Aquila 27 jeanneau

The aquila 27 jeanneau is a 27.17ft fractional sloop designed by p.harlé and built in fiberglass by jeanneau (fra) between 1975 and 1984., 1040 units have been built..

The Aquila 27 jeanneau is a moderate weight sailboat which is under powered. It is stable / stiff and has a low righting capability if capsized. It is best suited as a day-boat.

Aquila 27 jeanneau sailboat under sail

Aquila 27 jeanneau for sale elsewhere on the web:

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

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Mers et Bateaux

Jeanneau Aquila, un voilier au look et au caractère bien trempé

Jeanneau Aquila

L’aquila est un des voiliers qui a marqué l’histoire du chantier vendéen Jeanneau. Que cela soit en croisière ou en régate, ce plan Harlé est aussi une des stars de l’histoire de la plaisance. Retour sur un course-croisière toujours très apprécié par les plaisanciers à la recherche d’un voilier d’occasion.

L’Aquila est un voilier qui ne laisse jamais les voileux insensibles. Certains trouveront son look rétro magnifique ou son roof discret élégant. Les autres seront repoussés par la couleur grisâtre de certaines unités ou par son pont à teugue. Quoi qu’il en soit, l’Aquila fera toujours l’unanimité par ses qualités marines et sa carène qui a marqué nombre de régates.

L’Aquila lance l’histoire de Jeanneau et de la plaisance

Dans les années 70, la guerre entre les chantiers navals fait rage en France. Entre les affrontements sur les plans d’eau, entre trois bouées, et les batailles commerciales sur les salons, cette époque est prolifique pour la plaisance. C’est la grande épopée des chantiers Mallard , Quéré, Edel, Gibert marine et Dufour.

A cette époque, le chantier Jeanneau a déjà entamé sa petite révolution. Exit le chantier spécialiste du pêche promenade, les Sangria , Brin de Folie et autres Gin-fizz et Melody connaissent un gros succès. Et ces succès donnent déjà une place importante au chantier.

En 1977, un évènement va changer la donne. Cette année-là, le chantier Bénéteau sort le First 30 . C’est alors tout un marché de la plaisance qui va en être bouleversé. Ce plan Mauric va propulser le chantier Bénéteau au premier rang des constructeurs de voiliers, grâce à sa gamme First. Nombre de chantiers ne pourront suivre cette dynamique.

Mais le chantier Jeanneau ne va pas être en reste. Cette même année, sort un plan Harlé de 8 mètres qui va vite connaître le succès et faire concurrence aux voiliers First sur les plans d’eau. Il s’agit de l’Aquila , un course-croisière très performant qui va séduire les mangeurs d’écoutes. Le bateau va rester au catalogue du chantier de 1977 à 1984. C’est-à-dire avant, et après le Rush . 1100 unités vont être construites sur cette période, soit autant que le First 30.

Un voilier pour tous les temps

Jeanneau Aquila

L’Aquila est un voilier très bien construit . Comme diraient certains plaisanciers : « il y a de la matière… ». Et il est vrai qu’à cette époque, les coques étaient épaisses. Cependant, bateau lourd ne signifie pas bateau lent. L’Aquila va le prouver dès ses premières mises à l’eau. Ce robuste voilier s’avère être un modèle de douceur à la barre . Il est aussi à l’aise, et performant, dans le petit temps que dans la brise. Bien évidemment, comme les meilleurs bateaux de l’époque, c’est au près qu’il montre toutes ses qualités et ses capacités à remonter au vent.

Si l’Aquila bénéficie d’une très belle carène en faisant un bateau idéal en régate, c’est aussi un très bon croiseur. S’il est un peu gitard, comme ses confrères de ces années-là, il est très volumineux, confortable, facile à mener et sécurisant.

