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andrew tate yacht size

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Andrew Tate’s Yacht – Is It Really Worth $100 Million?

Curious about Andrew Tate‘s yacht? Luxury yachts are often seen as the ultimate symbol of success and wealth, a testament […]

  • BY Dr. Mike Jansen
  • PUBLISHED September 4, 2023

Andrew Tate partying on his Yacht

Curious about Andrew Tate ‘s yacht?

Luxury yachts are often seen as the ultimate symbol of success and wealth, a testament to one’s achievements in life. Among his many possessions, one that stands out is his yacht. Andrew Tate’s yacht is not just an object of luxury but also represents his lifestyle, approach to success, and philosophy toward life. 

This article will delve into the details of Tate’s yacht – its features, the lifestyle it affords him, and how it reflects his personal and professional ethos. Whether you’re interested in the lifestyles of successful individuals, have a fascination for luxury yachts, or are a follower of Andrew Tate, this blog post offers an engaging glimpse into a world of luxury and achievement. 

So, let’s set sail and dive into the world of Andrew Tate’s yacht!

Short Summary

  • Andrew Tate rented out a $40 million Freedom Yacht for a week after he was banned from mainstream social media platforms.
  • Tate says he may be banned from Instagram and TikTok, but he was partying “in the real world” on his private mega-yacht!
  • Andrew Tate says he doesn’t own his yacht – instead, he holds a trust which owns a company which owns a subsidiary company that lends him the boat.

Table of Contents

Who Is Andrew Tate?

Andrew Tate is a man of many facets: a four-time kickboxing world champion, entrepreneur, playboy, and social media influencer. 

His journey to fame and fortune has been marked by success, controversy, and resilience.

Kickboxing Champion

Tate’s athletic prowess is undeniable. He is a four-time kickboxing world champion, a title that speaks volumes about his discipline, determination, and skill in the sport. 

This achievement laid the foundation for his subsequent ventures.

Successful Entrepreneur

After retiring from professional kickboxing, Tate transitioned into entrepreneurship. He established a webcam studio business that quickly took off, earning him millionaire status.

His business understanding and ability to capitalize on emerging markets have been crucial to his financial success.

Social Media Influencer

Tate’s fame skyrocketed in early 2022 when he became a sensation on TikTok.

He posted a controversial video in which he made misogynistic comments about women, drawing outrage and worldwide attention. 

Despite the backlash, this incident significantly increased his visibility and influence on social media.

High-Profile Interviews

In the wake of his newfound fame, Tate was invited for interviews with prominent figures such as Tucker Carlson, Patrick Bet-David, and Candace Owens4. 

These interviews gave him a platform to share his views and further increased his global recognition.


However, Tate’s journey has not been without controversy. 

In August 2022, he was banned from several major social media platforms due to his inflammatory remarks. In December of the same year, he was arrested on charges of human trafficking. 

Tate maintains his innocence, claiming these allegations are baseless and part of a broader attempt to silence him.

Andrew Tate’s $100 Million Freedom Yacht

Andrew Tate partying on his Yacht

Andrew Tate, known for his extravagant lifestyle and controversial statements, made headlines in 2022 when he purchased a private yacht worth an astounding $100 million.

Christened “The Freedom,” this super yacht is as much a symbol of luxury as it is of Tate’s defiance against conventional norms.

The Freedom Yacht

“The Freedom” is one of the most expensive yachts in the world, offering a glimpse into Tate’s luxurious lifestyle. 

Not just a vessel, this super yacht is a floating palace equipped with all the amenities one could imagine.

Escape After Social Media Ban

Interestingly, Tate embarked on a trip aboard his super yacht shortly after being banned from several major social media platforms. 

This voyage was seen as a form of escapism, a way for him to enjoy his freedom and live life on his terms, away from the constraints of the digital world.

Specifications and Features

The specifications of “The Freedom” are truly impressive. Built by the renowned Lürssen Werft GmbH & Co, the yacht measures a staggering 142 meters (465 feet) in length. 

It boasts a range of luxury features, including spacious living quarters, state-of-the-art entertainment systems, and even a gym with the heaviest weights Tate could find, as he mentioned in a tweet.

Why the Yacht is Famous

“The Freedom” has gained fame not just because of its owner but also due to its sheer size, luxury, and the circumstances surrounding its purchase. The fact that Tate bought it after being canceled and banned from social media has only added to its allure.

Andrew Tate’s super yacht is a testament to his wealth, success, and unwavering determination to live on his terms. 

Despite the controversies surrounding him, he continues to make literally and figuratively waves with “The Freedom”.

Andrew Tate’s Yacht Name

Andrew Tate, a man of extravagant tastes and lifestyle, owns a luxurious yacht as grand as his personality. The name of this magnificent vessel is “The Freedom.”

Much like its owner, the yacht stands as an embodiment of opulence, luxury, and defiance against conventional norms.

“The Freedom” is more than just a yacht for Andrew Tate. It represents his philosophy of life and his unwavering pursuit of personal liberty. 

As he navigates the waters on this majestic vessel, he sends a clear message to the world: he is a man who values freedom above all else.

Andrew Tate’s Yacht Size

Andrew Tate’s super yacht, “The Freedom”, is a testament to his extravagant lifestyle and love for the finer things in life. 

The size of this luxurious vessel is as impressive as its owner’s achievements.

“The Freedom” is a colossal structure built by the renowned Lürssen Werft GmbH & Co. Measuring an astounding 142 meters (465 feet) in length, it stands among the largest private yachts in the world. This massive size allows for numerous luxury features and amenities, making it a floating palace that offers all the comforts of a lavish home.

From spacious living quarters to state-of-the-art entertainment systems and a fully equipped gym, “The Freedom” is designed to cater to every need of its owner and guests. 

Its size is not just a symbol of wealth but also of the freedom and autonomy, Andrew Tate values so highly.

How Much Is Andrew Tate’s Yacht?

Andrew Tate, known for his flamboyant lifestyle and unabashed display of wealth, owns one of the most expensive private yachts in the world. 

Named “The Freedom”, this luxurious vessel is reported to be worth an incredible $100 million.

The cost of “The Freedom” reflects its grandeur and opulence. Every inch of this 142-meter-long yacht oozes luxury, from its spacious living quarters to its state-of-the-art entertainment systems. 

The high price tag also covers the advanced navigational and maritime technologies that ensure a safe and smooth sailing experience.

It’s important to note that the purchase and upkeep of such a yacht come with substantial costs. 

Beyond the initial purchase price, the annual maintenance, crew salaries, fuel, and dockage fees can add millions more to the total expenditure.

Where Is Andrew Tate’s Yacht

Tracking the exact location of private yachts is challenging due to privacy concerns and maritime regulations. As of my last update, I couldn’t find the current location of Andrew Tate’s ship, “The Freedom.”

However, Andrew Tate often shares updates about his travels on social media. You may want to check out his Twitter or Instagram accounts for the most accurate and recent information.

Please note that the location of private yachts can change frequently, depending on the owner’s travel plans and weather conditions. 

Therefore, the location mentioned at any given time might not be the current location of “The Freedom.”

Why Is Andrew Tate Famous?

Andrew Tate talking on Podcast

Andrew Tate is a well-known figure in the world of social media, particularly on the platform TikTok. 

His fame and notoriety stem from his controversial statements, extravagant lifestyle, and impressive achievements in kickboxing. 

Here’s a closer look at the factors contributing to his fame.

