best single handed bluewater catamaran

10 Best Solo Bluewater Catamarans and What Makes Them Great!

best single handed bluewater catamaran

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Finding the best solo bluewater catamaran is hard, I have been looking for the right balance of lightweight, sturdy, spacious, and compact. But what are the best solo bluewater catamarans on the market?

The ten best solo bluewater catamarans have unique designs, are about 40 feet (12.2m) long, boast an autopilot, all lines to the cockpit, and can provide a safe ocean passage with only one sailor on board. Popular short-handed bluewater cat models include the Manta 42, Dolphin 42, and the FP Belize 43.

Whether you’re looking to buy a brand new catamaran or refit an older one, I know one thing, there’s a solo sailing boat out there for you. Read on to learn about the best models available on the market today, this article is a synergy of my own knowledge together with the experience of expert sailors.

Table of Contents

What To Look For in a Solo Bluewater Catamaran

If you’re sailing single-handed (aka shorthanded or solo), you’ll want an easy-to-maintain boat that allows you to stay at the helm for the bulk of your trip. Typically, you’ll want a catamaran that’s about 40 feet in length (and with a beam to length ratio above 53%) too big of a boat, and it will be hard to handle, and too small it becomes unable to sail large waves and strong winds safely. Sail size plays a big part in how easy your reefing and winching will be.

best single handed bluewater catamaran

If your boat has an autopilot , which a well-outfitted bluewater boat definitely should, you will have an easier time managing sails and navigation. With autopilot mode enabled, you can cruise along without having to worry about adjusting the course since the autopilot will do this for you. These systems can be standalone or tied into a GPS and make a great asset for single-handed sailors. 

Remember that autopilot works better under power than under sail because of the amount of electric power it needs to work. You can increase performance under sail, however, by trimming correctly for a neutral helm. 

Autopilot functions can sometimes be managed with a remote controller that you can wear on your wrist or a lanyard for added convenience.

best single handed bluewater catamaran

Having a furling headsail can save you effort on the foredeck, and in-mast or in-boom furling makes the job of mainsail reefing more simple. However, this comes with a tradeoff in performance. 

A slab-reefed main takes longer to reef, but it’s easier to handle than others because of the lines led aft. The only thing you need to worry about in this case is adding lazy jacks, which will prevent the main from blocking your vision. 

best single handed bluewater catamaran

Handling & Safety

One of the riskiest things a solo sailor can do is leave the cockpit , so choosing a ship with quick and easy sail handling is of great importance. This is especially crucial near harbors, where there’s likely to be lots of other boat traffic. The best bluewater catamarans for solo sailors will have lines that run into the cockpit so that you don’t have to abandon your position at all. 

Even if you don’t run all your lines to the cockpit, you should at least take the main halyard back with you to the cockpit . This ensures that you’ll be able to stay in control of the boat without having to scramble quickly between stations.

When mooring by yourself, you might find midships cleats valuable in that they provide an anchoring point that keeps your ship from drifting away before it’s been completely secured. 

best single handed bluewater catamaran

The Manta 42 is a classic multihull catamaran built in the late 1990s to 2000s in Florida. It was designed by French naval architect Eric Lerouge and can be identified by its high bows and curved crossbeam. A Manta 42 is relatively light and has room for added features, like solar panels or dinghies. 

What Makes It a Good Solo Sailing Cat

The Manta 42 is great for single-handed sailing because it’s lightweight and easy to handle. It also has pinned aluminum crossbeams rather than conventional aluminum crossbeams, which means that the bows’ twisting forces will be absorbed. But note that this can lead to stress cracks in the bow area. 

For more information about the Manta 42, see this video walkthrough:

The Brazil-made Dolphin 42 comes equipped with a daggerboard for stability, which allows it to point higher. This also reduces the amount of wetted surface and allows you to anchor in shallower water. The Dolphin 42 also has a foam core for reduced weight and a lower chance of developing a wet core.

This catamaran is 41 ft. (12.5 m) long, with a displacement of 24,255 lbs (11,001.88 kg). It has two 60 horsepower engines, six feet (1.83 m) four inches (10.16 cm) of headroom, and comes with a built-in GPS-integrated autopilot system and a fully battened mainsail. Additionally, this ship has several household comforts, like hot water, air conditioning, a TV set, and a computer built-in, as well as a refrigerator. 

The Dolphin 42 is lightweight, stable, and compact, great for short-handed sailing. Dolphins have been known to perform successful circumnavigations comfortably and safely and are very reliable. However, you should be sure to choose a model that has not had any major modifications to the structure post-production.

Privilege 435

The Privilege 435 is a heavier cruiser meant for long-distance trips , designed according to the French tradition of multihull ships. These have been on the market for about 30 years and are made by large producers like Lagoon and Nautitech. The Privilege 435 can be purchased as an owner version or with four cabins and four head/showers. 

This catamaran is low-slung and has low wind resistance. Its windows come with internal shades and optional outdoor shades, but without “eyebrow” overhangs, the saloon can become quite hot in the tropics. Still, this boat is of very high quality and has a solid, stylish finish. 

