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The Royal Yacht Britannia Has a Fascinating History—Here's Everything You Should Know

It doesn't get more majestic than Queen Elizabeth II's yacht.

“Britannia is special for a number of reasons,” Prince Phillip once said. “Almost every previous sovereign has been responsible for building a church, a castle, a palace or just a house. The only comparable structure in the present reign is Britannia. As such she is a splendid example of contemporary British design and technology.”

Although she retired from service in 1997, today the Britannia, one of many of the world's grandest yachts , is docked in Edinburgh, where she is open as a visitors’ attraction and host of private events. Below we give you all the Royal Yacht Britannia facts you might want to know, from who owns the yacht now to why she was decommissioned to how fast she is to how to get tickets to visit. Britannia was, after all, the one place the queen said she could “truly relax,” so why not see why for yourself?

queen royal yacht britannia in usa

Royal Yacht Britania Facts and History

On February 4, 1952, John Brown & Co shipyard in Clydebank, Scotland, received the order from the Admiralty to build a new Royal Yacht to travel the globe and double as a hospital ship in times of war, according to the royal yacht's website . King George VI passed away two days after, sadly, and so on April 16, 1953, the newly crowned Queen Elizabeth II announced the yacht’s new name as the ship was revealed.

"I name this ship Britannia,” she said. “I wish success to her and all who sail in her." Britannia was commissioned into the Royal Navy in January 1954 and by April of that year sailed into her first overseas port: Grand Harbour, Malta.

royal yacht britannia facts staircase

The queen and The Duke of Edinburgh worked with interior designer Sir Hugh Casson for the ship to serve as both a functional Royal Navy vessel and an elegant royal residence. Queen Elizabeth II selected deep blue for Britannia’s hull, instead of the more traditional black. Its Naval crew included 220 Yachtsmen, 20 officers, and three season officers—plus a Royal Marines Band of 26 men during Royal Tours.

All of them might have had to change uniform up to six times a day, so the laundry service on board worked nonstop. The yacht also engaged in British overseas trade missions known as Sea Days and made an estimated £3 billion for the Exchequer between 1991 and 1995 alone.

royal yacht britannia facts drawing room

The ship’s wheel was taken from King Edward VII’s racing yacht, also named Britannia, according to Boat International , and the 126-meter ship could reach speeds of 22.75 knots, or a seagoing cruising speed of 21 knots, according to Super Yacht Times . Other fun facts: The yacht could produce her own fresh water from sea water, and shouting was forbidden aboard to preserve tranquility, favoring hand signals for Naval orders instead.

royal yacht britannia facts dining room

Over the next 44 years, the Britannia would sail the equivalent of once around the world for each year, in total visiting 600 ports in 135 countries. Princess Margaret and Anthony Armstrong-Jones were the first of four couples to honeymoon on the ship in 1960, gifting them all privacy to sail to secluded locations. Prince Charles and Princess Diana followed in 1981 on the Mediterranean as well as Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips before them in 1973 in the Caribbean and Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson in 1986 in the Azores.

diana and william

For family vacations aboard the ship, games, treasure hunts, plays, and picnics were organized, and on warm days the children could play in an inflatable paddling pool on the Verandah Deck.

royal yacht britannia facts sun lounge

In the Sun Lounge, the queen especially enjoyed taking breakfast and afternoon tea with views through large picture windows, a space you can see replicated in the TV show The Crown. Although no filming took place on board the Britannia for the show, researchers ensured scenes aboard it were accurate. In the queen’s bedroom, the resemblance is seen down to the decorative wall light fittings and embroidered silk panel above her bed that had been specially commissioned.

queen crying at britannia

In 1997, the ship was decommissioned after the government decided the costs to refit it would be too great. On its final day in her service that followed a farewell tour around the U.K., the queen openly wept as the Band of HM Royal Marines played "Highland Cathedral."

"Looking back over 44 years we can all reflect with pride and gratitude upon this great ship which has served the country, the Royal Navy and my family with such distinction," Queen Elizabeth II said. All clocks on the ship stopped at 15:01, the exact time the Queen disembarked from the yacht for the final time, and they would remain at that time until the present.

royal yacht britannia facts clock

How to Tour the Royal Yacht Britania

Today the yacht is owned by Royal Yacht Britannia Trus t, and all revenue it generates goes to the yacht’s maintenance and preservation. Ticketed entry allows you to step into state rooms like the Sun Lounge, the State Dining Room and State Drawing Room, in addition to the working side of the ship in the Crew’s Quarters, Laundry and gleaming Engine Room. Along the way you will see original artifacts from the shop—95 percent of which is on loan from The Royal Collection.

the royal yacht britannia

How to Visit the Royal Britania

You can visit the Britannia any day of the year on Edinburgh’s waterfront. Hours vary by season, and you can find them listed and purchase tickets on the yacht’s website . Private tours are also available, and you can visit the Royal Deck Tearoom, where the Royal Family hosted cocktail parties and receptions, for drinks, meals and scones. Additionally, the Britannia hosts special ticketed events for New Year’s and other occasions, and event spaces can be booked as well.

While you are in Edinburgh, you can also stay on the Fingal , a neighboring yacht-turned-floating-hotel, which is a seven-minute walk from the Britannia, and dine at its Lighthouse Restaurant & Bar, which serves breakfast, afternoon tea, dinner, and cocktails.

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Sailing Yacht Britannia

In April 1893, some 20 years into G. L. Watson ’s trail blazing career, the royal sailing yacht  Britannia was launched. The prestige associated with this order from the Price of Wales, Britannia’s revolutionary design, enduring beauty, speed and a 43 year career in the ownerships of King Edward VII and King George V have all contributed to the Britannia legend.

The Royal sailing yacht Britannia racing Career

Britannia was built at D&W Henderson’s shipyard on the Clyde alongside her near sister, the America’s Cup challenger Valkyrie II . Her spoon bow was controversial and Watson was initially condemned for experimenting on such a prestigious commission, but it was not long before her admirable qualities were recognised and the perfection of hull form became known as the ‘ Britannia ideal’.

In the great season of 1893, Britannia acted as a trial horse for America’s Cup challenger Valkyrie II and saw off the challenge of the Herreshoff designed Navahoe to dominate racing in British waters. The following year when America’s Cup victor Vigilant raced in Britain in what was mooted as a re-run of the America’s Cup races, Britannia dominated; upholding British racing prowess after the loss of Valkyrie II .