Controversial Social Media Presence

In 2022, Andrew Tate took over TikTok by training people to repost clips of his most controversial videos. 

This strategy ensured his face was all over the platform, garnering attention and sparking heated debates.

  • One of his most notorious videos involved him declaring women as property. While highly contentious, this statement undeniably drew attention to him and fueled conversations about his views.
  • Another part of his fame came from showcasing his collection of 41 supercars. Videos of him driving these luxury vehicles added to his image as an extravagant individual who lives life on his terms.

Accomplishments in Kickboxing

Not just a social media sensation, Andrew Tate is also a four-time kickboxing world champion. 

His athletic prowess and sports success have earned him a significant following and respect in the kickboxing community.

Extravagant Lifestyle and Wealth

Andrew Tate’s wealth and the lifestyle it affords him are key aspects of his fame. 

He frequently shares glimpses into his abundant life, which includes traveling the world and living on a luxurious yacht.

Comparison to Dan Bilzerian

Many have compared Andrew Tate to Dan Bilzerian , another controversial figure known for his lavish lifestyle and misogynistic comments. 

Like Bilzerian, Tate inspires some men to strive for success, even as he faces criticism for his views on women.

Andrew Tate’s Net Worth – Is He A Trillionaire?

Andrew Tate, a man of many talents, is estimated to have an astronomical net worth of around $750 million.

His wealth primarily results from his highly successful business, “The Real World,” and his extravagant spending habits reflect his financial prowess.

Let’s delve into how he amassed such a fortune and the insane things he spends his money on.

The Real World: A $500 Million Empire

“The Real World” is undoubtedly the crown jewel of Andrew Tate’s business ventures. 

This cash cow is reportedly worth a staggering $500 million and generates an impressive $10 million monthly revenue. The platform offers various programs aimed at helping men improve their lives in areas like fitness, finances, and dating. 

Its success has significantly contributed to Tate’s immense wealth.

Insane Spending Habits

When it comes to spending, Andrew Tate doesn’t hold back. 

His expenditures are as lavish as they come, reflecting his larger-than-life persona and unconstrained lifestyle.

  • Supercars : Tate boasts an incredible collection of 41 supercars, including a Bugatti, one of the world’s most expensive and luxurious cars.
  • Real Estate : He owns several $50 million mansions globally, with properties in Romania and Dubai standing out as particularly wealthy.
  • Private Jets : As part of his extravagant lifestyle, Tate frequently travels worldwide on private jets, combining luxury and convenience in the most glamorous way possible.

The Speed of Wealth Accumulation

What’s equally remarkable about Andrew Tate is the speed at which he makes his money. 

His business generates millions of dollars monthly, and his wealth grows astonishingly. It’s a testament to his business acumen and relentless drive for success.

In conclusion, Andrew Tate’s net worth and spending habits are as extraordinary as the man himself. 

Whether building a multimillion-dollar business or splurging on luxury cars and mansions, he embodies the phrase “living life in the fast lane.”

How Did Andrew Tate Make His Money?

Andrew Tate spending his money

Andrew Tate is not just a kickboxing champion and social media sensation; he’s also a savvy businessman with a knack for creating profitable ventures. 

His wealth accumulation is primarily due to his successful businesses, which range from webcam studios to online networking platforms. Let’s delve into the sources of his impressive income.

Webcam Studio Business

One of Tate’s most lucrative ventures is his webcam studio business. 

This enterprise reportedly brings in up to $500,000 monthly, demonstrating his ability to tap into profitable niches and maximize revenue.

Romanian Casinos

Tate’s involvement in Romanian casinos has yielded untold millions. 

While there’s speculation that he may have ties to the Romanian mafia, the specifics of this venture remain largely unconfirmed.

The War Room

“The War Room” is a networking group by Tate that charges an annual membership fee of $8,000. This platform provides members networking opportunities, advice, and resources to help them succeed in their respective fields.

Hustlers University

“Hustlers University” is an online membership website that charges a monthly fee of $50. Despite the seemingly modest fee, the platform’s popularity has led to around $10 million in annual earnings for Tate.

Andrew Tate is undeniably a marketing genius with an uncanny ability to monetize his ventures effectively. 

To understand his approach to business, here are his top 5 business tips, drawn from his quotes:

  • “Always be selling.” – Tate emphasizes the importance of continually promoting your product or service to generate sales.
  • “Money follows attention.” – He believes in the power of visibility and encourages others to seek attention to increase their earnings.
  • “If you want to get rich, start a business.” – For Tate, entrepreneurship is the surest path to wealth.
  • “Never stop learning.” – He underscores the importance of continuous learning in business success.
  • “There’s no such thing as too much money.” – Tate encourages a limitless mindset regarding wealth creation.

In conclusion, Andrew Tate’s wealth is a testament to his entrepreneurial spirit, business acumen, and relentless pursuit of success. 

His diverse ventures and strategic approach to business offer valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Andrew Tate’s Kickboxing Career

Andrew Tate’s kickboxing career is nothing short of impressive. 

He has made a name for himself in combat sports with a professional record of 76 wins and only 9 losses. His journey into kickboxing, successes, and eventual retirement make for an intriguing story.

Becoming a 4x World Champion

Tate’s entry into kickboxing was motivated by a desire to escape the confines of a regular job.

He viewed the sport as a ticket to freedom and dedicated himself to mastering it. 

His hard work and determination paid off when he became a four-time world champion, a testament to his skill and tenacity in the ring.

Impressive Professional Record

With a professional record of 76-9, Tate repeatedly demonstrated that he was a force to be reckoned with in the kickboxing world. 

His consistent victories and relatively few losses highlight his exceptional talent and dedication to the sport.

Transitioning Out of Kickboxing

Despite his success in kickboxing, Tate decided to hang up his gloves after launching his first successful business, a webcam studio. 

The business generated a staggering $500,000 per month, providing him with financial security and allowing him to step away from the physically demanding world of kickboxing.

Why Was Andrew Tate Arrested?

Andrew Tate arrested in Romania

In December 2022, a surprising event unfolded in the life of Andrew Tate, the four-time kickboxing world champion and successful entrepreneur. 

He was arrested during a brief visit to Romania on charges of human sex trafficking and employing a devious tactic known as the “loverboy method.” 

Despite these serious allegations, there remains no concrete evidence supporting them.

The Arrest in Romania

Andrew Tate’s visit to Romania took an unexpected turn when he was arrested and charged with grave offenses. 

The accusations included human sex trafficking and the utilization of the “loverboy method,” a manipulative technique where men make women fall in love with them, only to exploit their feelings later.

Scant Evidence and Claims of Innocence

Despite the charges’ gravity, no substantial evidence has been presented publicly to support the claims against Tate. 

As a result, many believe in his innocence, arguing that the allegations are outrageous and unfounded.

Jail Time and House Arrest

Following his arrest, Tate spent three months in jail. In March, he transitioned from prison to house arrest, which lasted until July. 

These were undoubtedly challenging times for Tate, yet he maintained his innocence throughout.

Formal Indictment and Preparing for Trial

Despite the lack of clear evidence, Tate was formally indicted in July. With his release from house arrest, he is now preparing for the upcoming trial.

To summarize:

  • Andrew Tate was arrested in Romania in December 2022.
  • He was charged with human sex trafficking and using the “loverboy method”.
  • There is currently no substantial evidence to support these claims.
  • After spending three months in jail, Tate was placed under house arrest until July.
  • Despite the lack of clear evidence, Tate was formally indicted in July and is now preparing for his trial.

