Best Sailboats for One Person (With 9 Examples)

One of the most common challenges of sailing is finding the right boat to sail alone. Luckily, there are some good sailboats out there suited for one person. Let's take a look at them, and find out why they're especially good for single-handing.

In this article, I talk about single-handed sailing and look at the nine best sailboats for one person, ranging from small lake dinghies all the way to comfy cruisers capable of oceanic crossings.

Here are the best sailboats for solo sailing

Jeanneau Sunfast 3200

Beneteau oceanis 62, pacific seacraft flicka 20, tartan 3700, hunter channel 31, j boats 109.

Now let's look at them in detail so that you can choose the one best for you.

best one person sailboat

On this page:

What you need for short-handed sailing, features of a good single-handed boat.

Before talking about anything else, let's take a quick look at the features you want in a sailboat for short-handing (a fancy way of saying sailing alone ).

Scroll down to the list of sailboats here .

best one person sailboat

What to look for in a single-handed sailboat:

  • Easy-to-operate sails
  • Self-tacking jib
  • Self-reefing sails
  • Good autopilot

It's nice to have a team of friends, each with their own position within the crew, taking care of their specific thing. One behind the helm, one at the navigation, one trimming the mainsail, one taking care of the foresail, and an extra deckhand just to be sure. But if for whatever reason you want to sail on your own, you'll be the one to fill all those positions.

To make sure that it is physically possible and as easy as can be under the circumstances, start with a good boat choice. The idea is to pick a design that will be easy to operate with just one person available.

Now the good news is that since around 1990, many boat manufacturers have been focusing on ease of operation. That's just what the current market demand dictates. In other words, good single-handed sailboats aren't a rare find.

So what are the specific features to look for when sailing on your own? Let's clear a common misconception first - single-handed doesn't mean the boat has to be small.

Sure, small boats are easier to dock, and things tend to be within reach… but you will find large numbers of 70-footers that are designed as single-handed projects.

You can operate 100-footers on your own. Read all about it in our article What's the largest boat one person can operate?

Easily Operated Sails

A good start are sails that can be operated without much hassle. That doesn't necessarily mean being able to reach all the lines and winches from the helm. If you can, that's great, but if the boat has an autopilot, all you need is to be able to tweak the sails from the front of the cockpit.

Try to avoid setups where you'd have to walk to the mast to play with your sheets - not only it takes time but doing that in heavy winds, tall waves, on a boat that is healing, is a recipe for disaster that nobody is there to save you from.

When solo sailing, the ability to reef and tack quickly is important since those are oftentimes time-sensitive maneuvers. So self-tacking jibs would make your life way easier.

Individually Suitable Boat

The best test, though, is to take the boat out and try it out for yourself. A boat that handles easily in the hands of one person can be unmanageable in the hands of another.

A spinnaker pole might be a handful for the shorter folks, while a 6'2'' 200lbs bloke won't have issues with it.

But don't go around shopping with a 'must-have' checklist. Sometimes the boat is almost there, and all it needs is a little DIY technical push, like adding an extra jammer to the cockpit and running a reef line through it, or getting your hands on a windvane self-steering kit.

As somewhat touched upon before, manufacturers are trying to cater to the ease of use and since technology is going forward, what used to be a hi-tech racing equipment piece years ago, has now made its way into the affordable mainstream.

The canting keel is such an example, something you used to see on racing sailboats only, but now can be put on your average cruiser.

Autopilot Matters

An important part of solo sailing is a good autopilot, for obvious reasons. Luckily, nowadays, these are very reliable compared to what the standard used to be years ago in the cruiser world.

That being said, if you can get your hands on a boat with a proper below-the-deck autopilot with a gyrocompass, you will be much happier than with your average on-deck system, which does the job well, but when things get windier, it might become less reliable.

By the way, racing boats tend to be good solo sailing vessels—they are set up for efficiency. They feature more robust rigging and hulls that can withstand rough conditions and gusts better, and thus are more forgiving, without the necessity to tweak to detail.

I'm not saying that to necessarily have you look for racing boats for your short-handed trips, but rather so that you don't steer away from them on purpose, thinking they would be too much of a handful.

On deck, navigation is a big one too. Again, nothing to cry about if your boat of choice doesn't have one, as it can be easily solved with aftermarket solutions. Or an iPad with the proper app. But having to run below the deck to see where you are isn't the handiest of scenarios, especially in tricky situations.

If possible, consider investing in side thrusters. They can make maneuvering your boat infinitely easier, docking can turn from an unpleasant procedure to a relatively simple joystick play, and especially if you are on a bigger boat, you will appreciate this feature.

We haven't touched on the topic of interiors since it isn't as sensitive as a matter. But having plenty of handles to grab onto regardless of where you are is a good idea, since hitting your head and passing out is unpleasant with a crew, but potentially fatal without it.

To continue with the topic of safety, equipment and boat design aside, remember that you can't really afford mistakes you could make with friends on board. So make sure you have enough spots to clip your harness to, that the boat is sufficiently equipped with communication devices and that all the equipment works as it should.

So let's get specific. What are the nine boats that make great companions for solo sailors?

Let's start with the obvious one—a dinghy. It won't probably be your choice when crossing an ocean, but for practice or a fun day close to the shore, this is one hell of a boat. In comparison to its rivals in the same category, RS Aero is super light weighing 66 lbs. It is among the most technologically advanced sailing dinghies designed specifically for one person.

All of this comes for a price though - 10 000 to over 15 000 USD. You will be getting your money's worth for sure though. An enormous amount of hi-tech work went into this project, and you'd be buying a design that won more awards than could fit on its 13-foot body.

This is a big step up from a dinghy, while still keeping things very simple. It is a lightweight boat, originally designed for a transatlantic race. Thanks to that and its small size, it is easy to handle, the racing pedigree shows in the efficient layout, so everything is within reach. Despite its smaller size, it can reach speeds you would expect of much larger boats.

You can find small family cruisers of the same size, but don't let that fool you. This is very much a Spartan sailboat. Inside, you won't find much more than the bare necessities - two aft cabins, curtains instead of doors, simple seating, not much lining or wood, just a notch above barebones interiors. You get a toilet though, a chart table and a galley as well as much stowage. But you will be reminded of being on a racer, because unless you are shorter than 5'7'', you won't be able to stand up straight.

As mentioned, this boat was designed for a cross-ocean race, so it is a seaworthy bluewater mate that should be able to take you more or less wherever you want to.

Time to go big. As previously mentioned, solo sailing doesn't mean you have to stick to smaller sizes. Why? Because it is a trend now. Even though just some ten years ago, the situation was vastly different, these days, single-handed 60+ footers aren't anything rare.

So why this Beneteau? Well, for one, to meet the new kinds of market demand, it was designed for ease of use, meaning it can be successfully operated by a single person. I don't know what you'd do alone with all that space, but if you want to enjoy oceanic solitude while not giving up the luxuries of having space the size of a family apartment, you can.

And while there are more boats of this size suited for short-handed sailing, like the larger Jeanneaus, Hanses, or even Bavarias, the Oceanis 62 can be yours for around 600 000 EUR new, which is a figure unheard of in that size and quality range up until relatively recently.

This is not the first time I am mentioning this boat in an article, and no wonder, it has so much character! Like others in this list, this one has been designed for single-handed sailing - it had to be. You couldn't fit two people on it comfortably anyway.

So aside from its solo capabilities, why does it deserve to be on the list? Well, it's towable, which you could say about the RS Aero too, but you can actually live on a Flicka, and it is seaworthy. It is about as small as you can go while still being able to cross oceans.

There is no question about everything being within the hand's reach on this one. Ergonomics almost don't matter at this size. Given its towability, the fact that you can park it in your garden, and its short-handed potential makes for the perfect spontaneous getaway mobile.

Another boat you can live on. It is a seaworthy ocean crosser, and thanks to its setup and a self-tacking jib, it is a proper short-handed boat. It also has quite a wide beam, thanks to which you'll get additional stability, further supporting comfort when operating it solo. It is made by a brand that proved its worth over time, as since the 70s, it is still going strong. It's comfortable enough for long distances, with a spacious salon, shower, and space for a small family.

Used, you can get one starting around 150 000 USD, which is one of the reasons why it belongs on this list - if you are serious about solo sailing and want a proper boat without compromises that come with smaller sizes or sportiness, this one is within a reasonable reach. Among the affordable, high-quality, short-handed sailing cruisers, Tartan 3700 has its definite place.

This is the kind of boat I was talking about when I mentioned that formerly racing design aspects started to make it into the cruising world. Hunter started as a racer builder and then shifted to cruisers, while, of course, taking its know-how with them, which makes for boats that are easy to operate, also well-performing ones.

This specific model got on the list because of its low center of gravity, high ballast ratio, and stable hull, which means you won't have to trim the sails all the time to go fast. And less work is always welcome if you are the only person to do all of it.

Another reason it's gotta be here is it is very efficient layout, self-tacking jib, and single-line mainsail reefing system—a smart choice for solo sailors.

If you like what you saw in Hunter Channel 31, but fancy something a bit faster, with a higher quality build, this one's what you want. It has lost much of its sportiness as it is too heavy to be thought of as a proper performance boat today, but in the worst-case scenario, it is a quick cruiser capable of satisfying sprints.

It was designed for single-handed sailing as well as for full crewed racing, so if you want to push as much as you can out of it with a team of your mates, you can, while knowing you will be able to cruise at a good pace when they leave.

So unless you mind the slightly higher price tag, which comes with the high build and components quality, as well as the less generous interior fanciness usually seen in racers, you've found yourself a boat.

The best thing about solo sailing is also the most dangerous thing about it - you will be alone. So you want your boat to be your buddy - forgiving as much as can be, having your back. Amel 60 is such a boat. It has watertight bulkheads, so it is hardly sinkable, its cockpit has a solid roof and windows, so no matter the weather, you'll be protected while behind the helm, it has a stable hull, offering support even in tricky weather, it features electric winches, so you can operate the sails without even touching a line…

...and inside, you get more space and luxury than you could wish for, including a washing machine. All in all, if there is a boat that's got your back even if your skill level isn't the greatest, it is Amel 60. All it wants from you is to be ok with the 1.5 million USD price tag.

Have you seen the film "All Is Lost"? An incredible project without dialogue, where a solo sailor on a Cal 39 makes his way through an ocean. Now, what makes Cal 39 such a great boat for solo sailing? As it turns out, nothing in particular. It wasn't designed with this in mind. It isn't even a notably successful model - though that's mostly due to technical circumstances rather than a lack of quality.

And that's why it must be on this list. To represent all the boats that aren't single-handed projects by design, but make it possible, if you get to know the boat, spend some time with it, and, as mentioned at the very beginning of this article, tweak it so that it makes solo sailing easier.

best one person sailboat

By this, I want to encourage you to get into solo sailing, even if you lack a sailboat that is specifically made for a one-person crew. Quite a few single-handed passages have been done on boats that wouldn't make it to this list because technically, they don't fit the profile. But they were made to be, either with tweaks or with skills. Be honest to yourself regarding your skill level, the boat design, and if it passes the test, go for it.

Happy sailing!

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Uncensored Sailing

11 Best Single Handed Bluewater Sailboats

best one person sailboat

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We know that you’re serious about sailing when you finally think of venturing to the ocean. Who can resist dreaming of solo sailing through the Atlantic? This is an adventure to prove your advanced skills, strength, and experience. 

But before going off on your ocean adventure, you need to plan and prepare . We cannot stress enough the importance of good equipment. There is a lot of sailboat types and models in the market and we want to help you choose the best one for your needs.

Do you know what hull, rigging, and keel types you will need? What’s the best material and model for you to buy? 

We will guide you through important sailboat features needed for the cruise. Follow this review until the end and we will share the 11 best single-handed blue water sailboats for your solo ocean sailing!

What Size Sailboat Is Best for Single-Handed Sailing

What type of hull handles rough water the best, sailboat keel types for blue water sailing, keel or decked stepped mast, sloop or ketch, how many spreaders, cutter rig, self steering gear, furling sails, westsail 32, albin vega 27, pacific seacraft 34, canadian sailcraft 36 traditional, hallberg rassy 352, contessa 32, fast passage 39.

If you are planning to manage your boat single-handedly, then size is an important factor to consider. It can affect the size of your accommodation, and maybe the boat’s design for speed and power.

Being alone, you need to have a clear overview of what is happening on your boat. This is especially important when maneuvering or for docking operations. 

Experienced sailors can handle a 60-foot sailboat but novices would find it difficult with its steep learning curve . Check out the Vendee Globe if you don’t believe me. In general, a good sailboat size for single-handed sailing would range from 25 to 40 feet.

We recommend sailboats with sizes under 40 feet. These have good displacement and are great when against bad weather. They are solo-friendly and simply the most manageable.

But in the end, choosing a suitable size depends on your experience and preference. You need to consider your overall health, age, and physique. Make sure to have a complete understanding of your sailboat before going on your journey to prevent accidents.

The hull or the main body of your boat comes in varying shapes and sizes. Each different type of hull is designed for specific purposes. 

When venturing the blue waters, you need to have a hull design that could handle rough waters easily. The hull shape determines the performance of your sailboat and therefore, should align with your strengths and skills. 

Today, the most popular design would be the heavy displacement hull . This design is intended for ocean cruising and longer sailing travels. 

It has great stability and performs better the deeper the draft is. With this design, you would expect a slow and steady motion during your sea travels with minimal effort. 

V-type hulls, on the other hand, are designed to plane or ride on top of the water. You can usually see these types of hulls on powerboats. The V-type hull usually has a bigger engine and best when dealing with choppy waters while moving at high speed.

Narrow beams are also a great option for those who are looking for another ocean friendly feature . These are usually seen in traditional sailboats.

Canoe stern or the double are considered to be the best sterns for offshore sailing. They help cut through a following sea and really helps prevent the waves from pushing the stern over too much. It also has great buoyancy and balance that is perfect for bluewater cruising.

The best materials for hulls would be fiberglass, metal, and aluminum. These are durable and could last for decades if properly maintained.

Aluminum is lightweight and has resistance to corrosion and impervious to magnetism. Boats built with aluminum are fast, stable, and seaworthy.

Fiberglass hulls need less attention. Currently, boats are usually made of fiberglass as the material is easier for companies and also great for seakeeping and stability.

Metal like steel has high abrasion resistance. It helps retain the boat’s appearance but can be prone to rust and corrosion.

Untitled design 4

A keel is a fin-like blade found at the bottom of a sailboat. It supports the ballast and helps to control and steer the boat. 

It is generally designed to stop the boat from getting blown sideways because of wind pressure. The full keel, modified full keel, fin skeg, and fin spade rudder are all suited for bluewater sailing.

A full keel runs along the full length of the boat – from the bow to the stern – which makes it the most stable in the water. It carries the vessel well and is the safest to use when grounding as it reduces the chances of damage. 

This is most ideal when cruising and the most comfortable out of the four keel types with its minimal heel. Although the slowest on the list, it has great directional stability and steering capability. 

An improved version is the modified full keel . It is a hybrid with improved windward performance and better heel reduction than the full keel. However, it made small concessions on its stability and comfort.

Meanwhile, the fin keel with skeg rudder has more strength and protection against damage and impact. It also has better mobility and steering capability. 

This type has a faster speed and windward performance compared to the modified and full keel types. It is also more balanced, which is ideal for cruiser-racer types of sailboats.

Lastly, we have the fin with a spade rudder. This is the fastest type on the list but also the most vulnerable as the spade rudder greatly relies on the rudder stock. But if you want speed and great windward performance, then this type is the right one for you.

Sailboat Rigging Types

Rigging is the whole system of ropes, chains, and cables. It supports the sailboat mast and controls the sails’ orientation and degree of reefing.

There are two main groups of sailboat rigs, Deck Stepped and Keel Stepped. The main difference lies in the location of its mast step. Both are fine choices and the better rig would depend on your preference.

Just as its names suggests, you can find the mast stand on top of the deck with Deck Stepped and on the hull’s bottom with Keel stepped. This means that to reach the keel, the mast would need to pierce through the cabin.

Deck Stepped rigs have masts that are more flexible because of their contact points, and are easily adjustable for optimal performance. Keel Stepped rig is rigid and strong and offers slow and steady cruising.

Now let’s move on and talk about Slope rigged and Ketch rigged. Which is better?

A sloop rig is simple. It is composed of a mast with a jib and a mainsail. Ketch, on the other hand, is more complex with its two masts with any foresail, main and mizzen mast combinations.

If you are choosing between Sloop and Ketch rigged sailboats for solo sailing, then we recommend Sloop. Although, Ketch is manageable and can be easily used with less strength and effort. This is perfect for cruising as it can work around multiple sailing conditions.

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In terms of spreaders, you can freely choose between a single or dual spreader. This deflects shrouds and supports the mast. We do recommend dual spreaders but single spreaders are also good. 

It’s just that double spreaders give the rig more strength and better sail control.

The cutter rig is sometime referred to as an inner forestay or baby stay. Simplest way of describing it is that you have two head sails instead of just one. Gives you more options on sail configurations.

Single Person Sailboat Equipment and Gear

Your sailboat would not be complete without gear and equipment. You might want to invest in autopilot or wind vane, furling headsails, electric windlass, life jackets, and AIS to make your voyage much easier.