The introduction of a new rating rule in 1896 gave Watson the opportunity to out-design Britannia , but the arrival of the Kaiser’s Meteor II killed off both the King’s pleasure and his prospects of winning. In 1898 Edward VII sold Britannia , but soon regretted it and by 1902 she was back in his ownership and once again became a regular sight on the British regatta circuit. Inherited by George V in 1910, Britannia was updated and again raced successfully in the British Big Class. The lead provided by George V in fitting out Britannia for the 1920 season re-established the Big Class in the aftermath of World War I and paved the way for the likes of Cambria , Astra and the J Class.

Conversion to J-Class

Following Watson’s early death in 1904, all leading British yacht designers were involved in the regular updating of the royal sailing yacht  Britannia . In 1930 it was Charles E. Nicholson ’s turn and he designed what remains the world’s tallest wooden mast for her. In 1931 Britannia emerged rejuvenated to race competitively with the J Class against which she would add a further 15 firsts to her racing record.

Britannia’s last season was the summer of 1935, when the American J Class Yankee visited British waters, in what was the last great flourishing of Big Class racing. Then with the King’s health failing she was withdrawn from racing and on 10th July 1936 her great career came to an end. As per the dying wishes of George V, she was towed out to St. Catherine’s Deep off the Isle of Wight and scuttled.

Although not a sailor, King Edward VIII fully appreciated the affection that surrounded Britannia and after she was scuttled, he commanded that G. L. Watson & Co. be presented with a memento of what remains the most successful racing yacht of all time. This souvenir of Britannia is held in the G.L. Watson Archive together with the original drawings.

G.L. Watson & Co. Ltd. 20-23 Woodside Place, Glasgow G3 7QL, Scotland

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Secrets of the Royal Yacht Britannia

Town & Country took a tour of the famous vessel which served the royal family for more than 40 years and has reopened as a tourist attraction.

the royal yacht britannia

Wondering about the royal family's yacht as you watch this season of The Crown ? In light of its appearance on the Netflix series, we're resurfacing this story from 2021 :

While plans to build a successor to boost Britain’s trade continue to attract criticism, Britannia is once again attracting hordes of visitors after being forced to close because of COVID-19. And it’s no surprise, because from being able to look right into the Queen’s bedroom to learning about what life was like for the up to 220 yachtsmen on board, this is a boat with some fascinating stories to tell.

Town & Country went aboard to learn the secrets of this much-loved vessel. Here’s our pick of the best royal tales.

the royal yacht britannia is now open to visitors again following covid19 closures

The ship was altered with royal skirts in mind.

Many photographs of the Royal Yacht Britannia show the family waving from the Royal Bridge as the vessel departed from or arrived at its destination. And the bow of the ship was specially adapted to make sure these public moments did not reveal more than was intended. “The curved teak windbreak was a later feature, added for modesty’s sake, to prevent sea breezes from lifting royal skirts,” visitors to Britannia are told.

britannia exterior

It was a struggle to get the royal car on board.

When the 412-ft yacht was built in 1953, it was considered important that it had a garage to house the Queen’s Rolls Royce. However, getting the car on board was no easy feat. “First, the car, in its transporter, had to be hoisted onto the special track that is fitted into the deck. Even then, it could only be squeezed into the Garage by removing its bumpers,” Britannia’s guide notes. Thankfully, in later years the Queen usually traveled in a car from the country she was visiting which meant that the garage was eventually used as a beer store.

crown binnacle

Britannia was designed to avoid any peeking into the royal bedrooms.

Now, visitors to Britannia get a full view of the Queen and Prince Philip’s (separate) bedrooms, albeit through glass. However, when the ship was in use it was important that no-one could peek into these rooms. Pointing out that the windows looking into these areas are “higher than anywhere else on the Yacht,” Britannia’s guide explains: “By placing them at this height above the deck, any accidental glimpses into the royal bedrooms could be prevented.”

staff cubbies

There were lots of people on board—but not everyone traveled in style.

One of the most fascinating things about touring the yacht is looking into the living quarters—from the relatively luxurious rooms of the Queen and Prince Philip and the ship’s Admiral, to the officers’ comfortable sitting room and dining room, to the approximately 220 yachtsmen who lived, slept, and worked, as the guide describes “in fairly cramped conditions.” Tourists are told: “Britannia was a ship in which hierarchy was strongly defined.” And there were plenty of people to accommodate. Some 45 working members of the royal household accompanied the Queen on her overseas visits.


The Queen favored neutrals while Philip liked darker colors.

As the yacht was build with their use in mind, the Queen and Prince Philip both had a say in the ship’s design and as such, it gives a some insight into their taste. The Queen’s (single) bed has a specially-commissioned embroidered silk panel above it, and her room is decorated in pale and neutral colors. By contrast, Philip’s room features vibrant maroon linen and curtains and, at his request, his pillows, unlike the Queen’s “do not have lace on the borders.”

sundeck room

There is only one double bed.

The honeymoon suite on the yacht is opposite the Queen and Philip’s bedrooms. “This is the only room on Britannia with a double bed which was brought on board by Prince Charles when he honeymooned on the Yacht with Princess Diana,” tourists are told. “When the Royal Children were small, this bedrooms and the adjoining room were used as nursery suites.”

dining table

The royal children liked to eat jelly on board.

Food on board Britannia was prepared in three galleys—one for the yachtsmen, one for the officers and one for the royal household. Buckingham Palace chefs were flown out to prepare royal food and there was a room that, according to Britannia’s guide, was known as the Jelly Room “for it was in here that the royal children’s jellies were stored.”

dining room

There is a dance floor that hasn’t been used for 50 years.

The largest room on Britannia is the State Dining Room where lavish banquets were held. It could also be used as a cinema room. “The silver-grey carpet could also be rolled up to expose a wooden dance floor beneath, although the last time this was used was for Princess Anne’s 21st birthday celebrations,” the guide notes.

naval flags

Prince Philip kept a reminder of his naval career in his office.

Just like their separate bedrooms, the Queen and Philip had separate offices on board Britannia. Philip’s had a “specially designed display case,” the ship’s guide notes, in which he kept “a model of HMS Magpie, His Royal Highness’s first naval command.” The Duke of Edinburgh famously gave up his active naval career in 1951 to support his wife in her duties when King George VI’s health was ailing.

drawing room

The ship was ready for stormy seas.

