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The Ultimate Guide to Nautical and Sailing Vocabulary in Spanish

If you’re passionate about sailing and Spanish, you’ll love this post filled with useful sailing vocabulary in Spanish. 

Sailing is a beautiful lifestyle that can take you all around the world, so learning its most common terms in another language is a great idea. 

Keep reading to learn what sailing is and why you should try it, what nautical means, and useful sailing vocabulary in Spanish about types of boats, parts of the boat, the sails, and helpful sailing verbs in Spanish. 

What Is Sailing?

Sailing is a sport and a hobby that uses the wind to propel a boat. However, sailing is much more than that, it has become a lifestyle , as sailors around the world enjoy the pleasure of having a day out at the sea or travel the oceans powered by the wind filling their sails. 

Although sailing is a whole universe in itself, learning to sail isn’t as hard as it may seem for the external observer. There are plenty of sailing schools and associations that offer basic sailing courses, which will open new and fulfilling ways to travel the world for you. 

What Does Nautical Mean?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, nautical is an adjective that means “of, relating to, or associated with seamen, navigation, or ships.” 

In other words, nautical refers to everything related to navigating the sea, it may be nautical skills, or nautical flags, or, as in this case, nautical terms. Nautical doesn’t necessarily refer to sailing, as there are other ways to navigate the sea that don’t rely on the wind, but nautical terms do apply to sailing, as we’ll see in a moment. 

How Do You Say ‘Sailing’ in Spanish?

In Spanish, sailing can be translated as a noun la navegación a vela , although it’s also simply known as navegación , or just vela . 

However, you can also understand sailing as a verb, in which case it means navegar a vela or just navegar . 

In Spanish, sails are velas , and in the world of sailing velas are of the utmost importance, as they differentiate it from all the other ways of navigating the sea and represent a symbol of independence and authenticity. 

Sailing Vocabulary in Spanish

It’s time to learn some of the most important sailing words in Spanish. I’ve divided them into six different categories to simplify your learning process. 

Types of Boats

If you plan to go sailing in Spanish, you need to be sure you know the different types of boats that exist in the world of sailing. These are a some of the most common ones:

Parts of the Boat

Once you’ve learnt the different types of boats that exist in the world of sailing, it’s a good time to learn sailing vocabulary about the parts of these boats. While some of these words are well-known and of common use, you may find others to be very technical terms about sailing in Spanish. 

Look at the image below and locate the different parts of the boat included in both tables. If you’re a sailing enthusiast as I am, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the exercise to discover the Spanish terms. 

Finally, a few more important parts of a sailing boat that are not included in the two previous tables. If you’ve sailed before, you know that the sailing vocabulary is huge, and trying to learn all of it in Spanish on a single post would be just too much. So, I’m focusing only on the most important sailing terms in Spanish. 

As mentioned before, the sails are the main element of sailing. Sailors take pride in their boats being propelled only by the wind, and not by a mechanical motor. So, you can imagine that there is a specific sailing vocabulary exclusively dedicated to the sails. 

Sailing Verbs in Spanish

Last but not least, it’s important to learn a few Spanish sailing verbs as you’ll need them if you do go water sailing in Spanish. 

Go Sailing and Practice Your Spanish

Sailing is a beautiful sport, and an attractive lifestyle that becomes a passion for those who practice it. Expand your horizons by sailing to Spanish-speaking countries and practice your newly acquired Spanish sailing vocabulary there. 

By learning Spanish, your traveling becomes easier as you’ll be able to communicate with the locals in a better way and make the most of your trips.  

Practice your sailing vocabulary by signing up for a free class with one of our certified, native Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala. They teach over 24,000 actively enrolled students every month, offer flexible scheduling, and tailored Spanish packages. 

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Sailing Vocabulary and Expressions in Spanish

Nautical/sailing vocabulary and most used expressions related to sailing in spanish.

Embarking on the linguistic journey of sailing expressions in Spanish is like setting sail into a sea of rich nautical vocabulary. Whether you’re a language learner, a sailing enthusiast, or simply curious, understanding these terms adds a maritime flair to your Spanish proficiency. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the most commonly used nautical and sailing expressions and vocabulary, enriching your language skills with the charm of the high seas.

sailboat words in spanish

1. ¡Buen viento! – Good Wind: Wishing someone good wind is a common expression, invoking favorable conditions for their maritime endeavors.

2. A toda vela – At Full Sail: This phrase describes a boat sailing at its maximum speed, capturing the exhilarating feeling of wind-filled sails.

3. Echar el ancla – To Drop Anchor: When a boat stops and secures in one place, this expression is used, symbolizing a pause in the journey.

4. Aguas Tranquilas – Smooth Waters: Used to describe calm or tranquil seas, this expression is a reassurance of peaceful sailing conditions.

5. Costa a la Vista – Land in Sight: Announcing the sight of land on the horizon, this expression signals the end of a sea journey.

6. Navegar a Ojo – To Navigate by Sight: Sailing without the aid of navigation instruments, relying on visual cues, is described by this expression.

7. Navegar contra Corriente – To Sail Against the Current: Metaphorically, this expression is used to describe facing challenges or going against the prevailing trend.

8. Hacerse a la Mar – To Set Sail: Initiating a journey or leaving port is captured by this phrase, marking the beginning of an adventure.

