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Lyrics submitted by Mellow_Harsher

pRETTy Lyrics as written by Jack Louis Latham Brittany Foushee

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Meaning of ​pRETTy by Lil Yachty (Ft. Fousheé)

The song "pRETTy" by Lil Yachty featuring Fousheé celebrates self-confidence and feeling good in one's own skin. The hook and chorus highlight the speaker's sense of physical beauty and attractiveness, which in turn makes them feel powerful and confident.

In his verse, Lil Yachty describes feeling pretty and sexy and how it gives him the strength to stand up to those who doubt him. He also talks about feeling close and intimate with his romantic partner, and finding joy in their shared physical experiences.

In Fousheé's verse, she praises Lil Yachty's confidence and looks, while also highlighting her own individuality and sense of beauty. She references being with someone who values her for who she is, and expresses gratitude for their relationship.

Overall, the song is about celebrating self-love and appreciating the physical aspects of oneself that make them feel good. It also speaks to the importance of finding partners who support and uplift us, rather than tearing us down.

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Miles Parks McCollum (born August 23, 1997), known professionally as Lil Yachty, is an American rapper, singer and songwriter. Yachty first gained recognition in August 2015 for his singles "One Night" and "Minnesota" from his debut EP Summer Songs. He released his debut mixtape Lil Boat in March 2016. On June 10, 2016, Yachty announced that he had signed a joint venture record deal with Quality Control Music, Capitol Records, and Motown Records. His mixtapes Lil Boat and Summer Songs 2 were released in 2016 and his debut studio album, Teenage Emotions in 2017. His second studio album, Lil Boat 2 was released on March 9, 2018. more »

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  • #10 Yeah Yeah
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joji pretty boy

Joji – Pretty Boy Ft. Lil Yachty | Lyrics Meaning & Song Review

“Pretty Boy” is the eleventh track on Joji’s 2020 album ‘Nectar.’ Contrary to Joji’s usual style and song topics, this track boasts about the singer’s successful life with content. Joji also enlists rapper Lil Yachty for a verse on the track.

Joji released his second studio album ‘Nectar’ on September 25, 2020. The album got postponed from its original release date of July 2020 due to Covid-19. This is his return to music after the 2018 album ‘BALLADS 1.’

On the track, both Joji and Yachty sing about how good their lives are at the moment. Joji sings of his current location which is both beautiful and glamorous. Yachty too piles up on this boasting about his good looks and net worth.

Watch “Pretty Boy” Video by Joji Ft. Lil Yachty

“Pretty Boy” Lyrics Meaning and Song Review

In the chorus of the song, we hear Joji being proud of his looks. However, he does not call himself sexy or handsome. But he settles with ‘pretty boy’ which is equally good.

Joji also says that has no sad moments in his life. This is not possible. However, what is possible is how you look at your problems. Your perception is everything! So, Joji sheds no tears facing any struggles in his life.

The ‘hills’ might be a reference to the Hollywood Hills in Los Angeles, where he has a residence. He appreciates the beauty of his surrounding. He also appreciates how glamorous everything is in LA, which is not an overestimation.

In the first verse of the song, Joji further talks about his happy times in his Los Angeles residence. He also talks about a blue pill that takes him to a happier place. He could be refering to Xanax or Zoloft drugs. Under the influence of these drugs, Joji feels so powerful and confident. He has no fears of anything, and he feels invisible. But this is a very temporary trance made of illusions.

It is clear that the tone of the song changed drastically from the chorus to the first verse. It is almost as if we get to see behind the veil of the chorus. Joji has to remind himself that there are no more fears or lies to make him fall asleep? That is not a man at peace. That is a man with some inner demons.

And these demons live within these Hills…

Lil Yachty’s verse on “Pretty Boy” is more in tune with the chorus of the song…for a second.

Lil Yachty kicks off his verse by boasting that he is a handsome young man. Looking at the mirror, he thinks that it should be a crime to look this good!

