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Devaney's fund has run into trouble lately. A spokesman for the firm told Reuters on July 3 that it had stopped honoring request from some of its investors for redemptions, or withdrawal, of investments.

The market for assets backed by subprime mortgages has taken a huge hit over the last two months, causing large losses by some top Wall Street firms, including Bear Stearns ( Charts , Fortune 500 ).

Devaney told Money magazine this spring that despite problems that the loans cause for borrowers, the assets backed by them provided a good return for his fund.

"The consumer has to be an idiot to take on those loans," he said . "But it has been one of our best-performing investments."

But with rising delinquency and default rates in the sector, investors have been scared away from the assets lately, hitting those like Devaney who made a big bet on the investment.

According to the yacht broker's listing, the yacht has accommodations for 10 passengers in its five staterooms, along with space for a crew of seven. Its amenities include his and her baths in the master suite, and four guest bathrooms with Jacuzzi tubs and showers and cherry wood interior throughout.

It has two 2,250-horsepower engines and a range of 3,500 nautical miles.

The New York Post reported Monday that Devaney is also seeking to sell a home in Aspen for $16.5 million.

The Aspen Times reported in November that he bought that house, for $16.25 million, and that property includes a 16,000-square-foot main house and carriage house which include 16 bedrooms, 18 full bathrooms, two fireplaces, three kitchens and two caretaker bedrooms with bathrooms.

But the sale of the yacht and the Aspen vacation home won't leave Devaney without any high-priced holdings.

john devaney yacht

The New York Times

Dealbook | subprime’s other victims: the yacht-owners.

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Subprime’s Other Victims: The Yacht-Owners

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From DealBook colleagues Jenny Anderson and Julie Creswell:

You’ve gotta feel for him. John Devaney, United Capital ‘s chief executive and a one-time master of the mortgage market who has been taking it on the chin lately, has put his yacht up for sale — for $23.5 million. According to, he is selling his 142-foot Trinity yacht , dubbed Positive Carry, and his $16.5 million second-home, named Sardy House and the home of the nation’s largest living Christmas tree.

Known as a hotshot trader, Mr. Devaney has become a powerhouse in South Florida, hiring the Counting Crows and Jay Leno for events and feting former Senator Bill Frist. But thanks to a wrong-way bet on the subprime mortgage market, his funds have gone underwater.

john devaney yacht

In April, The New York Times took a look at Mr. Devaney during a more prosperous period:

‘I personally hate subprime,” Mr. Devaney declared at an American Securitization Forum conference in late January, ”and I’m kind of hoping the whole thing explodes.”

As The Times reported, Mr. Devaney had counted on his contrarian instincts to serve him well at a time when big players swooped in to make a killing while cleaning up the mess. By the time of The Times article, Mr. Devaney had amassed a fortune of $250 million by becoming a major dealer in asset-backed bonds. His success in trading mobile home loans, credit card debt and airplane leases after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 helped him succeed by profiting when others had panicked.

His rewards could be counted by the Renoirs and Cezannes hanging in his South Florida home. One analyst told The Times: ”I don’t think there is anyone in the business who wouldn’t want to be John Devaney.”

But as with so many other investors, Mr. Devaney was sunk by subprime, and the Horizon ABS funds he manages suspended investor redemptions earlier this month. United Capital said at the time that it did not face margin calls and that it had $145 million in cash to meet any demands from its lenders.

He has now hired the law firm Morgan Lewis & Bockius in anticipation of potential litigation, said.

Clearly, Positive Carry (a reference to an arbitrage-like trading technique) hasn’t brought Mr. Devaney any luck. So we’ve come up with a few suggestions for the new owners of Mr. Devaney’s boat.

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  • Sinking Ship
  • No Doc Dinghy
  • Not so FICO

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My heart is bleeding $%^& for each and everyone of these guys.

How about: HOT WATER

Clearly, Sub-Merged is the best!

A golden oldie: “Where Are the Customers’ Yachts”?

sinking feeling

Sub-merged… if not now in the very near future! How about SWAP ME!

sub-merged is genius.

The new name? The Pequod

Julie and Jenny, I want to applaude this tabloid piece, it is filled with great information for your deal book audience, it even made it to the front page!!! Maybe you should send it to NY Post too.

This man is 50% what every investor wants to be and the other 50% what every investor is!

