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When and How to Sail to the Bahamas: A Guide for Beginners

John Sampson

Sailing to the Bahamas is a dream for many sailors. With crystal clear waters, white sandy beaches, and endless blue skies, it’s no wonder that thousands of people flock to these islands every year. However, sailing to the Bahamas can be daunting, especially for novice sailors. In this guide, we’ll show you everything you need to know about sailing to the Bahamas as a beginner, including why to sail there, pre-departure preparation, the best time to sail, planning your route, and sailing tips for beginners.

Quick Facts

Why sail to the bahamas, the allure of the bahamas.

For many people, the allure of the Bahamas lies in its natural beauty. With crystal clear waters that are perfect for swimming and snorkeling, stunning beaches, and endless blue skies, the Bahamas is a true paradise for nature lovers. The Bahamas is an archipelago of over 700 islands and cays, each with its own unique charm and character. From the bustling capital of Nassau to the remote and secluded islands of the Exumas, there’s something for everyone in the Bahamas.

One of the most popular attractions in the Bahamas is the swimming pigs of Exuma. These friendly pigs live on a small island in the Exuma chain and are known for swimming out to greet passing boats. Visitors can feed and swim with the pigs, making for a truly unforgettable experience.

Another must-see attraction in the Bahamas is the Thunderball Grotto. This underwater cave system was made famous by the James Bond film “Thunderball” and is now a popular spot for snorkeling and diving. The cave is filled with colorful fish and coral, making it a breathtaking sight to behold.

Ideal Destination for Beginner Sailors

The Bahamas is an ideal destination for novice sailors. The waters are generally calm and shallow, making them easy to navigate, and the islands are located relatively close to the United States. What’s more, the Bahamas has a well-established tourism industry, which means there are plenty of resources available to help you plan your trip and navigate the islands.

One of the best ways to explore the Bahamas is by sailboat . With its calm waters and steady trade winds, the Bahamas is a sailor’s paradise. Many charter companies offer sailboat rentals and can help you plan your itinerary, ensuring that you make the most of your time in the islands.

One popular sailing route in the Bahamas is the Abacos. This chain of islands and cays is located in the northern part of the Bahamas and is known for its calm waters, picturesque harbors, and charming seaside towns. The Abacos are a popular destination for sailors and offer plenty of opportunities for snorkeling, fishing, and exploring.

Sailing In The Bahamas

Preparing for Your Sailing Adventure

Are you ready to set sail on an adventure to the Bahamas? Before you embark on your journey, there are some important things to keep in mind to ensure a successful and enjoyable trip.

Choosing the Right Boat

Choosing the right boat is crucial for a successful sailing trip to the Bahamas. You’ll want a vessel that is seaworthy, safe, and comfortable. Smaller boats such as catamarans or dinghies can be ideal for beginners, as they are easier to handle and navigate. However, if you plan to sail with a group of friends or family, a larger vessel may be necessary. Consider renting a boat from a reputable charter company that has experience with sailing to the Bahamas.

When choosing a boat, it’s important to consider the number of people on board, the length of your trip, and the type of sailing conditions you’ll encounter. The Bahamas are known for their calm waters, but it’s still important to have a boat that can handle any unexpected weather conditions.

Essential Sailing Gear and Equipment

Before setting sail, it’s important to ensure you have all the necessary gear and equipment for your trip. This includes, but is not limited to, life jackets , navigational tools, communication devices, medical kits , and flares. Additionally, consider packing sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat, and lightweight clothing to protect yourself from the sun.

It’s also important to have a well-stocked galley with plenty of food and water for your trip. You may also want to bring along some fishing gear if you plan to catch your own dinner.

Acquiring Necessary Permits and Documentation

In order to sail to the Bahamas, you’ll need to acquire the necessary permits and documentation. This includes a cruising permit, which allows you to sail within the Bahamas, and a fishing permit, if you plan to fish while on your trip. Additionally, you’ll need to have a valid passport and proof of citizenship, as well as any necessary visas.

It’s important to do your research and make sure you have all the necessary paperwork before setting sail. Failure to do so could result in delays or even prevent you from entering the country.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to a successful and enjoyable sailing trip to the Bahamas. So hoist the sails, catch the wind, and enjoy the beauty of the open sea!

Best Time to Sail to the Bahamas

Weather and climate considerations.

The Bahamas is a beautiful destination for sailing enthusiasts, with its crystal-clear waters and stunning scenery. However, when planning your sailing trip to the Bahamas, it’s important to consider the weather and climate conditions. The best time to sail to the Bahamas is during the fall or winter months, between November and April, when the weather is mild and dry. During this time, the temperature ranges from 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, making it the perfect weather for sailing.

It’s advisable to avoid sailing to the Bahamas during the hurricane season, which typically runs from June to November. During this time, the risk of hurricanes and tropical storms is high, and it’s best to stay clear of the area. However, if you do need to sail during this time, make sure to keep an eye on the weather reports and have a solid plan in place in case of an emergency.

Another factor to consider when sailing to the Bahamas is the wind and currents. The Gulf Stream, a powerful ocean current that flows along the east coast of the United States, can affect sailing conditions in the Bahamas. It’s important to be aware of the direction and strength of the wind and currents, as they can impact your sailing experience.

Seasonal Events and Festivals

The Bahamas is not only known for its natural beauty but also for its vibrant culture and festivals. Timing your sailing trip to coincide with one of these events can add an extra element of fun and excitement to your adventure. The most popular festival in the Bahamas is Junkanoo, which is held around Christmas and New Year’s. This colorful and energetic festival features parades, music, and dancing, and is a must-see for anyone visiting the Bahamas.

Another popular event is the Bahamas International Music Festival, which is held in May and features local and international musicians performing a variety of genres, including jazz, reggae, and R&B. The festival is a great opportunity to experience the rich cultural heritage of the Bahamas and enjoy some fantastic music.

Other festivals and events in the Bahamas include the Andros Crab Fest, the Long Island Regatta, and the Eleuthera Pineapple Festival. Each of these events offers a unique experience and a chance to immerse yourself in the local culture.

Sailing to the Bahamas is an unforgettable experience, but it’s important to plan your trip carefully. Consider the weather and climate conditions, as well as the seasonal events and festivals, to make the most of your sailing adventure in the Bahamas.

Sailing In The Bahamas

Planning Your Route

Planning a sailing trip to the Bahamas can be an exciting and rewarding experience. With crystal clear waters, stunning beaches, and a laid-back island lifestyle, the Bahamas is a popular destination for sailors from around the world. However, before setting sail, it’s important to plan your route carefully to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey.

Popular Starting Points

One of the first decisions you’ll need to make when planning your trip is where to start your journey. There are several popular starting points for sailing to the Bahamas, each with its own advantages and challenges.

Florida is a common starting point for sailors, as it offers easy access to the Bahamas from the east coast of the United States. From Florida, you can sail across the Gulf Stream to reach the Bahamas in just a few days.

The Abaco Islands, located in the northern Bahamas, are another popular starting point. The Abacos offer a convenient entry point to the Bahamas, as well as plenty of opportunities for island hopping and exploring.

If you’re looking for a more urban experience, Nassau is a bustling city that serves as the capital of the Bahamas. From Nassau, you can explore the nearby islands or venture further afield to more remote destinations.

Navigating the Gulf Stream

One of the most important factors to consider when planning your route is the Gulf Stream. This powerful ocean current can have a significant impact on your journey, so it’s important to take it into account when planning your route.

The Gulf Stream runs from the Gulf of Mexico to the North Atlantic, and can be a challenging area to navigate. The current can reach speeds of up to five knots, making it difficult to sail directly across. Instead, many sailors choose to sail at an angle to the current, which can help to reduce the impact of the current on their journey.

In addition to the current, it’s also important to consider the weather conditions when navigating the Gulf Stream. The area is known for its strong winds and rough seas, so it’s important to plan your journey carefully to avoid any dangerous conditions.

Must-Visit Islands and Anchorages

Once you’ve made it to the Bahamas, there are plenty of islands and anchorages to explore. With over 700 islands and cays, there’s no shortage of destinations to choose from.

The Exumas are a popular destination for sailors, thanks to their stunning beaches and crystal clear waters. The area is also home to the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park, a protected area that offers excellent snorkeling and diving opportunities.

Andros is another must-visit island, known for its unspoiled natural beauty and abundant marine life. The island is home to the third-largest barrier reef in the world, making it a popular destination for divers and snorkelers.

Eleuthera is a long, narrow island that offers plenty of opportunities for exploring. The island is home to several charming towns and villages, as well as some of the Bahamas’ most beautiful beaches.

When it comes to anchorages, there are plenty of options to choose from. Elbow Cay in the Abaco Islands is a popular anchorage, thanks to its sheltered harbor and charming village. Warderick Wells in the Exumas is another popular anchorage, known for its stunning natural beauty and excellent snorkeling opportunities.

Whether you’re looking for adventure or relaxation, the Bahamas offers something for everyone. With careful planning and preparation, your sailing trip to the Bahamas is sure to be an unforgettable experience.

Sailing Tips for Beginners

Mastering basic sailing skills.

For beginners, sailing may seem daunting at first. However, with practice and patience, you’ll soon become comfortable and confident on the water. Start by learning the basic skills, such as how to raise and lower the sails, how to steer the boat, and how to perform basic maneuvers. Take advantage of any sailing courses or lessons that are available to you.

Safety Measures and Precautions

When sailing to the Bahamas, safety should always be your top priority. Make sure to familiarize yourself with safety procedures, including how to respond to emergencies, and have a plan in place in case of an unforeseen event. Additionally, always wear a life jacket when on the water, and never sail alone.

Communication and Navigation Tools

Communication and navigation tools are essential when sailing to the Bahamas. Make sure to have a reliable VHF radio, as well as a GPS and a compass. Additionally, consider bringing a chart or map of the area, as well as a guidebook or sailing manual to help you navigate the islands.

Marine GPS

Sailing to the Bahamas is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure that is accessible to sailors of all levels, including beginners. With a little planning and preparation, you can experience the natural beauty, culture, and history of these islands, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Follow these tips and guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable sailing trip to the Bahamas.

Sailing To The Bahamas FAQS

When should i sail to the bahamas.

The best time to sail to the Bahamas is during the fall and winter months, between November and April. During this time, the weather is mild and dry, making it perfect for sailing.

What month is best to sail to Bahamas?

While you can sail to the Bahamas at any time during the period between November and April, many find the early spring months of March and April particularly pleasant due to their moderate temperatures and low rainfall.

What is the best route to sail to the Bahamas?

The best route depends on your starting point and the specific islands you want to visit in the Bahamas. If you’re starting from Florida, you can sail directly across the Gulf Stream to reach the Bahamas. The Abaco Islands are a popular destination and offer a convenient entry point to the Bahamas. However, if you’re looking for more urban experience, you can sail to Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas.

Can you sail from US to Bahamas?

Yes, you can sail from the United States to the Bahamas. Florida is a common starting point due to its proximity to the Bahamas. You can sail across the Gulf Stream from Florida and reach the Bahamas in just a few days.

How safe is it to sail the Bahamas?

Sailing in the Bahamas is generally considered safe, particularly if you take necessary precautions. The waters are generally calm and shallow, making them easy to navigate for novice sailors. However, safety should always be a top priority. Make sure to familiarize yourself with safety procedures, have a plan in case of emergencies, always wear a life jacket on the water, and never sail alone.

How big of a boat do I need to go to the Bahamas?

The size of the boat needed depends on a few factors including the number of people on board, the length of your trip, and the type of sailing conditions you’ll encounter. Smaller boats such as catamarans or dinghies can be ideal for beginners, as they are easier to handle and navigate. However, if you plan to sail with a group of friends or family, a larger vessel may be necessary. It’s important to choose a seaworthy, safe, and comfortable vessel for your journey.

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John is an experienced journalist and veteran boater. He heads up the content team at BoatingBeast and aims to share his many years experience of the marine world with our readers.

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The Bahamas


145 boats available for bareboat or crewed charter

Yachts from professional fleet operators in The Bahamas

Free cancellation of reservation without obligations within 4 days

Most popular boats For rent in THE BAHAMAS


Bali Catspace OV catamaran charter (2021)

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Rent a boat Lagoon 42 - 4 + 2 cab. (2020) in Bahamas

Eretmochelys -

Sailboat Sun Odyssey 410 - 3 cab. (2022) for rent in Bahamas

Lu Casa -

Bali 4.1 - 3 + 1 cab. catamaran charter (2019)

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Rent a boat Fountaine Pajot Isla 40 - 3 cab. (2022) in Bahamas

Outsider -

Catamaran Bali 4.6 - 5 + 1 cab. (2021) for rent in Bahamas

Hoppetossa -

Lagoon 46 - 4 + 2 cab. catamaran charter (2020)


Rent a boat Fountaine Pajot Astrea 42 - 4 + 2 cab. (2020) in Bahamas

On Point -

Catamaran Bali 4.8 - 5 cab. (2023) for rent in Bahamas

Main image -

Leopard 45 catamaran charter (2018)

Top destinations in the bahamas for boat rental.


74 boats for charter

from €1,689 per week

Marsh Harbour


72 boats for charter

from €1,775 per week

George Town


5 boats for charter

from €2,898 per week

Spanish Wells


1 boats for charter

from €24,545 per week

Types of boats available for rent in The Bahamas

Catamaran charter

116 catamarans available for rent in The Bahamas, form €1,775 for 1 week charter. Ideal option for group of friends or family vacation.

Catamaran charter

Power boat charter

19 powerboats available in The Bahamas for rent, starting from €3,964 per week. Bareboat or crewed options available for sailing vacations.

Power boat charter

Sailboat charter

There are 10 sailboats available for charter in The Bahamas, prices start from €1,689 per week. Most budget friendly option for a vacation.

Sailboat charter

Trimaran charter

Currently not available for charter in this country. Check other boat types.

Trimaran charter

Gulets charter

Gulets charter

Houseboat charter

Houseboat charter

Yacht charter types available in The Bahamas

Bareboat charter, crewed yachts, by the cabin charter, skippered boats, the bahamas sailing itineraries.

Nassau & Exuma 7 day sailing itinerary

Nassau & Exuma 7 day sailing itinerary

Marsh Harbor to Abacos - 10 days itinerary

Marsh Harbor to Abacos - 10 days itinerary

Cost of boat rental in the bahamas.

Average yacht charter cost in The Bahamas starts from €1,689 per week. Graphic below represents fluctuation of charter prices in The Bahamas during the year, based on a sample of 50 boats ranging from 40 to 50-foot. This graphic shows months with lowest prices during the year as well high season when prices are above average. Before booking the boat at lowest rate, please check sailing conditions as usually best prices are during off season.

Sailing conditions in The Bahamas

Air temperature, precipitation and wind force may vary significantly during the year. Below you may find graphics with min and max temperature and average precipitation days in The Bahamas during the year. Book your charter vacation in The Bahamas wisely! Considering sailing conditions along with the best price offers

Temperature by month

Average air High and Low temperature during the year

Rainy days by month

Average number of days with precipitation during the year.

The Bahamas Yacht Charter Reviews with 12knots

“the sailing was great. the exuma islands were amazing.”.

I apologize for the delay. We have been out of the country for almost a month. The sailing was great. The Exuma Islands were amazing. The staff at Navtours were helpful and professional. On the last day (on the crossing back)—the impeller went bad. W…

Patrick Oliver

United States

“Great experience”

Booking with 12 Knots was a great experience, they helped answer all our questions ahead of time. Would use them again to find a bareboat charter. Looking forward to many more travels using them.

Great experience round trip Nassau to Georgetown on a Moorings 46 PCE power cat. Moorings base now very well run. Boat performed well with no significant issues. Returned Norman Cay to Nassau in 2 meter seas as a good test. 12 Knots provide excel…

Frequently Asked Questions about yachting in The Bahamas

How much does it cost to rent a yacht in the bahamas , how many boats are available for rent in the bahamas , what are the main yacht charter bases in the bahamas , what boats are available for charter in the bahamas .

sailboat in the bahamas

Bahamas Catamaran Charters

sailing yacht vacations & trips in the Bahamas Nassau, Exumas & Eleuthera

Day charters.

Catamaran yacht based in Nassau, Bahamas. Serving couples, families, and corporate outings.

Multi-Day Charters

Islands of the Exumas or Eleuthera Islands on a multi-day charter.

Own a Yacht

Experience through Bahamas Catamaran Charters yacht management.

Bahamas Catamaran Charters & Activities

Bahamas Catamaran Charters specializes in private, luxury multi-day and single day sailing charters in the surrounding Bahamas islands of Nassau, Exumas, and Eleuthera / Harbour Island. There are a variety of LAGOON catamaran models available for clients based on their preferences for luxury and party size. Guests enjoy a breathtaking sailing vacations in the Bahamas. As your catamaran sailing vacation experience, clients are shown the best and most unique spots en route to each destination to enjoy freshly caught yellow fin tuna or bull dolphin and the most sought after diving spots in the Caribbean.


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Lagoon Catamaran Since 1984

Captain Craig Doring

Biography: catamaran yacht sailing.

An avid sailor since the age of 14, Captain Craig Doring has over 25 years of experience in sailing. A graduate of the University of Washington, Captain Craig sailed for several years racing sloops in the Puget Sound and joining his uncle on cruises in the San Juan Islands.

After spending many years fishing the Bering and Nor seas, Captain Craig returned to his passion of sailing personal yachts with Moorings and delivering private yachts throughout the Caribbean. As proprietor of Excalibur Adventures, a small charter company founded in 2000, Captain Craig catered to serving youth in their sailing adventures.

Captain Craig creates the ultimate Caribbean experience as a USCG captain, a master diver and scuba instructor. By choosing Bahamas Catamaran Charters for your Caribbean vacation, guests will find comfort and adventure in a custom made sailing experience.

United State Coast Guard 1790

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  • The Bahamas
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A Guide to Sailing in the Bahamas

Exuma Island is part of the Cays Land and Sea Park

And the best beaches in the world award goes to… If there’s one reason folks flock to the Bahamas it might just be that. Particularly as only 30 of its 700 islands are inhabited. Indeed, you won’t struggle to find a paradise anchorage with no one else in view. The tricky bit is knowing where to sail next. Turtle-loving divers might ask their charter captains where the vast protected marine parks are. Socialites, meanwhile, will thirst for the nightlife of bohemian resort towns like Alice Town on North Bimini. Something for everyone? Well, there’s no skiing…

“Planning a trip to the Bahamas? Join us on a sailing adventure in the Bahamas .”

What to see and do

The Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park is one of those places only sailors ever experience. Protected since 1958, it spans 112,640 acres (45,584ha) of land and sea, with seven safe and secluded mooring areas. From there, explore sugary beaches and healthy coral teeming with green turtles rays and reef fish. Or perhaps head onto Stroud or Halls Pond Cay. Here, you’ll spot royal terns, green herons, white-tail tropicbirds and other rare and beautiful birds.

Elbow Cay in The Abacos is a dreamy place to anchor. 10km (6mi) of clear water east of Great Abaco, its broad peaceful anchorage leads to the colourful timber cottages of car-free Hope Town. Photo ops abound, from the candy-striped lighthouse at the harbour’s mouth to its dusting of talc-white beaches. There’s some next-level snorkelling around effulgent eastern reefs, too.

Get to Harbour Island, aka Briland, for its charismatic collage of pink-sand beaches, inviting pastel cottages and fun beach bars.

Boats in the harbour at Elbow Cay

Best mooring locations

Nassau Yacht Haven Marina is in the centre of the historic Bahamian capital. Berthing 135 boats up to 60m long and drawing over 5m (16ft), it meets the needs of two-man catamarans and superyachts alike. Monitoring VHF channel 16, it offers shops and services from a chandlery to boat refurbishment, groceries, electronics, bars and restaurants.

You’ll find tranquility in Mangrove Cay on Andros – a calm anchorage leading to a Caribbean pine forest, blue holes’(mesmeric underwater caverns), mangroves and miles of pure, pink sand.

The blissful anchorage at New Plymouth on Green Turtle Cay in The Abacos lets you find the perfect place to swim with these charismatic shellbacks.

A view of New Plymouth harbour on Green Turtle Cay

Where to eat and drink

Lobster, grouper and tuna. They’re always fresh, usually grilled and served with green salad plus rice and peas. You’ll find souse just about everywhere – a soupy stew of chicken, sheep’s head or other meats. Conch is king: these giant sea snails are best chopped into a salad with habanero chillies, lime, onion and other fresh ingredients.

Finally, don’t miss the chance to eat and party with the locals at Nassau’s Fish Fry, a row of bars and restaurants serving rum punch and conch salad Friday to Saturday nights.

Da fish fry, one of Nassau’s most famous seafood restaurants and bars

Best charter options

With the best of the Bahamas largely inaccessible to those without their own hull, you’ll get so much more from a bareboat or captained yacht. Create your own itinerary and plunge into extra activities such as kayaking, diving and fishing. Alternatively, book a skippered or fully crewed boat to explore the Exumas and Abaco in style, a great option for novices.

Where to get groceries

Your mooring at Nassau Yacht Haven is so central that stocking up couldn’t be simpler. Step off the marina itself to nab yourself a better deal on essentials. Solomon’s Fresh Market and Super Value Food Store are just two of several seven-day supermarkets within 10 minutes’ walk.

Key annual sailing events

The National Family Island Regatta has been a Bahamian sailing fixture since 1954. Conceived to keep native boat-building and sailing traditions alive, it’s now a lively annual festival. Held in Elizabeth Harbour off Great Exuma in the last week of April, it attracts hundreds of locally made boats.

Competitors in the 53rd Family Island Regatta Sailing Competition

Climate and weather

The trade winds blow over the Bahamas throughout the year, filling sails and cooling brows. From December to February, you’ll find daily averages at their lowest, between 21C and 24C, while 27C to 29C is common in the months between March and November. Hurricane season runs from the beginning of June to the end of November, though most storms running up the North Atlantic’s Hurricane Alley miss the islands.

How to get there

Lynden Pindling International Airport near the capital Nassau (on New Providence Island) is the natural entry point to the Bahamas. Or you may want to fly domestically to your chosen port with Sky Bahamas or Bahama Go.

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sailboat in the bahamas

See & Do

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Bahamas rum cake and other must-try snacks.

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The Best Waterside Restaurants in the Bahamas

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Which Islands Should I Visit While Sailing Around the Exumas?

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Secret Beaches and Coves in the Exumas, the Bahamas, You Can Only Reach By Boat

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The Ultimate Diving Guide to the Abacos and Exumas in the Bahamas

Culture trip spring sale, save up to $1,656 on our unique small-group trips limited spots..

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sailboat in the bahamas

Sailing Charters

A comfortable catamaran for a sailing adventure through the bright turquoise ocean of the bahamas islands. captain dave calvert has cruised these waters for more than 4 decades and will chart a trip that suits your interests. we are based in port howe, cat island and our trips start either here or in the exumas (nassau is too far)..

Calvert Catamaran Charters

Calvert Catamaran Charters

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sailboat in the bahamas


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Luxury Yacht Charter Bahamas

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601  Crewed Luxury Yachts for Charter in the Bahamas

Bahamas Yacht Charter

A Bahamas yacht charter promises guests a slice of tropical perfection and unparalleled escapism. The idyllic chain of islands that form the Bahamas provides yacht charter guests with a decadent cocktail of sun-drenched sands (even pink ones), crystalline waters teeming with marine life, and diverse topography.

Comprising more than 700 heavenly islands with precious few inhabited, the cruising grounds of the Bahamas archipelago offer a fascinating mixture of seclusion and connectedness. Expect a gloriously slower pace of life that harmonizes with the gentle tide, blended with a fiesta of blazing color and soft-calypso: an endearingly exotic charter experience.

Silhouetted by coral cays, aquamarine shallows are garlanded with glistening coves and iridescent bays are often only three or four meters deep, making the Bahamas both a perennial family favorite and a jet-setter's paradise. It's ideal territory for shallow draft yachts or catamarans, who can cozy up to seldom-visited anchorages and soak up their celestial calm, or delve deeper for an aquatic adventure.

Bahamas Yacht Charters: At a Glance

  • Constant sunshine Its sun-drenched shores amid cinematic landscapes charm yacht charter guests all-year-round. A blissful sanctuary awaits you when you reach these islands.
  • 700 islands, cays, and islets Make up the achingly beautiful jigsaw that is the Bahamas archipelago; expect beaches and bays that make your heart sing as par for the course. You'll be spoilt for choice with stunning anchorages.
  • 4% cruising fee Attractively low fees help to make the Bahamas an enduringly popular yacht charter destination.
  • Easily accessible Reaching the Bahamas is a mere hours flight from Florida or three hours from New York and Toronto. The Bahamas also has excellent transport links to other worldwide destinations.
  • Tropical thrills The Bahamas is a place of endless adventure and intrigue: from swimming with inquisitive pigs and gliding alongside friendly nurse sharks; to strolling otherworldly pink beaches and diving into coral-filled caves that once appeared in a James Bond film. The list really does go on and on.
  • Shallow waters The Bahamas' alluringly clear waters aren't deep, so shallow draught motor yachts, sailing yachts or catamarans provide guests with more opportunities to admire the Bahamas' natural splendor.

