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british yacht club berlin

Herzlich Willkommen

Liebe gäste,.

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Anfragen anderer Art (Veranstaltungen etc.) beantworten wir gern am folgenden Werktag. Hunde sind bei uns erlaubt.

Kommen Sie gerne vorbei, und genießen Sie wunderschöne Sonnenuntergänge am Dümmer.

Vielen Dank

british yacht club berlin

Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Events

  • 150 Personen passen in den Saal (mindestens 70 Personen)
  • Ab 01.04.24: 15 € brutto Servicepauschale pro Person (Tischdecken, Geschirr, Gläser, Personal)
  • kostenloser Saal
  • exklusiv reservierter und ausgewiesener Terrassenbereich – der andere Teil des British Yacht Clubs ist weiterhin für die Öffentlichkeit frei zugänglich
  • kostenloses Bedienungspersonal
  • kostenlose Reinigung
  • Caterer ist frei wählbar
  • Reservierungen sind maximal 18 Monate vor der Veranstaltung möglich. Sie müssen spätestens vier Monate vor der Veranstaltung schriftlich absagen, wenn der Termin nicht wahrgenommen wird.
  • Sollte der Termin in den vier Monaten vor der Veranstaltung abgesagt werden, wird eine Stornogebühr in Höhe von 1.000 € berechnet.
  • Bei Interesse an einer Veranstaltung im BYC schreiben Sie uns: [email protected]
  • Es stehen kostenfreie Parkplätzen auf einer Wiese an der Dümmerstraße zur Verfügung (350m vom BYC). Weitere Parkplätze finden Sie beim „Haus am See“ in der Birkenallee gg. eine Gebühr i.H.v. 3,50 €.
  • Dekoration erfolgt durch den Gastgeber.
  • Um die Musik/DJ kümmern sich die Gastgeber in Eigenregie.
  • Musik bis maximal 04.00 Uhr.
  • Sollte Musik mit einem Laptop /Handy über eine Anlage gewünscht sein, stellen wir die Anlage für 250 € zur Verfügung.

Hotel Post, Lembruch –

Hotel Stratmanns Haus am See**** –

Marissa Ferienpark, Lembruch –

  • Die Anlieferung von Deko, Aufbau des DJ´s und Abholung von Geschenken erfolgt über die Dümmerstraße. Dies ist nur vormittags und nach Absprache möglich. PKWs und Anhänger können nicht am BYC direkt abgestellt werden. Mit Brautwagen kann nicht bis zum Yacht Club vorgefahren werden. Auf dem gesamten Deich gilt ein Befahrensverbot.
  • Im Frühjahr und Sommer besteht die Gefahr der Bildung von Blaualgen und Fliegen, die ggf. in diesen Monaten eine Feierlichkeit durch die direkte Nähe zum Dümmer negativ beeinträchtigen können.
  • Freie Trauungen bieten wir nicht an.
  • Konfettikanonen sind bei uns nicht erlaubt.
  • Mutwillige Zerstörungen und Sachbeschädigungen werden in Rechnung gestellt.

Damit das Fest reibungslos gelingen kann müssen wir uns gemeinsam zwingend an die Lautstärkevorgaben halten.

Der Dümmer ist eingebettet in den Naturpark Dümmersee und der BYC liegt mittendrin und ist zusätzlich umgeben von Ferienhaussiedlungen. Dies bedeutet, dass mit der Lautstärke von Musikanlagen maßvoll umgegangen werden muss. In Rücksicht auf die Natur, die erholungsuchenden Anwohner und auch unseren Mitarbeitern.

Dies bedeutet:

  • Im Saal darf die Dezibelgrenze von 95 dB nicht überschritten werden. Bitte erspart uns und Euch ein nervenzehrendes Ermahnen. Eine „gelbe Karte“ werden wir nicht geben. Die Musik muss bei Verstoß abgestellt werden. Eine Diskussion darüber wird es nicht geben.
  • Moderate Basseinstellung.
  • Bitte verwendet unter den Subwoofern die Gummimatten.
  • Außerhalb des Saals dürfen keinesfalls Boxen aufgestellt werden. Die Beschallung der Strandfläche ist untersagt.
  • Die Fenster müssen ab 22.00 Uhr verschlossen werden.
  • Besichtigungen sind nach Absprache zu den Öffnungszeiten möglich.
  • Für die Dekoration stehen max. 2 Stunden zur Verfügung. Termin nach Absprache.
  • Für konkrete Vorbesprechungen steht eine Stunde zur Verfügung.

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Deutsch-Britischer Yacht Club

Welcome aboard.

Geschichte des DBYC

In Auszügen jetzt auch bei Wikipedia .

Die wechselvolle Geschichte des Deutsch-Britischen Yacht Clubs (DBYC) ist eng mit der Geschichte (West-) Berlins verbunden und beginnt bereits im Jahr 1947 mit der Gründung des United Forces Sailing Club in Berlin und des United Services Yacht Club. Während der Blockade Berlins und der Luftbrücke der Alliierten wird Berlin vom Clubgelände aus durch die British Airforce mit Treibstoff versorgt. Vor dem Clubgelände landen Wasserflugzeuge der Britischen Schutzmacht zur Versorgung Berlins.


1952 wird der British Berlin Yacht Club (BBYC) gegründet. Im Jahr 1970 werden die ersten deutschen Mitglieder aufgenommen.