9. Marea Alta / Marea Baja – High Tide / Low Tide: These expressions describe the state of the tide, essential information for navigation.

10. A Bordo – On Board: Used to indicate being on the boat, this phrase is fundamental in maritime communication.

11. Capitán de Mar y Guerra – Sea Captain: A formal term for a ship’s captain, evoking images of leadership and authority.

12. Naufragio – Shipwreck: Referring to the sinking or destruction of a ship, this expression carries a sense of tragedy.

13. Tomar el Timón – To Take the Helm: Metaphorically, this expression means assuming control or responsibility.

14. Estar a la Deriva – To Be Adrift: Floating without control or direction is captured by this phrase, describing a state of uncertainty.

15. Mar en Calma, No Hace Buen Marinero – A Calm Sea Does Not Make a Skilled Sailor: Expressing that challenges are necessary for growth and skill development.

16. Varar – To Run Aground: When a vessel is stranded or stuck on the ground, this expression is used.

17. Cabo Suelto – Loose End: Refers to a loose piece of rope or an unresolved issue.

18. Dar una Vuelta de Campana – To Capsize: Describing the overturning of a boat, this expression is linked to a dramatic event on the water.

19. Bajel Pirata que Llaman – Pirate Ship They Call: A line from the Spanish national anthem, often used in a playful manner.

20. A Flote – Afloat: Describing a vessel that is floating on the water, this phrase denotes seaworthiness.

Types of Boats in Spanish

sailboat words in spanish

Parts of the Boat and sailing vocabulary in Spanish

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Boats and Ships / Los barcos

Table of Contents

Vocabulary: Boats and Ships / Los barcos

Ship Names & Boat Names in Spanish! Learn different types of ships and types of boats in Spanish with pictures and examples to improve your vocabulary words about transportation. When talking about ships and boats, any Spanish speaker would easily be able to understand if you simply used the words ship and boat. However, there are multiple types of ships and boats and being able to refer to them in Spanish will be a huge advantage for you.

Types of Ships and Boats in Spanish

Battleship / El acorazado

Destroyer / El destructor

Ferry / El transbordador, El ferry

Schooner / La goleta

Ship / El barco

Barge / La barcaza

Boat / El barco

Catamaran / El catamarán

Canoe / La canoa, La piragua

Yacht / El yate

Gondola / La góndola

Hovercraft / El aerodeslizador

Sailboat / El velero

Trawler / El barco arrastrero

Submarine / El submarino

Boat Names & Ship Names in Spanish with Pictures and Examples

  • ¿Sabe lo que me hace reír, “Su  Acorazado “? (Do you know what makes me laugh, Your Battleship ?)

sailboat words in spanish

  • Su armada tiene una flota poderosa de destructores . ( Their navy has a powerful fleet of destroyers . )

sailboat words in spanish

  • El transbordador lleva decenas de camiones al otro lado del Mar de Cortés. ( The ferry carries dozens of trucks across the Sea of Cortez.)
  • Miles de turistas toman el ferry a la Estatua de la Libertad a diario. ( Thousands of tourists take the ferry to the Statue of Liberty every day.)

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  • La tripulación subieron a la goleta y zarparon. ( The crew boarded the schooner and set sail.)

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  • El barco zarpa a las 6 am repleto de carga. ( The ship leaves at 6 am loaded with cargo.)

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  • La basura se saca de la ciudad de Nueva York en barcazas . ( Trash is hauled out of New York City on barges .)

sailboat words in spanish

  • Como tenemos una casa en la costa, estamos pensando en comprarnos un barco . ( Since we live on the coast, we’re thinking about buying a boat .)

sailboat words in spanish

  • En cuanto aumentó el viento, el catamarán avanzó a toda velocidad. ( As soon as the wind picked up, the catamaran sped along.)

sailboat words in spanish

  • Los colonos tallaron una canoa de un árbol y la usaron para pescar en el lago. ( The settlers carved a canoe from a tree and used it to fish in the lake.)
  • La gente de la zona usa principalmente piraguas para viajar por el río. ( The locals mostly use canoes to travel up and down the river.)

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  • Ese yate que está anclado allá pertenece a una celebridad famosa. ( That yacht anchored over there belongs to a famous celebrity.)

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  • Paseamos por los canales de Venecia en góndola en nuestra luna de miel. ( We took a trip through the canals of Venice in a gondola on our honeymoon.)

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  • Se puede cruzar el canal mucho más rápido en un aerodeslizador que en un ferry estándar. ( It’s a lot faster to cross the channel in a hovercraft than in a standard ferry.)

sailboat words in spanish

  • Quería dar una vuelta en mi velero esta tarde, pero no había mucho viento. ( I wanted to go for a ride in my sailboat this afternoon, but there was not very much wind.)

sailboat words in spanish

  • La marina cuenta con una flota de submarinos . ( The navy has a fleet of submarines .)

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Boats and Ships / Los barcos | Images

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2 Translation results for boat in Spanish


Example sentences of boat noun

  • • He tied the boat to the dock.
  • • Cruise ships and other boats filled the harbor.
  • • They are traveling by boat across the ocean.

Synonyms of boat noun

Detailed synonyms for boat noun.