This unexpected turn of events in Tate’s life serves as a reminder of the unpredictability of life, even for those who seem to have it all. 

Many watch closely as he prepares for his trial to see how this complex case will unfold.

Andrew Tate’s Famous Quotes

  • “Boredom is crippling! If you’re an intelligent person, and you’ve got a good brain on your shoulders, you can’t just sit there bored.” – Andrew Tate
  • “I’ve lived an extreme life. I’ve been broke, I’ve been worth hundreds of millions of dollars, I’ve been a 4x kickboxing world champion.” – Andrew Tate
  • “If you can’t control your mind, then you’re just a feather in the wind. You might land over here, you might land over there, you have no control!” – Andrew Tate
  • “I don’t believe in motivation. I believe in discipline! I am a disciplined person!” – Andrew Tate
  • “The temporary satisfaction of quitting is outweighed by the eternal suffering of being a nobody.” – Andrew Tate
  • “Every day that you make the wrong choice, more of your potential is wasted.” – Andrew Tate
  • “How you view the world absolutely shapes how you react to the world.” – Andrew Tate
  • “I’ve yet to experience in my 36 years, a man or a woman, who genuinely tries their very best, and genuinely dedicates themselves to something.” – Andrew Tate
  • “The Universe is extremely giving. If you actually try, and actually want it, and you’re actually not making excuses, lying, talking shit, you’re going to get what you want!” – Andrew Tate
  • “I’ve gotten mixed reviews about the color of my Bugatti. Some people like it, some people don’t like it. So I said, what color is your Bugatti?” – Andrew Tate
  • “The key with business is to make sure you’re always moving forward, always producing content, and always doing everything as quickly as possible while maintaining quality.” – Andrew Tate
  • “The sloth doesn’t understand the definition of speed until he surrounds himself with a cheetah.” – Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate Frequently Asked Questions

1. does andrew tate own a yacht.

There are conflicting reports about whether Andrew Tate owns a yacht. 

Some sources claim he bought a $100 million yacht, while others suggest the yacht was rented.

2. How much does Andrew Tate’s yacht cost?

According to some sources, the reported cost of Andrew Tate’s yacht is around $100 million.

3. Where is Tate’s yacht?

The current location of the yacht allegedly owned or rented by Andrew Tate is not publicly known.

4. Does Andrew Tate have a private jet?

Yes, Andrew Tate has a $100 million private jet that he uses to fly worldwide on a moment’s notice.

5. Who owns the most expensive private yacht?

The most expensive private yacht is believed to be the “History Supreme,” owned by Malaysian businessman Robert Kuok. 

This yacht is reportedly worth nearly $4.8 billion.

6. Is Andrew Tate richer than Logan Paul?

While Andrew Tate and Logan Paul have amassed significant wealth, their exact net worths are not publicly disclosed, making a direct comparison difficult.

7. How many Bugattis does Andrew Tate have?

Andrew Tate has 1 Bugatti Chiron Purr Sport and 10 Bugatti scooters.

8. Is Andrew Tate richer than Ronaldo?

Comparing Andrew Tate’s wealth to that of Cristiano Ronaldo is challenging due to the lack of specific financial details. 

However, given Ronaldo’s lucrative football contracts and endorsements, Ronaldo likely has a higher net worth.

9. How rich is Andrew Tate?

Andrew Tate’s exact net worth isn’t publicly known. 

Nevertheless, his success as a kickboxer, entrepreneur, and media personality suggests he has achieved considerable wealth.

Verdict – Andrew Tate Yacht

Andrew Tate jumping in pool

So what’s the verdict with Andrew Tate’s yacht?

The saga surrounding Andrew Tate’s yacht, dubbed ‘Freedom,’ has been as tumultuous as his personal life. The controversial figure rented this luxurious vessel after facing a wave of bans from various social media platforms. 

The yacht symbolized his defiance and resilience, embodying his refusal to be silenced or subdued.

Tate’s decision to rent a yacht following his social media ban showcases his unconventional approach to adversity. Instead of retreating from the public eye, he made a bold statement with the Freedom yacht, reinforcing his larger-than-life persona.

However, this extravagant lifestyle has been overshadowed by serious allegations and legal troubles in Romania. Charges of rape, human trafficking, and forming an organized crime group have cast a dark shadow over his flamboyant lifestyle. 

These developments have added a new layer of complexity to the narrative surrounding the Freedom Yacht.

Regardless of one’s views on Tate, his story offers a fascinating insight into the life of a controversial figure navigating a world of fame, fortune, and serious legal issues!

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What to Know About the Accusations Against Andrew Tate

The antagonistic online influencer is facing charges in two separate cases.

A man with a shaved head and a beard wears a black hooded sweatshirt with gold writing. He is handcuffed, and being led by an officer in head-to-toe black.

By Isabella Kwai

Reporting from London

Andrew Tate, an online influencer known for his displays of wealth and his misogynistic views, is facing criminal accusations over sexual misconduct in two separate cases.

Mr. Tate and his brother, Tristan Tate, have since 2022 been battling charges from Romanian prosecutors that include human trafficking.

They were detained in March on a separate arrest warrant issued by the British authorities, the Romanian police said, this one accusing them of sex crimes.

Here’s what to know about the situation.

Who is Andrew Tate?

Mr. Tate, who is both British and American, is a former kickboxer who has gained a large online following by marketing a brand of antagonistic masculinity tied to lavish displays of wealth. That brand has included sexist views that demean women and argue that men are victims of feminism.

Online and in interviews, Mr. Tate has said that women hold some responsibility if they are raped and that they “belong” to men in marriage, while men should be providers and protect them.

Mr. Tate sells access to an online “academy” and a “War Room,” where his fans discuss get-rich-quick schemes. Educators in Britain have warned that his messaging is reaching young boys who are wrestling with their own ideas of masculinity.

Concerns over his influence led several social media sites to ban Mr. Tate in 2022, but he has an active presence on X , where he shares pictures of his luxury cars and rails against “The Matrix” — his conspiratorial term for a network of corporate elites, mainstream politicians and feminists that he claims are victimizing men.

What is he accused of in Romania?

Prosecutors in Romania filed an indictment against Mr. Tate and his brother last June, accusing them and two Romanian women of forming an organized criminal group in 2021 and trafficking women across Romania, Britain and the United States.

Some details of the charges have been kept confidential, but an official in the prosecutor’s office last June confirmed that Andrew Tate is also facing a rape charge.

According to court documents, investigators identified seven women who said that the brothers misled them into believing they wanted a relationship with them. Instead, they were housed in a compound near Bucharest, Romania’s capital, and forced to appear in pornographic videos that were shared online.

The brothers have denied the accusations and said that their wealth had made them targets. “I’m sure at the end we’ll be absolutely exonerated,” Mr. Tate said to reporters after a court ordered their release from house arrest last August.

Since then, they have been ordered to stay in Romania as a judge inspected the indictment. In late April, a preliminary chamber in Bucharest approved the case for a trial.

The new arrest concerns a U.K. accusation.

In March, Mr. Tate and his brother were taken into custody once again in Romania on a new European arrest warrant issued by the British authorities.

The charges related to the arrest were made between 2012 and 2015 and include allegations of sexual aggression, Mr. Tate’s spokesman said. He added that the charges had been dismissed by the Crown Prosecution Service years later.