He saw value and opptiunty when all saw dirt and acted to exploit it, and won big- then he did what, what no one should bet the boat when he got soo big and lost!

but you gotta admit, we all want to be him, we all want to make that winning investment.

There is a GOD.

call it glory days

Victim? Not a chance. Casualty is a more apt description.

3 Hour Tour of appearing smart

Everything will change for the better.

Hope Springs Eternal


I love sub merged, sinking feeling also has a nice ring. I have no sympathy


“I hate Sub-Prime, yet I was greedy enough to gamble my client’s life savings on it without batting an eye”

Niiiice Devaney. Guess you’ll be trading in that Trinity for a dinghy….they should put you in it, and tow it to the same shark-infested waters you came from…. Why don’t you name your new skiff the DINGH-BATT??

Why all the hatred? He made a bad bet, but he’s obviously talented and will likely rebound at a later date.

It’s not like he defrauded people…..

A lot of people happy here that his trades have gone sour. Including the article writers. Well atleast he had the balls to take the risk.

Anyone have some lipstick for this pig?… actually, I think it’s to late to dress up this pig… time to stick a fork in it.

This vessel has got to be named : Naked Call

What's Next

WHERE ARE THEY NOW?: 'The Big Short' Edition

Michael Lewis is the financial journalist with the golden touch .

His 2010 book 'The Big Short' is the definitive account of the sub-prime mortgage crises.

The book made heroes of the (very few) people who saw the crash coming and bet against it, as well as drawing portraits of people whose poor decisions helped lead to disaster.

They saw it coming. Where'd they end up?

But how are they doing since getting the 'Blind Side' treatment?

Greg Lippmann

john devaney yacht

During the crisis, Lippman was at Deutsche Bank, where he "offset losses on mortgage investments with wagers against subprime debt that made $1.5 billion" ( Bloomberg ).

In 2010 he co-founded hedge fund LibreMax Capital, which manages $900 million.

Most recently, he announced his support for debt forgiveness for Americans underwater on their mortgages.

Meredith Whitney

john devaney yacht

Whitney, an analyst, is one of the biggest heroes of 'The Big Short.' She was little known beforehand, but her dead-on call on subprime mortgage securities won her renown with Lewis' help.

These days she makes headlines for being extremely bearish on municipal bonds .

Michael Burry

john devaney yacht

Burry did his homework during the housing bubble and loaded up on CDS against subprime mortgages.

These days , he is bearish on the dollar but very skeptical of all the people claiming they know what the next bubble is.

Steve Eisman

john devaney yacht

Eisman also made a bundle from his foresight on the housing collapse.

Since then, he has been an extremely outspoken critic of for-profit colleges .

Most recently, he founded a hedge fund called Emrys Partners.

John Paulson

john devaney yacht

Paulson is the man who made himself $5 billion betting against subprime mortgages —the so-called Greatest Trade Ever .

These days, he isn't doing so hot. He's been bullish on financials and overall economic recovery, finally admitting his mistake in October. Most of his investors are sticking with him , though.

Paulson is even reimbursing a non-profit invested in his fund for $4 million. Then again, his kid went to school there.

Joseph Cassano

john devaney yacht

In his role running AIG's Financial Products division, Cassano was instrumental in getting the firm fatally enmeshed in mortgage derivatives, leading to billions of dollars in losses.

He has widely been called "The Man Who Crashed The World."

Since leaving AIG in 2008, Cassano has kept out of sight. He emerged last June to appear before Congress and deny any wrongdoing or poor judgment, describing the blowup as an "extremely" improbable "market disruption event."

Howie Hubler

john devaney yacht

Hubler was a Morgan Stanley bond trader made infamous by Lewis for losing the firm $9 billion ; while he did have the foresight to short subprime mortgages, he made that irrelevant "by gambling hugely on slightly better mortgages that turned out to be extraordinarily worthless."

He left Morgan in October 2007 , and was given "tens of millions of dollars in back pay.”

Hubler avoids publicity, but last year the New York Observer reported on his latest project. Let's just say he is uniquely qualified for the position.

"Across the Hudson River, in an office suite in Rumson, N.J., Mr. Hubler has quietly slipped back into the mortgage business. According to marketing materials, he started a firm with former Morgan Stanley colleagues to advise mortgage lenders whose borrowers are threatening to walk away from homes that are worth less than what’s owed on them. "

john devaney yacht

Fund manager Chau ended up on the losing end of the collapse in mortgage securities. His firm, Harding Advisory, was " the biggest manager of CDOs tied to risky mortgages and related derivatives issued" in 2007.

