional ownership of a vacation home, you may have the right to stay in the property for a few weeks each year or sell your allotted weeks to someone else.

You can diversify your real estate holdings. If you’re using a fractional investing platform, you can put small amounts into multiple properties to build a diversified real estate portfolio.

Less potential for big gains. Because you’re splitting ownership with other investors, you’ll have to split profits and rental income, as well.

Lack of control. Co-ownership means you won’t have full decision-making power on property management issues, including maintenance and budgets.

Management fees. In addition to paying property management fees, you’re on the hook for maintenance and repairs.

Difficult to finance. Many banks and credit unions won’t give you a mortgage for fractional ownership, so you may need to find a lender that specializes in this niche.

Ways to invest

There are several ways to invest directly or indirectly in fractional real estate, including:

Buy a house with friends or family members. You and your loved ones could go in on a home purchase and split the costs. Anecdotal evidence suggests that a growing number of first-time buyers are using this type of ownership to deal with housing affordability issues.

Buy a property that’s already split into shares. Buying a piece of a home or vacation property allows you to get a portion of rental income and sale profits.

Invest in REITs. Real estate investment trusts, or REITs, invest across many different income-generating properties. Most are publicly traded on stock exchanges, so you can buy shares using your brokerage account. Since you’re essentially investing in a stock, you won’t get use of a property by investing in a REIT. But you can often invest in tiny fractions of hundreds of properties by purchasing a single share.

Real estate investment platforms. Fractional ownership platforms allow you to invest in small portions of individual properties. Similarly, crowdfunding platforms allow you to become part investor in real estate projects.

Should you invest in fractional real estate?

Investing in fractional real estate isn’t for everyone. However, you might want to consider investing if:

You want consistent access to a vacation home but don’t want to pay for an entire property.

You’re seeking passive income.

You want to diversify your portfolio, but you have limited funds to invest in real estate .

There’s always a risk of losing money when you invest. A real estate investment can lose value if the housing market tanks or your local market encounters tough times.

Fractional ownership can come with additional risks because selling property can be difficult. Because you’re dealing with co-owners, there may be rules about selling your property. There’s also the risk that a potential buyer could have trouble getting financed to purchase your share.

Your returns in fractional investing will depend on a number of factors, including what size share of the property you own, whether you rent out the residence, the property’s appreciation and any fees you pay to a management company.

Let’s say you and nine other investors buy equal shares in a $1 million property, meaning each person contributed $100,000. If the property was worth $1.5 million a decade later, you could sell your share for $150,000.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean you earned a 50% return. You’d need to factor in the cost of things like property management fees and upkeep that you incurred over the years. On the flip side, your returns would likely be more than 50% if you’d rented out the property.

Is fractional real estate a good investment?

Fractional real estate could be a good investment if the property’s value appreciates over time, particularly if you use it for rental income. But as with any piece of real estate, poor market conditions or unforeseen maintenance issues could cause your investment to sour. Selling shares of fractional real estate can also be more complicated than selling a regular property.

Do banks finance fractional real estate?

It depends on the financial institution. Some banks finance fractional properties, while others don’t. But even if a lender offers fractional property loans, there may be stricter requirements compared to getting a mortgage on a primary home.

What are the disadvantages of fractional ownership?

One potential drawback is that you’ll have to share decision-making about things like decor, landscaping, and upkeep with multiple co-owners. You also may need to pay fees to a management company, which can chip away at your returns. Financing and selling fractional shares can also get complicated.


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    As a SailTime boat owner, you will have guaranteed monthly usage of your boat using SailTime's proprietary online scheduling system. This allows you guaranteed monthly usage and unlimited last-minute reservations booked online within 36 hours. Your boat will be docked at a local marina, ready to sail, with the fuel and water tanks topped off.

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    SeaNet Yachts is the leader in fractional yacht ownership programs so that you can enjoy the yachting lifestyle without the hassles of maintenance, storage, cleaning, and service. ... SeaNet's fractional ownership concept is further enhanced by our complete yacht management services, which includes crew organization, maintenance, provisioning ...

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  12. The Yacht Share Network

    The Yacht Share Network is the global leader in yacht fractional ownership activities, specialising in the sale, purchase, marketing & syndication of yachts. Worldwide Fractional Yachts. Call us: +34 620812935. enquire now. Home; Search; Yachts & Destinations. Yacht Share Africa & the Seychelles.

  13. Fractional Yacht Ownership Offers Affordable Solutions

    Fractional yacht ownership works because your yacht is always in motion, creating revenue and reducing your capital expenditure.". Co-owners with Saveene have the option of purchasing anywhere from 10% up to 90% per fraction and get their own title and certificate of ownership. A variety of on-the-water activities are included with ownership ...

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    Fractional Ownership. Fractional boat ownership offers a cost effective alternative to the financial burden and other stresses of owning a boat or yacht. Sailing boats are rapidly depreciating assets, and often end up being used much less frequently than the owner anticipated. Owning a share of a fractional yacht enables the buyer to only pay ...

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    PROs for fractional boat owners, fractional ownership can allow you to get a much larger boat than what you were considering in the first place. For example, an owner can enjoy the yachting lifestyle for much less than the cost of purchasing a vessel outright. Boat ownership costs and responsibilities are also limited, making it possible for ...

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    Fractional boat ownership can be much more a cost-effective solution. Two different business models tend to be in use. In one, each member has an equity stake in the boat. With the other, one person owns the vessel, while the others pay a monthly fee for the right to use it for a certain number of days. Prices for the latter start at a few ...

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    What is fractional ownership? Fractional ownership is a real estate investment in which multiple individuals each own a share of a property, often a high-end vacation home. Each owner receives a ...

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  25. How does fractional ownership work in real estate investing?

    Fractional ownership is a real estate investing strategy involving multiple investors who own pieces of a single property. By pooling their resources, investors can get an ownership stake in ...