Wind Vane is an autopilot steering that you can use without electricity. It is usually placed on the back to catch the wind and respond to various wind conditions.

It automatically adjusts the rudders in response to the wind to alter the boat’s course. This is helpful because it’s like having another crew member on board you don’t have to listen to and feed.

Headsail furling or roller reefing is necessary for easier management of your headsails. It is important to have a functioning and updated roller furling system in order to reef, dowse, or stow the headsail efficiently.

Another item we would recommend is an electric windlass . You can choose one that works vertically or horizontally, depending on your needs. This will help you move the anchor effortlessly with a single button. Using the two windlasses that god gave you makes anchoring more difficult then it needs to be.

Life jackets are a must in every sailboat. Just be sure it fits you and that you know how to use it. Also, be sure to buy a coast guard approved product with a harness that could support your weight. 

The Automatic Identification System (AIS) will help you avoid collisions . It is recommended to get a receiving and transmitting one when going solo sailing. 

This way, you and the other boats with AIS within the radar area are alerted to each other’s speed, course, and direction.

Really, you won’t know what you might encounter in the ocean so you must always be prepared. We hope that these items will help you achieve a safer and more secure sailing experience.

11 Best Sailboats for Solo Sailing

Now, here are 11 sailboats that are best for solo sailing. Any of these vessels are guaranteed to take you safely and comfortably anywhere around the world.

Westsail 32 solo sailing sailboat

This is a long full keel fiberglass sailboat that was built from 1971 to 1981. Its design was based on a previous model, Kendall 32, and has an amazing interior size geared for comfortable cruising.

W32 is widely noted for its seaworthiness. It is built with a strong and durable design and materials to resist extreme sea conditions.

It was used on various voyages and circumnavigations. Its hull is a heavy displacement and double-ender type designed for long periods of sailing.

It is also a cutter-rigged sailboat equipped with a single mast, forestaysail, mainsail, and jib. Its overall length including the bowsprit and boomkin is roughly 40 feet, which is perfect for sailing single-handedly.

Most people would note that the speed and acceleration of W32 are quite slow. This is due to its larger wetted area and sometimes newbies’ mistake of carrying too much on board.

With the right keel, sails, and rig configurations you can improve on W32’s speed and weaknesses. As seen from David King’s documented modifications, W32 proved to be safe, steady, and fast when sailing on blue waters.

Albin Vega 27 single handed solo sailboat

Vega 27 is a modified full keel sailboat with a masthead sloop rig. It was designed around 1966 and became the most popular production sailboat in Scandinavia.

It has a unique look because of its reverse sheer commonly seen in smaller boats to increase the area of its interior. It is made with fiberglass, but has a narrower hull compared to similar sized boats in its class. 

Its shallow hull has a large cutaway as seen with modified full keel designs. This can make her quite stiff, heeling to about 15 degrees when its shoulders are buried.

Still, it is great for single-handed sailing because of its manageability and balance under different conditions. You cannot help but admire its light helm and great tracking capability.

Vega’s light air performance is okay but it shines when the wind blows at 15 knots or more. It could even maintain its dryness even with rough waves and weather conditions.

The most comforting feature would be its control and stability at all times unlike other more modern vessels with spade rudders. Overall, it is safe and ideal for longer cruises offshore.

alberg 30

This 30-foot traditional sailboat could take you anywhere. Alberg is notable for its narrow beams, long overhangs, and full cutaway keel with its directly attached rudder.

It is strong and durable. Its materials were mostly aluminum, hand-laid fiberglass, and polyester resin. More ballasts were produced in later productions as the early ballast was built with iron as opposed to the original lead design.

Alberg is greatly influenced by folk boats in Scandinavia. It is built with fiberglass and has an interior with comfortable full standing headroom and a well-vented galley.

This classic design from 1962 is ideal to cross oceans and is used for various circumnavigations. Alberg is a stable and seaworthy boat that could even be used in casual racing. Its best point of sail seems to be a beam reach and close reach.

It is praiseworthy when crossing oceans. Unlike modern designs that tend to be thrown around on rough seas, Alberg’s narrow beam design slices through big and rough waves and moves quickly. Under extreme weather conditions, it could perform heaving-to and lying-a-hull with no problems.

pacific seacraft 34 solo sailing

Pacific Seacraft 34 is a smaller heavy displacement semi-long keel sailboat based on the highly successful Crealock 37. It has the same graceful lines and appearance as the Crealock and is known as the Voyagemaker.

It is built with comfort and safety in mind with its large overhanging bow and beautiful sheer line ending with a traditional canoe stern. Constructed with the highest standard, it is a seaworthy sailboat that is ideal for bluewater voyages.

It is a cutter-rigged sailboat with skeg-hung rudders and control lines being fed back to its cockpit. The smaller cockpit may feel cramped but its design lowers the risk of flooding.

Still, it has a great interior suited for living aboard. It has a large headroom, comfortable galley, and up to five berths for comfortable cruising.

Although you may feel some hobby-horsing windward because of the overhangs, Seacraft 34 is overall a very balanced boat with great upwind performance. It has outstanding control capabilities and is able to sustain surfing speed with ease.

Tayana 37 solo sailboat sailing

This is a double-ended full keel cruiser designed by Bob Perry and built-in Taiwan in response to the rising popularity of Westsail 32. It was offered to the market as a semi-custom boat and built with high-quality materials.

You can modify the internal layout and can choose a ketch, cutter, or pilothouse version. There is an option to use wood or aluminum spars. The mast could also be keel-stepped or deck-stepped.

Before, only 20 were ketch sailboats due to the popularity of the cutter design at that time. Now, ketch has proven to be faster and more balanced between the two.

Tayana is relatively faster than any sailboat in its class. Its best point of sail is in its broad reach. It also tracks well windward, and is an ideal choice for the trades. It is also great how the cockpit is secured from any flooding even when traveling. 

Today, a lot of people are still actively sailing this. Tayana 37 has become well known for offshore and blue water sailing.

canadian sailcraft 36 single handed sailing solo

Canadian Seacraft is well known for its fiberglass racer and cruiser. CS 36 is a small traditional fin keel sailboat with a masthead sloop intended for recreational use. It is seaworthy and has good performance in different weather conditions.

It was designed by Raymond Wall and had a production run between 1978 to 1987. It remains to be popular in both north and south borders.

It is a beautiful sailboat with a graceful sheer line and balanced overhangs at both bow and stern. Its details and quality in design and production are clearly of a higher tier.

It is mostly built with fiberglass and balsa wood. It is equipped with an internally mounted spade transom hung rudder. All of its lines lead to the cockpit, which is ideal for single-handed sailing.

CS 36 Traditional also has a deep-depth draft and wide beams with great access to the cockpit and foredecks. It is wide and spacious, which is perfect for comfortable cruising.

The sailboat has great proportion and traditional aesthetics. It is simple and straightforward, which makes it ideal for bluewater sailing.

Hallberg rassy 352 single handing sailboat

This is a sturdy and high-quality sailboat built between 1978 to 1991. It features a progressive design, combining a walk through with the aft-cabin from the main saloon. It is made with a tall and standard rig each supported on double and single spreaders, respectively.

Hallberg Rassy 352 has a nicely balanced hull sporting a fin keel with rudder on skeg, a generous beam, and a 45 percent high ballast ratio. Its water and fuel tanks are placed low in the keel to improve sail carrying ability.

Its production spanning 14 years allowed for continuous improvements in its specifications. Newer sailboats have raised hulls for bigger headroom in the under the deck, aft cabins, and the walkthrough. Engines were also replaced by a Volvo and later a Penta Turbo or the bigger MD 22.

It is impressive how they balanced good interior and sailing performance. It has great seakeeping ability and smooth motion in heavy seas, easily an ideal sailboat for singlehanded sailing.

corbin 39 solo sailboat review

Corbin 39 was designed based on a Dufour design named Harmonie, increasing freeboard, and flushing the deck. Its style is influenced by the classic Scandinavian cruiser, Westsail 32.

It has a long fin keel, blunt bow, and a high freeboard. It was sold as kits, and various deck molds were produced. They have pilot, aft, and center cockpit variations.

It was made of sturdy and high-quality materials. The earlier version’s decks were of marine grade mahogany but it was later changed with Airex foam. Its lead ballast was encapsulated with fiberglass for added protection.

Earlier boats had a single spreader main or a turbocharged double spreader. Later, Corbin used 49 feet double spreader rigs instead, and all were deck-stepped.

Corbin 39 is truly a strong and seaworthy vessel. With its fin keel and skeg rudder, cutter rig, and reefed main combinations, it could take anyone safely and comfortably anywhere in the world.

Valiant 40 solo sailing

Valiant 40 took its looks from Scandinavian double-ender sailboats. It had a successful production run that spanned for 47 years. It proved to be one of the pioneers for modern blue water designs.

Its hull is made from thick hand-laid fiberglass, bolted and covered with teak. Its ballast is cast with lead bolted to the keel stub. Lastly, the skeg is constructed separately from hull molding and encased with fiberglass before being fastened to the hull.

It has a beautiful bow and sheer lines and a longer LWL for maximum speed. At the back are a non-spacious cockpit and a canoe stern ideal for bluewater sailing operations.

Under the waterline is a fin keel with its skeg hung rudder. It perfectly matches with the cruising hall above, minimizing wetted surface area 

Overall, Valiant 40 is a seaworthy vessel with great blue water performance. Extremely balanced and well-mannered, it can withstand extreme weather conditions with ease and minimal effort on your part.

It soon gained a reputation as a fast water passage-maker with high integrity. Now, it is regularly used for circumnavigations by solo sailors and voyagers.

contessa 32 solo sailing sailboat

If you like a sailboat with a proven track record, then Contessa 32 is for you. It is a seaworthy racer-cruiser with good all-around sailing capabilities released in 1971.

Like its younger sister, Contessa 26, it has great speed, integrity, and affordability . Contessa 32 is a definite combination of old and new with its traditional narrow beam, a full hull with a fin keel, and fiberglass rudder protected by a skeg found in more modern yachts.

It has marked overhangs and a narrow tuck-up stern. It has less headroom below in return for its lesser wind resistance.

This configuration delivers fast racing speed and great stability. It could definitely withstand extreme weather and rough waves. Contessa 32 is claimed to be able to right itself when rolled or capsized.

Contessa 32 is known for its forgiving nature. It has a responsive helm and excellent windward performance. With its astounding stability, it can carry full sail for up to 25 knots.

fast passage 39 single handing sailboat

Fast Passage 39 was designed by William Garden and is said to be a legendary cruiser with speed, ruggedness, and fame. It is a stout double-ender comparable to the Valiant 40.

It has the same LOA and LWL as Valiant and also has nearly identical ballast and displacement. The difference is its narrower frame and more evolved underwater shapes resulting in flatter forward and aft keel sections and less wetted area. It also has great directional stability as its rudder allows great control under wind vane and down steep waves.

It is a high performing sailboat but also difficult to find as only 41 were produced. A part of the group was offered as hull and deck kits intended to be finished by the sailboat owners.

Fast Passage 39 also has a proven track record and has won single-handed blue water races. It performs great under a wide range of conditions, especially in light winds.

By now you should have some idea what makes a vessel Bluewater friendly. There are hundreds of vessels that can make long distance voyage safe and enjoyable. These examples above are just a few examples of the Best Single Handed BlueWater Sailboats.

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Single Handed Sailboats: The Ultimate Guide for Solo Sailing

by Emma Sullivan | Aug 22, 2023 | Sailboat Gear and Equipment


Short answer single handed sailboats:

Single handed sailboats, also known as dinghies or small keelboats, are sailing vessels designed for easy handling by a single person. They typically feature smaller sizes, efficient rigging systems, and self-tacking jibs to facilitate solo sailing. Popular examples include the Laser, Solo, and Sunfish.

Exploring the World of Single Handed Sailboats: A Comprehensive Guide

Exploring the World of Single-Handed Sailboats: A Comprehensive Guide


Ah, the allure of sailing – the freedom, the wind in your hair, and the sense of adventure as you glide through pristine waters . While sailing with a crew can be a fantastic experience, there is something uniquely special about single-handing a sailboat. It’s just you and the elements, testing your skills and resourcefulness. If you’re ready to embark on this incredible journey, then keep reading as we dive deep into the world of single-handed sailboats .

Getting Started:

Before setting sail on your own, it’s crucial to become familiar with the basics. Single-handed sailing requires heightened awareness and expertise compared to traditional sailing. Begin by understanding how to handle different types of sails and rigging systems. Mastering reefing techniques – reducing sail area during strong winds – is an essential skill that ensures safety.

Moreover, make sure you’re well-informed about navigational tools such as charts, compasses, and electronic navigation systems like GPS. Familiarize yourself with weather patterns specific to your chosen sailing grounds so that you can plan journeys accordingly.

Selecting Your Vessel:

Choosing the right boat for single-handed sailing is paramount. Sailors often opt for smaller vessels due to their maneuverability and ease of handling without crew assistance. Cats, dinghies, pocket cruisers or some cleverly designed keelboats are popular choices among solo sailors.

Determine whether you prefer a monohull or catamaran; both have distinct advantages depending on your desired cruising style. Monohulls offer stability in rough seas while catamarans provide greater living space for extended voyages.

Downsizing to Minimize Hassles:

Sailing alone means taking on multiple roles simultaneously – helmsman, navigator, cook – leaving little time for relaxation if everything feels cluttered onboard. Downsizing becomes crucial in ensuring efficiency and smooth sailing. Opt for compact navigation and communication equipment, such as multifunction displays that combine multiple tools into one device.

Similarly, embrace minimalism in your provisioning strategy; smart food choices that require minimum preparation will save you valuable time onboard. Utilize clever storage solutions to maximize the use of limited space without compromising on essential items.

Safety Measures:

When it comes to solo sailing, safety should always be a top priority. Ensure your vessel is equipped with all necessary safety features including life jackets, fire extinguishers, rescue flares, VHF radios, and an EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon). Regularly check and maintain these devices to ensure their reliability during emergencies.

Don’t forget about personal safety equipment as well. Consider investing in a personal locator beacon (PLB), which broadcasts your location in case of man-overboard situations. Stay vigilant by practicing regular drills for emergency scenarios like heavy weather conditions or medical emergencies.

Navigating Challenges:

Single-handed sailing isn’t without its challenges – rough seas, unpredictable weather patterns, mechanical failures – they can all add extra pressure when you’re alone on the water. Mitigate risks by keeping a close eye on changing conditions and take preventive measures such as paying attention to weather forecasts before heading out.

Maintain a well-stocked toolkit onboard with essential spare parts and tools for minor repairs or adjustments. Additionally, familiarize yourself with a pre-determined inspection routine to identify potential issues before they become serious problems at sea.

Embrace Technology:

Technology has revolutionized single-handed sailing over the years. Embrace the digital era by incorporating innovative gadgets like autopilots or windvanes that aid in self-steering while you concentrate on other tasks aboard. High-quality electronic chart plotters can help track your progress accurately while reducing navigational stress.

Online communities are also a valuable resource for connecting with experienced sailors who share invaluable tips and advice on single-handed sailing techniques . Engaging with these communities can provide you with a support network and endless inspiration.


Single-handed sailboats open up a world of adventure, freedom, and self-reliance that is uniquely rewarding. By understanding the fundamentals, making strategic vessel choices, prioritizing safety measures, and embracing technology, aspiring solo sailors can confidently embark on an unforgettable journey.

So hoist those sails, chart your course, and set out to explore the mesmerizing vastness of the ocean – all on your own terms. Single-handed sailing awaits; prepare yourself for an experience like no other!

Sources: 1. “The Modern Cruising Sailboat” by Charles Doane 2. “Practical Freedom – The Minimalist’s Guide to Sailing & Adventuring” by Heidi Nielsen 3. “Complete Ocean Navigator: Using Celestial Navigation & Electronics Together” by Bob Sweet

How to Master the Art of Sailing Alone: Single Handed Sailboats 101

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey filled with adventure, solitude, and the thrill of sailing alone? If so, then mastering the art of single-handed sailing is an essential skill you must acquire. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of single-handed sailboats, providing you with invaluable tips and insights to ensure a smooth and successful voyage. So hoist your sails, grab your compass, and let’s dive into “How to Master the Art of Sailing Alone: Single Handed Sailboats 101.”

1. Understanding Single-Handed Sailboats: Single-handed sailboats are specially designed vessels that allow one person to navigate through open waters effortlessly. With their streamlined hulls and efficient rigging systems, these boats offer enhanced maneuverability while ensuring minimal physical effort.

2. Preparing for Solo Sailing: Before embarking on any solo sailing adventure, it is crucial to be thoroughly prepared. Start by meticulously inspecting your boat and its equipment; check for any signs of damage or wear. Ensure that your safety gear is up-to-date and in good condition – life jackets, flares, first aid kit – never leave anything to chance.

3. Knowledge is Key: To conquer the art of solo sailing, equip yourself with extensive knowledge about navigation techniques like chart reading, buoyage systems, pilotage planning, tide calculations – the more adept you become at handling these skills on your own, the smoother your journeys will be.