Luftaufnahme Clubhaus

Nach der Grenzöffnung nimmt bereits am 10./11. November 1989 der erste Bürger der DDR an der Grand-Slam-Regatta für 505er, Laser, OK-Jollen und Europe teil.

Mit dem Fall der Mauer wird klar: Die Alliierten werden früher oder später Berlin verlassen. So wird am 6. November 1991 noch innerhalb des BBYC der Deutsch-Britische Yacht Club gegründet in der Absicht, die Tradition des BBYC im Hinblick auf Völkerverständigung und Bi-Nationalität im besten Sinne fortzuführen.

Die offizielle Eröffnung macht allen Anwesenden am 1. Oktober 1992 deutlich: Der Deutsch-Britische Yacht Club ist fester Bestandteil des Berliner Segler-Lebens. Mit Ms. Rosemary Spencer, damals Leiterin der Außenstelle Berlin der Botschaft des Vereinigten Königreichs von Großbritannien und Nordirland, als Schirmherrin und aktivem Ehrenmitglied wird ein Stück deutsch-britischer Freundschaft für die Zukunft bewahrt. Am 2. Juli 1994 wird mit einer großen Party feierlich Abschied genommen vom British Berlin Yacht Club und von vielen seiner alliierten Freunde.

In den Jahren nach 2001 gerät der DBYC allerdings in stürmisches Fahrwasser. Der Eigentümer des Grundstücks, die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, vertreten durch die Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben (BIMA), fordert eine mehr als 400-prozentige Pachterhöhung. Eine solche außerordentliche Pachterhöhung ist durch den Verein nicht zu finanzieren, auch die Ankaufspreisvorstellungen der BIMA liegen weit außerhalb der Möglichkeiten des Vereins. Nach jahrelangen Verhandlungen kommt es schließlich im Jahre 2006 vor dem Landgericht Berlin zu einer Einigung, die den Fortbestand des DBYC auf einer tragfähigen Basis sichert.

Doch damit ist der DBYC noch nicht in ruhiges Fahrwasser gelangt, denn die BIMA kündigt den laufenden Pachtvertrag zum 31.12.2010. Nach zahlreichen Interventionen bis hin zum Bundeskanzleramt und zum Bundesfinanzministerium gelingt es schließlich, zum 1.1.2011 einen neuen und für den DBYC leistbaren Pachtvertrag auszuhandeln. Der Fortbestand des Vereins ist maßgeblich unserem Vereinsmitglied Professor Frank Judis zu verdanken, der aufgrund seiner Verdienste für den DBYC im Jahre 2012 zum Ehrenpräsidenten auf Lebenszeit ernannt wird.

Im Folgenden eine detaillierte Chronik der wechselvollen Geschichte des DBYC

1947 Aufzeichnungen belegen die Gründung des United Forces Sailing Club in Berlin und des britischen United Services Yacht Club. Zu dieser Zeit existierte bereits der Inter Services Yacht Club.

Vor dem Clubhaus

1948 Während der Blockade Berlins und der Luftbrücke der Alliierten wird Berlin vom Clubgelände aus durch die British Airforce mit Treibstoff versorgt. Dazu wurde eine Pipeline vom Flugplatz Gatow zum Hafen des Clubgeländes verlegt.

Weil unter diesen Umständen an einen geregelten Segelbetrieb nicht zu denken ist, zieht der Segelclub zur Stößenseebrücke um, neuer Name: British Stößensee Yacht Club. Alle nun existierenden vier Namen bezeichnen im Grunde genommen denselben Segel-Club. Nach Beendigung der Blockade wird das Gelände in Kladow wieder bezogen, der British Stößensee Yacht Club wird später zum British Army Canoe Club.


1950 Ein Namensschild im Clubhaus zeigt den Namen Allied Forces Sailing Club.

1952 Veranstaltung der Coronation Cup Regatta vom Gelände am Stößensee. Dies zeigt, dass der Club dort nach wie vor ein zweites Domizil hat. Im gleichen Jahr erfolgt der endgültige Umzug nach Kladow mit der Umbenennung in British Berlin Yacht Club.

1960 Start der ersten Inter Services Cup Regatta der britischen, amerikanischen und französischen Yacht-Clubs.

1961 Umbenennung der Inter Services Cup Regatta zur Tripartite Regatta, die dreimal im Jahr von jeweils einem der teilnehmenden nationalen Yacht-Clubs ausgerichtet wird. Im Jahr 1993 findet die vorläufig letzte Regatta dieser erfolgreichen Serie statt.

1965 Abriss des alten Clubhauses, einer besseren Wellblech-Baracke. Der entstehende Neubau entspricht in etwa der heutigen Bebauung.

1970 Aufnahme der ersten deutschen Mitglieder. Abriss der alten Betankungsanlage, es entsteht eine der höheren Mitgliederzahl angemessene Steganlage.

1972 Erwin Beelitz, verantwortlich für die Club-Boote, kommt bei einem Bombenanschlag ums Leben. Zu seinem Gedenken wird durch den Rear Commodore – den offiziellen Leiter des BBYC, vertreten durch den Club-Manager Lt. Col. B. Steward – die jährlich vergebene Beelitz Trophy ins Leben gerufen.

1975 Das Jahr bringt dem Club neue Bootsstege und Erweiterungsbauten. Windsurfing und Wasserski kommen zum sportlichen Angebot dazu.

