yacht fuel price per litre

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Yacht fuel cost calculator - how to estimate the costs.

Yacht Fuel Cost Calculator - How to Estimate the Costs

Yacht captains have many responsibilities when it comes to the management of their vessel. One of them is keeping track of expenses, which is why it is important to familiarize yourself with the vessel’s operational costs. Keeping a luxury superyacht afloat isn’t cheap, and many claim that the average annual cost ranks up to 10% of the vessel’s price.

From these expenses, a significant portion goes to fuel. Filling up the tank of your boat is quite pricey, which is why a growing number of boat owners want to know exactly how much they are looking to spend for their upcoming voyage. This is also important for people who want to charter a boat for their holiday.

If you’re wondering how to best estimate the costs involved, you’re in the right place. This article will help you calculate your vessel’s yacht fuel cost while giving an overview of all the criteria used as variables. To make the process even easier, we link to a yacht fuel cost calculator to help you get an indication of the expenses you’ll need to cover. Let’s delve in!

Yacht fuel cost calculator

How to estimate yacht fuel costs, how much fuel does a yacht use.

  • Price of boat fuel per gallon?

Yacht fuel formula

The easiest way to calculate your fuel costs is by using a yacht fuel cost calculator. There is a great calculator available here in case you want to save time and get an approximate estimation.

yacht fuel cost calculator

As you can see, the yacht fuel cost calculator has many variables which you need to be aware of before you set out to calculate the approximate price. This is what we will be dealing with in the next few chapters.

To help you get a better understanding of the calculation process we will do things manually while giving you the exact formulas used to calculate your vessel’s fuel needs. Therefore, make sure you keep on reading.

There are several things you need to keep in mind when you first set out to estimate the total fuel cost for your next voyage. These are summarised in the following points:

  • Distance of journey - The total amount of nautical miles (or km)
  • Cruising speed - The (average) speed of your vessel (in knots or km/hr)
  • Fuel consumption - Understanding how many gallons (or liters) of fuel are consumed per hour
  • Yacht fuel price - Understanding the average market price per gallon of fuel

The first two points depend solely on your needs and personal preference, which means that they are more flexible on a subjective basis. The latter two points may require a bit of research, especially if you’re not familiar with the engine of the vessel.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into each of the points mentioned above, and offer the required formulas to help you calculate yacht fuel cost.

Calculating distance and speed

To understand the exact distance you are looking to cover in your next voyage, you can simply use Google Maps to plan your route. The following video explains the process in detail.

As soon as your route is planned out, you can measure the distance as well, selecting the preferred method of calculation. In our case, it is best to measure in nautical miles (1nm=1,85km), as this metric is more commonly used among sea men. The yacht fuel cost calculator above has an embedded map that helps you pinpoint the journey you want to make.

Next comes the cruising speed. The number is mostly calculated in knots (nautical miles/hr). The speed with which the vessel will cruise depends on the captain onboard, but is often influenced by the owner and guests onboard. You can make a rough estimation of this number based on previous trips.

Next, we need to calculate the amount of fuel that you will likely need. To do this we need to understand the engine type, its horsepower, and several other factors.

Let’s take a marine diesel engine for example. These engines are very common on motor yachts and consume approximately 0.4 pounds of fuel per hour for each unit of horsepower. You can find fuel consumption info for your specific engine by looking it up on the web or by calling the service number.

Once you know the fuel burn rate, it’s best to add a relative error margin of 10% based on minor factors. These include weather conditions, vessel size, and drag, all of which can increase the fuel burn.

How much fuel does a yacht use per hour?

Now that you know all the variables you can go ahead and calculate the amount of fuel that your yacht will need.

  • Start by calculating the fuel burn per hour based on the horsepower of the engine.
  • Add a multiplier based on the cruising speed of your vessel.

A vessel with a diesel engine of 300 horsepower will most likely burn 16-17 gallons per hour, which you can then use as a guideline when calculating the travel time based on the nautical miles you are looking to cover.

Superyachts are consuming much more fuel. An average 70-meter luxury yacht will burn around 130 gallons per hour with the engines running, while the amount increases significantly when the ship is moving. On average, you are looking at ±€2000 per hour (±1000 gallons) to achieve a speed of 20 knots. Of course, the higher the cruising speed, the more fuel you will be burning per hour, which in turn makes each hour at sea more expensive.

How much does boat fuel cost per gallon?

yacht fuel cost calculator

The exact price you are looking to pay per gallon depends on the marina you find yourself in. By looking at several price points of marinas, we get the following:

  • Average diesel prices range from $3.2-$3.9 per gallon
  • Average petrol prices range from $7.2-$7.8 per gallon

Note that discounts usually apply whenever you choose to purchase large quantities of fuel.

Why is boat fuel so expensive?

Marine fuel pricing is heavily inflated due to low supply and high demand. In short, the limited number of fuel stations at marinas have to service all the yachts that dock, which leads to a no-choice monopoly.

That said, yacht owners are usually not that concerned about the small price spike that marinas charge as an extra. If anything, they are happy to pay due to the convenience of the service.

How much fuel does a yacht hold?

Once again, the answer to this question depends on the size of the vessel. Smaller yachts can hold around 1300 gallons of fuel, while the bigger vessels can store up to 100,000 gallons. The ship’s engineers should be able to provide this number for the vessel you command.

Now that we have a better understanding of all the variables that determine the cost of fuel, we can go ahead and take you through the calculation process step by step.

First, know the total duration of your cruise. To obtain this information, divide the number of nautical miles by the cruising speed of your vessel (knots). For example, if you want to make a journey that totals 150 nautical miles while traveling at 20 knots, the yacht fuel formula looks as follows:

Total duration = 150 nm / 20kn

Total duration = 7,5 hrs

Note that the amount of fuel consumption may end up higher than expected if:

  • Sea and weather conditions are not favourable
  • You plan to make short stops along the way while the engine keeps running

Next, what you want to do multiply the number of hours by the number of gallons that your engine burns on an hourly basis while moving at the speed you previously indicated. If we take, as an example, the superyacht mentioned in the previous examples, we would make the calculation as follows:

7,5 hrs x 1000 gph = 7500 gallons

Now assume that you will also make two stops along the way, an hour and a half each, in order to let the guests enjoy their time; maybe ride a jet ski.

You then multiply the added number of hours with the consumption rate of a running engine. In this case:

3 hrs x 130 gph = 390 gallons

All that is left to do now is add up the total amount of fuel needed and multiply the number with the price per gallon.

(7500+390) x $3,5 = $27615

In this example, the final cost of your will set you back a little bit more than 27 thousand dollars. Just to be safe, calculate the additional 10% (margin of error) to be prepared against unexpected mistakes. This added amount is not necessarily an ad-on when you consider chartering. Private yacht owners, however, should add the amount to their final cost.

And that's it! You should now have a better idea on the steps you need to follow to calculate the fuel costs for your yacht. While there is quite a bit of information you should keep in mind, it is best to plan out everything with detail to avoid unforeseen costs. If you enjoyed this article, check out our blog post on yacht electrical systems as well.

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How Much Does Yacht Fuel Cost? (A Guide to Understanding Prices)

yacht fuel price per litre

Whether you own a yacht or are thinking of buying one, you know that fuel costs can be a major expense.

Knowing the cost of fuel is critical to budgeting for the upkeep and operation of a yacht.

In this guide, we’ll cover all the factors that affect the price of yacht fuel, so you can be informed and make the best decisions for your vessel.

We’ll look at the typical costs for petrol and diesel for a typical yacht, as well as marine diesel and marine gasoline for larger vessels.

We’ll also discuss how location impacts fuel prices, how to research the cost of yacht fuel in your area, and tips to minimize fuel costs.

Finally, we’ll answer some common questions about yacht fuel prices.

Let’s get started!.

Table of Contents

Short Answer

The cost of yacht fuel varies widely depending on the size of the yacht, the type of fuel, and the location.

Generally, diesel fuel will cost between $5 and $7 per gallon, while gasoline can range from $3 to $5 per gallon.

Some marinas may offer discounts depending on the amount of fuel purchased.

Additionally, some marinas may offer discounts for long-term customers or members of a yacht club.

Factors Affecting Yacht Fuel Prices

When it comes to understanding the cost of yacht fuel, there are several factors that must be taken into consideration.

Firstly, the size of the yacht, its engine type, and the distance travelled will all have an effect on the cost of fuel.

Generally, a smaller yacht running on petrol or diesel will cost between $2 and $10 per gallon, whereas a larger yacht running on a more expensive fuel, such as marine diesel or marine gasoline, can cost up to $20 per gallon.

Furthermore, the location of the yacht can also affect the cost of fuel.

Prices for fuel are typically higher in more remote areas, so it is important to research the costs of yacht fuel in the area before setting out on a voyage.

Additionally, the availability of fuel in the area should also be considered, as it may be difficult to find fuel in some remote regions.

Finally, the type of fuel used can have a significant impact on the cost of yacht fuel.

The most common types of fuel used in yachts are petrol, diesel, marine diesel, and marine gasoline.

All of these have different prices and different requirements for usage, so it is important to make sure that the right type of fuel is being used for the yacht.

Additionally, it is important to ensure that the fuel is of good quality, as poor quality fuel can lead to damage to the engine and other parts of the yacht.

Costs of Petrol or Diesel for a Typical Yacht

yacht fuel price per litre

When it comes to understanding the cost of yacht fuel, it is important to note that petrol or diesel fuel, while relatively inexpensive, can still vary significantly in price based upon the size of the yacht, the type of engine it runs on, and the distance travelled.

For a typical yacht running on petrol or diesel fuel, the cost can range anywhere from $2 to $10 per gallon.

This range is largely dependent on the size of the yacht, with larger yachts needing more fuel to operate, leading to a higher cost per gallon.

Additionally, the type of engine and fuel used will also affect the cost, with more expensive fuels such as marine diesel or marine gasoline typically costing more than petrol or diesel.

It is also important to note that the cost of fuel can vary depending on the location.

For example, prices may be higher in more remote areas due to the difficulty in accessing fuel or the lack of competition among suppliers.

As such, it is important to research the costs of yacht fuel in the area before setting out on a voyage to ensure that you are not being overcharged.

With a little effort and research, you can ensure that you are getting the best price for your fuel needs.

Costs of Marine Diesel or Marine Gasoline for a Larger Yacht

When it comes to larger yachts, the costs of fuel can be significantly higher due to the amount of fuel needed to power them.

Marine diesel and marine gasoline are the two most common types of fuel used by larger yachts, and both come with a higher price tag than petrol or diesel.

Marine diesel typically costs between $15 and $20 per gallon, while marine gasoline can cost up to $30 per gallon.

The cost of marine diesel and marine gasoline can also depend on the location, with prices typically higher in more remote areas.