4. Harnessing the Power of Technology: With advancements in technology, sailors now have access to an array of gadgets that can simplify their voyages significantly. GPS navigational systems allow for precise positioning while autopilot functions provide temporary relief from steering duties during longer trips.

5. Seamanship Essentials: Developing competent seamanship skills is crucial for navigating alone effectively. Improve your understanding of wind patterns and currents; practice reefing maneuvers (reducing sail area) for varying wind strengths. Knowledge of anchoring techniques and man overboard procedures is essential to ensure your safety in adverse conditions.

6. Optimizing Your Boat’s Setup: Single-handed sailboats are designed with ergonomics in mind, but optimizing the setup according to your preferences is highly recommended. Familiarize yourself with winch mechanisms, ropes, and lines to ensure smooth operation singlehandedly – make adjustments that facilitate ease of use.

7. Safety First: Solo sailing entails a certain level of risk; therefore, prioritizing safety precautions is non-negotiable. Always inform someone ashore about your plans and anticipated return time. Maintain regular check-ins via radio or satellite communication devices to provide updates on your progress. Carry backup essentials like extra food, water, and emergency supplies.

8. Developing Self-Reliance: Becoming self-reliant at sea involves honing skills in all aspects of boat handling. Practicing docking maneuvers solo will boost confidence when facing potential challenges in crowded marinas or unpredictable weather conditions.

9. Enjoy the Solitude: Sailing alone offers a unique opportunity for introspection and personal growth beyond the nautical realm. Embrace the solitude as you connect with nature, appreciating breathtaking sunsets, stargazing under clear skies, and experiencing the freedom that accompanies this lifestyle.

10: Learn from Seasoned Solo Sailors: Lastly, never forget that learning from those who have mastered single-handed sailing before you can be immensely valuable. Seek out books written by experienced solo sailors, join online forums or attend seminars conducted by yachting associations – their wisdom will guide you towards success on your solitary adventures.

Mastering the art of sailing alone aboard a single-handed sailboat requires dedication, knowledge, and experience – but it is an exhilarating pursuit worth undertaking for those seeking solitude amidst nature’s most beautiful expanse: the open ocean. So start preparing today – your solo voyage awaits!

Step-by-Step: Navigating the Waters with Single Handed Sailboats

Sailing, with its romantic allure and sense of freedom, has been captivating adventurers for centuries. However, sailing solo brings a whole new level of excitement and challenge to the table. Enter single handed sailboats – vessels specially designed to be operated by just one person.

In this blog post, we will take you on a journey through the intricacies of handling single handed sailboats step-by-step. From preparation to mastering sailing techniques, we’ll cover it all with a professional touch and sprinkle of wit.

1. Choosing the Right Single Handed Sailboat: Just like finding your soulmate, selecting the perfect boat that matches your skills and preferences is essential. Factors such as size, stability, maneuverability, and equipment options should be thoroughly considered. We will guide you through this critical decision-making process so that you can find your ideal vessel.

2. Planning and Preparation: Before venturing into the majestic waters alone, thorough planning is crucial for safety and success . We will discuss everything from selecting suitable sailing routes to checking weather conditions and tides. Our expert advice will help you prepare both mentally and physically for your solitary voyage.

3. Safety First: Being alone at sea requires extra precautions to ensure your well-being throughout your sailing adventure . We’ll provide comprehensive tips on safety equipment selection, emergency procedures, signaling devices, first aid kits – all geared towards minimizing risks so that you can fully enjoy a worry-free experience.

4. Navigation Tips: As a single-handed sailor, navigating efficiently becomes even more critical without a co-pilot’s assistance. We’ll delve into advanced navigation techniques using charts and GPS systems while imparting wisdom gained from seasoned sailors on how to navigate tricky situations such as strong currents or sudden changes in wind direction.

5. Mastering Sail Trim: Properly adjusting sails is an art that leads to smooth-sailing experiences even on the most challenging waters. With our step-by-step explanations and clever insights, we’ll help you understand the intricacies of sail trim , from setting up your rigging to fine-tuning sail positioning. You’ll be able to catch every whisper of wind with finesse and grace.

6. Simplifying Maneuvers: Single handed sailors need to master various maneuvers that may ordinarily be shared among a crew. We will break down essential skills like tacking, jibing, reefing, and mooring into manageable steps. Equipped with our comprehensive guidance, you’ll smoothly perform these maneuvers as if you had a whole team by your side.

7. Boosting Confidence: Sailing solo can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially for beginners or those transitioning from crewed sailing . Our blog will offer practical strategies and confidence-building techniques derived from experts and experienced solo sailors alike. We aim to inspire you to push boundaries while testing your abilities in a responsible and thrilling manner.

So whether you dream of conquering vast oceans alone or simply desire the freedom that single-handed sailing brings, our step-by-step guide will give you the tools needed for an unforgettable adventure. Join us as we navigate the waters together with single handed sailboats – combining professionalism, wit, and clever insights throughout your journey!

Frequently Asked Questions about Single Handed Sailboats Answered

Title: Demystifying Single-Handed Sailboats: Expertly Answering Your Burning Questions

Introduction: Setting sail on a single-handed adventure can be an exhilarating experience, allowing you to chart your own course and reconnect with the raw power of the ocean. However, before embarking on this thrilling journey, it’s essential to address some frequently asked questions that commonly arise when discussing single-handed sailboats. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll navigate through the most burning inquiries, providing you with professional insights intertwined with witty and clever explanations. So fasten your life jacket and get ready for a voyage of knowledge!

1. What is a single-handed sailboat? Isn’t sailing traditionally a team sport ? Ahoy there! While sailing has historically been associated with collaborative efforts aboard larger vessels, the rise of single-handed sailboats has revolutionized the sport . A single-handed sailboat refers to any vessel designed and rigged specifically for solo sailing, encompassing various sizes and types tailored to meet individual preferences. Solo sailors prove their mettle by skillfully maneuvering these boats all on their own.

2. Is it safe to sail alone? Safety is paramount in any seafaring adventure! Single-handed sailing can indeed be safe if proper precautions are taken. Skippers must ensure they have extensive knowledge of navigation techniques, weather patterns, emergency procedures, and possess adequate skills in boat handling. Additionally, equipping yourself with safety gear such as life jackets, flares, EPIRBs (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons), and having reliable means of communication is crucial.

3. How challenging is it for beginners to learn how to solo-sail? Learning anything new always comes with a learning curve! For beginners venturing into the world of solo-sailing, it’s recommended to start small with simpler boats like dinghies or small keelboats . These vessels provide a manageable learning platform where inexperienced sailors can grasp the fundamentals – like boat handling, maneuvering, and understanding the effects of wind and currents. With time and practice, aspiring solo sailors can organically progress to larger vessels.

4. What are some popular single-handed sailboat designs ? In the vast sea of single-handed sailboats, a few designs have captured the hearts of sailing enthusiasts worldwide. The Mini Transat 6.50, renowned for its compact size and exceptional seaworthiness, is a favorite among adventurers seeking thrilling offshore endeavors. For those craving high-performance precision, the Laser Standard or Radial Olympic-class dinghies offer incredible speed and agility. The Contessa 32, with its classic charm combined with sustainability and simplicity, continues to attract sailors seeking elegance in their lone journeys.

5. How do solo sailors handle sleep during long trips? Sleep – every sailor’s treasure! During extended passages on single-handed sailboats, skippers face the challenge of managing rest alongside navigation duties. Cleverly designed autopilot systems can help maintain course direction while allowing brief periods for napping. Employing alarms, timers, or even physical cues (such as bucket-and-string techniques) enables skippers to wake up periodically to verify their boat’s safety and make adjustments if needed.

6. Can single-handed sails be set up by one person alone? Certainly! Single-handed sailboats are explicitly designed for self-reliance in all aspects – including setting up sails . Innovations such as lazy jacks (ropes that guide sails down into neat piles), furling systems (which allow sails to be rolled away easily), or even simplified rigging techniques grant solo sailors confidence in quickly adjusting their sail plan without relying on additional crew members.

Conclusion: As you navigate your way through these frequently asked questions about single-handed sailboats, it becomes clear that venturing out on solitary voyages holds a unique allure for adventurous souls around the world. Armed with knowledge on boat selection, safety precautions, and learning the art of solo sailing, you can confidently embark on a remarkable journey across tranquil waters or daring offshore expeditions. Single-handed sailboats embody freedom, self-reliance, and the boundless adventure that awaits those who dare to embrace the rhythm of wind and sea alone.

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The Advantages and Challenges of Sailing Solo: Single Handed Sailboats Unveiled

Sailing solo is a remarkable feat that demands both courage and skill. It requires sailors to navigate the open seas without any crew members by their side, relying solely on their own strength, experience, and intuition. For those with a longing for adventure or a desire to test their limits, single-handed sailboats provide both advantages and challenges that can truly unveil one’s capabilities.

One of the primary advantages of sailing solo is the unmatched sense of freedom it offers. There are no compromises or limitations imposed by others; you have complete control over every aspect of your voyage. Decisions such as course alterations, speed adjustments, or route planning are made solely by you, allowing for maximum flexibility and independence. This empowering experience not only strengthens your sailing skills but also fosters personal growth and self-reliance.

In addition to freedom, solo sailing allows for an unparalleled connection with nature. The serenity of being alone on a vast expanse of water surrounded by nothing but wind and waves provides an opportunity for introspection and tranquility that few other activities can match. The sheer beauty and vastness of the ocean become your constant companion, promoting a deep sense of appreciation for the natural world.

Moreover, single-handed sailboats often boast innovative designs specifically tailored to meet the needs of solo adventurers. These vessels are equipped with advanced technologies that simplify tasks usually carried out by multiple crew members. Features such as self-steering mechanisms or automated navigation systems make handling the boat more manageable and less physically demanding.

However, despite its many advantages, sailing solo also presents unique challenges that require careful consideration. One must possess extensive knowledge of seamanship techniques as well as advanced navigational skills to handle unpredictable weather conditions or unexpected emergencies effectively. Unlike in crewed voyages where individuals share responsibilities during watch shifts, solo sailors must remain alert at all times throughout their journey—daytime or nightfall.

Loneliness can also pose severe mental challenges during extended periods at sea. The absence of companionship and the constant exposure to solitude can test even the most resilient individuals. It requires a strong sense of self-motivation and mental fortitude to overcome feelings of isolation, boredom, or homesickness. However, for some, this isolation becomes part of the appeal—an opportunity for deep reflection and personal growth.

Furthermore, physical exhaustion is an ever-present challenge for solo sailors. Without crew members to share the workload, tasks such as navigating complex waters, handling heavy sails, or anchoring become physically demanding and potentially exhausting. Stamina and physical fitness are vital attributes that must be cultivated in order to withstand the rigorous demands of solo sailing.

In conclusion, sailing solo on single-handed sailboats offers adventurers a unique experience filled with advantages and challenges that unveil one’s true mettle. The freedom to chart your own course while basking in the beauty of nature is unparalleled. However, it demands a thorough understanding of seamanship skills, mental resilience to combat loneliness, and physical endurance to conquer tiring tasks at sea. For those seeking an extraordinary voyage that tests limits both internally and externally, solo sailing is an adventure worth exploring.

Dive into the Best Single Handed Sailboat Options Available Today

Dive into the Best Single-Handed Sailboat Options Available Today

Are you a sailing enthusiast, yearning for the ultimate solo adventure on the open sea? If so, you’ll be delighted to know that there is a wide array of single-handed sailboat options available today. These boats are specifically designed to empower sailors with the ability to navigate and operate their vessel independently, providing an unmatched sense of freedom and adventure. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at some of the best single-handed sailboat options currently on the market.

First up is the renowned Laser. This iconic boat has become synonymous with single-handed sailing due to its simplicity and maneuverability. The Laser’s streamlined design allows for swift and effortless sailing, making it an ideal choice for beginners and experienced sailors alike. With its durable construction and versatile rigging options, this sailboat offers incredible performance in various weather conditions . Whether you prefer leisurely cruises or competitive racing, the Laser is undoubtedly one of the top choices for any solo sailor .

For those seeking more speed and agility on the water , consider exploring the RS Aero. This cutting-edge sailboat represents a true revolution in single-handed sailing technology. Built with lightweight materials such as carbon fiber composites, the RS Aero offers exceptional speed while maintaining optimal stability even in strong winds. Its sleek design not only enhances performance but also makes it effortless to transport or store. Designed by expert sailors who understand the thrill of sailing solo, this boat guarantees an exhilarating experience like no other.

If you’re looking for a balance between comfort and performance, look no further than the Melges 14. This stylish sailboat combines modern design elements with practical features tailored specifically for solo sailors. Its spacious cockpit provides ample room to move around while ensuring easy accessibility to all controls and rigging systems – essential for those operating alone at sea. The Melges 14 boasts impressive acceleration capabilities and responsive handling, making it an excellent option for both recreational cruising and exhilarating races .

On the more adventurous side, you may want to explore the magic of trimaran sailing with the Corsair Pulse 600. With its innovative folding features, this sailboat offers unmatched flexibility in terms of transportation and storage. Capable of reaching high speeds and exceptional stability, the Corsair Pulse 600 is perfect for those who crave excitement on their solo sailing adventures. Its lightweight construction allows for effortless single-handed operation while being well-equipped with user-friendly systems that maximize control and safety.

In conclusion, if you’re a solo sailor seeking the thrill of navigating alone on the open sea , there is a wide range of remarkable single-handed sailboat options available today. From the timeless simplicity of the Laser to the cutting-edge technology of the RS Aero and Melges 14 to the adventurous nature of trimarans like the Corsair Pulse 600 – these boats are sure to ignite your sense of adventure. So grab your gear, set sail , and let these fantastic vessels take you on extraordinary journeys filled with unforgettable moments. Happy exploring!

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Better Sailing

Best Sailboats to Singlehand

Best Sailboats to Singlehand

Sailing alone can be an extraordinary experience for many boaters. Many have attempted to sail on long passages and explore the oceans. But, a common concern is, which one is the right boat to sail single-handed? We’ll find out together in this article. Fortunately, there are many suitable seaworthy vessels for one person. In this article, I list you the best boats to single-hand as well as find out what makes them appropriate for single-handing. These boats range from small lake dinghies all the way to comfortable cruisers capable of oceanic crossings. So, keep reading!

A Few Things About Single-Handed Sailing

There are many boats that perform particularly well for shorthanded sailing. However, the fact is that the structures on a boat have a greater effect on its suitability rather than the boat’s construction. Main features regarding single-handed sailing include easy sail controls, including the ability for one person to quickly tuck a reef in. And, let’s not forget the ability to easily change the sheets and the mainsheet traveller. If you’re looking for a boat to short-handed sail, start by looking at the reefing and sail handling systems, as well as the pilot’s specifications. It’s a great advantage to be able to reach both mainsheet and the primary winches from the helm. But, when sailing on long passages then the pilot might be steering for almost 100% of the time.

For shorthanded sailing, many sailors prefer smaller vessels. This point has a lot of sense because their compact size, ease in navigation in a small room, and less complicated structures, make them more simple to sail. But, keep in mind that there are also sailboats of 70ft that are set up to be handled by 1 or 2 persons on deck. In which case, the sailors must be experienced and be able to fix any damaged system. So, if a vessel is properly set up it can be easily handled by one or two experienced sailors, no matter its size.

Boats made from the early 1990s onwards are more stable than their ancestors, as well as deep draught low center of gravity keels. These are a great choice for single-handing. The added stability means a reduced need to reef which facilitates the overall sailing experience and performance.

In any case, the below-mentioned boats, and similar others in each respective range, form great choices for single-handed sailing. They all offer easy short-handling for either beginners or experienced. And also for those that want to experience calm sailing to those seeking a fast and responsive, but ultimately safe, vessel.

Handling and Set-up

First of all, when solo sailing, it’s important to focus on the ease of handling your boat. This is because you will be in charge of all roles; skipper, navigator, bow-person, dial trimmer, engineer, and chef! So, what you want to achieve here is making all these roles simpler in order to facilitate all tasks.

So, it’s advisable to take your boat out on a calm sea and experience all possible motions of sailing. Like you were racing or cruising but also hoisting sails, trimming, steering, and navigating. Like this, you will be able to see if any problems come up. The most common problem sailors experience is reefing the mainsail by themselves. Also, the spinnaker pole might be too much to handle by yourself or find it difficult to reach the sheeting positions. In other words, if you’ve never sailed short-handed before, this first experience might seem challenging. And, some things are really important to handle like reaching the main traveler while steering. But, don’t get discouraged! Consider taking notes while onboard, and start finding new ways of facilitating your voyage.

Some simple changes include shifting a halyard clutch. But, there are more challenging ones like switching to a single-line reefing system. Wherever feasible, a single-line reef system is preferable. But, adding a reef tack line and getting back to the cockpit can be even more convenient and require less line that will probably tangle in the cockpit. Keep in mind that the most important factor for single-handed sailing is to make your boat easier to sail. So, now let’s see the best boats for single-handed sailing!

The Hanse 371 was built from 1999 until the mid-2000s. The boat offered a selection of either deep or shallow low center of gravity fin keels. These were joined with the hull and a long waterline. Below the deck, you can choose between 2 or 3 cabin layouts with a comfortable galley. Hanse 371 benefits from self-tacking jibs so when tacking all you have to do is spin the wheel. And, in case you’re sailing on autopilot you just press a few buttons and you’re good to go.