However, the tone changes fast. He starts talking about the pain inside of him. But no one else knows this and they never will. Because the rapper is not about sharing his problems. He will keep his problems and thoughts to himself.

However, what he would talk about is his networth and his good looks.

In a nutshell, it seems as if both the artists are hiding their real problems behind a glittery curtain.

Let us hear what you think about this song in the comment below. Check out the complete lyrics and further meaning breakdown on Genius .

3 thoughts on “ Joji – Pretty Boy Ft. Lil Yachty | Lyrics Meaning & Song Review ”

Dumbest take ever it’s obviously about rich famous people boasting about their money and looks and where they live to cover up the fact they really have nothing of value and they’re empty and sad “living so loud you can barely hear me cry” “all this pain I’ll never let show, my real thoughts you’ll never know” these are examples of how I think this song means that money, looks, fame won’t get you happiness and it’s just perceived as that and used to desperately fill holes these people have in their lives.

the part about drugs, specifically the “blue pill” is very wrong, you perceived it as actual drugs, but I think its more based on the blue pill from the matrix

the blue pill in the matrix essentially keeps you in the same position in life, free from change and it also makes you unaware of reality. so i believe you are right with this statement

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“SOLO STEPPIN CRETE BOY” by Lil Yachty spins a vivid narrative that mirrors not just the rapper’s lifestyle but also the grit and glamour of hip-hop culture. Through savvy wordplay and a head-nodding beat, Yachty lays out his success story while touching on themes of loyalty, trust, and solo resilience in the face of adversity.

The song kicks off with Yachty flexing his financial muscles, painting a picture of a high-flying lifestyle where he’s breaking down barriers and counting millions on a private flight. The reference to “Chrome on my body like a medieval knight” is a stylish metaphor for both his jewelry and his readiness for battle—a theme recurring in hip-hop’s portrayal of life as a constant struggle for respect and survival. “Purple Sprite,” a colloquial term for codeine syrup mixed with soda, further illustrates the rapper’s indulgence in the luxuries and vices afforded by his success.

The narrative then shifts towards loyalty and realness, with Yachty valuing authenticity above all (“I’ll drip you down in crystals if I know you’re real”) and reflecting on betrayal (“I caught you lyin’ to me and I fuck with you still”). The mention of “coochie cutters” plays into the track’s recurring emphasis on wealth and women as trophies, while freeing his “doggy out that cell” underscores a theme of loyalty and the harsh realities of street life.

“Steppin’ and swaggin’, I’m runnin’ shit, I might run for senate” is perhaps the boldest testament to Yachty’s confidence in his influence and status. This line cleverly juxtaposes street credibility with political power, emphasizing the rapper’s perceived ability to dominate any arena. The references to his circle, particularly “just me and Dylan (DC)” and “just me and Justin (draft),” shine a light on the importance of a tight-knit crew, a cornerstone in hip-hop culture where solidarity often means survival.

As the song progresses, Yachty dives deeper into the duality of his world. There’s the relentless pursuit of pleasure and the shadow of risk (“I was duckin’ IRS”), the flaunting of wealth and the acknowledgment of its ephemeral nature (“It’s old money in my bank that I’m spendin’ still”). “Lifestyle YOLO” encapsulates the spirit of taking chances—a nod to the modern mantra of living life to the fullest, irrespective of the consequences.

The final verses of the song provide a glimpse into Yachty’s introspection and challenges. Despite his disdain for rap industry friendships (“I don’t need a rap friend, I’ma step solo”) and the paparazzi (“I don’t wanna be posted on the blogs”), he admits his actions are for his “dawgs” and his relentless hustle. The line “That boy is not a kingpin, he sold a couple grams” serves as a critique of those who pose as something they’re not, contrasting with Yachty’s authentic narrative throughout the track.

Ultimately, “SOLO STEPPIN CRETE BOY” by Lil Yachty is a rich tapestry of braggadocio, loyalty, and self-reflection. Yachty uses his lyrical prowess to educate listeners on the highs and lows of life at the top, where trust is scarce, and authenticity is worth more than gold. The track is a celebration of Yachty’s journey, a solo step in a world where many follow, but few lead.