The royal family and their guests relaxed in the drawing room, which featured a grand piano. The instrument was played by members of the family and even some of their famous guests, including composer Noel Coward. “The Welmar baby grand piano cost £350 when it was supplied in 1952, and is firmly bolted to the deck to stop it taking off in choppy seas,” tourists are told.

queen in turkey

Once the royal laundry turned blue.

Walking through the laundry at the end of the tour provides an insight into what was once a “hot and noisy environment.” Some 600 shirts could pass through the laundry in one day, with the royal family’s washing done on separate days to that of the crew. Britannia’s audio guide recounts “one occasion when the royal washing turned a delicate shade of blue, and Her Majesty’s Dresser was less than amused. The cause, it turned out, was a chemical reaction in the copper pipes, which was quickly remedied by adjusting the pH value of the water.”

laundry room

For more information and to book tickets visit

preview for The Life of Queen Elizabeth II

Town & Country Contributing Editor Victoria Murphy has reported on the British Royal Family since 2010. She has interviewed Prince Harry and has travelled the world covering several royal tours. She is a frequent contributor to Good Morning America. Victoria authored Town & Country book The Queen: A Life in Pictures , released in 2021. 

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The Royal Yacht Britannia

Experience Tripadvisor's Best UK Attraction 2023. Follow in the footsteps of Royalty and explore this floating Royal residence with a fascinating audio tour of five decks (available in over 30 languages).

Tripadvisor's Best UK Attraction 2023, Best UK Attraction (Which magazine readers) and Tripadvisor Travellers' Choice Best of the Best award winner 

Visit this award-winning attraction, just two miles from Edinburgh's city centre at Ocean Terminal.  The Royal Yacht Britannia played host to some of the world’s most famous people, from Nelson Mendela to Winston Churchill, but above all was home for the British Royal Family for over 40 years. Now you can discover the heart and soul of this most special of Royal residences.

You'll receive a truly warm welcome at Britannia's Visitor Centre before you board this famous ship where you will discover the history of Royal Yachts and view displays and historical photographs of Britannia's fascinating past before boarding Queen Elizabeth II's former floating palace.

What will you see?

  • Tour Britannia’s five decks
  • Feel like the captain of the ship in the Bridge
  • Follow in the footsteps of Royalty through the State Apartments
  • See Queen Elizabeth II's favourite room- the Sun Lounge
  • Discover below decks in the Crew’s Quarters
  • Admire a tour highlight, the gleaming Engine Room
  • Take in the Royal Sailing Exhibition
  • Enjoy soups, sandwiches, cakes and scones in the Royal Deck Tearoom and admire the stunning waterfront views.

The tour is available in:

  • Audio handset tour, available in over 30 languages
  • Children’s audio tour
  • Audio tour for those with sight loss
  • ASL and BSL tablet
  • Braille script ​​​​​​ ​​​​​

Complete the Britannia experience with a visit to the  Gift Shop in Ocean Terminal, where you’ll find exclusive Britannia souvenirs, china, toys, gifts and nautical items.

Berthed just moments away, Britannia's sister ship, floating hotel Fingal, offers 22 luxurious cabins inspired by the former Northern Lighthouse Board tender's rich maritime heritage. For further information, visit Fingal's website .


-  All weather experience -  Highly accessible for wheelchair users, single buggies and those with limited mobility. Read our accessibility statement here . -  Free Annual Pass for 12 months admission included -  The entrance to Britannia is temporarily on the Ground Floor of Ocean Terminal shopping centre.

How to get here?

By tram: Take the tram to stop 'Ocean Terminal' (Newhaven direction).

By bus:  Regal Tour Bus and Lothian Buses 10, 16, 34 and 35 run from the city centre towards Ocean Terminal. Majestic Tour buses depart regularly from Waterloo Place / St Andrew Square in the centre of Edinburgh. The Majestic Tour is operated by Edinburgh Bus Tours .

By train:  Arrive in the city centre at Edinburgh Waverley Train Station, just 2 miles from Britannia. 

By car: Follow signs to Edinburgh and Leith or North Edinburgh. Then follow brown tourist signs for Britannia. Free car parking at Ocean Terminal (level C is nearest). For satnav our postcode is EH6 6JJ. Go inside the shopping centre for Britannia’s entrance and the start of the tour. By plane: Britannia is approximately 40 minutes’ drive from Edinburgh Airport.

For further information on finding Britannia, please see here .  


Please check the Britannia website for full opening times and prices. EVENING EVENTS Exclusive dinners and receptions can be hosted on board. Call our events team on +44 (0) 131 555 8800 and see how we can create your event of a lifetime, or visit the events section of our website .

PRIVATE TOURS A private tour on board The Royal Yacht Britannia is an exclusive experience, giving you access to Britannia’s five decks, and a unique insight into the history of the Royal Yacht and how the Royal Family and crew lived and worked on board. Both Morning and Evening tours are available. Call our events team on +44 (0) 131 555 8800 or for more information visit click here . PRESERVING BRITANNIA Britannia is cared for by The Royal Yacht Britannia Trust , a self-funding charity registered in Scotland (SC028070). By visiting Britannia you will be helping us to preserve this important piece of history for future generations. See our reviews on Tripadvisor Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Pinterest Follow us on Instagram

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Where is the Royal Yacht Britannia and why was it decommissioned?

staats yacht britannia

Queen Elizabeth’s farewell to the Royal Yacht in 1997 was one of the only occasions in her 70-year-reign that Her Majesty publicly shed a tear.

Almost 25 years ago, HMY Britannia left Portsmouth for a farewell tour around the UK . It went to six major ports across the UK, including Glasgow.

Why was the Royal Yacht Britannia decommissioned and where is it today?

Why was it decommissioned?

The Royal Yacht was decommissioned in 1994 by John Major’s Government because “the costs were too great”, according to the official website.

The decision was made after the Royal Yacht was used for a long and successful journey spanning 44 years and travelling more than one million miles across the globe.

The issue of a new royal yacht became a political issue in the run-up to the 1997 General Election, when the new Labour Government came into power.