In addition, you can increase sail area when reaching in light air with a Code 0 or asymmetric spinnaker. This model maximizes the amount of space and with a reasonable budget. So, with its great interior and performance, the Hanse 371 is a seaworthy vessel that may cost you around $60,000. Most importantly keep in mind that everything is standard and easy to use. Like this, you simplify your life while sailing single-handed.

Jeanneau Sun Fast 3200

The Jeanneau Sunfast 3200 was manufactured with offshore short-handed sailing taken into account since the beginning. This boat is not only a classical sailing boat but also a small and light one that is easy to navigate. Even better, it has the durability and strength to withstand long passages. And, for this reason, they built it specifically for the Trans-Atlantic race. This boat is especially impressive when you sail off the wind, and totally practical and reliable even when sailing alone. This could be due to the fact that the design and setup are mostly constructed for racing. So, it could be ideal for you if you’re looking for a coastal cruiser that’s easy to handle.

Even when sailing downwind, you can easily achieve double figures in terms of speed with this boat. In particular, the Sunfast 3200 features cutting-edge technology to provide you with the best strength-to-weight ratios possible. It has all of the requisite features to easily adapt it to perform admirably as a sailing or racing sailboat. The boat features two double cabins, a chart table, a galley, and a head compartment.

Jeanneau Sunfast 3200 Solo Sailing

>>Also Read: Best Sailboats Under 20ft

Beneteau Oceanis 62

Let’s now pass to the bigger fellas! As aforementioned, single-handed sailing doesn’t mean you have to choose small sailboats. This is because nowadays single-handed 60+ ft boats aren’t that rare in terms of production, as they were in the past.

Basically, the Beneteau Oceanis 62 meets the modern demands of today’s market and was specifically designed to provide ease of use. In other words, it can be easily handled and operated by a single person. I know that all this space might be a bit exaggerated, but if you’re the kind of person that enjoys being in oceanic solitude while benefiting from having a moving apartment, then this one is for you! Of course, there are more boats of the same size suited for short-handed sailing, like the Hanses, Bavarias, and Jeanneaus. But, you can find a new Oceanis 62 for around $724,500, which is a great price for boats of that size combining both performance and quality.

Beneteau Oceanis 62 Solo Sailing

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Hunter Channel 31

From the mid-1980s onwards, this British boatbuilder transitioned from racing to powerful but easy-to-handle small cruisers. As a result, a series of boats has been developed that can sail almost effortlessly without losing handling characteristics.

The deck layout features an effective layout, with an optional self-tacking jib and single-line mainsail. As a short-handed sailor, you’ll benefit from the tiller steering, which allows you to steer with your legs while trimming sails. The accommodation below decks is well-designed and provides considerably more room than the previous Horizon 30 model.

This model, which debuted in 2001, was of higher quality than the majority of Hunter’s other cruising models and greatly focuses on performance. It was also one of the company’s last all-new designs, so it benefited from the most up-to-date design at the time. This was especially apparent in the well-balanced hull shape, which also provided excellent form stability. Joined with high ballast ratios and low center of gravity keels resulted in a boat that doesn’t need continuous trimming to maintain high average speeds or avoid repeated broaching in gusts.

Hunter Channel 31 Sailboat

>>Also Read: How Far Can you Sail in One Day?

This is the prototypical short-handed performance boat in several respects. Long-distance single-handed and double-handed sailors love it as well as inshore racing teams. The boat’s offshore reputation has been well established, with many North Atlantic crossings under its belt. Although J/109 is often considered as a planing boat, this 19-year old model is too heavy to be one of that kind. It is basically a moderate all-rounder that offers great performance with the ability for extended surfing when offshore. The boat is also available in a shoal draught form, but it didn’t sell that much.

A great advantage is that the big asymmetric spinnakers can be easily gybed from the cockpit in light airs. And, a poled-out jib can still provide fast downwind speeds with an enviable degree of control in a true wind of more than 20 knots. Almost everyone sailing J/109s short-handed, at least in Europe, hasn’t used the boat’s original overlapping genoas so as to employ blade jibs that are set on roller furling gear.

The only downside is that the boat is expensive for one of this size on the second-hand market. However, its quality of construction and the high standard equipment aren’t going to let you down. Moreover, the interior layout is sparse and has less interior space, although it provides a well-designed and effective two-cabin compartment.

Catalina 315

This is a stylish pocket cruiser that raises the bar for solo sailors by providing exceptional comfort and efficiency. With a hull length of 31′, the Catalina 315 has more interior space than most classics and is still ideal for solo sailing. Rigging the Catalina 315 is a lot simpler with a masthead sloop because it has both an in-mast roller furling mainsail and a roller furling genoa.

Despite the fact that it is a much larger boat, it has a few key features that make all the difference. The split backstays, for example, are excellent for balance and functionality. This is one of the key reasons it was named the 2013 Boat of the Year Best Inshore Cruiser by Cruising World. The boat might surpass your needs when sailing solo, as it is a high-end sailboat with a price tag of more than $175,000. However, if that seems too pricey, you can look for a used model, which will be slightly less expensive.

Catalina 315 - Best Sailboats for Solo Sailing

Pacific Seacraft Flicka 20

The Flicka is a 20-foot sailboat developed and planned for extended cruising and bluewater sailing. The Newport workboats of the 19th century were distinguished by their sweeping sheer, proud bowsprit, blunt bow, broad beam, and low side decks. Flickas by Nor’Star and Pacific Seacraft have withstood the test of time. This is because most Flickas were made with polyester resin or vinlyester resins later on in the production. 

For some sailors, this is a disadvantage as you don’t realize just how small the Flicka is until you step into the cockpit. However, it’s a seaworthy vessel and offers a remarkably spacious interior. In addition, the robust tiller is mounted on the transom, thus giving good leverage for steering and freeing up cockpit space. As for the interior, there really is enough standing headroom as well as the open-plan without a full forward bulkhead opens things up. The galley offers all basic equipment and the V-berth is large and comfortable. 

On top of that, the Flicka is towable, seaworthy, and you can actually liveaboard. Even though it is a small craft you can still cross the oceans with it. On this one, there’s no denying that everything is within easy reach. At this scale, ergonomics are almost irrelevant. Because of its towability, the fact that it can be parked in your garden, and its short-handed capability, it’s the ideal spontaneous getaway vessel.

Amel 60 definitely got your back while sailing solo in the oceans. The Amel 60 features great advantages and, with its rectangular hull portlights and wraparound windscreen, it takes you on the modern cruising generation.

Fixed bowsprits and plumb bows ensure a modern design and experience. In addition, lines open out into beamy sections aft and benefit from twin rudders. And, since these forms, when paired with the proper buoyancy distribution, can provide a faster hull form, it’s a no-brainer for cruising designs to follow the secondary benefits that come with this fuller form. The watertight bulkheads ensure that the boat won’t sink. Moreover, the cockpit has a sturdy roof and windows, so you’ll be safe no matter the weather. And, the stable hull ensures great handling even in challenging weather conditions.

One of the main benefits is the increased volume, which applies to both the accommodation and the deck lockers. When heeled, twin rudders minimize drag and provide a more balanced feel while underway. However, if they get damaged they provide a redundancy level. The shallower rudders also help in mooring stern-to for those who spend more time in areas like the Mediterranean. In the interior, you get enough space and luxury as well. There’s even a washing machine! So, even if you are an experienced single-handed sailor that wants to benefit from space and performance, then with the $1.5 million price you will get this luxurious boat!

Amel 60

Beneteau 31

As a small cruiser keelboat, this French-designed vessel is predominantly constructed of fiberglass and is ideal for single-handed sailing without minimizing interior space and comfort. Its galley has ample storage and counter space, as well as a sit-down navigation station with a small table. The interior benefits from the straight-lined and elegant thinking of Nauta Design. The comfy seats on either side of a drop-leaf table double the living space. There’s also a spacious athwartship aft-cabin berth and V-berth.

Under power, maneuvering this boat is a breeze, and it’s well worth it for any solo sailor looking for a coastal cruiser. It has a fractional sloop rig, which allows for in-mast furling. This makes it simple to control while also making it strong in light winds. A bow pulpit and an optional asymmetric cruising chute will enhance the performance if you’re sailing the boat off the wind. The new 31 is estimated to cost about $115,000, which is very pricey but well worth it if you want to cruise the globe in this French masterpiece.

Best Sailboats for Solo Sailing – The Bottom Line

Singlehanded sailing is a great achievement in terms of adventure and endurance, especially for lone sailors that cross the oceans. Many experience sleep deprivation, the stress of being alone, and difficult weather conditions that have to be handled by yourself. So, if you decide to set sail for an offshore voyage on your own is a big step to make. And, surely you need a sturdy and seaworthy boat. All the aforementioned boats are considered to be the best cruisers for single-handed sailing. It is up to you to decide which one to choose. This will be determined according to your budget, preferences, needs, and course of your voyage. And, remember that sailing solo learns you to live independently which is a great achievement!


Peter is the editor of Better Sailing. He has sailed for countless hours and has maintained his own boats and sailboats for years. After years of trial and error, he decided to start this website to share the knowledge.

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My Cruiser Life Magazine

What are the Best Single-Handed Sailboats and Catamarans?

Single-handed boats aren’t just limited to solo travelers. Many cruising couples will tell you that it’s a good idea to have your boat rigged and ready to be sailed single-handed. Why? What if one person gets injured—or just seasick? If your usual crew complement is only two, it makes no sense—from a safety standpoint—to require them both to be “on duty” all the time.

Of course, there are times and situations when you’ll be headed out by yourself. Maybe you like to travel but lack a consistent crew. Or many you’d just rather not bother with a crew.

The good news is that most modern cruising boats can be modified and re-rigged to improve their single-handed abilities. It all comes down to picking the right boat and making the correct modifications. Here’s a look at some of the things you’ll want to consider and five great single-handed monohull and catamaran designs.

Table of Contents

Goals for your boat, the under-rated importance of ease of single-handing, what does a single-hander need, types of autohelm, what does a single-hander want, single-handing rigging considerations, 5 great sailboats for single-handed cruisers, best single-handed sailing catamarans.

To find the perfect boat for you, whether solo or crewed sailing, is to make a list of goals and find the vessel that best meets them. There is no perfect boat. Furthermore, while you might be interested in solo sailing now, you might find yourself with a crew later on. 

Start with the basics—why are you looking to single-hand your boat? Are you an adventure seeker looking to break records and find adventure with long-distance cruising? Thinking of entering a single-handed sailing race, like the Vendée Globe ? 

Or are you just a solo sailor looking for a production boat that’s easy to operate by yourself? This is more common than you might imagine. Most cruising couples out there will readily admit that one member of the crew does very little to help during the actual act of sailing. 

Even on two-person crews where both partners are capable, it’s often desirable for the boat to be equipped to be handled by just one person. What if one partner becomes incapacitated by seasickness—or worse, an injury? What if, even rarely, one person needs to move the boat while the other person is away?

The point is simply this—every boat that is being considered by a couple or a short-handed crew should be able to be handled by a single sailor. Whether you’re on watch while the rest of the crew sleeps or you just want to be ready for an emergency, no cruising boat should be impossible to handle alone.

What are the Best Single-Handed Sailboats and Catamarans_Where you make

Nearly all modern cruising boats can at least be modified for easier solo handling. Here’s a look at some of the most critical gear and considerations. 

The importance of each of these items will vary greatly depending on the boat, its mission, and its crew. Rigging any boat is a very personal choice. Sailors notoriously like to do things their own ways, and their boats demonstrate this character trait. The way the manufacturer or the last owner set things up is just a starting point from which you begin modifying the boat for your use. 

Probably the most helpful thing to be able to single-hand is a competent hand on the helm. Thankfully, several modern and old technologies can provide solo sailors with just that.

The goal here is to allow the boat to hold a course without the operator being at the helm. Some form of “autohelm” or “autopilot” is invaluable on long passages. While it’s romantic to think of steering your ship through the dark night, in truth, it is exhausting work. An autopilot or windvane lets you relax and know that the boat will hold its course while you keep watch.

In severe weather at sea, it’s not uncommon for hand-steering crews to stand very short watches, sometimes less than an hour. This is simply due to the workload of controlling the boat in heavy weather. Some boats are more work than others, but all require more helm work when the seas are up.

This is the primary reason why the autopilot system, whatever it is, should be considered an essential part of a boat’s safety gear. A sailboat autopilot system is simply invaluable if you plan to travel far distances or do overnights on your boat.

A windvane is a purely mechanical method to controlling the boat’s heading. It has two parts—the actual windvane and then some form of steering. Many wind vanes are so well regarded as to be recognizably by brand name. Monitor and Hydrovane are probably the two most well-known models.  

The windvane assembly is mounted on the transom of a vessel. The windvane itself sticks up like the rudder of an airplane, and it reacts to the wind and spins. As it spins, it uses linkages to either move the ship’s rudder or its own smaller rudder. The operator simply adjusts some small lines to select what direction the boat should be sailing from the wind. The windvane then holds that angle.

There are many advantages to these systems, and their usefulness offshore should not be underestimated. While we’re often dazzled by the digital and the new-fangled, a windvane is dead simple and offers the ultimate in reliability. It uses no battery power and requires very little input to operate. It is nothing more than metal, and short of being severely damaged or bent, there’s just not much that can go wrong with one. And one final bonus—some windvanes can be used as emergency rudders.

For all their pluses, windvanes do have some downsides. They are large and bulky, hanging off the back of the boat. And they are costly to purchase and install, too. 

Electronic Autopilots

Most modern boats are equipped with at least a little bit of electronics, and autopilots are now very common. An autopilot can be described as above or below decks, depending on where the drive unit is mounted. 

Regardless of the details, all autopilots work in approximately the same way. They use either a motor or hydraulic system to move some part of the boat’s rudder linkages. Some move the wheel, while others attach to an arm on the rudder shaft. Either way, the autopilot uses electronic signals to move the boat’s rudder left or right, just like moving the wheel.

Most simple autopilots are connected to an electronic compass, giving the operator a heading hold. Sailing models may also tie into the wind instruments to allow the holding of an apparent wind angle. New models that talk to the chartplotter may track navigation courses between waypoints or entire pre-planned navigation routes. 

The bigger the boat, and the heavier the weather it might encounter, then the beefier an autopilot system needs to be. Autopilots can and do fail—they’re complicated electronics with a lot of moving parts. Single-handers venturing far offshore will likely want to have an entire backup unit installed or use their autopilot in concert with a manual windvane.

For boats looking to travel long distances or make overnight passages, there is no substitution for having a spare set of eyes on board. All vessels operate on the concept of “see and avoid,” meaning each captain’s responsibility to watch out for other traffic. If a single-hander is busy doing something else, like letting the autopilot drive the boat while they make their supper, who’s “on watch?”

There is only one electronic device that can be used as a second set of eyes, and that’s a good quality marine radar. All modern units allow operators to set up “guard zones.” The unit will monitor a pre-determined zone around the boat and notify you if an object is detected inside that zone. 

Of course, there are other benefits to having radar on board. It can see through rain and fog. If you’re sailing solo, there’s no reason not to have a second set of eyes on board, even if they’re electronic.

What are the Best Single-Handed Sailboats and Catamarans_Where you make it

Once you’ve got a reliable autopilot and radar on board, you can move from the items you need into the items you might want. If you have an autopilot that works and you plan your actions carefully, you can likely handle any vessel without the following equipment. But these items might make it all a little more pleasant and are worth considering. 

Electric Windlass and Winches

Cruising vessels that anchor regularly often have electric windlasses. These make hoisting the anchor and chain back aboard as easy as pressing a button. While manual windlasses enable you to bring up very heavy ground tackle, they take a long time to do it and require an awful lot of elbow grease.

The same applies to sailing winches on larger boats. Electric winches are complex and do take a lot of power, but they also make hoisting and handling big sails a breeze. 

Line Control From the Cockpit

Pretty much every sailboat has the most crucial control lines rigged to the cockpit. Jib and main sheets are the perfect examples. But some boats go one step further, also running halyards and reefing lines to the cockpit, too. 

There are plusses and minuses to this approach. Running these lines from the base of the mast aft to the cockpit increases the drag on the system, meaning it will take more effort to hoist or tighten the lines. But the security of not having to leave the cockpit if you don’t have to is worth the investment, so long as you have the rope clutches and winch power to make it all work. 

Some sailors balk at the idea of running these lines aft, often citing that they’ll have to go forward if something goes wrong. But most of the time, they won’t have to. Fewer trips up on deck at sea means a safer and easier voyage all around. For the single-hander especially, the more you can do from one position, the better.

The layout of how the lines are run to the cockpit is important, too. This is often more a factor in the yacht’s design than something you can easily play with. But where applicable, a sailor will want to spend considerable time thinking about where they want to put lines and how they want to get them there. 

What are the Best Single-Handed Sailboats and Catamarans_Where you make

Rig Simplicity

The simpler the rig, the easier it is to sail. While nearly all production boats are sloops, the catboat has some distinct advantages here. With only one big sail to worry about, the amount of work and line handling is instantly reduced by two (or three, in the case of ketches or cutters). Catboats like the Nonsuch are known to be excellent performers and are super easy to sail. There are a few cat-rigged schooners out there, too. 