The Bedfordshire Police in England said at the time that they were working with the authorities in Romania on an investigation into allegations of rape and human trafficking. They had obtained a European Arrest Warrant for two men in their 30s, they said.

The brothers “unequivocally deny all allegations and decry what they perceive as an exploitative use of the legal system,” their spokesman said.

What happens next?

A court in Bucharest in March said that the Tate brothers could be extradited to Britain, but only after legal proceedings in Romania were completed; the court ruled that the brothers could be released in the immediate term. The Romanian authorities have seized part of their assets, including luxury goods and cryptocurrencies. The brothers have appealed that decision, so far without success.

A date has not yet been set for the Romanian trial: lawyers for the brothers have said that they will also fight that decision, which is not final.

Matei Barbulescu contributed reporting.

Isabella Kwai is a Times reporter based in London, covering breaking news and other trends. More about Isabella Kwai

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Andrew Tate, who won at Seafair as a rookie last year, seeks an encore Sunday

Before Andrew Tate became the first rookie to win at Seafair in 60 years, the U-9 Les Schwab Tires boat wasn’t on the radar of the vast majority of unlimited-hydroplane fans.

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Nathan Joyce

Seafair was a coming-out party last year for the U-9 Les Schwab Tires and its rookie driver, Andrew Tate.

Before Tate became the first rookie to win at Seafair in 50 years , the white boat wasn’t on the radar of the vast majority of unlimited-hydroplane fans.

“I think we surprised the entire boat-racing world with that one,” Tate said while preparing to repeat as champion of the Albert Lee Appliance Cup at Seafair.

But it was the culmination of more than five years of work by boat owners Mike and Lori Jones to get their boat from also-ran to contender.

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Let’s start with Tate. Jones jokes that he is the result of his team’s recruitment program. Jones and crew chief Jeff Campbell noticed Tate after a strong performance at an outboard national championship three years ago in Moses Lake.

“You’re always looking for a kid in outboards and inboards that you can just see has that extra talent,” said Jones, comparing it to scouting in football or baseball.

Boat racing being a tight community, Jones and Campbell were already familiar with the Tate family. Andrew’s father, Mark Tate, was a decorated unlimited-hydroplane driver in the 1990s.

Tate began his apprenticeship with the team shortly after, showing up at the season-ending Bayfair race in San Diego. The next season, he got some laps in the boat during preseason testing in the Tri-Cities.

Last year, the job was his.

It was a slow start. In the season opener in Madison, Ind., Tate was the “trailer” boat, which means he had to start outside and behind the fleet in the final as a sort of rookie initiation. The next race, in the Tri-Cities, a broken propeller kept Tate in the pits.

But Jones knew the boat would be competitive.

Seafair was the next week. That’s when Tate slipped inside Jimmy Shane, took the advantageous inside lane and flew to the title, the first for a rookie since Jim Ranger in the My Gypsy in 1966.

He’s followed that up with a second-place finish in San Diego last year and a win in Madison this year in a two-boat shootout against Shane, the four-time defending national champion who drives the U-1 HomeStreet Bank. Last week, in the Tri-Cities, he was the top qualifier and won three heats before taking fourth in the final.

“He’s very good,” Jones said. “He’s very good. He’s just a nice young man.”

If you talk to most drivers walking around Stan Sayres Pits, they have a similar story. Grew up in a family of boat racers, started young and raced in all sorts of boat classes. That’s only half of Tate’s story.

He started boat racing at 11, as he and his younger brother, Brent, got started at the same time. While spring and summer were spent boat racing, fall and winter were spent playing hockey. The Detroit area, where Tate grew up, is a hotbed of hockey talent, including the Tates.

Andrew, 27, played forward and was good enough to play NCAA Division III hockey at Curry College outside of Boston for a year. His brother was a bit better, dropped boat racing and played Division I hockey at Bowling Green and played beyond college before hanging it up recently.

“I think we had a mutual agreement between me and the sport. It kind of passed me by,” Tate said of his hockey days. “I was spending my summers playing with boats instead of training like I should have.”

Mark Tate said Brent was actually a better driver in the early days. Andrew, a fourth-generation boat racer, stuck with racing and became one of the top drivers in the Midwest, competing in the Grand Prix class.

And now he’s one of the top drivers on the unlimited-hydroplane circuit. But it takes more than a driver to win. The boat also needs plenty of speed.

That’s where Jones’ several-year campaign comes in.

He’d been after the Campbell brothers for years to join his team. The Campbell brothers were key members of the Miss Budweiser team, which was one of the most dominant in the history of the sport before it disbanded in 2004.

Finally, he got them to agree to join the team for one race. That was five years ago. Now, Jeff is the crew chief and Mike does the props, wings and deck. Throw in a couple of other former Miss Bud guys on the crew, and they’ve turned the team around.

The Les Schwab Tires team, which is based in Enumclaw, likes to point out that it has the youngest driver and the oldest boat on the circuit, and that’s true. Sort of.

Jones, a veteran boat racer himself, points out that the only original part of the boat are the sponsons. The boat, which was built in 1992, has been rebuilt several times.

“I know they’ve been working their butts off every year to make that boat what it is now,” Shane said. “… We wanted that competition on the water, and we got it with the U-9.”

Saturday, Tate picked up a victory in Heat 1B after Shane was given a penalty for going under 80 mph in the prerace milling period. He was second to Shane in Heat 2B.

And Sunday, he’ll be going for his second win at Seafair, something his dad never did once.

But you won’t hear any trash talking from Tate to his old man.

“Andrew is a very, very humble person,” Mark Tate said. “I think I have as much respect for him as he does for me.”

There’s plenty to respect. Both drivers won the unlimited hydroplane rookie of the year awards. Mark is one of seven drivers to win four National High Points Championships. Andrew is contending for his first, though he’ll have to beat Shane and J. Michael Kelly in the U-12 Graham Trucking.

“He’s got a lot to learn and it shows at times,” Mark said. “The more seat time he gets, the more he’ll become a complete driver.”

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Andrew Tate is the 23rd driver for Miss Madison Racing, piloting the U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate once again in 2024.  Tate comes from a multi-generational boat racing family, where his great-grandfather to grandfather, father, mother and younger brother all have racing experience.

Andrew began driving at age 11 in APBA Stock and Modified Outboard classes collecting multiple National Championships. In 2006, he moved to the Inboard category where his success continued in both the American Powerboat Association and Hydroplane Racing League.  Andrew captured the 2022 and 2023 HRL Grand Prix Season Championship earning back-to-back wins in Valleyfield, Quebec along the way.  He also collected 2 HRL H350 class race wins in 2022.

Andrew’s first ride in an Unlimited hydroplane came in 2106 driving the U-9 Delta/Realtrac for Mike and Lori Jones.  It didn’t take him long to pick up his first Unlimited class victory at the 2016 Seattle Seafair Cup.  He was named the H1 Unlimited 2016 Rookie of the Year.

Andrew has 9 race wins in the Unlimited class including an APBA Gold Cup victory in 2018 putting his name on the oldest trophy in motorsports along with his father, Mark Tate.  He claimed the 2018 H1 Unlimited National Driver Championship and has been inducted into the APBA Hall of Champions 3 times.


All h1 unlimited results, andrew tate - career results.