1985 Der Club erhält 10 Jollen der Klasse Schwert-Zugvogel vom Berliner Senat. Nach Abzug der Alliierten und Übernahme der Zugvögel in den Bestand des Nachfolgevereins DBYC ist die größtenteils privatisierte Flotte Grundlage für eine rege Regattatätigkeit in dieser Klasse. Die im Winter stattfindende Frostbite Regatta Serie kann auf dieser Basis erfolgreich erhalten werden.

1988 Wiedereröffnung des Clubhauses nach Umbau und Renovierung im August.

1989 Fall der Mauer. Am 11./12. November nimmt der erste Bürger der ehemaligen DDR, N. Koppe, an einer Grand Slam-Regatta für die Klassen 505, OK-Jolle, Laser und Europe im BBYC teil.

1991 Während des Golf-Kriegs bleibt der Club vom 15. Januar bis zum 23. März aus Sicherheitsgründen geschlossen. Am 6. November Gründung des DBYC, dem Deutsch- Britischen Yacht Club, mit dem Ziel, die Tradition des BBYC im Hinblick auf Völkerverständigung und Bi-Nationalität im besten Sinne fortzuführen.

1992 Der BBYC feiert sein 40jähriges Jubiläum.

1993 Die vorläufig letzte Tripartite Regatta, an der alle drei alliierten Segel-Clubs teilnehmen, wird im BBYC abgehalten.

1994 Am 2. Juli 1994 wird mit einer großen Party feierlich Abschied genommen vom British Berlin Yacht Club und von vielen seiner alliierten Freunde.

2002 Das 50jährige Bestehen des BBYC/DBYC wird mit einer großen Sommerparty gefeiert. Nach neun Jahren Unterbrechung wird die Tripartite wieder zum Leben erweckt. Wegen des großen Aufwands – die teilnehmenden Boote des französischen Vereins CNSF müssen vom Tegeler See bis zum DBYC geschleppt werden (oder die der anderen Vereine nach Tegel) – wird es nur noch eine Regatta im Jahr bei wechselnder Ausrichtung und gegenseitiger Kostenbeteiligung geben.

2001/2011 Der Eigentümer des Grundstücks, die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, vertreten durch die Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben (BIMA), fordert eine mehr als 400-prozentige Pachterhöhung. Eine solche außerordentliche Pachterhöhung ist durch den Verein nicht zu finanzieren, auch die Ankaufspreisvorstellungen der BIMA liegen weit außerhalb der Möglichkeiten des Vereins. Nach jahrelangen Verhandlungen kommt es schließlich im Jahre 2006 vor dem Landgericht Berlin zu einer Einigung, die den Fortbestand des DBYC auf einer tragfähigen Basis sichert.

2014 Der DBYC richtet die Absegel-Veranstaltung des Berliner Segler-Verbandes aus.

2016 Der DBYC richtet erfolgreich die Internationale Deutsche Meisterschaft der Schwertzugvogelklasse aus.

2016 Mit einem rauschenden Fest feiert der DBYC am 3. September sein 25jähriges Jubiläum.

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British Berlin Yaught (sic) Club; Notes For Dinghy Sailors.

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On the Havel River.

Now known as German-British Yacht Club, Kladower Damm 217 H, 14089 Berlin.

“ The DBYC’s chequered history is closely linked to the history of allied West Berlin. The club started life in 1947 – just two years after the defeat of Nazi Germany and some fifteen years before the construction of the Berlin Wall, with the founding of the United Forces Sailing Club and the United Services Yacht Club on the club’s present site. During the 1948 Soviet blockade of West Berlin, when for eleven months the entire western sector of the city was sustained almost wholly by an Allied military air lift, the present DBYC club site played a pivotal role.  It served as a fuelling point for Royal Air Force to supply Berlin with fuel. Sunderland flying boats — delivering among other items, coal, salt and baking powder from Hamburg — landed just in front of the present club site on the Havel river.

1952 saw the founding of the Berlin British Yacht Club which catered almost exclusively to British military personnel and their families.  It was not until 1970 that German citizens were permitted to join the club.

The club premises, then a corrugated iron hut, are demolished to make way for a new clubhouse  – since modified but still standing. ...” Source : Anglo-German Yacht Club.

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british yacht club berlin

Herzlich Willkommen beim Berliner Yacht-Club!

Welcome dear guests.

Mit seiner bevorzugten Lage am Wannsee liegt der Berliner Yacht-Club an einem der schönsten Plätze im anspruchsvollen Segelrevier am Südrand von Berlin. Das Clubgelände des Berliner Yacht-Club auf der Sonnenseite des großen Wannsees bietet einen einzigartigen Ausgangsort für den Segelsport, mit mehreren Revieren vor der Haustür. Den für Sie richtigen Ansprechpartner des Berliner Yacht-Club finden Sie unter Kontakt .

The Berlin Yacht-Club gives every sailor a warm welcome. We are located in a central location at lake Wannsee ( S-Bahn: Nikolassee ) with great access. The general nature and philosophy of our club is to encourage sailing and to bring together sailors and enthusiasts from all over the world having common interests - especially in boating. contact

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„Logistiktag“ mit Tetris

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N 52° 26' 39" | E 13° 10' 30"

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Deutsch-Britischer Yacht Club

Marina Image

Marina in Germany

No matter whether from water, on land or in the air. The German-British Yacht Club e. V. has always welcomed its members and guests for over 30 years. In recent years, however, the club has only ever entered the club from the water and land side. This tradition was also maintained in the predecessor club of the DBYC, the BBYC.

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American International Yacht Club Berlin e.V.