The Privilege 435 is a luxurious choice, built for long-distance cruising . This catamaran is well-made, will not give in easily to stress, and has low wind resistance for increased efficiency. If you’re looking for a high-end boat with a stylish design, this could be the choice for you. 

Fountaine Pajot Belize 43

The Fountaine Pajot Belize 43 is perhaps the most popular catamaran on the market today. It has a full-length owner suite with a clever design that pairs a curvaceous saloon with a wraparound dinette and nav area. The galley comes with wraparound windows, and the outer deck is easy to walk on. 

The Fountaine Pajot Belize 43 has a foam core, which means it’s lightweight and unlikely to develop a wet and soon rotten core. It makes for a great solo sailing boat due to its ease of use, stability, and comfortable design. This catamaran is especially good for long travels due to its comfortable and spacious layout. It would make for a great single-handed sailing trip for a family.

Nautitech 44

The Nautitech 44 was one of the first catamarans with an integrated hardtop bimini , one of the many ways this design set the trend for short-handed sailing catamarans. It has two modes, one that allows single-wheel steering at the bulkhead and another that allows twin wheel steering closer to the stern. The Nautitech 44 also has slim hulls, which means more speed.

This ship is produced out of Rochefort sur Mer, a hub for naval architecture and shipbuilding. Nautitech was the first luxury boating company to introduce the concept of open living onboard, combining the saloon and cockpit to make one functional and spacious living area. 

Because the Nautitech 44 has two modes for steering, it allows each sailor to choose the steering method that best fits their wants and needs. Both modes have their advantages, but many prefer the sailing sensation of the two-wheel approach. This ship’s design also allows the saloon door to be left open even in the heavy rain, without fear that water will leak inside.

The combined saloon and cockpit also make for a comfortable trip for the single-handed sailor, allowing you to enjoy your leisure room without leaving your ship’s control room. 

The Lagoon 440 has a lot of volume for a single-handed sailing catamaran and a signature squared-off structure. This ship isn’t lightweight, but the saloon is spacious and accommodating to furniture. One version of the Lagoon 440, the flybridge version , is a difficult ship for shorter sailors to operate, simply because of a high boom position.

The Lagoon 440 is a good solo sailing boat if you’re looking to go on a long-distance trip, spending lots of time out at sea. It isn’t particularly fast, but it’s very stable, easy to use, and has lots of room for furniture and supplies. Several versions of this model are available on the market, all of which have slightly different layouts.

This catamaran is 49 ft. (14.94 m) long , bigger than most solo sailing ships. However, it does come with an autopilot system that makes solo sailing easier, as well as a GPS, radio, and built-in radar detector.

best single handed bluewater catamaran

The Leopard 45 is a South African-made multihull ship on the market since the late 1990s. Most Leopard 45s on the market are four-cabin versions, although a three-cabin version of the ship also exists. It also has a large, open-plan saloon with a large galley and a trademark rear arch. 

See the Leopard 45 in action in the following video:

What Makes It a Good Solo Sailing Boat

The Leopard 45 is a good solo sailing boat because it has a sturdy fractional rig for stability and is easy to use. It also has an open cockpit, which makes circulation easy. And you’ll find the engine access points on the outside of the ship, which makes maintenance easier. 

The Voyage 44 is a South African-made catamaran with a rugged design, considered a cost-effective option with superior sailing performance relative to other ships sold at the same price point. This boat has a particularly wide beam, which makes for more stability and more space. However, it also has a very exposed low bridge deck to be aware of.

The Voyage 44 makes a great single-handed sailing boat because it’s so stable with its ultra-wide beam. It makes the ship very easy to steady, even for beginners. While it’s not particularly lightweight, it’s built with an aerodynamic design, enough so that it can move along at a steady clip.

What is the largest boat one person can sail?

Outremer 45

The Outremer 45 is a product of La Grande Motte in the South of France, built with a well-executed, smart design. The hulls and deck are made with vinylester and a divinycell core, and its high-load areas are suited with carbon for extra durability and rigidity. You’ll find secure glassing at the joints of the ship rather than glue that could come undone.

The Outremer 45 has a classic multihull structure, small volume, and incredible responsiveness to the helm. It has a high bridge deck clearance , as well as well-proportioned bows. It also has a balanced weight distribution to prevent pitching and encourage steady motion forward. This is a pricier option, but an option with many great features. 

The Outremer 45 is a good solo sailing ship because it’s very compact and easy to manage. Its proportionate design means more stability and less pitching. It’s a very light ship, so it’s likely to move faster through the water than its competitors.

The Prout 45 is built for long distances rather than speed. It’s a heavy, sturdy boat that you’ll have an easy time guiding without worrying about pitching. 

The Prout 45 has space for a small stateroom in the center of the boat and comes in both owner and four-cabin versions. It has next to no bridge deck clearance due to a “nacelle” that runs along the main deck from end to end. This adds headroom and buoyancy and adds drag that can take away from the experience by slowing you down and creating noise.

If you want to better understand the difference between a solid foredeck and a net, a.k.a. trampoline, then I suggest you read my article comparing the two.

The Prout 45 has smaller, more manageable sails than other options and allows easy access to the rigging, which runs right into the cockpit. It’s a heavier ship and one that’s easy to keep stable. It’s a great ship for a solo sailor because you can do most of your work right from the cockpit, and it’s a sturdy catamaran that’s unlikely to pitch.