2023 APBA Gold Cup 2nd U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate Miss Madison Racing
2023 Columbia Cup 4th U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate Miss Madison Racing
2023 Madison Regatta 4th U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate Miss Madison Racing
2023 Guntersville Hydrofest 2nd U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate Miss Madison Racing
2023 Pre-Season Testing TEST U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate Miss Madison Racing
2021 HAPO Columbia Cup 6th U-12 Graham Trucking Rob Graham
2021 Madison Regatta APBA Gold Cup 2nd U-12 Graham Trucking Rob Graham
2021 Guntersville Lake Hydrofest 6th U-12 Graham Trucking Rob Graham
2021 Pre-Season Testing TEST U-12 Graham Trucking Rob Graham
2019 HomeStreet Bank Cup 2nd U-1 Delta Realtrac Jones Racing
2019 HAPO Columbia Cup 2nd U-1 Delta RealTrac Jones Racing
2019 Madison Regatta APBA Gold Cup 5th U-1 Auxier Marketing/Realtrac Jones Racing
2019 Pre-Season Testing TEST U-1 Delta RealTrac Jones Racing
2018 HomeStreet Bank Bayfair 1st U-9 Delta RealTrac Jones Racing
2018 Detroit Hydrofest APBA Gold Cup 1st U-9 Delta RealTrac Jones Racing
2018 Albert Lee Appliance Cup 1st U-9 Les Schwab Tires Jones Racing
2018 HAPO Columbia Cup 1st U-9 Les Schwab Tires Jones Racing
2018 Midwest Tube Mills Madison Regatta 2nd U-9 Auxier Marketing/Delta RealTrac Jones Racing
2018 Guntersville Lake Hydrofest 1st U-9 Auxier Marketing/Delta RealTrac Jones Racing
2018 Pre-Season Testing TEST U-9 Delta RealTrac Jones Racing
2017 HomeStreet Bank Bayfair 1st U-9 Delta RealTrac Jones Racing
2017 APBA Gold Cup 2nd U-9 Delta RealTrac Jones Racing
2017 President’s Cup 1st U-9 Delta RealTrac Jones Racing
2017 Albert Lee Appliance Seafair Cup 7th U-9 Les Schwab Jones Racing
2017 HAPO Columbia Cup 4th U-9 Les Schwab Jones Racing
2017 MainSource Bank Indiana Governors Cup EXHIBITION U-9 Delta RealTrac Jones Racing
2017 Pre-Season Testing TEST U-9 Les Schwab Jones Racing
2016 HomeStreet Bank San Diego Bayfair 2nd U-9 Delta/Realtrac Jones Racing
2016 UAW/GM Hydrofest APBA Gold Cup 6th U-9 Delta RealTrac Jones Racing
2016 Albert Lee Appliance Seafair Cup 1st U-9 Les Schwab/Sound Propeller Jones Racing
2016 HAPO Columbia Cup 9th U-9 Bello’s Pizza/RealTrac Jones Racing
2016 MainSource Bank Madison Regatta 4th U-9 Bello’s Pizza/RealTrac Jones Racing
2016 Pre-Season Testing TEST U-9 Bello’s Pizza/RealTrac Jones Racing


2019 HomeStreet Bank Cup 2nd U-1 Delta Realtrac 2019 HAPO Columbia Cup 2nd U-1 Delta RealTrac 2019 Madison Regatta APBA Gold Cup 5th U-1 Auxier Marketing/Realtrac 2019 Pre-Season Testing TEST U-1 Delta RealTrac 2018 HomeStreet Bank Bayfair 1st U-9 Delta RealTrac 2018 Detroit Hydrofest APBA Gold Cup 1st U-9 Delta RealTrac 2018 Albert Lee Appliance Cup 1st U-9 Les Schwab Tires 2018 HAPO Columbia Cup 1st U-9 Les Schwab Tires 2018 Midwest Tube Mills Madison Regatta 2nd U-9 Auxier Marketing/Delta RealTrac 2018 Guntersville Lake Hydrofest 1st U-9 Auxier Marketing/Delta RealTrac 2018 Pre-Season Testing TEST U-9 Delta RealTrac 2017 HomeStreet Bank Bayfair 1st U-9 Delta RealTrac 2017 APBA Gold Cup 2nd U-9 Delta RealTrac 2017 President's Cup 1st U-9 Delta RealTrac 2017 Albert Lee Appliance Seafair Cup 7th U-9 Les Schwab 2017 HAPO Columbia Cup 4th U-9 Les Schwab 2017 MainSource Bank Indiana Governors Cup EXHIBITION U-9 Delta RealTrac 2017 Pre-Season Testing TEST U-9 Les Schwab 2016 HomeStreet Bank San Diego Bayfair 2nd U-9 Delta/Realtrac 2016 UAW/GM Hydrofest APBA Gold Cup 6th U-9 Delta RealTrac 2016 Albert Lee Appliance Seafair Cup 1st U-9 Les Schwab/Sound Propeller 2016 HAPO Columbia Cup 9th U-9 Bello's Pizza/RealTrac 2016 MainSource Bank Madison Regatta 4th U-9 Bello's Pizza/RealTrac 2016 Pre-Season Testing TEST U-9 Bello's Pizza/RealTrac

HULL# 1992-102.5 | 2016-2019

2021 HAPO Columbia Cup 6th U-12 Graham Trucking 2021 Madison Regatta APBA Gold Cup 2nd U-12 Graham Trucking 2021 Guntersville Lake Hydrofest 6th U-12 Graham Trucking 2021 Pre-Season Testing TEST U-12 Graham Trucking

HULL# 2000-01 | 2021

2023 APBA Gold Cup 2nd U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate 2023 Columbia Cup 4th U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate 2023 Guntersville Hydrofest 2nd (FLIPPED) U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate 2023 Preseason Testing TEST U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate

HULL# 2007-06 | 2023

2024 Madison Regatta 1st U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate 2024 Guntersville Hydrofest 1st U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate 2024 Preseason Test TEST U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate

HULL# 2018-01 | 2024

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Fourth-generation power boat racer Tate gears up for Detroit's Gold Cup

Plymouth high grad follows family legacy to become h1 unlimited hydropane points leader.

Portrait of Brad Emons

Like the Earnhardts were to stock car racing and the Andrettis were to Indy cars, the name Tate has long been synonymous with power boat racing.

Andrew Tate, currently the American Power Boat Associaton's  H1 Unlimited Hydroplane points leader after winning this weekend's Seafair event in Lake Washington (Seattle), has picked up where his father Mark and grandfather Joe left off on the circuit. (Tate's great-grandfather and mother raced boats as well.)

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"My father raced unlimited hydroplanes, so as a little kid I got to grow up in the pits and follow his career," said the 28-year-old Tate, a Canton native who now resides in Walled Lake. "It's something you always kind of imagined yourself doing and it's a childhood dream. But the reality of it as ever happening ... it's a realization, but kind of unexpected. But it's an honor and really is a dream come true."

The 2007 Plymouth High grad has captured two of the first three races on the APBA schedule. He is coming off a win at the Columbia Cup in Tri-Cities, Wash., and would like nothing better than to make a splash when he returns home Aug. 24-26 for the Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers Hydrofest on the Detroit River. 

Going into the fourth race, Tate has racked up a sizable lead with 5,660 points, followed by his nearest competitor at only 3,577.

Positive results

"So far, we couldn't be happier with the U-9 Delta/Realtrac race boat," Tate said. "So far, it's gone really well. We really couldn't ask for anything better. We've won three out of the four races and we look forward to continuing that success and building momentum as we head towards Detroit and the Gold Cup."