There are many variations of traditional sailplans that have been played with on modern boats. Junk rigs, for example, are simple to create and very easy to sail. They’re complex in their setup and not very common on fiberglass boats, however.

If you’re looking for something easy to handle, efficient, and really wild, check out this article from Sail Magazine featuring some of the cutting-edge things found on yachts and the very interesting AeroRig.

Related: Best Trailerable Sailboats

Self-Tending Headsails

Some sloops have smaller headsails that are “self-tending.” This is another way of saying that these sails don’t need to be tacked, you can trim them like a mainsail, and you can tack the boat simply by turning the helm. That’s a considerable reduction in workload for the crew, whether they’re a single-hander or not. 

Roller Furlers on Sails

Headsails can either be hanked on or rolled up on a furler. A furler means less hoisting, and you can open the sail from the cockpit. Although somewhat less common, mainsails can be furled too. Some boats have in-mast furlers. On boats with large full-batten mainsails, in-boom furlers are becoming more common. 

The advantage of these systems is that they make reefing and reducing sail extremely easy. The hassle, of course, is that they have more moving parts and are expensive to install. 

Cockpit Layout

The cockpit layout is about more than just the rigging. You’ll also want to take note of where and how the electronics are mounted. For example, is there a handheld VHF or do you have to go down below every time you make or answer a radio call? Are the chartplotter and radar in easy view of the helm? These are easy things to fix but worth looking at and thinking about as you set the boat up.

Easy Docking

Finally, the boat should be easy to dock single-handed. Of course, it’s always preferable to have help on the dock to get the slip safely. But this doesn’t always happen, so you should be prepared to do it yourself. 

Many sailboats benefit from having a bow thruster installed, as this can help control the bow when docking in close quarters, especially in crosswind situations. 

The overall size of the boat is an important factor, too. You can single hand huge yachts, which is all well and good until it comes time to dock it. 

Monohulls Rigged for Easy-Operation

The good news is that you can rig nearly any boat for safe and easy single-handing. The newer the boat, the more likely it will already be set up for single-handing. Modern items like line organizers and rope clutches make it all the easier. 

The boats below are exceptional in that they step away from the now ubiquitous Bermuda sloop rig. As a result, they may lose some performance abilities in some conditions, but they more than make up for it in their ease of handling. 

Nonsuch 36/40

Nonsuches are distinctive boats—they are some of the only large catboats on the water today. They’re rigged with a large mainsail that is made easy to control by a wishbone boom rigging system. In effect, this makes handling a Nonsuch much like sailing a giant windsurfing board. The larger Nonsuches come from the drawing board of respected marine architect Mark Ellis.

With only one sail, the boat is straightforward to operate. First, hoist the main, and then control it with a single sheet. Tacks and jibes are easy. Reefing is as simple as letting out the halyard a little and reducing sail.

Freedom has made various interesting and straightforward rigs that contrast with the run-of-the-mill sloops found in most marinas. The number one thing you’ll notice about Freedoms is their distinctive tapered un-stayed mast. With no spreaders and no standing rigging, Freedoms look sleek from the outset.

Several models of Freedom are catboats rigged with a giant mainsail. Others, like the popular 36, are free-standing, fractionally-rigged sloops with a tiny, self-tending jib. This is the best of both worlds since the jib will provide extra power when going upwind and presents very little extra work for the crew.

Picking a catamaran for solo sailing may seem counterintuitive since they are so much larger than monohulls. But most modern catamarans are rigged from the factory for single-handed sailing. These boats are designed from the ground up for charter work—meaning that a captain will do all the work while their guests enjoy themselves. This flies in the face of the design ethos shared by most older “classic plastic” monohulls built for the club racing scene.

Most cruising catamarans are rigged with straightforward fractional sloop rigs with large, full-batten mainsails. The mains typically feature slab reefing, and the foresails are almost always mounted on furlers. Operating these boats is as simple as hoisting the main and then unrolling the jib.

What are the Best Single-Handed Sailboats and Catamarans_Where you make

Leopard 39/40 (circa 2010)

Leopard catamarans, built by Robertson and Caine of South Africa, is the sole supplier of catamarans to The Moorings yacht charter company worldwide. But their boats are equally popular among private owners who want the catamaran lifestyle and ease of sailing.

Unlike competing brands, Leopard embraced the idea of the single-handed operator from their earliest designs. Even some of their original boats, the 38, 45, and 47 (circa 1998), had excellent walk-through helm stations with all lines led to them. As a result, you can perform every task on these boats—from hoisting the main, unfurling the jib, reefing, and even trimming the traveler—while keeping one hand on the helm.

Lagoon 39/40/42 (2015 and newer)

Lagoon is Leopard’s main competitor, but if you look at their older designs, they spent years catching up to Leopard in terms of helm positioning and single-handed operations. This changed dramatically when Lagoon introduced the 39 around 2015 and the 42 and 46 a few years later.

This new generation of Lagoons went one step better than Leopard. They have ditched the enormous and powerful mainsail in favor of a larger and self-tending jib. These boats carry their masts much farther aft than other catamarans, and the design is more similar to the Prouts of the 1990s than other modern catamarans.

But this setup makes two significant improvements. First, it reduces the power of the sometimes difficult to control mainsail. Second, it also adds self-tacking abilities to the headsail. And since most cats use furling light-wind sails for downwind and calm-day sailing, no real performance loss results. 

Prout Snowgoose (circa 1987)

An older boat that is underrated these days is the Prout 37 Snowgoose. These boats featured a double headsail paired with a very small and easy to tend main. While the headsails aren’t self-tacking, they are both usually mounted on furlers. This provides a lot of sail plan options for offshore adventures. Additionally, the mast on these boats is located so far aft as to be even with the helm, meaning you can do reefing and hoisting chores without leaving the cockpit. 

best one person sailboat

Matt has been boating around Florida for over 25 years in everything from small powerboats to large cruising catamarans. He currently lives aboard a 38-foot Cabo Rico sailboat with his wife Lucy and adventure dog Chelsea. Together, they cruise between winters in The Bahamas and summers in the Chesapeake Bay.

best one person sailboat

Boat Boat Go

Love Boat Party Life

best one person sailboat

The Top Features to Look for in a One Person Sailboat: A Comprehensive Guide

Sailing alone can be an exhilarating and rewarding experience, but finding the right sailboat can make all the difference. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or just starting out, choosing the right features in a one-person sailboat can make your sailing experience more enjoyable and safer. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the top features to look for in a one-person sailboat.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Basics of One Person Sailboats

One person sailboats, also known as single-handed sailboats, are designed to be operated by a single person. These sailboats are generally smaller in size, making them easier to handle and maneuver. They are perfect for solo sailing adventures or for those who prefer to sail alone.

When looking for a one person sailboat, there are several important features to consider. These features will help ensure that the sailboat is safe, easy to handle, and comfortable for the sailor.

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a one person sailboat is the size of the boat. Generally, one person sailboats range from 10 to 30 feet in length. Smaller boats are easier to maneuver and handle, while larger boats provide more space and stability.

The rigging of a sailboat refers to the system of ropes, wires, and sails that control the movement of the boat. When choosing a one person sailboat, it is important to consider the rigging system. A simple rigging system is easier to handle and less prone to failure.

The keel of a sailboat is the part of the boat that provides stability and prevents it from capsizing. One person sailboats typically have a fixed keel or a centerboard keel. A fixed keel provides more stability, while a centerboard keel allows the boat to sail in shallow waters.

Hull Design

The hull of a sailboat is the body of the boat that sits in the water. One person sailboats typically have a monohull or a catamaran hull design. A monohull provides a more traditional sailing experience, while a catamaran hull provides more stability and space.

Cockpit Design

The cockpit of a sailboat is the area where the sailor sits and controls the boat. When choosing a one person sailboat, it is important to consider the cockpit design. A comfortable and ergonomic cockpit design will make sailing more enjoyable and less tiring.

Key Features to Consider

When looking for a sailboat suitable for one person, there are several key features to consider. Taking these features into account will help ensure that the sailboat is easy to handle and provides a comfortable sailing experience.

Size and Weight

The size and weight of the sailboat are important factors to consider when selecting a one-person sailboat. A sailboat that is too heavy or too large can be difficult to handle, especially for a single person. A sailboat measuring between 35 and 45 feet (10.5 – 14 meters) with a draft of about 2 meters, plenty of sail area, easy reefing, and well-working assistive equipment can be ideal for one person to handle. The boat shouldn’t be over 9 tons as things can get a little tricky and out of hand if the boat exceeds this weight.

Design and Construction

The design and construction of the sailboat are also important factors to consider. A sailboat designed for single-handed sailing should have a cockpit that is easy to access and maneuver in. The sailboat should also have a balanced helm and a stable hull design to ensure a smooth sailing experience. The construction of the sailboat should be sturdy and durable to withstand the rigors of sailing.

Sail Configuration

The sail configuration is another important feature to consider when selecting a one-person sailboat. The sailboat should have easy-to-operate sails, self-tacking jib, self-reefing sails, and a good autopilot. The sailboat should also have a sail plan that is easy to adjust and control, allowing the sailor to make quick and easy adjustments while sailing.

Safety Features

When sailing alone, safety should always be a top priority. Here are some key safety features to look for in a one-person sailboat:

A stable sailboat is less likely to capsize, making it a crucial safety feature for single-handed sailing. Look for sailboats with a low center of gravity and a wide beam. This will help keep the boat upright and stable in rough waters.

Buoyancy is another important safety feature to consider. In the event of a capsize, a sailboat with positive buoyancy will float and stay afloat even if it fills with water. Look for sailboats with foam or air-filled compartments that will keep the boat afloat even if it capsizes.

Other safety features to consider include:

  • Self-righting mechanisms
  • A sturdy and durable hull
  • A reliable and efficient steering system
  • A well-designed cockpit with non-slip surfaces and secure handholds
  • A good communication system, including a VHF radio and a personal locator beacon

Comfort and Convenience

When sailing alone, comfort and convenience are crucial factors to consider when choosing a sailboat. After all, you will be the only one aboard, so you want to make sure that you are comfortable and that everything is easily accessible. Here are some features to look for in a one-person sailboat that will ensure comfort and convenience.

Having comfortable seating is essential for solo sailing. You will be spending long hours on the boat, so you want to make sure that the seating is comfortable and supportive. Look for a sailboat that has ergonomic seating that will support your back and prevent fatigue.

Storage Space

When sailing alone, you will need to bring everything you need with you, including food, water, and gear. Therefore, storage space is crucial. Look for a sailboat that has ample storage space for all your supplies. Some sailboats have built-in storage space, while others have removable storage containers that can be easily accessed. Make sure that the storage space is easily accessible and that it is designed to keep your supplies dry and secure.

Ease of Use

When sailing alone, ease of use is a crucial factor to consider when choosing a sailboat. Here are some key features to consider when evaluating ease of use:

Rigging System

A sailboat with a simple and easy-to-use rigging system is ideal for solo sailing. A rigging system that is easy to set up and adjust allows the sailor to focus on sailing rather than struggling with complicated rigging. A sailboat with a self-tacking jib and self-reefing sails are also beneficial for solo sailing, as they allow the sailor to adjust the sails without leaving the cockpit.

Handling and Maneuverability

Handling and maneuverability are important factors to consider when choosing a sailboat for solo sailing. A sailboat with a responsive steering system, easy-to-use winches, and well-designed sail controls will make it easier for the sailor to handle the boat alone. A sailboat with a good autopilot system is also beneficial for solo sailing, as it allows the sailor to take a break from steering and focus on other tasks.

Maintenance and Durability

Material quality.

When it comes to the maintenance and durability of a one-person sailboat, the quality of the materials used is crucial. The boat should be made of high-quality materials that can withstand the harsh marine environment and resist corrosion. The most common materials used in sailboat construction are fiberglass, wood, and aluminum.

Fiberglass is a popular choice for sailboats because it is lightweight, strong, and durable. It is also easy to maintain and repair. However, it can be prone to cracking and blistering over time.

Wooden boats are known for their classic look and feel, but they require more maintenance than fiberglass or aluminum boats. They are susceptible to rot, warping, and cracking if not properly cared for.

Aluminum boats are strong, durable, and resistant to corrosion. They require less maintenance than wooden boats but can be more difficult to repair if damaged.

Ease of Repair

Another important factor to consider when choosing a one-person sailboat is the ease of repair. The boat should be designed in a way that makes it easy to access and repair any damaged or worn-out parts.

Ideally, the boat should have a simple and straightforward design that allows for easy access to the engine, rigging, and other critical components. This will make it easier to perform routine maintenance and repairs.

In addition, the boat should be equipped with high-quality, reliable components that are easy to replace if they fail. This includes things like sails, rigging, and hardware.

Cost Considerations

When it comes to buying a sailboat, cost is a major consideration. While it’s important to find a sailboat that meets your needs and preferences, it’s also essential to stay within your budget. Here are some cost considerations to keep in mind when shopping for a one-person sailboat.

Initial Purchase Price

The initial purchase price of a sailboat can vary widely depending on the size, age, and condition of the vessel. Generally speaking, smaller sailboats are less expensive than larger ones, but they may not have all the features you need or want. New sailboats can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000 or more, while used sailboats can be found for as little as a few thousand dollars.

It’s important to keep in mind that the initial purchase price is just one part of the overall cost of owning a sailboat. You’ll also need to consider ongoing maintenance and repair costs, as well as the cost of mooring or storing your boat when it’s not in use.

Long-Term Maintenance Costs

Maintaining a sailboat can be expensive, especially if you’re not handy with tools or don’t have a lot of experience working on boats. Some of the most common maintenance costs include:

  • Bottom painting and cleaning
  • Sail repairs and replacements
  • Engine maintenance and repairs
  • Electrical system repairs and upgrades
  • Plumbing repairs and upgrades
  • Deck and hull repairs

To keep maintenance costs under control, it’s important to stay on top of regular maintenance tasks and address any issues as soon as they arise. You may also want to consider taking a boating maintenance course or working with a professional boat mechanic to learn more about how to care for your sailboat.

In conclusion, when looking for a one-person sailboat, there are several key features that should be considered. The boat should be easy to operate and handle, with self-tacking jib and self-reefing sails. It should also have a good autopilot system to help with steering.

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best one person sailboat

What Sailboats Can Be Sailed By One Person? (Complete List)

We all love sailing together with friends and family, but sometimes we can’t get them to come out with us. When that happens we must sail solo. Sailing solo can be hard sometimes but if it’s just a day sail in nice weather you shouldn’t have a problem.

There are a lot of options when it comes to picking a boat for one person. More than likely, you can sail the boat you have by yourself, but if you are considering buying one and want to be able to sail it yourself, then this article will help you find one.

1. Catalina 22

best one person sailboat

I believe this is one of the best boats for first-time sailors sailing solo. Yes, this is what I started on and a lot of people do. I have had dozens of people come up to me when I was with my boat and they would tell me all about their first boat which was a Catalina 22.

They are great starter boats and very easy to handle. They may not be big enough for crossing the Atlantic, but any bay or lake sailing and they will do just fine.

The Catalina 22 comes with a swing keel, which allows you to enter those shallower waters. This makes it very convenient for lake sailing and running it up onshore. It has a draft of 5ft with the keel down and a displacement of 2,250 lbs. Another unique feature of this boat is the pop-top. Being able to pop the cabin top up a few feet increases the headroom down below. It’s a great little feature that just adds to the fun of this boat.

If you’re looking for your first boat and want to sail solo, then this is the best option in my opinion.

2. 30′ Hunter Cherubini

best one person sailboat

The 30-foot hunter is a very common sight around the docks. It is a very solid boat and easy to handle. The hull is extremely solid when well kept and great for the open ocean. I have sailed on one of these in the Gulf of Mexico and it did very well.

The last year of production was 1983, but there are still plenty of them out there. That’s because they are very well built. It has a max draft of 5.25 ft and a displacement of 9,700 lbs. It’s a heavy boat which makes it good for open oceans.

I have seen these for sale under 10K making it a great option for purchase. Depending on if you have the money of course.

3. Catalina 250

best one person sailboat

This is one of my favorite Catalina models. I love how the cockpit has extra room and the cabin still has plenty of room. It is only 25 ft long making it a great size for solo sails. If you are looking for a good weekend boat, I definitely recommend this one.

Its LOA (length overall) is 25 ft even. The draft is 5 ft with a wing keel. (click here for information on keel types) Displacement for this vessel is only 4,200 lbs. This boat will require an outboard motor for getting in and out of the docks. If you need one click here.

4. Hobie 16

best one person sailboat

The Hobie 16 has to be mentioned in this list. It is a super common boat and it is seen all over the world. There are some people that race these professionally and others that use them recreationally. They are great for kids and adults alike. If you are ever at a resort you will usually see these on the beach for rent.

The Hobie 16 has a weight of only 320 lbs making it easy to flip over when needed. With the rudder in the up position, the draft is only 10 inches. It fits up to four people, but you might be able to fit a couple more.

This boat is all about fun! Don’t sail it across the Atlantic though.