These days Chau is suing Lewis for defamation based on his unflattering portrayal in the book.

While it may look as if Chau is simply acting out of hurt feelings, Felix Salmon thinks the case may have merit .

Michael Lewis

john devaney yacht

Lewis' success has only continued.

His most recent book is Boomerang , in which he takes on the next giant financial disaster —European sovereign debt.

Lewis traveled through the relevant countries and created intimate portraits of their national characters .

He also weighed in on Occupy Wall Street , which he (correctly) predicted would not be a flash in the pan.

john devaney yacht

Ernst was CEO of H&R Block and ran Option One, their mortgage originator. In June 2006 they suffered losses on subprime and began to freak people out. Ernst insisted things were fine, and was forced to resign by 2007.

Since then he has served as an IRS commissioner. Most recently, he became COO of Fiserv , a financial services technology firm.

John Devaney

john devaney yacht

This hedge fund manager had to sell his yacht after investing in subprime mortgages. He wrote, "I was long in 2007 and I was wrong."

He learned the hard way how bad things got. Since then he has preached further doom and gloom .

Devaney continues to run his fund, United Capital Markets.

Now check out insights from The Big Short you can use on your commute >>

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10 Things You Can Tell About A Finance Guy By Looking At Him On The Morning Train

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The Crash of the King of Liquidity

john devaney yacht

Key Biscayne’s high-flying hedge fund operator, John Devaney, once called “The King of Liquidity,” has crashed and burned.

I’ve been gawking at the Devaney hedge fund wreck for a long time. The festive charitable giving to needy causes (inoculation from scrutiny by the mainstream press). The entertaining of then Senate majority leader Bill Frist and other luminaries. The mysteries of making a few hundred million trading asset backed securities formed from junk aka “the ownership society.”

That turns out to be one of the signature phenomenon of the current market cycle that shows no signs of bottoming yet: what an excruciatingly long time it is taking to play out.

A year ago, the media began reporting the troubles afflicting the Key Biscayne hedge fund king: “A Miami-based hedge fund titan with a taste for the high life is getting a harsh lesson in humility as his fund racks up losses in the bond-market rout. … The fund’s portfolios are now said to be worth around $460 million, down from about $620 million.”  (New York Post, August 2, 2007)

But according to The Miami Herald, “On Thursday, Devaney said the fund had lost about 90 percent of its value by September 2007.” (Miami Herald, July 11, 2008)

So, which was it?  A year ago, was Devaney lying or not?

Investors are suddenly realizing that down markets are an especially bad time to question whether there is any difference between fraud, theft, and a worthless investment portfolio with John Devaney.

With hedge funds, there is no penalty for misrepresentation unless it is outright fraud and theft. The US Congress and White House have repeatedly blocked efforts to hold hedge funds to the same degree of accountability as other fiduciary agents.

Most mutual fund owners don’t have a clue how John Devaney made enough millions to hang Matisses on the walls of his Key Biscayne home. But they should, because what John Devaney does (did) along with 10,000 hedge funds is shaking the foundations of the world financial system.

It is no surprise that hedge fund risk is manifesting in the collapsed fortunes of a Miami trader. The political origins of the housing boom–that many hedge funds fed from– are right here, twined like a golden thread in the chain of campaign contributions links builders, lobbyists land speculators and Wall Street– still freely circulating and immune to criticism by the media.

If you are looking for particular scoundrels, start with key McCain economic advisor former Senator Phil Gramm, now vice chairman of the Swiss bank UBS, who helped speed the deregulation of the financial industries and who just lashed out at Americans as “a nation of whiners”.

That clunker dropped at the same moment Miami production homebuilders, like beleagured Lennar, and lobbyists like Sergio Pino and Rodney Barreto–Miami’s local power brokers– are begging for government bailouts of their own cratering investments in land outside the Urban Development Boundary.

“Help us, help us,” they cry, expecting their pockets to be lined by insider deals from big infrastructure “economic rescue plans”, including new zoning changes to put more sprawl in western suburbs edging the Everglades.

Never mind that the last tranche of buyers flushed out like dove, long ago, or, that critics used to be called “elitists”, who complained about the costs of unsustainable growth. You don’t hear that, anymore. But you also don’t hear the history of what happened, or, most any other relevant news except iterations of the spin machine.