  • Boat se puede aplicar a veces de modo general a tales estructuras, pero denota más particularmente una estructura pequeña, abierta por lo normal, y operada con remos, canaletes, mástiles, velas o un motor <took the boat out to fish> .
  • Vessel connota primordialmente un barco grande, de altura, que se usa para contener o transportar personas o mercancía, o bien para servir como base de operaciones <a fleet of fishing vessels > .
  • Ship recalca el aspecto navegacional de un gran buque de altura y tiene ciertas connotaciones de individualidad y de romance <the beauty of the great sailing ships > .
  • Craft se aplica a cualquier barco o buque que navega por el agua, y suele ser un término vago o general <the lake was full of small craft of all kinds> .

Example sentences of boat verb

  • • We boated over to the island.
  • • boated to the picnic site on an island in the bay

Related phrases for boat

  • rock the boat - causar problemas, (figurado) sacudir el bote
  • miss the boat - (figurado) perder el tren, dejar pasar el tren
  • in the same boat - (figurado) en el mismo saco, en el mismo barco, en la misma situación

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Spanish vocabulary PDF list Travelling by boat

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Spanish Words for Beginners : Travelling by boat

– essential vocabulary list –.

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about boats. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!



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60 Transportation Words in Spanish with Audio and Example Sentences

Transportation—well—takes you places. It’s the buses, trains, cars, boats and airplanes that get you from Madrid to Buenos Aires, from Tulum to Mallorca.

So it’s good to have the transportation vocabulary in Spanish down. After all, you don’t want to get lost not knowing how to ask which train goes where, or what time the bus arrives.

Read on for a thorough list of 60 transportation terms in Spanish, plus a list of handy travel phrases to use in a pinch.

Modes of Transportation

Public transportation, at the airport, useful expressions, and one more thing….

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

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Thanks to this first section, you will be able to learn how to name the different means of transportation in Spanish. Enjoy your ride!

1. avión — airplane

2. tren — train.

But do you know how to say “railroad” in Spanish? Ferrocarril ! From ferrum (iron) and carril (track, rail).

3. auto / coche / carro — car/automobile

These three words all mean “car.” However, they come from different languages and are used to mean different things:

  • Auto , short for automóvil (automobile), comes from Greek,  auto- (self), and Latin,  mobilis (movable).
  • Coche comes from Hungarian,  kocsi , which was a four-wheeled wagon.
  • Carro is derived from Latin carrus , which was a two-wheeled, horse-drawn chariot.  Carro  can also mean “wagon.”

When it comes to their use, coche is the word you would use in Spain to mean “car.” Auto is understood but very seldom used, and carro is used to mean “cart” or “carriage.”

In Latin America, my sources tell me that all of these terms are used and easily understood, however carro  is the most common option, and coche  tends to mean “stroller.”

4. autobús / autocar — bus

“Bus” is one of those words that can be said in many different ways depending on the country you are traveling to. If you want to check how to say this word when visiting a specific country, have a look at this list of slang for bus in different countries .

5. taxi — taxi

When in Spain, look for taxis with a green light. That means they are libres (free, available). If the light is red, they are ocupados (busy, taken).

6.  camión / camioneta — truck

A camión is a standard truck or big rig, a camioneta is normally a pick-up truck or a light truck.

7.  motocicleta / moto — motorcycle/motorbike

Moto is just an abbreviation, and much more common than the longer motocicleta .

8.  bicicleta / bici — bicycle/bike

The same happens with the words bicicleta and bici , both of which mean, of course, bicycle. Bici is the abbreviation of bicicleta . The younger you are, the more often you use the shorter form, though!

9.  barco / bote — boat

A barco is bigger than a bote.

10.  helicóptero — helicopter

And how do you say “heliport?” Helipuerto ! (Yes, a port is a puerto ).

11.  ambulancia — ambulance

12.  barco de vela — sailboat.

Not many of us are taking sailboats around as transportation, but if you are, good for you, amigo.

13.  cohete — rocket

This word can also mean “fireworks” in its plural form.

14.  transbordador espacial — space shuttle

I am almost sure you will not be taking the space shuttle every day, but just in case, now you know what to call it in Spanish.

15.  aerodeslizador — hovercraft

16. metro — subway.

One notable Spanish exception of this term is in Buenos Aires, where they call their subway system the Subte .

17.  tranvía — tram/streetcar

sailboat words in spanish

It is time to learn a few words regarding public transportation. They will help you find your way around the city!

18.  billete — ticket/fare

Other ways of saying billete , especially in Latin America, are pasaje, tiquete or boleto.

19.  oficina de información — information center

This can also be called o ficina de atención al viajero , which could be translated as “Travel information center.”

20.  salida / llegada — departure/arrival

These terms derive from the infinitives salir (leave, set off) and llegar (arrive), respectively.

21.  horario — schedule

22.  andén — platform/track.

The word andén can have different meanings, but when it comes to transportation, it means track or platform:

El tren sale del andén 5. (The train leaves from track 5.)

23.  parada — stop (of a bus/train/tram/metro)

24.  vía — train track, 25.  mapa — map.

Keep in mind that  mapa , though it looks feminine, is actually a masculine noun: el mapa.  This is because it’s a shortened version of a masculine noun— el mapamundi.

26.  viaje — trip/journey

Remember the infinitive form is viajar (to travel).

27.  pasajero — passenger

28.  conductor — driver.

Here we have a false friend! The English word “conductor” is translated as “ director de orquesta ,” that is, an orchestra conductor.