Le cockpit est assez vaste pour accueillir une famille sans se marcher dessus. Bien évidement, le maître bau n’est pas aussi reculé qu’aujourd’hui, mais c’est ce qui fait le charme de ces voiliers. La circulation sur le pont est aisée et l’avant bien dégagé, grâce à son roof carré.

L’Aquila a été proposé avec deux types d’appendices : Une version PTE et une version GTE . Un e version « Régate » a aussi été produite. Le bateau était allégé de près de 250kg et équipé d’un mât à deux étages de barres de flèche.

Pour en avoir croisé sur l’eau, je peux vous assurer que des équipages arrivent encore à vexer des concurrents sur des bateaux beaucoup plus récents.

Un intérieur retro mais fonctionnel

intérieur Aquila

Si l’Aquila a un défaut, c’est sans doute la qualité de ces aménagements. Je ne parlerai pas des selleries à carreaux blanches et bordeaux. Je ne parlerai pas non plus des aménagements de la cuisine et de la salle d’eau couleur orange, années 80. L’ensemble des aménagements a plutôt mal vieilli, il faut le reconnaître.

Pourtant, l’aspect visuel des aménagements ne doit pas faire oublier une organisation bien pensée. La cabine avant est spacieuse pour cette taille et le carré est transformable. Carré lui aussi volumineux. La position de la salle d’eau, au pied de la descente permet de gagner en volume. Une table à cartes, dans le sens inverse de la marche sera largement suffisante aujourd’hui.

L’autre intérêt des aménagements, surtout aujourd’hui, est d’offrir un accès facile aux fonds de cale et à l’ensemble de la structure du bateau. Point intéressant pour l’entretien, voire une éventuelle expertise avant achat.

Notre avis sur l’Aquila d’occasion

L’aquila est un très bon voilier et s’avère un excellent choix pour des plaisanciers à la recherche d’un voilier, à petit budget, marin et vivant. Il faudra, sans aucun doute, rénover les aménagements intérieurs, si ce n’est déjà fait.

Fiche technique Aquila

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

  • Longueur de la coque: 8.28m
  • Longueur à la flottaison: 7.1m
  • Maitre bau: 3 m
  • Tirant d’eau: 1.30/1.65m
  • Poids: 2600kg
  • Lest: 980kg
  • Voilure: 41m2
  • Grand voile: 14.5m2
  • Génois: 27m2
  • Catégorie: 2
  • Moteur HB ou IB
  • Matériau Polyester
  • Couchettes 6
  • Hauteur sous barrot 1.78 m
  • Capacité d’eau 90 L
  • Capacité carburant 40 L

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

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8 réflexions au sujet de “Jeanneau Aquila, un voilier au look et au caractère bien trempé”

J’ai impression que le plan est celui du Kelt 8,50….Jamais égalé depuis !

ho….. tu as raison. Boulette…

Ce n’est pas un pont à teugue car la teugue est une surélévation de la plage avant comme sur les les escorteurs d’escadre T47. Jouët avait construit un 9 mètres à teugue en son temps, le Régent, mais il y avait aussi l’Alizé vers 1960. Certains architectes anglais des années 60 en dessinaient, Griffith je crois. Construits en bordé classiques c’était à l’époque un moyen de donner du volume sur l’avant et de la hauteur SB; l’arrière abaissé allégeait le devis de poids et réduisait le fardage. Cordialement.

Merci pour cette précision.

Bonjour Attention : le plan qui apparaît sur ce site n’est pas celui d’un Atalia, qui n’a pas de cabine arrière. C’est plutôt le plan d’un Fantasia.

merci pour la coquille Olivier. J’ai fais la modification 😉

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Aquila Shoal draft

Sailboat specifications.

  • Last update: 3rd April 2020

Aquila's main features

Aquila's main dimensions, aquila's rig and sails, aquila's performances, aquila's auxiliary engine, aquila's accommodations and layout, aquila's saloon, aquila's fore cabin.

Jeanneau Aquila  Picture extracted from the commercial documentation © Jeanneau

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Review of Aquila 27

Basic specs..