After the election, Tony Blair’s Government confirmed in October 1997 there would be no replacement for Britannia.

It marked the end of a long tradition of British royal yachts, dating back to 1660 and the reign of Charles II.

Where is the HMY Britannia?

Britannia is permanently berthed at Ocean Terminal, Leith, in Edinburgh, Scotland .

Today, the Royal yacht is open to curious visitors and welcomes more than 300,000 visits each year.

Britannia was launched in 1953 from the John Brown and Company shipyard in Clydebank, Scotland .

Its purpose was to serve the Royal Family and it was the first to be built with complete ocean-going capacity, designed as a royal residence to entertain guests around the world.

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For more than 44 years, it travelled more than one million miles with Her Majesty for state visits, official receptions, royal honeymoons, and relaxing family holidays.

Britannia quickly became one of the most famous ships in the world and now stands as a majestic symbol of Great Britain.

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The History Hit Miscellany of Facts, Figures and Fascinating Finds

  • 20th Century

10 Facts About Royal Yacht Britannia

staats yacht britannia

Peta Stamper

28 nov 2022.

staats yacht britannia

The 83rd and last in a long line of royal yachts, HMY Britannia has become one of the most famous ships in the world. Now permanently moored at Edinburgh’s Port of Leith, the floating palace is a visitor attraction welcoming some 300,000 people aboard each year.

For Queen Elizabeth II, Britannia was the ideal residence for state visits and peaceful royal family holidays and honeymoons. For the British public, Britannia was a symbol of Commonwealth. For the 220 naval officers who lived aboard Britannia , and the royal family, the 412-foot-long yacht was home.

Having travelled more than a million nautical miles over 44 years of service to the British Crown, Her Majesty’s beloved boat was decommissioned in 1997. Here are 10 facts about life aboard HMY Britannia.

1. Britannia was launched by Queen Elizabeth II on 16 April 1953 using a bottle of wine, not champagne

Champagne is traditionally smashed against a ship’s hull during launching ceremonies. However, in a post-war climate champagne was seen as too frivolous, so a bottle of Empire wine was used instead.

Britannia launched from the John Brown & Company shipyard in Clydebank, Scotland.

staats yacht britannia

2. Britannia was the 83rd Royal Yacht

King George VI , Elizabeth II’s father, had first commissioned the royal yacht that would become Britannia in 1952. The previous official boat had belonged to Queen Victoria and was rarely used. The tradition of royal yachts had been started by Charles II in 1660.

George decided that the Royal Yacht Britannia should both be a regal vessel as well as a functional one.

3. Britannia had two emergency functions

Britannia was designed to be converted into a hospital ship in time of war, although that function was never used. Additionally, as part of the Cold War plan Operation Candid, in the event of nuclear war the ship would become a refuge off the north-west coast of Scotland for the Queen and Prince Philip.

4. Her maiden voyage was from Portsmouth to Grand Harbour in Malta

She carried Prince Charles and Princess Anne to Malta to meet the Queen and Prince Philip at the end of the royal couple’s Commonwealth tour. The Queen stepped aboard Britannia for the first time in Tobruk on 1 May 1954.

Over the next 43 years, Britannia would transport the Queen, members of the Royal Family and various dignitaries on some 696 foreign visits.

staats yacht britannia

The HMY Britannia on a visit by the Queen to Canada in 1964

Image Credit: Royal Canadian Navy, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

5. Britannia hosted some of the 20th century’s most notable figures

In July 1959, Britannia sailed the newly opened Saint Lawrence Seaway to Chicago where she docked, making the Queen the first British monarch to visit the city. US President Dwight Eisenhower hopped aboard Britannia for part of the journey.

In later years, Presidents Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton would also step aboard. Charles and Diana, the Prince and Princess of Wales, took their honeymoon cruise on Britannia in 1981.

6. The crew were volunteers from the Royal Navy

After 365 days’ service, crew members could be admitted to the Permanent Royal Yacht Service as Royal Yachtsmen (‘Yotties’) and serve until they either chose to leave or were dismissed. As a result, some yachtsmen served on  Britannia  for over 20 years.

The crew also included a detachment of Royal Marines, who would dive underneath the ship each day while moored away from home to check for mines or other threats.

7. All royal children were allocated a ‘Sea Daddy’ on board the ship

The ‘sea daddies’ were primarily tasked with looking after the children and keeping them entertained (games, picnics and water fights) during voyages. They also oversaw the children’s chores, including cleaning the life rafts.

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8. There was a ‘Jelly Room’ onboard for the royal children

The yacht had a total of three galley kitchens where Buckingham Palace ‘s chefs prepared meals. Among these galleys was a chilled room called the ‘Jelly Room’ for the sole purpose of storing royal children’s jellied desserts.

9. It cost around £11 million every year to run Britannica

The cost of running Britannia was always an issue. In 1994, another expensive refit for the ageing vessel was proposed. Whether or not to refit or commission a new royal yacht entirely came down to the election result of 1997. With repairs at a proposed cost of £17 million, Tony Blair’s new Labour government were unwilling to commit public funds to replace Britannica.

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HMY Britannia in 1997, London

Image Credit: Chris Allen, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons

10. All the clocks on board remain stopped at 3:01pm

In December 1997,  Britannia was officially decommissioned. The clocks have been kept at 3:01pm – the exact moment the Queen went ashore for the last time following the ship’s decommissioning ceremony, during which the Queen shed a rare public tear.

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The Royal Yacht Britannia Explore the area with Forth Boat Tours

The Royal Yacht Britannia

The Royal Yacht Britannia

Relive the opulence and splendour on board the Royal Yacht Britannia .

Britannia, the iconic Royal Yacht, holds a significant place in British maritime history. Constructed at the renowned John Brown & Company shipyard in Clydebank, Scotland, it was launched on 16 April 1953.

This majestic vessel served the Royal Family for an impressive span of 44 years. During which it traversed over a million nautical miles, gaining worldwide recognition and admiration. For Queen Elizabeth II, Britannia served as a luxurious floating residence, hosting grand state visits, official receptions, and even Royal honeymoons.

It also provided a serene setting for the Royal Family’s leisurely vacations. The yacht’s presence symbolized the unity and strength of the Commonwealth, playing a vital role as a proud ambassador that generated billions of pounds in trade deals for Great Britain. Beyond its regal purpose, Britannia also became a cherished home for the Royal Family and the dedicated crew of 220 Royal Yachtsmen. It fostered a sense of belonging and camaraderie amidst their demanding and prestigious roles.