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Lil Yachty – Pretty Lyrics

Pretty Lyrics, Song Credit- Lil Yachty.

Lil Yachty Lyrics


Come bust this pussy open

(Ah-ah-ah, ah) I am so pretty (Ah-ah-ah, ah) I feel so pretty (Ah-ah-ah, ah) I’m so damn pretty (So pretty, so pretty, so pretty) I feel so pretty

Hmm, hmm, hmm, let’s go to sunset city, go to sun city Walk up on the right side, I feel so pretty Kiss my girl on her thighs, grab on her titties I know that they despise, I feel so sexy If someone say I’m not, must have not met me Warm you up when it’s cold, you call me bestie Don’t test me, I’m too sexy

(Ah-ah-ah, ah) I am so pretty (Ah-ah-ah, ah) I feel so pretty (Ah-ah-ah, ah) I’m so damn pretty (Pretty, so pretty, so pretty) I feel so pretty

So pretty, yeah, he like my curly hair Wrinkled off the crease, I keep a pleated piece (Yeah) She’s a keeper, so I throw out the receipt Jeepers Creepers, swear these niggas so spooky Swear I’d die for this pussy, R.I.P (Ah) Been alive then they put me right to sleep (Put me right to sleep, ah) Scared, so smooth, moisturized (That’s coco cream) Fuck, want your picture in mine (Yeah, uh-huh)

You know you’ve always been my favorite You’ve always told me to enjoy my seconds on earth with tea The most important moments in life aren’t when you’re born and when you die But when you met me, when we became us (So pretty)

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  2. Lil Yachty

    Let's go to Sunset City, go to Sun-city. Woke up on the right side, I feel so pretty. Kiss my girl on her thighs, grab on her titties. I know that they despise, I feel so sexy. If someone say I'm ...

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  6. Meaning of the song 'pRETTy' by 'Lil Yachty'

    Released: 2023. Lil Yachty's "pRETTy" is a dive into the waters of self-confidence, self-expression, and the essence of feeling good in your skin, layered with an undercurrent of romantic vibes. Yachty employs a playful yet introspective tone to discuss themes of self-love, attractiveness, and the dynamics of a relationship where both ...

  7. The story and meaning of the song 'pRETTy

    The song is called "Pretty" and it's about the protagonist feeling good about himself and his appearance. He wakes up feeling pretty and kisses his partner. He thinks he's too sexy and his partner thinks he's pretty too. The song ends with the protagonist thanking his partner for making his life important. Add this song to my favorites.

  8. Lil Yachty

    Woke up on the right side, I feel so pretty. Kiss my girl on her thighs, grab on her titties. I know that they despise, I feel so sexy. If someone say I'm not, must have not met me. Warm you up when it's cold, you call me bestie. Don't test me, I'm too sexy. I am so pretty. I feel so pretty. I'm so damn pretty.

  9. Pretty

    Overall Meaning. The song "Pretty" by Lil Yachty is a track off his fourth studio album "Lil Boat 3" released in 2020. The lyrics of the song delve into Lil Yachty's confidence in his looks and how he feels about himself. The song starts with a provocative line, "Come bust this pussy open," that sets the tone for the song, which is all about ...

  10. Meaning of " pRETTy" by Lil Yachty (Ft. Fousheé)

    The song "pRETTy" by Lil Yachty featuring Fousheé celebrates self-confidence and feeling good in one's own skin. The hook and chorus highlight the speaker's sense of physical beauty and attractiveness, which in turn makes them feel powerful and confident.

  11. Lil Yachty Lyrics, Songs, and Albums

    Miles Parks McCollum (born August 23, 1997, in Mableton, Georgia), popularly known as Lil Yachty, is an American rapper and singer from Atlanta, Georgia. He's known for his comical lyrics and ...