The Aquila 27 is equipped with a finn keel. A boat with a fin keel is more manoeuvrable but has less directional stability than a similar boat with a long keel.

The boat can enter most marinas as the draft is just about 1.72 - 1.82 meter (5.64 - 5.94 ft) dependent on the load. See immersion rate below.

Sailing characteristics

This section covers widely used rules of thumb to describe the sailing characteristics. Please note that even though the calculations are correct, the interpretation of the results might not be valid for extreme boats.

What is Capsize Screening Formula (CSF)?

The capsize screening value for Aquila 27 is 2.10, indicating that this boat would not be accepted to participate in ocean races.

What is Theoretical Maximum Hull Speed?

The theoretical maximal speed of a displacement boat of this length is 6.5 knots. The term "Theoretical Maximum Hull Speed" is widely used even though a boat can sail faster. The term shall be interpreted as above the theoretical speed a great additional power is necessary for a small gain in speed.

The immersion rate is defined as the weight required to sink the boat a certain level. The immersion rate for Aquila 27 is about 143 kg/cm, alternatively 805 lbs/inch. Meaning: if you load 143 kg cargo on the boat then it will sink 1 cm. Alternatively, if you load 805 lbs cargo on the boat it will sink 1 inch.

Sailing statistics

This section is statistical comparison with similar boats of the same category. The basis of the following statistical computations is our unique database with more than 26,000 different boat types and 350,000 data points.

What is Motion Comfort Ratio (MCR)?

What is L/B (Length Beam Ratio)?

What is Displacement Length Ratio?


When buying anti-fouling bottom paint, it's nice to know how much to buy. The surface of the wet bottom is about 25m 2 (269 ft 2 ). Based on this, your favourite maritime shop can tell you the quantity you need.

If you need to renew parts of your running rig and is not quite sure of the dimensions, you may find the estimates computed below useful.

This section shown boat owner's changes, improvements, etc. Here you might find inspiration for your boat.

Do you have changes/improvements you would like to share? Upload a photo and describe what to look for.

We are always looking for new photos. If you can contribute with photos for Aquila 27 it would be a great help.

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  • Sailboat Guide

Founded by hardware store owner, Henri Jeanneau who started by racing and then building small power boats. His first fiberglass model was introduced in 1960 and the first sailboat in 1964. TIME LINE 1956 M. Henri Jeanneau starts boat building in his Fathers workshop following his success in the “Six heures de Paris” power boat race. 1957 Creation of the first “Jeanneau” a simple wooden outboard motor dinghy 1958 The first “Jeanneau” fiberglass hull molded 1960 The “Sea-bird” speed boat, Jeanneau’s first full production fibreglass boat 1970 First of 2800 Sangria sailing yachts produced 1970 - 1990 Corporate ownership change to United States based Bangor Punta. 1981-1985 O’Day - also under Bangor Punta, built (under license in US) about 120 Sun Fizz yachts marketed as the O’DAY 39. In 1986 this was remodeled by Hunt & Associates and produced as the O’DAY 40. Ownership subsequently reverted to France with acquisition by Chatellier SA 1990 Short lived joint venture with Italian Ferretti Craft to build the Yarding Yacht range 1990-1992 The ATLANTIC 44, is built in Athens, Greece on license from Jeanneau, is almost identical to Jeanneau SUN MAGIC 44. Similarly the SUN LEGENDE 41 was produced under license in Greece as the OLYMPIC SEA 42. 1995 Acquired by Groupe Beneteau to create the largest sailboat group worldwide 1995-1997 Polish built yachts include SUN FAST 17 & Sun ODYSSEY 24.1 (The SUN FAST 17 later was available as the BALT FAMILY 17) 2001 Jeanneau acquires Ostroda Yachts of Poland. A separate division, JAT (Jeanneau Advanced Technologies) were the builders of the Lagoon range of catamarans as well as a number of custom projects such as Americas Cup yachts and the Kevin Costner ‘Waterworld’ trimarans. (During the 1990’s TPI in the USA produced some Jeanneau catamarans) A few Sun Fast yachts were produced in Australia under license, during the early 1990’s. Some Polish yards produced a number of Jeanneau Yachts and motorboats during the mid 1990’s. Notably the Jacek Centowski designed SUN ODYSSEY 24.1. Following the 80 or so models produced under the Jeanneau brand during 1995 to 1997. These have continued to be produced in Poland and marketed under a variety of brands including: Sportina 730: Clever 24.5: Sportlake 730: Apolonia 24: Noryacht 770: Fly23S: and Delphia 24. Jeanneau is a division of Groupe Beneteau. Jeamnneau Owners Network