29.  equipaje — baggage

Do you know how we say “hand baggage?” The answer is easy: equipaje de mano .

30.  clase — class

When you buy your tickets, remember to mention if you want primera clase (first class), segunda clase (second class), clase turista (economy class) or clase ejecutiva/preferente (business class).

31.  línea — line/route

32.  vagón — carriage/coach (of a train).

Here you have another false friend, because the English word “wagon” is translated as carro , as we saw before.

33.  ventanilla / pasillo — window seat/aisle seat

Ventanilla literally means “small window,” and it refers to a window seat. Pasillo means “corridor, aisle,” and it refers to an aisle seat.

34.  coger / tomar el autobús — catch/take the bus

Watch out, because the verb coger can have a very vulgar meaning in South America !

35.  subir / bajar — get on/get off

These two verbs have many different meanings, and they can be used when referring to almost every means of transport.

36.  conducir / manejar — to drive

Conducir is used in Spain, while manejar is used in Latin America.

37.  estación de ferrocarril — train station

38.  estación de metro — subway station, 39.  taquilla — ticket office.

A taquilla is the place where you buy your billetes.

sailboat words in spanish

Traveling does not necessarily mean you have to use the plane, but if you are planning to visit a Spanish-speaking country, it is more than likely that you will be traveling by air.

Here you have some words that will come in handy when in an airport:

40.  aeropuerto — airport

This one is obvious, but necessary. How else can you tell your taxi driver “Please, take me to the airport?” By saying: 

Por favor, lléveme al aeropuerto.

41.  puerta — gate

42. terminal — terminal, 43.  recogida de equipaje — baggage claim, 44. embarque / embarcar — boarding/to board, 45.  tarjeta de embarque — boarding pass, 46.  sala de embarque — boarding lounge, 47.  despegar / aterrizar — to take off/to land, 48.  billete de avión — plane ticket, 49.  piloto — pilot, 50.  auxiliar de vuelo — flight attendants.

We used to have azafatas (stewardesses). Now we are more sensitive about our language, so we have flight attendants.

51. retraso — delay

52.  aerolínea — airline.

sailboat words in spanish

So… learning words is fun, and sometimes even easy! But you would not travel too far by using just single words.

Learn the following expressions and you will be able to get the info you need whenever you need it:

53.  ¿A qué hora sale / llega… ? — What does does … depart/arrive?

Use this with trains, buses, subways and streetcars:

¿A qué hora llega el siguiente autobús? ( What time does the next bus arrive?)

54.  ¿A qué hora aterriza / despega…? — What time does … take off/land?

Use this when referring to planes:

¿A qué hora aterriza tu avión?   (What time does your plane land?)

55. ¿Cuánto tiempo dura el viaje? — How long does the journey take?

56.  ¿cuál es la próxima parada — what is the next stop, 57.  ¿con qué autobús / tren / metro puedo llegar a… — which bus/train/subway line can i take so i can arrive to … , 58.  ¿es este el autobús / tren / metro que llega a… — can i get to … with this bus/train/subway, 59.  ¿cuánto cuesta el billete — how much is the ticket, 60.  ¿dónde puedo comprar un billete — where can i buy a ticket.

There you go: 60 useful words and expressions you can use when traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, planning your holidays, talking to your Spanish friends about your last trip, etc. I am sure these words will be more than enough to help you solve any problem or doubt you can have when dealing with transport in Spanish.

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Today’s nyt ‘connections’ hints and answers for tuesday, may 14.

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Find the links between the words to win today's game of Connections.

Looking for Monday’s Connections hints and answers? You can find them here:

Hey there, everyone! I hope your week’s off to a tremendous start. Let’s make sure those positive vibes continue by maintaining your Connections streak.

Today’s NYT Connections hints and answers are coming right up.

How To Play Connections

In Connections , you’re presented with a grid of 16 words. Your task is to arrange them into four groups of four by figuring out the links between them. The groups could be things like horror movie franchises, a type of verb or rappers.

There’s only one solution for each puzzle, and you’ll need to be careful when it comes to words that might fit into more than one category. You can shuffle the words to perhaps help you see links between them.

Each group is color coded. The yellow group is usually the easiest to figure out, blue and green fall in the middle, and the purple group is typically the hardest one to deduce. The purple group often involves wordplay, so bear that in mind.

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Select four words you think go together and press Submit. If you make a guess and you’re incorrect, you’ll lose a life. If you’re close to having a correct group, you might see a message telling you that you’re one word away from getting it right, but you’ll still need to figure out which one to swap.

If you make four mistakes, it’s game over. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen with the help of some hints, and, if you’re really struggling, today’s Connections answers.

What Are Today’s Connections Hints?

Scroll slowly! Just after the hints for each of today’s Connections groups, I’ll reveal what the groups are without immediately telling you which words go into them.

Today’s 16 words are:

And the hints for today’s groups are:

  • Yellow group — blueprint
  • Green group — take pleasure in eating
  • Blue group — ways to refer to yourself or others sin nombres
  • Purple group — an adjective that could be used for the new, sleeker iPad Pro

What Are Today’s Connections Groups?

Need some extra help?

Be warned: we’re starting to get into spoiler territory.

Today’s groups are...