Where to Charter a Yacht in the Bahamas

Sensationally beautiful cays dapple every part of this glittering archipelago, so Bahamas yacht charter guests can take their pick of destinations to venture to. Every kind of possible itinerary can be catered to here; from simply recalibrating on silky sanded beaches lapped by gentle waves of unearthly blue: to shimmying the night away at twinkling bars until dawn; to whiling away sun-kissed afternoons golfing, snorkeling, fishing, and even horseback riding.

On Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Below you'll find some of the most popular destinations for yacht charters in the Bahamas:

Nassau and Paradise Island Best for : vibrant nightlife, iconic scenery, and its proximity to high-end resorts (the renowned The Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island) with bountiful casino and fine cuisine options

The Abacos Best for : endless powdery sand beaches, glittering coves, sheltered bays, verdant forests, and idyllic diving opportunities

The Exumas Best for : seeing the famed swimming pigs, incredible underwater caves, friendly nurse sharks, spellbindingly turquoise waters, exclusive resorts, and deserted cays

Eleuthera Best for : ethereal natural pools, vividly colorful architecture, lesser-known architectural feats, less frequented beaches and vast stretches of transcendental coral reefs that make it a snorkeling and diving paradise

Harbor Island Best for : flamingo pink beaches and waterfront parties from dusk until dawn, charming sundowner spots, and exquisite world-class dining

Grand Bahamas Best for : magical underwater caves, with fascinating subaquatic snorkel and dive sites in abundance, and a national park for epic nature trails

Pigs swimming in the Bahamas

Types of Charter Yachts in the Bahamas

Crewed motor yacht charters and luxury catamaran charters are undoubtedly the best way to discover the Bahamas.

As one of the most popular destinations for yacht charters in the Caribbean , guests have countless fleet options when it comes to a Bahamas crewed charter. If you are unsure whether to opt for a motor yacht, sailing yacht or catamaran to cruise Bahamian waters, here are some main points to consider:

Shallow Cruising Grounds

The waters all around the Bahamas are fairly shallow, often no more than 4 meters deep, and even less in some places. Therefore, yachts with shallow drafts make the ideal choice for luxury charters around this enchanting region.

Most sailing charter yachts come equipped with a retractable keel, facilitating access to the beautiful turquoise shallows, although larger sailing yachts may still find their draft too deep for some areas, even with their keel up!

To get around this, some of the larger luxury yachts drop their anchor further out into the deeper waters and use their onboard tenders to explore the area, where guests can experience the thrill of getting up close and personal with the archipelago’s astonishing marine fauna, including rays, sharks and inquisitive swimming pigs. The yachts’ tenders also enable even greater access to the Bahamas' myriad exquisite island reefs and blue lagoons.

Motor yacht charter in the Bahamas

A luxury motor yacht provides guests with a tranquil haven to uncover the startling beauty of the Bahamas. Whether you want to peacefully bronze under Bahamian rays or get out the jet skis and whizz around deserted islands, a crewed motor yacht charter in the Bahamas provides you with boundless itinerary options. 

Sailing Yacht Charter in the Bahamas

Chartering a sailing yacht in the Bahamas means you can embrace all that these substantially beautiful islands have to offer. Cruising further afield to otherwise inaccessible sleepy villages with chalk-white beaches and waters suffused with a pale aqua glow is worth incorporating into any itinerary.

Catamaran Charter in the Bahamas

Given that the majority of catamarans have shallow drafts, crewed catamaran charters are a highly popular choice for Bahamas vacations. As you can cruise close to the cays, guests can savor the liberating feeling of being able to jump off-board at almost any point. Whether it's to dive amid sunken shipwrecks and admire shoals of fish that shimmy through fronds of coral in a kaleidoscope of color or to dance the night away at a private island under a blanket of stars; the choice is all yours.

How Much Does It Cost To Charter a Yacht in the Bahamas?

Bahamas yacht charters are plentiful, which means there are a vast array of motor yacht and catamaran charters to suit every type of budget. The average prices for motor and sailing yacht charters in the Bahamas are as follows;

For motor yacht rentals in Bahamas, prices can range from $42,100 to $1.47m per week, plus expenses

For luxury sailing yacht rentals in Bahamas, prices can go from $30,000 to $343,476 weekly, plus expenses

Tax for Yacht Charters in the Bahamas

What is the cost of tax for yacht charters in the Bahamas? From the 1st of July 2022, a new 10% VAT rate will be levied on the total charter fee, and is applicable to all yachts cruising in Bahamian waters. The new 10% levy does not replace the current 4% cruising fee which remains payable to the Port Department. 

All yachts wishing to cruise within the archipelago must now register for VAT in the Bahamas and receive a Bahamian TIN number. 

Please consult your chosen yacht charter broker who will be able to offer personalized advice on VAT and any other business for your next Bahamas yacht charter.

Foreign-Flagged Yachts in US Waters

There are strict and complicated rules governing commercial yacht charters (non-private) cruising US waters, which in general means that only US-flagged yachts or US built yachts with a coastwise endorsement can conduct yacht charters in the US. Furthermore, yachts that are available for charter are considered to be "engaging in a trade" and thus ineligible for a US cruising licence. Most luxury charter yachts are also not US duty paid.

As the majority of the charter fleet are foreign-flagged yachts, Bahamas yacht charters will likely begin outside of the US, usually in the Bahamian capital of Nassau where there is a large busy international airport.

That said, it is possible to pick-up charter guests in the US so long as the yacht's next port of call is outside of US waters. This can be a good option for those wishing to meet the boat in Florida and cruise down to the Bahamas from here.

Where Should I Begin My Yacht Charter in the Bahamas?

The vast majority of yacht charters in the Bahamas embark and disembark in the country's picturesque capital  Nassau , which is home to its best-known international ports, dotted with top-rung marinas all along its azure waters. The city is justly renowned for its throng of fine-dining options, boutiques, hip eateries, and casinos fringed by towering palm trees. Nassau is also conveniently located for cruising to the Exumas and beyond.

Atlantis Resort, Nassau

For a real respite from the crowds, it's common for yacht charter guests to embark their vessel at Marsh Harbor on the  Abaco Islands ,  where you can trace the mesmerizing string of sandy cays that can be found here. Its shores, a serene and shimmering topaz, are perfect for dropping anchor and taking the toys for a spin.

When is the Best Time to Visit the Bahamas by Yacht?

One of the great joys of choosing a Bahamas yacht charter is that its balmy climes and shallow waters make it more or less ideal to cruise all-year-round* .  But the Bahamas does have a peak season from mid-December to mid-April. The average temperatures of both Bahamian summers and winters are unsurprisingly tropical: hovering between 24-29 degrees and rarely dipping below this. 

Palm tree lined beach in the Bahamas

During the summertime (from May until October), guests can expect endless sunshine and some humidity, while from November until April, the Bahamas has a slightly cooler temperature and colder waters.

*However, whilst Bahamian weather is pleasingly warm all-year the islands do fall within the hurricane belt, running from June until the end of November along the US East Coast and the Caribbean. The Western Caribbean's own hurricane season usually starts from mid-September until early November.

Nevertheless, it is worth keeping in mind that hurricanes in the Bahamas are fairly infrequent, and even less so than on the US East Coast.

Marinas in the Bahamas

It is not hyperbole to say that the Bahamas offers some of the most spectacular marinas in the world: from glamorous hotspots replete with award-winning restaurants, designer stores, and buzzing beach bars, to the exquisite barefoot luxury that emanates from the less frequented.

Marina in the Bahamas

A slew of activities is on offer here, including bonefishing, ocean fishing, dolphin watching, golfing, and snorkeling. And that's not even to mention the dizzying array of casinos, water parks, and marine reserves you can also find. Simply put, marinas in the Bahamas are simply of the finest caliber.

But which marinas are the best? Below are some charter favorites:

  • Hurricane Hole Superyacht Marina : the newly renovated marina at Paradise Landing close to the famous Atlantis Resort in Nassau offers a raft of 5-star amenities, wellness facilities and world-class retail outlets, not to mention exclusive restaurants and bars, alongside an on-site customs facility and slips catering to yachts up to 420ft (128m) LOA.
  • Treasure Cay Beach, Marina and Golf Resort (The Abacos): well-protected deep water marina, with excellent provisioning. Features an outstanding golf course, as well a spa for an extra dose of pampering. Excursions to see the delightful water-bound pigs can also be arranged here. It offers a 164-berth capacity up to 46m.
  • Green Turtle Club and Marina (The Abacos): tranquil and conveniently located to Abaco's hotspots as well as a perfect spot for beach hikes and land-based activities. Accommodates 40 berths up to 39m.
  • Atlantis Marina: iconic megayacht marina featuring a protected harbor with 63 berths up to 67m. Has an extensive number of facilities including a golf course, casino, spa, water park, and more. You can also arrange swimming with dolphins excursions here.
  • Emerald Bay Marina (The Exumas): large superyacht marina that has a berth capacity of 150 for yachts up to 79m. Within easy reach of many mesmerizing cays, including Cave Cay and Staniel Cay.
  • Palm Cay Marina (Nassau): ideal jumping point for exploring Paradise Island and the Exumas, with state-of-the-art facilities and amenities. 194 berth capacity up to 33m.
  • Highbourne Cay Marina: exclusive marina on a privately owned island, seen as the gateway to the Exumas. Accommodates up to 26 berths.

Popular Anchorages in the Bahamas

Sea turtle, coral reef and white sandy seabed. Tropical seascape with swimming turtle.

The Bahamas has jaw-dropping anchorages in abundance, flecked all along the 590-mile-long archipelago.

In the Exumas , you must cruise towards Leaf Cay to meet the colony of stocky but amiable Iguanas who call it home. You won't miss them: they'll be ready and waiting to greet you when you drop anchor. You should also pay a visit to  Staniel Cay, where the famed  Thunderball Grotto ( named after the 1965 James Bond film) is located, to see a cave illuminated by light and flourishes of angelfish. Closeby, you'll find Big Major Cay's  swimming pigs, who have a seemingly never-ending capacity for treats, and Shroud Cay's sea turtles contently floating amid a dramatic underwater backdrop. Simply put, it's a wildlife lover's paradise.

In the Abacos, head south to the isolated Great Guana Cay and  spend an afternoon snorkeling around the marine park, or alternatively, head straight to its golf course. Further north, you'll find Green Turtle Cay : where fishing boats stand charmingly in front of timber houses in a perfectly graduated shade of pastels. Swimming pigs (yes, there's even more here!) are located in nearby Noname Cay . And last but not least, bathe in the calm, warm shores of  Treasure Cay,  where you will find some of the best beaches in the world.

Elsewhere, other popular anchorages include those in  Eleuthera , an island steeped in cultural significance but manages to retain its erstwhile charm. Set towards  St. George's Cay to drink up the peaceful ambiance of Spanish Wells beach  and meander the historic  Governor's Harbor.

Read more: 10 Day Exumas Yacht Charter Itinerary

Best Airports in the Bahamas for Yacht Charters

airplane flying past palm trees Bahamas

Reaching your crewed yacht charter in the Bahamas is a breeze, with more than 20 international airports at your disposal, plus myriad smaller private and public airports. However, some are more conveniently located to popular yacht charter destinations than others. Here are the most popular airports for yacht charters in the Bahamas:

  • Nassau Lyndon-Pindling International Airport: best for charters starting in vibrant Nassau, as it is conveniently located to the docks of many world-class marinas and can be a quick tender ride from the airport. 
  • Georgetown, Great Exuma Airport : ideally located to reach the world-famous swimming pigs in the Exumas. Daily international flights are available.
  • North Eleuthera Airport: an international airport that is best for reaching the quaint Eleuthera and Harbor Island.
  • Marsh Harbor International Airport: ideal for charters commencing on the crystal clear shores of Abacos, being only 7.9km away.
  • Treasure Cay Airport : smaller than Marsh Harbor International Airport, this one is perfect for Northern Abacos yacht charters, taking a short water taxi ride to Green Turtle Cay to reach your destination.

Booking Advice from the Experts

We strongly recommend booking with your yacht charter broker at least three to six months in advance, as the Bahamas is a highly popular Caribbean luxury yacht charter destination. By doing so, you will increase the likelihood of securing your preferred dates and you will have a greater selection of yachts on offer to choose from.

This also ensures your broker has enough time to craft a personalized itinerary and secure a berth at a popular marina.

Local Insight

Diving in the Bahamas

  • Keep in mind that the endless sunshine from mid-December until April attracts a high number of visitors to this idyllic location, and this is when the Bahamas is usually at its busiest.
  • New Providence Island (where Nassau and the extraordinary Atlantis Resort and Marina are situated) tends to be heaving with cruise ships. If you are looking for a calmer charter, this is worth taking into consideration.
  • Weather conditions and wind strength play a crucial role in anchorage spots in the Bahamas, so plan any overnight anchorages accordingly.
  • Some anchorages can be a bit of a challenge to set: it's common for heavy grass to cover a large section of some of the better spots to drop anchor 
  • Anchorages that appear to have a sandy bottom can oftentimes be just a thin layer of sand over a coral reef or rock, making it difficult to dig the anchor in. Don't be misled by them!

Most Popular Superyacht Hotspots in the Bahamas

Treasure Cay Abaco Bahamas beach

In the north of the archipelago you'll find the Abacos : widely considered to be the boating capital of the Bahamas thanks to its unique geography. Epitomising laid-back Bahamian living, an Abacos yacht charter is ideal for those in search of stillness and solitude. Soak up its subtle alchemy at the vast 2,100 marine reserve in Pelican Cay,  fringed by blossoming coral, tame sea turtles, and dancing angelfish, or explore the superb surfing opportunities at Fowl Cays . For a journey through vivid color, pass a leisurely morning in nearby  Hope Tow n, admiring crayon-hued Bahamian architecture and  Elbow Cay's candy-striped lighthouse whilst drinking in their unpretentious ambiance.

After an afternoon spent floating on a late-summer heat haze, further on to Green Turtle Cay and sip on that famous Bahamian cocktail, the Goombay Smash, by a seafront taverna as the sun casts a peachy glow. Of course, no visit to the Abacos would be complete without a trip to the acclaimed  Treasure Cay Beach : its milky white sands and cyan shallows see it routinely end up on the world's most beautiful beaches list.

pig swimming in waters, the Exumas, Bahamas

Home to 365 cays, days here could easily drift by diving off burnished rocks until the sun slowly slinks away. Life truly does revolve around the water in the Exumas, so think every watersport you could possibly imagine is a go here. Plus, it's the perfect shallow cruising ground for yacht charters, with no cruise ships in sight making it a discerning choice for those looking for repose.

Sailing towards Big Major's Cay is love at first sight for most: it's where you will find Pig Beach ,  and its utterly charming piggies gliding surprisingly effortlessly across the water. Nearby, plunge into the sea with nurse sharks at Compass Cay before ending the day sauntering along the remote  Three Sisters Beach as the sunsets. Whilst you are here, go onshore and absorb Bahamian culture to its fullest in  Georgetown.

Read more: 6 of the Best Beaches in the Bahamas

long stretch of beach on Eleuthera, Bahamas

An Eleuthera yacht charter has come to encapsulate the island's name, which in Greek means 'freedom'. Secluded, slender, and over 100 miles long, Eleuthera is unquestionably the prettiest out of the Out Islands, fully earning its name as the Nantucket of the Caribbean. With the island's soft, salmon-colored sandy beaches and pastel-painted houses set among pineapple fields, it's hard not to become infatuated by its perfectly-packaged tropical charms.

Make sure you also visit the historic capital  Governor's Harbor  and the verdant  Hatchet Bay whilst you are cruising its unspoiled shores.

Harbour Island

stunning pink sandy beach in bahamas

Situated in the northwest of Eleuthera, Harbor Island is renowned for its astonishing Pink Sand Beach , which gets its unique rosy hue from the presence of millions of tiny crushed coral seashells. Packing a powerful punch to the senses, this seemingly endless stretch of sand which is cool-to-the-touch (and ideal for barefoot walking) extends over three miles and adored by the well-heeled. And you'll understand in an instant why when you visit.  Languid afternoons spent upon its long arc of soft sugar-textured sand, hugged by pale-blue waters and bathed in golden light will linger long in your memory.

But that's not all Harbor Island has to offer. It would be remiss not to mention Harbor Island's lively night scene, and the number of sophisticated boutiques huddled here: with Dunmore Town the ultimate go-to destination for designer wear.

Read more: The top 14 most Instagrammable places in the Bahamas .

Swimming pigs in the Exumas, Bahamas

Don't Miss:

Andros Barrier Reef: delve into shipwrecks and be greeted with a vast array of marine life at the third longest reef in the world. If you fancy bonefishing, this is among the world's best locations.

Warderick Wells: tether here to discover some of the rarest life forms on earth, as well as lobsters, turtles, and parrotfish.

Wax Cay: grab your jet skis for a thrilling trip through the cay's myriad of mangroves.

Lucayan National Park: a stunning park that is also home to the world's longest underwater cave system.

Walker's Cay: if you love sport-fishing, then this spot should be your prime choice.

Junkanoo: be serenaded by island-inspired calypso and flamboyant dance troupes in this vibrant street parade held every Boxing Day.

Glass Window Bridge: drink in the majestic panoramas here, with views of the rich, sapphire-tinted waters of the Atlantic to the left, and the aqua Caribbean to the right.

John Watling’s Distillery: set in a former plantation house, sample a traditional rum cocktail at the Red Turtle Tavern, bordered by leafy black olive trees.

Clifton Heritage National Park: snorkel around the largest underwater sculpture in the world — an 18-foot statue of a Bahamian girl.

Bimini: less-frequented, this island is one of only a handful of places in the world where you can swim with wild dolphins, so make the most of it.

Start Planning - Speak with a Charter Expert

Our yacht charter experts will:

  • Discuss your vacation plans
  • Check availability & shortlist suitable yachts
  • Negotiate booking & prepare your itinerary

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Explore the Bahamas

The Exumas Guide

Guide to The Exumas

Grand Bahama Island Guide

Guide to Grand Bahama Island

Acklins & Crooked Island Guide

Guide to Acklins & Crooked Island

Mayaguana Guide

Guide to Mayaguana

Rum Cay Guide

Guide to Rum Cay

Inagua Guide

Guide to Inagua

Long Island Guide

Guide to Long Island

Eleuthera  Guide

Guide to Eleuthera

Berry Islands Guide

Guide to Berry Islands

Abacos Islands Guide

Guide to Abacos Islands

Bimini Guide

Guide to Bimini

Cat Island Guide

Guide to Cat Island

Freeport Guide

Guide to Freeport

Andros Island Guide

Guide to Andros Island

Nassau Guide

Guide to Nassau

The bahamas yacht charter itineraries.

Make every moment count during your superyacht vacation with our carefully-curated yacht charter itineraries for the Bahamas. Designed by yachting experts, we've cultivated itineraries that will satisfy a range of requirements.

For yacht charter guests seeking intrigue, float alongside the Exumas' world-famous swimming pigs and friendly nurse sharks, or venture to the rose-colored sands of Harbor Island.

For party-goers and keen shoppers, Nassau, Paradise and the Grand Bahamas certainly tick the box with their high-end resorts, with an abundance of casino and fine dining options.

When it comes to magical subaquatic adventures, yacht charter guests can take their pick of spectacular diving and snorkeling sites in the Bahamas, such as the mesmerizingly beautiful isles of Abacos and Eleuthera.

A Classic Bahamian Weekend Charter

Discover the Bahamas

World-famous swimming pigs, flamingo pink beaches, spellbinding anchorages, excellent diving opportunities and turquoise shallows that are perfect for families.

When to Go:

Mid-December to Mid-April

  • Nassau Lyndon-Pindling International Airport
  • Georgetown Great Exuma Airport
  • North Eleuthera Airport
  • Marsh Harbor International Airport
  • Treasure Cay Airport

Luxury Yachts for Charter in the Bahamas 2024 & 2025

Crewed charter yachts in the bahamas.

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Lady Lara Yacht Charter in Bahamas

91m   Lurssen

from $1,400,000 p/week

Whisper Yacht Charter in Bahamas

115m Lurssen

115m   2021

from $2,812,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Black Pearl Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Black Pearl 14

105m Oceanco

105m   2018

Christina O Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Christina O 34

99m Canadian Vickers

99m   1943/2020

from $761,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Carinthia VII Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Carinthia VII 12

97m Lurssen

97m   2002/2023

from $1,522,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Faith Yacht Charter in Bahamas

97m Feadship

97m   2017/2022

from $1,740,000 p/w eek ♦︎

CC-Summer Yacht Charter in Bahamas

CC-Summer 12

95m Lurssen

Whisper Yacht Charter in Bahamas

from $1,298,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Aquarius Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Aquarius 12

92m Feadship

from $1,500,000 p/w eek

Queen Miri Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Queen Miri 36

92m Neorion

92m   2004/2023

from $1,071,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Lady Lara Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Lady Lara 12

91m Lurssen

91m   2015/2023

from $1,400,000 p/w eek

Dar Yacht Charter in Bahamas

90m Oceanco

90m   2018/2024

Barbara Yacht Charter in Bahamas

89m Oceanco

from $1,100,000 p/w eek

Samsara Yacht Charter in Bahamas

89m   2015/2023

Maltese Falcon Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Maltese Falcon 12

88m Perini Navi

88m   2006/2023

from $490,000 p/w eek

Chakra Yacht Charter in Bahamas

86m Scheepswerf Gebr. van der Werf

86m   1998/2024

from $538,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Man of Steel Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Man of Steel 12

86m Oceanco

86m   2010/2023

from $1,000,000 p/w eek

Victorious Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Victorious 12

85m Ak Yachts

from $865,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Alfa Nero Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Alfa Nero 12

81m Oceanco

81m   2007/2021

from $728,000 p/w eek *

Elements Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Elements 12

80m Yachtley

from $870,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Excellence Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Excellence 12

80m Abeking & Rasmussen

from $1,150,000 p/w eek

Amaryllis Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Amaryllis 12

78m Abeking & Rasmussen

78m   2011/2022

from $770,000 p/w eek

Yersin Yacht Charter in Bahamas

from $480,000 p/w eek

Huntress Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Huntress 12

76m Lurssen

76m   2009/2022

from $725,000 p/w eek

Kensho Yacht Charter in Bahamas

75m Admiral Yachts

from $973,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Arrow Yacht Charter in Bahamas

75m Feadship

from $900,000 p/w eek *

M'Brace Yacht Charter in Bahamas

75m Abeking & Rasmussen

from $880,000 p/w eek

Andrea Yacht Charter in Bahamas

from $984,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Siren Yacht Charter in Bahamas

74m Nobiskrug

74m   2008/2013

from $565,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Laurel Yacht Charter in Bahamas

73m Delta Marine

73m   2006/2015

from $525,000 p/w eek

Nautilus Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Nautilus 12

73m Picchiotti

from $814,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Titania Yacht Charter in Bahamas

73m Lurssen

73m   2006/2020

from $615,000 p/w eek

Quantum of Solace Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Quantum of Solace 12

73m Turquoise Yachts

73m   2012/2022

from $574,000 p/w eek

Game Changer Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Game Changer 17

72m Damen Yachting

72m   2017/2020

from $450,000 p/w eek

Arbema Yacht Charter in Bahamas

72m   2010/2023

from $600,000 p/w eek

Talisman C Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Talisman C 12

71m Turquoise Yachts

71m   2011/2020

from $567,000 p/w eek

Joy Yacht Charter in Bahamas

70m Feadship

from $650,000 p/w eek

Sherakhan Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Sherakhan 26

70m Vuijk Scheepswerven

70m   2005/2022

from $589,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Sycara V Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Sycara V 12

68m Nobiskrug

68m   2010/2017

Wayfinder Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Wayfinder 12

68m Astilleros Armon

from $375,000 p/w eek

Loon Yacht Charter in Bahamas

68m Icon Yachts

68m   2010/2020

from $540,000 p/w eek

Calex Yacht Charter in Bahamas

67m Benetti

from $680,000 p/w eek

Global Yacht Charter in Bahamas

67m Shadow Marine

67m   2007/2008

from $120,000 p/w eek

Vertigo Yacht Charter in Bahamas

67m Alloy Yachts

67m   2011/2019

from $353,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Alchemy Yacht Charter in Bahamas

66m Rossinavi

from $637,000 p/w eek *

Invictus Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Invictus 12

66m Delta Marine

66m   2013/2020

from $650,000 p/w eek *

Triumph Yacht Charter in Bahamas

65m Benetti

Eternity Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Eternity 17 7 12

65m Codecasa

65m   2010/2022

from $390,000 p/w eek

Seanna Yacht Charter in Bahamas

from $462,000 p/w eek

Silver Angel Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Silver Angel 12

65m   2009/2015

from $425,000 p/w eek

Moca Yacht Charter in Bahamas

64m Benetti

64m   2016/2021

from $475,000 p/w eek

SuRi Yacht Charter in Bahamas

63m Halter Marine

63m   1978/2022

from $350,000 p/w eek *

Soundwave Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Soundwave 12

63m Benetti

from $707,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Utopia IV Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Utopia IV 12

63m Rossinavi

from $505,000 p/w eek

Baton Rouge Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Baton Rouge 12

63m Icon Yachts

from $457,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Lucky Lady Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Lucky Lady 10

63m Oceanco

63m   2002/2022

from $310,000 p/w eek

Nora Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Nora 18 8 12

62m Icon Yachts

62m   2013/2019

from $490,000 p/w eek *

Sealion Yacht Charter in Bahamas

62m Viareggio SuperYachts

62m   2009/2023

Sea Owl Yacht Charter in Bahamas

62m Feadship

from $440,000 p/w eek *

Sorrento Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Sorrento 12

62m Benetti

62m   2010/2020

from $345,000 p/w eek

Katharine Yacht Charter in Bahamas

Katharine 12

61m   2000/2021

from $335,000 p/w eek

Arience Yacht Charter in Bahamas

61m Abeking & Rasmussen

61m   2012/2022

from $647,000 p/w eek ♦︎

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Bahamas Yacht Charter Q&A

Your vessel will need to have a shallow draft (no more than 4m) as Bahamas waters aren't deep. If you would like to visit the Bahamas by superyacht, it will need to have a shallow draft below 4m or a retractable keel to cruise comfortably and make the most of the idyllic anchorages found here.