  • Jeanneau Owners Network
  • Sangria (Jeanneau)
  • One Ton Class
  • Moorings Yacht Charter
  • Sun Fast (Jeanneau)
  • Half Ton Class
  • Fun Class International
  • Micro Class (IMCCA)
  • IOR 3/4 ton
  • Andre Mauric
  • Daniel Andrieu
  • Doug Peterson
  • E. G. Van de Stadt
  • Gilles Vaton
  • Guillaume Verdier
  • Guy Ribadeau Dumas
  • Jacek Centkowski
  • Jacques Fauroux
  • Jean Marie Finot (Groupe Finot)
  • Jeanneau Design
  • J&J Design
  • Joubert-Nivelt
  • Marc Lombard
  • Morrelli & Melvin
  • Olivier Petit/Jeanneau
  • Philippe Briand
  • Philippe Harlé
  • Philippe H. Harlé
  • Ron Holland
  • Tony Castro
  • Van Peteghem/Lauriot-Prevost

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Jeanneau 51

Jeanneau sun 2000.

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Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 52.2

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Jeanneau Sun Fast 26

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Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 45 DS

Jeanneau sun odyssey 490.

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Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 41 DS

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Jeanneau sun odyssey 35.

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Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 49I

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Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 449

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Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 439

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Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 409

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Jeanneau Sun Fast 40

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Microsail (Mull)

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Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 28.1

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Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 34

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Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 50 DS

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Jeanneau Sun Fast 43

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Jeanneau 54

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Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 32I

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Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 32.2

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Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 410

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International 50 (Moorings)

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

Jeanneau Sun Fast 3600

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

Jeanneau Trinidad 48

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

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Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 379

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Jeanneau Sun Fast 3200

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Jeanneau Sun Fizz 40

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Jeanneau Beniguet

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Jeanneau Sun Way 21

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

Jeanneau 53

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 39 DS

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Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 47 CC

Jeanneau sun odyssey 36.2.

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Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 349

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Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 49

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Jeanneau Sun Fast 35

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

Jeanneau 57

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 26

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

Jeanneau Sun Shine 38

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

Jeanneau Sun Kiss 47

Jeanneau sun odyssey 42i.

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 40 DS

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

Jeanneau Love Love

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

Jeanneau Brio

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

Jeanneau Captain

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

Jeanneau Sun Light 30

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 30I

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

Jeanneau 64

Jeanneau sun odyssey 519, jeanneau 34.2.

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 319

jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

Jeanneau Sun Shine 36

2007 jeanneau 36i Sun Odyssey cover photo

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  • Moscow Yacht Show 2018

The Moscow Boat Show 2018 took place from the 1st to the 3rd of June, 2018

Moscow Yacht Show 2018 , organized in the best yacht club of the Russian capital Royal Yacht Club, finished successfully. Despite the changeable weather from June 1 to 3 all three days of the exhibition were filled with events.

A lot of customers came to the show.

The following models were presented:

  • Cap Camarat 7.5 DC
  • Merry Fisher 695
  • Merry Fisher 795
  • Merry Fisher 895
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  • Moscow Boat Show 2018

The Moscow Boat Show 2018 took place from the 7th to the 11th of March, 2018

From the Merry Fisher line , the Merry Fisher 695 , the Merry Fisher 795 and the Merry Fisher 895 were on display.