5. Catalina 36 MK II

This boat is over the average of 30 feet but that doesn’t mean you can’t solo sail it. Like I said earlier it all depends on experience. The Catalina 36 MK II is another one of my favorites. I love the size and look of it.

If you want something just a bit bigger than the 30-footers, then I recommend this one.

The draft is 5.83 ft and the displacement is 13,500 lbs. It has two cabins giving you a guest room for overnight guests. This is definitely one of my favorite boats out there. It is just a perfect size, not too big and not too small.

Just remember it is 36 ft which can get more difficult. Once you practice with it enough, you should be able to sail solo when you want. If you plan to cross the Pacific in it, it is a good size for that, but having a couple of extra hands for the journey wouldn’t hurt.

6. Macgregor 25

best one person sailboat

The Macgregor 25 is an interesting boat. The first version was called the VENTURE 25. After a few changes to the design, it became the MACGREGOR 25. With more than 7000 boats sold, it’s one of the most popular models from this builder.

I looked at one of these for purchase once but did not go through with it. I ended up with a Catalina 22. That doesn’t mean this boat isn’t right for you though. It is a tiller steering setup if that is something you are considering. I started with a tiller and I think all people should.

The draft of this vessel is 5.67 ft. The displacement is 2,100 lbs. It is not the biggest boat out there but it is still a good choice if you are just starting out and want to do some solo sails.

7. Beneteau First 27

If you have the money, this is the one for you! This new model from Beneteau is most impressive. The speed of this boat will feel like you are in the middle of a race, or more like leading the race. It is designed for speed and comfort, with sleeping up to six adults. It is also designed where a single person can sail it as well.

This boat has a displacement of 3,747 lbs and the draft is 5 feet and 7 inches. The keel is a T-bulb design, making it very unique. We all know the Beneteau brand for being luxury on the water and this one delivers in a minimalist way. Check out the video below to get a real feel of this amazing sailboat.

8. Hunter 33 Cherubini

Another Hunter sailboat for the list. This is just a little bigger than the 30-foot Hunter mentioned earlier. It is very similar and still designed by Mr. John Cherubini. The draft is 5.25 ft and has a displacement of 10,600 lbs.

The design was originally marketed by the manufacturer as the Hunter 33 but is often confused with the 2004 Hunter 33-2004, which was also sold as the Hunter 33, and the 2012 Hunter E33, which is in production as the Marlow-Hunter 33.

Hunters are always a very solid choice.

9. Laser Sailboat

best one person sailboat

The Laser is a class of single-handed, one-design sailing dinghies using a common hull design with three interchangeable rigs of different sail areas, appropriate to a given combination of wind strength and crew weight. Bruce Kirby designed the Laser in 1970 with an emphasis on simplicity and performance.

These are great boats for racing around the lake. They are very popular for racing, but can also be used for recreational sailing. Sunfish are a type of dinghy sailor very similar to lasers but are usually built for recreational only use.

10. O’Day 25

best one person sailboat

O’Day is another one of my favorites. I love their classic look and feel. This is a very popular model from the O’Day company.

The boat was built by O’Day Corp. in the United States, with 2,898 completed between 1975 and 1984, when production ended. It was one of the company’s most successful designs

The O’Day 25 is a small recreational keelboat, built predominantly of fiberglass, with wood trim. It has a masthead sloop rig, a transom-hung rudder, and a fixed fin keel or centerboard. It displaces 4,007 lbs and has a draft of 4.25 ft.

What Size Sailboat Can One Person Handle? Depends on Experience

The average size boat that most people sail solo is a 30-footer. It is very common to see people sailing by themselves or with others on this size of boat. The size is easy enough to maneuver by yourself and the sails are easy to manage when you are all alone.

This does depend on experience though. If you have never sailed before then a 30-foot boat may be too much to handle. There are a lot of things that can go wrong when sailing and not knowing how to handle them will put you in harm’s way.

There is no specific timeline that will tell you when you are ready to captain a 45-foot sailboat. It comes down to confidence. Are you comfortable sailing a 45-foot vessel by yourself? If you answered yes, then you are probably good to go, unless you are just overconfident.

Sailing certifications will usually certify you to captain a boat up to a certain length. All though you are certified you may not have the confidence still. Being confident is a huge factor. When problems come up, confidence will allow you to stay calm and resolve the issue. Don’t think you can handle anything the sea throws at you just because you have a certification.

Check out this article on sailing certifications to find out more!

Factors To Consider When Sailing Solo – General Guidance

When you are considering a boat for solo sails there are a few thoughts to keep in mind.

First, how big of a boat do you want? The bigger the boat gets the harder it is to handle by yourself. Do you want this to be a sailing solo-only boat or do you want the option to have people with you when you sail? Consider safety on the boat. If you are going to be sailing by yourself you need to make sure you have the best safety gear.

What sails are needed? The self-tacking jib may be something you want to look into. A furling jib is a minimum in my opinion. Supplies are a general category to consider. Supplies will mean spare parts in case something breaks, food and water for the trip, and anything else you might need.

Gear For Sailing Solo – Multiple Items

When it comes to sailing solo, there is some gear you may need. Check out the list below for recommendations on gear for solo sailing.

  • Autopilot – When sailing out in the open ocean, the autopilot will be necessary if you ever want to sleep. It is very nice to turn it on while you take a nap or go fix something on the boat.
  • Windvane – Windvanes are also great for steering when you are busy. They use wind and cabling to steer the boat. They are a great thing to have in case the autopilot goes out. Plus, if the wind vane breaks for some reason, you might have a better chance of fixing it compared to an autopilot.
  • Safety Tether – These are essential for solo sailing in the open ocean. When the water gets rough, make sure you are attached to the boat so you don’t fall off. Never go on deck in rough conditions without a tether.
  • Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) – This is also an essential item when sailing around the world. One thing to make sure of is easy access. If you are in trouble you don’t want to be digging under the v-berth looking for this. Put it somewhere close to the cockpit.
  • Supplies – This covers all items you may need from spare parts to canned foods. Remember to plan accordingly. Not planning is planning to fail.

These are just some of the essential items needed for multiple-day sails in the open ocean. Always plan and think about what is needed.

In Conclusion

This article discussed the different types of boats that one person can sail. My personal recommendation if you are just starting out is the Catalina 22. It was my first boat and I loved it. If you need something bigger the Catalina 250 is a great weekend boat.

If you are an average sailor look for something in the 30-foot range. That is usually a safe length that won’t get you into trouble.

As always make sure you have the gear that will keep you safe out there!

Boatlifehq owner and author/editor of this article.

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20 Best Small Sailboats for the Weekender

  • By Mark Pillsbury
  • Updated: August 4, 2021

In order to go cruising, most of us require a sailboat with a head, a galley, and bunks. The boat, likely a 30-footer and more often a 40-footer, will have electronics for navigation and entertainment, refrigeration if the trip is longer than a coastal hop, an engine for light wind, and, depending on our appetites for food and fun, perhaps a genset to power our toys and appliances.

To go sailing , however, all we really need is a hull, mast, rudder, and sail. To experience the pure joy of sheeting in and scooting off across a lake, bay, or even the open ocean, there’s nothing better than a small sailboat – we’re talking sailboats under 25 feet. You can literally reach out and touch the water as it flows past. You instantly feel every puff of breeze and sense every change in trim.

Some of the boats in this list are new designs, others are time-tested models from small sailboat manufacturers, but every one is easy to rig, simple to sail, and looks like a whole lot of fun either for a solo outing on a breezy afternoon or to keep family and friends entertained throughout your entire sailing season. This list is made up of all types of sailboats , and if you’re looking for a list of some of the best small sailboats for beginners, you’ll find exactly that here.

Any one of these popular boats could be labeled as a trailerable sailboat, daysailer, or even a weekender sailboat. And while most would be labeled as a one or two person sailboat, some could comfortably fit three or even four people.

Marblehead 22 Daysailer

Marblehead 22 Daysailer

If you have an eye for elegant lines and your heart goes pitter-patter over just the right amount of overhang beneath a counter transom, the Marblehead 22 daysailer, designed by Doug Zurn and built by Samoset Boatworks in Boothbay, Maine, will definitely raise your pulse. Traditional-looking above the waterline and modern beneath, the cold-molded hull sports a deep bulb keel and a Hall Spars carbon-fiber mast with a wishbone rig and square-top main. The 11-foot-9-inch cockpit can seat a crowd, and a small cuddy forward will let you stow your friends’ gear for the day.

Catalina 22 Sport

Catalina 22 Sport

Many a harbor plays host to an active fleet of Catalina 22s, one of the most popular small sailboats over the years, given its basic amenities and retractable keel, which allows it to be easily trailered. Recently, the company introduced the Catalina 22 Sport, an updated design that can compete with the older 22s. The boat features a retractable lead keel; a cabin that can sleep four, with a forward hatch for ventilation; and a fractional rig with a mainsail and a roller-furling jib. Lifelines, a swim ladder, and an engine are options, as are cloth cushions; vinyl cushions are standard. The large cockpit will seat a crowd or let a mom-and-pop crew stretch out and enjoy their sail. It’s clear why the Catalina 22 is one of the best sailboats under 25 feet.

Hunter 22

With its large, open-transom cockpit and sloop rig, the Hunter 22 makes a comfortable daysailer for family and friends. But with its cuddy cabin, twin bunks, optional electrical system, opening screened ports, and portable toilet, a parent and child or a couple could comfortably slip away for an overnight or weekend. Add in the optional performance package, which includes an asymmetric spinnaker, a pole, and a mainsheet traveler, and you could be off to the races. The boat features a laminated fiberglass hull and deck, molded-in nonskid, and a hydraulic lifting centerboard. Mount a small outboard on the stern bracket, and you’re set to go.

the Daysailer

Not sure whether you want to race, cruise or just go out for an afternoon sail? Since 1958, sailors have been having a ball aboard the Uffa Fox/George O’Day-designed Daysailer. Fox, who in the 1950s was on the cutting edge of planning-dinghy design, collaborated with Fall River, Massachusetts boatbuilder O’Day Corp. to build the 16-foot Daysailer, a boat that features a slippery hull and a small cuddy cabin that covers the boat roughly from the mast forward. Thousands of Daysailers were built by various builders, and they can be found used for quite affordable prices. There are active racing fleets around the US, and new Daysailers are still in production today, built by Cape Cod Ship Building.

BayRaider from Swallow Boats

BayRaider from Swallow Boats

Easy to rig and trailer, the BayRaider from England’s Swallow Yachts is a relative newcomer to the small-boat market in the United States. Nearly all of its 19 feet 9 inches is open cockpit, though a spray hood can be added to keep the forward sections dry. The BayRaider is ketch-rigged with a gunter-style mainmast. The topmast and mizzen are both carbon-fiber, which is an option for the mainmast as well. The BayRaider can be sailed with a dry hull in lighter conditions or with 300 pounds of water ballast to increase its stability. With the centerboard and hinged rudder raised, the boat can maneuver in even the thinnest water.

$28,900, (904) 234-8779,

12 1/2 foot Beetle Cat

Big fun can come in small packages, especially if your vessel of choice happens to be the 12 ½-foot Beetle Cat. Designed by John Beetle and first built in 1921, the wooden shallow draft sailboat is still in production today in Wareham, Massachusetts at the Beetle Boat Shop. With a draft of just 2 feet, the boat is well-suited for shallow bays, but equally at home in open coastal waters. The single gaff-rigged sail provides plenty of power in light air and can be quickly reefed down to handle a blow. In a word, sailing a Beetle Cat is fun.

West Wight Potter P 19

West Wight Potter P 19

With berths for four and a workable galley featuring a cooler, a sink, and a stove, West Wight Potter has packed a lot into its 19-foot-long P 19. First launched in 1971, this is a line of boats that’s attracted a true following among trailer-sailors. The P 19′s fully retractable keel means that you can pull up just about anywhere and go exploring. Closed-cell foam fore and aft makes the boat unsinkable, and thanks to its hard chine, the boat is reportedly quite stable under way.

NorseBoat 17.5

NorseBoat 17.5

Designed for rowing and sailing (a motor mount is optional), the Canadian-built NorseBoat 17.5—one of which was spotted by a CW editor making its way through the Northwest Passage with a two-man crew—features an open cockpit, a carbon-fiber mast, and a curved-gaff rig, with an optional furling headsail set on a sprit. The lapstrake hull is fiberglass; the interior is ply and epoxy. The boat comes standard with two rowing stations and one set of 9-foot oars. The boat is designed with positive flotation and offers good load-carrying capacity, which you could put to use if you added the available canvas work and camping tent. NorseBoats offers a smaller sibling, the 12.5, as well; both are available in kit form.

$19,000, (902) 659-2790,

Montgomery 17

Montgomery 17

Billed as a trailerable pocket cruiser, the Montgomery 17 is a stout-looking sloop designed by Lyle Hess and built out of fiberglass in Ontario, California, by Montgomery Boats. With a keel and centerboard, the boat draws just under 2 feet with the board up and can be easily beached when you’re gunkholing. In the cuddy cabin you’ll find sitting headroom, a pair of bunks, a portable toilet, optional shore and DC power, and an impressive amount of storage space. The deck-stepped mast can be easily raised using a four-part tackle. The builder reports taking his own boat on trips across the Golfo de California and on visits to California’s coastal islands. Montgomery makes 15-foot and 23-foot models, as well. If you’re in search of a small sailboat with a cabin, the Montgomery 17 has to be on your wish list.

CW Hood 32 Daysailer small sailboat

With long overhangs and shiny brightwork, the CW Hood 32 is on the larger end of the daysailer spectrum. Designers Chris Hood and Ben Stoddard made a conscious decision to forego a cabin and head in favor of an open cockpit big enough to bring 4 or 5 friends or family out for an afternoon on the water. The CW Hood 32 is sleek and graceful through the water and quick enough to do some racing, but keeps things simple with a self-tacking jib and controls that can be lead back to a single-handed skipper. A top-furling asymmetrical, electric sail drive and Torqeedo outboard are all optional. The CW Hood 32 makes for a great small family sailboat.

Sun Cat from Com-Pac

Sun Cat from Com-Pac

Shallow U.S. East Coast bays and rock-strewn coasts have long been graced by cat boats, whose large, gaff-rigged mainsails proved simple and powerful both on the wind and, better yet, when reaching and running. The 17-foot-4-inch Sun Cat, built by Com-Pac Yachts, updates the classic wooden cat with its fiberglass hull and deck and the easy-to-step Mastender Rigging System, which incorporates a hinged tabernacle to make stepping the mast a one-person job. If you want a personal sailboat ideal for solo sailing, the Sun Can is a great choice. Belowdecks, the twin 6-foot-5-inch berths and many other features and amenities make this cat a willing weekender.

$19,800, (727) 443-4408,

Catalina 16.5

Catalina 16.5

The Catalina 16.5 sits right in the middle of Catalina Yachts’ line of small sailboats, which range from the 12.5 to the 22 Capri and Sport, and it comes in both an easy-to-trailer centerboard model and a shoal-draft fixed-keel configuration. With the fiberglass board up, the 17-foot-2-inch boat draws just 5 inches of water; with the board down, the 4-foot-5-inch draft suggests good windward performance. Hull and deck are hand-laminated fiberglass. The roomy cockpit is self-bailing, and the bow harbors a good-sized storage area with a waterproof hatch.

Hobie 16

No roundup of best small sailboats (trailerable and fun too) would be complete without a mention of the venerable Hobie 16, which made its debut in Southern California way back in 1969. The company has introduced many other multihulls since, but more than 100,000 of the 16s have been launched, a remarkable figure. The Hobie’s asymmetric fiberglass-and-foam hulls eliminate the need for daggerboards, and with its kick-up rudders, the 16 can be sailed right up to the beach. Its large trampoline offers lots of space to move about or a good place to plant one’s feet when hanging off the double trapezes with a hull flying. The boat comes with a main and a jib; a spinnaker, douse kit, trailer, and beach dolly are optional features.

Hunter 15

Novice sailors or old salts looking for simplicity could both enjoy sailing the Hunter 15. With a fiberglass hull and deck and foam flotation, the boat is sturdily built. The ample freeboard and wide beam provide stability under way, and the heavy-duty rubrail and kick-up rudder mean that you won’t have to worry when the dock looms or the going grows shallow. Both the 15 and its slightly larger 18-foot sibling come standard with roller-furling jibs.

$6,900/$9,500 (boat-show prices for the 15 and 18 includes trailers), (386) 462-3077,

Super Snark

Super Snark

Under various owners, the Snark brand of sailboats, now built by Meyers Boat Co., has been around since the early 1970s. The Super Snark, at 11 feet, is a simple, easily car-topped daysailer that’s fit out with a lateen rig and sail. Billed as unsinkable, the five boats in the company’s line are built with E.P.S. foam, with the external hull and deck vacuum-formed to the core using an A.B.S. polymer. The Super Snark weighs in at 50 pounds, and with a payload capacity of 310 pounds, the boat can carry two.