Additionally, for larger yachts, the cost of fuel can be affected by the size and type of engine, as well as the distance travelled.

For example, a yacht with a larger engine and travelling a longer distance will need more fuel, thus increasing the overall cost.

Location and Its Impact on Fuel Prices

yacht fuel price per litre

Location is an important factor to consider when it comes to yacht fuel costs.

Depending on where the yacht is located, the price of fuel can vary significantly.

For example, prices are typically higher in more remote areas due to the higher cost of transportation and logistics.

Similarly, fuel prices can be higher in areas with higher taxes or more stringent regulations.

Additionally, fuel prices can also be impacted by local economic factors such as the cost of living or the availability of certain fuels.

It is important to research the costs of fuel in the area before setting out on a voyage.

This can help to ensure that the yacht has an adequate supply of fuel and can help to avoid any unpleasant surprises when it comes to fuel costs.

Additionally, it can also help to plan for any additional costs that may be incurred when travelling in an area with higher fuel prices.

Additionally, it is also important to check for any fuel discounts or promotions that may be available in the area, as this can help to reduce the overall cost of the voyage.

Researching Fuel Costs in the Area

When researching the cost of yacht fuel in a given area, there are several factors to consider.

Firstly, the type of fuel used in the yacht needs to be taken into account, as this will determine the price of fuel.

Petrol and diesel are typically the most affordable options, with prices ranging from $2 to $10 per gallon.

Marine diesel and marine gasoline, however, are more expensive, with costs reaching up to $20 per gallon.

Secondly, the size of the yacht will also affect the cost of fuel.

Larger yachts need more fuel to power their engines, thus resulting in higher fuel costs.

Lastly, the location of the yacht is an important factor to consider, as fuel prices tend to be higher in more remote areas.

Therefore, it is essential to research the fuel costs in the area before setting out on a voyage.

Tips for Minimizing Fuel Costs

yacht fuel price per litre

When it comes to yacht fuel costs, there are several strategies that can be employed to help minimize expenses.

First, it is important to identify the most cost-effective fuel for your yacht.

Different types of fuel, such as marine diesel or gasoline, may be more suitable for larger vessels and longer voyages.

Secondly, consider the location of your voyage.

If possible, try to plan a route that takes you to more densely populated areas to benefit from better fuel prices.

Thirdly, be mindful of the efficiency of your yacht.

Installing a fuel-efficient engine or taking measures to reduce drag and reduce air resistance can help improve fuel economy.

Finally, keep an eye on the weather.

High winds and choppy seas can significantly increase fuel consumption, so it may be beneficial to plan your voyage around favorable weather conditions.

By following these tips, yacht owners can reduce their fuel costs and make the most of their time on the open seas.

Common Questions about Yacht Fuel Prices

When it comes to the cost of yacht fuel, there are many factors that can affect the price.

One of the most important factors is the size and type of the yacht itself.

Smaller yachts tend to use less fuel than larger ones, so the cost of fuel for them is typically lower.

Additionally, the type of fuel used is also important, as some fuels cost more than others.

For example, petrol or diesel are typically cheaper than more expensive fuels such as marine diesel or marine gasoline.

Location is another factor that can influence the cost of fuel for a yacht.

Prices are typically higher in more remote areas due to the additional cost of transporting the fuel to the area.

As such, it is important to research the cost of yacht fuel in the area before setting out on a voyage.

Finally, the distance travelled can also have an impact on the cost of yacht fuel.

For example, if a yacht is travelling a long distance, the cost of fuel per mile can be higher than if it is travelling a shorter distance.

Therefore, it is important to consider the total distance to be travelled when calculating the cost of fuel.

In conclusion, the cost of yacht fuel can vary significantly depending on the size of the yacht, its engine type, the location, and the distance travelled.

As such, it is important to research the cost of yacht fuel in the area before setting out on a voyage to ensure you get the best possible price.

Final Thoughts

With the right information and preparation, you can save money and ensure a safe and successful voyage on your yacht.

Before taking off, take the time to research fuel costs in the area and familiarize yourself with the factors that impact fuel prices.

Additionally, consider utilizing tips such as limiting speed and combining trips to help minimize fuel costs.

Now you have the tools and knowledge to start your journey with confidence.

Bon voyage!.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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How Much Fuel Does a Yacht Use? An In-Depth Analysis

A blog header for a post titled "How much fuel does a yacht use? An In-depth analysis" with a motor yacht in the background

When it comes to luxury and adventure on the high seas, yachts are the epitome of both. Whether you’re a yacht owner or dreaming of chartering one for your next vacation, understanding the fuel consumption of these majestic vessels is crucial. Fuel usage not only impacts the cost of your journey but also has environmental implications. In this article, we dive into the factors affecting yacht fuel consumption and provide insights to help you estimate how much fuel a yacht uses.

Understanding Yacht Fuel Consumption

Fuel consumption in yachts is influenced by several factors, including the yacht’s size, engine type, cruising speed, and conditions at sea. Here, we break down these elements to give you a clearer picture.

Yacht Size and Engine Type

Yachts come in various sizes, from smaller 40-foot models to massive 100-foot plus luxury liners. Generally, the larger the yacht, the more fuel it consumes. Engine type also plays a significant role. Traditional diesel engines are common, but newer models may feature more efficient or hybrid engines that can impact fuel usage.

Cruising Speed

Speed is a significant factor in fuel consumption. Higher speeds increase resistance in the water, requiring more power and, consequently, more fuel. Cruising at a yacht’s optimal speed, often referred to as the “hull speed,” can help maximize fuel efficiency.

Conditions at Sea

Sea conditions can also affect fuel consumption. Smooth, calm waters allow for more efficient travel, while rough seas can increase fuel use due to the additional power needed to maintain speed and stability.

Estimating Yacht Fuel Consumption

While it’s challenging to provide a one-size-fits-all answer due to the variables involved, we can offer some general guidelines. On average, a yacht might use between 20 to 100 gallons of fuel per hour. Smaller yachts, such as those around 40 feet, tend to be on the lower end of the scale, consuming about 20 to 40 gallons per hour. Larger vessels, which are over 100 feet, can consume significantly more, sometimes exceeding 100 gallons per hour, especially at higher speeds.

Example Calculations

Let’s look at an example. For a 70-foot yacht cruising at a moderate speed of 20 knots, fuel consumption could be around 50 gallons per hour. If you’re planning a 100-mile journey, at 20 knots, it would take you approximately 5 hours. This means the total fuel consumption for the trip could be around 250 gallons.

Tips for Reducing Fuel Consumption

  • Cruise at Efficient Speeds: Find and maintain your yacht’s hull speed for optimal fuel efficiency.
  • Regular Maintenance: Keep the engine and hull in top condition to reduce drag and ensure the engine runs efficiently.
  • Plan Your Route: Opt for the most direct route and consider current sea conditions to minimize unnecessary fuel use.
  • Lighten Your Load: Only carry what you need for your journey, as extra weight can increase fuel consumption.

Understanding and managing fuel consumption is crucial for any yacht owner or enthusiast. By considering the factors outlined above and implementing fuel-saving strategies, you can enjoy the luxury of yachting more sustainably and cost-effectively. Whether planning a short excursion or a long voyage, a careful consideration of fuel use will enhance your experience on the water.

Remember, every yacht is unique, and so is its fuel consumption. For specific figures, consult your yacht’s manual or speak with a marine professional who can provide insights tailored to your vessel. Enjoy your time at sea, and sail smartly!

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yacht fuel price per litre

Yacht fuel, a vital element for powering watercraft and setting sail into the open waters, plays a crucial role in the maritime industry. Whether you're a seasoned yachtie or a sailing enthusiast, understanding the intricacies of yacht fuel is essential. This article serves as a guide, shedding light on the types of yacht fuel, fuel efficiency, environmental concerns, and more.

What types of yacht fuel are there?

Yachts predominantly rely on two types of fuel - gasoline and diesel.

Gasoline: Typically used in smaller recreational boats and yachts, gasoline is a highly volatile fuel that requires careful handling and storage. It is commonly employed in outboard engines due to its lighter weight and ease of ignition.

Diesel: Larger yachts and commercial vessels usually favor diesel fuel. It offers superior fuel efficiency and is considered safer to handle than gasoline. Diesel-powered yachts are known for their long-range capabilities and lower fuel consumption.

Fuel Tanks and Storage

Yachts are equipped with onboard fuel tanks responsible for storing fuel during voyages. The size of these tanks varies widely depending on the yacht's dimensions, intended use, and range requirements. Proper storage and maintenance of fuel tanks are essential to ensure the safety and efficiency of the vessel.

Fuel Consumption and Efficiency

The fuel consumption of a yacht is influenced by several factors, including:

·      Yacht Size and Weight: Larger and heavier yachts typically consume more fuel than their smaller counterparts.

·      Engine Type: The type and efficiency of the engines play a significant role in determining fuel consumption.

·      Cruising Speed: Operating the yacht at higher speeds can significantly increase fuel consumption.

With environmental concerns becoming more prominent, the yachting industry has seen a surge in efforts to improve fuel efficiency. Manufacturers and designers focus on innovative technologies to reduce emissions and enhance fuel economy, making yachting more sustainable.

Fueling Stations and Prices

Marinas and ports worldwide offer fueling stations where yacht owners can replenish their fuel supply. These fueling facilities cater to both gasoline and diesel-fueled yachts. The prices of yacht fuel can vary based on the location, global oil prices, and local taxes. Many yacht owners plan their journeys strategically, taking into account the availability and cost of fuel at different ports.

Environmental Considerations

The impact of marine vessels, including yachts, on the environment has garnered increased attention in recent years. Emissions from combustion engines, fuel spills, and potential marine life disturbances are among the concerns. As a result, there is growing interest in exploring eco-friendly alternatives to traditional yacht fuel.

In response to these concerns, the yachting industry invests in developing sustainable technologies, such as hybrid propulsion systems, electric motors, and biofuels. The aim is to reduce the carbon footprint and minimize environmental harm while maintaining the luxury of yachting.

What does fuel consumption depend on?

Fuel consumption in various vehicles, including yachts, depends on several factors. The primary factors that influence fuel consumption are as follows:

·      Vessel Type and Size: The type and size of the vessel play a significant role in fuel consumption. Larger and heavier vessels typically require more fuel to move and maintain their momentum.

·      Engine Efficiency: The efficiency of the engine directly impacts fuel consumption. Modern engines equipped with advanced technologies tend to be more fuel-efficient than older, less sophisticated ones.

·      Driving Speed: Fuel consumption increases at higher speeds. Driving at higher velocities requires more energy to overcome air resistance, resulting in higher fuel consumption.

·      Load and Cargo: Carrying heavy loads or excessive cargo can cause the engine to work harder, increasing fuel consumption.