The Cap Camarat 7.5 DC was also presented. 

A lot of people visited the show and were interested in the Jeanneau boats.


  1. Sailing boats

    jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

  2. Aquila

    jeanneau aquila sailboatdata

  3. Aquila regatta (Jeanneau) sailboat specifications and details on Boat

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  4. Aquila : STW001333 : the SailingTheWeb sailboat datasheet

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  5. Jeanneau-Aquila-28-Layout

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  6. Location voilier Jeanneau Aquila à Cogolin (Jeanneau Aquila)

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  1. Sail Boats

  2. Jeanneau Aquila 28

  3. jeanneau 49DS boat works


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    Two versions were available, Standard and Regatta. The Regatta version had a deep keel. Regatta keel: Draft - 1.65 m / 5.42 ft; Ballast - 980 kg / 2,161 lbs. LOD: 8.28 m / 27.17 ft.

  2. Jeanneau (FRA)

    Founded by hardware store owner, Henry Jeanneau who started by racing and then building small power boats. His first fiberglass model was introduced in 1960 and the first sailboat in 1964. TIME LINE 1956 M. Henry Jeanneau starts boat building in his Fathers workshop following his success in the "Six heures de Paris" power boat race. 1957 Creation of the first "Jeanneau" a simple wooden ...

  3. Aquila 27

    The Aquila 27 is a recreational keelboat, built predominantly of fiberglass, with wood trim. It has a masthead sloop rig, with a deck-stepped mast and aluminum spars with stainless steel wire rigging. The hull has a raked stem, a reverse transom, a skeg -mounted rudder controlled by a tiller and a fixed fin keel or shoal draft keel.

  4. Friends of Sangria and Aquila (Jeanneau)

    The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network.

  5. Aquila Regatta (Jeanneau)

    The Aquila is a 27'2" (8.28m) cruiser-racer sailboat designed by Philippe Harlé (France). She was built between 1975 and 1984 by Jeanneau (France) with 1048 hulls completed. The Regatta version is proposed with simpler and more race-oriented equipment to display a lighter displacement. The Aquila is as well listed, on, in Shoal draft version (see all the versions compared).

  6. Aquila 27 jeanneau

    The Aquila 27 jeanneau is a 27.17ft fractional sloop designed by P.Harlé and built in fiberglass by Jeanneau (FRA) between 1975 and 1984. 1040 units have been built. The Aquila 27 jeanneau is a moderate weight sailboat which is under powered. It is stable / stiff and has a low righting capability if capsized. It is best suited as a day-boat.

  7. Jeanneau Aquila 27

    Jeanneau Aquila 27 is a 27′ 1″ / 8.3 m monohull sailboat designed by Philippe Harlé and built by Jeanneau between 1975 and 1984. Great choice! Your favorites are temporarily saved for this session. ... / CC BY. Embed Embed. View Demo.

  8. Voilier Jeanneau Aquila. Histoire, avis et fiche technique

    Un intérieur retro mais fonctionnel. Notre avis sur l'Aquila d'occasion. Fiche technique Aquila. Retrouvez tous nos avis bateaux. L'aquila est un des voiliers qui a marqué l'histoire du chantier vendéen Jeanneau. Que cela soit en croisière ou en régate, ce plan Harlé est aussi une des stars de l'histoire de la plaisance.

  9. Aquila Shoal draft (Jeanneau)

    The Aquila is a 27'2" (8.28m) cruiser-racer sailboat designed by Philippe Harlé (France). She was built between 1975 and 1984 by Jeanneau (France) with 1048 hulls completed. The Shoal draft version features a shorter keel to grant access to shallow areas. The Aquila is as well listed, on, in Regatta version (see all the versions compared).