$970, (800) 247-6275,

Norseboat 21.5

Norseboat 21.5

Built in Canada, the NorseBoat 21.5 is a rugged looking craft that comes in a couple of configurations: one with an open cockpit and small doghouse, and another with a smaller cockpit and cabin that houses a double berth for two adults and optional quarter berths for the kids. Both carry NorseBoat’s distinctive looking carbon fiber gaff-rigged mast with main and jib (a sprit-set drifter is optional), and come with a ballasted stub keel and centerboard. Because of its lightweight design, the boat can be rowed and is easily trailered.

$36,000 (starting), 902-659-2790,

Flying Scot

Flying Scot

Talk about time-tested, the 19-foot Flying Scot has been in production since 1957 and remains a popular design today. Sloop rigged, with a conventional spinnaker for downwind work, the boat is an easily sailed family boat as well as a competitive racer, with over 130 racing fleets across the U.S. Its roomy cockpit can seat six to eight, though the boat is often sailed by a pair or solo. Hull and deck are a fiberglass and balsa core sandwich. With the centerboard up, the boat draws only eight inches. Though intended to be a daysailer, owners have rigged boom tents and berths for overnight trips, and one adventurous Scot sailor cruised his along inland waterways from Philadelphia to New Orleans.

RS Venture

Known primarily for its line of racing dinghys, RS Sailing also builds the 16-foot, 4-inch Venture, which it describes as a cruising and training dinghy. The Venture features a large, self-draining cockpit that will accommodate a family or pack of kids. A furling jib and mainsail with slab reefing come standard with the boat; a gennaker and trapeze kit are options, as is an outboard motor mount and transom swim ladder. The deck and hull are laid up in a fiberglass and Coremat sandwich. The Venture’s designed to be both a good performer under sail, but also stable, making it a good boat for those learning the sport.

$14,900, 203-259-7808,

Topaz Taz

Topper makes a range of mono- and multihull rotomolded boats, but the model that caught one editor’s eye at Strictly Sail Chicago was the Topaz Taz. At 9 feet, 8 inches LOA and weighing in at 88 pounds, the Taz is not going to take the whole crowd out for the day. But, with the optional mainsail and jib package (main alone is for a single child), the Taz can carry two or three kids or an adult and one child, and would make a fun escape pod when tied behind the big boat and towed to some scenic harbor. The hull features Topper’s Trilam construction, a plastic and foam sandwich that creates a boat that’s stiff, light, and durable, and shouldn’t mind being dragged up on the beach when it’s time for a break.

$2,900 (includes main and jib), 410-286-1960,

WindRider WRTango

WindRider WRTango

WRTango, a fast, sturdy, 10-foot trimaran that’s easy to sail, is the newest portable craft from WindRider International. It joins a line that includes the WR16 and WR17 trimarans. The Tango features forward-facing seating, foot-pedal steering, and a low center of gravity that mimics the sensation of sitting in a kayak. It weighs 125 pounds (including the outriggers and carbon-fiber mast), is extremely stable, and has single-sheet sail control. The six-inch draft and kick-up rudder make it great for beaching, while the hull and outriggers are made of rotomolded polyethylene, so it can withstand running into docks and being dragged over rocks.

$3,000, 612-338-2170,

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Best Small Sailboats for Beginners

sailboats for beginners

There are a number of classic trainers used by yacht club youth programs as well as techie new designs. Without mentioning specific models and brands, it’s difficult to outline which small boats are best but here are things to look for in good teaching boats.

Some of the best small sailboats for beginners include:

  • Boats with tillers steering
  • Boats with no winches
  • Sailing dinghies
  • Small sloops
  • Small catamarans
  • Rotomolded boats
  • Trailerable sailboats

Explore All Sailboat Types

Boats with Tiller Steering

Steering by tiller (rather than a wheel) can make a difference when learning. Tillers are directly connected to the rudder that manages the boat’s direction. Tillers provide quick feedback about the strength and direction of the wind as well as the boat’s turning agility at various speeds.

Boats with No Winches

Boats that require no winches to manage the sheets and halyards are best for youngsters and new sailors. These boats usually don’t experience the same forces on the sails and rigging as larger boats, which can be a handful when the wind starts to blow. Winches are usually replaced with cam or jam cleats, which are easy to use.

Sailing Dinghies

Sailing dinghies are usually rigged with one mast and one sail and offer kids and new sailors simplicity so it’s easy to learn the ropes. Less overwhelming than boats with two sails, dinghies are light and responsive. They also have a shallow draft due to side or centerboards so they can be sailed just about anywhere. In some cases (whether from a wind gust or sudden crew weight shift) sailing dinghies can capsize so students should wear lifejackets and know how to swim. Sailing dinghies are usually sailed by one or two people.

Small Sloops

Small sloops with a mast that carries head and mainsails are the next step so students learn how sails work together. Headsails can be hanked on or attached to a small roller furler. These boats may have some or no winches, which also makes them easier to maintain. These boats can usually be sailed with one to four people.

Some sloops can scale up, providing a more challenging experience for sailors as they develop skills. Certain models can carry spinnakers and larger headsails to teach sail combinations and new sail trim techniques. Others offer the ability to hike out (shift crew weight well outboard to balance the boat against the wind pressure in the sails). This kind of sailing is more advanced.

Small Catamarans

Small catamarans provide extra stability for those who may be nervous about capsizing or aren’t fond of heeling (tipping while sailing). With two hulls providing a wide and stable base, catamarans area ideal for beginners, which may be why they’re often used by resorts as their beach sailing tourist boats. Rigged with one or two sails, small cats are tiller steered and usually have a trampoline that the students sit on and sail.

Rotomolded Boats

Small rotomolded boats are very forgiving due to their durable construction. Unlike fiberglass or wooden boats, rotomolded (a type of plastic construction technique) trainers can bounce off docks or other boats and cause or sustain little damage. Dinghies and catamarans can both be made via rotomolding.

Trailerable Sailboats

Finally, small sailboats that can be trailered to different locations add variety and that makes learning fun. Students can learn to sail in different wind and water conditions and enjoy their boats differently on vacation or with new friends.

Learning to sail involves all the senses and requires a level head and lots of practice and although it can be learned in many ways, the best way is to start with a boat that’s small, simple, safe and durable.

Read Next: Small Boats: What Are My Options?

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Builders of the Ultimate One Man Boat

Warrior One Man Boat

The ultimate one man boat - made in america, if you're looking for a one man boat, you're in the right place. if you're looking for the ultimate one man boat or the ultimate one man fishing boat, you can throw in a truck and get to the pond of your dreams, you're in the right place. if you've ever wanted to hunt or fish in an area that others can't get to, you're looking at the best one man boat for the job. hand-made, with tons of quality and spectacular design, warrior one man boats are the ultimate one man boats. lightweight, fast, sleek and sporty, these one man boats cut right through the water with virtually no sound - and they get you to that sweet spot, that honey hole where no one has been, and no one else can get to. check out the warrior one man boat online, then find a local dealer to see our incredibly well-built crafts in person., check out the 8 reasons why warrior one man boats are the ultimate one man boats, you found us, now try us out. we believe, and so do the owners of our one man boats, that our design and personalized craftsmanship is unparalleled and top of the line. continue to browse to see why, or click the dealer locator link to find the nearest dealer for warrior one man boats., tested and ready.

All Warrior One Man Boats are individually and meticulously handcrafted from a specialized hardened plastic (no rough-edge fiberglass snags). You can instantly feel the quality as you run your hand across the smooth, thick, solid surfaces. All boats are float-tested, and each weld and rivet inspected. We believe in our products. We want you to believe in them as well.

7 Models and Colors

Our seven (7) different models are all 10’ boats with various color combinations from dark brown, dark green, camo, or a combination. With fully licensed camo designs from Mossy Oak, the camouflage one man boats come with custom matching seats and matching accessory items like foot pedals, live-well covers and motor covers. All designs include our custom accessories like the quick-disconnect battery cables and built-in stainless steel motor guides.

Individually Crafted

We not only build each craft individually by hand, we inspect, float-test, and stand behind our product 100%. Our goal is to build the best one man boat in America. We want you to compare our boats with the others on the market. Don't buy another until you check these out. You will see, like we know, Warrior One Man Boats are the best one man boats made. Solid, dependable and high-quality, they're the kind of boats we would want to own. In fact, we do!

Come See Us!

We are located in South Carolina near the banks of Lake Marion, and some of the best water in the US river system, such as Black River, Pee Dee, Lynches and Santee. Our Warrior One Man Boats have been proven in the swamps of South Carolina and tested by the best outdoorsmen in the country. Check us out at a local dealer, and don't consider buying a one man boat without considering us.

Lake Access

Best One Man Fishing Boat: An Ultimate Buyer’s Guide

Categories Boating

Best One Man Fishing Boat: An Ultimate Buyer’s Guide

One-man fishing boats are typically small and lightweight, which makes them easy to transport from location to location. They can be an excellent choice for anglers who fish alone and want to travel with a small boat.

Also, one-man boats are typically less expensive than other fishing boats, which can be a big plus for anglers on a budget.

Best One Man Fishing Boats

After a lot of research, we were able to make a list of some of the best one-man fishing boats available at the moment, which are the following:

Intex Excursion Pro Kayak

The Intex Excursion Pro Inflatable Fishing Kayak is a killer tandem option for angling pairs. It features three chambers, which make it durable and resilient in the water. You can use the Intex for fishing alone or with a partner for tandem fishing on lakes, rivers, and ponds worldwide!

This inflatable kayak is durable and can hold gear. With two rod holders, adjustable mounting brackets, and a high-output pump included in purchase, this kayak gives you everything you need to get started immediately! This product does not offer great speed, but it has enough for cruising or targeting fish.

  • This boat is ideal for solo fishing. You can use it to fish in a river, on the sea, or even in a lake.
  • The boat has been designed with an inflatable floor, providing stability and comfort.
  • The base is also made of puncture-resistant material, ensuring you can use it for years without worrying about getting a hole.
  • The boat has two oars, a fishing rod holder, and a paddle.
  • The boat also has an inflatable s e at, which you can adjust to any height.
  • The boat is made of heavy-duty PVC material, making it lightweight and durable at the same time.
  • Not as fast or maneuverable as other kayaks on this list. This can be a pro or con, depending on what you are looking for.
  • Many customers have said that the Intex is a great kayak for fishing and works well, but there are some complaints about the durability of this product. It might not last.

Intex Excursion Pro Kayak

Pelican Sentinel 100X Angler

The Pelican Sentinel 100X Angler is a one-person fishing boat. It has an aluminum frame and a composite hull, simultaneously making it sturdy and lightweight. The deck of this boat has a storage compartment for the fishing gear and rod, so it is easy to keep things organized. The Pelican Sentinel 100X Angler also includes an anchor kit with rope and a storage bag for the anchor.

This boat is designed with stability, so it is easy to maneuver even in choppy waters. It comes equipped with two-rod holders and an integrated deck storage system. The Pelican Sentinel 100X Angler is a versatile fishing boat that you can use for other activities such as canoeing, kayaking, and rowing. This model has been designed with a large cockpit that provides plenty of room for the fisherman to sit comfortably.

The boat is equipped with two fishing seats and has adjustable foot braces so that it can accommodate different sizes of fishers. The boat is constructed from a high-density polyethylene material, making it durable and lightweight.

  • The Pelican Sentinel 100X Angler is a versatile fishing boat that you can use for other activities such as canoeing, kayaking, and rowing.
  • It has been designed with a large cockpit, which provides plenty of room for the fisherman to sit comfortably.
  • The boat is equipped with two fishing seats and has adjustable foot braces, so it can accommodate different sizes of fishers.
  • It is a stable fishing boat used in many water conditions. It is designed to have an open bow and stern, which makes it easy for the fisherman to get into and out of the boat.
  • The Pelican Sentinel 100X Angler is a lightweight fishing boat that can easily carry by one person.
  • Some fishermen have complained that the foot braces are not adjustable enough.
  • The boat has a small storage space, so taking fishing supplies and other items may be challenging.

Pelican Sentinel 100X Angler

Lifetime Tamarack Angler 100 Fishing Kayak

The Lifetime Tamarack Angler 100 Fishing Kayak is an excellent choice for a durable and affordable kayak. It is designed with various features that make it perfect for amateur and professional anglers. Some of these features include:

  • It has all the safety features you need, such as molded carry handles and security straps.
  • The dimensions are 10 feet long, 32 inches wide, and 13 inches deep, making it spacious enough to accommodate various people and gear.
  • It comes with two flush-mount rod holders and one swivel rod holder.
  • This kayak also includes a paddle cradle, which allows you to store your paddle while fishing.
  • It is affordable, making it an excellent choice for people with limited budgets.
  • This kayak has enough space to accommodate various equipment and people.
  • The paddle cradle allows you to store your paddle when not in use.
  • It does not have a dry storage area, so you must get your gear wet if you want to fish from the kayak.
  • It is not as stable as other kayaks, so you must be careful when using it.

Lifetime Tamarack Angler 100 Fishing Kayak

Sevylor Quikpak K1 1-Person Kayak

The Sevylor Quikpak K1 1-Person Kayak is an excellent one-person fishing boat for those looking for an inexpensive, lightweight, and portable option. It can be inflated with a hand or foot pump in less than three minutes and is small enough to fit into an average-sized backpack.

The Quikpak K1 has plenty of storage space available for your fishing gear and can accommodate up to 250 pounds of weight. The kayak is stable enough for fishing from and has an adjustable seat, padded backrest, and footrests that can be set at two different angles.

The Sevylor Quikpak K1 is an excellent option for those who want to take their fishing hobby on the road and don’t have access to a boat launch or dock. It can be inflated and ready to go in less than three minutes, which is faster than it takes most people to get their boat into the water!

  • Made with high-quality materials
  • 5-minute assembly time
  • Folds for easy storage and transportation
  • Secure storage area with a dry box
  • It does not have much storage space
  • It does not have much room for fishing equipment.
  • It does not have a motor mount included in the package
  • The seating is not very comfortable and could use some more padding

Sevylor Quikpak K1 1-Person Kayak

Sea Eagle 285 Inflatable Frameless Fishing Pontoon Boat

The Sea Eagle 285 is a frameless pontoon boat with a 450-pound load limit. The impressive U-hull configuration and NMMA- and CE-certified make it perfect for anglers looking to traverse uncharted waters.

At only 30 pounds, the Sea Eagle 285 is easy to transport, making it great for fly fishing trips. It also comes in hunter-green fabric, perfect for low-key hunting trips.

You can customize the Sea Eagle 285 Pontoon Boat with accessories such as rod holders and cutting boards. It also has a super comfortable padded swivel seat with a quick-release mount, which makes it easy to fish from the standing position.

Because of its polymer-coated fabric pontoons, the Sea Eagle 285 can be used in both fresh and saltwater environments without any issue. And don’t worry – the 2-year Minn Kota Endura Warranty guarantees the lifetime of the craft’s composite shaft/shaft protection system!

  • The Sea Eagle 285 Pontoon Boat is one of the most stable fishing boats on the market.
  • It’s made from high-quality materials and has a wide range of valuable features that make it easy to use.
  • It’s very light and portable, which makes it easy to carry around and store.
  • It also has an outstanding design that reduces the amount of effort required for fishing compared to others.
  • The Sea Eagle 285 Pontoon Boat is not the most durable boat on the market. It’s made from high-quality materials but is still prone to damage in certain situations.
  • It was a little bit expensive but worth the price.

Sea Eagle 285 Inflatable Frameless Fishing Pontoon Boat

Buyer’s Guide: Choosing The Best One-Man Fishing boat

When looking to buy a one-man fishing boat, there are several things you’ll want to keep in mind. The size and weight of the boat are important considerations, as is the load capacity. You’ll also want to consider how easy it is to transport and store the boat.

Be aware of the length and width of the boat before making your purchase; some models may be too broad or long for your needs.

Additionally, consider whether you need a pontoon or frameless option for extra ease in transportation and storing; pontoons can be awkward to carry by hand alone. Some boats include tie-downs or bungee cords for storage, which can come in handy when transporting gear between fishing spots.

Finally, remember that price should not be your only consideration when buying a one-man fishing boat–look for a model with the features you need that suits your budget.

What are the different types of one-man fishing boats?

One-person fishing boats come in all shapes and sizes, from kayaks and canoes to larger pontoon boats. Some are designed for recreational use, while others are made for commercial fishing.

Three leading one-man fishing boats are kayaks, canoes, and pontoon boats. Kayaks are small and lightweight, making them easy to transport. Canoes offer more space than kayaks but are not as maneuverable. Pontoon boats offer the most room for all three types but require the most storage.

Each type of one-person fishing boat has its advantages and disadvantages. Kayaks are the most portable but have the least amount of storage space. Canoes offer more storage space than kayaks, but they’re less maneuverable. Pontoon boats offer the most storage space of all three types but are also the heaviest and require more transportation.

What are the benefits of owning a one-man fishing boat?

There are many benefits to owning a one-person fishing boat. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is getting to the water quickly and easily without worrying about packing a lot of gear.

These boats are also very maneuverable, making it easy to navigate through tight spots or adverse conditions. And unlike a float tube, which requires constant kicking to move, these boats can easily pedal through the water. This makes them perfect for fishing in areas where there is little current.

How to maintain a one-man fishing boat?

Maintaining a one-man fishing boat is essential to ensure its longevity and your safety while on the water. Cleaning and storing it correctly will help keep it in good condition for years.