  • Yellow group — early iteration
  • Green group — enjoy a meal
  • Blue group — Spanish pronouns
  • Purple group — slim ____

What Are Today’s Connections Answers?

Spoiler alert! Don’t scroll any further down the page until you’re ready to find out today’s Connections answers.

This is your final warning!

Today’s Connections answers are...

  • Yellow group — early iteration (DRAFT, PLAN, OUTLINE, SKETCH)
  • Green group — enjoy a meal (DINE, FEAST, FEED, SUP)
  • Blue group — Spanish pronouns (ELLA, ME, SUS, YO)
  • Purple group — slim ____ (FIT, JIM, PICKINGS, SHADY)

It feels pretty good to get my first perfect game in a few days for back-to-back wins.

The purple group was immediately obvious as soon as I got to PICKINGS while I was writing out the word list. It took me no time at all to find the three words that went with that. The rearranged grid helpfully bunched together the yellows, so those were easy to spot.

I had a tiny spot of difficulty when it came to the last few groups. I don't know much Spanish, so I figured at first that YO and SUP were part of a quartet of informal greetings. But I didn't see anything that made sense with those.

That’s when I spotted the trifecta of DINE, FEAST and FEED. SUP was the only word that made sense with those, and that left the blues for the win.

That’s all there is to it for today’s Connections clues and answers. Be sure to check my blog for hints and the solution for Wednesday’s game if you need them.

P.S. I never got hugely into Eminem, but there was absolutely no escaping him around the turn of the century. The guy was everywhere . So, just because Slim Shady was referenced in today's game, here are a couple of his finest tracks with all the cuss words left in:

Kris Holt

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Translation of sailing boat – English–Spanish dictionary

Sailing boat.

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(Translation of sailing boat from the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

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If you are on hold when using the phone, you are waiting to speak to someone.

Searching out and tracking down: talking about finding or discovering things

Searching out and tracking down: talking about finding or discovering things

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NBC New York

Spain warns small ships of possible orca run-ins after killer whale causes boat to sink

An orca knocked a 50-foot boat in moroccan waters several times, damaging its rudder and causing a leak. , by joseph wilson | associated press • published may 14, 2024.

Following the ramming of a small boat by an orca in the Strait of Gibraltar, authorities in Spain issued recommendations Tuesday that small vessels stick to the coastline in that region to avoid often-scary interactions with killer whales during summer months.

In the latest incident, two people aboard a 15-meter (50-foot) boat in Moroccan waters requested help from Spain’s maritime rescue service Sunday after reporting that an orca knocked the craft several times, damaging its rudder and causing a leak. The people were picked up by a passing oil tanker summoned by the rescuers, and their boat later sank.

Spain’s ministries for transport and the environment, along with its merchant marines, issued notices Tuesday urging both sailing boats and small motorboats to beware of orcas between May and August in the area between the Strait of Gibraltar and the Gulf of Cadiz.

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The Atlantic Orca Working Group, a team of Spanish and Portuguese marine life researchers who study killer whales near the Iberia Peninsula, says were 197 such known interactions in 2021 and another 207 in 2022.

A pod of orcas even disrupted a sailing race last year, when a boat sailing from the Netherlands to Italy had a 15-minute encounter with the animals, prompting the crew to drop their craft's sails and raise a clatter to fend them off.

There have been no reports of attacks against swimmers. The interactions on boats seem to stop once the vessel becomes immobilized.

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The researchers say that the killer whales seem to be targeting boats in a wide arc covering the western coast of the Iberia Peninsula, from the waters near the Strait of Gibraltar to Spain’s northwestern Galicia.

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The orcas off the Iberian coast average from five to 6½ meters (16-21 feet) in length, compared to orcas in Antarctica that reach nine meters (29½ feet).

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3 Spaniards were among 6 people killed when gunmen opened fire in central Afghanistan, officials say

Taliban and Spanish officials say three Spanish citizens and three Afghans were killed when gunmen opened fire in central Afghanistan

ISLAMABAD -- Three Spanish citizens and three Afghans were killed when gunmen opened fire in central Afghanistan, Taliban and Spanish officials said Saturday.

Officials had earlier said that four people died. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the Friday evening attack.

Seven suspects were arrested at the scene in Bamiyan province, a major tourist area, and an investigation is underway, said Abdul Mateen Qani, a spokesman for the interior minister, on Saturday. He said seven other people were wounded.

Qani did not give the nationality of the foreign citizens, but the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that three Spaniards had died in the attack and that at least one more had been wounded. A Taliban official in Bamiyan who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media, said that the four wounded foreigners were from Spain , Norway, Australia and Latvia.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez wrote on social media platform X that he was “overwhelmed” by the news.

Qani said that all those who were wounded have been transferred to capital Kabul for treatment and they are stable condition.

The U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan said that it was deeply shocked and appalled by the attack on civilians.

“We express our condolences to the victims of the attack, and are providing assistance following the incident,” UNAMA said on X.

Blame for the attack is likely to fall on the Islamic State group’s affiliate in Afghanistan, a major Taliban rival. IS militants have carried out scores of attacks on schools, hospitals, mosques and minority Shiite areas throughout the country.

The Taliban seized power in Afghanistan in August 2021 as U.S. and NATO forces were in the final weeks of their withdrawal from the country after 20 years of war.

In April The Associated Press visited the Taliban-run institute training tourism and hospitality professionals in Kabul.