  12. Lil Yachty

    Beautiful soul with good energy, I kept it real with you Never pretended to be anything that I was not I just want you at my spot, I just want you with me now Where are you now? Tell me what town Fly you up out of your city, just so I can look at you And tell you you pretty, you know So many thoughts that I have I just wanna take you and show ...

  13. Pretty lyrics by Lil Yachty

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  15. Joji

    Chorus. In the chorus of the song, we hear Joji being proud of his looks. However, he does not call himself sexy or handsome. But he settles with 'pretty boy' which is equally good. Joji also says that has no sad moments in his life. This is not possible. However, what is possible is how you look at your problems.

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    Subscribe and press (🔔) to join the Notification Squad and stay updated with new uploads 📷 Wallpaper:©️If any producer or label has an...

  17. Lil Yachty

    I am so pretty (Ay-ha-ay-ha-ay-ha) I feel so pretty (Ay-ay-yah-ay-ha-ay-ha) I′m so damn pretty (So pretty, so pretty, so pretty) I feel so pretty Hmm, hmm, hmm, let's go to sunset city, go to sun-city Woke up on the right side, I feel so pretty Kiss my girl on her thighs, grab on her titties I know that they despise, I feel so sexy If someone say I′m not, must have not met me Warm you up ...

  18. Meaning of the song 'SOLO STEPPIN CRETE BOY' by 'Lil Yachty'

    "SOLO STEPPIN CRETE BOY" by Lil Yachty spins a vivid narrative that mirrors not just the rapper's lifestyle but also the grit and glamour of hip-hop culture. Through savvy wordplay and a head-nodding beat, Yachty lays out his success story while touching on themes of loyalty, trust, and solo resilience in the face of adversity.

  19. Lil Yachty

    [Lil Yachty:] I stroll through cities, gang, they stay with me But never have I seen someone so pretty like you Every dream I seem I have is always 'bout you Oh Beautiful soul with good energy I kept it real with you, never pretend to be anything that I was not I just want you at my spot I just want you with me now Where are you now? Tell me ...

  20. Lil Yachty

    Walk up on the right side, I feel so pretty. Kiss my girl on her thighs, grab on her titties. I know that they despise, I feel so sexy. If someone say I'm not, must have not met me. Warm you up when it's cold, you call me bestie. Don't test me, I'm too sexy. (Ah-ah-ah, ah) I am so pretty. (Ah-ah-ah, ah) I feel so pretty.

  21. Lil Yachty

    I feel so pretty. I'm so damn pretty (So pretty, so pretty, so pretty) I feel so pretty. Hmm, hmm, hmm. Let's go to sunset-city, go to sun-city. Woke up on the right side, I feel so pretty. Kiss my girl on her thighs, grab on her titties. I know that they despise, I feel so sexy. If someone say I'm not, must have not met me.

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    Overall, "Breathe Deeper (Lil Yachty Remix)" is a captivating collaboration that combines the talents of Tame Impala and Lil Yachty. The song's lyrics explore themes of indulgence and living in the moment, inviting the listener to let go and embrace the colors of life.

  23. Lil Yachty

    We gon' catch him outside, he don't got no money for the backup. I ran thirty million in the ground, baby, now I'm back up. She a city girl, I'm the real reason that she act up (Mmh) She talk back ...

  24. Nemzzz

    [Chorus: Nemzzz] (T-t-) Tired of all these hoes, baby, I need your love I just told Boat, "It's us", I hit that one, no fuss I hit that one, then cut, ayy, skrrt, I'm in a rush Ayy, it's us, ayy ...

  25. EmanuelDaProphet

    [Intro: EmanuelDaProphet] Yeah Thank you, Lord I ain't been on this type of time in a minute, man, you feel me? Hmm, mmm [Verse 1: EmanuelDaProphet] They say I'm holy, but I'm drippin', they like ...

  26. Lil Yachty

    [Verse 2: Lil Yachty] You know a nigga like me just tryna cut head Drop shy 'fore you hit the bed Real tight, real work down your leg Know niggas cowards, and I'll say it I'll devour it, yeah Let ...