Browse with ease on our site a wide-ranging selection of motor yachts, sailing yachts, and catamarans for charter in the Bahamas. Select by your chosen dates, number of guests, yacht type, features, and preferred onboard toys and we'll show you what's available.

If you decide to make an enquiry, a yacht charter broker will then contact you to provide you with a custom charter proposal based on your needs.

You can also reach out to your yacht charter broker directly, and they will be able to research for you the ideal yacht charter in the Bahamas.

Mid-December to mid-April is the Bahamas' peak season, characterized by endless sunshine and pleasingly warm waters.

Nassau is the invariably popular choice to begin a Bahamas yacht charter. Not only is the city astoundingly beautiful and replete with world-class marinas, hip boutiques, restaurants, and more, but reaching other Bahamas destinations like the Exumas is a breeze.

In most cases, a completed charter agreement and 50% of the charter fee is required as a deposit to secure your luxury yacht charter, which is payable once the contract has been signed.

The Bahamas is a highly popular yacht charter destination, which for guests means there is a yacht to suit practically every budget.

When booking, keep in mind the additional costs that aren't included in the base rate, namely tax and the APA (Advance Provisioning Allowance). Typically set at 30% of the charter fee, the APA is paid in advance and covers expenses such as fuel, berthing, food,  drinks, as well as any special requests (such as for tenders that are not carried by yacht, equipment hire, etc.)

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When and How to Sail to the Bahamas

When and How to Sail to the Bahamas | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

June 15, 2022

With the western islands of the Bahamas located 50 miles away from Florida's East Coast, sailing to the Bahamas is very possible even in a very modest sailboat. All you need to know is when and how to sail to the Bahamas.

With over 700 separate islands spread across an ocean area as big as Florida and arguably the most desired climate on the planet, it's easy to see why the Bahamas is a paradise and one of the top sailing destinations in the world. But as they always say, reaching paradise is never easy. It may be an overnight sail away from South Florida but deciding the best month to sail and how to sail to the Bahamas can be overwhelming to most sailors. Of course, there are several factors such as where you're sailing from, the weather conditions, and the hurricane season that may determine your Bahamas sailing experience.

So when is the best time to sail to the Bahamas? Even though you can sail to the Bahamas year-round, the best time to sail to the Bahamas is between December and April. The weather is warm, there are no hurricanes, and the waters are relatively calm to allow you to travel around 15 to 25 knots. Sailing to the Bahamas revolves around crossing the open Ocean and boating in the island's remote areas.

As such, it's of great importance that you plan well and have the right things to augment your Bahamas sailing adventure.

Table of contents

When to Sail to the Bahamas

One of the most important things to consider when planning sailing to the Bahamas is the weather conditions. You certainly do not want to be caught out by a deadly hurricane when sailing to the Bahamas. So you should avoid sailing during the hurricane months (June to November).

The Bahamas has experienced various hurricanes and there is much less protection and help in the Bahamas than you might find back at home. As such, it's advisable that you stay informed on daily tropical reports and get back to the United States as quickly as possible if there is any developing hurricane.

That being said, the best time to sail to the Bahamas is generally between December and April. The temperatures are slightly cooler, drier and the Bahamas is less humid. If anything, it's at the height of winter in the United States, so this can be a perfect opportunity to escape the biting winter, soak up some sun, and work on your tan.

It's also important that the most effective time to sail to the Bahamas may largely depend on your interests, schedules, and, of course, budget. You should, however, keep in mind that sailing is more pleasant when the average wind speeds are between 5 and 20 knots, which is the scenario throughout the year, except when there's a hurricane.

As far as hurricanes are concerned, they've hit the Bahamas in the past but they tend to head for the United States than the Bahamas, so there's no cause for worry. Statistically speaking, the chance of a hurricane hitting the Bahamas during the official hurricane season (June 1st and November 30th) is 1 in 5 chances.

But if you have to sail to the Bahamas during the hurricane season, it's highly advisable to take extra precautions. For example, you can factor in travel insurance both on you and your sailboat.

Having the Right Boat

Here are a few things to consider when choosing an ideal boat for sailing to the Bahamas.

Type of Boat - The type of boat that you use to sail to the Bahamas must be built well enough to handle the open ocean, especially when the weather conditions are adverse. It should be large and heavy enough to safely carry you and your crew, as well as all the equipment and supplies you might need for the trip. In terms of the size of the boat, it will generally depend on what's comfortable for you, how carefully and well you pick your sailing weather conditions, and your willingness to wait until when the weather conditions are favorable.

Cabin Accommodation - Generally, a boat that's built for offshore fishing can be ideal for sailing to the Bahamas. Many sailors prefer boats with cabin accommodations as they're normally ideal for your safety if you plan to stop at various marinas. Such boats are common in the Bahamas and are a great way to easily blend in with the crowd or other sailors at the marinas.

Speed of the Boat - Another important thing to consider when choosing an ideal boat for sailing to the Bahamas is speed. A boat that's able to notch up to 25 knots can take a couple of hours to sail from your departure point is South Florida to the western islands of the Bahamas. Such a boat can take just about a day to sail from Florida to Nassau or Marsh Harbor (the Boating Capital of The Bahamas).

On the contrary, a sailboat that can notch up to six knots may take most of the day to sail from your point of departure in South Florida to a safe harbor in one of the islands in the western Bahamas. In addition to the slow speed, the powerful northerly Gulf Stream currents can seriously affect a slow-speed displacement hull.

All in all, it's advisable that you consider using a faster boat as it can help you in maximizing shorter weather windows.

How to Sail to the Bahamas

Here's how to sail to the Bahamas from the United States. 

Starting Point

The best departure point from the mainland United States is generally Florida. You can start the voyage from typically anywhere in South Florida and crossing will be a lot easier if you go more into the south. That's why many sailors sailing to the Bahamas from the United States choose Miami as their favorite departure point.

If you're planning to check-in at the Cat Cay or Bimini in the Bahamas, you can consider moving further south and using Key Largo as your departure point. But if you want to check-in at Abacos, Fort Lauderdale or Miami will be your best departure point since they'll allow you to ride the Gulf Stream a bit.

While it's possible to sail straight across the Gulf Stream, many seasoned sailors would advise you to take this route. Instead, the best thing to do is to wait for a weather window when there are no northerly winds. In other words, it's best to cross when the wind is less than 10 knots from the east and less than 15 knots from the west.

The Best Routes

Here are a few tried-and-tested routes for sailing to the Bahamas from the United States. This should be based on a sailboat that can notch up between 15 and 25 knots in moderately calm waters.

A Short Sailing Trip to Bimini (50 nautical miles, one trip)

You will cover about 50 miles when sailing to Bimini, Lucaya, Cat Cay, or any other island in the western Bahamas. These destinations will give you a glimpse of what to expect deep into the Bahamas but will at least give you a taste of what it is like to cross the Gulf Stream. You can anchor your sailboat behind Gun Cay to the north of Cat Cay. 

Sailing to the Abacos (190 nautical miles, one trip)

Located next to the Grand Bahama Island, the Abacos is home to Hopetown, Marsh Harbor, and Man of War. This area is perhaps one of the best in the Bahamas as it offers numerous treats of civilization than most areas in the Bahamas including museums, shopping, and restaurants.

The best way to sail to the Abacos is to depart from Palm Beach and sail 60 miles across the Gulf Stream before stopping at the Old Bahama Bay Marina at West End. The next leg of your voyage should be 100 miles taking you to the Green Turtle Cay. You can then sail 20 miles to the epicenter of Abacos, which is home to Marsh Harbor, the Boating Capital of The Bahamas. You can sail 15 miles farther south to Little Harbor where you'll find numerous marinas and anchorages.

Northern Exumas (220 nautical miles, one trip)

This voyage will take you to one of the very gorgeous out-island destinations in the Bahamas. You can set sail from Fort Lauderdale or Miami and sail 50 miles to your first stop in Bimini. You can then head to Chub Cay, which is 80 miles farther south. You can then sail to Nassau (the Capital City of the Bahamas), which is nearly 40 miles across the Tongue of the Ocean.

You can then head to the Northern Exumas but you'll have to sail cautiously as there are several reefs at the southern end of Nassau Harbor. Northern Exumas is home to several marinas including the Highbourne Cay Marina, Sea Park at Warderick Wells, and the Exumas Land.

So no matter which route you take when sailing to the Bahamas, the beauty of the Gulf Stream is, without a doubt, one of the highlights of this voyage. You may experience calm crossing but keep in mind that the area between Florida and Bimini or any other island in the western Bahamas can be very extreme, especially if the wind is blowing from the north. This is why you should be on top of the weather information before setting sail.

In addition to avoiding the hurricane, here are a few recommendations to make you voyage to the Bahamas much better.

  • ‍ Have on board enough food and fresh drinking water to last you for a week even if you have plans to stop at the marinas.
  • Bring a wetsuit.
  • Your boat should have an outboard if you're planning to anchor out.
  • Have good anchoring equipment.

All in all, have a good plan in place, have an ideal boat, choose the best time to sail , pick your most preferable route, and set sail to the Bahamas; it's one of the greatest experiences that any sailor can ever have.

Carry with you an appropriate snorkeling gear if you want to experience the coral reefs up close. While you can see them from a flybridge, the experience isn't the same as when snorkeling.

Related Articles

I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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When To Sail

How to Sail

When and How to Sail to the Bahamas

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A Boater's Guide To Cruising The Bahamas


Reaching paradise never comes easy. This veteran of the Bahamas liveaboard life shows how it's done.

An aerial view of the Exumas

An aerial view of the Exumas. (Photo: Onne van der Wal)

They say that no one knows the exact number of islands in the Bahamas. Some say that there are around 2,400 of them, scattered about a stunning 590-mile-long archipelago, with its closest area being, for many boats, just one day's trip from Florida. Fewer than 50 of these islands have a village or town. Most are tiny islets with rocky shorelines and white beaches hinting of pink. Each is a gem of mangrove, casuarinas, palmetto, sea grape, and coconut palms hiding curly tail lizards, hermit crabs, and birds. But it's the wonderland of the ocean that is the Bahamas' most spectacular feature, with its warm turquoise waters over much of the shallow Bahama Banks.

Bahamas map

On a good day, cruising on the banks, you can look into those clear waters and see fish, sharks, and rays darting away from your hull's shadow as it sweeps across the bottom. Below you, grass and fan coral sway with the current. Brain coral hides exotic fish, lobster, and moray eel. Dramatic troughs leading from the shallows out to sea — such as the Tongue of the Ocean and the Northwest Providence Channel — divide the banks, the changing water colors from light turquoise to deep blue leaving even seasoned world travelers in awe.

The islands of the Bahamas lie mostly along the edges of the banks. On some of the outer islands, mail and groceries arrive by boat, and telephone and electricity in homes are relatively recent developments. While some equate the Bahamas with the cities of Nassau or Freeport, the boater's dreams tend to be of islands a bit farther off, such as Long Island, Highborne Cay, Eleuthera, Royal Island, Green Turtle, Mayaguana, Ragged Island, Crooked Island, and the Jumentos — or islands with no names at all, except as they're known to locals, such as Chicken Cay or "His and Hers."

Getting Around And About

The culture, dialect, and pace are distinctly Caribbean, yet the western waters of the Bahamas are only a little over 40 miles from Florida at the closest point. That 40-plus miles is composed of the mighty Gulf Stream, a warm and powerful river in the ocean with current rushing from south to north. Crossing it in the right conditions can be a beautiful trip. But crossing it in the wrong conditions, such as during strong northerly winds, can be dangerous and extremely uncomfortable. Pick your weather carefully, look for flat calm or gentle southerlies, and never go on the verge of a cold front or storm.

Anchorage in the Bahamas

Snug all-weather anchorages are rare in the Bahamas, but when you find them, they offer camaraderie, supplies, and parties. (Photo: Onne van der Wal)

When my family and I first started going to the Bahamas many years ago, we followed a compass course and adjusted our routes to currents, wind, and waves. When we reckoned enough time had passed to raise an island, we searched the horizon. If we saw an island, we had to figure out which it was using landmarks, like clumps of trees or hills or colored cliffs. As we sailed in from deep ocean water onto to the shallow Bahama Banks, it was always a stunning moment as the depth sounder went from off soundings to 15 feet! We relied on the art of reading the colors of the water and the vagaries of the tidal currents by watching fan coral and sea grasses swaying to the flow under our boat — a fun endeavor, unless the light was poor or in our eyes.

Today, it's easier with GPS chartplotters. But you get in trouble if you rely too heavily on electronics. Sand shoals shift from year to year, and rocky bars and reefs may not be perfectly charted in the first place. A GPS fix is only as good as the chart you're relying on, and strong currents in inlets can set you onto rocks even as you watch your icon on the screen. And if your GPS equipment or the system isn't functioning well, you can get into trouble. The popularity of "crowdsourcing" doesn't necessarily work well in these waters, either; you never know the experience level of "the crowd" or the accuracy of their observations. Being a little off can put you on a reef.

Reliable guidebooks and paper charts are essential for Bahamas cruising. Otherwise, GPS waypoints extrapolated from mixed data may not be right on the spot. "Right on the spot" is critical when you're navigating an inlet that's only a few hundred feet wide with rocks and reefs around it and swells rolling in. Remember, Bahamas aids to navigation are rare and often not maintained.

Unlike the more forgiving waters of, say, Chesapeake Bay, the Bahamas are riddled with reefs, rocks, and brown bars (rocky ledges) that can quickly hole a boat, and there's no U.S. Coast Guard daily presence. There are some very good salvage firms, but the waters to which they must respond are vast. Lack of infrastructure means inconveniences and often long periods of time required for repairs. In many areas, there are few or no secure marinas or good anchorages available for storm protection. The Bahamas is mostly beautiful wilderness, so take care and navigate conservatively. To do so, you'll need the most reliable charts.

Sara and Monty Lewis began cruising the Bahamas more than 35 years ago. They produce and update The Explorer Chartbooks . Experienced cruisers swear by these Lewis charts. The waypoints provided are, they say, based on the Lewis team actually having gone to the rock, the deep part of the inlet, or the reef and recording the exact GPS reading while on site or verified with satellite photos or trusted advisers' data. Not only do they provide accurate full-color navigational charts, they also include cruising guide "need-to-know info" with informative articles and updated details on facilities and services throughout the Bahamas. (It's information from The Explorer Chartbooks that we heavily relied upon to bring you this article.)

Introducing The Bahamas By Region

Coming by boat , you'll probably get your first impression of the Bahamas from its western boundary. Here, the water and reefs are beautiful, and there are some anchorages for settled weather, as well as some marinas. Most of the small islands have rocky shores and lack good all-weather anchorages.

The Bimini Chain, a series of small cays (pronounced "keys") lies across the Gulf Stream from Miami and Fort Lauderdale. North and South Bimini and Cat Cay are settled. The mysterious stone slabs of the Bimini Road lie under nearby waters, fueling stories of Atlantis. Popular with the sportfishing fleet, Bimini has a village, several marinas, restaurants, and now a resort/casino and a Hilton Hotel.

Fishing Bimini's flats

Whether you prefer fishing Bimini's flats or heading out into the deep for bigger game, charters abound. (Photo: Bahamas Ministry of Tourism)

To accommodate those who want to experience the beauty, often the beauty is sacrificed. Bimini has suffered, in my view, as have many of the islands, from the negatives of tourism. In recent years, many of the mangroves on the northern end of Bimini have been replaced by resort development. On the west side, an ocean-docking facility for fast ferries from Miami was built from material dredged up from the ocean bottom. But the Biminis are still accommodating as far as clearing customs and stopping to rest in a marina before crossing the banks. With the tourism have come positives — better availability of parts and goods and better communications in Bimini and other settled areas.

To the north of the Bimini Chain, separated from it by the deep Northwest Providence Channel, is the large island of Grand Bahama , with resorts and marinas. At the far northwestern end of Grand Bahama, the critically located Old Bahama Bay Marina offers shelter for boats caught by weather, as well as many amenities.

Old Bahama Bay Marina

Old Bahama Bay Marina at the northwestern end of Grand Bahama offers shelter to boats caught by weather, as well as many amenities for boaters. (Photo: Bahamas Ministry of Tourism)

Southeast of the Bimini Chain, across the Great Bahama Banks, lies the giant and mysterious island of Andros . Known as the bonefishing capital of The Bahamas, Andros's vast swamps, creeks, mangrove shallows, and miles of woods stretch more than 100 miles south to north, divided into three major sections of land connected by mangrove and tidal swamp. Scattered about are many of the famous "blue holes" of the Bahamas, some far inland from the shore, extending deep down, many connected with the ocean through a labyrinth of subterranean passages. Nearby, the recently discovered Andros Platform, a multitiered structure of huge, flat, squared blocks, remains silently under the waves, begging explanation.

With limited good anchorages, sparsely populated Andros hasn't experienced the large influx of cruising boats. The Great Bahama Banks blends with the shallows and swamp of its western shore, but its eastern shore faces the deep "Tongue of the Ocean" and has several towns with limited facilities, such as Morgan's Bluff, Fresh Creek, and Congo Town. One of the longest barrier reefs in the world guards this shore, allowing limited access. Andros, like so many other islands, is yet to be awakened, and many would say that's good.

Catching spiny lobster

Spiny lobster season is August through March. (Photo: Bahamas Ministry of Tourism)

The Abacos is a great place for Bahamas exploration. While it is often considered more civilized than other areas, it's been affected less from tourism. Marinas, protected anchorages with good holding, shopping, good drinking water, restaurants, and small hotels make the area especially inviting. Many cruisers gravitate to the "Hub of the Abacos" with the towns and harbors of Man O'War, Hope Town, and Marsh Harbour. You can take short hops to different towns or anchorages across the shallow Sea of Abaco without going outside the reefs into the ocean. To the northwest of the Hub, and through sometimes-dangerous Whale Cay Passage, lies Green Turtle Cay with its several protected basins, marinas, and the town of New Plymouth with its quaint pastel homes similar to those of Man O'War and Hope Town.

The Berry Islands, known as "Der Berrys" by many Bahamians, are another expanse of small islands surrounded by shallow banks that rise from deep ocean. To the south and west of the busier Abacos, they aren't as heavily cruised because of their shallows and rolly anchorages, but this isolation makes them very attractive to some. Islands such as Great Stirrup, Great Harbor, Whale Cay, and Chub Cay rim the banks. Dinghy passages snake among white shoals and low-tide sand islands. It's easy to get lost. Only three marinas make bases for exploration. Chub Cay Marina is completely protected within an enclosed basin, recently reopened after hurricane damage, though not in full operation as of the date of this writing. Great Harbour Cay Marina also offers excellent shelter and is affordable, with more slips available for transients. In addition, the popular Berry Islands Club is also reopening its restaurant, rebuilding its docks, and fortifying its moorings after a hiatus. Always check ahead for any marina, to be sure it's currently open.

Downtown Nassau is known for its colorful architecture

Downtown Nassau is known for its colorful architecture. (Photo: Bahamas Ministry of Tourism)

Many tourists consider Nassau to be synonymous with the Bahamas. Not hardly. This is the capital of the Bahamas and more than half the Bahamian population lives on its island of New Providence . It has the good and bad traits of most cities, with a distinctly Caribbean flavor, though reports of violent crime are increasing. Police in white uniforms direct traffic. Horse-drawn carriages commingle with cars, jitneys, and scooters. Buildings and customs reminiscent of the British Colonial Empire blend with things modern, overlaid with a significant share of poverty.

Nassau Harbour separates the "mainland" from Paradise Island, which has luxury hotels and casinos. The northwestern entrance to the harbor is deep and jettied, with several buoys. Huge cruise liners enter, but the inlet can be dangerous in strong onshore winds.

Anchoring isn't recommended in much of the harbor because of poor holding, strong currents, fast boats, wakes, and crime issues. There are several marinas; if Nassau has to be on your cruising itinerary, many boaters select a marina on Paradise Island. The southeastern entrance channel is only around 8 feet deep in one spot where coral heads and rocky bars dictate precise navigation.

To the southeast, the Exuma Cays curve in a northwest-southeast direction. The Exumas have only a few small all-weather marinas. Most anchorages are unprotected from westerlies, so they're only good for settled weather. The few that are sheltered from westerlies are between rocky islands and plagued by swift current and scoured bottom. The islands are generally rocky with low vegetation, sparse population, and a few villages. Nevertheless, each year more and more boats visit .

Boats moored at the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park

Cruisers lying to moorings in the beautiful and protected Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park. In many places, moorings are preferred or even required to avoid damage to the bottom and because of limited swinging room. (Photo: Bahamas Ministry of Tourism)

They've become so popular that celebrities and other wealthy people have purchased entire islands or large portions of them. It's reported that the Exuma Land and Sea Park, once a stronghold of environmental protection, now features such private islands, and personal watercraft from mega yachts often roar up and down the pristine channels. Staged "paradise" picnics on the beaches, replete with instant tents, bars, and lounges, entertain charter parties with all their water toys. Anchorages once enjoyed by a few are now becoming more crowded.

Heading down the chain, cruisers like to stop and enjoy the out-island friendliness of the small villages of Staniel Cay, Black Point, and Little Farmer's Cay . Village restaurants sometimes announce special menus on the VHF. Small grocery stores have limited supplies, and Staniel Cay's Isles General Store has marine and general hardware as well as groceries. And the Blue Store and the Pink Store have also expanded their stock to accommodate the greater number of cruisers and vacationers.

The Staniel Cay Yacht Club offers good meals, fuel, water purified by reverse osmosis, and a nice bar as well as cottage rentals. Indeed, the entire village is open to many home rentals. Fowl Cay Resort is one of several resort islands with rental houses and cottages, and it also has a restaurant available to the public by reservation. Snorkel into Thunderball Cave off Staniel and enjoy viewing thousands of protected fish. Part of the James Bond movie of that name was filmed here.

At the southern end of the Exumas, the "mainland" island of Great Exuma is a popular boating destination with a good but busy harbor. Its George Town boasts supplies and high island civilization. Exuma Market provides dinghy docking, town water, and other services while across Lake Victoria, the well-stocked Shop-Rite is another good choice for stocking. FedEx, UPS, boat supplies, and many other helpful goods and services are available. Almost 400 cruising boats are often in its Elizabeth Harbour for the annual spring Cruising Regatta, a weeklong festival run by the cruising community in conjunction with the Bahamian community.

Heading easterly from the Exumas you'll find more islands and variety. To the north, Eleuthera is known for its oranges and pineapples. Cruisers often visit the busy village of Spanish Wells with its fishing fleet, marinas, marine railways, and supplies. Harbour Island, guarded by the treacherous reef known as Devil's Backbone, is also popular for its pink sand beaches, quaint pastel-color buildings, the historic village of Dunmore Town, marinas, fishing, and relatively upscale living. Royal Island with its enclosed harbor broods with thick foliage and the silent ruins of a large estate. Years ago, wooden sailing ships of the British Navy sought shelter here; today cruisers wait for passage to the Abacos.

Cat Island, south of Eleuthera, stretches 48 miles, offering few anchorages but high hills, farms, villages, and miles of cliff and beach. To the south of Cat lies Long Island, with dangerous reefs extending more than 3 miles off Cape Santa Maria at its northern end. Never more than 4 miles wide, it's 75 miles long and features rolling hills and cliffs, fertile soil, and farming. A popular destination is Salt Pond and Thompson Bay on the west side, from where cruisers can tour the island by car and stock up at a modern grocery. Avoid anchorages exposed to weather and seas.

Far to the south and east, the "far out islands" rise from the deep ocean floor, beyond the banks. You'll find isolated jewels such as Rum Cay and Conception Island. Sumner Point Marina at Rum Cay has been closed due to hurricane damage as of this writing. As you venture farther southeast, more spectacular little islands with limited protection beckon with even more remoteness. These include Samana Cay, where Christopher Columbus is said to have anchored; Crooked Island; Acklins Island; Great Inagua with its famous flamingo population; and Mayaguana — all beautiful islands off the beaten track.