The Taliban is seeking to increase the number of tourists coming to the country. In 2021, there were 691 foreign tourists; in 2022, that figure rose to 2,300; and last year, it topped 7,000.

Bamiyan is probably best known as the site of two massive Buddha statues that were carved into the cliff face between the 4th and 6th century and which were destroyed by the Taliban at al-Qaida’s urging in early 2001.

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Tom cruise shows off ripped bod on spanish beach amid new film talks, tom cruise hits beach in spain ripped bod steals show.

Tom Cruise is looking damn good at 61 ... showing off his buff bod on a beach during a break from his hectic filming schedule, and possibly discussing even more flicks while there.

The movie star -- sporting navy swim shorts -- was radiating while living it up at Majorca's Formentor beach in Spain over the weekend ... showing off his chiseled physique as he got in the water and enjoyed a little R&R amid his very busy life.

Earlier that same day ... Tom was seen fully clothed ... sporting a grey top, shorts, and fedora as he hopped onboard a sailboat with filmmaker Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu -- likely chatting about his role in AGI's upcoming film, for which they're teaming up.

No ifs, ands, or buts about it from the looks of these pics -- the man's in great shape, just like back in his early movie star days, when his toned physique was frequently on display, like in 1986's "Top Gun." Frankly, we doubt if he's ever NOT been totally shredded.

Back in the day, his youth might have explained his tip-top shape -- but nowadays ... you could argue Tom's love for shooting his own action-packed stunts are keeping him toned and fit. We're sure he's hitting the gym too ... 'cause yeah, the homeboy is straight-up yoked.

Like we said ... Tom's on a bit of a break right now -- in recent weeks, Tom's been filming adrenaline-pumping scenes for the 8th 'Mission Impossible' movie, so he's enjoying some much-deserved time off.

Feast your eyes, people ... Tom's still got it.

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You don’t want to buy a Staten Island Ferry boat. Just ask “SNL” funnymen Pete Davidson and Colin Jost (opinion)

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. – Sure, it sounds like a great idea.

But you don’t want to buy a Staten Island Ferry vessel.

The city has offered the old Andrew J. Barberi ferryboat for sale at auction. The opening bid is $155,000, which is cheaper than most houses here on Staten Island.

In other words: take our ferry. Please.

It’s easy to imagine all kinds of awesome uses for a decommissioned ferryboat. You could turn the vessel into a restaurant. Or a bar. Or a dance club. A wedding reception hall. A really cool art gallery or music venue.

What a unique space!

But you better read the fine print before making a bid on the Barberi.

The city tells us that while the hull of the Barberi is in good shape, the vessel’s mechanical, propulsion and navigational systems have been stripped out.

So good luck moving this thing anywhere. You’ll likely have to have it towed. And that could be a big expense. As would berthing the Barberi somewhere.

But even if all those systems were still in place, the ferry would have to comply with U.S. Coast Guard regulations in order to sail anywhere. You’d have to have qualified people to pilot it wherever you wanted to take it.

Or you could maybe haul the boat out of the water and ship it someplace by truck or rail. Again, no doubt a big expense, as storing it someplace would be.

Never mind the bad memories associated with the Barberi, which crashed in 2003, killing 11 people and injuring 70 more. The boat was repaired and was put back in service, but that kind of karma is hard to get around.

If you still need convincing, just ask “Saturday Night Live” alums Pete Davidson and Colin Jost about their experience buying an old ferryboat.

The Staten Island-bred pair joined with some investors to buy the old John F. Kennedy ferryboat back in 2022.

They paid $280,000 at auction and planned to turn the boat into a bar, restaurant and entertainment venue.

Bless the boys for wanting to do something so connected to their Island roots, but it soon became obvious that the funnymen were in over their heads with the JFK.

cty kennedy ferry

Ferryboat John F. Kennedy, bought by "Saturday Night Live" performers Pete Davidson and Colin Jost, is seen at Caddell Dry Dock in West Brighton. (Tom Wrobleski/Staten Island Advance)

Staten Island Ferry crews claimed that the boat was filled with rats and asbestos.

Then there were all the hidden costs, including refurbishing the boat, mooring it and making it compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act and other safety codes. That would include the installation of elevators and escalators.

It’s estimated that the undertaking will cost millions of dollars and take a number of years before all is said and done.

That wasn’t the only ferryboat deal to run aground.

In 2012, the old Herbert H. Lehman ferryboat, which had been sold for salvage, sank in the Hudson River after springing a leak.

And if you really want to see what becomes of old Staten Island Ferry vessels, go to the so-called “boat graveyard” off the shores of Travis.

cty boat graveyard

Boat graveyard in Travis (Tom Wrobleski/Staten Island Advance)

Just don’t buy a ferryboat of your own.

Tom Wrobleski

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Killer whales ram and sink sailing yacht off Gibraltar coast

The Alboran Cognac was rammed by an unknown number of orcas in the Strait of Gibraltar at around 9am local time on Sunday, the Spanish maritime rescue service said.

Tuesday 14 May 2024 11:54, UK

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Orcas have sunk a yacht off the coast of Gibraltar - the latest in a string of similar attacks by the mammals over the past four years.

The Alboran Cognac sailing vessel was rammed by an unknown number of killer whales in the Strait of Gibraltar at around 9am local time on Sunday, the Spanish maritime rescue service said.