Today, Britannia stands as a top-rated visitor attraction and an exclusive venue for evening events in Edinburgh, offering visitors a glimpse into the opulent world of British royalty and the rich maritime heritage of the nation.

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The Kings Yacht – HMY Britannia

The Kings Yacht – Britannia’s Story

The Kings Yacht – HMY Britannia — 2 Comments

Video by K1 Britannia, the structures which will leverage the Britannia replica for charity around the world:

If you wish to see her original gaff spar it is hanging, impressively, from the ceiling in the Duke of York pub in West Cowes. It was made by Fifes of Fairlie who made most of the large UK spars for these leviathans. It is, I guess, forty feet long and two feet in diameter. The spar was made from first turning a log into a constant diameter and then halving it along its length. The two halves were then hollowed out until the wall thickness was about two and a half inches. One half was turned end for end and the two halves were then glued together to make a stable, strong and light spar. This would have been used with rings to support the vertical weight of the sail but as strikes began to appear, wire mousings would have been added with wooden spacers and battens to allow the rings to negotiate them. These are fitted to the Duke of York’s spar but the original wire mousings have been replaced by rope. The spar was discovered hanging in a warehouse when a ceiling was removed and the now owner bought it for £2000 but if he sells it any profit will be split with the original owner 50/50. The spar was to be put in place by Claire Lallow Boatbuilders and their gang appeared one evening as dinner was being served. They passed it through an opening from a removed window and as it entered the building, it was realised that a hole would need to be punched through an existing wall and this was quickly achieved. Nobody’s dinner was interrupted, it was just another night out in Cowes.

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State Dining Room

Sit down in the State Dining Room to a candlelit table, where the Royal Family would dine and entertain kings, queens, presidents and prime ministers.  With its white panelled walls adorned with gifts received during state visits, it represents the ultimate lavish event space on board. Our Chefs will prepare an exquisite menu paired with the finest wines and served by the Britannia butlers, complete with white gloves. Add the perfect finishing touch to your event with our various entertainment options .

  • Up to 96 for dinner
  • Up to 150 for drinks receptions
  • Exclusive use of the whole Royal Yacht
  • A red carpet entrance and piped aboard via the Royal Brow
  • Set up and service in keeping with Royal standards
  • Fine china and cutlery embossed with the Britannia crest
  • White-gloved Butler service

Royal Yacht Britannia Boat Drawing Dining Room

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Ship shape: 5 of the world’s most spectacular royal yachts

By Dora Davies-Evitt

The Dannebrog

Image may contain Transportation Vehicle Boat Watercraft Vessel Yacht Human and Person

This Danish royal yacht serves as an official and private residence for the Danish Queen and other members of the royal family when they are on summer cruises in home waters or on official visits overseas. Made in the naval work yard Orlogsvaerftet, Copenhagen, in 1931, the ship was baptised by Queen Alexandrine, the wife of King Christian X. The yacht has a rich history, with many decades of royalty aboard. King Frederick IX is known to have taken his showers on the boat's bridge, hosed down by a member of his team. It has been anchored in almost every port in Denmark, as well as Greenland, the Faroe Islands, the Mediterranean, the Caribbean and all the way to the coastline of the US; training around 30 Danish naval conscripts every year. Based on the design of the floating palaces of the XIX century, the Dannebrog is more than just a boat.

Image may contain Transportation Vehicle Boat and Yacht

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Paintings, late-night talk shows, and Strictly Come Dancing: as floods of MPs announce plans to step down at the General Election, what do politicians get up to when they leave the profession?

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Will the Flyfishers’ Club follow in the footsteps of the Garrick – and finally admit women?

By Clara Strunck

The largest privately owned super yacht in the world, this 180-metre vessel was built for Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan of Abu Dhabi’s royal family, for use as a day boat to reach his favourite diving grounds. The boat can hold 36 guests and as many as 80 crew members - it also includes a gym, pool and a special ‘golf training room’. It is reported to have cost the sovereign approximately 600 million dollars. Filled with luxury, the engineers apparently worked to ensure that there is as little turbulence as possible, so that the chandeliers don’t tinkle at sea. Its record is soon to be beaten by a new yacht: the REV Ocean. A vessel which, at 183 metres, was designed by Norwegian millionaire Kjell Inge Rokke, and has been created to clean the ocean floors.

HMY Britannia 

Image may contain Transportation Vehicle Boat Yacht Vessel and Watercraft

HMS Britannia 

Built in 1953 for the late Queen Elizabeth II (who was crowned that same year), after 44 years of service the HMS Britannia was decommissioned and is now on display in Edinburgh. The vast and lavishly designed yacht has sailed over one million miles, accommodating 968 official royal visits. The regal vessel was once described by Queen Elizabeth as ‘the one place where I can truly relax’. The boat boasts dining rooms adorned with gifts from around the world, including a whale rib found by her husband on a beach, as well as a sun lounge with furniture chosen by the queen, and a garage built to house the royal Rolls-Royce. Sir Winston Churchill, Boris Yeltsin, Rajiv Gandhi and Nelson Mandela are among those who have joined the Queen on board over the years. Four royal honeymoons have also taken place aboard, including King Charles III and Diana, Princess of Wales's 16-day trip to the Mediterranean in 1981.

Image may contain Vehicle Transportation Boat Yacht Ship Vessel Watercraft Military Cruiser and Navy

Le Norge is the pride of the Norwegian royal family, dating back to 1947. In 1905, after the Norwegians became independent from Sweden, they chose Prince Carl of Denmark as their monarch, proposing to him the yacht on his appointment. However, due to the difficult economic situation in Norway after the dissolution of the union with Sweden, King Haakon VII (formerly Prince Carl) did not call upon the Government to provide a yacht. Instead, the yacht was given as a gift from the people of Norway to their king decades later, purchased after the spread of a nationwide collection effort. The ship, which measures 80 metres in length is maintained by the Royal Norwegian Navy and sets sail during the summer months. It suffered a violent fire in 1985 while under maintenance, with only the shell and the motors saved from the incident. The impressive ship has since been entirely reconstructed. 