The Jumentos chain arches 90 miles around the southeast boundary of the Great Bahama Banks and has become more popular in recent years for experienced cruisers looking to find pristine islands as they once were. Many of these islands have little all-weather protection, tricky shallows, and few replenishing and stocking opportunities, but make up for it in sweet solitude

You Can't Always Get What You Want

The Bahamas, with their overwhelming beauty and thousands of square miles of ocean wilderness, offer a wonderful boating escape from the massive infrastructure and dense civilization of the States. But what makes them compelling also makes them challenging for unprepared boaters. Go soon if you can, take good care, and tread lightly.

Bahamas Fun Facts

  • The Bahamas has the clearest water in the world. Visibility while diving is often more than 200 feet!
  • Fewer than 50 of the islands have a village or town.
  • The Bahamas has the world's third-longest barrier reef.
  • Dean's Blue Hole, west of Clarence Town, Long Island, at 663 feet, is one of the deepest blue holes in the world.
  • The first place Christopher Columbus landed when he came to the new world in 1492, he named San Salvador in the Bahamas.
  • The word "mainland" is used by those on small outlying islands (called the Out Islands) to describe the larger islands, such as New Providence, Grand Bahama, Great Abaco, and Great Exuma. The "Far-Out Islands" are those even farther away.
  • The world's longest underwater cave system can be found in Lucayan National Park, Grand Bahama Island.
  • Kalik (pronounced "click"), the beer of The Bahamas, is named after the kalikking sound of cowbells at Junkanoo, the island street parades held every December 26.
  • There are only about 396,000 people in all the Bahamas, the majority on the island of New Providence where Nassau is located.
  • The national sport of the Bahamas is sloop sailing.
  • Bahamas comes from the Spanish baja mar, which translates to "shallow sea."

Charter boats in the Bahamas

Photo: Bahamas Ministry of Tourism

Chartering & Fishing

Power, sail & crewed charters.

  • The Moorings (Abacos)
  • Navtours (Nassau, George Town, Staniel Cay)
  • Sunsail (Abacos, Nassau)


  • Boaters arriving on their own boats congregate around the marinas in Bimini, Nassau, Chub Cay, Boat Harbor, Highbourne Cay, and others.
  • Note that fishing here is split between distinctively different offshore fishing and flats fishing (for bonefish).
  • To join a sportfishing charter, search the Internet for numerous listings.
  • Consider checking out one of the many fishing tournaments, listed at Bahamas.com/fishing-tournaments-2017.

looking out from a sandy beach with palm trees framing the view of several power and sailboats in the water

Photo: Mel Neale

Anchoring Notes

  • Never anchor in reef or anywhere your anchor rode may get tangled in coral.
  • Leave 360-degree swing room for other boats, the shore, and reefs. Boats swing differently depending on their windage, bottom configuration, eddies, and current.
  • The best bottoms consist of deep, soft white sand. You'll see these from the bow of your boat. Don't be misled by bottoms of white rock, marl, or shallow white sand over rock.
  • Anchoring in grass usually results in dragging when the wind increases and damaging fish habitat.
  • Nylon line can be cut by small rocks or reef. Use as much chain as your boat can safely carry.
  • Don't anchor on a lee shore (the shore toward which the wind is blowing). Learn and watch the weather; plan your anchorage for 24 hours. It's not unusual for Bahamian winds to shift over that time.
  • What starts as a protected anchorage could become a risky lee shore.
  • Study an accurate weather forecast every day, and plan overnight anchorages accordingly.

sailboat in the bahamas

Weather Notes

  • Obtain a detailed weather forecast every day. Heed it.
  • Winter cold fronts are often preceded by strong southwesterly winds and come through as a strong, precipitous westerly, then nor'wester. Then winds often clock to a nor'easter and blow hard for days.
  • "Squeeze plays" between large areas of high and large areas of low pressure may set up strong winds, usually from the east, for several days.
  • The Bahamas offers little good protection in hurricanes and tropical lows. Even enclosed harbors are vulnerable with so little land to weaken the effects of wind and sea. Expect little help compared to U.S. waters.

Respect The 'Rage'

If there is a strong onshore swell, many cuts between islands and reefs become treacherous. The onshore swell may be caused by local onshore winds or from a far-off storm. At sea the swell may seem insignificant, but as it mounts up in the shallow waters near the cuts, it can become deadly. These swells can be far away when you leave the safety of your harbor in the morning but dangerously upon you when you want to enter the next inlet down-island. Watch the weather locally and far out. Ask ahead for current local conditions and knowledge. If any question exists about the safety of an inlet, don't risk it.

Search And Rescue

The Bahamas government has no search-and-rescue service equivalent to the U.S. Coast Guard. The Bahamas Air Sea Rescue Association (BASRA) is a dedicated nonprofit voluntary organization committed to saving the lives of distressed seamen and airmen in the Bahamas. It is funded by donations.

For boaters traveling off the beaten track, consider renting an EPIRB or PLB from the BoatUS Foundation before you go. Visit BoatUS.org for more information.

What Are Your Special Interests?

Looking to hang out with other cruisers? Consider the Hub of the Abacos. Several islands encircle the protected "Sea of Abaco" in which you can go from town to town in protected waters without going out through the reefs into the ocean. Towns include Marsh Harbour, Hope Town, Man O'War. A short hop in calm weather in the ocean fetches up Green Turtle Cay, and a trip south inside will bring you to Little Harbour, home of Pete's Pub and Foundry. There are more marinas in this area than in most other areas of the Bahamas.

Elizabeth Harbour lies near the southeastern end of the Exuma chain and has become a Mecca for cruisers with its relative protection (albeit with some open fetches) and good holding. Its bustling village of George Town is a vacation spot and an oasis of out island "high civilization," which hasn't lost its out-island charm. "In season," from December through March, there can be as many as 400 boats there, with all the potlucks and beach volleyball games you could want. The reefs guarding the entrances can be tricky; good weather and careful navigation are a must. Don't enter with a strong onshore wind or swell.

Looking for sport fishing? Alice Town on North Bimini offers several marinas, bars, restaurants, and good fishing offshore, with several tournaments throughout the year. Chub Cay, scheduled to be fully operational (after the ravages of Hurricane Mathew) has a marina in a completely enclosed harbor with restaurant, bars for bragging, and Customs. Fish offshore in the Tongue of the Ocean between the Berrys, New Providence, and the Great Bahama Banks.

Looking for remote experiences? What used to be remote may be more visited today, although features such as poor holding, little protection from wind and surge, and few provisioning opportunities still keeps the crowds away. You'll find unspoiled beauty and solitude in the Jumentos, Rum Cay (marina may not be rebuilt yet), the shallow banks of the Berrys (where people often explore by dinghy), and Conception Island. These areas have scarce protection, and require serious weather vigilance.

Looking for good diving and snorkeling? The Bahamas has the world's third-longest barrier reef. Five percent of the world's coral can be found there. Bring a light wetsuit, snorkel, mask, and fins for great snorkeling by dinghy throughout The Bahamas.

Looking for a show? Held at the end of April every year, the Family Island Regatta in Elizabeth Harbour is huge. Bahamians come from all the islands to compete, usually in traditional Bahamian boats. Also, the New Year's Day Regatta at Staniel Cay in the Exumas is fun, informal, and rollicking.

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Technical Editor, BoatUS Magazine

One of the top technical experts in the marine industry, Tom Neale, BoatUS Magazine Technical Editor, has won nine first-place awards from Boating Writers International, and is author of the magazine’s popular "Ask The Experts" column. His depth of technical knowledge comes from living aboard various boats with his family for more than 30 years, cruising far and wide, and essentially learning how to install, fix, and rebuild every system onboard himself. A lawyer by training, for most of his career Tom has been an editor and columnist at national magazines such as Cruising World, PassageMaker, and Soundings. He wrote the acclaimed memoir All In The Same Boat (McGraw Hill), as well as Chesapeake Bay Cruising Guide, Vol. 1. These days, Tom and his wife Mel enjoy cruising their 2006 Camano 41 Chez Nous with their grandchildren.

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Yacht Charter Bahamas

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Yachts for charter in The Bahamas

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QUANTUM OF SOLACE – 72,60m Turquoise Yacht

  • 12 Passengers
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SAMURAI 60,30mt Alia Yacht

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GALAXY – Benetti 56m


EMINA 41,96mt Benetti Yacht


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  • 10 Passengers

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JUST ENOUGH – 43m Yacht

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KARMA – 2022 Ferretti 100 Ft. – 5 Cabins

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DOUBLE TROUBLE – Azimut 107 Ft.

  • 11 Passengers

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MERCY – Sunseeker 121 Yacht

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Catamaran for rent in The Bahamas

Catamarans < 30.000$    –     Catamarans < 50.000$    –     Catamarans < 100.000$

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Endless Horizon – Sunreef Yachts 80 Catamaran

  • 8 Passengers

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Pronto – Sunreef 80 Power Catamaran

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CARTOUCHE – Catamaran For Charter

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PRINCESS MILA – Fountaine Pajot Alegria 67′ (2022)

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Omakase Horizon 68 Power Catamaran

  • 6 Passengers

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LEGEND & SOUL – Rodriguez Yachts 62′ Catamaran For Charter

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Semper Fidelis – Alegria 67 (2022)

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HULYA – Lagoon 64′ Power Catamaran

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DREAM BEAUTY – Lagoon 620 Catamaran

Get our special deals, boats for charter in the bahamas.

Mega Yachts – Superyachts – Giga Yachts – Catamarans

Bahamas Yacht Itineraries

Bahamas is a top luxury yacht charter destination with diverse islands and attractions.  Popular stops include Nassau, Paradise Island, Exumas, Eleuthera, and Berry Islands. Abacos offers Hope Town, Guana Cay, and Treasure Cay. Nassau has nightlife, shopping, and cultural sites. Exumas has spectacular coral reefs and blue harbor for diving and snorkeling. Eleuthera and Harbour Island are perfect for picturesque towns and unspoiled beaches. Berry Islands is ideal for fishing opportunities. A yacht charter in The Bahamas is a lifetime experience.

sailboat in the bahamas

Party Islands in the Bahamas: Your Guide to Vibrant Boat Charter Destinations

snorkeling bahamas tips and advice

Best Snorkeling Destinations in the Bahamas

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The Ultimate Superyacht Charter Experience: Best Yacht Spots in Exuma

Day yacht charters - bahamas boat tours.

Day yacht charters and boat tours are popular activities in the Bahamas as visitors seek to explore the stunning beauty of the islands. From luxury catamarans and motor yachts to smaller vessels, there are a variety of options for those looking to spend a day cruising the turquoise waters of the Caribbean.


How much does a Bahamas yacht vacation cost?


When Is The Best Time For A Yacht Charter In The Bahamas?


Charter with us is different: discover all the availabilities to charter a yacht or catamaran in the Bahamas.

Many tours offer visitors a chance to go snorkeling and see the vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life up close. Additionally, some tours include stops at secluded beaches and uninhabited islands, providing a chance to soak up the sun and enjoy the natural landscape.

Charter packages typically include a skilled captain and crew, food and drinks, and equipment for water activities.

Whether you are looking for a romantic excursion or a fun adventure with friends and family, day yacht charters and boat tours in the Bahamas offer a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

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  • Bahamas Sailing Adventure
  • Get inspired by the possibilities.
  • Build your ideal trip.
  • Explore the Out Islands (Eleuthera and Exuma) as you sail for new horizons!
  • Join in the sailing alongside the crew and learn how to tend sails or steer
  • Encounter unique wildlife and interact with locals
  • Kayak, snorkel, paddle board, or hike each day
  • Stand Up Paddle Boarding
  • Small Ship Sailing
  • Wildlife Viewing
  • Greater Antilles
  • Eleuthera Island

Full Itinerary

Day 1: nassau | embark.

  • Accommodation

Day 2-6: Sailing the Bahamas

  • 5 Breakfasts, 5 Lunches, 5 Dinners

Day 7: Nassau | Disembark

  • 1 Breakfast

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  • Liberty Fleet of Tall Ships - Health & Safety Policies - Liberty Fleet of Tall Ships
  • General Terms & Conditions - Liberty Fleet of Tall Ships

For full cancellation policy details, please contact us for a quote.

  • 6 Breakfasts, 5 Lunches, 5 Dinners
  • 6 Nights Accommodations
  • Accommodations as listed
  • Ground transportation as listed
  • Activities as listed
  • Meals as listed
  • Access to a 24-7 Emergency line while traveling
  • Unlimited coffee, tea, and juice
  • Use of all on-board water toys, such as snorkeling gear, kayaks, paddle boards, etc.
  • Travel Insurance
  • Personal Expenses
  • Flight costs (please request a quote)
  • Additional excursions during free time
  • Fuel and transportation surcharges (when applicable)
  • Pre- or Post-cruise hotel   
  • Bottled water, soda and alcohol are available on the ship for an additional fee
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Sailing the Bahamas

  • By Jen Brett
  • Updated: May 16, 2018

sailboat in the bahamas

Just an overnight sail away from busy South Florida lies some of the arguably best cruising to be found anywhere. Indeed I am certain that more than one sailing dream (I can’t be the only one) has been launched in response to the magazine photos of perfect white-sand beaches and idyllic anchorages.

If you’ve never cruised the Bahamas before, you may be wondering what the “best” islands are or what the sailing conditions might be like. To address these questions and more, I’ve put together this intro to cruising the Bahamas. (Of course, the Bahamas are such a huge area, and I can’t really cover everything here, so if you have a question, please feel free to email me and I will update this with a Q&A!)

While I’ve cruised the Bahamas in pretty much every season except for fall, winter is by far the most common time that people go. From the holidays through April, it’s not uncommon to share a popular anchorage with dozens (or in the case of George Town, hundreds) of other boats, while in the summer, you might have the place to yourself.

Bahamas sunset

Getting There

If a winter in the Bahamas is in your plan — either as your ultimate destination, or as an island hop down the thorny path to the Caribbean — you’ll probably want to be crossing over from the East Coast sometime in November. While you can cross from pretty much anywhere south of say, Hatteras, my favorite jumping-off point is South Florida, and the more south you go, the easier your crossing will be. For example, if you want to check in at Bimini or Cat Cay, consider leaving from around Key Largo. If the Abacos are your initial destination, leaving from Miami or even Fort Lauderdale will allow you to ride the Gulf Stream for a bit. It is possible to go more or less straight across the Stream, but you should have plenty of fuel aboard. My husband and I have taken our ketch, Lyra , to the Bahamas, once from Fort Lauderdale, and once from Port Canaveral (heading south along the coast, inside the Stream, before turning towards the islands). Both times we went straight to Nassau to clear in, although when we left from Canaveral, stopping in West End or Freeport, would have been quicker (we were eager to make our way south, so chose to head to Nassau).

Although they aren’t terribly frequent in the fall, cold fronts can sweep down and bring northerly winds with them (and rain squalls)—you do NOT want to be caught in the Gulf Stream during a blow out of the north, so plan your crossing when you have a weather window with light breezes with nothing out of the north for several days prior to your journey to allow the Stream to “calm down.”

The journey to the islands is a magical one — since you want to arrive during daylight hours, most sailboats will need to leave sometime the previous evening/night. After leaving the crazy that is the So. Fla. coast, you have a hopefully uneventful time in the Stream — and plenty of time to practice tracking ships on the AIS — and come morning are approaching the Bahamas. The closest ports of entry are in the Bimini islands, or you can sail on to ports in the Abacos, the Berry Islands, or Nassau.

Welcome to the Exumas

Islands in the Sun

The Bimini islands, including Cat and Gun cays, are a common first stop for cruisers. Cat Cay (all cays in the Bahamas are pronounced “key”) is an easy port of entry and neighboring Gun Cay is a nice place to relax for a few nights before heading across the Great Bahama Bank.

After crossing the banks, your possibilities are open: you can spend time in the lovely and very quiet Berry Islands, head over to the bustle of Nassau, make way for Eleuthera, turn north to Great Abaco, or south toward the Exumas and the far Out Islands beyond.

Andros: The largest islands in the Bahamas, Andros isn’t typically thought of as a hot spot among cruisers, but it makes an interesting stop. Fresh Creek, home to the US Navy’s Atlantic Underwater Testing and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) base, and Morgan’s Bluff are the areas most frequented by cruisers. If you’re into scuba diving, Andros boasts a barrier reef that extends more than 140 miles along the island’s east coast and to a depth of 6,000 feet making up part of the western edge of the trench known as the Tongue of the Ocean.

Abacos: This northern Bahamas island group is very popular among both new and experienced cruisers (Check out CW contributor Wally Moran’s Adventures in Abaco ). Unless you’re in dire need of provisions, most sailors will choose to skip busy, cruise-ship oriented Freeport and head to the picturesque settlements of Marsh Harbour or Hope Town.

Berry Islands: These beautiful islands are the place to go if you’re looking for peace and quiet as most of the cays remain undeveloped and uninhabited. The only population centers, if you can call them that, are at Chub Cay, which is where you’ll find the new Chub Cay Resort and Marina (reopened in mid 2017 after being destroyed by Hurricane Matthew, and Great Harbour Cay on the northern end. If you stop in the Berrys, have a meal at Flo’s Conch Bar on Little Harbour Cay—it’s a real Bahamian experience.

Nassau: Considered by most cruisers to be a necessary evil, Nassau is the largest city in the Bahamas, and as such has attractions, groceries, marinas and marine services, and an international airport. If you just need to make a quick stop in the big city and don’t want to stay overnight, head over to Rose Island — lovely anchorages, decent snorkeling, and a good place to stage yourself for a run to the Exumas or Eleuthera.

Eleuthera: Eleuthera is a beautiful and somewhat out of the way place for cruisers. The island is nearly 100 miles long and just a 1/2-mile wide in most places. We spent time cruising Eleuthera for the first time last winter, and absolutely loved it. There is a great anchorage with nearly all-around protection at Hatchet Bay, a lovely settlement at Governor’s Harbour, and the convenience of Rock Sound is hard to beat (a good grocery store and even an airport with a dinghy dock). We rented a car at the airport and traveled the length of the island for a day .

Exumas: For many sailors, the Exuma islands are cruising paradise — they’re beautiful and interesting, and they offer great sailing, snorkeling, and fishing. There are a variety of anchorages to choose from all along the 130-mile chain that offer everything from solitude to a national park to a popular cruisers’ destination. The Exumas are easily my favorite region in the Bahamas—some not to miss stops are the iguanas at Allen’s Cay; the sunken plane at Norman’s Cay; Thunderball Grotto at Staniel Cay; mangrove creeks at Shroud Cay; and the moorings at Warderick Wells. And of course the convergence of cruising sailors in George Town. If you’re there in early March, check out the George Town Cruising Regatta .

The Far Out Islands: If you’re looking for some adventure and are a competent and self-sufficient cruiser, consider checking out some of the islands that are way off the beaten track. Some of these islands, such as Cat Island, Long Island, Conception Island (one of my favorite places!), and Rum Cay, are a pleasant day sail away, others such as Crooked and Acklins islands, Mayaguana, Great Inagua, and the Ragged Islands are much more remote.

Conch shells at the Chat and Chill

Further Reading

Delicious conch salad and the beautiful islands of the Bahamas go hand in hand—check out this Conch Salad recipe.

Need some inspiration for when the other fresh veggies run out and the cabbage is still going strong? Here are some ideas

Photo gallery: Miami to George Town, Bahamas

Photo gallery: New Year’s in the Bahamas

Photo gallery: Pure Bahamas

Only have a short time or just a charter in mind? Here are Four Easy Trips in the Abacos

Chartering on a budget in the Abacos — it can be done!

Here’s the story of a quick delivery from Miami to the Exumas

Shots from the Family Islands Regatta — there’s nothing like it!

Bahamas Cruising info

Bahamas customs

Cruising Tips

From Brittany Meyers aboard Asante

Bahamas is ALL about the water, so make sure you have a few things on board to enjoy it: like snorkel gear, Hawaiian sling (if you are into spearing), and – if you have a room – an inflatable kayak or inflatable Paddle board (iSUP) can be a LOT of fun, especially in the more remote islands where the land offers little to explore.

Expectations are everything: If you are traveling to the Exumas, it’s good to prepare for sleepy, remote islands with very few “shore attractions.” We met people who went to the Exumas expecting the British Virgin Islands and they were very disappointed.

Invest in the “Explorer Charts” they are well worth it and exemplary. BUT, don’t forget that you CAN go off the beaten path every once and a while, and not all anchorages are marked with an anchor.

Provision well in the US, but don’t go crazy. Our first trip to the Bahamas we provisioned like we were going to the moon and it was totally unnecessary. There are plenty of islands that have decent grocery stores and while you might not eat your favorite food from home, you will NOT go hungry.

When anchoring, try not to simply follow the herd and leave a little room to the boats who were there first if it is possible. Nobody enjoys being anchored on top of and there are PLENTY of fantastic anchorages in the Bahamas.

One of the best features of the Bahamas are the locals – they are friendly, kind, welcoming and have not been embittered by mass tourism. Enjoy this camaraderie and, if your budget allows, support the local community by eating at their restaurants or purchasing their goods from time to time.

From longtime Bahamas cruiser, Pam Wall

Take plenty of outboard motor fuel

Get the biggest RIB you can fit aboard your boat comfortably, it will be your source of diving, exploring, eating out, and your car!

Have an easy way to get into your tender from the water. I go up the back of my RIB with my back against the pontoon and use the cavitation plate of the outboard as a convenient step up into my tender so easy so simple

Set up an easy way to collect rain water in your water deck fill. I use a tea towel wrapped around the deck fill facing forward for a dam for rain on foredeck going down the scuppers into the deck fill. Works like a charm

Take a “ look bucket ” for looking under water from your tender. Check your anchor from the tender from the look bucket

Take a hand meat grinder for delicious conch fritters

Take a tack hammer to open hole in conch to get the meat out

Take a COMFORTABLE Mask, snorkel, flippers as you will be using them all the time

Be sure you have screens, awnings, bimini top, sun shades for the aft end of your bimini top, etc

Take a lot of GOOD sun protection lotion, hat, polarized sunglasses (I take 3 pairs of inexpensive polarized sunglasses as I know I will probably loose them!), dive shirts with sun protection, aloe if you get burned

Coat your RIB with 303 Aerospace Protectant to protect it from UV deterioration

Don’t forget the Hawaiian Sling for fish and crayfish. No spear guns allowed

  • More: Bahamas , Destinations , international bahamas , moorings , voyaging
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Charter a sailboat in bahamas with or without a skipper.

Chartering a sailboat in the Bahamas is a dream for many sailing enthusiasts, and with Samboat, that dream becomes a reality. Whether you prefer the thrill of navigating the waters on your own or the comfort of having a skipper at the helm, Samboat offers a diverse selection of sailboats, motorboats, RIBs, yachts, and canal boats. The extensive range of choices ensures that you can find the perfect vessel to suit your preferences and requirements.

Samboat stands out as a leading provider in the world of boat rentals, offering an impressive array of options for sailing in the Bahamas. From sleek sailboats to powerful motorboats and luxurious yachts, Samboat caters to all tastes and preferences. The pricing is competitive, starting from just 50€ per day for sailboat rentals, making it accessible for a wide range of budgets.

Rent a sailboat in Bahamas

The Bahamas has earned its reputation as one of the most sought-after sailing destinations globally, attracting international visitors eager to explore its natural treasures. From the enchanting Harbour Island to the pristine Pink Sands Beach, sailing around the Bahamas offers a unique blend of adventure and relaxation. The country, situated in the Caribbean Sea adjacent to Havana in Cuba , boasts a captivating landscape that can be best experienced from the deck of a sailboat.

The proximity of the Bahamas to other islands in the Caribbean Sea makes it an ideal starting point for sailing adventures. With Samboat, you can seamlessly plan your sailing holiday, creating unforgettable moments with friends and family.

Renting a sailboat in the Bahamas opens up a world of possibilities for exploration. Samboat's extensive network of sailboat rentals ensures that you can find the perfect vessel for your journey. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or a novice looking to experience the thrill of the open sea, the Bahamas offers diverse sailing opportunities.

Nassau , the capital of the Bahamas, serves as a convenient hub for renting a sailboat. Samboat's presence in the area ensures that you can easily access a wide range of sailboats, each equipped with the necessary amenities for a comfortable and enjoyable voyage.

Pricing and Information for renting a sailboat in Bahamas

Sailing in the Bahamas is an experience worth cherishing, and Samboat strives to make it accessible to all. The pricing for sailboat rentals varies depending on the season, with peak season typically spanning from mid-December to mid-April. During this period, the demand for sailboats is higher, and rental costs average around 450 euros per day.

For those seeking a more budget-friendly option, the low season from June to November presents an opportunity to explore the Bahamas at a reduced cost. However, it's important to note that this period coincides with the hurricane season, requiring careful consideration and planning.

When is the best time to sail in Bahamas?

Determining the best time to sail in the Bahamas is crucial for a safe and enjoyable experience. The peak tourist season, free from hurricanes, occurs from mid-December to mid-April. During this time, the weather is favorable, and the seas are calm, providing an ideal setting for sailing in the Caribbean Sea.