The Gold Cup in Detroit is the equivalent of Daytona and the Indy 500, for sure, as a fleet of eight H1 Unlimited teams, along with 10 boats from the Hydroplane Racing League, will compete. It's also the oldest active motor sports trophy, which was first contested in 1904 on the Hudson River in New York.

"Detroit presents kind of a unique challenge, because at one end of the race course you have the biggest, essentially widest turn in the circuit and then, at the other end, you have the narrowest, sharpest turn in the circuit," said Tate, who started racing boats at age 9. "So that in itself presents a unique challenge, because you're actually picking up speed from the time you come out of the narrow corner, through the start-finish line, around the big turn and then all the way down the back chute heading just past the Detroit Yacht Club into the Roostertail turn, where we're going 200 mph."

For Tate, there are other obstacles.

Tricky course

"The river presents a challenge, because the depth of the river changes and there's a current there," he said. "As the depth changes, basically, there are shells in there. And as the current is pulled downriver, when it hits those shells, it changes the water level and creates, basically, speed bumps or potholes, which will make the boat react different ways and kind of act erratically. The race course on the river in downtown Detroit is very unique, very challenging for any driver."

Tate began racing H1 Unlimited hydroplanes in 2016, when as a rookie he earned his first winner-take-all final at the Albert Lee Appliance Cup in Seattle driving the U-9 Sound Propeller Service/Les Schwab Tire boat.

And just three years into his young career, Tate claimed three race victories and one non-point exhibition race win. One of his wins came at the prestigious President’s Cup that he won in 2017 near his home in Walled Lake.

Last season, Tate broke through, posting the two fastest qualifier poles, winning eight preliminary heats and taking two winner-take-all finals. But he fell just short in the overall points standings, settling for second place (by only 425 points).

Family legacy

Andrew's grandfather Joe drove an H1 Unlimited hydroplane in 1996 and also a 7-litre powered hydroplane until he was 70, but never qualified as an H1 Unlimited driver.

Mark Tate, now 69, drove from 1990 to 2004, securing 12 H1 Unlimited hydroplane victories including two APBA Gold Cups and four H1 Unlimited national championships. He and Andrew are one of only six other second-generation father-son combinations to race H1 Unlimited hydroplanes competitively.

"Anytime I have a question or he seems to think I'm doing something wrong, he's always there to kind of guide me and point me in the right direction," Tate said of his father. "It's been a huge help in my career and the learning curve."

Tate got his start on the water racing small wooden kneel-down outboard hydroplanes. He moved into the inboard hydroplane classes in 2006 and has racked up a total of 100 wins in various APBA hydroplane categories, including nine national titles. He was also inducted into the APBA’s Hall of Champions twice (2010 and 2016).

Tate, however, had another passion athletically as a youth.

Hockey career

"It's funny, I grew up playing hockey," he said. "I started skating when I was 2. That was kind of my other love. Boat racing season was the summer and spring time and it was always ice hockey in the fall and winter. I had a semi-successful hockey career. I played for Little Caesars AAA Midget Major program out of Detroit, went on to play junior. I actually went out east to play at a D-III school. Things happened and I actually came home after my freshman year. I thought I might be a professional hockey player, not a professional boat racer."

During the off-season, Tate helps run the family business at Sun Coating Co., located in Plymouth.

"The coating business that my grandfather started 60-odd years ago is definitely a big part of my life," Tate said. "Racing is something that we're all passionate about. (Joe) raced boats as well as my father (Mark) and my great-grandfather, so most things have been passed down through the generations and it's kind of our way of life. Between work and racing this time of year, I'm really busy. Still trying to play hockey once in a while in, I guess, what I'd consider a men's league or beer league. I'll shoot shotgun sporting clays once in a while. I kind of get a kick out of that."

The Jones Racing U-9 Les Schwab Tires H1 hydroplane that Tate drives features a Lycoming T-55/L-7 Turbine engine built by Ron Jones Jr. while, Mike Campbell, who served 12 years with the Miss Budweiser organization, serves as crew chief. The boat's home port is Kent, Wash.

"Mike and Lori Jones are just great people that have been around the sport and my family since I've been around, so I've grown up with them and always had a good relationship," Tate said of the owners. "Their relationship with my family goes back three generations to my grandfather ... so they kind of kept tabs on my career and where I was with smaller boats. When they thought I was ready, they kind of gave me a shot to race the unlimited hydroplane, which is the pinnacle of the sport. And so far, so good. I think I've made them proud and I couldn't be happier to be part of this with them."

Contact Brad Emons at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter: @BradEmons1.

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Andrew Tate - Bio

Andrew tate hopes to take detroit river by storm.

By Mike Brudenell, Detroit Free Press

Andrew Tate

Remember the name Andrew Tate on the Detroit River later this month.

The 26-year-old Walled Lake powerboat racer may just drive into Unlimited Hydroplane history.

Tate will compete in the 2016 APBA Gold Cup at the UAW-GM Spirit of Detroit HydroFest on Aug. 26-28.

He’ll pilot the U-9 thunder boat at the event, which will be celebrating 100 years of Unlimited Hydroplane racing in the Motor City.

Despite his rookie status in the H1 Unlimited big-dog series, Tate has already displayed his enormous talent.

Last Sunday, in just his third Unlimited Hydroplane final, he drove the U-9 Sound Propeller/Les Schwab Tires entry to victory in the Albert Lee Appliance Seafair Cup on Lake Washington in Seattle.

Tate, whose father Mark Tate is a two-time Gold Cup winner, held off H1 Unlimited stars Jimmy Shane (U-1) and Brian Perkins (U-21) on the final lap to win.

“It’s monumental for me,” said Tate, who started racing inboard hydroplanes at age 11. “It’s a dream come true. I always imagined sitting in the cockpit of an Unlimited. It’s all kind of surreal.”

Tate was talking on Tuesday from the offices of his father’s Sun Coating Company in Plymouth, which offers production and custom coating services to the automotive and packaging industries, among others. Tate is the production manager there.

“My brother Brent and I split time in one boat my Dad provided us growing up,” said Tate, who drives the U-9 Jones Racing Unlimited ( Delta RealTrac ) for owners Mike and Lori Jones of Enumclaw, Wash. “He wanted to know if we wanted to really become race drivers before investing a lot of time and money.”

Andrew did, progressing through the junior ranks to race outboard hydroplanes and on to the 2.5-litre modified inboard category, where he won the 2013 APBA National High Points Championship.

The past couple seasons, Tate has raced in the Grand Prix class before being signed to run Unlimited Hydroplanes for Jones Racing this year.

“Driving a million-dollar boat – it’s a huge responsibility, and a great honor,” said Tate, whose great grandfather, Joe Tate Sr., and grandfather, Joe Tate Jr., were also Detroit powerboat racers and boat builders. “I’m very excited to be racing next on the Detroit River.”

Andrew’s mother, Sandy, who was born in California, also raced inboard hydroplanes.

“I remember sitting in the grandstands as a kid and watching dad race and sweating a lot,” recalled Tate. “Now I’m putting my parents through it.”

Mark and Sandy Tate were not in Seattle to witness Andrew’s victory last weekend, their son the first rookie to win the Seafair race since Jim Ranger of Detroit drove to the win there in “My Gypsy” in 1966.

“We watched it live on TV from home,” said Mark, 56, who won the Gold Cup on the Detroit River in 1991 and 1994 and was a four-time National High Points Champion. “It was a proud and exciting moment for us when Andrew crossed the finish line. I never won in Seattle. Sandy was jumping around and screaming in the living room.”

