Yacht, IMO 9777668

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The current position of VOLPINI 2 is at West Mediterranean reported 1 min ago by AIS. The vessel VOLPINI 2 (IMO 9777668, MMSI 319134300) is a Yacht built in 2018 (6 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Cayman Islands .

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VOLPINI 2 current position and history of port calls are received by AIS. Technical specifications, tonnages and management details are derived from VesselFinder database. The data is for informational purposes only and VesselFinder is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of VOLPINI 2 data.

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What is the current position of volpini 2 right now ship volpini 2 is a pleasure craft ship waving the flag of cayman islands. vessel's imo number is 9777668, mmsi number is 319134300. the ship is 58 m long and having a beam of 10 m. live maps hereinunder show present location, next port of call, estimated (eta) and prediced time of arrival (pta), speed, course, draught, photos, videos, local time, utc time..

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The current position of VOLPINI 2 is in Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin with coordinates 43.22029° / 6.67310° as reported on 2024-05-27 07:37 by AIS to our vessel tracker app. The vessel's current speed is 0 Knots

The vessel VOLPINI 2 (IMO: 9777668, MMSI: 319134300) is a Pleasure Craft It's sailing under the flag of [KY] Cayman Is .

In this page you can find informations about the vessels current position, last detected port calls, and current voyage information. If the vessels is not in coverage by AIS you will find the latest position.

The current position of VOLPINI 2 is detected by our AIS receivers and we are not responsible for the reliability of the data. The last position was recorded while the vessel was in Coverage by the Ais receivers of our vessel tracking app.

The current draught of VOLPINI 2 as reported by AIS is 3.5 meters

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@media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference){.css-1kaqd4y{opacity:0;will-change:opacity;-webkit-transform:translateY( 1em );-moz-transform:translateY( 1em );-ms-transform:translateY( 1em );transform:translateY( 1em );}.css-1kaqd4y:not(.hidden .css-1kaqd4y){-webkit-animation:animation-1mi33xo;animation:animation-1mi33xo;-webkit-animation-duration:800ms;animation-duration:800ms;-webkit-animation-timing-function:ease-in-out;animation-timing-function:ease-in-out;-webkit-animation-fill-mode:forwards;animation-fill-mode:forwards;-webkit-animation-delay:var(--animation-delay);animation-delay:var(--animation-delay);}}@-webkit-keyframes animation-1mi33xo{from{opacity:0;-webkit-transform:translateY(1em);-moz-transform:translateY(1em);-ms-transform:translateY(1em);transform:translateY(1em);}to{opacity:1;-webkit-transform:translateY(0%);-moz-transform:translateY(0%);-ms-transform:translateY(0%);transform:translateY(0%);}}@keyframes animation-1mi33xo{from{opacity:0;-webkit-transform:translateY(1em);-moz-transform:translateY(1em);-ms-transform:translateY(1em);transform:translateY(1em);}to{opacity:1;-webkit-transform:translateY(0%);-moz-transform:translateY(0%);-ms-transform:translateY(0%);transform:translateY(0%);}} Trail blazer

VOLPINI 2 is a yacht of many ‘firsts’. She is the first build of Tim Heywood’s fabulous design for our Limited Editions range, the Amels 188, which later became the Amels 200. She is also the world’s first IMO Tier III compliant new build yacht and the first Amels Hybrid Power yacht. She was our first collaboration with Reymond Langton who created the interior design. But regardless of all her firsts, we are most proud of VOLPINI 2 being second – the second Amels yacht for her owner.

volpini 2 yacht location

213 MTs 2018 IMO 9777668 🇰🇾  Cayman Islands


The current position of VOLPINI 2 is at coordinates 43.2203 N / 6.6731 E , reported 33 minutes ago by AIS . The vessel is en route to the port of Long Beach and expected to arrive there on May 27, 9 AM .

The vessel VOLPINI 2 ( IMO: 9777668 , MMSI 319134300 ) was built in 2018 (5 years old) and is currently sailing under the flag of Cayman Islands .


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Volpini 2

Tiers of joy: On board Amels' 58 metre trailblazer Volpini 2

Faced with strict new Tier III regulations, Amels has embraced the future and created a clean, green trailblazer, as Marilyn Mower reports...