Tips for Single-Handed Sailing

Sailing solo is a great way to get to know your boat and is necessary for many people. The idea is to be able to cruise, whether it be close to coasts or at high seas, without needing a crew on board. It’s a challenge, so it’s best not to embark on a trip single-handed unless you have a good amount of experience and feel confident doing so. 

Before heading out single-handed, you should test yourself with an inactive crew. Go together when the weather is nice and have them be your backup while you try solo sailing and see how it feels. 

Make sure that you’ve also physically trained for the level of fitness you’ll need to operate the ship, especially if you’ll be going out on a longer excursion than you’ve done in practice. Taking care of a ship is demanding work, and you can quickly burn out if you’re not ready for it. 


Prepare yourself thoroughly for the sail, study the route, read sailing guides for every area you’ll be in, and make yourself aware of any dangers that may arise. Become aware of possible shelters, and know where you’ll be entering and exiting the harbors. It’s a great idea to save these locations as waypoints on your GPS, just in case. 

I asked catamaran sailors what their favorite books are, Here is the list: 15 Best Books about Cruising Cats!

A great way to prepare yourself for possible situations is by reading books, I have bought plenty of books and I list some of my favorite on this page . So far I haven’t found any good solo bluewater books that I would recommend, but here are two catamaran cruising books that I have read and that I feel comfortable recommending. I suggest you get both of them since they complement each other.

Multihull seamanship is very informative but offers boring graphics, and Cruising guide for sailors is inspirational with beautiful pictures.

best single handed bluewater catamaran

Make sure you choose a good weather window. Avoid sailing a few hours ahead of a forecast gale at all costs. Instead, seek a time with a reasonable breeze and a calm sea. You can gradually introduce yourself to different weather conditions, but remember not to challenge yourself too much too quickly.

best single handed bluewater catamaran

All lines To The Cockpit

The cockpit layout plays a big role in determining whether a catamaran can work for solo sailing . You’ll need to see a chartplotter on deck so that you can keep course without needing to go to reference chart tables. Having a visible battery monitor is also important, especially if you’re going to use autopilot, which pulls significant power from the battery. 

Don’t forget to also bring sunscreen, water, and a compass, which you should have on hand at all times. Having a good communication system available in the cockpit is also a good idea. In case of emergency, you should have a radio that you can use to call for help, as well as flares and binoculars.

The ten best solo bluewater catamarans each offer a positive and unique experience for the sailor, and the best one for you depends on your needs, wants, and preferences. Those looking to make a longer trip will need something different than those looking for speed, but every solo sailor has some common needs, like the need for a stable and easy-to-manage vessel.

Owner of A minimalist that has lived in a caravan in Sweden, 35ft Monohull in the Bahamas, and right now in his self-built Van. He just started the next adventure, to circumnavigate the world on a Catamaran!

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7 Legendary Solo Bluewater Sailboats Worth Considering

When setting out to explore the open seas solo, you'll have to choose the right bluewater sailboat from so very many available options. The perfect boat for sailing single-handed is one that's not only safe and seaworthy, but also easy to handle on your own. In this article, we've handpicked the top 7 legendary solo bluewater sailboats worth considering for their excellent track records.

The most legendary solo bluewater sailboats are the Contessa 32, Westsail 32, Hallberg-Rassy 42F, Pacific Seacraft 37, Island Packet 38, Tayana 42, and Amel 54. These boats have it all: from robust designs to a world-renowned reputation for performance and reliability. They are known for their seaworthiness, durability, and comfort.

We understand the importance of balancing comfort and performance when spending prolonged periods at sea. Each of these sailboats has been proven to provide a harmonious blend of these attributes. Let's get to know them more below.

  • Solo bluewater sailboats are designed to be sailed by a single person, making them ideal for solo circumnavigation or long-distance cruising.
  • You can get the Contessa 32 and Westsail 32 for as little as $30,000.
  • The maintenance and repair costs of the seven boats range from $5,000 to $50,000 per year.
  • Marina fees and insurance can range from $5,000 to $20,000 per year.
  • Factor in upgrades and equipment costs that can reach up to $100,000.

best single handed bluewater catamaran

On this page:

The best solo bluewater sailboats, what makes a good solo bluewater sailboat, cost considerations when choosing a sailboat, maintaining your bluewater sailboat, contessa 32 is a classic, compact, and seaworthy sailboat.

Contessa 32's sturdy construction and excellent sailing performance have earned it a legendary reputation among sailors. With a well-designed interior layout, it has space for living aboard during your solo adventures. The Contessa 32 is a classic bluewater sailboat designed by David Sadler in the 1970s. It is known for its excellent balance, seaworthiness, and speed. It has a full keel, moderate displacement, and a classic design that has stood the test of time.

Westsail 32 is known for its rugged construction

The Westsail 32 gained fame as an affordable, rugged, and capable long-distance cruiser. Its full keel and sturdy hull ensure a comfortable ride in rough seas. The practical, function-driven interior makes it easy for solo sailors to maintain and navigate the vessel while providing essential amenities for an extended voyage.