Look no further of reason for investors shunning the US dollar.

Yesterday, the Herald reported: “Devaney himself has lost more than $100 million, he said. His losses amount to about half his net worth, he added. But he still has a 126-foot yacht, the Dorothy Ann — a present to his mother — moored behind his Key Biscayne home.” Devaney will never be forced out of his home like those foreclosed from ranch-style American dream homes sold by Lennar or Pino or Barreto.

Like Pino or Barreto, Devaney’s assets are happily shielded by laws and regulations they condemn when it comes to the accumulation of wealth in free markets, like inserting platted subdivisions in wetlands or polluting public lands with stormwater runoff into the Everglades.

It’s just the case that the pockets of wealth are drying down, like Everglades ponding in dry season. In a perverse way, that makes it easier for observers to see what is in them, or, what is just pretending to be there.

ALAN FARAGO lives in south Florida. He can be reached at: [email protected]

Alan Farago  is president of  Friends of the Everglades  and can be reached at  [email protected]


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As Subprime Market Implodes, a Contrarian Prospers

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By Vikas Bajaj

  • April 12, 2007

KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. — In a clubby market where securities based on risky mortgages, credit card debt and other financial assets are traded, John Devaney is known for making brash pronouncements — and for often being proved right.

“I personally hate subprime,” Mr. Devaney declared at an American Securitization Forum conference in late January, “and I’m kind of hoping the whole thing explodes.”

He certainly got his wish. Within a month of his remarks, several big lenders to people with weak credit — specialists in what is known as the subprime market — began collapsing. Now, as investors and policy makers ponder the wreckage, it is clear that asset-backed securities, or bonds, played an important role in subprime’s rapid rise and its messy fall.

And as a number of big players swoop in, hoping to make a killing while cleaning up the mess, Mr. Devaney is counting on his contrarian instincts to serve him well in the uncertain atmosphere.

Mr. Devaney, 36, has amassed a fortune he estimates at $250 million by becoming a major dealer in asset-backed bonds through his company, United Capital Markets. As the powerfully fickle market has gone through several giddy booms and wrenching shake-ups in the last decade, he and other nimble traders in a small fraternity of investors have been able to profit handsomely by taking advantage of the market’s wide swings.

“A lot of people would argue that markets are very efficient,” he said during an interview at his home here on the Intracoastal Waterway, where he keeps his 140-foot boat and has filled the walls of his mansion with paintings by Renoir, Cezanne and others. But “in these over-the-counter markets, fear and confidence hold completely equal weightings to driving prices up and down as do the fundamentals.”

Asset-backed securities have become an important source of capital for consumer and business debt, generating fortunes on Wall Street. But despite remaining a relative outsider, Mr. Devaney has done very well indeed.

His success over the last six years has made him prominent in Florida social, political and philanthropic circles, donating to a range of causes from literacy programs to the Republican Party.

Peers and colleagues describe him as both a court jester who entertains and shocks contemporaries at conferences and a visionary who stays up late to glean details from dense bond documents. They wonder, though, whether he can continue to stay ahead of the game.

“I don’t think there is anyone in the business who wouldn’t want to be John Devaney,” said Mark H. Adelson, a senior analyst with Nomura Securities in New York, “to have the insights and guts to do what he did, as well as the managerial skills, the analytic skills to pull it off.”

Mr. Devaney says he buys when others are selling in a panic. He sells when others are ready to buy, analysts and fellow traders say.

His experience trading mobile home loans, credit card debt and airplane leases after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 shows that while the secondary market for securitized assets has grown huge, it is still inefficient at gauging and pricing risk, especially for out-of-favor assets and in times of stress.

Mr. Devaney said he first realized he could profit from the market’s flaws in 1998, when investors rushed out of risky bonds after the hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management buckled and Russia defaulted on its debts. Unnerved by those crises, many investors dumped bonds backed by aggressive home equity loans made to people with good credit.

“It was just like it is now: ‘Oh! Oh! Another news tidbit of New Century news. Oh, my god!’ ” he said in a mockingly hysterical tone, referring to the mortgage company that has filed for bankruptcy protection.

From the prospectuses for those securities, Mr. Devaney divined that bondholders would get their money back even if 30 percent of the homeowners defaulted on their loans. He bought the bonds for 50 cents on the dollar for himself and for clients.