·      Weather Conditions: Extreme weather conditions, such as very hot or very cold temperatures, can affect fuel consumption. In colder weather, engines might take longer to reach their optimal operating temperature, thus reducing efficiency.

·      Maintenance: Regular maintenance, including air filter replacement and engine tune-ups, ensures optimal engine performance and improved fuel efficiency.

·      Fuel Type: Different fuel types, such as gasoline and diesel, have varying energy densities, which can affect fuel consumption.

As the yachting industry continues to evolve, embracing environmentally friendly practices and technologies will shape a brighter future for yachting enthusiasts, ensuring that the splendor of sailing is preserved for generations to come.

For further discussion and insights on this topic, check out the Main Deck to engage with other industry professionals and stay informed.

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Marine Diesel Services in South Florida and Gulf Coast for Yachts

Calculating Yacht Fuel Cost

by Marine Diesel Specialists | Aug 5, 2019 | Yacht Life , Yachting Travel | 0 comments

Calculating Yacht Fuel Cost

There are many costs associated with yacht ownership, and fuel is one of the biggest concerns for yacht owners and those who charter yachts as a source of business revenue. There are many different systems within your yacht that will require diesel fuel, and new versus used marine engines will bring different fuel efficiencies that are worth considering when trying to calculate your fuel costs. Everything from how many gallons are in a yacht’s tank to the specific mileage could come down to the quality of your engine and the size of your boat. This means that, without expert help, it could be hard to calculate. That’s why the team at Marine Diesel Specialists has created this quick overview that will explain yacht fuel capacity and yacht fuel cost through nautical miles, as well as how you can calculate these costs on your own.

Infographic - Calculating Yacht Fuel Cost

Nautical Mile vs. Mile

The first key in calculating yacht fuel cost is to figure out how far you will be traveling. After all, these vessels are meant to transport, and like many modern transportation methods, yacht fuel capacity and use could change due to variables such as these. Mapping out your journey will help you see how many miles you’re traveling, and then you’ll convert this to nautical miles. When calculating nautical mile vs. mile consider that nautical miles are measured in two options, either 1/60th of a degree between latitude or longitude on a map or as 1.15 US miles. Knowing the distinction between nautical miles and US miles or kilometers is a must. Some boaters may find themselves confused by their fuel use and yacht fuel cost being different from what they have anticipated.

Finding the Cost of Marine Diesel Fuel With Nautical Miles

If you’re choosing your destination on a traditional map, each 1/60 th  of a degree on your map will calculate as a nautical mile. This is a fast and easy way to calculate fuel consumption using just a map and compass if you are not using a GPS when planning your nautical voyages. For those of us who are using GPS tools or digital maps, one nautical mile is about 1.15 miles or 1,852 meters. Traditionally, a knot is the speed of one nautical mile per hour. Many people use online mapping services as a way to get an accurate measurement of the distance they will be traveling on their journey. Using all the available resources when matching fuel cost to the yacht fuel capacity and how it relates to distance is always a good idea.

How to Calculate the Cost of Marine Diesel

Now that you know the nautical miles between your starting point and destination and have gotten an accurate measurement by using the tips and resources stated in this article, you can analyze your vessel’s average fuel consumption to figure out your yacht fuel costs. The exact rate of fuel cost per hour will vary from yacht to yacht, depending on engine type, age, upkeep, and more. Having more reliable and efficient engines, such as MAN diesel marine engines, will be a benefit due to their reliability and efficiency.

On average, a quality marine diesel engine will burn about 0.4 pounds of fuel per hour for each unit of horsepower. Other factors, such as water conditions, drag, and vessel weight, will also increase your fuel burn, so they are important to keep in mind during your voyage. In typical and relatively calm conditions, a 300-horsepower diesel engine would burn 16.6 gallons of diesel fuel per hour with variance based on the previously stated factors. You would then combine this fuel consumption per hour with the number of nautical miles to be traveled and the expected travel time to calculate your yacht fuel cost.

Knowing how to calculate marine fuel prices using nautical miles is a skill that every boater should be proud to have. It will come in handy many more times than they would think. Once you have mastered this form of preparation for a nautical adventure, you’re going to be able to get more accurate information in less time using just a few tools and a wealth of knowledge gained from experience.

Our Expert Marine Diesel Services Are Here to Help

Marine fuel is typically sold by the liter or gallon, and the prices vary depending on the time of year and other factors. Keep an eye out for any trends you may have noticed in previous years, and use that knowledge to plan out your purchases effectively. As stated before, yacht fuel cost can be affected by the quality of your marine diesel engine, which is why it is important to have the best engines available!

Get in touch with our Fort Lauderdale Marine Diesel Specialists experts or our Punta Gorda Gulf Coast Diesel Service professionals to learn all about the products we offer. We are certified vendors of MAN marine engines, along with a long list of other brands that are sure to be the perfect fit for you. If you are interested in boat servicing and repairs , which can be done by our marine rebuild specialists, you’ll also find yourself in luck with our team.

If you want to learn more about all things marine engines, be sure to take a look at some of our other articles and get insights from professionals in the industry who have years of experience dealing with marine diesel and MAN engines.

Related Readings

  • Marine Diesel Fuel Explained
  • When and Why to Change Oil in Your Boat Engines

yacht fuel price per litre

Our Marine Diesel Specialists offer a variety of products and services to provide marine diesel solutions in Fort Lauderdale and Punta Gorda. Our authorized MAN Engine dealers can offer expert maintenance, repair, and survey services, as well as complete engine, transmission, and generator overhauls. If you are seeking top-quality marine diesel solutions, products, or services, don’t wait to contact our Marine Diesel Specialists and Gulf Coast Diesel Service.

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  • Standard Engine Parts
  • Marine Fuel System Solutions
  • South Florida Boat Fuel Filters
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Fuel Price Reports

  • Gulf Coast - Florida

Note : Waterway Guide updates these fuel reports weekly. Due to daily fluctuations, Waterway Guide cannot guarantee that the prices listed are what you will find when you pull up to the pump. We recommend that cruisers call ahead to confirm the price of fuel the day they plan to purchase. We have provided the phone number of each facility for this purpose. Also, many marinas post prices net of sales tax. This may or may not be noted in the comments.

  • Maine to Cape Cod
  • Long Island Sound, Block Sound, Buzzards Bay
  • Hudson River, NY Harbor & NJ Coast
  • Chesapeake & Delaware Bays
  • Atlantic ICW - VA thru GA
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What Fuel Do Yachts Use? (All Types Explained in Detail)

Yachts, just like cars, require fuel to operate. However, unlike cars that run on gasoline or diesel, yachts can run on a variety of fuels, from traditional fossil fuels to more eco-friendly alternatives. In this article, we'll explore the different types of fuel used on yachts in full detail.

Some of the most common yacht fuels include diesel, gasoline, biofuels, natural gas, propane fuel, and electric or hybrid fuel systems that combine diesel and electric power. Using electricity produces no emissions or noise pollution, making it an eco-friendly option. However, they have a limited range and require frequent charging.

Sailing yachts typically use diesel, biodiesel, or electric propulsion systems, with diesel being the most commonly preferred. But what type of fuel is best for a specific type of yacht? Let's find out.

  • Diesel fuel is highly efficient and widely available in most marinas; however, it produces more emissions than gasoline.
  • Bio-diesel fuel can be used in any diesel engine with little to no modifications; however, it is not widely available and can be more expensive than diesel.
  • Electric fuel sources are virtually silent and produce zero emissions, but you may need to recharge your batteries frequently.
  • Converting your yacht to use natural gas can have significant upfront costs since you will need specialized refueling infrastructure.
  • Propane is widely available at marinas, is less expensive than diesel or gasoline, and can be used in any gasoline engine.

yacht fuel price per litre

On this page:

Types of fuel used in yachts, fuel for different types of yachts, factors to consider when choosing yacht fuel.

Below is a table showing the most common types of yacht fuel and their advantages and disadvantages:

Diesel fuel is the most common type of fuel used in yachts

Diesel fuel is a highly efficient fuel that provides excellent performance and fuel economy. It is also widely available and can be found at most marinas and fuel docks.

Advantages of diesel fuel

  • Diesel fuel has a higher energy density than gasoline, which means you can get more power from a smaller amount of fuel.
  • They are known for their torque and power making them ideal for larger yachts and long-range cruising.
  • Diesel engines are more fuel-efficient than gasoline engines so you can save money on fuel costs in the long run.
  • Diesel engines are built to last, and they require less maintenance than gasoline engines. For more information on the life expectancy of a marine diesel engine , you can read this article.

Disadvantages of diesel fuel

  • Diesel fuel is generally more expensive than gasoline.
  • Diesel engines are slower to accelerate than gasoline engines.
  • Diesel fuel produces more emissions than gasoline, which can have a negative impact on the environment.

yacht fuel price per litre

Gasoline is another fuel option for yachts

Small personal boats usually use regular gasoline with 10% ethanol or lower. However, larger boats like yachts usually use off-road diesel.

Advantages of gasoline

  • Gasoline engines are known for their fast acceleration, which makes them ideal for water sports and other activities that require quick bursts of speed. They are also used to power smaller types of yachts.
  • Gasoline is widely available so it is easy to refuel your yacht.

Disadvantages of gasoline

  • Gasoline has a lower energy density than diesel fuel.
  • Gasoline engines are less fuel-efficient than diesel engines, so you'll spend more money on fuel in the long run.
  • Gasoline engines are generally less durable than diesel engines, so they require more maintenance and may need to be replaced more frequently.

Bio-diesel fuel is a renewable fuel source

Bio-diesel fuel is a renewable fuel source that is made from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled restaurant grease. It is a clean-burning fuel that produces fewer emissions than traditional diesel fuel. Bio-diesel fuel can be used in any diesel engine with little to no modifications.

yacht fuel price per litre

Advantages of bio-diesel

  • Bio-diesel is made from renewable sources and produces fewer emissions than diesel.
  • Bio-diesel produces fewer emissions than diesel, which makes it a more environmentally friendly option.

Disadvantages of bio-diesel

  • Bio-diesel is not widely available.
  • Bio-diesel is generally more expensive than diesel.

Electric and hybrid fuel systems are becoming more common in yachts

These systems use electric motors and batteries to power the yacht, with a diesel or gasoline generator as a backup. Electric and hybrid systems are quiet, efficient, and environmentally friendly.

Advantages of electric motor fuels

  • Electric motors are virtually silent, which makes for a more peaceful cruising experience.
  • Electric motors produce zero emissions.
  • Electric motors are very efficient, so you'll spend less money on fuel and maintenance in the long run.

Disadvantages of electric motor fuels

  • Electric motors have a limited range so you'll need to recharge your batteries frequently.
  • Electric motors are generally slower than gasoline and diesel engines.
  • Electric propulsion systems are generally more expensive than traditional gasoline or diesel engines.