Image may contain Transportation Vehicle Boat Ferry Vessel Watercraft Human and Person

Owned by Princess Caroline of Hanover, Pacha III has been passed from hand to hand since it was first put on water in 1936, under the name Arlette II. The 36-metre-long boat has had very many owners: in 1940 it was requisitioned by the Royal Navy, when it went back to the Mediterranean coast under the name Priamar. And in the '50s it was bought by French industrialist Louis Renault, who renamed it Briseis. The yacht was then sold to the painter Bernard Buffet, in 1967, who moored it in Saint-Tropez, in front of the ever glamorous L'Escale restaurant. 

In 1990, by now in a depleted state, it was sold to Stefano Casiraghi and Caroline of Hanover, who had it entirely renovated. Casiraghi was never able to enjoy the yacht, however, after he died during a racing accident that same year. It reportedly took more than two years to restore the vessel to its former splendour and renamed Pacha III (in reference to the initials of Princess Caroline’s children). It is now primarily used to take the Hanover Royal Family on extended Mediterranean escapes. 


This model boat is hand-crafted from hard wood with planks on frame construction and then the hull is painted as the color of the real boat. This model is fully assembled and ready for display.

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Man dies after being rescued near Britannia Beach

Paramedics say he was brought to hospital in life-threatening condition.

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Social Sharing

A man has died after emergency crews rescued him from the water near Britannia Beach on Tuesday morning.

A spokesperson for Ottawa Police Service said via email they received a call at about 10:05 a.m. about a person in the water "appearing to be in distress." It happened off the water in the 2700 block of Cassels Street.

The man was brought to the hospital in life-threatening condition, according to the Ottawa Paramedic Service. 

The man was pronounced dead after being taken to the hospital, police said, adding that the cause of death is unknown. 

Ottawa Fire Services spokesperson Nick DeFazio said crews got a call from a staff member at the Britannia Yacht Club saying someone reported a person was stuck under the water in the Deschênes Rapids. 

"Upon arrival, there was somebody submerged in the water, halfway from shore to a capsized boat that was from a rescue last week in the same area," said DeFazio, adding that they were wearing a life jacket.

"The person was entangled in the rope that was used to tie the boat off to the shore." 

Rescue crews in the water next to a capsized boat.

DeFazio said a water rescue technician used a knife to cut the rope and free the individual and crews brought the individual to the shore.

The individual was unresponsive, according to Ottawa fire, and firefighters began CPR and continued to provide CPR on route to the hospital. 

DeFazio said last week, the boat had capsized and two people on the boat were able to make their way to shore themselves. Fire crews had assessed them and "they were OK," said DeFazio.

"The boat itself is very lodged, so it's important the public knows to stay away from the boat and that area," he said. "We're going to have wait for the water levels to go down before that boat can get removed."

Rapids 'notorious,' warns Ottawa fire

DeFazio warned the Deschênes Rapids are a "notorious" and dangerous area that crews respond to every year.

"The current is extremely strong," he said. "We've already been out in that area multiple times this year ... for rescues and people in distress." 

The city has not started to supervise swimming at its four beaches yet and  the water quality at Britannia Beach has not been deemed safe for swimming. 

Lifeguards will monitor Britannia Beach, Mooney's Bay Beach, Petrie East Bay and Petrie River from June 15 until Aug. 25, 2024, from noon to 7 p.m. every day, according to the City of Ottawa . 

Last summer, local officials including Councillor Theresa Kavanagh — whose ward includes Britannia Beach — emphasized water safety in the area after numerous rescues had to be made.

In one incident, a 17-year-old girl was rescued and the body of a 21-year-old man was recovered days later. 


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Gabrielle is an Ottawa-based journalist with eclectic interests. She's spoken to video game developers, city councillors, neuroscientists and small business owners alike. Feel free to send story ideas to [email protected].

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With files from Joseph Tunney

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Easy access to some of the world’s greatest cruising destinations is one of the great benefits of boating on the Salish Sea. And, each Axopar model provides you the room and comfort to share and enjoy those adventures all year long. Hike, fish, camp, bike, kayak, water ski, stay at your favorite hotel, catch a show or grab dinner across the sound, the possibilities are endless. 

With that in mind, we collected transit times from Seattle to some of our favorite area destinations at cruising speed in an Axopar. Enjoy the ride.

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In the world of yacht brokerage, each journey is unique, and mine has been a captivating ride from roads to waters. I am Nate Evans, a seasoned entrepreneur with a background in the automotive service industry; I’m excited to share my story and why I chose to embark on the maritime adventure with Jeff Brown Yachts.

From Roads to Waters: The Evolution

Growing up on the water in Wilmington, North Carolina, instilled in me a deep appreciation for the maritime world. With over two decades of experience in the automotive service industry, I found myself yearning for a new challenge. The transition from car engines to marine engines was a natural evolution, guided by a genuine passion for the sea.

Discovering the Axopar Culture

The pivotal moment occurred at the 2020 International Boat Show in Dusseldorf, Germany. The Axopar culture instantly resonated with me, offering not just a boat but a lifestyle. Connecting with Jeff Brown and sharing our enthusiasm for nautical adventures, I knew I had found an amazing team with JBY, Axopar and Brabus Marine.

Client-Centric Approach: More Than Just Transactions

What sets the journey with Jeff Brown Yachts apart is the commitment to clients as individuals. Purchasing a yacht is more than a financial transaction; it’s a lifestyle choice. Understanding this, I take the time to delve into the unique boating desires of each client. The goal is not just to meet expectations but to exceed them through high ethical standards, hard work, and unwavering integrity.

Embark on Your Maritime Journey

For those eager to commence their maritime journey with me at Jeff Brown Yachts, I invite you to reach out at (910) 612-7651 and you can expect a personalized experience dedicated to making your nautical dreams a reality.

Cheers to new adventures ,

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Luxury rules at the moscow yacht show.

by Maria Sapozhnikova

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The windy Russian autumn weather might be a little bit tricky for sailing, but it doesn’t stop brave yachtsmen from all over the world from flocking to Russian capital in the beginning of September when the Moscow Yacht Show commences. The main Russian Yacht exhibition gathers professional and amateur yacht lovers together under the wing of The Royal Yacht Club.