Conversely, the off-season from June to November is characterized by the possibility of hurricanes. This period is not recommended for inexperienced sailors or those seeking a more relaxed sailing experience. The shoulder season from May to July offers comfortable weather conditions, striking a balance between favorable weather and reduced crowds.

Do you need a license to rent a sailboat in Bahamas?

To charter a sailboat in the Bahamas, a valid license and a nautical CV are required. The nautical CV serves as a testament to your sailing experience, detailing your proficiency in navigating different waters and captaining various types of boats. Presenting a comprehensive nautical CV is essential for securing a sailboat rental.

For individuals without a valid license or sufficient experience, Samboat provides the option to charter a boat with a skipper. This not only ensures a safe and enjoyable journey but also offers the advantage of having a local skipper with in-depth knowledge of the area. Local skippers can provide valuable insights into the best sailing routes, hidden gems, and cultural highlights, enhancing the overall experience of exploring the Bahamas.

Samboat: Your Ultimate Sailboat Rental Partner

Samboat takes pride in offering the best sailboat rental services in the Bahamas. The platform's commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in the comprehensive range of options available, catering to different preferences and budgets. Whether you're interested in a classic sailboat, a luxurious yacht, or a spacious catamaran, Samboat has all your sailing needs covered.

If you're planning to charter a boat in the Bahamas, Samboat provides a seamless and enjoyable experience. The platform's user-friendly website allows you to explore various options, compare prices, and make informed decisions based on your preferences. The dedicated customer support team is always ready to assist, ensuring that your sailing adventure in the Bahamas is nothing short of extraordinary.

In conclusion, chartering a sailboat in the Bahamas with or without a skipper opens the door to a world of adventure and discovery. Samboat's extensive selection, competitive pricing, and commitment to customer satisfaction make it the go-to platform for those seeking an unforgettable sailing experience in this Caribbean paradise. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or a first-time explorer, the Bahamas beckons with its azure waters, stunning landscapes, and the promise of an idyllic sailing holiday.

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Cruise Abaco

Captained and Bareboat Charters in Abaco, Bahamas

Book A TRIP CALL US (321)-830-9412

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Captained or bareboat charters in the Bahamas!

Cruise Abaco located at Great Abaco Beach Resort (Boat Harbour Marina) in Marsh Harbour. We offer bareboat charters with excellent service and local knowledge so that you get the most out of sailing the Abacos. In addition to bareboat charters we also offer a unique concept of “ CAPTAINED BY DAY, BAREBOAT BY NIGHT ” ℠. This is one of the best options for sailing in the Bahamas, because our Captain is on board to guide you through the crystal waters by day, stopping to snorkel and enjoy the beautiful beaches, and then leaves you safely moored in a settlement or secluded cove each evening, every night in a different location. Simply put, there’s no better way to have an incredible Bahamas sailing vacation. We also offer day sails with stops at the underwater parks to snorkel, island hop and sight see – a great day on the water! All of our boats are outfitted with solar panels, have well equipped galleys and each is individually decorated to make you feel like you’re at home on a private yacht. All boats carry RIB inflatable dinghies with well-maintained outboards and we stand by 24/7 on VHF for local knowledge, emergencies or operational information whenever you may need to reach us. Let us do all the work for you to help ensure you enjoy your time sailing in the Bahamas!


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With a variety of options to choose from, there’s something to suit any need. If you’re looking for the perfect Abaco boat charter, we’ll make sure you have a blast.

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If you’ve made the decision to charter a boat in the Bahamas, the Cruise Abaco team will go the extra mile to provide you with an incredible experience.

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Ready to embark on your own Bahamas sailing adventure? Click here to request a reservation with Cruise Abaco today. We look forward to hearing from you!

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4 cabins, 4 heads



Got No Problems

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4 cabins, 2 heads

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Take the helm.

Take advantage of your time aboard by learning the ropes, sign up for American Sailing courses with your charter and gain certifications as you go! Our sailing classes will have you learning and living hands on with a licensed Captain who is a ASC Certified Sailing Instructor. Throughout a typical week, charter guests can complete up to three courses gaining any of the following American Sailing certifications:

ASA 114 Cruising Catamaran Course, 101-Basic Keelboat Sailing, 103-Basic Coastal Cruising and 104-Bareboat Cruising.

Must See Video of the lates footage with "The Adventure Crews"

We made it on YouTube Couple's flotilla "The Adventure Crews"

Check out us on this video by Sailing La Vagabonde

See what our guests are saying

"a win in every way".

Just returned from a 7-day “captain-by-day” charter with Cruise Abaco, and could not be more pleased with our experience. The boat (a 35’ monohull) was clean, well-maintained, and comfortable... Read More

- EdithHann56

"Will be back for sure!"

Cruise Abaco was the perfect choice! Our family of 5 had an amazing time cruising the Abaco Islands for 8 days. Captain Aaron has a great deal of experience and knowledge of sailing and the islands. We thoroughly enjoyed having... Read More

- Laura Hinkle Parker

"We had a great time!"

We just got done with a family week long charter while I completed my ASA 101/103/104 courses and we had a great time! The boat was in great condition and the folks at Cruise Abaco are great as well. I really appreciated... Read More

- Luke Pennington

"Great first experience!"

My wife and I had a fantastic experience with a 3-day charter; during 2 of which we were joined by Captain Amber by day, who coached me in the particulars of the boat (Harbor Lights; 40-ft cat) and navigating the local waters.... Read More

- DogsandBoats


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Cost per person: from $6475 (catamaran courses available).

Trip costs depend on season and available yacht models. Contact us  today to share your sailing dreams and goals, desired dates and location, and let us put together a quote for you!


  • Private cabin onboard the newest sailboats (CATAMARANS ONLY)
  • Hands on training from exceptional instructors, flown in for your course
  • FREE access to Nautilus’ exclusive online MASTERCLASS, with over 30+ videos, a $599 value to better help you prepare
  • All food on board, apart from three evening meals ashore
  • Formal ASA certifications
  • All textbooks, materials and international logbook
  • Induction into our very own Alumni Tribe to join global trips, flotillas, sailing adventures, and custom deliveries

Bahamas, Caribbean


About this destination.

The Abacos in the Bahamas are a spectacular island group stretching over 120 miles. Join us aboard a sexy new catamaran for a week as you learn how to sail and earn your ASA certifications (ASA 101, 103, 104 and 114 are offered). An amazing place to embark on your own sailing journey.


The Abacos are a sailors playground! Consistent winds, warm weather and hundreds of idyllic islands offer endless opportunities for beach exploration, paddle boarding and snorkeling healthy reefs teeming with life. We love being able find lobster for the grill and find our own deserted paradise to anchor in for the night!!


Video Coming Soon


Booking lead times: bahamas, caribbean.

How far in advance should I book my course with Nautilus? The further in advance the better as boat and captain availability fill up well in advance.


Very difficult, sample itinerary and map.

Fly into Marsh Harbour (airport code MHH) and catch a taxi to Marsh Harbour and the Conch Inn Resort and Marina. Hang out at the restaurant overlooking the bay or explore town. We board the boat at 5pm, will get settled aboard and then head out for dinner at our favorite restaurant, where you should plan on sampling the famous conch fritters!

Do a chart briefing, systems overview and check all the equipment on the boat. Set sail for Bakers Bay, a stunning anchorage with white sand beach. After some fun exploring the local beach, do your first formal lessons aboard.

After a detailed look at engine operation and maintenance, head out and learn how to sail! We'II learn points of sail, sail theory, and then practice sail trim. Sail north towards No Name Cay and once anchored, dinghy in to enjoy the pristine beach and the famous swimming pigs..

After a brief morning lesson, set sail for Spanish Cay and our longest passage of the week. If conditions permit we love to sail outside in the deeper waters and troll for Mahi Mahi! Tonight we head ashore to enjoy a delicious dinner at the Spanish Cay Marina.

After a morning swim, we once again set sail, heading south now towards the Ambergis Cays. Here we snorkel the pristine offshore reefs and try to find lobster or grouper for the grill. Grab your favorite beverage and head ashore to the deserted beach to enjoy the sunset!

Today is a passage south, and with the prevailing south easterly winds this means we usually get lots of tacking experience. Our anchorage for tonight is one of the most incredible beaches in the Abacos, Paradise Beach! We'll try and time the tides to experience the sandbars that appear at low tide and then dinghy in for sunset drinks at the local beach bar.

We weigh anchor and sail south on an upwind passage back towards the quaint and picturesque settlement of Hope Town, with it's iconic red and white lighthouse. Dinghy into the inner bay, climb the steps of the lighthouse for the breathtaking view from the top and then stroll this laid back settlement. Enjoy a delicious dinner ashore!

We are up early this morning and pop the sails for one final morning sail back to the marina. We are off the boat by 9am and you are free to fly home, or take a couple of extra days to explore the rest island or relax.

Bahamas, Caribbean


sailboat in the bahamas




“Perfect way to jump head first into learning to sail. A seven day live aboard sailing course in the gorgeous Bahamas. My instructor Skipper Troy M was patient and knowledgeable, and kind.

An awesome educational week of sailing basics wrapped up in adventure with cool folks. (Snorkeling, cooking aboard, exploring marinas, feeding iguanas) .  I had my own cabin and head which made the seven days very comfortable. I would do it all again but I passed all my tests so now off to put my new skills to work.

I recommend this company for a live aboard sailing school!”

BLAIR, Texas (USA)

Bahamas, Caribbean


Bahamas, Caribbean


The only way to join our tribe is to learn to sail with Nautilus.

We’re really careful to make sure that we know and trust anyone coming on one of our special trips.

Join us on flotillas, offshore deliveries, free webinars and unforgettable sailing adventures around the world. Join the Tribe.


Bahamas, Caribbean

In addition to the best offers we have for boat and yacht charters in The Bahamas, see also options available for rent in these nearby locations:

  • 91 boat rentals in Greater Chippingham, Nassau, The Bahamas
  • 91 boat rentals in Palm Cay, Nassau, The Bahamas
  • 91 boat rentals in The Bahamas
  • 91 boat rentals in Nassau, The Bahamas
  • 91 boat rentals in Nassau, New Providence, The Bahamas
  • 91 boat rentals in Lyford Cay, Nassau, The Bahamas
  • 25 boat rentals in Marsh Harbour, The Bahamas
  • 25 boat rentals in Elbow Cay, The Bahamas
  • 25 boat rentals in Treasure Cay, The Bahamas
  • 25 boat rentals in Great Guana Cay, The Bahamas

Rent a Sailboat Charter in the Bahamas with Sailo!

Looking for a sailboat rental in the Bahamas? Enjoy a one-of-a kind experience on the water with your own private Bahamas sailboat charter. Whatever your sailing style; from experienced skipper, fishing fanatic or thrill seeker, to those who just want to relax on deck with your family or friends, you’ll be spoiled for choice. Rent a sailboat in The Bahamas with Sailo for a memorable day trip or a sailing vacation to remember.

Ready to see your options for the Bahamas sailing vacation?

Sailboat rentals: the Bahamas sailing vacation is the perfect destination to explore from Sailo and spend your time on a style! Following a thorough vetting process, we offer a total of 95 charters in this location, available with or without captain. Take your family or friends on an amazing sailing trip in The Bahamas to enjoy the coastal landscape or watch a sunset, practice watersports, go fishing or simply relax and make the best of your staying outdoors.

How to find the ideal Bahamas sailing charter?

Sailo offers beautiful sailing charter: Bahamas sailboat rentals at various price points. Use our advanced filters to narrow your search by date, group size, and trip duration: 2 hrs, 4 hrs or full day charters. You can also choose the type of boat (sailboat, motorboat, catamaran) you want and go even further and look for a particular length, manufacturer and model. The price filter will help you see the available boats within your budget and the crew option is useful when you want to see boats with a skipper/captain included or only bareboats. Do you see a Bahamas sailboat charter that you would like to rent? Click on it to go to the next page to read more about it, see more photos, send a direct message to the owner to ask more questions or start creating your booking request right away!

How much is it to rent a sailboat in The Bahamas?

You can rent a Bahamas sailing charter for a day for an average of $1100 per day. The average price for a weekly Bahamas sailboat rental is $5457. Your total budget for a boating trip in The Bahamas depends on many factors such as: trip duration, if captain and crew are included in the price or their cost have to be paid separately, fuel cost (which could be significantly higher on a motorboat compared to a sailboat) and other extras you choose to customize your experience on the sailboat rental in the Bahamas.

What is Sailo’s cancellation policy?

As long as the booking request hasn't been accepted by the boat owner, the renter can cancel the request without any charge. If the renter cancels after the booking request has been accepted, the booking will be subject to the terms of the cancellation policy in place for each sailboat. The renter should check the cancellation policy with the boat owner, as some of the professional operators have specific cancellation policies which supersede that of Sailo. Whenever a boat owner doesn't have a specific cancellation policy, Sailo's Standard Cancellation policy will apply.

Guidelines to responsible yachting

If you’re looking to explore our beautiful planet, a Bahamas sailboat charter is a great place to start. Explore coral reefs with your snorkel, discover hidden bays and islands and generally enjoy the view of nature. Remember, that sailing motto: 'Take only photos, leave only wake' (OK, so we paraphrased). To be a responsible sailor, remember:

  • Don’t disturb coral or sealife
  • Take your trash home (and don’t throw anything in the sea)
  • Respect the locals and their customs wherever you go

Read more about responsible boating.

Popular Bahamas yacht charters are available on Sailo:

  • Bahamas catamaran charters
  • Boat rentals in Nassau, Bahamas
  • Marsh Harbour boat rentals
  • boat rentals in Exuma, Bahamas
  • boat rentals in Bimini
  • Abaco boat rentals
  • George Town boat rentals

Popular Caribbean sailing vacations destinations:

  • BVI sailboat charters
  • Sailboat charters in St. Thomas
  • USVI sailboat charters
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Yacht Cruising Lifestyle

Yacht Cruising Lifestyle

Everything fun you can do from your yacht

Never Sail the Bahamas Without This Guide

July 12, 2021 by Travis Turgeon 3 Comments

A pig swimming in the crystal clear waters of Exuma

If you’ve ever dreamed of sailing through the same waters as 17th-century Buccaneers like Blackbeard and Calico Jack, look no further than the Atlantic’s largest archipelago nation – The Bahamas. Situated approximately 180 miles southeast of Miami, Florida, the Bahamas are made up of nearly 700 islands, most of which remain uninhabited. The Bahamas are home to stunning pink sand beaches, wildly diverse scuba diving opportunities, and the world-renowned swimming pigs of Exuma. Most notably, though, the Bahamas is a yachties paradise. In this guide, we cover everything from planning to cruising costs to ensure that your trip goes off without a hitch. 

Table of Contents:

Sailing the bahamas after hurricane dorian.

  • What are the Best Months for Sailing the Bahamas?

How Should I Plan and Prepare for Sailing the Bahamas?

  • Sail to the Bahamas
  • Bahamas Customs and Immigration
  • Which Bahamian Islands Should I Visit?
  • Fishing in the Bahamas
  • Scuba Diving the Bahamas
  • Golf in the Bahamas
  • Bahamas Tours – Nassau
  • National Parks of the Bahamas
  • Festivals and Events of the Bahamas

Historical Sites and Cultural Landmarks of the Bahamas

  • Is the Bahamas Safe?
  • Costs and Budget for Sailing the Bahamas

Aerial view of Hurricane Dorian over the Bahamas

On September 1, 2019, Hurricane Dorian – the strongest hurricane to ever hit the Bahamas – caused flooding, mass destruction and took the lives of at least 74 people, leaving more than 200 others missing and presumed dead. Grand Bahama and the Abacos Islands took the worst of the storm, with the destructive mass sitting over Grand Bahama for a shocking 48 hours before moving past the island. The hurricane caused over $3 billion in damages – approximately a quarter of the country’s entire GDP. 

With all of the destruction and misery of such a recent tragedy, what is it like sailing the Bahamas nearly two years later? 

With over 650 islands unaffected by Hurricane Dorian, a world-class destination awaits all of those who will be sailing the Bahamas. Airports, tour operators, hotels, restaurants, and more are open for business and eager to gather a few tourist dollars. In fact, many people depend on tourists to rebuild their livelihoods after the devastation. Tourism is the best way to support the Bahamian communities. Not just the big resorts, chain restaurants, and cruise ships, but the local individuals running and working in markets, mom-and-pop shops, and street food stalls. There has never been a better time for a holiday in the Bahamas.

What are the Best Months For Sailing the Bahamas?

A woman in a hat looking at an island from a boat in the Bahamas

Sailing in the Bahamas is possible year-round, with access to shelter and resources nearly everywhere in the country. Each season comes with its pros and cons, though, and many prefer certain months to others. While each season is defined by exact dates, there is little assurance that mother nature remains consistent year to year.

Hurricane Season (June 1 – November 30)

While the term “hurricane season” seems daunting, you are by no means guaranteed to witness a boat-thrashing storm that crushes your cruising lifestyle for years to come. You are, however, advised to be mindful of a few things.

How Can I Stay Safe During Hurricane Season?

It’s essential to have a strategic plan in place when cruising the Bahamas during hurricane season. Part of your strategic plan should be to keep up with weather forecasts and have all of the proper equipment on board to alert you of incoming storms and harsh conditions. Luckily, the islands offer numerous “hurricane holes” – providing shelter and safety for those who need it. Plan your cruising routes so that you are always a short distance from one of these harbors, making for an easy escape to safety before the weather becomes a threat. Choose the harbors based on shelter, size, and the abundance of moorings in an anchorage. If you choose to weather the storm at anchor, your holding must be perfect for ensuring your safety.

Will my insurance cover me while sailing the Bahamas during hurricane season?

Every insurance plan is different from the next, and each will have a specific set of requirements to provide robust coverage for you and your vessel. Actually, many consider hurricane insurance to be a sham, insisting that boaters meet ridiculous stipulations to cover even a fraction of the damages. Some plans require you to pull your boat from the water entirely, while others opt-out of hull coverage without an additional plan to match. Your best bet is to plan your trip well in advance. Decide what you want to do and where you want to do it, and find an insurance plan that fits the bill.

Peak Season (December 1 – March 30)

Peak season in the Bahamas offers up some of the best weather you could ask for, and it makes for the perfect escape from some of the brutally cold destinations throughout North America. While peak season is often regarded as the “best” time for sailing the Bahamas, others may have a different opinion. Consider the following before planning your trip during the high season.

How are the Crowds During Peak Season?

The Bahamas are the perfect escape from the cold weather in the north, and it shows with the crowds and lack of moorings available at the popular cruising destinations. Crowds aren’t bad news for everyone, though – it just depends on the vibe you’re looking for. Junkanoo, for example, is an epic festival that draws a ton of people from all over the world. It’s a celebration of history, music, and cuisine that should not be missed if you’re in the area. 

Bahamas Peak Season Prices

As expected, prices tend to skyrocket with the peak season. There is a far higher demand for simple amenities, so make sure you know what to expect before arriving. If you aren’t entirely set on a budget vacation, the peak season can be a thrill that’s unrivaled for many. 

Shoulder Season (April 1 – May 31)

As with many destinations worldwide, shoulder season in the Bahamas offers an excellent balance between weather, costs, and crowds. Many consider April and May to be the best months to visit for the simple fact that crowds are thin, anchorages and moorings are abundant, and the activities and attractions remain unaffected. While there is no “wrong” time for sailing the Bahamas, we strongly suggest considering the shoulder season for your next holiday – especially for those looking for superb diving and fishing.

Four sailboats anchored in shallow blue Caribbean water between two sandbars

With so many people cruising the Bahamas every year, it seems like people make it happen with minimal effort. However, while you have the opportunity for a “paradise on earth” type of trip, you should approach it with the right amount of planning and preparation. Many people have shared their struggles and successes with sailing the Bahamas, so we put together a timeline to make sure you don’t miss a beat in preparing for crystal blue waters, vibrant coral reefs, and powdered white-sand beaches. 

3 – 6 Months in Advance

  • Apply for a cruising permit for sailing the Bahamas. You can do this online or upon arrival with immigration and customs at the port of entry. Online registration is the easiest way to apply and is strongly preferred by officials.
  • Order a yellow quarantine boat flag and a Bahamas courtesy flag to be flown while in the country. You can order these in various dimensions, but most opt for the 12” x 18” size.
  • Check your passport validity, and order a new passport if needed. 
  • Join online resources such as Facebook groups and travel forums to stay up-to-date with everything related to cruising in the Bahamas. Updates on entry requirements, island closures, and nearly everything else will be discussed here by fellow yachties. 
  • Arrange your bills to be paid automatically to avoid late fees, poor internet connection, and simple forgetfulness. Check for international fees when using your bank cards abroad. If your bank doesn’t offer attractive global usage, consider setting up a new bank account. Many banks don’t penalize their members for using their cards outside of the country. Radius Bank is one such online bank that reimburses users for foreign transactions and ATM fees. 
  • Thoroughly read and understand your boat insurance, and consider switching plans if it makes sense. Many plans don’t cover boaters who visit the Caribbean during hurricane season, so ensure your insurance plan suits your needs. 

Consider your options for communication, both on land and at sea. There are several options for internet and phone service while sailing the Bahamas, including:

  • Google-Fi is claimed by many to be the best cruising plan when visiting the Bahamas. There are three plans to choose from, with high-speed data starting at $10/GB.
  • My Island Wifi is one of the newest options and is quickly becoming a favorite for those in the sailing community. Island Wifi is a mobile hotspot device that offers daily, weekly, and monthly plans, with unlimited 4G data for just $85 per month.
  • Aliv is another new data service in the Bahamas that lets you buy a sim card and use your phone as a hotspot device. You can also buy a MiFi mobile router for data-only uses. For monthly unlimited 4G data, expect to pay around $140.
  • T-Mobile has an international plan that offers unlimited 2G data in the Bahamas for $70 per month. T-Mobile’s plan can be an excellent low-hassle option for those who don’t need the fastest internet speeds. 
  • Verizon offers an international travel pass with unlimited 4G data for $10 per day, which is quite expensive for extended trips. If you just need a few days of coverage, though, this can be a good option for current Verizon customers.
  • BTC is a local Bahamas sim that can be used with any unlocked phone. While the internet speeds are not on par with some of the other options, it’s simple to set up and use – making it a reasonable consideration for some. Data plans vary, with one of the most popular plans offering 15GB of data for $35 per month.
  • Research various Bahamian islands, routes, marinas, anchorages, and anything else that may be of interest during your trip. Make a rough outline of your itinerary, preferably on a map, and leave room for improvisation. Order guides, books, and any other resources that you may find helpful. 

Learn as much as you can about the weather in the Gulf Stream. How to plan, prepare, when to leave, and everything in between.

  • Choose a jump-off point from the US, and arrange what you need to get there pre-departure.
  • The most popular starting points are Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Pierce, and West Palm Beach.Research anything and everything regarding fishing, diving, handguns, and other activities you plan to do.
  • Be sure that you are up-to-date and understand the Bahamas’ fishing laws and regulations before fishing from your private vessel.
  • Check and update your onboard safety equipment and first-aid kits. Ensure nothing is expired and that everything has been adequately inspected and tested.
  • Ensure you have replacement and repair parts for any vital equipment – most things are far more expensive in the Bahamas, so it’s best to come prepared with anything you may need. 

* Always check for up-to-date customs and immigration requirements well before departure.

3 – 10 Days in Advance

  • Take out a fair amount of cash from your bank. ATMs can be scarce, and when you do find one, you may be charged several transaction fees for using it. In addition, vendors often won’t have change for large bills. Be sure to stock up on $1’s and $5’s to avoid this problem. 
  • Monitor the weather and watch for optimal windows to make the Gulf Stream passage safely. 
  • Provision your boat: Canned foods, paper products, soft drinks, alcohol, personal items, and more will often be cheaper to buy pre-departure.

Sailing to the Bahamas

Colorful pastel buildings line the coast of Nassau

Regardless of your chosen port of entry, the Bahamas is just a quick overnight crossing from south Florida. If you’re running a speedboat, you may be able to make the trip in just a few hours. Either way, it’s essential to select an appropriate window of good weather for the crossing, and most sailors agree that the further south you start, the easier the passage will be. 

The Bahamas Ports of Entry

Below, we outline your options for ports of entry based on region. The list is subject to changes and updates, so be sure to check with the government’s website before sailing to the Bahamas. Remember, leisure crafts must clear customs and immigration and purchase a cruising permit before they are free to operate in the Bahamas. We’ve added an interactive map to help navigate your options for ports of entry when arriving in the Bahamas. Alternatively, see the screenshots below for a quick reference to each region.