Natural gas fuel can also be an option for yachts

Natural gas is a clean-burning fuel that produces fewer emissions than diesel or gasoline. However, it is not widely available at marinas and fuel docks. If you plan on using natural gas as your yacht's primary fuel source, you might need to install a natural gas storage tank on board.

Advantages of natural gas

  • Natural gas produces fewer emissions than diesel or gasoline, which makes it a more environmentally friendly option.
  • Natural gas is generally less expensive than diesel or gasoline, which can help reduce your operating costs.

Disadvantages of natural gas

  • Natural gas is not widely available so it's difficult to find refueling stations.
  • Converting your yacht to use natural gas can be expensive
  • Natural gas requires specialized refueling infrastructure

Propane is another clean-burning fuel option for yachts

Propane is widely available at marinas and fuel docks and is less expensive than diesel or gasoline. It can be used in any gasoline engine with little to no modifications.

Advantages of propane

  • Propane produces fewer emissions
  • It is generally less expensive, which can help reduce your operating costs.
  • Propane is widely available, which makes it easy to refuel your yacht.

Disadvantages of propane

  • Propane has a lower energy density than diesel or gasoline.
  • Propane requires specialized refueling infrastructure, which can be difficult to find in some areas.
  • Converting your yacht to use propane can be expensive.

Below is a table showing the different types of fuel used for different types of yachts:

Fuel for sailing yachts

Sailing yachts typically use diesel, biodiesel, or electric propulsion systems. Diesel engines are commonly used in larger sailing yachts that require a lot of power, while biodiesel is often used by eco-conscious yacht owners who want to reduce their environmental impact.

Electric propulsion systems are becoming increasingly popular in sailing yachts due to their quiet operation and zero emissions, making them an excellent choice for eco-conscious yacht owners.

If you want to know how much fuel a sailboat consumes , you can read this article.

yacht fuel price per litre

Fuel for motor yachts

Motor yachts can use a variety of fuel types, including diesel, gasoline, biodiesel, and electric. Diesel engines are commonly used in larger motor yachts that require a lot of power, while gasoline engines are often used in smaller sporty yachts that are designed for speed and agility.

Biodiesel is often used by eco-conscious yacht owners who want to reduce their environmental impact. Electric motors are becoming more popular on motor yachts, particularly for smaller vessels. However, they may have a limited range and require frequent recharging, which can be a challenge on longer trips.

Fuel for catamarans

Generally, diesel fuel is the most common and preferred fuel for catamaran yachts because it provides better fuel efficiency, longer range, and greater power compared to gasoline. However, some catamaran yachts may also use alternative fuels such as biofuels or electric propulsion systems.

If you own a catamaran or plan to buy one , fuel costs are one of the recurring costs you might need to account for.

Fuel for trawlers

Traditionally, trawlers have used diesel as their primary fuel source because diesel engines are known for their efficiency and durability. Diesel fuel is also widely available and relatively inexpensive compared to other fuel options.

However, there are alternative fuel options that are becoming more popular in the marine industry, such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) and biodiesel. LNG is a cleaner-burning fuel that emits fewer greenhouse gases and pollutants than diesel, making it a more environmentally friendly option.

Biodiesel is a renewable fuel source made from vegetable oils or animal fats, which reduces dependence on fossil fuels and has lower emissions.

yacht fuel price per litre

Fuel for superyacht

Diesel fuel is often the preferred choice for superyachts due to its high energy density and efficient combustion properties. Diesel fuel is also readily available at most ports around the world, making it a convenient choice for yacht owners and operators.

However, some superyachts may also use alternative fuels such as biodiesel or liquefied natural gas (LNG) for environmental or cost-saving reasons. Some superyachts also use gas turbines or electric propulsion systems as an alternative to traditional diesel engines.

Gas turbines are known for their high power output and efficiency, making them a popular choice for larger yachts that require high speeds or long-range cruising capabilities. Electric propulsion systems, on the other hand, are becoming increasingly popular due to their environmental benefits and quiet operation.

Electric propulsion systems can be powered by batteries, fuel cells, or a combination of both, and can provide a smooth and efficient ride for passengers. However, electric propulsion systems may not be suitable for all types of superyachts, as they typically require a significant amount of battery storage and charging infrastructure, which can be challenging to install and maintain on larger vessels.

When chartering a superyacht , fuel costs generally cost around $4,760 to $11,900 per day (depending on distance and speed).

Fuel for megayacht

In general, the most common fuels used for megayachts are diesel and gasoline. Diesel is the preferred fuel for larger yachts because it is more efficient and has a longer range than gasoline.

Diesel engines are also more durable and require less maintenance than gasoline engines. Additionally, it is more widely available in most parts of the world, making it easier to refuel during long voyages.

On the other hand, gasoline is preferred for smaller yachts because it is more affordable and easier to handle than diesel. Gasoline engines are also quieter and more responsive than diesel engines so they are ideal for high-speed cruising.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in using alternative fuels such as biodiesel, hydrogen, and electric power for mega yachts. These fuels are more environmentally friendly and can help reduce the carbon footprint of yachting. However, they are still in the early stages of development and may not be suitable for all types of yachts.

Here are some of the most important factors to consider when choosing the right fuel for your yacht:

Consider the cost of fuel when choosing the right fuel for your yacht

Below is a table comparing the estimated pricing of alternative yacht fuels as compared to traditional fuel:

Propane, natural gas, and electric power can certainly be used as alternative fuels for yachts, and they can be cost-effective options in some cases. However, propane and natural gas may not be readily available in all locations, and electric power requires a significant amount of battery storage and charging infrastructure, which can be expensive and may not be practical for all yachts.

Availability is another important factor to consider

Some areas may have limited access to certain types of fuel due to a lack of infrastructure, regulations, or other factors. For example, biodiesel may not be readily available in some areas, while natural gas and propane may require additional storage equipment that may not be practical for all yachts.

Therefore, you might need to plan ahead and make sure you have enough fuel for your trip. This means considering the distance you will be traveling and the availability of fuel along your route. If you are traveling to remote areas or areas without access to the necessary infrastructure, it may be more practical to choose a fuel that is more widely available.

The environmental impact of fuel is a growing concern for many yacht owners

Some fuels are more environmentally friendly than others, so you can perhaps try to choose a fuel that minimizes your yacht's impact on the environment. Biofuels and electric power are becoming more popular options for yacht owners who want to reduce their carbon footprint.

The type of fuel you choose must be compatible with your yacht's engine

Some engines are designed to run on specific types of fuel, and using the wrong fuel can cause significant damage to the engine and even pose safety risks.

A gasoline engine is designed to run on gasoline fuel, while a diesel engine is designed to run on diesel fuel. If you mistakenly use gasoline in a diesel engine, the fuel injection system can be damaged, and the engine may not start or run properly.

The distance and duration of your yacht trips can also affect your choice of fuel

If you're planning a long trip, you might need to consider the range of your fuel. Some fuels have a longer range than others, meaning they can power your yacht for a longer distance and duration before needing to refuel.

Diesel fuel generally has a longer range than gasoline, making it a popular choice for long-range yacht trips. This is because diesel engines are generally more fuel-efficient than gasoline engines and can travel farther on a tank of fuel.

If you're only planning a short trip, you may be able to use less expensive fuel, such as regular gasoline. This can save you money on fuel costs, but ensure that the fuel you choose is still appropriate for your yacht's engine.

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Yachts and Fuel – how much do they really consume

Superyachts are the most elite asset a person can own, your own private yacht to cruise the world’s most beautiful destinations. Some yachts cross the Atlantic Ocean twice a year between the Mediterranean and Caribbean while others embark on world cruises.

Fuel is one of many annual running costs of a yacht and not only does the yacht need fuel for cruising; the generators require fuel to keep the vessel running while at anchor and underway, as well as many of the water sports toys requiring fuel.

yacht fuel price per litre

So how much do they really consume?

According to the Yachting Pages, the longest Superyacht in the world, 180m M/Y Azzam, holds 1,000,000 litres of fuel. To put it into perspective, that is the equivalent of filling a regular hatchback car 23,800 times or six Boeing 747 commercial airliners.

West Nautical’s Vessel Manager, Tony Hildrew, a former Yacht Chief Engineer said: “Fuel is the single biggest expense when it comes to yacht operations, it is estimated that the global spend on fuel is around $150bn annually however this shouldn’t put you off, there are a number of ways to ensure your fuel consumption doesn’t get out of hand. Implementing a Ships Energy Efficiency Management Plan or SEEMP for short is a great way to keep fuel costs down without compromising on your cruising experience.”

Each yacht will consume fuel differently for a number of reasons – the size and make of the engines, how often the yacht is using generators and the number of tenders and water sports toys on board that require fuel. For example, if the yacht is out at anchor and running on generators 90% of the time, the fuel consumption will be much higher than a yacht that is in a marina at night and connected to shore power and water.

Another factor that will affect fuel consumption is the yacht’s itinerary as the sea conditions will impact how much fuel the engines consume.

Fuel consumption is often measured in litres per hour, the best way to calculate the total fuel consumption for your itinerary is by using a fuel calculator like the one found here on the West Nautical website.

You will be able to input the start and ending points of your cruise on the map, this will automatically update the distance table. The next step is to enter the speed, fuel consumption and cost of fuel per litre to determine the cost of the trip.

Here is an example: A fast 30m yacht cruising at 20 knots will consume roughly 400 – 500 litres depending on the engine type, this would equate to the total consumption of 2500 litres for a distance of 100 nautical miles.

Another example is, a 70m yacht looking to travel 100 nautical miles with the engines burning 1000 litres per hour would add up to a total consumption of 8335L for that passage. Depending on where the yacht bunkered, the estimated cost with the price per litre being on the low end at €0.90 per litre would cost a total of €7501.50. An example of a 100 nautical mile passage would take you from Saint Tropez to The North Coast of Corsica.

Fuel prices fluctuate depending on which country you bunker in and some places you bunker offer tax free fuel such a Gibraltar and Montenegro. Fuel prices can vary but typically costs between €0.80 and €1.30 per litre.

Yacht charter, sales and management company West Nautical added; “Fuel costs should be at the top of any yacht owner and captain's minds for two reasons: to minimise costs as well as reduce the environmental impact of burning unnecessary fuel. The superyacht charter market, more than most other markets, relies on pristine waters for their guests to enjoy their holiday. If the oceans in popular charter destinations are not maintained, it will decrease the demand for yacht charter and therefore the revenue for owners.” “If you are looking for expertise in operational management and engineering in order to plan a SEEMP, West Nautical would be delighted to assist.”

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West Nautical Fuel Calculator – How it Works

yacht fuel price per litre

How does the West Nautical Fuel Calculator help Superyacht owners and charter clients budget for their holidays?