As the scare faded and it became apparent that homeowners would not default in big numbers, he sold for handsome profits. It was a formula he has used time and again ever since.

Mr. Devaney is filled with a frenetic energy as he speaks, his voice rising as he builds up his arguments. He gesticulates extensively and stands up several times, once to demonstrate with his hands the small size of the rented house where he started his firm in 1999. He long ago kicked off his shoes; his BlackBerry and its holster are strewn on the floor.

The packaging and selling of mortgages into bonds, a process known as securitization, is not new. It has been used for decades by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored mortgage buyers, and it has helped lower the cost of mortgages.

Beginning in the 1990s, though, Wall Street started securitizing all manner of financial assets, including riskier mortgages that Fannie and Freddie could not buy. Last year, the industry issued $1.23 trillion in asset-backed bonds, nearly half being mortgage related. That is up from less than $300 billion in 1999.

With interest rates at historic lows in recent years, investors eagerly snapped up high-yielding asset-backed bonds, sometimes at a premium to their face value.

It now appears, though, that subprime lenders pumped up their business as the housing boom faded by not requiring down payments and, in many cases, not bothering to verify borrowers’ incomes. Those practices, coupled with weakening home prices, have led to a surge in defaults.

“People don’t know what is under the hood of these securities,” said Scott C. Syphax, president and chief executive of the Nehemiah Corporation of America, a nonprofit group that provides down-payment assistance to low-income borrowers.

Investors in subprime bonds believed they would be protected by losses because of how the securities were structured. So far, most have been, but Mr. Devaney and others believe that the holders of some bonds could be hurt as defaults rise further. He hopes to profit from their loss.

Asset-backed bonds are sliced into several segments, each with its own risk rating — AAA, BBB, BB and so on. Investors in the top grades earn a lower interest rate but are paid first. Those at the bottom earn a bigger return, but if too many homeowners miss payments, they are left holding an empty bag.

The AAA segment typically makes up the biggest portion of the securities, but it could not exist if enough investors were not willing to buy lower-quality portions.

It is in those subordinated segments that Mr. Devaney operates.

The son of a lawyer and a tutor, Mr. Devaney grew up in Key Biscayne. He showed an early aptitude for math that was encouraged by his mother, the tutor.

When he was a teenager, his parents divorced; his older brother dropped out of high school and struggled with drug addiction, leaving Mr. Devaney adrift. He was thrown out of a boarding school for sneaking off campus to attend parties. “I just didn’t care,” he said.

He started shaping up in college. Admitted under probation to Colorado State University, he studied finance and English. He bought a 2,500-square-foot house and made his monthly payments by renting out rooms to friends. During two summer vacations, he earned $60,000 by reviving a moribund bar at a hotel in Miami in exchange for a share of the profits.

In a sign of what was to come, he also made $120,000 trading options in the shares of Motorola. (He lost most of that money in a single bet on the options after he graduated.)

After returning to Florida, Mr. Devaney worked at two small investment firms selling and trading bonds before he started United Capital in 1999.

The firm now employs more than 80 people. Mr. Devaney owns the largest land holding here, including the house that was the setting for the Al Pacino movie “Scarface.”

He manages a hedge fund that has $620 million in assets and that had an estimated return of 40 percent last year. His nascent investment-banking business recently became the financial partner for a five-million-square-feet condominium project near Boca Raton.

His reputation was established, in part, from big parties on his yacht, Positive Carry, a term for borrowing at a lower rate than you earn from your investments, at industry conferences. At the meetings, he frequently sponsors performances by Jay Leno and bands like Counting Crows and the Doobie Brothers. His Gulfstream jet is outfitted with broadband Internet service, he says, so he can trade while he is traveling.

Joseph M. Donovan, who retired as the head of Credit Suisse’s asset-backed business in January, says Mr. Devaney, whom he likes, reminds him of a lot of successful strong-willed bond traders. “He is outspoken, and he is brash,” Mr. Donovan said. “He has a way of making his voice heard maybe louder than his resources would otherwise indicate.”

The image of the lavish and loud millionaire rankles Mr. Devaney, who said he had stopped drinking when his wife became pregnant with the first of their three children.

The plane, boat and parties save time, he said, help make a name for his company, and provide tax benefits.