Most superyachts are the outcome of a design exercise. The 57.7 metre Volpini 2 , however, is the result of an unexpected convergence of a business plan and an environmental edict. In 2011 a globally mandated reduction in engine pollution known as IMO Tier II came into force. For large yachts, it required a simple enough switch to low-sulphur diesel fuel and perhaps a few tweaks to combustion. It also laid the groundwork for adopting the next stage in cleaning up maritime diesel emissions, a massive 70 per cent reduction in nitrogen oxide (NOx) gases, the main cause of smog and acid rain. This was slated to come into effect in 2016.

There was a collective gasp in shipping and yacht building. This next stage, Tier III, was not so simple: it would take more than improved fuel quality – the equipment for meeting this regulation did not exist. The response from some quarters and countries was to push for postponement of Tier III to 2021. Some yacht builders began laying extra keels so that the vessels that would eventually attach to them could be exempt (the regulation would apply only to keels laid after the date decided). Some stood on the sidelines unsure of what to do.

At Dutch builder Amels , the business focus in 2012 had turned to developing a new Limited Editions model, one that could fill a market gap between its 180 (at 55 metres and 671 gross tonnes) and the 199 (62.4 metres, with its scimitar bow and hefty 1,131 gross tonne volume). “We wanted to bring the feeling of space, refinement and many of the features of our larger yachts to the segment around 1,000 gross tonnage,” says Victor Caminada, Amels’ brand and communications manager, adding that initially at least the yard zeroed in on a boat of less than 60 metres, with moderate beam but a noticeable increase in interior space.

But then in 2014, just as yacht and shipbuilders had begun to think that an objection by Russia would effectively postpone Tier III implementation to 2021, a Danish compromise began to win international support, bringing the new NOx standards into play for all vessels over 500 gross tonnes with keels laid after 1 January 2016, but phased in through certain zones at first, notably both coasts – out to 200 nautical miles – of the US and the US Caribbean.

For Amels, it was clear that because of its begin-construction-in-advance business model, both design and technology needed to be worked on at the same time – and the subject would be its nascent 188. “It would make no sense to introduce the first Amels 188 and then on subsequent builds of the design to make drastic engineering changes to comply with the Tier III regulations,” says Caminada.

With the support of its giant shipbuilding parent company Damen , Amels set to work to make the new build Tier III compliant. That was easier said than done. “We discovered that the solution wasn’t just about engines or fuel or exhaust tubes or catalysts or scrubbers alone but about all of them working in tandem and seamlessly,” says Caminada. Individual OEMs could not introduce one component without knowing what other equipment would be in the system, nor could they design parts without knowing space constraints. “We had to get our arms around them and lead them to a solution together.”

While container ships and 100-metre-plus yachts may have room for huge exhaust catchment devices called scrubbers that capture and incinerate NOx and particulates, Amels chose another path to attain cleaner emissions. This was Selective Catalytic Reduction, an exhaust after-treatment methodology pioneered by the trucking industry. However, marine fuels, the much larger horsepower at play and the marine environment in general required new kit, says Caminada. The solution would require class approval, but there was no consensus on assessment and approval for that new equipment.

Proactively, Amels’ engineering department corralled its subcontractors – MTU, Veth and exhaust supplier Hug – plus the classification society Lloyd’s Register, to hammer out a solution. Confident that one could be found, Amels unveiled the design for the 188 at the Monaco show in September 2015 and laid the yacht’s keel before the end of that year. “Our head start through voluntary compliance explains how we were the first yacht builder to deliver a Tier III compliant yacht,” says Caminada.

It’s impossible to enter the Limited Editions 188’s engine room without noticing refrigerator-sized silver boxes wedged between the MTUs and the exhaust tubes. This is where the magic happens: a 40 per cent urea solution, also known as diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), is injected into hot exhaust gases from the gensets and main engines in the presence of a ceramic-based metal oxide catalyst. Here, the pollutant transforms into harmless nitrogen, water and minute amounts of CO2. The unavoidable size of the catalytic converters and the urea tank (in this case 2,000 litres) led me to ask exterior stylist Tim Heywood whether Tier III equipment necessitated a change in his design.