Two people were on board, who reported feeling blows to the boat's hull and rudder before it started taking on water.

They had to be rescued by a nearby oil tanker after they radioed the coastguard for help. The pair were taken to Gibraltar for safety, while the yacht was left adrift and later sank.

There have been around 700 interactions between orcas and ships since the trend emerged in the area in May 2020, according to the research group GTOA.

They believe such attacks could be the result of the orcas' playful curiosity or the animals confusing boats with competitors for bluefin tuna - their favourite prey.

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Experts claim these incidents, which have been confined to the strait that separates Spain and Portugal from Africa, are the work of a sub-population of around 15 orcas.

In May last year, a yacht called The Mustique was severely damaged by several of the whales and had to be towed to Cadiz.

Guidelines issued by the Spanish Transport Ministry stipulate that whenever ships observe any alteration in the behaviour of orcas - such as sudden changes of direction or speed - they should leave the area as soon as possible and avoid further disturbance to the animals during the manoeuvres.

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Every interaction between a ship and an orca must be reported to authorities.

Although known as killer whales, endangered orcas are part of the dolphin family. They can measure up to eight metres long and weigh up to six tonnes as adults.

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Ben Affleck ‘house-hunting’ in LA according to buzz, Jennifer Lopez seen doing the same as split rumors swirl

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Just days after Jennifer Lopez was photographed house-hunting in Los Angeles , word around Hollywood is that Ben Affleck is also looking for a new place, sources tell Page Six.

There is buzz in real estate circles, we hear, that Affleck is looking for a new home in the City of Angels.

This news comes shortly after the “Argo” actor was seen driving his sports car in LA’s tony Brentwood, Calif., neighborhood — where TMZ reported  he left a house where he’d been staying the night .

But the photos also showed Affleck, 51, wearing his wedding ring as he dangled his left hand out of the window.

Ben Affleck

The “Gone Girl” star has reportedly been staying at the Brentwood home “over the past week or so.”

His ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, lives nearby.

Lopez, 54, was similarly spotted looking at a property  in LA on Tuesday, but an insider insisted she was merely searching for an investment property.

jennifer lopez met gala 2024

Rumors have recently surfaced claiming Bennifer — who eloped in Vegas in July 2022 before having a larger wedding in Georgia the following month — in is on the rocks .

Chatter began when she  attended the 2024 Met Gala solo  last week.

A source told TMZ that Affleck could not attend fashion’s biggest night because he was busy filming “The Accountant 2″ across the country.

jennifer lopez ben affleck beverly hills mansion

“Jen and Ben are having issues in their marriage,” an insider  told Us Weekly . “They started having issues a few months ago as Jen had started ramping up work commitments and prepping for her tour.”

InTouch reported  that Lopez and Affleck are in therapy to work on their marital issues.

On Thursday night, Lopez and Affleck were spotted together in public for the first time in more than a month.

The couple attended a school production for one of Affleck’s kids. But a source told the Daily Mail that the twosome “did not hug or kiss” during the “frosty” meetup.

Affleck and Lopez purchased a massive $60 million mansion in Beverly Hills in June 2023 after two years of house-hunting.

ben affleck and jennifer lopez

The 38,000-square-foot abode boasts 12 bedrooms, 24 bathrooms and a full basketball court. It also has a zero-edge pool, guest penthouse, caretaker’s house, 12-car garage and enough room to park 80 vehicles.

The “Love Don’t Cost a Thing” singer gave her millions of Instagram followers a glimpse inside the palatial dwelling before the 2024 Golden Globes in January.

They were also seen browsing properties in NYC last month.

Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez

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While neither the stars nor their reps have commented on their relationship status, Lopez recently “liked” a cryptic Instagram post  detailing qualities in a partner that could lead to an unhealthy relationship.

The post explained , “You cannot build a healthy relationship with somebody” who “lacks integrity and emotional safety.”

It also warned against people who don’t “respect your time” and lack “communication skills.”

Affleck and Lopez initially got engaged in the early 2000s but called off the wedding and broke up.

They each moved on and had kids with Garner and Marc Anthony , respectively, before rekindling their flame nearly two decades later.

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Ben Affleck



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  5. Sailboat in Spanish

    noun. 1. (nautical) (United States) a. el velero. (M) The sailboat is docked at the pier.El velero está atracado en el muelle. b. el barco de vela. (M) My brother's taking us out on his sailboat on the weekend.Mi hermano va a llevarnos en su barco de vela el fin de semana.

  6. Glossary of Spanish Sailing Terms

    English - Spanish Glossary of Sailing Terms Types and Parts of Boat Cruiser - Yate Crucero Dinghy - Chinchorro Fishing boat - Pesquero Ketch - Queche Lifeboat - Menu. User. Sailing in Spain. Back Glossary of Spanish Sailing Terms. Posted on June 30, 2011 by SAMM.

  7. Boats and Ships / Los barcos

    Ship Names & Boat Names in Spanish! Learn different types of ships and types of boats in Spanish with pictures and examples to improve your vocabulary words about transportation. When talking about ships and boats, any Spanish speaker would easily be able to understand if you simply used the words ship and boat. However, there are multiple ...

  8. sailboat

    sailboat translations: velero [masculine, singular]. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary.

  9. sailboat in Spanish

    sailboat translate: barco de vela, velero [masculine, singular]. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary.