“It’s not to be flamboyant; it’s for advertising,” he said. “We don’t have a huge sales force like Merrill Lynch or Morgan Stanley or Credit Suisse.”

Mr. Devaney’s ambitions are big. He hopes eventually to take United Capital public and raise money in a corporate bond offering so he can have a steady source of capital. Last year, the firm traded $29.9 billion in asset-backed securities and earned net income of $90 million.

But to take his firm to the next level, Mr. Devaney would have to delegate more responsibility and diversify away from the riskier segments of the financial markets.

“I can take less risk,” he said. “I have already arrived.”

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JOHN Devaney , who be came the poster-boy for hedge-fund blow-ups when his $600 million fund went belly-up earlier this year after a wrong-way bet on the direction of the asset-backed securities index, was heckled off the stage in Miami last week during the annual confab for the asset-backed securities industry.

Devaney, who made no friends after his United Capital Markets’ flame-out left investors with zero payout, began to speak during a Monday morning discussion at the conference but soon began a rant on why the markets were wrong and he was right.

The crowd began to boo and the microphone was taken away from him, according to several spies in attendance.

Devaney, whose taste for the high life was evident as he was often seen with his 124-foot yacht and Sikorsky helicopter, followed his morning performance with an invitation-only only party that night aboard a 125-foot yacht called Dorothy Ann – a boat he borrowed for the night from his mother!

He had to sell his yacht, called Positive Carry, and his chopper.

At this point, the day took another odd twist. Two invitees who spoke to The Post on condition of anonymity said they stopped by Devaney’s soiree for the free drinks and to see what the boat looked like.

During the night, two inves tors who had lost a total of $1.5 million continued to stew over their loss and, with the help of a few cocktails, cooked up a plan to steal some of the expensive art hanging on the walls of the yacht, our spies reported.

It was the only way they would ever see a dime’s return on their Devaney investments, they thought. After the party ended, the duo returned to the boat. But before they boarded, the thought of getting arrested for grand larceny got the better of them and they backed off.

Devaney said he still trades his own money, as much as $50 million, and recently bought $500 million of distressed bonds for between five cents and 10 cents on the dollar.

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The rise of the big, but not too big, McYachts

John Devaney bought his first boat,a dinghy, when he was 7 years old for $100 that he earned from cutting lawns. He acquired a 100-foot power yacht when he was 29. Now 36 and the owner of a Florida financial firm, he has a 142-footer, called Positive Carry, and he's beginning to think about something even bigger.

His reason: "I don't like golf."

For years, the one-upmanship at elite marinas has focused on 400-foot, $200-million-plus floating mansions. Now, thanks in part to a booming charter industry and easier financing, a new class of yachts is growing quickly. They are the nautical world's McYachts, luxurious 120- to 200-foot vessels costing $13-million to $80-million. With banks using yacht loans to lure high-end clients, the initial cash outlay can be $4-million or less.

The new entrants are changing some of the culture of this rarefied world. St. Barts harbormaster Jacques Greux says he's seeing younger owners and more late-night partying. Designers say they're equipping more yachts with gyms, playrooms for kids and technological wizardry such as underwater cameras and theaters for movie screenings. The boats are drawing a new class of owner who aren't Wall Street titans or Silicon Valley billionaires, but include a turkey farmer, coal mine owner and the head of a billboard company.

One of these boats is Chevy Toy, a 142-foot custom-designed yacht. The gleaming white vessel has three decks, including one with a "sky lounge" that has views on three sides, water scooters and two Vespa scooters on hand for speedy onshore excursions. Its owner is Gene Reed, who made his fortune building and selling a string of Chevrolet dealerships in the southern United States. Reed's tastes mirror new megayacht owners these days, as does his choice of builder: Trinity Yachts of New Orleans.

"I made my money in the U.S. and I want to spend it here," says Reed, who paid roughly $20-million for Chevy Toy.

As with many new owners of big yachts, Reed helps offset his costs by chartering it out. Chevy Toy costs $140,000 to charter for a week in the Caribbean or New England, not counting fuel, food and tips for the crew. Chartering up to three months a year, Reed can cover more than half of his annual operating costs, which builders say typically amount to 10 percent of the price, or $2-million in the case of Chevy Toy.

In 2005, 204 boats 120- to 200-feet long were under construction, up 28 percent from 2002, while the number of boats 200 feet and bigger was virtually flat in the same period, according to Yachts International Magazine, a publication that caters to owners of large motoryachts and tracks the construction of boats by polling builders, designers and subcontractors. At least 800 of these boats have been added to the global fleet in the past three years.