“Not at all,” he says. “From the beginning, we wanted to create a boat with high ceilings – 2.2 metres on all decks – and a fifth tank deck for extensive provisioning. Amels gave me the blocks of space for the luxury interior area and the machinery spaces and it was my job to create a flowing line over them while keeping the profile as low as possible.”

Heywood has penned the “flowing lines” of every Limited Editions exterior since day one. The 188 is his sixth design for the range – and Amels has since confirmed that all future 188 hulls will be stretched to 60 metres, with most of that extra space going to the beach club and stern. “No other designer has gotten so much freedom as I have with Amels. I’ve had such pleasure working with them,” Heywood says.

In listening to him talk about the styling features of the boat, it becomes apparent that he also appreciated the intellectual exercise of working out tricky design to make the yacht work as smoothly as it looks. In fact, some things that look like styling features are engineering solutions, such as the curved buttresses holding up the deck overhangs that also conceal ducting and deck drains, and stacking the aft deck staircases to preserve space while at the same time creating a little drama with stainless-steel supports and handrails.

“Each of the editions is unique, but you can tell it’s from the same hand,” says Heywood. Yes, but Heywood pushed the 188 in a slightly different direction. It emulates the style of the 199 series, which Heywood says is his favourite, but while the 188 could be built with a similar scimitar bow, hull No 1 at least has the same flared bow as most of its stablemates. What it doesn’t have are the characteristic, almost signature, Heywood wing stations. Instead, the exterior is smooth with curves and twists subtly inboard and expressed on such things as the bowed support columns aft, the form of the owner’s suite windows and the dynamic mast. The wing stations are neatly tucked inboard on the Portuguese bridge while a subtle bulge or eyebrow on the side of the deck above gives slight cover to anyone who might be using them.

In profile, the Amels 188 has a sporty look. The downward slope of the main deck bulwarks towards the stern pairs with the side deck fashion plates sweeping up and transitioning to the overhead on the bridge and sundecks, creating an arrow form. This motion is accented by sleek railings that angle outward at the stern. “In all my work I draw on the natural world as an inspiration and it can be remarkable to see that materialise,” says Heywood. “In fact, my partner, Vanessa, was very observant when she mentioned how my drawings [for this yacht] resembled a cruising swan ruffling its wings.”

The sportier look to the 188’s profile is carried into the interior as well. Amels held a competition for the interior design of the spec yacht, providing firms with a basic GA featuring a large folding balcony in the owner’s suite, a lift and central stairway, interior access to the stern beach club and a VIP suite on the bridge deck. Reymond Langton , a design firm that had not worked with the yard before, impressed the builder with an “inspirational” and highly detailed design and a “level of refinement more common on 70-metre yachts”, says Caminada. Amels proposed Reymond Langton’s renderings at that 2015 Monaco Yacht Show and, after receiving positive feedback from clients, decided to build the interior according to the studio’s concept.

“I begin designs with the lower deck – that is the start, the heart of the boat,” says Pascale Reymond. “Amels said they wanted something different, more sporty. We were not told a specific budget but they asked me to be sensible. I asked if I could use certain stones and you will see they agreed,” she says, pointing out the Crema Marfil marble, green onyx, Azul Cielo from Brazil, white Thassos and white, grey and gold Calacatta marble on our tour.

On the lower deck are four cabins off a fore and aft corridor at the bottom of a sweeping column of oak stairs that sets a new standard for indirect lighting. The treads are lit underneath as is common, but the steps themselves don’t quite meet the surrounding walls, allowing light to escape and softly wash the leather wall surface. It’s a lighting design theme that repeats throughout the yacht. Walls appear not to touch ceilings and cabinets so that light spills through the gaps, creating shadows and shapes and the illusion of even more space. In the owner’s office, leather wrapped walls are opened to create interesting pockets of light. The floating ceilings add layers. Leather – the main suppliers of which are Foglizzo, Sinn Living and Studioart – covers many of the interior surfaces as well as bedside tables and headboards, showcasing a double stitch trim detail.