Westsail 32 is another classic bluewater sailboat that was designed by William Crealock in the 1970s. It is known for its rugged construction, spacious interior, and excellent performance in heavy weather. The Westsail 32 has a full keel, heavy displacement, and a classic double-ender design.

Hallberg-Rassy 42F is known for its top-notch craftsmanship

The Hallberg-Rassy 42F is another superb choice for single-handed bluewater sailing. This Swedish-built yacht is well-renowned for its top-notch craftsmanship, stability, and comfort. It offers a spacious, well-lit interior, ensuring you'll enjoy your time below deck while cruising the open seas.

Hallberg-Rassy 42F is a modern bluewater sailboat designed by German Frers in the 1990s. It is known for its luxurious interior, excellent performance, and high-quality construction. The Hallberg-Rassy 42F has a fin keel, a spade rudder, and a modern design that combines comfort and performance.

best single handed bluewater catamaran

Pacific Seacraft 37 is designed for serious cruising

Pacific Seacraft 37 is a sturdy and reliable boat for solo sailors. Its moderate displacement and full keel provide excellent stability, while the well-thought-out interior layout includes abundant storage and comfortable living quarters. Its reputation as a proven bluewater cruiser makes it a top choice for solo sailors. The Pacific Seacraft 37 is another classic bluewater sailboat designed by Bill Crealock in the 1970s. It is known for its excellent balance, seaworthiness, and comfort.

Island Packet 38 is known for its spacious interior

Island Packet 38 is a popular choice among solo cruisers, thanks to its stable full keel design and living space. Its build quality, comfort, and performance make it well-suited for long-distance sailing. The spacious interior and practical layout ensure you have everything needed for a successful solo journey. Island Packet 38 is a modern bluewater sailboat designed by Bob Johnson in the 1990s. It 38 has a full keel, moderate displacement, and a modern design that combines comfort and performance.

Aside from bluewater sailing , there are other types of sailing discussed in this article.

Tayana 42 is known for its excellent balance, seaworthiness, and comfort

Tayana 42 is a comfortable, sea-kindly sailboat, ideal for single-handed offshore cruising. Its balanced performance, easy handling, and well-equipped interior ensure a safe and comfortable journey. It is well-regarded among sailors for its proven bluewater capabilities and timeless styling. The Tayana 42 is another classic bluewater sailboat designed by Bob Perry in the 1970s. It has a full keel, heavy displacement, and a classic design that has stood the test of time.

The Amel 54 is known for its luxury and exceptional build quality

This French-built vessel offers a spacious and comfortable interior with top-of-the-line amenities, making it an excellent option for solo sailors seeking a bluewater cruiser to explore the world in style and comfort. Its easy-to-handle design with advanced sailing systems allows you to sail solo with confidence and ease. The system includes electric winches, furling sails, and a self-tacking jib, which make it easy to handle the boat in all conditions.

To learn more about bluewater sailing , here's our comprehensive article on it.

best single handed bluewater catamaran

These factors will ensure not only your safety but also your comfort and ease during your sailing adventure.

Size and stability of a solo sailboat

A boat with a wide beam and short waterline provides more stability, making it easier for you to handle the vessel on your own. Some popular sailboat models known for their size and stability include the Westsail 32 and the Hunter Channel 31.

A good solo bluewater sailboat should be large enough to provide adequate storage space for supplies and equipment, while also being stable enough to handle rough seas and high winds. It should also have a well-designed hull shape that provides good stability and balance, and a keel that provides good tracking and prevents the boat from capsizing.

Ease of use and maneuverability of any solo sailboat

Features like roller furling and an electric windlass can make handling the sails and anchor much more straightforward. Also, hydraulic bow/stern thrusters with remotes can help you maneuver your boat easily and safely. Make sure to look for these features when choosing your bluewater sailboat.

A good solo bluewater sailboat should be easy to handle and operate by a single person. It should have a sail plan that is easy to adjust and control, and a steering system that is responsive and easy to use. It should also have a well-designed cockpit that provides good visibility and protection from the elements.

Durability and seaworthiness for long-term safety

A well-built sailboat with a history of proven offshore performance should be at the top of your list. Some of the best and most famous bluewater sailboats include the Alberg 30 and Hanse 371.

A good solo bluewater sailboat should be built to withstand the rigors of extended ocean voyages. It should have a strong, well-built hull that is capable of withstanding heavy seas and high winds. It should also have a well-designed rigging system that is strong and durable, and a keel that is designed to provide good stability and balance.

To learn more about the best keel design for bluewater sailing , here's our article on it.

Comfort and livability of a solo sailboat

Consider the layout and features of the boat, ensuring that it has a comfortable sleeping area, a well-equipped galley, and ample storage space. A good example is the Valiant 40, known for its excellent layout and seaworthiness.

A good solo bluewater sailboat should be comfortable and livable for extended periods of time. It should have a well-designed interior that provides adequate storage space, comfortable sleeping quarters, and a functional galley and head. It should also have good ventilation and lighting, and be well-insulated to provide protection from the elements.

Affordability and availability determine the sailboat's practicality

Set a budget and research suitable sailboats within that price range. Some budget-friendly options include the J/109 and Westsail 32. A good solo bluewater sailboat should be reasonably priced and readily available. It should be affordable for most sailors who are interested in long-distance cruising, and should be available for purchase or charter in most parts of the world.