Map of Great Abaco ports of entry

  • (+1) 242-699-4045
  • [email protected]
  • Airport – Sandy Point (By Request Only)
  • Sandy Point Public Dock (By Request Only)
  • (+1) 242-699-4060
  • (+1) 242-365-0083
  • Baker’s Bay Marina / Guana Cay (Private Members Only)
  • (+1) 242-367-1900
  • (+1) 242-367-4000
  • Great Abaco Beach Resort Marina
  • Jib Room Marina
  • (+1) 242-367-4996
  • (+1) 242-367-1903 or (+1) 242-699-4021
  • Marsh Harbour Public Dock
  • (+1) 242-699-4059
  • [email protected]
  • (+1) 242-365-8250
  • Treasure Cay Public Dock

Map of Andros ports of entry

  • (+1) 242-368-2030
  • Fresh Creek Public Dock
  • (+1) 242-329-2140
  • San Andros Public Dock
  • (+1) 242-369-2640

Bimini / Cat Cay

Map of Bimini and Cat Cay ports of entry

  • (+1) 242-347-3391 (Landing Fee – $50)
  • (+1) 242-347-3100 or (+1) 242-347-3102
  • [email protected] or [email protected]
  • (+1) 242-347-3500
  • (+1) 242-347-3166
  • (+1) 242-347-3116
  • (+1) 242-347-6100, Ext: 1016
  • (+1) 242-347-6100, Ext: 1035 / 1036 or (+1) 242-473-1727
  • (+1) 242-347-3071 or (+1) 242-347-3477
  • (+1) 242-347-3101
  • (+1) 242-347-3028

The Berry Islands

Map of Berry Islands ports of entry

  • (+1) 242-359-9020 
  • (+1) 242-325-1490
  • Bullock’s Harbor Public Dock
  • (+1) 242-367-8566
  • (+1) 242-367-8005

Map of Cat Island ports of entry

  • Arthur’s Town Public Dock (By Request Only)
  • Bennet’s Harbour Public Dock (By Request Only, Landing Fee – $100)
  • (+1) 242-342-2016
  • (+1) 242-342-2149 or (+1) 242-342-2223

Eleuthera and Harbour Island

Map of Eleuthera ports of entry

  • (+1) 242-699-6122 or (+1) 242-699-6147
  • (+1) 242-699-6122
  • [email protected]
  • (+1) 242-333-2325
  • (+1) 242-333-2142 or 866-389-6864
  • (+1) 242-333-4462
  • (+1) 242-699-6128
  • (+1) 242-333-4255
  • (+1) 242-699-6121 or (+1) 242-699-6117
  • (+1) 242-335-1650
  • (+1) 242-332-3777 or (+1) 242-332-3778
  • (+1) 242-332-2341
  • (+1) 242-699-6104
  • (+1) 242-334-8500
  • (+1) 242-334-6303
  • (+1) 242-334-2112 or (+1) 242-699-6126 / 6112

Map of the Exumas ports of entry

  • Black Point (By Request Only)
  • (+1) 242-345-0071
  • [email protected]
  • (+1) 242-336-2072
  • (+1) 242-342-7050
  • (+1) 242-336-2578
  • Airport – Staniel Cay (By Request Only)
  • Staniel Cay Marina(By Request Only)

Grand Bahama Island

Map of Grand Bahama ports of entry

  • (+1) 242-602-9503 
  • (+1) 242-602-9503
  • (+1) 242-602-9491
  • (+1) 242-602-9546 (+1) 242-602-9400
  • (+1) 242-284-5193 or (+1) 242-373-7616
  • Lucayan Marina Village
  • Lucayan Yacht Club
  • (+1) 242-352-6834
  • Ocean Reef Marina (By Request Only)
  • (+1) 242-373-9090
  • Port Lucaya Marina Village
  • Xanadu Marina (Older Docks – Not Advised)
  • South Riding Point
  • (+1) 242-349-4101 or (+1) 242-727-0514
  • (+1) 242-602-9413 or (+1) 242-602-9481
  • [email protected]

Map of Inagua ports of entry

Long Island

Map of Long Island Bahamas ports of entry

  • Clarence Town Public Dock (By Request Only – Contact Airport)
  • Deadman’s Cay Airport (Domestic Only)
  • (+1) 242-337-3430
  • (+1) 242-338-8668
  • Simms Public Dock (By Request Only)
  • (+1) 242-338-2012
  • (+1) 242-338-2050 / 2051 / 2052

New Providence

Map of New Providence ports of entry

  • (+1) 242-676-6020
  • (+1) 242-604-3196 / 3184 / 3187 / 3174
  • (+1) 242-393-8232
  • (+1) 242-323-2172
  • (+1) 242-676-7000
  • Kelly’s Dock
  • (+1) 242-604-3277 / 3256
  • (+1) 242-362-4271
  • (+1) 242-393-7873
  • (+1) 242-393-0771
  • (+1) 242-393-8173
  • (+1) 242-676-8554
  • (+1) 242-604-3341
  • (+1) 242-394-1036
  • Southwest Bay Dolphins
  • (+1) 242-394-1605
  • (+1) 242-363-6068

San Salvador

Map of San Salvador ports of entry

  • (+1) 242-331-2631 or (+1) 242-477-0900 or (+1) 242-452-6129
  • (+1) 242-331-2131
  • [email protected]

Florida to the Bahamas – Which Routes are Best to Follow?

While there are pretty much endless routes you can follow to get to the Bahamas, there are some tried-and-true paths that sailors commonly take. Keep in mind that any of these routes can be adjusted or mix-and-matched to better fit your overall itinerary.

Miami to Grand Bahama

For one of the shortest possible routes from the southern US, consider sailing to the Bahamas from Miami. Depending on where you plan to explore throughout your trip, this is a great spot to base yourself – especially for first-time visitors to the Bahamas. 

Miami to The Exumas

Another option to sail to the Bahamas from Miami is to head straight for the Exumas. This route offers boaters a true taste of the Gulf Stream while also providing adequate shelter and calm seas at the ladder-half of the trip. If the weather gets bad, you also have several options for alternative stop-offs before reaching your initial destination. The Exuma Islands are made up of over 350 cays, so it’s a great location to begin a holiday for sailing the Bahamas.

West Palm Beach to The Abacos

If you don’t want to sail to the Bahamas from Miami, another popular jump-off location is West Palm Beach, Florida. Starting further north allows you to hit some of the northern Bahamian islands on your way out rather than your way back. It also provides a bit of a different vibe when making the passage across the Gulf Stream. The Abacos is another ideal starting point for a holiday around the Bahamas, as you can run the eastern edge of the archipelago all the way down to the Eleuthera and Harbour Islands if you so desire. 

How to Navigate the Gulf Stream

The Gulf Stream is a 60+ mile wide ocean current that runs from the Gulf of Mexico to Florida and up the Atlantic coast of the US. The water in this current flows north at a considerable rate, and the water temperature in the current is higher than the surrounding waters. Because of this, tropical storms are much more likely and can occur with little warning. Three primary considerations need to be made before making the passage from the southern US to the Bahamas. Weather, heading, and boat speed. 

Timing your passage across the Gulf Stream can be tricky, especially for those making the crossing for the first time. Throughout the winter months, patience is key to sailing across the Gulf Stream safely. To ensure ideal conditions for sailing to the Bahamas, you should wait until the winds do not exceed 15 knots, and you should generally avoid crossing in the presence of northerly winds. You can use numerous resources in preparation for the passage, and one of the most popular is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 

Heading and Course

When crossing the Gulf Stream, your heading and course will never be identical. The current flows north at such a high rate that you will always run a course that ends up north of your heading. As a result, the Gulf Stream is a great place for sailors to hone their navigation skills. If you rely entirely on automated navigational equipment and your gear malfunctions, you can easily miss your landing point. Plotting a course on a paper chart and traveling at right-angles is the go-to method for sailors using anything other than high-speed boats. 

Speaking of boat speed, it should come as no surprise that the slower your boat is, the more you will be affected by the high-speed currents of the stream. While speedboats can generally snake the passage in just a few hours, those sailing to the Bahamas generally need to plan for a 6-10 hour journey depending on the destination and conditions. During your course, it’s likely that you will cross paths with other boats at one point or another. Be extremely cautious when this happens, as boat speeds can be highly deceiving in the Gulf Stream.

Sailing the Bahamas – Customs and Immigration

The Bahamas country flag hanging from a front porch in front of palm trees

After finally arriving at one of the many ports of entry in the Bahamas, you’ll need to legally enter the country and obtain a cruising permit for onward travel. The customs and immigration process is similar to entering through an airport, but there are some differences and special requirements, which we discuss below. 

What Documents Do I Need to Enter the Bahamas?

To enter the country on a private vessel, you will need the following documentation:

  • Copy of a Completed Bahamas Customs Clearance Form
  • Valid Passport as Proof of Citizenship
  • Bahamas Immigration Card Per Person
  • Proof of Ownership
  • Any Other Supporting Documents
  • A cruising permit can be obtained online before entering through customs and immigration or upon arrival by boat. It is far preferred by immigration officials that this is done online before arrival. 
  • Copy of All Firearm Documents
  • Pet permits are issued by the Department of Agriculture and are required for all pets older than three months. Annual or short-term licenses are available. 
  • American Bully
  • Presa Canario
  • Staffordshire Terrier
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Savannah Cat
  • For more information and resources regarding animal passports, please visit the Government of the Bahamas website.

Clearing In Process

When entering the country by private vessel, you must follow the standardized process to ensure smooth and uneventful entry. Dress nicely, be patient, and treat all officials with respect. The general process for clearing in is as follows:

  • As you enter your chosen port of entry, hoist the yellow quarantine flag to notify a customs official of your arrival.
  • Depending on the port, either a customs official will come to your boat, or the boat captain will need to go to shore to find them. Only the boat captain is permitted to leave the vessel before clearing in. 
  • All passengers on board are required to show proof of citizenship and fill out an immigration card. 
  • After receiving your cruising permit, take down your yellow quarantine flag and hoist the Bahamian courtesy flag – fly this flag for the remainder of your stay. 

* The crew on SV Tula recorded a video recording of their arrival process with a customs official entering Great Harbour Cay – it’s a great resource to visualize the process for those who have yet to visit.

Can I bring a firearm with me while sailing the Bahamas?

Visitors to the Bahamas are allowed to have firearms on board their private vessels, but they must be declared with immigration officials. Only handguns, rifles, and shotguns are permitted in the Bahamas. All documentation should be presented upon arrival, including the serial number and manufacturer of each weapon. In addition, a customs official will take a hard count of all ammunition when inspecting the vessel, and that count will be double-checked during departure procedures.

As of June 2021, the following remains true:

  • There is a limit of three firearms per vessel, of which the caliber may not exceed .308.
  • No more than 250 rounds of ammunition are allowed for each firearm.
  • All automatic weapons are prohibited.
  • No weapons are permitted for any center console vessels. If firearms are found on center console boats entering the country, they will be taken by police and returned upon departure.

All firearms must be kept under lock and key while in the country and may not be taken off the boat for any reason without obtaining a permit through Bahamian police first. The Bahamas recently increased the penalties and sentences for those who break local firearms laws, and those caught violating gun laws will be dealt with accordingly. It is not uncommon for visitors to the Bahamas to be arrested when found with guns onboard illegally. 

If for any reason, you must exit the country by air and leave your vessel for pickup at a later date, you must notify the police and customs of your departure. Police will escort you to your boat to retrieve your firearm(s) and store it for you until your return. 

What are the fees for sailing the Bahamas ?

Everyone entering the country by boat will need to pay an entry fee upon or before arrival. Fees are standardized by boat size as follows:

  • 0-34’: $150 for up to 3 Months – OR – $300 Annually
  • 34-100’: $300 for up to 3 Months – OR – $600 Annually
  • 100-150’: $500 for up to 3 Months – OR – $1000 Annually
  • 150-200’: $800 for up to 3 Months – OR – $1600 Annually
  • 200’+: $1000 for up to 3 Months – OR – $2000 Annually

These fees cover a private vessel’s cruising permit, fishing permit, and departure tax for up to three people. For additional passengers, a departure fee of $20 will be added to the total. All fees are valid for a second re-entry within 90 days of departure.

Clearing Out Process

All vessels must clear out of the country and receive a certificate of clearance before departure. Both the cruising permit and immigration cards will be returned to customs officials. If there are firearms on board, they must be declared with all ammunition present. Weapons procedures are essential to reduce the availability of illegal weapons in the Bahamas. 

* No fees are required for clearing out

Sailing From the Bahamas Back to the United States

If you’re headed back to the U.S. after clearing out of the Bahamas, you’ll need to be familiar with the re-entry process and the documents required to clear back in. You are considered to have entered the US once you have anchored or tied up within US waters – Nobody can leave the vessel until cleared by customs officials. As of September 2018, the Small Vessel Reporting System (SVRS) is no longer an option for returning boats, and float plans are no longer required or accepted. All operators of non-commercial boats MUST report to a CBP Port of Entry.

  • Toll-Free: 1-800-432-1216
  • CBP ROAM Mobile App
  • www.cbp.com
  • Once you have reported your arrival, you’ll be directed to the nearest Port of Entry to physically present all passengers and crew on board. 

Prepare the following documents for customs officials to review upon your arrival at the chosen Port of Entry:

  • Vessel Name and Vessel Registration
  • Vessel Owners Name and Passport
  • Captains Name, DOB, and Passport
  • Passenger Passports
  • List of Foreign Ports Visited While Abroad
  • Total Value of Purchases Made Abroad

Which islands should I visit while Sailing the Bahamas?

A man sips from a fresh coconut in a straw hat under a palm tree in Grand Bahama

With over 700 islands throughout the archipelago, there’s something that fits the bill for nearly every type of sailor. So whether you’re on the hunt for blissful coral-lined shores or the community vibes of a busy anchorage, the Bahamas has a destination that delivers. While far from an exhaustive list, the islands listed below are some of the favorites of visitors to the country.

Abaco Islands

The Abaco Islands are genuinely some of the Bahamas’ best, hosting clear turquoise waters, coral-encrusted coasts, world-class golf courses, and colonial seaside towns. The island chain stretches over 120 miles in length and is surrounded by calm, shallow waters that are home to a vast abundance of marine life – making it the perfect destination for long days on and below the water. 

You could easily spend weeks at the various cays along the chain of islands exploring the reefs, enjoying the local cuisines, and visiting the swimming pigs of Abacos – not to be confused with the swimming pigs of Exuma. 

The beaches at Treasure Cay have been recognized by National Geographic as some of the best in the world, making this a no-brainer for your itinerary while sailing the Bahamas. 

Andros Island is considered the bonefishing capital of the Bahamas, lined with mangrove shallows and creeks – the perfect habitat for the various species found in the Caribbean. You can cast a line from the shore or drop an anchor and test your luck. Either way, you should have no problem landing a few meals around the island. 

If you’re looking to do some snorkeling or scuba diving, the Andros Barrier Reef is the third largest reef in the world, measuring over 190 miles in length. With over 160 species of fish and coral, Andros is one of the most popular diving locations in all of the Caribbean. The area is also home to various blue holes, both inshore and further out, that the Bahamas are known for. 

Nassau is the capital of the Bahamas, a popular cruise ship stop-off point that’s famous for its offshore coral reefs and pastel-painted buildings. Today, Nassau holds over 80% of the population of the Bahamas, although it has maintained the laid-back Caribbean vibes people come for. 

Using Nassau as a base location in the Bahamas is relatively common, as it sits nearly centered in the archipelago and offers easy access to almost all other Bahamian islands. With an international airport on the island, it’s also one of the most popular places to charter a boat from after flying into the country. 

The Exumas are among the most popular islands in all of the Bahamas, and make no mistake – they are incredible. Consisting of 365 cays, the majority of the islands are entirely uninhabited. They are host to a seemingly unreal abundance of wildlife, both above and below the water, so we suggest you come prepared with a mask and snorkel in hand. 

In Norman Cay, you can snorkel in calm, crystal-clear waters above Pablo Escobar’s sunken drug plane – making for a truly unique experience. 

A short boat ride from Norman Cay, Staniel Cay was the shooting location of two James Bond movies – stop off and have a Martini – just make sure it’s shaken, not stirred. The island is also home to a world-famous cave system called “Thunderball Grotto” –  a must-see for any qualified cave divers. 

Not too keen on snorkeling or diving? Spend your days marveling at the rare iguana species and marine birds, and swim with the world-famous pigs of Exuma on Pig Beach at Major Cay. You can even bring some fresh fruit to feed the pigs – it makes for some outstanding photos!

Berry Islands

If you’re heading to the Bahamas in search of tranquility, the Berry Islands offer up just that. These mostly undeveloped islands sit about halfway between Grand Bahama and Nassau, making it the perfect stop-off for the beginning of your trip. 

Devil’s Cay anchorage is a must-see destination in the Berry Islands, hosting the serene nature and wilderness you imagine when you think of the Bahamas. There are small, secluded stretches of sand nestled along the coastline that offer nearly everyone in the area the chance to lounge in their own personal paradise.

Bimini comprises three main islands – South Bimini, North Bimini, and East Bimini – and many small, uninhabited cays scattered around and between. Most of the residents stay on South and North Bimini, and the East island consists mostly of coastal mangroves. The Bimini Islands are the closest of the Bahamian Islands to the mainland US and hold over 2000 of the country’s residents. 

The Bahamas is one of the world’s greatest shark sanctuaries, and Bimini is host to nearly every shark found in the country. Visitors who participate in guided shark tours frequently see lemon sharks, tiger sharks, blacktips, nurse sharks, bull sharks, and even the occasional hammerhead when in season. Whether you’re a diver, snorkeler, or just someone who wants a unique experience on your holiday, these marine-rich waters deliver on all fronts. 

If you’re like most – you may be a bit skittish getting in the water with sharks, but there are also shallow areas where juvenile lemons hang out that kids and non-swimmers can interact with. The Bimini Shark Lab offers tours where they teach visitors about their research – a wonderful experience not to be missed. 

Eleuthera is the Bahama’s fourth-largest island – a long and spindly stretch of land no more than a few km wide for most of its length. The inner island holds pineapple fields and flatlands, with a coastline shrouded in jaw-droppingly beautiful beaches. The shallow, crystal-blue waters are perfect for swimming and snorkeling, and the powdered sand is as ideal as it gets for a day of sunbathing. 

Just off the coast of Eleuthera sits Harbour Island – a location known for its stunning pink sand beaches. There are numerous anchorages just off the shore, and visitors shouldn’t run into any trouble finding a place to hold. There are even seven marinas for docking and coming to shore if you want to spend a night or two there. If you hope to dock at a marina slip, be sure to contact the marina well before your arrival to ensure your slip remains available. 

Be aware of the “Devil’s Backbone” when coming into Harbour Island – a treacherous, shallow reef that extends along the island’s north coast. Many first-time visitors have been unfortunate enough to find themselves coming in contact with the reef’s jagged edges, so be cautious upon your arrival to avoid similar pitfalls. 

Fishing While Sailing the Bahamas

A man holds a large mahi-mahi that he just caught while fishing from a boat in the Bahamas

Fishing in the Bahamas is on any ambitious angler’s bucket list, and it’s easy to see why. Just imagine – You cast a line, loosen your drag, and kick back in your lounge chair overlooking the crystalline waters of the Caribbean. Suddenly, the sounds of the waves lapping against your boat are interrupted by the ZZzZZzzZZZ of your fishing line – you’re hooked! Anywhere else, you’d assume you’re in for a quick fight and expect to have dinner on the boat deck within minutes. Here, though, assumptions are better left at home. 

Fishing in the Bahamas offers you the chance to catch nearly every Caribbean species imaginable, along with the opportunity to land world record fish on a daily basis – the excitement is real. Few places hold a candle to the epic, big game battles that happen on these waters – and it all happens with dream-worthy Bahamian backdrops painted endlessly in a thousand shades of blue, white, and turquoise. 

Before you cast a line into these awe-inspiring waters, it’s essential that you know the fishing rules and restrictions of the Bahamas to avoid any problems. 

Don’t let a simple case of unawareness put a damper on your holiday. Here’s a quick overview of the basic fishing guidelines, but be sure to FOLLOW THE LINK ABOVE for more in-depth information on fishing in the Bahamas and the rest of the Caribbean. 

  • A fishing license is required in the Bahamas, although you should have been issued one along with your cruising permit. 
  • Various fishing nets and traps are off limits, and so are certain mesh sizes (see link above).
  • Various marine parks prohibit fishing within their boundaries (see link above).
  • All coral species, sharks, billfish, turtles, and sea fans are illegal to target or take.
  • Closed seasons and size limits exist for various species (see link above).
  • Spearfishing is legal in the Bahamas, but spearguns are prohibited – only Hawaiian Slings are approved for use. Additionally, you may not spearfish within 200 meters of any coastline throughout the country.

Now that you’re up to date with the laws, regulations, size limits, and seasonal fishing restrictions in the Bahamas, it’s time to dig deep and make some tough choices. Of course, certain fishing locations throughout the country are better for specific species than others, but you won’t run into many troubles regardless of where you are. Here are just a few fishing destinations that are sure to leave you stunned with excitement, and hopefully, deliver some of the best fishing of your life while sailing the Bahamas. 

Abaco Islands Fishing

Situated in the northeast Bahamas, the Abaco Islands are known for their outstanding fishing – specifically, marlin fishing. During peak season – historically running from April to July – marlin can be found just about anywhere around the islands. However, locals have their favorite stomping grounds, and the secret is getting out. Right off the lighthouse of Elbow Cay, marlin fishing has proven to be consistently productive, and the action isn’t slowing. Your best bet is to drop your lines when the depth reaches about 500 feet. Another local tip is to troll the area when the tides are receding and when the water is abundant with plankton – generally changing the water’s color to milky green. 

If you’re interested in a fishing tournament, look no further than the Abaco Islands. Every year, between April and July, the islands host big game fishing tournaments, and the turnout is never disappointing. In 2011, one fishing team pulled out a nearly 120-pound Bluefin Tuna – setting a world record for the species and further signifying the epic possibilities in the area. 

Bimini Fishing

Bimini is only 50-some miles from Miami, Florida, and it’s comprised of three main islands that sit in the middle of the ocean. The islands are a fisherman’s playground, allowing the opportunity to catch nearly any species found throughout the Bahamas. In fact, there have been over 50 record-setting catches in Bimini alone – making it a highly coveted destination for sport fishermen.

The locals in Bimini spend a lot of time tuna fishing, as do the visitors to the area. As with most other destinations throughout the Bahamas, the once-coveted Bluefin Tuna has seen a massive decline in numbers over the years. Yellowfin Tuna are now found in higher numbers than ever before, so they have landed the spot for the top species in the area. Tuna fishing can be unpredictable, but the locals have found tried-and-true methods for locating their masses. Follow the birds! Seabirds target baitfish that swim near the surface, and so do the tuna. The birds are the first to spot the baitfish, so trolling the waters before the tuna gets you a headstart on the action. 

Exumas Fishing

Deep-sea fishing, reef fishing, shore fishing, spearfishing, bonefishing, lobstering – you name it, the Exumas delivers. The nice thing about the Exumas is the location. Whether you’re basing your trip entirely around big game-fish or want to spread the love and make the rounds between your fishing techniques, the Exumas offers easy access to nearly any location throughout the Bahamas. 

Big game can be caught year-round in the Exumas, but some months produce a better catch than others. In January, for example, Wahoo tends to run in masses. You can catch some of the heftiest fish you’ve ever laid your eyes on in the Exumas. On the other hand, April and May see mahi-mahi in unheard-of numbers. You have the chance to land a world record at any moment during these months. 

* Always be aware of catch restrictions. All billfish are catch and release only in the Bahamas.

While you can be successful reef fishing just about anywhere in the Bahamas, visitors swear by the Exumas time after time for species like snapper and grouper. The reef fishing is second to none in any month, so no need to plan your trip around the fish. Reef fishing is the best angling for a family, especially those with younger children just starting in the sport. While deep-sea fishing is great fun, it’s often a bit too much effort for those who aren’t overly excited in the first place. Just be sure to reel in your catch quickly. Sharks are commonly drawn in for an easy meal from your hook. Sandy Cay is a popular reef fishing spot, but you’ll have luck over just about any reef. 

Spiny lobster fishing is another favorite for those in the Exumas, but you’ll need to be aware of the season and the catch laws associated with it. Generally speaking, the spiny lobster season runs from April 1 to July 31. Always check for changes and updates with the local authorities. Once you’re clear, you may only use snorkel gear and a Hawaiian Sling. No scuba gear or spearguns are permitted to harvest lobster. Grab a local guide or ask around for tips on hot locations, and happy eating!

Fishing in Nassau

Nassau is the capital of this giant archipelago nation, so it’s only reasonable to mention it as one of our top fishing destinations. As with the rest of the Bahamas, Nassau hosts a massive spread of fishing opportunities, including bonefishing on the flats, reef fishing for snapper, and bluewater fishing for big game-fish. 

Tuna fishing is one of the most sought-after species in Nassau, and the actions happen during the summer months between May and August. Yellowfin and Blackfin Tuna are the most common species, with Bluefin Tuna falling to the wayside – as they are far less common to land. The Yellowfins caught here often weigh anywhere from 20 to 400 pounds, with the Blackfins commonly taken between 25 and 55 pounds. The fish here are no joke, so prepare yourself for a real workout if you land one on your hook. “The Pocket” is one of Nassau’s most popular fishing locations for Tuna, so gear up and head out to the deep blue.

The bonefishing is best at the south of the island. The most popular fishing hole here is called “The Southern Flats.” During low tide, shallow waters expose giant sand patches where Barracuda, Permit, and Tarpon hang their hats. Get ready to see what all the fuss is about, but bring your A-game. These fish can escape your hook in a matter of seconds if you’re not careful.