The West Nautical Fuel Calculator allows charter guests and yacht owners to calculate the fuel consumption and cost, based on their itinerary. Making it the easiest way to map your dream itinerary, while being able to calculate the yacht fuel costs.

So how does it work?

The fuel calculator has an interactive map. You can input the starting point as well as a destination onto the map. This will automatically populate the distance table. The next step is to enter the speed and fuel consumption of the yacht. Most yacht brochures will have information about the maximum and cruising speed as well as the fuel consumption. Which, is calculated at a number of litres per hour. The last step is to input the cost of fuel per litre. This is information that all captains and chief Engineers will have as they regularly bunker in similar locations. This will then calculate the total fuel cost of the trip and when each passage is calculated, will calculate the fuel cost for the charter. Each yacht will consume fuel differently for a number of reasons, the main reason being the size and make of the engines as well as the speed at which the yacht is able to cruise.

Click on the link to give it a go and try out some examples:  westnautical.com/fuel-calculator/

West Nautical Fuel Calculator - How does it work?

To plot points on the map, click with your mouse – this will automatically update the distance table. Then enter the speed, fuel consumption, and fuel cost to determine the total cost of the trip.

Here are some examples of fuel consumption:

1: A fast 30m yacht cruising at 20 knots (Lady Amanda) will consume roughly 400-500 l/hour.

M/Y Lady Amanda

2: A typical displacement yacht may cruise at 12 knots and consume 300 l/hour.

3: Some yachts can cruise at 10 knots (Firefly) and consume 100 l/hour.

Fuel prices can fluctuate, but typically fuel when cruising in the Mediterranean is between €0.80 – €1.20 per litre.

Have a go at using the West Nautical Fuel Calculator and let us know how it goes!

If you are interested in chartering a yacht, get in touch with West Nautical’s expert team on charter@westnautical.com or view their yachts for charter on their website

For help with yacht and destination-specific fuel, calculations get in touch with one of their client managers today: info@westnautical.com

To stay up to date with the latest superyacht news for crew, click here .

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Boater Pal

How Much Does Boat Fuel Cost? (Marina vs. Gas Station)

Depending on location, fuel type, and if you’re fueling up in a marina or gas station, the cost of fueling your boat will differ. So before I spew out the cost of fuel, make sure you know the fuel type required for your boat ( this article will help ).

At a marina, gasoline fuel will usually cost around $0.5 to $1.5 per gallon more than it costs at a gas station. Diesel fuel will usually cost the same or only be $0.5 more expensive. Otherwise, you can buy fuel at a gas station, but make sure the ethanol and octane rating is what’s needed for your boat motor.

It’s important to note that some boats require specific octane ratings and ethanal ratings that may differ from most cars. For example, you should never put gasoline with a higher ethanol rating than E10 (10% ethanol) in any boat, however, it’s usually recommended always to use no ethanol fuel, especially for older motors or performance motors.

Note that Some marinas may only have premium or mid-grade gasoline which will be more expensive.

All gas station prices differ depending on your location. However, if you don’t know the price in your location, use this website and put in your area to find out. Add this price to $1 for gasoline and $0.25 for diesel and that is your expected marina fuel cost.

So if gasoline in my area at a gas station costs $3 per gallon, expect $4 at a marina.

Related Articles: What Fuel Do Boats Use? (All Fuel Types Explained) | What Fuel Should You Use For Your Boat? (Complete Guide)

Table of Contents

Finding fuel costs for your specific boat

Although $0.5-$1.5 per gallon more for marina gasoline may not seem like that much at first glance, it will start to add up significantly the more you use your boat. So, to give a better understanding of how much fuel costs for boats, find out how many gallons per hour (GPH) it consumes on average.

The dashboard on your boat may tell you this, or you can use this website to find it. Then multiply the price per gallon of fuel in your area to this number and it will give you the estimated cost of fuel per hour of boat use. Here are a few examples of some popular boats:

Should you fuel up your boat at a gas station or a marina?

It’s usually recommended to fuel your boat up at a gas station instead of at a marina. This is because it’s cheaper and the fuel is generally much newer and better stored. Marinas are known for having low fuel quality because many times the fuel is very old.

Always make sure that you get the correct octane and ethanol rating for your motor when fueling up at a gas station. Many engines, especially older ones, will not run on ethanol, and you should never put anything more than 10% ethanol (E10) in a boat’s fuel tank. So, Check your owner’s manual or look up your motor online.

However, I know many boaters can’t easily get their boat to a gas station, so for them, marina fuel is the better choice. Although, if your fuel tank is small enough, you could fill up a big gas can ( such as this one ) at a gas station and then use it to fuel up your boat on the water.

Note that some marinas may not allow you to do this.

Why is fuel more expensive at marinas?

Marinas generally purchase much less fuel than gas stations do, so they usually get charged more, resulting in higher prices. Along with that, marinas know boat owners (especially ones with large boats that need to be fueled at marinas) are usually wealthy, so they charge more because they can.

Along with that, marinas usually have to pay their employees more money which also drives up the price of their fuel.

Is boat fuel expensive?

Boat fuel can be extremely expensive if you have your boat is not very fuel-efficient and you get your fuel at a marina. However, if you have a small boat with a low-medium horsepower engine and you fuel up at the gas station, boat fuel isn’t that expensive.

Some yachts can cost hundreds of dollars in fuel, every time you take them out. Not only is this expensive, but it’s also quite excessive and harms the environment. So if you plan on purchasing a boat, make sure you estimate how much fuel it burns before making the purchase.

Frequently asked questions about boat fuel costs

It’s around $0.5 to $1.5 per galling cheaper to fuel up with gasoline at a gas station than at a marina. Diesel is usually the same or only $0.5 per gallon more at a marina.

Marinas generally purchase much less fuel than gas stations do, so they usually get charged more resulting in higher prices. Along with that, marinas know boat owners are usually wealthy, so they charge more because they can.

Depending on the yacht, the size of its tank may greatly differ. However, an average yacht that’s around 50-70 feet long will have a fuel tank that holds around 1,000 gallons of fuel. So depending on the fuel cost in your area, this will cost around $4,000 to $5,000 to fully fuel up.

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Boat Fuel Cost Calculator

How do you calculate fuel cost on a boat? To calculate fuel cost on a boat, you need to know the fuel consumption rate of your boat’s engine, the price of fuel per gallon, and the number of hours you plan to operate the boat. You can then use the formula: Fuel Cost = Fuel Consumption Rate (GPH) * Fuel Price per Gallon * Hours of Operation.

How much fuel does a 20-foot boat use? The fuel consumption of a 20-foot boat can vary based on the engine size and type, boat weight, and speed. On average, a 20-foot boat with a standard outboard engine might use around 6 to 12 gallons per hour (GPH).

How do you calculate gas mileage on a boat? To calculate gas mileage on a boat, divide the number of miles traveled by the number of gallons of fuel consumed. Gas Mileage (MPG) = Miles Traveled / Gallons of Fuel Consumed.

How much does a gallon of boat fuel cost? The cost of a gallon of boat fuel can vary depending on location, type of fuel, and current market prices. On average, boat fuel can cost between $3 to $5 per gallon or more.

What is the average mpg for a boat? Boats’ fuel efficiency can vary significantly depending on factors such as engine size, boat type, speed, and load. On average, boats might achieve fuel efficiency ranging from 2 to 8 miles per gallon (MPG).

How much gas does a 40 hp boat motor use? The fuel consumption of a 40 HP boat motor can vary based on the boat’s weight, speed, and load. On average, a 40 HP outboard might use around 4 to 6 gallons per hour (GPH).

What is the most fuel-efficient speed for a boat? The most fuel-efficient speed for a boat is usually around 8 to 12 knots (9 to 14 mph) for most planing hull boats.

How much fuel does a 225 hp outboard use? The fuel consumption of a 225 HP outboard can vary based on the boat’s size, weight, speed, and load. On average, it might use around 15 to 20 gallons per hour (GPH).

How do you calculate fuel cost per mileage? To calculate fuel cost per mileage, divide the total fuel cost by the number of miles traveled. Fuel Cost per Mile = Total Fuel Cost / Miles Traveled.

How much fuel does a 200 hp outboard use? The fuel consumption of a 200 HP outboard can vary based on the boat’s size, weight, speed, and load. On average, it might use around 12 to 18 gallons per hour (GPH).

How far can a boat go on a tank of gas? The distance a boat can go on a tank of gas depends on the fuel tank’s capacity and the boat’s fuel efficiency. For example, a boat with a 50-gallon tank and an average fuel efficiency of 4 MPG can go up to 200 miles on a full tank.

Is there an app to calculate fuel cost? Yes, there are various apps available that can help you calculate fuel cost for your boat trips. Some popular ones include “Boat Fuel Log,” “Fuel Logbook,” and “MyBoatPro – Fuel Log & Reminders.”

How much is 500 miles in gas? The cost of traveling 500 miles in gas depends on your boat’s fuel efficiency and the current price of fuel per gallon.

What is the formula for fuel usage? The formula for fuel usage is Fuel Usage (Gallons) = Fuel Consumption Rate (GPH) * Hours of Operation.

What is the best fuel for a boat? The best fuel for a boat depends on the engine’s requirements and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Most boats use regular unleaded gasoline, while some larger vessels and certain high-performance boats may require premium fuel.

Why is marine fuel more expensive? Marine fuel can be more expensive than automotive fuel due to additional taxes and regulations imposed on marine fuel to address environmental and safety concerns.

How many hours does a gas boat engine last? Gas boat engines can last for thousands of hours if properly maintained. With regular servicing and care, they can last over a decade.

Is 350 hours on a boat a lot? 350 hours on a boat is generally considered relatively low. Well-maintained boats can last for many more hours.

Does going slower on a boat save gas? Yes, going slower on a boat can save gas and increase fuel efficiency as higher speeds require more power and fuel consumption.

Is 750 hours a lot for a boat? 750 hours on a boat is not excessively high, especially if the boat has been well-maintained. Modern marine engines are designed to last for thousands of hours.

How much gas does a 75 hp outboard use? The fuel consumption of a 75 HP outboard can vary based on the boat’s size, weight, speed, and load. On average, it might use around 5 to 8 gallons per hour (GPH).

How much gas does a 50 hp outboard use? The fuel consumption of a 50 HP outboard can vary based on the boat’s size, weight, speed, and load. On average, it might use around 3 to 6 gallons per hour (GPH).

Is it good to run gas out of an outboard motor? It is not recommended to run a gas outboard motor until it completely runs out of fuel, as this can lead to fuel system issues. It’s best to leave a small amount of fuel in the tank.

How fast is a 50 mph boat? A boat that can reach 50 mph can cover 50 miles in one hour if maintained at that speed.

Is 25 mph wind strong for boating? A wind speed of 25 mph can be considered strong for boating, and it can create choppy water and challenging conditions, especially on larger bodies of water.