If you're looking for bluewater sailboats under 40 feet , here's our article where we picked the top 13 most famous ones.

best single handed bluewater catamaran

You'll be faced with a range of solo bluewater sailboat options, from budget-friendly to luxury models. Let's explore some factors you should keep in mind to make the best decision for your needs and budget.

Initial purchase price : This is often the first thing people think of when it comes to the cost of a sailboat. There's a wide range in prices, depending on factors like age, size, and brand. For example, a used Alberg 30 might cost between $10,000 and $15,000, while a new Amel 54 could be in the range of hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's important to find a balance between quality and affordability that suits your needs and financial capabilities.

Maintenance and repairs : Owning a sailboat comes with ongoing expenses to keep it in good sailing condition. Regular maintenance tasks like painting, replacing worn rigging, and inspecting safety equipment can add up over time. Be prepared to allocate a portion of your budget for these essential tasks, as neglecting them could lead to more expensive repairs down the line.

Marina fees and insurance : Depending on where you plan to keep your boat, you may incur costs for marina or dockage fees. Additionally, securing insurance coverage for your sailboat is a must to protect your investment. Both of these costs can vary widely, so make sure you factor them into your overall budget.

Upgrades and equipment : To ensure your sailboat is well-suited for solo bluewater sailing, you might need to invest in upgrades to improve its safety and performance. For instance, you may want to add a roller furling system, wind vane, or more advanced navigation equipment. These enhancements can amount to a significant investment, so it's wise to plan financially for any desired upgrades.

best single handed bluewater catamaran

Here are some essential tips to keep your boat in top shape, and ensure its long life and performance during solo journeys:

Regular inspections : Make it a habit to perform a thorough inspection of your sailboat periodically. Examine the rigging, sails, hull, and all mechanical components. Routine inspections allow you to detect any signs of wear, damage or potential problems before they escalate.

Cleaning : Keep your sailboat clean by washing it regularly with freshwater and appropriate cleaning solutions. This simple practice prevents the buildup of dirt, salt, and other debris, which can cause corrosion and damage to your vessel over time.

Checking the bilge : Ensure that your bilge pump is working efficiently and that there's no water accumulating in the bilge area. If there are any signs of water accumulation, investigate the source and address any leaks or issues promptly.

Servicing the winches : Winches play a crucial role in your sailboat’s performance, so it’s essential to inspect, clean, and grease them regularly. This practice will guarantee their smooth operation and prolong their lifespan.

Sail care : Inspect your sails frequently for any tears, wear, or damage. Repair or replace them as necessary. To protect your sails from the sun’s harmful UV rays, always use a sail cover when not in use.

Keeping records : Maintain a logbook to document all maintenance tasks, inspections, and repairs. Not only will this help you keep track of what has been done, but it will also provide valuable information if you decide to sell your sailboat in the future.

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11 Best Single Handed Bluewater Sailboats

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We know that you’re serious about sailing when you finally think of venturing to the ocean. Who can resist dreaming of solo sailing through the Atlantic? This is an adventure to prove your advanced skills, strength, and experience. 

But before going off on your ocean adventure, you need to plan and prepare . We cannot stress enough the importance of good equipment. There is a lot of sailboat types and models in the market and we want to help you choose the best one for your needs.

Do you know what hull, rigging, and keel types you will need? What’s the best material and model for you to buy? 

We will guide you through important sailboat features needed for the cruise. Follow this review until the end and we will share the 11 best single-handed blue water sailboats for your solo ocean sailing!

What Size Sailboat Is Best for Single-Handed Sailing

What type of hull handles rough water the best, sailboat keel types for blue water sailing, keel or decked stepped mast, sloop or ketch, how many spreaders, cutter rig, self steering gear, furling sails, westsail 32, albin vega 27, pacific seacraft 34, canadian sailcraft 36 traditional, hallberg rassy 352, contessa 32, fast passage 39.

If you are planning to manage your boat single-handedly, then size is an important factor to consider. It can affect the size of your accommodation, and maybe the boat’s design for speed and power.

Being alone, you need to have a clear overview of what is happening on your boat. This is especially important when maneuvering or for docking operations. 

Experienced sailors can handle a 60-foot sailboat but novices would find it difficult with its steep learning curve . Check out the Vendee Globe if you don’t believe me. In general, a good sailboat size for single-handed sailing would range from 25 to 40 feet.

We recommend sailboats with sizes under 40 feet. These have good displacement and are great when against bad weather. They are solo-friendly and simply the most manageable.

But in the end, choosing a suitable size depends on your experience and preference. You need to consider your overall health, age, and physique. Make sure to have a complete understanding of your sailboat before going on your journey to prevent accidents.

The hull or the main body of your boat comes in varying shapes and sizes. Each different type of hull is designed for specific purposes. 

When venturing the blue waters, you need to have a hull design that could handle rough waters easily. The hull shape determines the performance of your sailboat and therefore, should align with your strengths and skills. 

Today, the most popular design would be the heavy displacement hull . This design is intended for ocean cruising and longer sailing travels. 