Another plus for this size boat, according to owners and builders, is that it's considered a relatively safe investment, with resale values that have been consistently good. By contrast, the very biggest boats, much like extraordinarily large mansions, might sit on the market for years until a buyer comes along. David Ross, chief executive of Burger Boat Co., a Manitowoc, Wis., builder, says when you get up to boats that cost more than $80-million, the market starts to shrink: "The number of people who can write a check for that kind of money for what is, let's face it, a toy, is very limited."

These boats are emerging as leaders in the industry for design reasons, too. Francois van Well, chief executive of Feadship America, a subsidiary of the Dutch company that builds about five custom megayachts a year, says starting at 140 feet in length, a boat can have three decks above the water level, including two with views on three sides, like Reed's "sky lounge." A minimum of 190 feet is necessary if you want a fourth deck with enough space for a large gym or a movie theater.

Boat designers have been offering new features to cater to the new generation of yacht owner. Designers say onboard offices tend to be a bigger priority, for example, because many owners are active businessmen, not retirees or beneficiaries of old money. The newest seafaring offices are equipped with satellite communications that enable owners to remain seamlessly connected to their terrestrial headquarters.

Demand for these boats has given new life to the U.S. boat-building business. Until recently, buyers of giant boats patronized legendary European companies such as Lurssen in Germany and Feadship in the Netherlands, in part because of their reputations for fine interior finishes, but also because they were the only boatyards capable of building large yachts. Today, Trinity Yachts pushes a different proposition: high-quality vessels for up to 35 percent cheaper when you factor the weak dollar going to European shipyards and less expensive labor costs in the United States.

Since it completed its first yacht in 1990, Trinity has turned out 26 for 21 customers. Similar growth is taking place at Seattle-based Delta Marine, which has been building boats since the 1960s. Jack Jones, one of the company's owners, says "most of the people who come to us want yachts that are bigger than 100 feet and smaller than 200." The company is launching four yachts during 2006: three that are between 123 and 164 feet long, and a 240-footer, the biggest yacht to be built on U.S. soil since the 1930s.


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Horizon Strategy’s John Devaney Says He Is ‘Bleeding, Personally’ After Loss of Hedge Fund

FINANCE • John Devaney’s Gulfstream: gone. His house, helicopter, yacht, and a Renoir: gone, too. “I am bleeding, personally,” says the investor, who shut down his Horizon Strategy hedge fund this week after he lost a fortune trading mortgage investments. “I’m devastated; I’m totally devastated.” Okay, dude, NO . This is devastation. And this . And this shit . Christ. When will you people learn? There’s no crying in hedge funds ! [ NYT ] • Warren Buffett was preoccupied when he got to the Allen & Co. conference in Sun Valley, and now it’s clear why: He was in the middle of facilitating an $18.8 billion deal between Dow Chemical and Rohm & Hass. [ DealBook/ NYT ] • Blackstone sees money swirling in the sky: The private-equity shop is throwing down $1.6 billion for a stake in a wind farm in Germany, which will be its first investment in alternative energy. [ FT ]

MEDIA • Family-feud watch: Viacom chairman Sumner Redstone says his daughter, Sheri, is no longer the heir apparent to his media empire and that she’s leaving the board. Sheri, however, isn’t onboard with this plan. [ NYT ] • InStyle is getting a makeover. Not only will the glossy have a new you-go-girl attitude, but the redesign will also play up fashion and include more insights from celebrity hangers-on. Plus, most important, two of the magazine’s editors will appear on Gossip Girl this fall. [ WWD ] • Does Sepah News, the media arm run by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, use Photoshop? A photograph the outlet released of four missiles, which ran on front pages of newspapers around the country and and MSNBC , appears to have been digitally altered. [ Lede/ NYT ]

REAL ESTATE • A crew of workers are de-rod-ing the New York Times building in an effort to thwart Spider-Men. [ Curbed ] • Billionaire David Koch is doling out $100 million to revamp the New York State Theater, which will now bear his name. [ NYT ] • The cost of buying and selling property in Manhattan is about twice as much as investing in Brooklyn real estate. [ NYO ]

LAW • Chief judge Judith Kaye is retiring, so Governor Paterson gets to nominate a judge to take her place. [ NYS ] • It’s been quite a summer for divorce lawyers. [ WSJ ] • Latham & Watkins wants to establish a stronghold in the Middle East. [ ]

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John Devaney, United Capital Markets: Sub-prime splash

It’s hard to empathize with the faceless investment bank and institutional investor victims of the sub-prime crash. what’s really needed is an individual whose story people can relate to..