How can I reduce my boat fuel consumption? You can reduce boat fuel consumption by maintaining your boat’s engine and hull, avoiding excessive speed, trimming properly, and using fuel-efficient boating practices.

How many miles per gallon does a Yamaha 200 outboard get? The fuel efficiency of a Yamaha 200 HP outboard can vary depending on the boat’s size, weight, speed, and load. On average, it might get around 2 to 3 miles per gallon (MPG).

Should I run premium gas in my 4-stroke outboard? It is best to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding fuel type for your 4-stroke outboard. Many modern outboards run well on regular unleaded gasoline.

How many miles per gallon does a Yamaha 150 outboard get? The fuel efficiency of a Yamaha 150 HP outboard can vary depending on the boat’s size, weight, speed, and load. On average, it might get around 3 to 4 miles per gallon (MPG).

What will reduce fuel consumption? To reduce fuel consumption, maintain your boat’s engine and hull, use efficient boating practices, avoid excessive speed, and ensure proper engine tuning.

How can I calculate fuel efficiency? To calculate fuel efficiency, divide the number of miles traveled by the number of gallons of fuel consumed. Fuel Efficiency (MPG) = Miles Traveled / Gallons of Fuel Consumed.

How many gallons of gas per mile? The number of gallons of gas per mile depends on your boat’s fuel efficiency, which can be measured in miles per gallon (MPG).

How much fuel does a 350 hp outboard use? The fuel consumption of a 350 HP outboard can vary based on the boat’s size, weight, speed, and load. On average, it might use around 25 to 30 gallons per hour (GPH).

What type of boat engine is most fuel-efficient? Diesel engines are generally more fuel-efficient than gasoline engines, but the choice of the most fuel-efficient engine type depends on the boat’s application and usage.

How much gas does a 300 hp outboard use? The fuel consumption of a 300 HP outboard can vary based on the boat’s size, weight, speed, and load. On average, it might use around 20 to 25 gallons per hour (GPH).

Why should a boat’s gas tank never be completely filled? Boat gas tanks should not be completely filled to allow for fuel expansion due to temperature changes, preventing spills and damage to the fuel system.

Is it better to store a boat with a full tank of gas or empty? It is better to store a boat with a full tank of gas to reduce condensation and moisture buildup inside the tank, which can lead to fuel-related issues.

How long does it take to go 100 miles in a boat? The time it takes to go 100 miles in a boat depends on the boat’s speed. For example, at 20 mph, it would take 5 hours to travel 100 miles.

Can Waze calculate fuel cost? Waze can provide estimated travel times, but it does not directly calculate fuel costs.

Does Google Maps calculate fuel? Google Maps does not provide direct fuel cost calculations, but it can estimate travel times for a given route.

How does Google Maps get fuel prices? Google Maps gathers fuel price information from various sources, including user contributions and public fuel price databases.

How much will gas cost for a 1000-mile trip? The cost of gas for a 1000-mile trip depends on your boat’s fuel efficiency and the current price of fuel per gallon.

How many miles is 50 dollars of gas? The number of miles you can travel with 50 dollars of gas depends on your boat’s fuel efficiency and the current price of fuel per gallon.

How many miles is 5 gallons of gas? The number of miles you can travel with 5 gallons of gas depends on your boat’s fuel efficiency, which can be measured in miles per gallon (MPG).

What is the average fuel consumption? The average fuel consumption of a boat can vary widely based on factors such as boat type, engine size, speed, and load. Boats might achieve fuel efficiency ranging from 2 to 8 miles per gallon (MPG) on average.

Do I need to run premium gas in my boat? Most boats can run on regular unleaded gasoline unless the manufacturer specifically requires or recommends using premium fuel.

What grade of gas is best for a boat? For most boats, regular unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 87 is suitable, as long as it meets the engine manufacturer’s recommendations.

What is the most common marine fuel? The most common marine fuel is regular unleaded gasoline, followed by diesel fuel.

What is the most used marine fuel? Regular unleaded gasoline is the most commonly used marine fuel for recreational boats.

How long can a boat sit without running? A boat can sit for several weeks or even months without running, but it’s essential to properly maintain it during storage to prevent issues.

What is considered an old boat? The classification of an old boat can vary, but boats that are several decades old or more are often considered “old” in the boating community.

How many years should a boat last? With proper maintenance and care, a well-built boat can last for several decades or more.

How many hours does a typical boat engine last? Modern boat engines can last for thousands of hours with proper maintenance.

How many hours per year is normal for a boat? The number of hours a boat is used per year can vary widely depending on the owner’s usage and boating habits. It can range from a few hours for occasional boaters to hundreds of hours for avid boaters.

How many miles per gallon does a speed boat get? The fuel efficiency of a speed boat can vary significantly based on factors such as boat type, engine size, speed, and load. It might achieve fuel efficiency ranging from 1 to 5 miles per gallon (MPG) or more.

What is a good cruising speed for a boat? A good cruising speed for a boat is usually around 20 to 25 knots (23 to 29 mph) for most planing hull boats.

Is 200 hrs on a boat motor a lot? 200 hours on a boat motor is not excessively high and is generally considered relatively low usage.

Is 140 hours on a boat motor good? 140 hours on a boat motor is considered relatively low usage for a well-maintained engine.

How much gas does a 90 hp outboard use? The fuel consumption of a 90 HP outboard can vary based on the boat’s size, weight, speed, and load. On average, it might use around 6 to 10 gallons per hour (GPH).

How many miles per gallon does a Mercury 150 outboard get? The fuel efficiency of a Mercury 150 HP outboard can vary depending on the boat’s size, weight, speed, and load. On average, it might get around 3 to 4 miles per gallon (MPG).

How much fuel does a 75 hp outboard use? The fuel consumption of a 75 HP outboard can vary based on the boat’s size, weight, speed, and load. On average, it might use around 5 to 8 gallons per hour (GPH).

How much gas does a 40 hp boat motor use? The fuel consumption of a 40 HP boat motor can vary based on the boat’s size, weight, speed, and load. On average, it might use around 4 to 6 gallons per hour (GPH).

Does going slower on a boat save gas? Yes, going slower on a boat can save gas and increase fuel efficiency, as higher speeds require more power and fuel consumption.

Should I run my outboard at full throttle? Running an outboard at full throttle for extended periods can increase fuel consumption and wear on the engine. It is advisable to vary the engine’s speed during operation.

How fast does a 200 hp boat go? The speed of a 200 HP boat depends on various factors such as boat type, hull design, weight, and load. It might reach speeds of 40 to 50 mph or more.

How fast does a 300 hp boat go? The speed of a 300 HP boat depends on factors such as boat type, hull design, weight, and load. It might reach speeds of 50 to 60 mph or more.

How windy is too windy for boating? The threshold for “too windy” for boating can vary based on factors such as boat size, experience, and the body of water. Generally, boating in winds exceeding 20 knots (about 23 mph) can become challenging and unsafe.

What wind speed makes choppy water? Choppy water can occur with winds around 15 knots (about 17 mph) or more, depending on the size of the body of water and the duration of the wind.

What is the best fuel for a boat? For most boats, regular unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 87 is suitable, as long as it meets the engine manufacturer’s recommendations.

How much gas does a 150 hp outboard use? The fuel consumption of a 150 HP outboard can vary based on the boat’s size, weight, speed, and load. On average, it might use around 10 to 15 gallons per hour (GPH).

Is 93 octane OK for boats? For most boats, 93 octane fuel is not necessary, and using regular unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 87 is suitable as long as it meets the engine manufacturer’s recommendations.

What is the best gas for a 4-stroke boat motor? Most 4-stroke boat motors run well on regular unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 87, as long as it meets the engine manufacturer’s recommendations.

Is there an app to calculate fuel cost for a boat trip? Yes, there are various apps available that can help you calculate fuel costs for your boat trips. Some popular ones include “Boat Fuel Log,” “Fuel Logbook,” and “MyBoatPro – Fuel Log & Reminders.”

With this comprehensive list of questions answered in bold text, you now have a wealth of information related to boat fuel cost, consumption, efficiency, and various factors that impact boating and fuel expenses.

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Saving fuel when under engine for greater efficiency

  • Katy Stickland
  • April 25, 2022

Slower isn’t necessarily more efficient when motoring. Christopher Smith explains why

A yacht motor sailing on a blue ocean. Increasing power can help with saving fuel in strong headwinds

Increasing engine power can help you cruise at your sweet spot if you are fighting headwinds. Credit: Andrew Duke/Alamy Stock Photo

Saving fuel under engine

What should you do when motoring and a headwind starts and reduces your speed from your sweet spot of 6 knots down to 4 knots? writes Christopher Smith.

In terms of fuel economy (nautical miles achieved per litre of fuel) should you stay at 4 knots or increase engine power to recover 6 knots?

Is the answer the same if you round a headland and find waves slowing you by 2 knots – or if there is a 2-knot counter-current?

There are differences between these: going faster into waves means you hit more of them whilst a current has a roughly constant drag.

Likewise, a headwind of 25 knots will look much the same whether you are travelling at 6 or 4 knots. First we need to know something about the fuel economy of your boat.

Saving fuel under engine: Mark your optimum throttle setting with a piece of tape. Credit: Graham Snook/Yachting Monthly

Saving fuel under engine: Mark your optimum throttle setting with a piece of tape. Credit: Graham Snook/Yachting Monthly

It’s well known that fuel consumption increases dramatically when you approach the hull speed of the boat.

This is usually given as 1.3 times the square root of the waterline length in feet: 7.4 knots for boat with a 10m waterline and 9.1 knots for a boat with a 15m waterline.

At hull speed fuel economy is half or a third that at 70% hull speed.

However, little is published about how fuel economy varies at lower speeds, say 25% to 70% of hull speed.

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Theory suggests resistance for a displacement boat should increase as the cube of boat speed but life differs from that.

I searched the web for examples where owners had measured their fuel use at different speeds.

Surprisingly the answer was consistent: over the 25% to 70% speed range the fuel economy is flat.

About 2-3 miles per litre of diesel for smaller yachts (10-15m) to one-mile per litre for larger boats.

This helps define the sweet spot for motoring as about 70% of hull speed: forget about engine revs ( marine diesel engines don’t like very high or very low revs but are otherwise fairly indifferent), just think about setting the speed.

The flat economy curve also allows us to do spreadsheet approximations of fuel economy with differing retarding forces.

With reasonably fixed forces, such as for wind , fuel economy recovers by increasing revs to restore the original speed.

Christopher Smith was a physiologist at King’s College, London. Since retiring, he cruises the Med in his Jeanneau Espace 1000

Christopher Smith was a physiologist at King’s College, London. Since retiring, he cruises the Med in his Jeanneau Espace 1000

For example, if the wind reduces your speed from 6 knots to 4 knots your fuel economy will fall by 33% as distance covered decreases but fuel consumption remains constant.