Over 50 Years of Sailing on the Wannsee Lake

The roots of the American International Yacht Club Berlin (AIYCB) can be traced back to the arrival of the United States Constabulary Forces in Germany in the Fall of 1945. Sailing on the beautiful Wannsee Lake soon became a popular form of recreation for soldiers stationed in Berlin. Although exact dates are unknown, sometime in the Spring of 1946, with the acquisition of a few sailboats, the U.S. Army established a recreation facility for its soldiers on the Wannsee Lake. The first known location of the U.S. Army recreation facility is the current home of the Potsdamer Yacht Club, located on the southern shore of the Wannsee. This facility was initially used as a recuperation center for injured American soldiers and then later used as the U.S. Army recreation center. This property was returned to Germany in 1949 when the U.S. Army established a major recreation center for the American Military Community in Berlin. This facility was located on the eastern shore of the Wannsee at Am Sandwerder 17-19. Since its establishment, the facility has been known by several names: „Wannsee Yacht Club“, „Wannsee Harbor“, and „Wannsee Recreation Center“ as it was last officially known. Sailing, boating, swimming, and fishing were all available at this facility as well as hotel and restaurant facilities for soldiers. In the 1950s and 1960s American soldiers stationed in West Germany were often sent to the Wannsee Recreation Center for R&R, (rest and recuperation). In the 1960s the US Army adopted a program which allowed private associations to be organized as part of its military recreation program. Thus, at some point in the 1960s, a few American Wannsee sailors founded the American Yacht Club Berlin (AYCB) as a private club under the sponsorship of the Berlin Command. AYCB soon became an integral element of the Wannsee Recreation Center assuming responsibility for Red Cross sailing instruction, organizing regattas, and promoting sportsmanship with Allied (British and French) as well as German sailing clubs.

In 1986 the Wannsee Recreation Center underwent major renovations to all of its facilities and grounds. The existing small dock was expanded to a full harbor in order to accommodate additional motor, paddle and sail boats. Additionally, the luxurious Wannsee villa was fully renovated and utilized as a transit hotel. In 1992, as the Allied Forces were preparing to leave Berlin as a result of Germany’s reunification, a small number of AYCB sailors grasped the initiative and founded the American International Yacht Club Berlin (AIYCB) as a sports club registered under German Law. AIYCB as an officially recognized sport organization, leased the Wannsee harbor facilities and part of the grounds. AIYCB also purchased several boats and various equipment from the departing American Forces. Currently, AIYCB has ca. 140 primary members of various nationalities, including family members, with a total of about 220 people in the club. AIYCB now shares these beautiful and historic grounds at Am Sandwerder 17-19 with the American Academy which currently utilizes the Wannsee villa; now known as the Hans Arnold Center.  

Sailing at the AIYCB

Club boats occupy slips adjacent to private boats in the protected harbor, creating a colorful idyllic sailing setting. Bathed in the warm light of the evening sun, this is among the most beautiful settings on the Wannsee. As many club members do not own boats, the friendly practice of taking others on board as crew members is a frequent occurrence. During the sailing season, a large number of regattas take place and many members also sail in regattas sponsored by other clubs. Traditional and close contact is still maintained with the British and French yacht clubs. Children and youth sailing programs are actively encouraged. The Youth Sailing Program has become a major and successful initiative of AIYCB. In addition to learning sailing skills and good sportsmanship, our youth get to enjoy the camaraderie various nationalities.

Social events such as celebrating the 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, „Nikolaus“ and Weihnachten “ contribute toward maintaining the American flair while integrating festivities of other cultures. Monthly membership meetings are held offering a veritable garden of culinary delights through our “ pot- luck “ meals. A spring and fall grounds clean-up bring all members together in a working setting which solidifies club cohesiveness. Collective projects range from the small to the large including the recent renovation of our 70 year old wooden „Schärenkreuzer“ sailboat by some 30 club members. Children and adults alike find a friendly atmosphere at AIYCB e.V.

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End of an era: British Kiel Yacht Club boats are transferred

  • Katy Stickland

As the British Kiel Yacht Club is wound up, its boats have been transferred to the Joint Services Adventurous Sail Training Centre (JSASTC) in Gosport.

British Kiel Yacht Club boats leave Germany for the UK

Credit: Adrian Pery

After 71 years, the British Kiel Yacht Club in Germany is being wound up.

It comes following the closure of the Ministry of Defence’s Kiel Training Centre in the Baltic Sea as a result of the retrenchment of British troops back to the UK.

The British Kiel Yacht Club began in northern Germany following the Second World War. All the yachts used by the Kiel Training Centre were provided by the club.

British Kiel Yacht Club boats leave Germany for the UK

Leaving Germany for the last time. Credit: Adrian Pery

These vessels have now been transferred to the Joint Services Adventurous Sail Training Centre (JSASTC) in Gosport.

The ten Hallberg Rassy 342s and one Comfortina 42 left Kiel on 22 September, 2016 and took 10 days to sail back to the UK via the Frisian Islands.

They were then officially transferred to the JSASTC on 5 October, 2016.

The Commandant of the Kiel Training Centre and Flag Officer for the British Kiel Yacht Club, Major Adrian Pery said it was an emotional time.

“I am deeply saddened to see the end of an era,” said Pery. “The Kiel Training Centre and the British Kiel Yacht Club provided fantastic sail training for so many, in a fantastic place to sail – the South Baltic.”