This year it took place for a fourth time already. The exhibition is considered the principal event on the sporting and social calendar. The Moscow Yacht Show 2010 united in one area three of the largest Russian yachts distributors: Ultramarine, Nordmarine and Premium Yachts.

A wide range of yachts were on display for a week. An exhibition showcased yachts both from Russian manufacturers and world famous brands: Azimut, Princess, Ferretti, Pershing, Riviera, Doral, Linssen, etc.

It was a real feast for seafarers as visitors of the show had a unique chance not only to take a look at the newest superyachts before they hit the market, but also to evaluate their driving advantages during the test drive. The show provided an excellent opportunity for yacht enthusiasts to choose and buy a new boat for the next season.

The event started with the grandiose gala evening. It included grand dinner, the concert and professional awards ceremony for achievements in Russian yachting industry. The guests also enjoyed the annual regatta.

Special guest Paolo Vitelli, Azimut Benetti Group president, opened the evening.

Next year organizers assured guests they would bring more yachts, the scale of which will even make oligarch Roman Abramovich envious. Sounds very promising indeed.


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jeff brown yachts axopar

As the Axopar West Coast dealer, Jeff Brown Yachts proudly presents the revolutionary Axoper lineup, offering advanced hydrodynamic efficiency, extended range, comfort, and adventure-ready features. We operate from six offices in San Diego, Newport Beach, Sausalito, Seattle, Kailua-Kona, and Wrightsville Beach. ...

Axopar Destination Transit Guide Year-round adventure is never far away . ... Subscribe to the Jeff Brown Yachts Newsletter. San Diego Marina Office 2614 Shelter Island Drive, Suite A San Diego CA, U.S. 92106 619-222-9899. Newport Harbor Office 2507 West Coast Highway, Suite 101

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The all-new Axopar 29 range embodies Axopar's unwavering determination and resilience to continually push the boundaries of innovation in design, efficiency,...

The Axopar 37 Angler is a result of decades of fishing experience from the team at Jeff Brown Yachts. It's loaded with innovative features for the offshore A...

2024 AXOPAR SEASON KICKS OFF WITH 3 BOAT SHOWS~ CHARLESTON, VIRGINIA BEACH, & CHARLOTTE. Here's your chance to get a closer look at the versatile Axopar 28 and 37 models, plus, the BRABUS Shadow 500 Cabin. We'll see you in Charleston, Jan. 26-28, at the Mid-Atlantic Sports & Boat Show, in Virginia Beach, Feb 2-4, and Charlotte Feb 8-11.

Jeff Brown Yachts bespoke brokerage and yacht sales Jeff Brown Yachts is the exclusive West Coast dealer for Axopar, BRABUS Marine, Pardo Yachts, Pearl Yachts, Sirena Yachts ...

Find 197 used Axopar for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of boats to choose from. ... Offered By: Jeff Brown Yachts. Contact. Video. 2021 Axopar 37 XC CROSS CABIN. US$379,000* Price Drop: US$20,000 (Jul 19) US $3,227/mo. Sausalito, California. 37ft - 2021. Offered By: Jeff Brown Yachts.

24 likes, 0 comments - jeffbrownyachts on March 16, 2024: "Just in time for summer! Available Now - The only "Multi Storage" Axopar 37 BRABUS trim on the West ...

Axopar 45 Range Axopar 45 XC Cross Cabin Axopar 45 Cross Top Axopar 45 Sun-Top Axopar 37 Range ... Jeff Brown Yachts JBY Mid-Atlantic Office 6 Marina Street, Suite 1 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (910) 660-1107 Manitowoc Marina 425 Maritime Dr, Manitowoc, WI 54220, USA ...

Axopar Boats Axopar is a globally renowned Finnish brand of premium range, multi-award-winning motorboats, developed through a passion for adventure and the outdoors for you to experience more timeless moments. ... For those eager to commence their maritime journey with me at Jeff Brown Yachts, I invite you to reach out at (910) 612-7651 and ...

The windy Russian autumn weather might be a little bit tricky for sailing, but it doesn't stop brave yachtsmen from all over the world from flocking to Russian capital in the beginning of ...

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Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.


  1. The Royal Yacht Britannia: A History of Queen Elizabeth II’s Favorite

    staats yacht britannia

  2. Yacht reale Britannia Storia e patrimonio culturale

    staats yacht britannia

  3. Royal yacht: Why Britannia will definitely cost more than £200m to build

    staats yacht britannia

  4. Final designs for £200 million Royal Yacht Britannia replacement to be

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  5. The Crown True Story: The Royal Yacht Britannia

    staats yacht britannia

  6. Classical Britain

    staats yacht britannia


  1. The Admiral's cabin in the Royal yacht Britannia #shorts

  2. Royal Yacht Britannia 7th August 1996

  3. Royal Yacht Britannia

  4. Inside the Royal Yacht Britannia 🛥️ #shortsvideo #short #shorts

  5. 4K Take a Virtual Tour of Royal Yacht Britannia

  6. Britannia Yacht Club


  1. HMY Britannia

    Her Majesty's Yacht Britannia is the former royal yacht of the British monarchy.She was in their service from 1954 until 1997. She was the 83rd such vessel since King Charles II acceded to the throne in 1660, and is the second royal yacht to bear the name, the first being the racing cutter built for the Prince of Wales in 1893. During her 43-year career, the yacht travelled more than a million ...

  2. The Royal Yacht Britannia Official Website

    Step aboard The Royal Yacht Britannia. Start your tour at our entrance on the Ground Floor of Ocean Terminal. Please pre-book your tickets to guarantee admission. A great day out for all the family, explore each of the five decks at this top attraction in Edinburgh and discover what life was like on board Queen Elizabeth II's former floating ...

  3. The History of The Royal Yacht Britannia

    Historical Timeline. Britannia was the first Royal Yacht to be built with complete ocean-going capacity and designed as a Royal residence to entertain guests around the world. When she was decommissioned in 1997, it marked the end of a long tradition of British Royal Yachts, dating back to 1660 and the reign of Charles II. There is additional ...

  4. The Story Behind the Royal Family's Yacht, Britannia

    The royal family has a long history of seafaring—the first official royal yacht was the HMY Mary (HMY stands for His or Her Majesty's Yacht), gifted to Charles II by the Dutch in 1660. In fact ...