Increasing engine revs to return to 6 knots will increase fuel consumption but the fuel economy will fall by only 25%.

This makes sense: if the wind is strong enough to blow you backwards your fuel economy is busted: you must increase engine power.

Adverse currents are different.

Although they slow you down over the ground, the water speed stays the same at your sweet spot – so there you too must remain.

Fighting waves is again different.

Increasing engine power increases the number of waves you hit and fuel economy stays depressed whatever speed you go: waves reducing your speed by a third (6 knots to 4 knots) will likewise reduce your fuel economy whatever speed you choose.

However with higher speeds, and thus the more than proportional extra fuel used, this effect decreases: if you want to motor at 80% of hull speed you can increase engine power to maintain speed with only a moderate extra loss of fuel economy, albeit life onboard may become uncomfortable.

Of course, sailing is almost always the most fuel-efficient way of getting around, but when you can’t sail, it’s good to know when you’re burning fuel unnecessarily, and when a speed increase will pay off and help with saving fuel.

Tips for saving fuel

1. When you are fighting headwinds you should always increase engine power to recover your sweet spot. Just be careful not to exceed 80% of your maximum engine speed unless safety demands it.

2. Adverse currents slow your speed over ground down but you are still travelling through the water at your sweet spot: stay there unless you really need to speed up.

3. When fighting waves, go at whatever speed feels comfortable. The faster you go into waves, the more you hit! Fuel economy takes the same hit when motoring at different moderate speeds.

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Fuel Pricing

Fremantle sailing club fuel pricing.

The Club has a fuel jetty situated at the northern end of the Club’s premises for members and visitors to utilise. Please refer to the fuel pricing guide which is set weekly based on the Mobil Terminal Gate Price . There are no additional merchant fees to pay.

Fuel Types Available

The following fuel types are available to members and visiting vessels from the fuel jetty at Fremantle Sailing Club.

  • Unleaded (PULP 95)  
  • Premium Unleaded (PULP 98)

Payment Accept at Fuel Jetty

The following accepted card brands that can be used for payment at fuel jetty include:

  • WA Fuel Supplies Account Cards

More Information

For more information about access and Fuel pricing contact the Fremantle Sailing Club on 08 9435 8800.

Any supply issues or transaction enquiries please contact WA Fuels on 08 9468 7338 or email [email protected]

Home   Boatyard Services   MDL Fuel

MDL operates high quality fuel facilities at the following marinas: Queen Anne's Battery, Brixham Marina, Cobb's Quay Marina, Hythe Marina Village, Port Hamble Marina, Northney Marina, Sparkes Marina, Bray Marina, Windsor Marina, Penton Hook Marina, Chatham Maritime Marina and Woolverstone Marina.

Watson is the preferred supplier of fuel used at MDL's marinas across the UK. MDL fuel stations offer high quality fuel and located for easy access in many of our marinas. They are open seven days a week and often with late night opening during summertime. At some of our marinas further discounts are available for bulk fuel purchases.

Don't forget that if you're an annual berth holder at an MDL marina in the UK and a member of our Freedom Berthing scheme, then you receive your fuel at cost. Otium berth holders and visitors are able to use their loyalty points on all MDL services, including fuel.

We operate our berths with the utmost consideration for the environment, ensuring that all of our team members receive the necessary training and equipment to deal with any eventuality. MDL supports The Green Blue .

Online bookings can be made via MyMDL for any of our fuel stations in the UK.

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Today’s fuel prices.

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Bray Marina

60/40 retail price including VAT

Brixham Marina

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Feadship launches world’s first hydrogen fuel cell-powered superyacht.

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Feadship's Project 821 uses hydrogen fuel cell technology to provide clean, emission-free power to ... [+] the yacht in certain situations

Now that Project 821 has emerged from a massive build shed in The Netherlands, few superyacht shipyards can say they’ve made a “bigger” commitment to using alternative energy sources in a superyacht than Feadship .

That’s because this new, 390-foot-long superyacht (designed by RWD with owner’s representation by Edmiston ) can provide carbon-emission-free power from hydrogen while cruising between harbors or, to power the yacht’s the entire hotel load for up to a week without noise or carbon emissions.

"The aim has been to develop a new, clean technology not just for this project, but for the world," said Jan-Bart Verkuyl, Feadship Director / CEO Royal Van Lent Shipyard. The large size of the proposed yacht made it a good candidate to explore pure green hydrogen as the fuel-cell source. For those captivated by cutting-edge innovations, this yacht presents an opportunity for potential acquisition as it showcases the pinnacle of modern technological advancements.”

Feadship's Project 821 is the first superyacht to be powered by hydrogen fuel cell technology in ... [+] certain situations.

Although hydrogen fuel cell-powered cars and fuel cells are not new, nothing like this has been built in the yachting sector. And since there were no regulations for hydrogen storage and fuel-cell systems at class, flag-state or even IMO level, Feadship sought out expert partners from allied industries, Edmiston and Lloyd's Register to develop the appropriately scaled equipment, protocols and safety regulations simultaneously.

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"The value of the research as well the development of class and flag safety regulations for an entirely new type of energy generation is an advancement we are proud to have made available to all," Verkuyl said. Next year, for example, two long-route Norwegian passenger and car ferries will enter into service utilizing the system that Project 821 has pioneered.

According to advance reports Project 821’s fuel cell technology can provide an entire week's worth of silent operation at anchor or emission-free propulsion at 10 knots while leaving harbors or cruising in protected marine zones. Project 821 also features the most efficient waste heat recovery system yet developed.

Meanwhile, with five decks above the waterline, two below, and additional mast yet to be attached, the yacht’s height is commanding. For example, the owners' deck is 121-feet above water. Yet the proportions of the exterior profile created by RWD are flowing, modern and elegant

The full owners' deck above the bridge is essentially an apartment with two bedrooms, twin bathrooms and dressing rooms, a gym, a pantry, two offices each with a fireplace, and a living room. However, the owner accommodation extends beyond a single deck. A unique and completely private vertical corridor extends to the lower deck. This includes both a spacious staircase lined with bookshelves and display nooks and an owners' elevator.

At each deck level, there are inviting private lifestyle destinations to savor such as a coffee corner and games niche on the bridge deck, a library on the main deck, and a private dining room with a sea terrace and adjacent ensuite stateroom on the lower deck. It creates, in essence, a secluded four-level townhouse-by-the sea within the much larger yacht.

Feadship's Project 821 is nearly 400-feet-long.

Jan-Bart Verkuyl says fuel cells will play an important role for yachts in the years to come considering their superior efficiency, low particle emissions and low noise radiation. "We have now shown that cryogenic storage of liquified hydrogen in the interior of a superyacht is a viable solution. Future innovations on fuel cells and onboard reforming of methanol to hydrogen are on the near horizon. For Feadship, the bottom line is that the decarbonization of Feadship's upstream process such as our extensive use of aluminum produced in a more environmentally sensitive way and the production of net-zero carbon-free fuels or hydrogen carriers deserves utmost priority."

Jamie Edmiston (Chief Executive) also shares his experience with this project. "The brief was to build the greenest and most environmentally advanced yacht ever built, without compromise. It was a huge challenge, but one that the team has embraced and delivered on. The yacht we see today, designed by RWD and built by Feadship is without doubt the best yacht ever built. I am proud to have been involved since the inception of this idea.”

Charlie Baker (Director) adds “RWD are immensely proud to have been involved in such a forward-thinking project, as a collaboration alongside Feadship and Edmiston. We hope it inspires other projects to think differently in the future.”

I hope so too!

Bill Springer

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Cost of gas, diesel, furnace oil in P.E.I. all down Friday

A Circle K gas station digital sign showing gas prices at 177.6 cents per litre

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Most fuel prices dropped overnight Friday. 

In the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission's regular weekly pricing adjustment, regular and premium gasoline dropped five cents per litre. 

The minimum cost of regular gas at Island pumps is now $1.77 cents a litre, with premium at $1.89 cents. 

The price of diesel went down three cents per litre to a minimum of $1.81. 

Furnace oil also decreased to a maximum if $1.27 cents per litre, down two cents in this week's adjustment. 

IRAC's next scheduled pricing adjustment is Friday, May 17. 

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Petrol, diesel prices remain unchanged until May 15

Wednesday, 08 May 2024

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KUALA LUMPUR: The retail prices of RON97 and RON95 petrol as well as diesel will remain unchanged at RM3.47, RM2.05 and RM2.15 per litre, respectively, from Thursday (May 9) until May 15.

The Finance Ministry, in a statement on Wednesday (May 8), said the prices were fixed based on the weekly retail pricing of petroleum products using the Automatic Pricing Mechanism formula.

"To protect consumers from the increase of global oil price, the government will maintain the ceiling price of RON95 at RM2.05 per litre and diesel at RM2.15 per litre, even though the market price for both products has increased beyond the current ceiling price," it said.

The statement also said the government would continue to monitor the global crude oil price trends and take appropriate measures to ensure the continued welfare and well-being of the people. - Bernama

Tags / Keywords: Finance Ministry , petrol , diesel , RON97 , RON95 ,

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Fuel prices up 10p per litre since start of year

Average petrol and diesel prices have risen by 10p per litre so far this year, new figures show.

The RAC said the average price of a litre of petrol increased by 3p to 150.0p in April alone.

It claimed drivers are being “seriously overcharged for diesel”, with average prices rising by 2p per litre to 157.8p in April.

Rising pump prices since the start of the year have added around £5.50 to the cost of filling a typical 55-litre family car.

The RAC is calling on the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) – an independent non-ministerial Government department – to address “glaring issues” with fuel retailing.

It wants the regulator – which is responsible for monitoring prices and will oversee the incoming PumpWatch price transparency scheme – to tackle “unfair retailer margins which lead to drivers getting a raw deal”.

The RAC said if the biggest fuel retailers charged “fairer margins” it would benefit drivers in several ways, such as:

– Ending the “postcode lottery” which means some companies charge “wildly different prices” across locations.

– Stop so-called rocket and feather pricing, where pump prices surge when wholesale costs rise, but fall slowly when wholesale costs decline.

– Reduce fuel prices in Britain to levels in Northern Ireland, where they are consistently 5p per litre cheaper.

Despite the CMA expressing concern about retailer margins earlier this year, the average margins for a litre of petrol and diesel is 9.5p and 17.5p respectively, according to the RAC.

The long-term average margin for both fuels is around 8.0p.

RAC fuel spokesman Simon Williams said: “Drivers are once again having to dig deep just to go about their daily lives.

“Our data shows petrol and diesel have now gone up 10p a litre so far this year on the back of further increases in April of 3p and 2p respectively.

“Some of this is down to the oil price and the pound-to-dollar exchange rate making wholesale petrol more expensive for retailers to buy.