Andrew says his father doesn’t “try and overload me with advice about how to drive an Unlimited.”

“He painfully keeps his distance, but he’s always in my corner,” said Andrew.

Mark believes his son needs to learn by his own mistakes.

“You have to come up with a game plan, visualize the race, evaluate where you need to be on the racecourse,” said Mark. “Andrew is a great driver. He races hard and gets the most out of his boat. It’s his race to win or lose.”

Andrew Tate knows the dangers of powerboat racing. He accepts the risks.

“My last name comes with history in this sport,” said Tate. “”You walk the line (in Unlimited Hydroplane racing) between water and the sky. But there’s nothing like it.”

Tate has never piloted an Unlimited on the Detroit River, considered the toughest course the big thunder boats race on.

He’s never hurtled by the Detroit Yacht Club at over 200 miles per hour while setting up for the Roostertail Turn, the tightest on the H1 Unlimited circuit.

“Bill Muncey said once you don’t win on the Detroit River, you survive,” said Tate. “Look, I’m just humbled to be competing in the 100th year of Unlimited Hydroplane racing in Detroit. I rate it the equal of the Indianapolis 500, the Daytona 500, and the Stanley Cup. I’m going to have to figure this out on my own.”

[Detroit Free Press, Published 7:34 p.m. ET Aug. 11, 2016]

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Andrew Tate Captures the Detroit Gold Cup

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Fourth-generation boat racer Andrew Tate won the Detroit Gold Cup, the famous unlimited hydroplane race that launched in 1904, on Sunday, Aug. 26. It was the 102nd running of Gold Cup.

The Walled Lake, MI, resident captured the win the fourth race of the H1 Unlimited Hydroplane Racing Series driving his U-9 Delta/Realtrac on the Detroit River. Tate powered in front of Jimmy Shane in the U-1 Miss HomeStreet at the start of the race, and never lost the lead. Tate finished the five-lap final on the 2.72-mile racecourse with an average speed 155.460 mph, nearly 2 mph faster than Shane.

Tate etched himself not only in the record book for winning the Gold Cup, but becomes the only son/father duo to win the Gold Cup. His father, Mark Tate, won the oldest trophy in motorsports in 1994 and 1991.

By winning the race, Tate also clinched the H1 Unlimited Hydroplane Racing Series National High Points Championship, and will be awarded the U-1 number in 2019.

“I don’t have the words,” he said following the race. “I can’t describe it. I haven’t had time for it all to sink in.”

Later he gathered his thoughts and said, “The inside lane is always an advantage, and we had a good start,” said the 29-year-old Tate, who was second to Shane after the first of the five laps in the final. “The buffer between me (U-11 in lane two) and Jimmy helped.”

“We changed one thing for the final, and it seemed to work. Kudos to the crew. They gave me a rocketship,” Tate said.

All eight preliminary heat races were run Sunday after half were postponed Saturday by high winds. Shane who finished second in the winner-take-all final won all four preliminary heats his team entered. He finished the Gold Cup final with an average speed of 148.864 mph.

A disappointed Shane said after, “We should have come away with the Gold Cup win. Unfortunately for us, it didn’t work out. He continued, “Andrew won, and congratulations to them.”

Third place went to the U-11 Reliable Diamond Tool Presents J&D’s, driven by Tom Thompson with an average speed 113.325 mph. Thompson was penalized one minute for a line violation, but it did not affect the order of finished.

Fourth place went to Dustin Echols driving the U-440 Bucket List Racing with an average speed of 84.710 mph.

The U-7 Spirit of Detroit and driver Bert Henderson were disqualified when he entered the restricted area of the racecourse.

The fastest lap in the final went to Tate who posted a speed of 154.601 mph on lap two of the final.

Preliminary Heat Race Recap

HEAT 1A 1) U-1 Miss HomeStreet, Jimmy Shane, 152.481 mph average 2) U-440 Bucket List Racing, Dustin Echols, 128.591 mph average 3) U-3 The Roostertail, Jimmy King, 121.385 mph average

HEAT 1B 1) U-9 Delta/Realtrac, Andrew Tate, 146.203 mph average 2) U-11 Reliable Diamond Tools Presents J&D’s, 140.517 mph average 3) U-7 Spirit of Detroit, Jeff Bernard, DSQ

HEAT 2A 1) U-1 Miss HomeStreet, Shane, 124.158 mph avg. 2) U-9 Delta/Realtrac, Tate, 119.541 mph avg. 3) U-7 Spirit of Detroit, Bert Henderson, 112.011 mph avg.

HEAT 2B 1) U-440 Bucket List Racing, Echols, 127.767 mph avg. 2) U-11 Reliable Diamond Tool Presents J&D’s, Thompson, 119.638 mph avg. 3) U-3 The Roostertail, King, 111.400 mph avg.

HEAT 3A 1) U- Miss HomeStreet,  Shane, 149.244 mph avg. 2) U-440 Bucket List Racing, Echols, 116.740 mph avg. 3) U-9 Delta/Realtrac, Tate, 115.271 mph avg.

HEAT 3B 1) U-11 J&D’s, Thompson, 141.706 mph avg. 2) U-3 The Roostertail, King, 134.661 mph avg. 3) U-7 Spirit of Detroit, Henderson, DSQ

HEAT 4A 1) U-9 Delta/Realtrac, Tate, 136.572 mph avg. 2) U-11 J&D’s, Thompson, 130.144 mph avg. 3) U-3 The Roostertail, King, Did not start

HEAT 4B 1) U-1 Miss HomeStreet, Shane, 140.776 mph avg. 2) U-7 Spirit of Detroit, Henderson, 139.944 mph 3) U-440 Bucket List Racing, Echols, 118.113 mph

METRO DETROIT CHEVY DEALERS GOLD CUP FINAL 1) U-9 Delta/Realtrac, Tate, 150.460 mph avg. 2) U-1 Miss HomeStreet,  Shane, 148.864 mph avg. 3) U-11 J&D’s, Thompson, 113.325 mph 4) U-440 Bucket List Racing, Echols, 84.710 mph vg.

U-7 Spirit of Detroit, Henderson, DSQ

H1 Unlimited Hydroplane Racing Series National High Points 1) Andrew Tate, U-9 Delta/Realtrac, 6,785 points 2) Jimmy Shane, U-1 Miss HomeStreet, Jimmy Shane, 4,787 points 3) Tom Thompson, U-11 Reliable Diamond Tools Presents J&D’s, 3,971 points 4) Brian Perkins, U-21 PayneWest Insurance, 3,388 points 5) Cal Phipps, U-1918 Oberto Beef Jerky, 2,969 points 6) Dustin Echols, U-440 Bucket List Racing, 2,645 points 7) J. Michael Kelly, Graham Trucking, 1,724 poijts 8) Aaron Salmon, U-99.9 CARSTARS Powers Miss Rock, 1,399 points 9) Jimmy King, U-3 The Roostertail, 146 points


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Home » Body Measurements » Athletes » Andrew Tate Height Weight Shoe Size Measurements Ethnicity

Andrew Tate Height Weight Shoe Size Measurements Ethnicity

Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate Personal Details:

  • Complete Name: Emory Andrew Tate III
  • Nicknames: Andrew
  • Date of Birth: December 14, 1986
  • Birthplace: Washington, D.C., United States
  • Nationality: British, American
  • Occupation: Former Kickboxer, Internet Personality
  • Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
  • Race/ Ethnicity: Multiracial (White and Black)
  • Eye Color: Dark Brown
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown

Andrew Tate Body Measurements

Andrew Tate Family Details:

  • Father: Emory Andrew Tate Jr. (Chess Player)
  • Mother: She worked as a catering assistant.
  • Siblings: Tristan Tate (Brother), Janine Tate (Sister)
  • Spouse Name: Unmarried
  • Children Name: None

Andrew Tate Relationships History:

  • Naghel Georgiana Manuela

Andrew Tate Career Highlights:

  • Kickboxing Record: 49 wins and 9 losses
  • Weight Division: Light Heavyweight
  • MMA Record: 1 win and 0 loss

Andrew Tate Distinctive Features:

  • Clean-shaved head

Andrew Tate Height Weight Shoe Size

Andrew Tate Body Measurements:

Given below are Andrew Tate height, weight, shoe size, and other body measurement statistics.