It has great stability and performs better the deeper the draft is. With this design, you would expect a slow and steady motion during your sea travels with minimal effort. 

V-type hulls, on the other hand, are designed to plane or ride on top of the water. You can usually see these types of hulls on powerboats. The V-type hull usually has a bigger engine and best when dealing with choppy waters while moving at high speed.

Narrow beams are also a great option for those who are looking for another ocean friendly feature . These are usually seen in traditional sailboats.

Canoe stern or the double are considered to be the best sterns for offshore sailing. They help cut through a following sea and really helps prevent the waves from pushing the stern over too much. It also has great buoyancy and balance that is perfect for bluewater cruising.

The best materials for hulls would be fiberglass, metal, and aluminum. These are durable and could last for decades if properly maintained.

Aluminum is lightweight and has resistance to corrosion and impervious to magnetism. Boats built with aluminum are fast, stable, and seaworthy.

Fiberglass hulls need less attention. Currently, boats are usually made of fiberglass as the material is easier for companies and also great for seakeeping and stability.

Metal like steel has high abrasion resistance. It helps retain the boat’s appearance but can be prone to rust and corrosion.

Untitled design 4

A keel is a fin-like blade found at the bottom of a sailboat. It supports the ballast and helps to control and steer the boat. 

It is generally designed to stop the boat from getting blown sideways because of wind pressure. The full keel, modified full keel, fin skeg, and fin spade rudder are all suited for bluewater sailing.

A full keel runs along the full length of the boat – from the bow to the stern – which makes it the most stable in the water. It carries the vessel well and is the safest to use when grounding as it reduces the chances of damage. 

This is most ideal when cruising and the most comfortable out of the four keel types with its minimal heel. Although the slowest on the list, it has great directional stability and steering capability. 

An improved version is the modified full keel . It is a hybrid with improved windward performance and better heel reduction than the full keel. However, it made small concessions on its stability and comfort.

Meanwhile, the fin keel with skeg rudder has more strength and protection against damage and impact. It also has better mobility and steering capability. 

This type has a faster speed and windward performance compared to the modified and full keel types. It is also more balanced, which is ideal for cruiser-racer types of sailboats.

Lastly, we have the fin with a spade rudder. This is the fastest type on the list but also the most vulnerable as the spade rudder greatly relies on the rudder stock. But if you want speed and great windward performance, then this type is the right one for you.

Sailboat Rigging Types

Rigging is the whole system of ropes, chains, and cables. It supports the sailboat mast and controls the sails’ orientation and degree of reefing.

There are two main groups of sailboat rigs, Deck Stepped and Keel Stepped. The main difference lies in the location of its mast step. Both are fine choices and the better rig would depend on your preference.

Just as its names suggests, you can find the mast stand on top of the deck with Deck Stepped and on the hull’s bottom with Keel stepped. This means that to reach the keel, the mast would need to pierce through the cabin.

Deck Stepped rigs have masts that are more flexible because of their contact points, and are easily adjustable for optimal performance. Keel Stepped rig is rigid and strong and offers slow and steady cruising.

Now let’s move on and talk about Slope rigged and Ketch rigged. Which is better?

A sloop rig is simple. It is composed of a mast with a jib and a mainsail. Ketch, on the other hand, is more complex with its two masts with any foresail, main and mizzen mast combinations.

If you are choosing between Sloop and Ketch rigged sailboats for solo sailing, then we recommend Sloop. Although, Ketch is manageable and can be easily used with less strength and effort. This is perfect for cruising as it can work around multiple sailing conditions.

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In terms of spreaders, you can freely choose between a single or dual spreader. This deflects shrouds and supports the mast. We do recommend dual spreaders but single spreaders are also good. 

It’s just that double spreaders give the rig more strength and better sail control.

The cutter rig is sometime referred to as an inner forestay or baby stay. Simplest way of describing it is that you have two head sails instead of just one. Gives you more options on sail configurations.

Single Person Sailboat Equipment and Gear

Your sailboat would not be complete without gear and equipment. You might want to invest in autopilot or wind vane, furling headsails, electric windlass, life jackets, and AIS to make your voyage much easier.

Wind Vane is an autopilot steering that you can use without electricity. It is usually placed on the back to catch the wind and respond to various wind conditions.

It automatically adjusts the rudders in response to the wind to alter the boat’s course. This is helpful because it’s like having another crew member on board you don’t have to listen to and feed.

Headsail furling or roller reefing is necessary for easier management of your headsails. It is important to have a functioning and updated roller furling system in order to reef, dowse, or stow the headsail efficiently.

Another item we would recommend is an electric windlass . You can choose one that works vertically or horizontally, depending on your needs. This will help you move the anchor effortlessly with a single button. Using the two windlasses that god gave you makes anchoring more difficult then it needs to be.

Life jackets are a must in every sailboat. Just be sure it fits you and that you know how to use it. Also, be sure to buy a coast guard approved product with a harness that could support your weight. 

The Automatic Identification System (AIS) will help you avoid collisions . It is recommended to get a receiving and transmitting one when going solo sailing. 

This way, you and the other boats with AIS within the radar area are alerted to each other’s speed, course, and direction.

Really, you won’t know what you might encounter in the ocean so you must always be prepared. We hope that these items will help you achieve a safer and more secure sailing experience.