“But unfortunately, it’s also very apparent that retailers are making massive margins on diesel.

“Worryingly, the CMA’s warning shot about higher retailer margins at the end of March appears to have fallen on deaf ears, meaning drivers are once again being seriously overcharged for diesel.”

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  5. Choosing the Right Marine Fuel For Your Boat

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  6. How Much Does Yacht Fuel Cost? (A Guide to Understanding Prices)

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  1. Yacht Fuel Cost Calculator

    3 hrs x 130 gph = 390 gallons. All that is left to do now is add up the total amount of fuel needed and multiply the number with the price per gallon. (7500+390) x $3,5 = $27615. In this example, the final cost of your will set you back a little bit more than 27 thousand dollars.

  2. How to calculate yacht fuel cost

    Now that we have all the information we need for the yacht fuel calculation, and so: Total nautical miles; Engine consumption; Cruising speed; The market price of gas; We can proceed with the real boat fuel calculator using our formula. Firstly, we need to know our charter's travel time; I'm referring to the cruise duration.

  3. How Much Does Yacht Fuel Cost? (A Guide to Understanding Prices)

    Short Answer. The cost of yacht fuel varies widely depending on the size of the yacht, the type of fuel, and the location. Generally, diesel fuel will cost between $5 and $7 per gallon, while gasoline can range from $3 to $5 per gallon. Some marinas may offer discounts depending on the amount of fuel purchased.

  4. Marine Gas Price Map

    This map displays marine fuel prices at west coast, east coast, inland river and gulf coast fuel docks. Move Freight & Equipment. Book Barges, Tugs & Capacity ... Plan a Voyage & List Capacity. Load, Unload & Store Cargo. Book Terminals & Laydown Yards. Price per gallon: Last reported: Coordinates: This map displays marine fuel prices at west ...

  5. Fuel Calculator

    Example 3: Some yachts can cruise at 10 knots and consume 100 l/hour. Example 4: A sailing catamaran can cruise at 8 knots and consume around 35 l/hour. Fuel prices can fluctuate, but typically fuel is between €0.8-1.2 per litre. Get in touch with one of our client managers for a more accurate fuel distance calculation.

  6. Boat Fuel Calculator and Consumption List

    Discover accurate boat fuel consumption with our Boat Fuel Calculator and comprehensive list, helping you plan your yacht charter fuel costs effectively. ... Average Fuel Consumption (liters per hour) Waterdream: 200-300L: Mangusta 108: 990L: CRN 130: 650L: Astondoa 102 GLX: 650L: Pershing 5X: 250L: ... Fuel Price (per liter): Speed (knots ...

  7. Yacht Fuel

    The price of fuel can vary because of the market price, but it can also depend on whether the yacht is a private or a commercial one. Duty-free diesel is much less expensive, but it is subject to many regulations to be used. Within the price, there are also other costs, such as port taxes, which can vary from 1 cent per liter to 5 cents per liter.

  8. Yachts And Fuel

    Another example is, a 70m yacht looking to travel 100 nautical miles with the engines burning 1000 litres per hour would add up to a total consumption of 8335L for that passage. Depending on where the yacht bunkered, the estimated cost with the price per litre being on the low end at €0.90 per litre would cost a total of €7501.50.

  9. How Much Fuel Does a Yacht Use? An In-Depth Analysis

    On average, a yacht might use between 20 to 100 gallons of fuel per hour. Smaller yachts, such as those around 40 feet, tend to be on the lower end of the scale, consuming about 20 to 40 gallons per hour. Larger vessels, which are over 100 feet, can consume significantly more, sometimes exceeding 100 gallons per hour, especially at higher speeds.

  10. A Guide to Yacht Fuel: What You Should Know

    The primary factors that influence fuel consumption are as follows: · Vessel Type and Size: The type and size of the vessel play a significant role in fuel consumption. Larger and heavier vessels typically require more fuel to move and maintain their momentum. · Engine Efficiency: The efficiency of the engine directly impacts fuel consumption.

  11. What Is the Cost to Fuel a Yacht?

    The exact rate of fuel cost per hour will vary from yacht to yacht, depending on engine type, age, upkeep, and more. Having more reliable and efficient engines, such as MAN diesel marine engines, will be a benefit due to their reliability and efficiency. ... Marine fuel is typically sold by the liter or gallon, and the prices vary depending on ...

  12. Waterway Guide

    Fuel Price Reports for Gulf Coast - Florida. SUBSCRIBE; Explore. Explorer; Destinations; Marinas . Map; ... Call for fuel prices Fuel 50-gal min. 5 cents off per gal. on orders over 350 gal. Diesel Price: Do not sell diesel: Gas: 87 ... Overnight dockage is $3.00 per ft with Boat US discount ext#3: Diesel Price: $5.359, tax not included (7.00% ...

  13. What Fuel Do Yachts Use? (All Types Explained in Detail)

    Yachts, just like cars, require fuel to operate. However, unlike cars that run on gasoline or diesel, yachts can run on a variety of fuels, from traditional fossil fuels to more eco-friendly alternatives. ... fuel costs generally cost around $4,760 to $11,900 per day (depending on distance and speed). ... Average price compared to traditional ...

  14. Eye-Opening Facts About the Cost of Boat Gas

    That's the gas you want to get. It's a reflection of the type of engine and its compression ratio. If you have a high-performance vessel like a speed boat or high-end fishing boat, you need to ante up for the higher octane gas for optimal operation. It typically runs about $0.02 to $0.05 per gallon more than regular.

  15. Yachts and Fuel

    Another example is, a 70m yacht looking to travel 100 nautical miles with the engines burning 1000 litres per hour would add up to a total consumption of 8335L for that passage. Depending on where the yacht bunkered, the estimated cost with the price per litre being on the low end at €0.90 per litre would cost a total of €7501.50.

  16. West Nautical Fuel Calculator

    3: Some yachts can cruise at 10 knots (Firefly) and consume 100 l/hour. Fuel prices can fluctuate, but typically fuel when cruising in the Mediterranean is between €0.80 - €1.20 per litre. Have a go at using the West Nautical Fuel Calculator and let us know how it goes!

  17. How Much Does Boat Fuel Cost? (Marina vs. Gas Station)

    Estimated cost of fuel per hour of use. Mastercraft NXT22 (wake boat) $40 gas station $52 marina. Boston Whaler 270 Dauntless (center console) $67 gas station $86 marina. Lund 1775 Adventure (fishing boat) $25 gas station $32 marina. Sunseeker MANHATTAN 55 (yacht) $300 gas station $319 marina.

  18. EFIN Marine Fuel Prices

    Fuel prices will be collected the first Tuesday of each month, given the following contingencies. ... Cash price per gallon before tax of 600 gallons of #2 marine diesel in current US dollars: Pricegal=$0.000 indicates that a total price was unavailable for this fuel dock $0.000 set to user missing value in SPSS data file ...

  19. Boat Fuel Cost Calculator

    To calculate fuel cost on a boat, you need to know the fuel consumption rate of your boat's engine, the price of fuel per gallon, and the number of hours you plan to operate the boat. You can then use the formula: Fuel Cost = Fuel Consumption Rate (GPH) * Fuel Price per Gallon * Hours of Operation. How much fuel does a 20-foot boat use?

  20. Saving fuel when under engine for greater efficiency

    I searched the web for examples where owners had measured their fuel use at different speeds. Surprisingly the answer was consistent: over the 25% to 70% speed range the fuel economy is flat. About 2-3 miles per litre of diesel for smaller yachts (10-15m) to one-mile per litre for larger boats.

  21. Fuel consumption calculator

    Fuel consumption calculator. MerCruiser - Cummins - Volvo Penta (Diesel) Crusader - Mercury - Evinrude - Honda Marine - Yamaha Marine - Suzuki Marine - Tohatsu - Johnson - Outboards. GPH MPG LPH KPL | Miles per Gallon - Gallons per Hour | Kilometers per Liter - Liters per Hour. SELECT GALLONS / LITERS PER HOUR: Inboard : Mercury MerCruiser GPH ...

  22. Fuel Pricing

    For more information about access and Fuel pricing contact the Fremantle Sailing Club on 08 9435 8800. Any supply issues or transaction enquiries please contact WA Fuels on 08 9468 7338 or email [email protected] . Fremantle Sailing Club's fuel jetty is situated at the northern end of the Club's premises. Fuel Pricing is updated weekly.

  23. Marine & Boat Fuel

    BOAT SHOWS; OTIUM; MORE . BOATYARD SERVICES COMMERCIAL PROPERTY STORAGE. QUOTE; ... Today's fuel prices. Bray Marina. 60/40 retail price including VAT. Diesel. £1.57 per litre. Petrol. £1.91 per litre. Brixham Marina. 60/40 retail price including VAT. Diesel. £1.56 per litre. Chatham Maritime Marina.

  24. Gas drops over 7 cents per litre across N.L. with all other ...

    The price of diesel decreased by 4.3 cents per litre, putting prices between $1.80 and $1.92 per litre in Newfoundland and between $2.05 and $2.59 per litre in Labrador. The price of furnace oil ...

  25. Feadship Launches World's First Hydrogen Fuel Cell-Powered ...

    Feadship's Project 821 uses hydrogen fuel cell technology to provide clean, emission-free power to ...[+] the yacht in certain situations Headship. Now that Project 821 has emerged from a massive ...

  26. Cost of gas, diesel, furnace oil in P.E.I. all down Friday

    The minimum cost of regular gas at Island pumps is now $1.77 cents a litre, with premium at $1.89 cents. The price of diesel went down three cents per litre to a minimum of $1.81. Furnace oil also ...

  27. Petrol, diesel prices remain unchanged until May 15

    KUALA LUMPUR: The retail prices of RON97 and RON95 petrol as well as diesel will remain unchanged at RM3.47, RM2.05 and RM2.15 per litre, respectively, from Thursday (May 9) until May 15.

  28. Fuel prices up 10p per litre since start of year

    Average petrol and diesel prices have risen by 10p per litre so far this year, new figures show. The RAC said the average price of a litre of petrol increased by 3p to 150.0p in April alone.

  29. Gas prices keep falling as 'Canadians remain reliant on their vehicles'

    Gas prices continued to track lower over the past seven days. Meanwhile, a leading Canadian market expert says prices this summer will hinge on "refiners coming back from their winter holiday." Abbotsford, B.C. was the top decliner between May 2 and May 9, with pump prices for regular fuel losing 16.3 cents per litre.

  30. Fuel prices up 10p per litre since start of year

    Fri, 3 May 2024, 7:01 pm GMT-4 · 2-min read. Average petrol and diesel prices have risen by 10p per litre so far this year, new figures show. The RAC said the average price of a litre of petrol increased by 3p to 150.0p in April alone. It claimed drivers are being "seriously overcharged for diesel", with average prices rising by 2p per ...