British Kiel Yacht Club boats leave Germany for the UK

The boats make their way to England. Credit: Adrian Pery

“It was, for me, a very emotional way to finish off. I am very proud to have been a part of it,” he added.

The staff from Kiel will now join their Royal Navy and civilian colleagues at Gosport, where they will continue to provide adventurous sail training opportunities for service personnel.

Back in August, there was an official ceremony and parade marking the closure of the Kiel Training Centre.

The centre was also presented with the federal Fahnenband (honour ribbon) – one of the federal German government’s highest military honours.

The British Kiel Yacht Club came into existence on 11 June, 1945 and was started by Colonel W G Fryer, the Deputy Chief Engineer of 8 Corps.

Recalling how he started the club, Colonel Fryer said: ” I found the Olympia Haven full of yachts and the Kieler Yacht Club locked up and empty. So I told the Chief Engineer and the Assistant Quarter Master General (AQMG) of 8 Corps that I was going to requisition some yachts from the harbour and form a yacht club. They both nodded, so I went ahead.”

British Kiel Yacht Club

The club’s Hallberg Rassy 342s set sail for Gosport. Credit: Adrian Pery

These yachts, known as windfall yachts, were built in Germany in the 1930s to provide training for the German armed services.

Owned by the German government, they were taken by the British government as reparations and were initially allocated to Navy, Army and Air Force of the British and Commonwealth Services.

The windfall yachts to remain at Kiel included the likes of Avalanche, Overlord, Seascape and Flamingo, which, in 2015, was the last windfall yacht to be sold.

Portsmouth Harbour - the location of the unexploded bomb

WW2 bomb found in Portsmouth Harbour has been detonated

A controlled explosion has been carried out following the discovery of an unexploded German bomb from World War Two on…

HMS President

Final push to save WW1 ship, HMS President, from the scrapyard

The HMS President Preservation Trust has launched a final appeal to save London's last remaining World War One ship after…


English Speaking Clubs and Organizations Berlin

british yacht club berlin

Women’s clubs perform a large number of services, with sub-groups for all categories of women from „Empty Nesters“ (single income, no kids) to working women.


1. THE AMERICAN WOMENS CLUB OF BERLIN E.V.  – the American Women’s Club of Berlin is open to women of ALL nationalities who “embrace the American spirit!”  

[email protected]



Marienstraße 19 / 20 10117 Berlin

Telefon: +49 (30) 28 48 24 50 E-Mail: [email protected]


If you want to get into contact with BAC or want further information on the BAC, please send an email to: [email protected]

The Berlin-American Club e.V. was founded in 1990 by women as a non-profit organization. The goal of the Club is to further friendship, tolerance and understanding among  women  from the US, Germany and other countries by undertaking projects that benefit people in need.

The Club brings together  women  of a wide range of nationalities, professions, interests and talents to contribute to the local and worldwide community. We seek to enhance the continuing special relationship between Berlin and the US, while also embracing the international community in Berlin.

The elected board of the BAC is composed of five women; in addition, individual chairpersons are appointed for various committees. As such, the Club is able to respond quickly to local and international needs.

The BAC takes an active approach to fundraising and hands-on projects in support of handicapped and disadvantaged children, senior citizens, international youth programs, schools, women’s shelters, programs for the homeless and worldwide emergency relief, among others.


American German Business   Club Berlin e.V.

The  American German Business   Club Berlin e.V. (AGBC)  is a not-for-profit organization, presently with nine chapters. Its aim is to support German and American commercial relations and act as a forum for social and business networking. Activities include informal leisure time get-togethers, networking evenings, dinners, charity fundraising, sponsorships and events with keynote speakers.

American German Business Club Berlin e.V. P.O.Box 08 04 27 10004 Berlin Germany

Email:  [email protected]

Tel: +49 30 224 888 96

Amerian Chamber of Commerce  in Germany / Berlin Brandenburg Chapter

The  Amerian Chamber of Commerce in Germany  (AmCham Germany) was founded in 1903, making it one of the  oldest bilateral economic organizations in Europe . It has some 3,000 German and American members. It’s mission is to promote unrestricted competition, trade and investment between Germany and the United States. Luncheons with speakers are held regularly in a number of German cities, and there is also a program of seminars, business conferences, New Year’s receptions and tours of member companies and other institutions of interest. For complete information on Chamber activities, visit its website at

Regional Committee Chair: Torsten Oltmanns, Roland Berger GmbH

+49 30 39927-3366  [email protected]


The   John-F.-Kennedy Friendship Center  is a non-profit organization established by parents and teachers of the John F. Kennedy School in Berlin, though membership is open to the general public. It is dedicated to fostering the German-American community, sponsoring several bilingual daycare centres and offering various activities for the community, including language classes, playgroups, art, dance and drama courses, as well as holiday celebrations at Fasching, Halloween and Thanksgiving. The John F. Kennedy School, part of the Berlin public school system, provides a German-American bicultural, bilingual education.

eMail: info (at)

“Chartered in November 2009, we are the only Rotary Club dedicated to Berlin’s international community. Our 46 members represent 14 nations. All our meetings are held in English, which makes us the ideal Rotary Club for expatriates living in Berlin as well as visiting Rotarians from around the world.”