Just as Heywood hid drainpipes and ductwork outside, Reymond Langton hid features such as doorways, lamps, televisions and wardrobes inside. It brings a sense of calmness to the spaces, as does the absence of any gloss lacquer. As previously suggested, this yacht, as the first of the range, was started on spec. In September 2017, less than a year before its anticipated delivery date, an owner stepped forward to claim the yacht as his own. Interestingly, it wasn’t the boat’s environmental advances that attracted him at first, but the lift that connects the three interior decks with the sundeck. He was the owner of a 49.3-metre Amels custom built in 2004 as  Larissa , which he bought on the brokerage market in 2014, refitted and renamed  Volpini , which means “little fox” in Italian. By sheer coincidence, both Reymond and her partner Andrew Langton worked on the Larissa project while they were in the employ of that yacht’s principal designer, Donald Starkey .

When the owner stepped into the 188 project, the designers and shipyard prepared themselves for design tweaks. “That is always quite a nervous time for designers; you worry if they are going to want to change wood or colours or reject your work entirely,” Reymond says. “Their old  Volpini  was quite classic.”

The nerves were all for naught as the new owners of what is now  Volpini 2  embraced the light taupe colour scheme with its splashes of blue and aqua recalling the sea. The only structural change requested was to remove the wall and door between the owner’s sitting room on starboard and bedroom on port. Now bookcases with open shelving are all that divide the space, allowing the light from the open balcony to grace the bedroom as well. In the adjoining office, dark wood and leather furniture by Minotti creates a distinctive look. Emanuela Chirieleison, from Reymond Langton’s team, worked with the owners to manage the interior changes and accessorise the boat.

In the months since her launch and delivery,  Volpini 2 ’s owners cruised the Med extensively , enough for the yacht’s chief engineer, Paul Vickery, to get a handle on how the hybrid electrical system, a first for Amels, and the emissions reduction package were working. Vickery kept extensive records on the exhaust output with and without the catalytic converter in operation at various loads and engine temperatures. He showed me tables reflecting reduction in NOx with the catalytic system in use. “Here’s one run with the exhaust entering the catalytic chamber at 647ppm of NOx and leaving the chamber at 66ppm. That’s a 90 per cent reduction in my book. We are only required to use it in America now, and soon the Baltic, but for the good it does, it’s definitely worth the engine room space and I plan to use it as much as possible.” The urea tankage on  Volpini 2  allows for 1,500 nautical miles of NOx-reduced cruising, although Amels says it has room to fit enough storage for a 5,000 nautical mile range. “If it [DEF] was accessible, I’d use it all the time,” he says, noting that the fluid was difficult to find in the Med last summer. “We shipped it in from Germany.”

Amels also undertook to reduce total power consumption aboard the yacht, “as part of a focus on sustainability and lowering the cost of ownership”, it says. The builder analysed fleet data from existing Limited Editions yachts to create a holistic approach with waste heat recovery, dividing auxiliary power generation into one large and one small genset, and adding a compact (56kWh) battery bank for peak load shaving and shedding. The system, developed by Amels and Alewijnse Marine, works in the background to manage hotel loads, automatically adjusting the balance of engines and battery power. The system is expected to save, conservatively, €100,000 in operating costs per year.

Volpini 2 ’s captain, Nathan McFadyen, says: “In eight weeks’ cruising this summer we noticed that we have about the same fuel consumption on  Volpini 2  as on our previous yacht, despite the new yacht being significantly [about 50 per cent by volume] larger.” I guess you could say that  Volpini 2  is helping to preserve the environment by being a little foxy.

First published in the January 2019 edition of Boat International .

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VOLPINI 2 (IMO 9777668 ) - Yacht

What are volpini 2 ship details.

VOLPINI 2 (IMO: 9777668) is a Yacht registered and sailing under the flag of Cayman Islands . Her gross tonnage is 979 and deadweight is 0 . VOLPINI 2 was built in 2018 . VOLPINI 2 length overall (LOA) is 57.7 m, beam is 10.2 m. Her container capacity is 0 TEU. The ship is operated by SYM EURL .

Where is VOLPINI 2 current position?

VOLPINI 2 current position is received by AIS and displayed on next chart by using of VesselFinder services.

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All details and current position are for informational purposes and VesselTracking is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of VOLPINI 2 data values.

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VOLPINI 2 Yacht, IMO 9777668

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VOLPINI 2 current position is received by AIS. Ship info reports, fleet analysis, company analyses, address analyses, technical specifications, tonnages, management details, addresses, classification society data and all other relevant statistics are derived from Marine Vessel Traffic database. The data is for informational purposes only and Marine Vessel Traffic is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of data reported above herein.