Scuba Diving While Sailing the Bahamas

A tiger sharks swims past two scuba divers with underwater cameras at Tiger Beach in Grand Bahama

Sailing the Bahamas offers countless experiences that are as shocking as they are awe-inspiring, and scuba diving holds its place at the top of the list. Diving in the Bahamas is arguably unrivaled by most other destinations, with a vast and expansive list of unique dive sites suitable for any experience level. Adrenaline-packed drift dives, massive and dramatic wall dropoffs, eerily beautiful blue holes, color-bursting reefs, and heart-pounding shark dives – you can have it all. From ripping through washing-machine-like currents to blowing bubble rings above calm coral reefs, the following dives are certain to leave you smiling from ear to ear.

Tiger Beach – Grand Bahama

Located about an hour’s boat ride from the west end of Grand Bahama sits Tiger Beach – a small and shallow sand flat home to numerous shark species – most notably, tiger sharks. Few places offer shark diving like the Bahamas, so recreational divers, scientists, and underwater photographers come from all over the globe for the experience. 

The sharks at Tiger Beach are residents, and you can have face-to-face encounters year-round. With that said, October to January is breeding season for tiger sharks, so a visit during these months pretty much guarantees close encounters. Conditions are relatively consistent throughout the year, with calm currents, warm water, and lots of sunshine. The dives are shallow, and you don’t do much active swimming, so expect bottom times of 45-120 minutes.  

While tiger sharks undoubtedly take center stage at Tiger Beach, the dive site is also home to lemon sharks, reef sharks, nurse sharks, bull sharks, and great hammerheads. You’ll see numerous shark species on most dives, and it is not uncommon to see up to 20-30 sharks at a time. There’s no better place than Tiger Beach to hone your underwater photography skills , so come prepared to capture the photos of a lifetime. 

To dive at Tiger Beach, you’ll need to arrange a trip with a certified dive shop and an experienced dive guide. Diving in such an area without the proper briefing, knowledge, and experience can easily lead to disaster, so be sure to choose a reputable shop or guide. Day trips to Tiger Beach are possible from land but are more commonly made by liveaboard dive trips.

Current Cut – Eleuthera 

Few things are more exciting than tearing through high-speed, multi-directional currents – and Current Cut is a dive site that delivers pure adrenaline for those with an itch to scratch. The dive site is a 60-foot deep, 100-yard wide crevice off the island of Eleuthera that hosts a wildly strong current that makes for some of the best drift diving in the world. 

With current speeds that can reach up to 10 knots, this dive is one of the fastest drifts on the planet. In just 10 short minutes, you’ll cover nearly ⅔ of a mile – only experienced divers should consider this dive. Those that make the plunge tumble their way over magnificent coral reefs covered in hearty, soft coral and sea fans – just a few of the organisms that benefit from the high flow of nutrients carried by the current. It’s common to see mako and blacktip sharks, schools of stingrays, and massive big game-fish like tuna and wahoo. Don’t bother bringing your camera on this dive, though – there’s just no chance of consistently catching quality shots. 

Vulcan Bomber and Tears of Allah – James Bond Wrecks – Nassau

For those with a love of Sean Connery, cinema, secret spies, or a shaken martini, diving the James Bond wrecks in New Providence is hard to pass up. Appearing in “Thunderball” and “Never Say Never Again,” the Vulcan Bomber and Tears of Allah shipwrecks are two of the most famous in the Bahamas. Due to the nutrient-rich waters, you’ll find that these artificial reefs are teeming with life – unlike many shipwrecks around the world. Turtles, rays, and sharks are all area residents – it’s a dive you shouldn’t miss if you’re around New Providence. 

Both wrecks are shallow and calm, so the sites are accessible to all levels of divers. It’s easy to explore both in a single dive, as they lie just 30 feet or so from one another along the seafloor. If you want to capture a bit of Bond’s legacy during your dive, be sure to bring a wide-angle lens to fit the wrecks in the frame. 

The Crater Blue Hole – Andros

Andros is the largest island in the Bahamas, and it’s home to several natural “blue holes” – large marine caverns or sinkholes that develop along coral reefs and limestone. “The Crater” is the most famous of the Andros blue holes, with a thriving ecosystem that delivers on numerous fronts. Blue holes are commonly suitable for more experienced divers, but the blue hole in Andros is accessible to all skill levers – just be sure to hire a guide for your dives. 

Generally, first-time divers to The Crater will just explore the outer edges in shallow water. The outer edge resembles a canyon, and the dropoff to the deep blue is quite dramatic. Only highly experienced divers should descend into the hole, and they should not do so without a local dive guide. Blue holes are notoriously dangerous, as the lack of ambient light can lead to confusion and vertigo – killing many who have dived beyond their limits. The Crater is home to sea turtles, rays, eels, various reef fish – ideal marine life and an underwater landscape that make for an experience you won’t soon forget. 

Golfing While Sailing the Bahamas

A Titleist 3 golf ball sitting at the very edge of the hole on a putting green in the Bahamas

“If God played golf, he would only play in the Bahamas.” It’s a common expression for golf enthusiasts who get the chance to swing their clubs on these heaven-like links. Whether you’ve played the sport for weeks or decades, the Bahamas is a golfer’s paradise for any skill level. Many of these world-famous courses display painted blue backdrops of the Atlantic, making it nearly impossible to forget your time spent on these fairways. Take a break from sailing the Bahamas and hit the links during your time around the islands.

The Abaco Club on Winding Bay – Great Abaco

It’s no easy task to choose a “favorite” golf course in the Bahamas. Still, many who are experienced around these island courses choose the Abaco Club – hands down. These Scottish-style links are nestled right on the sea, offering panoramic views of the Atlantic that are arguably unrivaled by other courses in the Bahamas. Your driving game will need to be clean and polished to be successful on this hard, fast course, and you’ll need to keep your cool when staring down some of the most intimidating tee shots around. Bunkers, dunes, and sloping greens make this course both challenging and rewarding for those with the patience and skill, so bring your A-game and get ready for a truly unique experience. 

Ocean Club Golf Course – Paradise Island, Nassau

The Ocean Club Golf Course of Paradise Island is an 18-hole, par-72 course that spans over 7000 yards along the island’s peninsula. Designed by Tom Weiskopf, this championship course is tough on even the most experienced golfers, making it a coveted experience for those up for the challenge. The course offers rentals, practice facilities, a pro shop, and golf lessons with certified PGA instructors for novice golfers or those who want to brush up on specific skills. You can book tee times up to two months in advance, so make sure to reserve your space as soon as your trip is certain.

Royal Blue Golf Club at Baha Mar – Nassau

The Royal Blue Golf Club is an 18 hole, par-72 course designed by Jack Nicklaus – considered one of the greatest golfers in the sport’s history. The front nine and the back nine vary drastically, with the front nine displaying an Atlantic backdrop and a back nine of jungle and limestone. The elevation changes throughout the course make it challenging to stay on par, so it’s the perfect place to test your driving and short-game precision. Don’t want to haul your clubs to the course? No problem. The world-class rental program offered at Baha Mar lets you rent the latest and greatest in the game, with equipment from Callaway, PXG, TaylorMade, and Titleist, to name a few. 

Tours While Sailing the Bahamas – Nassau

A hand rolled Bahamian cigar sits next to a glass of rum on a dark wooden table

One of the best ways to explore new destinations is by taking local tours, and there are some truly unique and memorable experiences to have while sailing the Bahamas. You can hire a private guide, join a group tour, or arrange your own itinerary. We always prefer hiring a local guide – the knowledge and experience of locals, regardless of the destination, always wins over a standardized tour. Whether you’re looking to explore the history, culture, or cuisine of the Bahamas, there’s a tour to satisfy.

Graycliff Cigar Rolling Demonstration and Rum Tasting Tour – Nassau

In the Bahamas, there is no pairing more iconic than cigars and rum. Of all the companies offering rum tasting and cigar rolling tours in the Bahamas, none are as well known as the Graycliff Cigar Company – an extension of the historical Graycliff Hotel and Restaurant in Nassau. Graycliff cigar production began in 1997 with a single cigar roller and has now grown to a globally recognized boutique cigar company that employs 16 master rollers – each having perfected the art of Bahamian cigars.

The Graycliff company offers a two-hour cigar rolling demonstration and rum tasting tour for those interested in seeing how the cigars are produced. The tour gives you first-hand insight into just how artistic Bahamian cigar rolling is and how a truly perfect pairing of tobacco and rum can take you to a place of bliss. For a full-bodied taste of traditional Bahamas, look no further than this tour. 

Straw Market Tour – Nassau

When traveling to a destination for the first time, the best way to get a feel for the people, culture, and cuisine is to visit a local market. This holds especially true with the Bahamas. For a truly authentic Bahamian experience, join a locally guided tour to the Straw Market in Nassau. The market hosts local vendors who sell handmade crafts and souvenirs – most of which are woven from straw. Bags, hats, mats, dolls, conch jewelry, wood carvings – the list is long, and it’s continuously evolving. The vendors accept both US and Bahamian dollars, and the market operates daily from 8 AM to 8 PM. 

Bahamian Food Tour – Nassau

To truly discover a country and its culture, you need to dive deeply into the local cuisine. The culinary world of the Bahamas is made up of a myriad of tastes, textures, and colors – and the fresh local ingredients deliver bursts of joy with every meal. Seafood, of course, is a staple throughout the country – with conch taking center stage as the national dish of the Bahamas. Conch is cooked in endless ways, each as mouth-watering as the last. Conch fritters, cracked conch, conch salad, conch chowder – be sure to try as many conch dishes as possible. Food Tours in the Bahamas are plentiful, and Nassau is arguably the best place to indulge. 

Visiting National Parks While Sailing the Bahamas

A man stands over a pool of water inside of a cave at Inagua National park in the Bahamas

The Bahamas is home to 14 national parks, two land-and-sea parks, and two marine parks – making the prospect of exploring some of the 20,000+ square miles of protected land a genuine possibility. Protected and endangered wildlife inhabits much of the land, and natural wonders are abundant – with one of the largest marine cave systems and the third-largest coral reef in the world. 

Inagua National Park – Great Inagua

Inagua National Park is located on the southernmost island of the Bahamas, boasting over 280 square miles of pristine island beauty. Due to its location, visiting the park is usually an uncrowded and blissful experience. The park is home to the world’s largest breeding colony of West Indian Flamingos – the national bird of the Bahamas. With the number of flamingos in the park reaching over 70,000, a visit to the park delivers an unreal experience that can be had in few other places across the globe. The park does have an active warden but lacks infrastructure and trail systems to assist visitors in exploring the park. The park requires visitors to hire an approved guide for a visit, most of which run for about three hours and cost around $40 per person. Reduced rates are available for groups of five or more. 

Exuma Cays Land-and-Sea Park – Great Exuma

Known as “The Crown” of the Bahamas – the Exumas consist of 360+ islands, displaying some of the most beautiful landscapes in the region. Every island offers a unique experience, and the Exuma Cays Land-and-Sea Park on Great Exuma is no exception. The park was created in 1958, and today, the park is made up of over 175 square miles of land and water. It was the first “no-take” reserve in the Caribbean. Fishing or harvesting marine life is illegal, creating some of the most pristine underwater environments you could ask for.

The park is easy to explore for those with a boat due to the numerous moorings available for visitors.  They are available on a first-come, first-served basis, and many can even hold larger yachts. From snorkeling with nurse sharks to exploring the various naturally occurring ecosystems on land or underwater, the Exuma Cays Land-and-Sea Park is sure to tick a few boxes for any type of visitor. 

Pelican Cays National Park – Cherokee Sound, Abaco

As the second land-and-sea park created in the Bahamas, Pelican Cays is a marine-life hotspot in the already abundant and thriving Bahamas. The park’s unique and extensive reef systems are enhanced by the laws and regulations in the area, boosting marine life biomass and increasing biodiversity. As a result, people worldwide flock to the park to enjoy the snorkeling and diving opportunities on offer. Apart from the marine life excitement, the park is home to powdered white sand beaches that are as pristine as any other throughout the Bahamas, making the prospect of lounging in paradise all too real. The park is located about 9 miles southeast of Marsh Harbour, and moorings are available for visitors who are sailing the Bahamas. 

Festivals and Events While Sailing the Bahamas

People dressed in colorful red, white, yellow, and blue costumes playing instruments and dancing for the Junkanoo Festival in Nassau, Bahamas

The Bahamas has a vibrant history that has developed and evolved over many generations. With its roots stemming from African culture, the island nation has developed a unique and colorful style of expression to include its American and European influences. From the world-famous Junkanoo Festival to the Regattas attended by yachties worldwide, there is always something to bring out the authenticity and taste of the Caribbean that the Bahamas is so well known for. 

Junkanoo – Nassau 

Junkanoo is by far the most well-known cultural festival in all of the Bahamas. It is said that the celebration originated in the West Indies by slaves who demanded the right to celebrate amongst themselves. Although it began as a spontaneous event, it has now become one of the Caribbean’s most significant festivals celebrating the people and culture of the Bahamas. The biggest days for Junkanoo celebrations are on Boxing Day and New Years Day, although there are smaller celebrations during the spring and summer months. Be sure to ask about the smaller festivals anytime you are sailing the Bahamas. The largest of the celebrations occur in Nassau. If you’re headed to the area strictly for the festival, Nassau is your best bet. 

Participants in the festival spend months preparing costumes, instruments, and dances for the spectacle. Many compare Junkanoo to New Orleans during Mardis Gras, a colorful and vibrant event fueled by dance, music, cuisine, and culture. On Boxing Day, the main event takes place from 2 AM to 10 AM, so you’ll need to have your party shoes on to stay lively through the night.

National Family Island Regatta – Elizabeth Harbour, Exuma

Every year, for a period of four days, the top sailors from all over the Bahamas come to Elizabeth Harbour on Exuma for the National Family Island Regatta. During the event, sailors race their locally built sloop rigs for “Best in the Bahamas.” While the sailing competition is the main draw for the event, visitors who don’t participate in the race can enjoy many things both on and offshore. Parties, weight-lifting competitions, sand volleyball, and much more give those without the racing itch yet another reason to visit the world-renowned Exuma Islands. The event generally occurs in the last week of April, but the dates are subject to change by the year. Be sure to check in with the official NFIR website for updates on the dates and the event itself. 

All Andros Crab Fest – Fresh Creek, Andros 

Andros Island, otherwise known as “the land of crabs,” hosts a festival every year in the second week of June called All Andros Crab Fest. The purpose of the festival is to amp up the local economy by bringing in both domestic and international tourists – teaching them the crab-catching ways of the Andros people. With thousands of visitors to the event every year, the culinary experience of the festival is truly unique, serving up local dishes such as crab rice, crab soup, crab and dough, and just about any other crab dish made famous in the Caribbean. A friendly note to attendees of the festival – all pets must stay on leashes at all times. Loud, unexpected noises can startle animals and make the event unenjoyable, so consider leaving them at home or on the boat for the event.

The lookout point at Fort Fincastle in Nassau

If you’re looking to add a bit of history and culture to your trip to the Bahamas, you should have no trouble satisfying the urge. The Bahamas is home to numerous historical and cultural landmarks. Places like Nassau have weeks worth of locations to keep you busy. From time-honored colonial buildings to various parks and historical museums, these islands will keep you wide-eyed and wondering for years to come after your visit. 

Fort Fincastle and The Queens Staircase – Nassau

This pairing is one of our favorites. The Queens Staircase is one of Nassau’s crown jewels when it comes to history, and it’s located inside the Fort Fincastle complex on top of Bennet’s Hill in Nassau. The fort was initially built in 1793 by a man named Lord Dunmore, and the staircase was created as an access point from the city. 600-some slaves constructed the hand-carved limestone staircase and, which took more than 16 years to complete. The staircase is named after Queen Victoria.

Fort Fincastle was also constructed with limestone, and its structure resembles a colonial riverboat. Sitting at the top of the hill, it overlooks Nassau and the rest of Paradise Island – the chosen location to guard Nassau and the harbor. The fort is relatively small, and you can stroll through the complex in under thirty minutes. The view from the top is quite spectacular, so come prepared with a camera in hand. 

Hamilton’s Cave – Long Island

Located on Long Island, Hamilton’s Cave is among the most extensive cave systems of the Bahamas. Not a fan of confined spaces? No worries! The passages in Hamilton’s Cave are at least 50 feet wide and 10 feet tall, making it a no-stress situation for even the most claustrophobic of us. Lucayan artifacts have been discovered since 1935, and you can still see the original hieroglyphics on the cave walls. The cave’s entrance is located just a few hundred feet off of Queen’s Highway. While the cave is relatively safe to explore, you may not explore the cave without a guide. The chances of getting lost are pretty high if you are unfamiliar with the cave system. Please be advised that while the passages are large, the area is unsuitable for those with physical disabilities or wheelchairs. 

* Support the local communities by hiring a guide for excursions while sailing the Bahamas.

Is Sailing the Bahamas Safe?

White sailboats at anchor in the Bahamas

Generally speaking, sailing the Bahamas is as safe as any other destination. As with anywhere, though, it’s essential to exercise caution to prevent theft, robbery, and assault during your visit. If you ask around, the common response to crime inquiries will follow with something about Nassau. That being said, with the right state of mind and some common sense, you should be able to avoid any real problems. 

The following advice and travel warnings have been issued by the US Department of State – they are subject to change, so double-check for updates before you leave for sailing the Bahamas. 

  • Visit the US Embassy’s website for up-to-date safety information before your arrival.
  • Do not answer the door at your hotel/residence if you do not know who it is. 
  • Do not physically resist any robbery attempt.
  • Review the Bahamas crime and safety reports before your arrival.
  • Review the US Travelers Checklist before your departure.

Outside of personal safety, you should be mindful of petty theft while sailing the Bahamas. Things like dinghy outboard motors, tools and personal belongings are all easy targets – as with anywhere in the world. Mainly, these thefts occur at night when the boat owners and crew are sleeping and can be avoided by simply not leaving things accessible to would-be thieves. 

If you can, remove your outboard from the dinghy and place it into storage while not in use. If you do encounter a theft in progress, don’t physically confront the burglars. Instead, turn on as many lights as possible, make loud noises, and immediately call for help from local law enforcement. 

When leaving your vessel for the day or going to town for an evening, be sure to lock all entry points to your boat. Don’t loudly speak of your plans in public areas, and if possible, stay in an anchorage or marina with other boats nearby. The sailing community is close-knit, and other boat owners are happy to keep an eye on your boat while you’re away.

Costs of Sailing the Bahamas

A small uninhabited island covered in rocks and palm trees in the Bahamas

As with any destination, the costs of cruising the Bahamas will depend entirely on your cruising style and the experiences you aim to have. After considering all costs, from repairs and maintenance to excursions and eating out, the costs for cruising the Bahamas can vary wildly. The good news is, most sailors are in the same metaphorical boat – trying to stretch their finances as far as they can while still living out their dreams. 

How Much Will Sailing the Bahamas Cost?

We’ve broken down the expenses and estimated monthly costs for four different sailing categories below. Keep in mind that these are all estimates, and while many people have documented falling in these price ranges based on their cruising style, not everyone will be able to manage their expenses the same. The qualities listed can be mix and matched to suit your lifestyle, and you can trade certain luxuries and costs for others when it works for you. 

Shoestring Budget Sailing – The Bahamas ($700-$1000/Month)

While not many choose to live the extreme budget cruising lifestyle, it is still possible with the right amount of planning and preparation. The following is typical for shoestring budget sailing in the Bahamas:

  • 25-35’ sailboat – it’s uncommon to see many cruisers on a boat under 30’.
  • Able to successfully fish for a significant amount of meals.
  • No marina stays – only anchorages and moorings.
  • Basic meals will suffice – beans and rice will be a staple.
  • No car rentals.
  • No hotels on land.
  • Self-entertained – little to no paid excursions.
  • Slow travel – minimal fuel costs.
  • Independent boat maintenance and repairs.

Budget Sailing – The Bahamas ($1000-$1500/Month)

Budget sailing is more common than shoestring sailing, and many people who are eager to jump into the cruising lifestyle start on a budget similar to this. The following is typical for budget sailing the Bahamas:

  • 35-45’ sailboat – smaller boats are easier to maintain and require less fuel.
  • Able to successfully fish for meals several times per week.
  • Limited marina stays – sleeping at anchorages and moorings on most nights.
  • Strike a balance between high-end and basic meals – primarily cooking on the boat.
  • Limited car rentals – reserved for special occasions and emergencies only.
  • Limited hotels and excursions – special occasions only.
  • Semi-slow travel – conscious of fuel costs.
  • Mostly independent maintenance and repairs.

Comfort Sailing – The Bahamas ($1500-$2500/Month)

While not everyone can afford this cruising lifestyle, it is possible to live this way – especially when comparing the costs of living at home or elsewhere abroad. The following is typical for comfort sailing in the Bahamas:

  • 45-55’ sailboat – larger boats provide more functionality and more leisurely travel. 
  • Able to successfully fish for meals on occasion – two to three times per week.
  • More room for high-end dining – You should cook about 50% of your meals on the boat.
  • Only staying at marinas when needed for electricity, repairs, and provisions.
  • Occasional car rentals when necessary for travel or special occasions.
  • Hotels and excursions when desired during travels or special occasions.
  • Travel at a faster pace – still using the sails when possible.
  • Some independent maintenance and repairs – outsourced when necessary.

Luxury Sailing – The Bahamas ($2500+)

Luxury sailing brings a new level of comfort and class to the cruising lifestyle. It is common for those living within this budget to be retired, earn passive income, or work from the boat. The following is typical for luxury sailing in the Bahamas:

  • 55’+ sailboat – ranging all the way up to superyachts.
  • Successfully fishing for meals serves more as a hobby or sport rather than a requirement. 
  • Catered, high-end meals on the boat or on land are an option. 
  • Paid long-term marina slips are an option – prices vary drastically.
  • Explore and travel by car as you wish. 
  • Stay at hotels or homestays as you wish. 
  • Speed of travel is not of concern.
  • Able to outsource nearly all maintenance and repairs.

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Reader Interactions

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July 22, 2021 at 5:42 am

This blog is very informative specially for those sailors who are cruising for the first time to Bahamas. Like you have mentioned that you have to be careful when you are crossing the Gulf Stream, are any other dangerous spots which sailors have to watch out while cruising Bahama islands.

sailboat in the bahamas

July 22, 2021 at 8:33 am

Hello Vivek. Thanks for reading our page! We hope that this guide can serve as an all-in-one resource for anyone planning to sail the Bahamas. We value our readers’ needs, and we will be sure to update our content as information changes and new details emerge.

To answer your question, there are no particular areas in the Bahamas that pose much of a threat outside of the Gulf Stream. However, we advise anyone sailing in the area to study up on their chosen destinations to ensure there are no unexpected obstacles. We also advise our readers to be mindful of ocean and weather conditions. The best way to do this is by keeping your weather alert systems up-to-date and in working order, and proactively checking the conditions.

One of the best ways to navigate unknown territories is with the use of nautical charts. These charts graph the ocean and its adjacent coastal regions, making it easier to judge natural features and tides.

We hope this helps!

Cheers from all of us here at #BoatLife

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December 12, 2021 at 5:45 am

Travis, This is one of the most helpful articles I’ve read about sailing in The Bahamas. It’s expansive – from departure to clearing in, with a great balance of breadth and depth on preparation, routes and destinations. I’m planning to get underway along the east coast in June 2022 with destination of The Bahams in December. Your advice and information has been very insightful and helpful to me for planning. Thanks a lot! Kieran

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Top Cruising Guides for the Bahamas

Resources youll want for that island cruise..

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The Bahamas are often viewed as the Holy Grail of East Coast cruising due to their beauty and proximity to the Florida coast. Although they appear tantalizingly close (particularly when viewed on those nautical chart-themed placemats down at the Oyster Shack), make no mistake about it: A cruise to the Bahamas is an open-water passage that demands both attention to detail and proper safety precautions. Planning and executing a successful cruise to the Bahamas can be an extremely rewarding experience, one that provides ample opportunity to test preparedness of both boat and crew, while offering a reasonably do-able taste of bluewater cruising.

In an effort to help you live the dream, PS recently took a look at some of the most popular cruise-planning guides and charts covering the Bahamas.

What we tested

For our matchup of Bahamas cruising resources, we tested 13 products from five manufacturers. From Doziers Waterway Guide, a trusted source of cruising information since 1947, we evaluated the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands (2014) guide as well as the popular Skipper Bobs Bahamas Bound. White Sound Press sent us The Cruising Guide to Abaco Bahamas by Abaco legend Steve Dodge.

Richardsons Maptech, one of the worlds largest chartmakers, submitted its Maptech ChartKit Region 9, The Bahamas to Crooked Island Passage, as well as the Maptech Embassy Cruising Guide Florida and the Bahamas. We also tested electronic charting products from Navionics and Garmin. From Navionics, a leader in marine charting software for over 20 years, we tested the Navionics+ Plus and mobile app Navionics Boating HD; Garmin, a worldwide provider of navigation, communication and information devices and applications, was represented by its BlueChart g2 BlueChart Mobile products.