11 Best Sailboats for Solo Sailing

Now, here are 11 sailboats that are best for solo sailing. Any of these vessels are guaranteed to take you safely and comfortably anywhere around the world.

Westsail 32 solo sailing sailboat

This is a long full keel fiberglass sailboat that was built from 1971 to 1981. Its design was based on a previous model, Kendall 32, and has an amazing interior size geared for comfortable cruising.

W32 is widely noted for its seaworthiness. It is built with a strong and durable design and materials to resist extreme sea conditions.

It was used on various voyages and circumnavigations. Its hull is a heavy displacement and double-ender type designed for long periods of sailing.

It is also a cutter-rigged sailboat equipped with a single mast, forestaysail, mainsail, and jib. Its overall length including the bowsprit and boomkin is roughly 40 feet, which is perfect for sailing single-handedly.

Most people would note that the speed and acceleration of W32 are quite slow. This is due to its larger wetted area and sometimes newbies’ mistake of carrying too much on board.

With the right keel, sails, and rig configurations you can improve on W32’s speed and weaknesses. As seen from David King’s documented modifications, W32 proved to be safe, steady, and fast when sailing on blue waters.

Albin Vega 27 single handed solo sailboat

Vega 27 is a modified full keel sailboat with a masthead sloop rig. It was designed around 1966 and became the most popular production sailboat in Scandinavia.

It has a unique look because of its reverse sheer commonly seen in smaller boats to increase the area of its interior. It is made with fiberglass, but has a narrower hull compared to similar sized boats in its class. 

Its shallow hull has a large cutaway as seen with modified full keel designs. This can make her quite stiff, heeling to about 15 degrees when its shoulders are buried.

Still, it is great for single-handed sailing because of its manageability and balance under different conditions. You cannot help but admire its light helm and great tracking capability.

Vega’s light air performance is okay but it shines when the wind blows at 15 knots or more. It could even maintain its dryness even with rough waves and weather conditions.

The most comforting feature would be its control and stability at all times unlike other more modern vessels with spade rudders. Overall, it is safe and ideal for longer cruises offshore.

alberg 30

This 30-foot traditional sailboat could take you anywhere. Alberg is notable for its narrow beams, long overhangs, and full cutaway keel with its directly attached rudder.

It is strong and durable. Its materials were mostly aluminum, hand-laid fiberglass, and polyester resin. More ballasts were produced in later productions as the early ballast was built with iron as opposed to the original lead design.

Alberg is greatly influenced by folk boats in Scandinavia. It is built with fiberglass and has an interior with comfortable full standing headroom and a well-vented galley.

This classic design from 1962 is ideal to cross oceans and is used for various circumnavigations. Alberg is a stable and seaworthy boat that could even be used in casual racing. Its best point of sail seems to be a beam reach and close reach.

It is praiseworthy when crossing oceans. Unlike modern designs that tend to be thrown around on rough seas, Alberg’s narrow beam design slices through big and rough waves and moves quickly. Under extreme weather conditions, it could perform heaving-to and lying-a-hull with no problems.

pacific seacraft 34 solo sailing

Pacific Seacraft 34 is a smaller heavy displacement semi-long keel sailboat based on the highly successful Crealock 37. It has the same graceful lines and appearance as the Crealock and is known as the Voyagemaker.

It is built with comfort and safety in mind with its large overhanging bow and beautiful sheer line ending with a traditional canoe stern. Constructed with the highest standard, it is a seaworthy sailboat that is ideal for bluewater voyages.

It is a cutter-rigged sailboat with skeg-hung rudders and control lines being fed back to its cockpit. The smaller cockpit may feel cramped but its design lowers the risk of flooding.

Still, it has a great interior suited for living aboard. It has a large headroom, comfortable galley, and up to five berths for comfortable cruising.

Although you may feel some hobby-horsing windward because of the overhangs, Seacraft 34 is overall a very balanced boat with great upwind performance. It has outstanding control capabilities and is able to sustain surfing speed with ease.

Tayana 37 solo sailboat sailing

This is a double-ended full keel cruiser designed by Bob Perry and built-in Taiwan in response to the rising popularity of Westsail 32. It was offered to the market as a semi-custom boat and built with high-quality materials.

You can modify the internal layout and can choose a ketch, cutter, or pilothouse version. There is an option to use wood or aluminum spars. The mast could also be keel-stepped or deck-stepped.

Before, only 20 were ketch sailboats due to the popularity of the cutter design at that time. Now, ketch has proven to be faster and more balanced between the two.

Tayana is relatively faster than any sailboat in its class. Its best point of sail is in its broad reach. It also tracks well windward, and is an ideal choice for the trades. It is also great how the cockpit is secured from any flooding even when traveling. 

Today, a lot of people are still actively sailing this. Tayana 37 has become well known for offshore and blue water sailing.

canadian sailcraft 36 single handed sailing solo

Canadian Seacraft is well known for its fiberglass racer and cruiser. CS 36 is a small traditional fin keel sailboat with a masthead sloop intended for recreational use. It is seaworthy and has good performance in different weather conditions.

It was designed by Raymond Wall and had a production run between 1978 to 1987. It remains to be popular in both north and south borders.