Friedrichstraße 60 10117 Berlin | Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 30 804 890 15 Fax : +49 (0) 30 804 890 33 Email:  [email protected]

Contact over the website:

The Aspen Institute Germany was founded in 1974 as the first international Aspen affiliate. In keeping with the Aspen mission, Aspen Germany seeks to promote an international dialog on the values, ideals and ideas that are necessary to master the challenges of a globalized world. To this purpose, Aspen Germany invites leading personalities from politics, business and society to participate in conference programs and discussion groups. Aspen Germany is a nonprofit organization financed by the Shepard Stone Foundation, public funding and private donations. It is headquartered in Berlin; an increasing proportion of its events, however, are carried out in key industrial states such as Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria.

The American Academy in Berlin

The American Academy in Berlin GmbH

Am Sandwerder 17-19

14109 Berlin

Phone: +49 (30) 804 83 118

Fax: +49 (30) 804 83 111

Email: [email protected]

To register for an evening lecture: program(at)

The American Academy in Berlin was established in 1994. Its primary goal is to foster greater understanding and dialogue between the people of the United States and the people of Germany through its presence in Berlin, a city with which the United States should maintain its unique cultural, social, political, and historical links.


Club Globals,  Home of Berlin Expats

Berlin Office:

Friedrichstr. 191,

10117, Berlin

Managing Director: Mario Paladini

Phone: +49 30 56795499

Email:  mail [at]

Online contact:

FROM EXPAT TO LOCAL, Club GLOBALS helps makes international life easier,

by connecting expats with recommended service providers online and at exclusive events.


Berlin Expat Community for Berlin expats

Free membership

Online contact:

“Our network enables you to connect with as many of them as possible, both online and face to face. Starting from online forums and all the way to real-life events going on in Berlin on a weekly basis, the opportunities for connecting with global minds are more numerous than ever. You can also use InterNations to join trips to famous German landmarks around Berlin, or simply organize them yourself.”


Ariane Almerood & Juli Buchanan

Hi there! I'm Ariane, and I am the founder of IRC Berlin. I was born in Calcutta India and lived several years in Asia before "returning home" to Amsterdam. My formative years were spent in California USA and I have lived in Germany since 1966. My studies were at American Universities but my career began in Germany . I love sharing my experiences and expertise that I gathered over the years since I arrived in Berlin as a spouse myself. My background as a psychologist helps me a lot to understand what people need, especially in challenging times like a relocation process. My focus lies on making this experience as pleasant and easy as possible for you so please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

british yacht club berlin

Let's speak

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british yacht club berlin

International Club Berlin

International club berlin: the urban country club for sport-loving cosmopolitans..

Welcome to the International Club Berlin! Here on our wonderful premises, right in the heart of Berlin, you will meet people with style and class from a diverse range of cultural backgrounds – key personalities from the worlds of diplomacy, politics, business and science mingle with creative types from the art and cultural scene. Together they enjoy the wonderful atmosphere, meet interesting people, dine outside in the sun on our large terrace and have a chance to network and make new contacts. Sports enthusiasts, in the meantime, wind down with a few lanes in the pool or test out their skills in a game of tennis. In short, our urban country club is like a green oasis with a good measure of style and British charm thrown in – a place for relaxation, sport, enjoyment and socialising in style

You will find an inspiring mix of open-minded and cultivated individuals from right across the globe ¬– all with an interest in networking and good conversation. You can count on exclusivity and discretion as part of the deal on our expansive premises, which not only has eight tennis courts and a pool but also a number of smart salons and conference rooms.

The primary goal of the club is to provide opportunities for networking, conversation and the sharing of ideas and experiences. Here you will find successful players from the worlds of politics and business conversing with creative individuals from Berlin's lively art and cultural scene in a wonderfully informal atmosphere. And it is not uncommon that innovative ideas, new projects or lucrative business ideas are the result – just incidentally over a cup of tea or whilst sipping a gin and tonic, or on the tennis court. And the family? They love all the green space, the lively atmosphere and the warm and sincere manner which is cultivated here. 

You will find still traces everywhere of the "fine English manners" which make our club into a cosmopolitan institution here in the sociable city of Berlin. The stylish British interior decoration, the comfortable leather Chesterfield sofas, our Afternoon Tea, the bridge rounds, the Ladies Only evenings and the respectful and polite way we treat one another – this is all very much cultivated and appreciated. With some careful modernisation and freshening up, of course. The traditional flair of the club is today combined with a more contemporary and informal spirit – and an open-minded, cosmopolitan attitude which we and our 1,800 members are very proud of.

Stylish, cosmopolitan, informal and exclusive – Welcome to the International Club Berlin!

british yacht club berlin

The history of the International Club Berlin goes back a long way – to the time of the club's founders in the late 19th century. In 1920, the Berlin Ice-skating Club acquired the elegant premises in the Thüringer Allee to set up a sports centre and their own club house. In summer, the Berlin aristocracy played tennis here in wonderful surroundings and met up to socialise, play chess and practise their fencing skills. In winter, the picture was different – ice skating was transformed into a social event. Wrapped up warmly but nevertheless stylish and elegant, Berlin society took to the artificially-created ice which now covered the Centre Court at the club house. And so it was that this sporting address on Thüringer Allee became a permanent fixture in the social calendar of Berlin – and remained so for many years to come. 

british yacht club berlin

In 1945, the identity of the premises on Thüringer Allee underwent some changes. The sports complex became the home of the British Officers' Club. From now on, the typical "fine English manners" started to influence the style and the life of the club – continuing for almost 5 decades. This close connection to Great Britain is something which is still cultivated by the International Club Berlin. This is why the numerous prominent honorary members of the club always include the current British ambassador. They follow in the footsteps of the British City Commandant and founding president of the ICB, Major-General Patrick G. Brooking, who was one of the driving forces in the founding of the International Club Berlin by a group of 35 citizens of Berlin following the withdrawal of the British military forces from the city.