  10. sailboat

    Slovenian. Look up the English to Spanish translation of sailboat in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function.


    sailboat noun volume_up US /ˈseɪlˌboʊt/ • volume_up UK /ˈseɪlbəʊt/ (US) velero (masculine), barco de vela (masculine) Monolingual examples A total of 15 boats participated, including eight monohull and four multihull sailboats, and three powerboats. North American Stinchcomb, who has built more than 100 models, from sailboats to Trumpy yachts, won for this five-foot Coast Guard ...

  12. Translate "SAILBOAT" from English into Spanish

    May 05, 2024. May 04, 2024. English-Spanish translation of "SAILBOAT" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary with over 100,000 Spanish translations.

  13. BOAT

    BOAT translations: barca, bote, barco, buque, barco [masculine], barco [masculine]. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary.

  14. boat in Spanish

    Reverse translation for boat. barco - boat, ship. embarcación - boat, craft. bote - small boat, can, jar, jump, bounce, jail. barca - boat. transportar en barco. poner a bordo. How to say boat in Spanish - Translation of boat to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English - Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica.

  15. Spanish vocabulary PDF list Travelling by boat

    a boat: un barco: a steamboat: un barco de vapor: a container ship: un barco portacontenedores: a dinghy: un bote de remos: a lifeboat: un bote salvavidas, balsa: a ship, a vessel: un buque: a fishing boat: un buque de pesca: a catamaran: un catamarán: a lifejacket: un chaleco salvavidas: a cruise: un crucero: a logbook: un diario de a bordo ...

  16. Spanish translation of 'sailing boat'

    Spanish Translation of "SAILING BOAT" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. TRANSLATOR. LANGUAGE. ... This week's Spanish word is 'cura'. Find out its meaning and how it is used! May 1, 2024 Read more

  17. 60 Transportation Words in Spanish with Audio and Example ...

    Coche comes from Hungarian, kocsi, which was a four-wheeled wagon. Carro is derived from Latin carrus, which was a two-wheeled, horse-drawn chariot. Carro can also mean "wagon.". When it comes to their use, coche is the word you would use in Spain to mean "car.". Auto is understood but very seldom used, and carro is used to mean "cart ...

  18. Boat in Spanish

    bot. ) noun. 1. (nautical) a. el barco. Since we live on the coast, we're thinking about buying a boat.Como tenemos una casa en la costa, estamos pensando en comprarnos un barco. b. el bote (small) They rowed the boat toward shore, praying they would survive. Remaron el bote hacia la orilla, rezando por su supervivencia.

  19. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  20. Sail a boat in Spanish

    intransitive verb phrase. 1. (general) a. navegar en un barco. The marine biologists are sailing a boat around the world to study whales.Los biólogos marinos están navegando en un barco alrededor del mundo para estudiar las ballenas. b. navegar un barco. I have sailed a boat in a lake, but not in the ocean.He navegado un barco en un lago ...

  21. How to say sailboat in Spanish

    What's the Spanish word for sailboat? Here's a list of translations. Spanish Translation. velero. More Spanish words for sailboat. el velero noun. sailing ship, sailing boat, yacht, sailer, sailmaker. el barco de vela noun. sailboat.

  22. Today's NYT 'Connections' Hints And Answers For Tuesday, May 14

    Blue group — Spanish pronouns (ELLA, ME, SUS, YO) Purple group — slim ____ (FIT, JIM, PICKINGS, SHADY) It feels pretty good to get my first perfect game in a few days for back-to-back wins.

  23. SAILING BOAT in Spanish

    SAILING BOAT translate: barco de vela. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary.

  24. Spain warns small ships of possible orca run-ins after killer whale

    Spain warns small ships of possible orca run-ins after killer whale causes boat to sink An orca knocked a 50-foot boat in Moroccan waters several times, damaging its rudder and causing a leak.

  25. 3 Spaniards were among 6 people killed when gunmen opened fire in

    Taliban and Spanish officials say three Spanish citizens and three Afghans were killed when gunmen opened fire in central Afghanistan. ... Boat seized in fatal hit-and-run: FWC. May 15, 7:23 PM.

  26. Tom Cruise Shows Off Ripped Bod On Spanish Beach Amid New Film Talks

    Tom Cruise is looking damn good at 61 ... showing off his buff bod on a beach during a break from his hectic filming schedule, and possibly discussing even more flicks while there.. The movie star ...

  27. Boat in spanish

    Translate Boat in spanish. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.

  28. You don't want to buy a Staten Island Ferry boat. Just ask "SNL

    STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. - Sure, it sounds like a great idea. But you don't want to buy a Staten Island Ferry vessel. The city has offered the old Andrew J. Barberi ferryboat for sale at auction ...

  29. Killer whales ram and sink sailing yacht off Gibraltar coast

    Killer whales ram and sink sailing yacht off Gibraltar coast. The Alboran Cognac was rammed by an unknown number of orcas in the Strait of Gibraltar at around 9am local time on Sunday, the Spanish ...

  30. Ben Affleck 'house-hunting' in LA, according to real estate buzz

    Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce pose for loved-up pics, kiss on romantic boat ride in Italy This story has been shared 22,254 times. 22,254 Joy Behar warns Jennifer Lopez to keep her 'mouth shut ...