How we tested

All products were evaluated while cruising to and in the Bahamas during the first half of 2014 aboard our test boat, a 1978 Union 36. The south-bound cruise began in the fall of 2013 as we left Norfolk, Va., and transited the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway to Fort Lauderdale, Fla. (See our review of AICW guidebooks in the May 2014 issue online .) We crossed over to the Abacos, and ultimately based our boat at Mangos Marina in Marsh Harbour.

While theres a certain amount of cross-pollination between many of the products, for ease of reference during our comparison, we divided our test group into three broad categories:

1. General Cruising Guides: All-in-one guides that touch on a wide variety of information, from planning your crossing to marina and anchorage information, and even the best nightspots while in port. Resources in this category (with the exception of the black-and-white Skipper Bob book) feature full-color spreads, aerial photos, chartlets, etc.

2. Chart books: The primary focus of these publications are the charts and navigational data youll need while cruising the Bahamas, although like the above cruising guides, theyre also liberally spiced with useful, need-to know information-from general cruising info (weather, outfitting, etc.) to area abstracts, services, and local history.

3. Charts: While this was not a test of paper charts per se , we did look at a chartkit and a companion chart, along with digital charts. We did not delve into many NOAA print-on-demand chart options for this particular test.

General Cruising Guides

Doziers waterway guides.

Touted as the only cruising guide of its kind thats updated annually, the Dozier family of Waterway Guides and publications has helped boaters get the most from their travels for over 60 years. The Waterway Guides Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands 2014 edition features nearly 500 pages of navigation information, as well as aerial photography with marked routes, marina listings, and locater charts.

The Things to Know Before You Go section provides a wealth of pre-cruise planning data on topics ranging from medical services to flag etiquette, while the Skippers Handbook section touches on equally diverse topics-provisioning, routing, entry procedures, and day-to-day living during your adventure. The guide also covers possible anchorages, and its Yellow Pages sections and Goin Ashore articles provide everything from historical information to popular restaurants for each island and port of call.

Cruising grounds are divided into four sections: northern, central, southern, and the Turks and Caicos. Each section is color-coded for quick reference and clarity-a nice touch that makes finding the right section quick and easy.

Helpful cruising data like GPS waypoints, detailed planning charts, and distance charts help cruisers travel with more safety and less stress. Also included is a skippers notes section, Bahamas overview planning chart, and a (hopefully never needed) hurricane tracking chart. Need to find a particular marina or service? The marina listings and locator charts show locations and amenities offered.

The flexible spiral binding and heavy laminated covers (with bookmarker flaps) made the guides easier to use in the open, sometimes breezy cockpit of our test boat. While we kept them handy for quick reference at all times, we tended to use it primarily at the navigation station or seated in the cockpit at the end of the day while planning our next adventure.

Bottom line : When planning your cruise to and in the Bahamas, youll be hard-pressed to find a more informative resource. We recommended the Dozier guide.

Skipper Bob

Bahamas Bound is one of a series of popular cruising books by the late Bob Skipper Reib, who with his wife Elaine cruised more than 44,000 miles while living aboard both a trawler and a sailboat. According to Elaine on the publications website, Bobs purpose in writing the Skipper Bob guides was to make fellow cruisers adventures as comfortable and safe as possible. In authoring these guides, he wanted to provide others with the knowledge he gained through his years of experience. Added to that was sharing the years of experience and knowledge of other boaters that we met along the way. Bobs theory was If you are going to be here, you might as well pay attention.

Purchased by Doziers in 2007, the Skipper Bob books format has remained essentially the same. Bahamas Bound is, in essence, a step-by-step guide for planning your Bahamas adventure.

It covers a wide range of topics, including outfitting your vessel, planning the Gulf Stream crossing, and where to go and what to expect while cruising the Bahamas. Want to know how much toilet paper you should bring or the cost of water in Marsh Harbour? Look no further; Skipper Bob covers it.

Also included is a list of marinas, with available services, as well as current long-term and transient rates. Although no charts are provided, Bahamas Bound does feature helpful overview sketches of the islands, cruising characteristics of both the Abacos and the Exumas, and a list of recommended cruising guides and charts along with pricing and sources.

Bottom line: A great overall source of information on planning your Bahamas cruise. We Recommend it.

Maptech Embassy

Maptechs Embassy Cruising Guides provide detailed navigational information and advice to help plan your cruise, and they serve as handy quick-reference books while youre on your way. According to the publisher, the Florida and the Bahamas guide we evaluated is first and foremost a Florida cruising guide. The Bahamas portion of the book (18 of its 560 pages) is a short introduction to the Islands, basic considerations for planning your cruise (the crossing, weather to expect, etc.), along with a facilities guide and general overview charts.

Bottom line: This guide is more of a teaser for Florida cruisers interested in trying out the Bahamas than a resource for cruising the islands.

  • White Sound Press

Although grouped within our general cruising guides, the truth is the White Sound Presss The Cruising Guide to Abaco Bahamas would be just as fitting in our chart-book category. A multipurpose guide thats updated annually by Steve Dodge and family, this 25th edition continues the tradition of promoting safe navigation and providing interesting, useful information. It includes updated charts covering Walkers Cay to Cherokee Sound, approaches and advice on cruising from Florida to Abaco, as well as general cruising advice. The magazine section includes a brief history of Abaco, articles of interest on the island, a road map, classified Abaco business directory, and tropical medical tips. This latest addition contains 76 full-color charts and tide tables for 2014.

The easy-to-read color charts, based on original hydrographic research and 40 years of local knowledge, are the only charts that show locations of submerged power lines and do not anchor zones in the central part of Abaco. Also included are recent color aerial photographs of all principal harbors (what cruiser doesn’t love good aerial photos) and GPS waypoints, both of which help reduce the stress of entering new harbors.

We found the book to be accurate and informative. We also found the expanded coverage of approaches to Abaco-Bimini, Northern Eleuthera, and West End (our point of entry)-to be a helpful aid while planning and executing our cruise.

Bottom line: If your cruising plans include Abaco, this is one reference youll definitely want onboard. We highly Recommend it.

Explorer Chartbooks

The first Explorer Chartbook covered the Exumas and was produced by cruising authors Monty and Sara Lewis in 1994. Since then, the Explorer Chartbook line (Near Bahamas, Exumas and Ragged islands, Far Bahamas) have become cruising bibles of sorts and are extremely popular among Bahamas-bound sailors.

Each book provides essential instructional information for boaters, including general articles on Customs, history, weather, anchoring, use of GPS, communications, piloting and navigating, reading the water, snorkeling and dinghy safety, plus an expanded, alphabetized list of specific tips in the help menu.

The company states that the hallmark of Explorer Charts continues to be accurate and up-to-date navigational data supplied by the Lewises and their experienced research team. Their website reports that the Lewises have cruised the Bahamas every winter since the inception of the Explorer Chartbooks and are constantly updating the charts and Need-to-Know Info.

Printed on waterproof paper, the chartbooks are robust and conveniently sized, making them equally handy for use at the navigation station or in the cockpit. Charts are full-color and feature shoreside facilities, landmarks, roads, and elevation contours. Theyre also cross-referenced for ease of use and provide a combination of small- and large-scale charts (allowing you to get the big picture before planning out a detailed route). Soundings (in meters), tide tables, and compass roses (with the latest magnetic variation) are also provided.

Bottom line: If you can afford only one publication for cruising the Bahamas, these are the ones youll want to have on board. They are the Best Choice chartbooks.


Paper charts

Produced as a companion chart to their cruising guide to Abaco, White Sound Presss Chart AB001 Great Abaco and Cays is a single-sheet, two-sided chart of Great Abaco and its cays, including waypoints and suggested courses. Printed on waterproof / no-tear paper, Chart AB 001 is suitable for use above and belowdecks for planning adventures and underway.

Side 1 features Walkers Cay to Cherokee Sound; Side 2 covers Cherokee Sound to Hole-in-the-Wall and Florida to Abaco. Also portrayed are 12 inset charts of harbors and other areas of interest.

Bottom line: As advertised, Chart AB001 is a great companion to The Cruising Guide to Abaco Bahamas and an excellent overview of the entire Abaco cruising area. Highly recommended.

Maptech ChartKit

Maptech ChartKits are 22- by 17-inch, full-color reproductions of government and private charts. The Region 9 ChartKit, The Bahamas to Crooked Island Passage 7th edition, that we tested features GPS datums, lat/lons, distances, color satellite photos of harbors and anchorages in popular destinations, as well as small-scale, wide-area charts and large-scale, detailed charts of harbors and approaches.

Chart grids simplify vessel positioning, and major navigation aids are identified with named GPS waypoints. Charts feature pre-plotted courses between major navigation aids but also provide the information (compass rose, scales, etc.) needed to do such calculations yourself. The Chart Page Index (inside front cover) and Go-To page numbers allow you to quickly and easily find the chart you want. Tables showing marine facilities and services are also provided.

Our testers used these charts when planning longer routes and for plotting vessel position during our crossing from Florida. We used the ChartKit primarily at the chart table at the navigation station. They can also be used in the cockpit, although theyre a bit bulkier and not as convenient as the chartbooks. Theyre also not waterproof, so if your cockpit is exposed, youll want to use a plastic chart protector. The kit we tested came with a protector, but it was pretty flimsy.

Although not inexpensive at $150, the ChartKit is much easier to manage and less expensive than purchasing all the full-sized paper charts youll need.

Bottom line: Recommended. The chartkit is an economical and convenient size and package for paper chart coverage of the Bahamas.

Electronic charts and apps

We installed and tested Navionics Plus charts using a Raymarine e7 multifunction display (MFD). (See PS July 2012 and July 2014 online for more on the e7.) We also downloaded the Navionics Boating HD mobile app to our iPad and gave it a whirl. (See PS May 2014 online for more on testing the Navionics products.)

Compatible with a wide range of chartplotters and MFDs, Navionics cards provide charts that are clear and easy to read, with depth contours, spot soundings, port plans, port service guides, nav aids, and more, all on a pre-loaded, plug-and-play memory card. For initial downloads and updates, users plug their chip into a PC/Mac, then select and download the coverage they want from the companys website.

In addition to the paper chart feel of Navionics Plus, testers liked the wide variety of display options such as shaded contours and features like Intelligent Clarity IC, which provides an uncluttered display for easier reading.

Quick access to tide and current information was a huge plus when planning and following our route, as was the XPlain feature, which gave us a plain-language description of navigational symbols with a click of the cursor.

We love paper charts, but not so much the time and effort required to keep them properly updated. Navionics Plus charts Freshest Data lets users update their card within 12 months of purchase by adding or removing charts as many times as they wish. The update option ensures you always have the most current charts, while the ability to download only charts needed for a particular cruise ensures your display wont become bogged down processing too large a chart.

Last year, Navionics announced an expansion of its Plotter Sync app, which allows owners of Raymarine WiFi-enabled MFDs to easily update charts wirelessly (without removing their Navionics Plus chip).

As for the mobile app, having the Navionics data loaded on our iPad basically created a second display. With our iPad mounted at the helm, we were able to simultaneously view both zoomed in and expanded chart displays while underway. Being able to view charts on the iPad (either down below or during dinner at the local bar) made planning the next days adventure a breeze.

Bottom line: What sailor doesn’t love the benefits of electronic charts-particularly when they can be easily updated as many times as desired for a whole year. Recommended.

Hope Town Harbour

In addition to providing information on tidal stations, currents, depth contours, and IALA symbols, Garmins BlueChart g2 marine charts offer good transitioning between zoom levels and seamless continuity across chart boundaries.

It also features a number of customizable display features such as safety shading-which enables contour shading for all depths shallower than a user-defined safe depth, a nautical no-go zone if you will-chart view options like standard 2-D direct overhead or 3-D over-the-bow chart views for easier chart reading and orientation.

BlueChart Mobile allows you to plan and view routes on your tablet, smart phone, or iPod. Routes, waypoints, and tracks can also be wirelessly transferred to your networked chartplotter using a marine Wi-Fi adapter kit (sold separately). Once underway, the Wi-Fi adapter also lets you view real-time track data on your tablet by wirelessly sharing the GPS location from the marine network.

We loaded BlueChart Mobile on our iPad, which allowed us to interact with the chart using the radial menu to mark waypoints, establish routes, etc. We didnt test the Wi-Fi adapter, however, we were able to use our wireless-only iPad to follow the boat along its route by using the Bad Elf GPS Pro (see PS January 2014 online ).

The biggest draws that make the Garmin BlueChart g2 and BlueChart Mobile app popular with a number of Bahamas-bound cruiser are: The charts feature data from the popular Explorer Chartbooks line, and BlueChart Mobile allows you to access data from ActiveCaptain, a Web community that provides real-time content generated by mariners. ActiveCaptain allows users to read and write reviews about marinas, shared local boating knowledge, anchorages, and hazards.

Bottom line: Electronic charts coupled with access to ActiveCaptain make the Garmin products our Best Choice for electronic cruising resources.

While any of the above products can help make your Bahamas cruising experience safer and more enjoyable, most sailors lack the stowage space, budget, or inclination to buy them all. Those products that brought the most useful features to the table (frequent updates, accurate information, better layout, or ease of use) stood out in our evaluation pile and were used regularly during our there and back again cruise to the Bahamas.

For pre-departure cruise planning and reference while in the Bahamas, Skipper Bobs Bahamas Bound is a great read and will satisfy dreaming armchair captains, as well as those actively planning the cruise. If your cruising plans include the Abacos, youll also want to have The Cruising Guide to Abaco Bahamas, along with its companion chart AB 001 onboard.

Accurate charts are the cornerstone of any successful voyage, and we like having both paper and electronic charts onboard. For long-range planning purposes and a solid look at the big picture, we found the Richardsons Maptech ChartKit to be a great tool for navigation station, although less than ideal for use at our somewhat exposed helm.

As a day-to-day cockpit chart companion that also covers pretty much anything else youll need during your cruise of the Bahamas, the Explore Chartbooks are viewed by many as the gold standard, and wed have to agree.

As far as electronic charts and their associated apps, testers liked the charts, display, and features offered by both Navionics Boating HD and Garmin BlueChart Mobile. We have no problem recommending both, however, access to ActiveCaptain data and seamless compatibility with those using Explorer Chartbooks give Garmin the edge-and the Best Choice pick-in our opinion.

Testers found the annually updated information provided by Doziers Waterway Guide to be extremely useful when planning that liberty call ashore to sample the delights a port has to offer. We highly Recommend it.

  • Entering and Exiting the Bahamas by Boat

Top Cruising Guides for  the Bahamas

  • Dozier’s Waterway Guide
  • Skipper Bob Publications
  • Richardsons’ Maptech
  • Explorer Chartbook


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Coast Guard rescues 6 from life raft, search continues for 2 others off the Bahamas

by Skyler Shepard

The Coast Guard said one of its helicopters rescued six people in a life raft after their 90-foot schooner sank 20 miles north of Great Inagua. Video provided by the Coast Guard shows the six rescued being hoisted onto the USCG helicopter. (USCG)

GREAT INAGUA, Bahamas (CBS12) — A search is underway at sea as the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) looks for two women after their group's sailboat sank off the coast of the Bahamas on Tuesday.

The Coast Guard said one of its helicopters rescued six people in a life raft after their 90-foot schooner sank 20 miles north of Great Inagua.

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Video provided by the Coast Guard shows the six rescued being hoisted onto the USCG helicopter.

Crews will continue to search for the two missing women in yellow survival suits — like those pictured in the video.

sailboat in the bahamas

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I Survived a Fatal Ferry Sinking in the Bahamas. Why I’d Get on the Same Boat Tomorrow

"We looked over the edge and that's when we saw the water starting to go into the ferry"

Kelly Schissel

Kelly and Chad Schissel of Platteville, Wisconsin, were on the last day of their vacation in the Bahamas on Nov. 14, 2023, when a boat carrying them and about 100 passengers to a private island sank.

A 74-year-old woman died following the capsizing but everyone else, including the Schissels, survived.

Here, Kelly, who posted footage from the dramatic incident that went later viral on TikTok , shares her story with PEOPLE’s David Chiu, in her own words.

It was a really nice day. We had all gotten on a double-decker ferry to Blue Lagoon Island and the ride was a little bumpy but no different from being on any boat in the water.

We were having fun and listening to music, but then we suddenly lurched forward. We just thought, "Okay, whatever," until we stayed leaning forward. Then one of the crew members from the bottom level came upstairs crying and freaking out and grabbed herself a life jacket.

We looked over the edge and that's when we saw the water starting to go into the ferry.

After getting life jackets of our own, we sat there waiting for staff to tell us what to do, but they never did. Eventually, it got to the point the boat was tipping so much that we just started jumping out. 

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There were babies being nursed on that boat ride all the way to 90 year olds, and everyone in between. Some people knew how to swim, but some didn't.

There was a fisherman's boat that happened to go by and since I'm a good swimmer, I was able to reach it, although it wasn't easy by any means.

When I got into the boat, everybody looked the same with the orange life jackets on and I couldn't find my husband. Then I realized we had gotten separated.

He has a defibrillator, so I wondered, “If he gets shocked from the stress of this, what happens?” Still, although he's not the best swimmer, and had recently undergone reconstructive surgery on his ankle, I thought he should be okay.

Then someone from the fisherman’s boat said, "We can't fit anybody else in here." I replied, "Well, go drop us off [at Blue Lagoon Island] and come back out."

At that point, another double-decker ferry showed up and fortunately, that's where Chad ended up.

When Chad arrived [on land after being separated] and saw me standing there on the dock, he started crying because he was relieved I was okay.

Once everybody got to land, we were all directed to this one small area of the island where we could be secluded from everybody else. We were over there for probably an hour or two because they wanted to double count, triple count and everything. [The island’s staff] offered everybody shirts and shoes because a lot of us lost all our stuff in the water. 

After that, they said, "Okay, everybody has to get on a boat that looks exactly the same as the one that just sank and go back [to the cruise ship]." I asked, "Do we have the option to stay if we want to? We already made it here." But they said no.

We got loaded right onto another boat. There were kids crying, "I don't want to sink again. I don't want to go swimming," so we tired to calm them down. A lot of adults were even wearing life jackets on the way back. My husband asked if I wanted to, but I said, "There is no way they're going to sink two boats with the same group of people. They're going to go 2 miles an hour the whole way back. We'll be fine."

Once back on Nassau, Chad and I just walked around for a little bit and tried to enjoy the rest of the day.

images provided by Kelly Schissel

When we were still over in that secluded area of Blue Lagoon Island, we heard one person say a lady had died. And then someone replied, "Don't say that. You don't know that." When we eventually got back onto the cruise ship, I heard more people talking about it.

As it turned out, the woman, who was on the bottom level of the sunken ferry boat, had an oxygen tank and it got wet and stuck, so she ended up blacking out on the boat because of a lack of oxygen. Once they got her out, she was on a rescue boat that took her to the island. They were doing CPR, but they just couldn't bring her back.

Afterwards, we had to go to the customer service desk because my husband lost his key card, which we swipe for food, drinks and to get into our room. We were also supposed to fill out a form for everything damaged or lost. They did refund our cruise. They sent us an email giving us an update on that after we were back on land.

To our knowledge, Royal Caribbean is still investigating everything. We haven’t been told officially what caused the accident. I think the captain just turned in too fast and with the choppy waters, it just filled up too much.

[Royal Caribbean referred PEOPLE's questions to officials on Blue Lagoon Island, whom Royal Caribbean said operated the tour. Blue Lagoon did not respond.]

I've seen so many things. I used to work at a prison and I’ve seen so many different car accidents — and been in a few myself. I swear this stuff happens to me all the time, which is why I was like, "Chad, I'm going to take a video because nobody's ever going to believe me that this happened."

I think the TikTok video is at 27.2 million right now for views. I thought it would be a big story, but I didn't know it would be that big.

A lot of people ask me, “Would I ever even go on another boat again?” And I'm like, "Yeah. I would even take the same exact boat that we used and go back to that same exact place. Just give me a different [ferry boat] crew because they didn't know what was going on." 

And my advice is that when they tell you how to put on life jackets and what to do if there is an emergency, at least pay attention and have an exit plan in mind.

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Dramatic video shows helicopter rescue at sea off Bahamas coast

Oliver Browning | Wednesday 22 May 2024 14:28 BST

Dramatic helicopter rescue at sea 20 miles off Bahamas coast after boat sinks

Dramatic video shows the moment a person was airlifted to safety after their boat sank off the coast of the Bahamas .

According to the United States Coast Guard (USCG), six people in total were rescued on the morning of Tuesday 21 May.

They had been stranded in a life raft after their 90ft schooner sank some 20 miles north of the Great Inagua.

Inagua is the southernmost district of the Bahamas, comprising the islands of Great Inagua and Little Inagua.

Rescue efforts are reportedly still ongoing with the USCG searching for two females wearing yellow survival suits.

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Loss of sailing cargo ship off Bahamas underscores the perils of the sea

Surviving crew members reported that they were hit by a sudden storm near the bahamas..

sailboat in the bahamas

Sea weather was fair more than a week after the 90-foot sailing schooner De Gallant departed Santa Marta, Colombia for Europe carrying a cargo of coffee, cocoa and cane sugar. But tragedy loomed on the horizon.

The crew of the De Gallant , part of a French company that ships products by sail to avoid burning fossil fuels, ran into a sudden and violent storm 20 miles north of Great Inagua, near the Bahamas. The vessel began taking on water. The crew of French sailors scrambled into yellow survival suits and into life rafts, according to the U.S. Coast Guard.

Two female crew members, however, were missing. 

On Thursday, two days after rescuing six of eight crew members in rafts floating amid a field of the sunken ship’s debris, the Coast Guard said it had called off the search for the two women after scouring 3,700 square miles with planes, helicopters and ships.

“It is with heavy hearts we offer our sincere condolences to the families and crew that lost these two mariners,” said Coast Guard Cmdr. Lindsey Seniuk, who coordinated the search and rescue mission. “When we send our rescue crews out, it is with great hope we can bring people home safely, which is why suspending this case is one of the hardest decisions our personnel make. We are grateful we were able to bring home the six survivors and thankful for the assistance of our partners in the Royal Bahamas Defence Force.”

The Blue Schooner sail cargo company, which operated the vessel, did not release the names of any of the surviving crew or the missing women.

Since 2017, Blue Schooner has offered “a carbon-free solution to any producer or shipper concerned about their environmental footprint.” according to its website . Except for port maneuvers, the ship did not use fossil fuel, with on-board electricity provided by solar panels.

It’s among several companies , such as Shipped by Sail, that in recent years have adopted wind power, including on older ships, to transport products such as boutique coffees for sellers seeking to avoid the carbon emissions of typical cargo ships. 

The De Gallant, a Vanuatu-flagged schooner, was a “well-proven vessel piloted by licensed professional sailors,” Blue Schooner said in a statement.

But the incident also highlighted the potential dangers that any ship can encounter at sea.

Blue Schooner noted that the weather had been fairly calm before the ship ran into trouble. A tracking map on the company’s website showed the vessel had previously traveled between Cuba and Haiti on its way north.

The Coast Guard said it first received distress notifications early Tuesday morning from personal locator beacons. About two hours later, around 8 a.m., a Coast Guard helicopter crew located two life rafts with the six French nationals and hoisted them to safety, said Petty Officer First Class Diana Sherbs, a Coast Guard spokeswoman in Miami.

They were taken to the Coast Guard Air Station in Miami and found in good health before being met by French diplomatic representatives and returned to France.

Blue Schooner officials had been hopeful that warm water temperatures and clear weather would help the missing crew survive and be found. But on Thursday the company said the lack of any signs during the search forced them to consider the “worst outcome.”

“It is an upheaval for the company, the maritime community and that of sailing transport in particular, which are losing sailors and above all exceptional humans,” the company said in a statement.

The exact circumstances of the sinking were still being examined.

“The first information we have indicates an unforeseen meteorological phenomenon, extremely sudden and violent when the ship was underway in mild conditions. This would have led to its capsizing and then its loss at a depth of more than 2,000 meters,” according to Blue Schooner.

Whether the incident will have any impact on sail cargo businesses is unclear.

The De Gallant’s owners called the incident “a reminder of the dangers of navigation and the seafaring profession.”

Chris Kenning is a national correspondent for USA TODAY. Contact him at [email protected] or on X @chris_kenning. 

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' class=

Also are the taxis safe and will they stop at Super Value to pickup groceries? What is the usually cost for a ride to your resort. We are staying at the Harborside at the Atlantis.

Need recommendations for a boat tour, either snorkeling or sunset cruise. Are there other islands to see via boat?

4 replies to this topic

' class=

I’d buy liquor on the way to your resort from the airport. Taxi fares are point to point and set by the government, no meters in the taxis. Here are the latest fares I’ve got:


A stop at the store will generally cost $10 for a 15 minute stop, but confirm that with the driver. There’s a liquor store in the same shopping center as Super Value, so one person can grab groceries (bring your own bags, they don’t provide them) while the other grabs booze.

Thank you for the info!

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sailboat in the bahamas


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  30. Liquor at the aiport/taxi info/boat tour

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