british yacht club berlin

With its founding in the year 1994, the International Club Berlin was keen to continue in the tradition of the British Officers' Club and developed into a place to meet up, a place for conversation and for sharing ideas and experiences. Ever since then, guests with an international background have been meeting up here with citizens of Berlin from the worlds of business, politics, art and culture – to share experiences, make new contacts and socialise in an informal atmosphere. Or to celebrate special occasions together. In the year 2006, the International Club Berlin was able to acquire these magnificent premises from the City of Berlin authorities – thanks to the initiative and the untiring commitment of the Board of Directors. With financial support from the members as well as from the Gothaer Insurance Company, the future of this unique urban country club could thus be secured.  Today, the club enjoys an outstanding reputation far beyond the boundaries of Berlin itself. For this reason, too—as in the times of the British Officers' Club—a member of the British Royal Family is the patron of our club – Prince Charles, the heir to the throne of the United Kingdom.

Honour n' Board

british yacht club berlin

Honorary members

british yacht club berlin

  • The Ambassador of Great Britain Jill Gallard
  • The ruling Mayor of Berlin Kai Wegner
  • The former British Ambassador Sir Peter Torry, GCVO, KCMG
  • Former State Secretary, President of the ICB from 2005-2009 Dr. Jürgen Sudhoff

In memoriam

  • Former Federal President Walter Scheel (dec.)
  • Former Federal President Dr. Richard von Weizsäcker (dec.)
  • Former Federal President Professor Dr. Roman Herzog (dec.)
  • Former Federal President Dr. Helmut Kohl (dec.)
  • Former Federal Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher (dec.)
  • Founding President of the ICB, former British Commandant in West Berlin Major-General Patrick Brooking, CB CMG MBE DL (dec.)
  • Former British Ambassador Sir Nigel Broomfield, KCMG (dec.)
  • Founding member of the ICB  Wolfgang Hofer (dec.)

Rules & Mission

british yacht club berlin

Mission Statement

The "International Club Berlin (ICB)" was founded on the basis of the friendly links which have grown over many decades between the United Kingdom and the city of Berlin. European unity and the new role of the reunited city of Berlin as an international metropolis were considerable driving forces in the move to found the club.

The idea of the ICB was to provide a space for international encounter whilst at the same time cultivating the special style and character of the former British Officers' Club in Berlin. The club promotes the exchange of ideas and experiences between citizens and representatives from the worlds of politics, business, art and culture in Berlin and members of the international community who have made their home in the German capital city. 

Club Member

Interested in club membership, opening hours.

10.00 am - 10.00 pm

Kitchen opens at 12.00 noon

Swimming Pool

01 May to 30 September Mon - Fri 7.00 am - 8.00 pm Weekends and public holidays 9.00 am - 8.00 pm

Children under the age of 14 years allowed in every day until 7.00 pm

7.00 am - 9.00 pm


  1. British Yacht Club

    british yacht club berlin

  2. British Yacht Club

    british yacht club berlin

  3. Berliner Yacht-Club e.V

    british yacht club berlin

  4. British Yacht Club

    british yacht club berlin

  5. British Yacht Club

    british yacht club berlin

  6. British-Yacht-Club

    british yacht club berlin


  1. Yacht club💯🎬

  2. Berlin City

  3. Yacht Tour Austria

  4. Berlin Yacht Club Junior Sailing Camp


  1. History DBYC

    1952 saw the founding of the Berlin British Yacht Club which catered almost exclusively to British military personnel and their families. It was not until 1970 that German citizens were permitted to join the club.

  2. British Yacht Club

    Herzlich Willkommen Liebe Gäste, Liebe Gäste, ab dem 02.10.23 gehen wir in die Winterpause. Vielen Dank für die schöne Saison! [email protected] Anfragen anderer Art (Veranstaltungen etc.) beantworten wir gern am folgenden Werktag. Hunde sind bei uns erlaubt. Kommen Sie gerne vorbei, und genießen Sie wunderschöne Sonnenuntergänge am Dümmer.

  3. Deutsch-Britischer Yacht Club

    Deutsch-Britischer Yacht Club - Welcome Aboard Grand Slam 2021 Grand Slam Nov / 2021 - Motte vs. Int. 14 In diesem Jahr konnte endlich wieder die beliebte Grand Slam Regatta unter Einhaltung der Corona Vorgaben am 06.11.2021 und 07.11.2021 stattfinden. Diesmal nahmen zusätzlich zur Int-14 (14 Footer Skiffs), OK-Jollen… Grand Slam 2023

  4. Deutsch-Britischer Yacht Club

    Vor dem Clubgelände landeten Flugboote der Britischen Schutzmacht zur Versorgung Berlins. 1952 wurde der British Berlin Yacht Club (BBYC) gegründet. Im Jahr 1970 wurden die ersten deutschen Mitglieder aufgenommen. Terroristen der Bewegung 2. Juni verübten am 2. Februar 1972 einen Sprengstoffanschlag auf den (damals noch) BBYC, bei dem der ...

  5. Geschichte

    1952 wird der British Berlin Yacht Club (BBYC) gegründet. Im Jahr 1970 werden die ersten deutschen Mitglieder aufgenommen. Nach der Grenzöffnung nimmt bereits am 10./11. November 1989 der erste Bürger der DDR an der Grand-Slam-Regatta für 505er, Laser, OK-Jollen und Europe teil.