  • Build: Athletic
  • Height in Feet: 6’ 1”
  • Height in Centimeters: 185 cm
  • Weight in Kilogram: 90 kg
  • Weight in Pounds: 198 pounds
  • Feet/ Shoe Size: Unknown

Andrew Tate Interesting Facts:

  • Andrew Tate is multiracial.
  • His father Emory Tate was a chess International Master.
  • Growing up, he learned to play chess and even competed in professional tournaments.
  • In August 2022, all major social media platforms banned Andrew for his controversial views.

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    Andrew Tate's Yacht Size. Andrew Tate's super yacht, "The Freedom", is a testament to his extravagant lifestyle and love for the finer things in life. The size of this luxurious vessel is as impressive as its owner's achievements.

  3. Andrew Tate

    Emory Andrew Tate III (born 1 December 1986) is an American-British social media personality, businessman, and former professional kickboxer.His controversial commentary has resulted in his expulsions from various social media platforms and concern that he promotes misogynist views to his audience. As a divisive influencer, Tate has amassed over 9 million followers on X; and was the third-most ...

  4. What to Know About the Accusations Against Andrew Tate

    April 26, 2024. Andrew Tate, an online influencer known for his displays of wealth and his misogynistic views, is facing criminal accusations over sexual misconduct in two separate cases. Mr. Tate ...

  5. Andrew Tate Gives a HeartWarming Speech on his yacht

    Watch Andrew Tate deliver an inspiring speech aboard his yacht, showcasing his charismatic personality and insights.

  6. About

    A fourth-generation boat racer, you could say Tate was born to drive hydroplanes. His great-grandfather, grandfather, father, and mother all raced boats. History 2023. Andrew Tate signs on with the Madison ... Andrew Tate wins the 2017 Madison Regatta & his name is etched into the Indiana Governor's cup alongside his father Mark Tate who won ...

  7. f1 Powerboat announces Andrew Tate as Driver

    Andrew TATE wins HRL Grand prix Championship & driver of the year

  8. Andrew Tate

    Like many of his H1 Unlimited hydroplane driving peers, Andrew began racing in the small wooden kneel-down outboard hydroplanes when he was just 9 years old....

  9. Andrew Tate, who won at Seafair as a rookie last year, seeks an encore

    Before Andrew Tate became the first rookie to win at Seafair in 60 years, the U-9 Les Schwab Tires boat wasn't on the radar of the vast majority of unlimited-hydroplane fans.

  10. Super Yacht Special Ep 1

    Super Yacht Special Ep 2 | Tate Confidential Ep 165. 2 years ago. 37:59. SUPER YACHT FINALE - CROATIA TAKE OVER | Tate Confidential Ep 166. 2 years ago. 23:55. ... 20 Lessons From Andrew Tate: Inside Jail. Download and read the lessons written by Andrew Tate in jail. Name. Name.

  11. Andrew Tate

    ANDREW TATE Andrew Tate is the 23rd driver for Miss Madison Racing, piloting the U-91 Miss Goodman Real Estate once again in 2024. Tate comes from a multi-generational boat racing family, where his great-grandfather to grandfather, father, mother and younger brother all have racing experience. Andrew

  12. Andrew Tate

    Andrew Tate Racing. ATTEND A RACE Next Race. FULL RACE SCHEDULE LATEST. Latest. Cambridge, Maryland - HRL - 5/20/23 Recap. f1 Powerboat announces Andrew Tate as Driver. Andrew TATE wins HRL Grand prix Championship & driver of the year. READ MORE Andrew Tate Racing. Subscribe for the latest updates, news, and events!

  13. Andrew Tate

    Biography. Andrew Tate grew up in the world of hydroplane racing. As a 4th generation driver, boat racing is part of Andrew Tate's DNA. Indeed, his great-grandfather, grandfather, father and mother all raced hydroplanes. His family has every reason to be proud of him, both as a hard worker in the family business, Sun Coating Company, and as a ...

  14. Andrew Tate Loses Defamation Case Against Marine in Florida Lawsuit

    Social media influencer and self-described misogynist Andrew Tate has lost his defamation case against a U.S. Marine sergeant whose reports of human trafficking led to Tate's arrest in Romania on ...

  15. Power boat racer Andrew Tate gears up for Detroit River

    Fourth-generation power boat racer Tate gears up for Detroit's Gold Cup. Like the Earnhardts were to stock car racing and the Andrettis were to Indy cars, the name Tate has long been synonymous ...

  16. Aljamain Sterling meets Andrew Tate

    Aljamain Sterling meet Andrew Tate - the top g - at a Yacht party... and they had some good conversations. Here is what they talked about and a behind the sc...

  17. Andrew Tate's Super Yacht

    Andrew Tate's Super Yacht Andrew Tate's Super Yacht by: Easy Branches. andrewtate #tatespeech #hustlersuniversity #shorts. Share this page. Latest updates. Top Trend: Super Yachts with Helicopters Popular Among Wealthy. Wajer at Fort Lauderdale. Superyacht Crew's Race Against Weather from the Caribbean to Florida! | Part 2. Navigation.

  18. Andrew Tate

    Remember the name Andrew Tate on the Detroit River later this month. The 26-year-old Walled Lake powerboat racer may just drive into Unlimited Hydroplane history. Tate will compete in the 2016 APBA Gold Cup at the UAW-GM Spirit of Detroit HydroFest on Aug. 26-28. He'll pilot the U-9 thunder boat at the event, which will be celebrating 100 ...

  19. Andrew Tate Captures the Detroit Gold Cup

    Fourth-generation boat racer Andrew Tate won the Detroit Gold Cup, the famous unlimited hydroplane race that launched in 1904, on Sunday, Aug. 26. It was the 102nd running of Gold Cup. The Walled Lake, MI, resident captured the win the fourth race of the H1 Unlimited Hydroplane Racing Series driving his U-9 Delta/Realtrac on the Detroit River.

  20. Andrew Tate Height Weight Shoe Size Measurements Ethnicity

    Clean-shaved head. Andrew Tate Body Measurements: Given below are Andrew Tate height, weight, shoe size, and other body measurement statistics. Build: Athletic. Height in Feet: 6' 1". Height in Centimeters: 185 cm. Weight in Kilogram: 90 kg. Weight in Pounds: 198 pounds. Feet/ Shoe Size: Unknown.

  21. ANDREW TATE'S SUPER YACHT ????️????????

    Easy Branches. 34/17 Moo 3 Chao fah west Road, Phuket, Thailand, Phuket. Call: 076 367 766 [email protected]