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Amels delivers brand new 58m superyacht ‘Volpini 2’

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By Oliver Pearson   3 July 2018

The very first Amels 188 to be delivered, the arrival of the 58m/189ft motor yacht ‘Volpini 2’ is sure to cause a sensation out on the water this summer.

First announced at the Monaco Yacht Show back in 2015, and launched this April, the delivery of superyacht Volpini 2 has certainly been met with a high degree of excitement.

Boasting a 30 square metre beach club with its own gymnasium and steam room, as well as a wealth of other exciting features, her owner will have a wealth of opportunities at their disposal, wherever they decide to cruise.

With exteriors styled by Tim Heywood Design and interiors imagined by Reymond Langton Design, Volpini 2 is an effortless masterclass style sure to impress any who see her out during her inaugural season.

The sundeck of superyacht 'Volpini 2'

Stretching over four decks, the vast exterior space includes a sundeck equipped with a Jacuzzi as well as a variety of al fresco dining areas.

The artful placement of large windows also means that her modern looking interior is flooded with natural light to complete the relaxing ambience on offer.

Along with an 80 square metres owner’s cabin, Volpini 2 also includes a VIP suite on the bridge deck and two doubles and two twins. Altogether, this configuration sleeps up to 12 guests at one time.

Currently making a passage for Gibraltar, Volpini 2 is unquestionably one of the most modern motor yachts sure to impress this summer.

From the sunpad surrounded Jacuzzi to the invitingly intimate beach club, superyacht Volpini 2 abounds with options for her owner

Superyacht Volpini 2 at night

Whilst M/Y ‘Volpini 2’ is not expected to be available to charter, be sure to view and compare all Amels yachts for charter .

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Volpini 2

58m Amels 2018



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If you have any questions about the VOLPINI 2 information page below please contact us .

Measuring 57,70m (188’) motor yacht VOLPINI 2 is the first AMELS 188 vessel, designed by Tim Heywood and launched by the Dutch shipyard AMELS. She belongs to the yard’s Limited Editions series, recognisable exterior lines and innovative features. Her interiors, designed by Redmond Langton accommodate up to 12 guests in 6 suites. She has a crew of 13.

NOTABLE ~ innovative design ~ new high-tech switchboard system ~ huge beach club ~ gymnasiums ~ sauna ~ Turkish shower ~ full-beam master suite with fold-down balcony ~ Jacuzzi onboard ~ multiple areas for dining and relaxation

Video of Volpini 2

VOLPINI 2 features beautiful and spacious interiors by Reymond Langton Design. She has a large 30 square-metre beach club that incorporates a wellness centre, a gymnasium, sauna and Turkish steam shower. The popular Jacuzzi is located on the upper deck surrounded by sun pads.

VOLPINI 2 Specifications

Luxury motor yacht volpini 2 in italy.

With 970GT, this high volume superyacht brings together innovative solutions such as hybrid electrical power and the futuristic switchboard system. VOLPINI 2 reaches a top speed of 15.5 knots and has a range of 4500 nautical miles. Volpini 2 is the first IMO Tier III compliant vessel.

Yacht Accommodation

Accommodation aboard VOLPINI 2 spreads over 6 beautifully appointed cabins, including the full-beam master suite of 80 square metres with a fold-out balcony and sliding doors for privacy. There is a crew of 13, including a captain, also accommodated on board.

Amenities and Extras

We do have available further amenity, owner and price information for the 57.70m (188') yacht VOLPINI 2, so please enquire for more information.

VOLPINI 2 Disclaimer:

The luxury yacht VOLPINI 2 displayed on this page is merely informational and she is not necessarily available for yacht charter or for sale, nor is she represented or marketed in anyway by CharterWorld. This web page and the superyacht information contained herein is not contractual. All yacht specifications and informations are displayed in good faith but CharterWorld does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the current accuracy, completeness, validity, or usefulness of any superyacht information and/or images displayed. All boat information is subject to change without prior notice and may not be current.