  6. 2 June Movement

    2 June Movement The 2 June Movement ( German: Bewegung 2. Juni) was a West German anarchist militant group based in West Berlin. Active from January 1972 to 1980, the anarchist group was one of the few militant groups at the time in Germany.

  7. British Berlin Yaught (sic) Club; Notes For Dinghy Sailors

    On the Havel River. Now known as German-British Yacht Club, Kladower Damm 217 H, 14089 Berlin. "The DBYC's chequered history is closely linked to the...

  8. Deutsch-Britischer Yacht Club

    Deutsch-Britischer Yacht Club, Berlin, Germany. 41 likes · 19 were here. Segelclub in bester Lage zum segeln. Windgeschützt und trotzdem gleich auf der...

  9. British Yacht Club

    British Yacht Club, Lembruch. 2,419 likes · 3 talking about this · 1,081 were here. Liebe Gäste, ab dem 02.10.23 gehen wir in die Winterpause. Vielen...

  10. Berliner Yacht-Club e.V

    The Berlin Yacht-Club gives every sailor a warm welcome. We are located in a central location at lake Wannsee ( S-Bahn: Nikolassee) with great access. The general nature and philosophy of our club is to encourage sailing and to bring together sailors and enthusiasts from all over the world having common interests - especially in boating. contact

  11. Deutsch-Britischer Yacht Club Land Berlin • PredictWind

    Deutsch-Britischer Yacht Club Marina in Germany. No matter whether from water, on land or in the air. The German-British Yacht Club e. V. has always welcomed its members and guests for over 30 years. In recent years, however, the club has only ever entered the club from the water and land side.

  12. about

    This facility was located on the eastern shore of the Wannsee at Am Sandwerder 17-19. Since its establishment, the facility has been known by several names: „Wannsee Yacht Club", „Wannsee Harbor", and „Wannsee Recreation Center" as it was last officially known.

  13. Sailing in and Around Berlin

    Berlin Yacht Clubs and Associations. German-British Yacht Club (Deutscher-Britischer Yacht Club, DBYC) At: Kladower Damm 217a, 14089 Berlin Tel: 030 365 4010 Fax: 030 3680 8426 ... Spandauer Yacht Club Berlin At: Scharfe Lanke 31, 13595 Berlin-Spandau Tel: 030 361 5717 Fax: 030 3628 310

  14. Expat Clubs & Associations

    Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft e.V. Independent association promoting German-British relations in all areas of public and cultural interest. At Pariser Platz 6, 3rd floor, 10117 Berlin. VISIT WEBSITE SEND EMAIL CALL American Chamber of Commerce in Germany

  15. History

    BYC History 1943 - 1952 Berlin Reservoir was filled up for the first time in the spring of 1943. Interest in sailing grew around Berlin as formal and informal races were organized.

  16. Plan a Visit


  17. Berlin Yacht Club

    Apr 6, 2024 Apr20 Apr 20, 2024 Work Day Apr 20, 2024 Apr 20, 2024 EVENTS WIND FORECAST Featured Mar 12, 2024 Discounted Trial Memberships Available Mar 12, 2024 Mar 12, 2024 Mar 10, 2024 Berlin Lake assured high water levels Mar 10, 2024 Mar 10, 2024 Mar 10, 2024 Olympic Vision to Brisbane 2032 Mar 10, 2024 Mar 10, 2024 Mar 10, 2024

  18. End of an era: British Kiel Yacht Club boats are transferred

    As the British Kiel Yacht Club is wound up, its boats have been transferred to the Joint Services Adventurous Sail Training Centre (JSASTC) in Gosport. After 71 years, the British Kiel Yacht Club in Germany is being wound up. It comes following the closure of the Ministry of Defence's Kiel Training Centre in the Baltic Sea as a result of the ...

  19. English Speaking Clubs and Organizations Berlin

    2. BERLIN INTERNATIONAL WOMEN`S CLUB. Marienstraße 19 / 20 10117 Berlin. Telefon: +49 (30) 28 48 24 50 E-Mail: [email protected]. 3. THE BERLIN AMERICAN CLUB e.V. If you want to get into contact with BAC or want further information on the BAC, please send an email to: [email protected]

  20. International Club Berlin

    Welcome to the International Club Berlin! Here on our wonderful premises, right in the heart of Berlin, you will meet people with style and class from a diverse range of cultural backgrounds - key personalities from the worlds of diplomacy, politics, business and science mingle with creative types from the art and cultural scene.

  21. Berlin Yacht Club

    Berlin Yacht Club, North Benton, Ohio. 227 likes · 636 were here. Berlin Yacht Club is a sailing club located in North Benton, Ohio, on beautiful Berlin...

  22. Deutsch-Britischer Yacht Club (

    326 Followers, 65 Following, 46 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Deutsch-Britischer Yacht Club ( 326 Followers, 65 Following, 46 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Deutsch-Britischer Yacht Club ( Something went wrong. There's an issue and the page could not be loaded. Reload page ...

  23. BYC News

    welcome to the new site: climb aboard Ahoy, fellow yachting enthusiasts! We are thrilled to welcome you to the all-new Berlin Yacht Club website. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or just dipping your toes into the world of yachting, this digital port of call is designed to be your ultimate destination for all things related to yachting. Read More