  5. Royal Yacht Britannia Facts Everyone Should Know—and How to Visit

    The Britannia's Drawing Room. The ship's wheel was taken from King Edward VII's racing yacht, also named Britannia, according to Boat International, and the 126-meter ship could reach speeds of 22.75 knots, or a seagoing cruising speed of 21 knots, according to Super Yacht Times. Other fun facts: The yacht could produce her own fresh ...

  6. Sailing Yacht Britannia

    Sailing Yacht Britannia. In April 1893, some 20 years into G. L. Watson's trail blazing career, the royal sailing yacht Britannia was launched. The prestige associated with this order from the Price of Wales, Britannia's revolutionary design, enduring beauty, speed and a 43 year career in the ownerships of King Edward VII and King George V have all contributed to the Britannia legend.

  7. Secrets of the Royal Yacht Britannia

    It was a struggle to get the royal car on board. When the 412-ft yacht was built in 1953, it was considered important that it had a garage to house the Queen's Rolls Royce. However, getting the ...

  8. The Royal Yacht Britannia, Edinburgh

    Visit this award-winning attraction, just two miles from Edinburgh's city centre at Ocean Terminal. The Royal Yacht Britannia played host to some of the world's most famous people, from Nelson Mendela to Winston Churchill, but above all was home for the British Royal Family for over 40 years. Now you can discover the heart and soul of this ...

  9. Find Us

    How To Find Us: By Tram. Watch on. Edinburgh trams now run from Edinburgh Airport through the city centre and down to Leith. To visit Britannia get off the tram at stop Ocean Terminal. Adult tickets cost £2 each way in the city zone. Child tickets are £1 each way. If you are returning to the city, you can purchase a return ticket for the same ...

  10. Where is the Royal Yacht Britannia and why was it decommissioned?

    Today, the Royal yacht is open to curious visitors and welcomes more than 300,000 visits each year. Britannia was launched in 1953 from the John Brown and Company shipyard in Clydebank, Scotland .

  11. 10 Facts About Royal Yacht Britannia

    2. Britannia was the 83rd Royal Yacht. King George VI, Elizabeth II's father, had first commissioned the royal yacht that would become Britannia in 1952. The previous official boat had belonged to Queen Victoria and was rarely used. The tradition of royal yachts had been started by Charles II in 1660.

  12. Episode 2

    In this episode I arrive in Edinburgh and visit the late Queen Elizabeth II's former yacht which was a plot line of one of the seasons of the Netflix series,...

  13. The Royal Yacht Britannia Explore the area with Forth Boat Tours

    The yacht's presence symbolized the unity and strength of the Commonwealth, playing a vital role as a proud ambassador that generated billions of pounds in trade deals for Great Britain. Beyond its regal purpose, Britannia also became a cherished home for the Royal Family and the dedicated crew of 220 Royal Yachtsmen.

  14. The Kings Yacht

    HMY Britannia was the personal sailing yacht of two British kings. Built in 1893 for Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, who later became King Edward VII, the Britannia would also be sailed by his son, King George V. Designed by the Scottish designer, George Lennox Watson, the yacht won 231 races and took another 129 flags over her long racing career.The Britannia followed King George V to his grave.

  15. HMY Britannia (Royal Cutter Yacht)

    Height. 164 ft (50 m) Draught. 15 ft (4.6 m) Sail plan. 10,328 sq ft (959.5 m 2) (1893) His Majesty's Yacht Britannia was a gaff-rigged cutter built in 1893 for RYS Commodore Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. She served both himself and his son King George V with a long racing career.

  16. The State Dining Room

    Up to 96 for dinner. Up to 150 for drinks receptions. Exclusive use of the whole Royal Yacht. A red carpet entrance and piped aboard via the Royal Brow. Set up and service in keeping with Royal standards. Fine china and cutlery embossed with the Britannia crest. White-gloved Butler service.

  17. 5 of the world's most spectacular Royal Yachts

    The largest privately owned super yacht in the world, this 180-metre vessel was built for Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan of Abu Dhabi's royal family, for use as a day boat to reach his favourite diving grounds. The boat can hold 36 guests and as many as 80 crew members - it also includes a gym, pool and a special 'golf training room'.

  18. The Royal Yacht Britannia

    Her Majesty's Yacht Britannia is the former Royal Yacht of the British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. She was the 83rd such vessel since the restoration of King Charles II in 1660. She is the second royal yacht to bear the name, the first being the famous racing cutter built for The Prince of Wales in 1893. She is now permanently moored as an ...

  19. INEOS Britannia christens AC75 race boat "Britannia" at naming ceremony

    Britannia sailing yacht . The name Britannia was chosen by Sir Jim in homage to one of Britain's most famous racing yachts. The original Britannia was built in 1893 for King Edward VII, the then Prince of Wales. King George V took ownership of Britannia in her final years and converted her into a J Class racing yacht, the majestic class that ...

  20. Man dies after being rescued near Britannia Beach

    Lifeguards will monitor Britannia Beach, Mooney's Bay Beach, Petrie East Bay and Petrie River from June 15 until Aug. 25, 2024, from noon to 7 p.m. every day, according to the City of Ottawa.

  21. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  22. Moscow Oblast

    Moscow Oblast ( Russian: Моско́вская о́бласть, Moskovskaya oblast) is a federal subject of Russia. It is located in western Russia, and it completely surrounds Moscow. The oblast has no capital, and oblast officials reside in Moscow or in other cities within the oblast. [1] As of 2015, the oblast has a population of 7,231,068 ...

  23. Moscow Oblast

    Moscow Oblast (Russian: Московская область, romanized: Moskovskaya oblast, IPA: [mɐˈskofskəjə ˈobləsʲtʲ], informally known as Подмосковье, Podmoskovye, IPA: [pədmɐˈskovʲjə]) is a federal subject of Russia (an oblast).With a population of 8,524,665 (2021 Census) living in an area of 44,300 square kilometers (17,100 sq mi), it is one of the most densely ...

  24. jeff brown yachts axopar

    Jeff Brown Yachts San Diego - Main Office 2330 Shelter Island Drive Suite 105 San Diego CA, U.S. 92106 (619) 222-9899 (619) 709-0697 Axopar 45 Range Axopar 45 XC Cross Cabin Axopar 37 Range Axopar 37 XC Cross Cabin Axopar 37 Sun-Top Axopar 37 Spyder Axopar 28 Range ...