                                                                                                               More on sub-prime

Enter John Devaney, CEO of United Capital Markets, a market maker in structured finance and asset-backed securities, who was once quoted in the newspapers as saying that people who take out sub-prime mortgages to buy their homes are "big idiots".

The multimillionaire executive, whose firm’s books were full of securities backed by sub-prime mortgages, has apparently been forced to sell his 142-foot yacht Positive Carry to raise an extra $23.5 million.

But it gets worse. According to a New York tabloid, Devaney suffered another cruel blow of fate when his 16-bedroom Aspen holiday home sold for $250,000 less than its $16.5 million asking price.

Rumours that other hedge fund managers have been forced to sell vessels such as Market Neutral , Relative Value , Portable Alpha and Triple-A were unfortunately unable to be confirmed

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  1. Once Reviled, Hedge-Fund Manager Rebounds

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  2. Subprime hedge fund manager forced to put yacht up for sale

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    One by one, John Devaney sold his treasures, hoping to forestall what was in the end inevitable. He sold his Renoir and his Gulfstream, his home and his helicopter. Even his cherished yacht gone.


    A high-profile hedge fund manager whose fund has had to wrestle with poor performance has put his 142-foot yacht on the block. ... United Capital Markets founder John Devaney has put "Positive ...

  5. Subprime's Other Victims: The Yacht-Owners

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    Positive Carry, which boasts a 42-inch retractable plasma screen with theater sound, a sun deck, an eight-person jacuzzi and barbecue area. The motor-yacht's name is derived from a trade in which ...

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    John Devaney, a money manager, lost on bond investments. ... his private jet and his yacht, Positive Carry, named after a financial maneuver in which the cost of financing an investment is less ...

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    John Devaney, 36, at his home in Key Biscayne, Fla., with his wife, Selene, their three children and their yacht, "Positive Carry." His success in the asset-backed securities market over the ...


    JOHN Devaney, who be came the poster-boy for hedge-fund blow-ups when his $600 million fund went belly-up earlier this year after a wrong-way bet on the direction of the asset-backed securities ind…

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    Then he stupidly lost $600 million dollars on asset-backed securities last year and had to sell said plane and said yacht. He couldn't be cool about that, either. He couldn't be cool about ...

  14. PDF "Positive Carry"

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    CEO and Head Trader, John Devaney manages affiliated accounts, provides investments to DVP participants, and trades the firms principal position encompassing hundreds of millions of face between ...

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    The New York Post newspaper said hedge fund manager John Devaney had put a Sikorsky S76C helicopter on the market with an $11m price tag. ... The Post said Devaney has also had to put his "prized" 43-metre yacht and a luxury home in the exclusive resort of Aspen, Colorado, up for sale after his investments soured dramatically. ...

  18. Horizon Strategy's John Devaney Says He Is ...

    FINANCE • John Devaney's Gulfstream: gone. His house, helicopter, yacht, and a Renoir: gone, too. "I am bleeding, personally," says the investor, who shut down his Horizon Strategy hedge ...

  19. John Devaney, United Capital Markets: Sub-prime splash

    Enter John Devaney, CEO of United Capital Markets, a market maker in structured finance and asset-backed securities, who was once quoted in the newspapers as saying that people who take out sub-prime mortgages to buy their homes are "big idiots". ... has apparently been forced to sell his 142-foot yacht Positive Carry to raise an extra $23.5 ...

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    Former* hedge fund manager John Devaney, pictured here with the yacht he had to sell several months back when United Capital Markets lost a boatload (heh) of money, threw a lavish party at the ...

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    In July, Devaney placed his 142-foot yacht Positive Carry up for sale. He was asking $23.5 million for the boat with four Jacuzzis. The following month, his company's Sikorsky S76C helicopter ...

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    Tedesco bought his yacht Espresso from United Capital Markets founder John Devaney. Her previous name was Positive Carry. Her previous name was Positive Carry. Esense - sailing yacht - 43.7m (143.3ft) - Wally Yachts - 2006