  10. Aquila

    Welcome to the refined world of cruising aboard Jeanneau Yachts. Set sail and discover these jewels of the sea. JEANNEAU YACHTS. JEANNEAU YACHTS 55 new. JEANNEAU YACHTS. JEANNEAU YACHTS 60 ... Aquila. Home. Sailboats. Autres modèles - voile. Aquila. Layouts & Specs. Length overall 27 m / 88'7"

  11. Review of Aquila 27

    Keel. The Aquila 27 is equipped with a finn keel. A boat with a fin keel is more manoeuvrable but has less directional stability than a similar boat with a long keel. The boat can enter most marinas as the draft is just about 1.72 - 1.82 meter (5.64 - 5.94 ft) dependent on the load. See immersion rate below.

  12. Jeanneau

    Founded by hardware store owner, Henri Jeanneau who started by racing and then building small power boats. His first fiberglass model was introduced in 1960 and the first sailboat in 1964. ... Source: / CC BY. Suggest Improvements ... Jeanneau Flirt. 1976 • 19 ′ 8 ″ / 6 m Sailboat. Jeanneau Aquila 27.

  13. Moscow Yacht Show 2018

    The Moscow Boat Show 2018 took place from the 1st to the 3rd of June, 2018


    Jeanneau (FRA) 1956 - Founded by hardware store owner, Henry Jeanneau who started by racing and then building small power boats. His first fiberglass model was introduced in 1960 and the first sailboat in 1964. TIME LINE

  15. International Boat Show of Moscow

    VISIT our sailboat lines, outboard and inboard powerboat models at the Moscow INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW. - FROM 5TH THROUGH THE 9TH OF MARCH, 2020 - We invite you to join us at the Moscow International Boat Show to discover, in a premier showing, our models and latest innovations. Professional representatives will be available to advise and guide you in order to find the right Jeanneau for you.

  16. Boat Luxury Sailboats

    For the purchase and/or sale of a sailboat, please don't hesitate to contact your Jeanneau dealership by clicking here: Contact your Jeanneau dealer. A boat builder for over 60 years, Jeanneau remains at the forefront of marine innovation, offering 11 sailboats, 33 to 64 feet, to suit every style, designed by great naval architects,

  17. …is a database that contains information on over 9000 production and semi-production sailboats dating back to the late 1800's. COMPARE BOATS. To compare up to three boats at one time, click the (+) Remove a compared boat by clicking (-) FORUM.

  18. 7TH THROUGH THE 11TH OF MARCH , 2018

    Welcome to the refined world of cruising aboard Jeanneau Yachts. Set sail and discover these jewels of the sea. JEANNEAU YACHTS. JEANNEAU YACHTS 55 new. JEANNEAU YACHTS. JEANNEAU YACHTS 60 JEANNEAU YACHTS. JEANNEAU YACHTS 65 PRIOR MODELS ...


    LENGTH: Traditionally, LOA (length over all) equaled hull length. Today, many builders use LOA to include rail overhangs, bowsprits, etc. and LOD (length on deck) for hull length. That said, LOA may still mean LOD if the builder is being honest and using accepted industry standards developed by groups like the ABYC (American Boat and Yacht Council).


    LENGTH: Traditionally, LOA (length over all) equaled hull length. Today, many builders use LOA to include rail overhangs, bowsprits, etc. and LOD (length on deck) for hull length. That said, LOA may still mean LOD if the builder is being honest and using accepted industry standards developed by groups like the ABYC (American Boat and Yacht Council).

  21. Moscow Boat Show 2018

    The Moscow Boat Show 2018 took place from the 7th to the 11th of March, 2018


    LENGTH: Traditionally, LOA (length over all) equaled hull length. Today, many builders use LOA to include rail overhangs, bowsprits, etc. and LOD (length on deck) for hull length. That said, LOA may still mean LOD if the builder is being honest and using accepted industry standards developed by groups like the ABYC (American Boat and Yacht Council).