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"Since yacht design is highly competitive, you could be forgiven for thinking that there might be some animosity between designers. But that notion is far from reality. I am blessed with being able to count on some of the world’s leading designers as close friends, among them Tim Heywood, with whom we have collaborated on various large motor yacht projects, including the award winners Pelorus, Ice and Kogo." - "Creatively, Tim is afraid of nothing and will often conceptualise ideas that bewilder shipyards." - Terence Disdale speaking of Tim Heywood, the designer of this yacht.

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Volpini 2 Is a First for Amels

The 188-foot volpini 2 is not only the first amels 188 limited editions launch, but also the first new superyacht ever to be tier iii emissions compliant., geri ward's most recent stories.

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Amels 188 Volpini 2 superyacht

An experienced Amels owner has taken delivery of Volpini 2 , the first 188-foot Limited Editions yacht incorporating Amels ’ first hybrid power configuration. The Dutch yard also said the Amels 118 Volpini 2 is the first new yacht ever to be Tier III compliant under new emissions standards developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Beyond being green, the yacht has a beautiful exterior design by Tim Heywood, with interiors by UK design firm Reymond Langton. Amels gave the yacht a 35-foot beam to increase interior volume, while designing high ceilings to accentuate the sense of open space. The yacht’s owner’s suite features a folding balcony that measures an impressive 130 square feet, but the six guest suites are also special, particularly the private VIP suite on the bridge deck. Volpini 2 accommodates a total of 12 guests and 12 crew plus a captain.

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A sundeck skylounge can be accessed by either a central staircase or the yacht’s elevator. The beach club on the lower deck has its own wellness center, with an interior stairway leading up to the main saloon.

Amels 188 Volpini 2 superyacht

Amels 188 Volpini 2 delivery.  Photo: Courtesy Amels

“This design is an important milestone for us,” says Hans Konings, Amels’ design manager. “We’re very proud of the technological innovations that have gone into its design. It’s the culmination of the188 research and development that we started in 2014.”

The true bragging rights are indeed meeting Tier III emissions standards before any other superyacht builder. The standards require a 70-percent reduction in NOX emissions on new motor yachts over 500 gross tonnes with a keel laid after 2015. Amels’ hybrid system combines energy from heat recovery, a battery bank, and a “father-and-son” generator configuration to increase efficiency and reduce emissions. “What began as a challenge for our industry just a few years ago is now becoming standard practice—to the benefit of our environment,” says Konings.

Volpini 2 has a top speed of 15.5 knots and a range of 4,500 nautical miles at 13 knots.

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Photos: $1 million luxury sport yacht sinks off florida coast, 2 rescued.

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Two people were rescued just before a million-dollar luxury 80-foot sport yacht sank off the coast of Florida Saturday, the U.S. Coast Guard said.

The incident was reported just after 11:35 a.m. about 3 miles off St. Augustine Beach, Florida, a news release from the Coast Guard said.

The operator of the Atlantis, an 80-foot sport yacht, said their vessel struck an object in the water and was sinking, officials said.

Coast Guard Station Mayport sent a boat crew to assist. The Coast Guard also coordinated with St. John’s County Fire and Rescue, which soon arrived and plucked both people from the yacht with no injuries.

Yacht sinking off St. Augustine Beach

The Atlantis yacht appears to be a 1999 or early 2000s model of the Sunseeker Predator 80. A larger Sunseeker Predator – with the very unique appearance — was featured in the 2006 James Bond film Casino Royale.

A 2001 Predator that is 5 feet shorter than Atlantis, which sank Saturday, is listed for sale for $975,000.

Sunseeker Predator 80 yacht, built in the United Kingdom, can accommodate up to 6 guests in 4 staterooms, with 2 crew members aboard.

Atlantis has two Caterpillar diesel engines and can reach a top speed of 44 kn or 50 mph, according to data from Boat International.

A data sheet about Atlantis says the vessel is in the top 5 percent by speed in the world.

Yacht sinking off St. Augustine Beach

After Saturday’s rescue, a hazard to navigation was broadcast to alert mariners of the yacht, which could cause damage to other vessels, according to the Coast Guard.

The owner of the Atlantis will arrange for a salvage of the vessel, the Coast Guard said.

The cause of the incident is under investigation.


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    Two people were rescued just before a million-dollar luxury 80-foot sport yacht sank off the coast of Florida Saturday, the U.S. Coast Guard said. The incident was reported just after 11:35 a.m ...