Here are some tips on how to best take care of your one-man fishing boat:

-Clean the boat regularly with fresh water, using a mild detergent if necessary. Be sure to get all the dirt and debris off of it, as this can damage the finish over time. -Dry the boat thoroughly after each use, especially if you’ve been in saltwater. This will help prevent corrosion and rust. -Store the boat in a dry place, away from direct sunlight or heat sources when not in use.

What are the safety tips for using a one-man fishing boat?

When you’re out on the water in your one-man fishing boat, it’s important to remember a few safety tips. First and foremost, always wear your life jacket! It would be best if you also had a whistle and some personal floatation devices on board in an emergency.

If you’re using a truck bed for boating purposes, check with your local authorities to ensure you are aware of applicable laws or safety requirements. In most cases, it is legal to fish from your pickup bed as long as you have a red flag attached to the end of your boat. However, there may be other restrictions depending on where you live.

Make sure you use ratchet straps for proper anchoring – this will help keep your boat in place while you’re out on the water. And finally, please remember to travel during the day whenever possible – at night, it’s crucial to have a light on your boat so that other boats can see you easily.

What is the price range for a good quality one-man fishing boat?

On average, a single-person fishing boat costs between $300-$700. There is a wide range of prices for one-person fishing boats. It’s essential to consider the cost of the boat, as well as the cost of the engine. You can find some quality boats for a very affordable price, but the best ones tend to be more expensive than other options.


10 Best Small Sailboats (Under 20 Feet)

Best Small Sailboats Under 20 Feet | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

December 28, 2023

Compact, easy to trailer, simple to rig, easy to maintain and manage, and affordable, the best small boats all have one thing in common: they offer loads of fun while out there on the water.

So whether you're on a budget or just looking for something that can offer ultimate daytime rides without compromising on safety, aesthetic sensibilities, alternate propulsion, and speed, the best small sailboats under 20 feet should be the only way to go.

Let's be brutally honest here; not everyone needs a 30-foot sailboat to go sailing. They come with lots of features such as electronics, entertainment, refrigeration, bunks, a galley, and even a head. But do you really need all these features to go sailing? We don't think so.

All you need to go sailing is a hull, a mast, rudder, and, of course, a sail. And whether you refer to them as daysailers, trailerable sailboats , a weekender sailboat, or pocket cruisers, there's no better way to enjoy the thrills of coastal sailing than on small sailboats.

There are a wide range of small boats measuring less than 20 feet available in the market. These are hot products in the market given that they offer immense thrills out on the sea without the commitment required to cruise on a 30-footer. A small sailboat will not only give you the feel of every breeze but will also give you the chance to instantly sense every change in trim.

In this article, we'll highlight 10 best small sailboats under 20 feet . Most models in this list are time-tested, easy to rig, simple to sail, extremely fun, and perfect either for solo sailing or for sailing with friends and family. So if you've been looking for a list of some of the best small sailboats , you've come to the right place.

So without further ado, let's roll on.

Table of contents


The Marlow-Hunter 15 is not only easy to own since it's one of the most affordable small sailboats but also lots of fun to sail. This is a safe and versatile sailboat for everyone. Whether you're sailing with your family or as a greenhorn, you'll love the Hunter 15 thanks to its raised boom, high freeboard, and sturdy FRP construction.

With high sides, a comfortable wide beam, a contoured self-bailing cockpit, and fiberglass construction, the Hunter 15 is certainly designed with the novice sailor in mind. This is why you can do a lot with this boat without falling out, breaking it, or capsizing. Its contoured self-baiting cockpit will enable you to find a fast exit while its wide beam will keep it steady and stable no matter what jibes or weight shifts happen along the way.

This is a small sailboat that can hold up to four people. It's designed to give you a confident feeling and peace of mind even when sailing with kids. It's easy to trailer, easy to rig, and easy to launch. With a price tag of about $10k, the Hunter 15 is a fun, affordable, and versatile boat that is perfect for both seasoned sailors and novices. It's a low-maintenance sailboat that can be great for teaching kids a thing or two about sailing.

Catalina 16.5


Catalina Yachts are synonymous with bigger boats but they have some great and smaller boats too such as Catalina 16.5. This is one of the best small sailboats that are ideal for family outings given that it has a big and roomy cockpit, as well as a large storage locker. Designed with a hand-laminated fiberglass sloop, the Catalina 16.5 is versatile and is available in two designs: the centerboard model and the keel model.

The centerboard model is designed with a powerful sailplane that remains balanced as a result of the fiberglass centerboard, the stable hull form, and the rudder. It also comes with a tiller extension, adjustable hiking straps, and adjustable overhaul. It's important to note that these are standard equipment in the two models.

As far as the keel model is concerned, this is designed with a high aspect keel as the cast lead and is attached with stainless steel keel bolts, which makes this model perfect for mooring or docking whenever it's not in use. In essence, the centerboard model is perfect if you'll store it in a trailer while the keel model can remain at the dock.

All in all, the Catalina 16.5 is one of the best small sailboats that you can get your hands on for as low as $10,000. This is certainly a great example of exactly what a daysailer should be.


There's no list of small, trailerable, and fun sailboats that can be complete without the inclusion of the classic Hobie 16. This is a durable design that has been around and diligently graced various waters across the globe since its debut way back in 1969 in Southern California. In addition to being durable, the Hobie 16 is trailerable, great for speed, weighs only 320 pounds, great for four people, and more importantly, offers absolute fun.

With a remarkable figure of over 100,000 launched since its debut, it's easy to see that the Hobie 16 is highly popular. Part of this popularity comes from its asymmetric fiberglass-and-foam sandwiched hulls that include kick-up rudders. This is a great feature that allows it to sail up to the beach.

For about $12,000, the Hobie 16 will provide you with endless fun throughout the summer. It's equipped with a spinnaker, trailer, and douse kit. This is a high-speed sailboat that has a large trampoline to offer lots of space not just for your feet but also to hand off the double trapezes.

Montgomery 17


Popularly known as the M-17, The Montgomery 17 was designed by Lyle C. Hess in conjunction with Jerry Montgomery in Ontario, California for Montgomery Boats. Designed either with keel or centerboard models, the M-17 is more stable than most boats of her size. This boat is small enough to be trailered but also capable of doing moderate offshore passages.

This small sailboat is designed with a masthead and toe rail that can fit most foresails. It also has enough space for two thanks to its cuddly cabin, which offers a sitting headroom, a portable toilet, a pair of bunks, a DC power, and optional shore, and a proper amount of storage. That's not all; you can easily raise the deck-stepped mast using a four-part tackle.

In terms of performance, the M-17 is one of the giant-killers out there. This is a small sailboat that will excel in the extremes and make its way past larger boats such as the Catalina 22. It glides along beautifully and is a dog in light air, though it won't sail against a 25-knot wind, which can be frustrating. Other than that, the Montgomery 17 is a great small sailboat that can be yours for about $14,000.

Norseboat 17.5


As a versatile daysailer, Norseboat 17.5 follows a simple concept of seaworthiness and high-performance. This small sailboat perfectly combines both contemporary construction and traditional aesthetics. Imagine a sailboat that calls itself the "Swiss Army Knife of Boats!" Well, this is a boat that can sail and row equally well.

Whether you're stepping down from a larger cruiser or stepping up from a sea kayak, the unique Norseboat 17.5 is balanced, attractive, and salty. It has curvaceous wishbone gaff, it is saucy, and has a stubby bow-sprit that makes it attractive to the eyes. In addition to her beauty, the Norseboat 17.5 offers an energy-pinching challenge, is self-sufficient, and offers more than what you're used to.

This is a small, lightweight, low-maintenance sailboat that offers a ticket to both sailing and rowing adventures all at the same time. At about 400 pounds, it's very portable and highly convenient. Its mainsails may look small but you'll be surprised at how the boat is responsive to it. With a $12,500 price tag, this is a good small sailboat that offers you the versatility to either row or sail.


If you've been looking for a pocket cruiser that inspires confidence, especially in shoal water, look no further than the Sage 17. Designed by Jerry Montgomery in 2009, the Sage 17 is stable and should heel to 10 degrees while stiffening up. And because you want to feel secure while sailing, stability is an integral feature of the Sage 17.

This is a sailboat that will remain solid and stable no matter which part of the boat you stand on. Its cabin roof and the balsa-cored carbon-fiber deck are so strong that the mast doesn't require any form of compression post. The self-draining cockpit is long enough and capable of sleeping at 6 feet 6 inches.

The Sage 17 may be expensive at $25k but is a true sea warrior that's worth look at. This is a boat that will not only serve you right but will also turn heads at the marina.    


Having been chosen as the overall boat of the year for 2008 by the Sailing World Magazine, the Laser SB3 is one of the coolest boats you'll ever encounter. When sailing upwind, this boat will lock into the groove while its absolute simplicity is legendary. In terms of downwind sailing, having this boat will be a dream come true while it remains incredibly stable even at extraordinary speed.

Since its debut in 2004, the Laser SB3 has surged in terms of popularity thanks to the fact that it's designed to put all the controls at your fingertips. In addition to a lightweight mast, its T- bulb keel can be hauled and launched painlessly. For about $18,000, the Laser SB3 ushers you into the world of sports sailing and what it feels to own and use a sports boat.


As a manufacturer, Fareast is a Chinese boat manufacturer that has been around for less than two decades. But even with that, the Fareast 18 remains a very capable cruiser-racer that will take your sailing to the next level. In addition to its good looks, this boat comes with a retractable keel with ballast bulb, a powerful rig, and an enclosed cabin.

Its narrow design with a closed stern may be rare in sailboats of this size, but that's not a problem for the Fareast 18. This design not only emphasizes speed but also makes it a lot easier to maintain this boat. Perfect for about 6 people, this boat punches above its weight. It's, however, designed to be rigged and launched by one person.

This is a relatively affordable boat. It's agile, safe, well-thought-out, well built, and very sporty.


If you're in the market looking for a small sailboat that offers contemporary performance with classic beauty, the Paine 14 should be your ideal option. Named after its famous designer, Chuck Paine, this boat is intentionally designed after the classic Herreshoff 12.5 both in terms of dimensions and features.

This is a lightweight design that brings forth modern fin keel and spade rudder, which makes it agile, stable, and faster. The Paine 14 is built using cold-molded wood or west epoxy. It has varnished gunnels and transoms to give it an old-time charm. To make it somehow modern, this boat is designed with a carbon mast and a modern way to attach sails so that it's ready to sail in minutes.

You can rest easy knowing that the Paine 14 will not only serve you well but will turn heads while out there.


Many sailors will attest that their first sailing outing was in a Lido 14. This is a classic sailboat that has been around for over four decades and still proves to be a perfect match to modern small boats, especially for those still learning the ropes of sailing.

With seating for six people, the Lido 14 can be perfect for solo sailing , single-handed sailing, or if you're planning for shorthanded sailing. While new Lido 14 boats are no longer available, go for a functional used Lido 14 and you'll never regret this decision. It will serve you well and your kids will probably fall in love with sailing if Lido 14 becomes their main vessel during weekends or long summer holidays.

Bottom Line

There you have it; these are some of the best small sailboats you can go for. While there are endless small sailboats in the market, the above-described sailboat will serve you right and make you enjoy the wind.

Choose the perfect sailboat, invest in it, and go out there and have some good fun!

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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    The Hunter Channel 31, J/109, and West Wight Potter 19 are great budget-friendly, single-handed sailboats. Moving up in price, you can look at Hanse 371, Jeanneau Sunfast 3200, and even a Dehler 29. Depending on the size and the amount of features it has will determine what they are worth.

  7. What are the Best Single-Handed Sailboats and Catamarans?

    Lagoon 39/40/42 (2015 and newer) Lagoon is Leopard's main competitor, but if you look at their older designs, they spent years catching up to Leopard in terms of helm positioning and single-handed operations. This changed dramatically when Lagoon introduced the 39 around 2015 and the 42 and 46 a few years later.

  8. Best Sailboats for One Person: Top Picks for Solo Sailing

    The Melges 14 is a versatile sailboat that is designed for solo sailing. This small, lightweight sailboat is easy to handle and is perfect for beginners. The Melges 14 is designed for racing, but can also be used for recreational sailing. It is known for its speed and agility, and is a great choice for sailors who want to experience the thrill ...

  9. Choosing the Right One Person Sailboat: Your Guide to the Perfect

    Some popular catamarans for one person sailing include the Hobie Wave, Nacra 15, and the A-Class Catamaran. These boats are designed to be fast and stable, making them perfect for solo sailing adventures. Key Features to Consider in a One Person Sailboat. When choosing a one person sailboat, there are several key features to consider.

  10. The Top Features to Look for in a One Person Sailboat: A Comprehensive

    A sailboat measuring between 35 and 45 feet (10.5 - 14 meters) with a draft of about 2 meters, plenty of sail area, easy reefing, and well-working assistive equipment can be ideal for one person to handle. The boat shouldn't be over 9 tons as things can get a little tricky and out of hand if the boat exceeds this weight.

  11. What Sailboats Can Be Sailed By One Person? (Complete List)

    The Hobie 16 has a weight of only 320 lbs making it easy to flip over when needed. With the rudder in the up position, the draft is only 10 inches. It fits up to four people, but you might be able to fit a couple more. This boat is all about fun! Don't sail it across the Atlantic though. 5. Catalina 36 MK II.

  12. Best Small Sailboats, Beginner and Trailerable Sailboats

    If you want a personal sailboat ideal for solo sailing, the Sun Can is a great choice. Belowdecks, the twin 6-foot-5-inch berths and many other features and amenities make this cat a willing weekender. $19,800, (727) 443-4408,

  13. What Size Sailboat Can One Person Handle?

    Well, a sailboat measuring between 35 and 45 feet (10.5 - 14 meters) with a draft of about 2 meters, plenty of sail area, easy reefing, and well-working assistive equipment can be ideal for one person to handle. The boat shouldn't be over 9 tons as things can get a little tricky and out of hand if the boat exceeds this weight.

  14. Best Small Sailboats for Beginners

    Without mentioning specific models and brands, it's difficult to outline which small boats are best but here are things to look for in good teaching boats. Some of the best small sailboats for beginners include: Boats with tillers steering. Boats with no winches. Sailing dinghies.

  15. 25 Best Beginner Sailing Dinghies

    The Wayfarer is probably one of the best known dinghies for cruising inland or on the coast and can also be used as a training boat, or raced with a spinnaker. The GP14 can likewise be used for cruising or racing (the class held its 2016 world championship in Barbados) and has a vibrant calendar covering both aspects of the sport.

  16. Most Popular One-Design Sailboats

    Popular one-design sailboats include Laser, 49er, I-420, and Ideal 18. Some popular multihull one-design boats are A-Cat, Isotope, and Hobie 16. Various one-design boat brands will cater to specific races and sailor's needs in order to provide the best experience. In my experience the Laser is one of the popular one-design brands in existence ...

  17. Best One Man Pontoon Boat Reviews and Guide

    The Classic Accessories one-man Colorado XT pontoon boat is a 9-foot framed flotation device with loads of accessories and storage options. The boat features an abrasion-resistant PVC bottom and a durable nylon top. It also boasts a padded plastic swivel seat for unmatched comfort the whole day through.


    Tested and Ready. All Warrior One Man Boats are individually and meticulously handcrafted from a specialized hardened plastic (no rough-edge fiberglass snags). You can instantly feel the quality as you run your hand across the smooth, thick, solid surfaces. All boats are float-tested, and each weld and rivet inspected. We believe in our products.

  19. 25 best beginner sailing dinghies

    1. Twelve of the best training boats Sailing schools, clubs and training centres use a variety of boats with beginners, including singlehanders such as the Pico, Hartley 10 and the RS Quba, the latter having three rigs catering from entry level to more experienced sailors. There's also a range of larger training dinghies from builders such as RS, Topper, Laser and Hartley Boats.

  20. 10 Best Sailboats To Live In

    The last boat on our list is also one of the longest-lived in its category. Hunter produced their 33-foot sailboat starting in 1977, and it's still in production today. ... Best Small Sailboats With Standing Headroom. Daniel Wade. December 28, 2023. Best Bluewater Sailboats Under $50K. Daniel Wade. December 28, 2023. Popular Posts.

  21. Best One Man Fishing Boat: An Ultimate Buyer's Guide

    Pelican Sentinel 100X Angler. The Pelican Sentinel 100X Angler is a one-person fishing boat. It has an aluminum frame and a composite hull, simultaneously making it sturdy and lightweight. The deck of this boat has a storage compartment for the fishing gear and rod, so it is easy to keep things organized.

  22. What Is The Best Sailboat To Buy For A Beginner?

    The Catalina 27 is a reliable sloop that is perfect for beginners. It costs anywhere between $4k-$20k depending on the condition of the boat. This is an older model, made in the 90s, but is reliable and sturdy. If you can find one at a good price this could be the boat for you.

  23. 10 Best Small Sailboats (Under 20 Feet)

    Catalina 16.5. jlodrummer. Catalina Yachts are synonymous with bigger boats but they have some great and smaller boats too such as Catalina 16.5. This is one of the best small sailboats that are ideal for family outings given that it has a big and roomy cockpit, as well as a large storage locker.