It is a beautiful sailboat with a graceful sheer line and balanced overhangs at both bow and stern. Its details and quality in design and production are clearly of a higher tier.

It is mostly built with fiberglass and balsa wood. It is equipped with an internally mounted spade transom hung rudder. All of its lines lead to the cockpit, which is ideal for single-handed sailing.

CS 36 Traditional also has a deep-depth draft and wide beams with great access to the cockpit and foredecks. It is wide and spacious, which is perfect for comfortable cruising.

The sailboat has great proportion and traditional aesthetics. It is simple and straightforward, which makes it ideal for bluewater sailing.

Hallberg rassy 352 single handing sailboat

This is a sturdy and high-quality sailboat built between 1978 to 1991. It features a progressive design, combining a walk through with the aft-cabin from the main saloon. It is made with a tall and standard rig each supported on double and single spreaders, respectively.

Hallberg Rassy 352 has a nicely balanced hull sporting a fin keel with rudder on skeg, a generous beam, and a 45 percent high ballast ratio. Its water and fuel tanks are placed low in the keel to improve sail carrying ability.

Its production spanning 14 years allowed for continuous improvements in its specifications. Newer sailboats have raised hulls for bigger headroom in the under the deck, aft cabins, and the walkthrough. Engines were also replaced by a Volvo and later a Penta Turbo or the bigger MD 22.

It is impressive how they balanced good interior and sailing performance. It has great seakeeping ability and smooth motion in heavy seas, easily an ideal sailboat for singlehanded sailing.

corbin 39 solo sailboat review

Corbin 39 was designed based on a Dufour design named Harmonie, increasing freeboard, and flushing the deck. Its style is influenced by the classic Scandinavian cruiser, Westsail 32.

It has a long fin keel, blunt bow, and a high freeboard. It was sold as kits, and various deck molds were produced. They have pilot, aft, and center cockpit variations.

It was made of sturdy and high-quality materials. The earlier version’s decks were of marine grade mahogany but it was later changed with Airex foam. Its lead ballast was encapsulated with fiberglass for added protection.

Earlier boats had a single spreader main or a turbocharged double spreader. Later, Corbin used 49 feet double spreader rigs instead, and all were deck-stepped.

Corbin 39 is truly a strong and seaworthy vessel. With its fin keel and skeg rudder, cutter rig, and reefed main combinations, it could take anyone safely and comfortably anywhere in the world.

Valiant 40 solo sailing

Valiant 40 took its looks from Scandinavian double-ender sailboats. It had a successful production run that spanned for 47 years. It proved to be one of the pioneers for modern blue water designs.

Its hull is made from thick hand-laid fiberglass, bolted and covered with teak. Its ballast is cast with lead bolted to the keel stub. Lastly, the skeg is constructed separately from hull molding and encased with fiberglass before being fastened to the hull.

It has a beautiful bow and sheer lines and a longer LWL for maximum speed. At the back are a non-spacious cockpit and a canoe stern ideal for bluewater sailing operations.

Under the waterline is a fin keel with its skeg hung rudder. It perfectly matches with the cruising hall above, minimizing wetted surface area 

Overall, Valiant 40 is a seaworthy vessel with great blue water performance. Extremely balanced and well-mannered, it can withstand extreme weather conditions with ease and minimal effort on your part.

It soon gained a reputation as a fast water passage-maker with high integrity. Now, it is regularly used for circumnavigations by solo sailors and voyagers.

contessa 32 solo sailing sailboat

If you like a sailboat with a proven track record, then Contessa 32 is for you. It is a seaworthy racer-cruiser with good all-around sailing capabilities released in 1971.

Like its younger sister, Contessa 26, it has great speed, integrity, and affordability . Contessa 32 is a definite combination of old and new with its traditional narrow beam, a full hull with a fin keel, and fiberglass rudder protected by a skeg found in more modern yachts.

It has marked overhangs and a narrow tuck-up stern. It has less headroom below in return for its lesser wind resistance.

This configuration delivers fast racing speed and great stability. It could definitely withstand extreme weather and rough waves. Contessa 32 is claimed to be able to right itself when rolled or capsized.

Contessa 32 is known for its forgiving nature. It has a responsive helm and excellent windward performance. With its astounding stability, it can carry full sail for up to 25 knots.

fast passage 39 single handing sailboat

Fast Passage 39 was designed by William Garden and is said to be a legendary cruiser with speed, ruggedness, and fame. It is a stout double-ender comparable to the Valiant 40.

It has the same LOA and LWL as Valiant and also has nearly identical ballast and displacement. The difference is its narrower frame and more evolved underwater shapes resulting in flatter forward and aft keel sections and less wetted area. It also has great directional stability as its rudder allows great control under wind vane and down steep waves.

It is a high performing sailboat but also difficult to find as only 41 were produced. A part of the group was offered as hull and deck kits intended to be finished by the sailboat owners.

Fast Passage 39 also has a proven track record and has won single-handed blue water races. It performs great under a wide range of conditions, especially in light winds.

By now you should have some idea what makes a vessel Bluewater friendly. There are hundreds of vessels that can make long distance voyage safe and enjoyable. These examples above are just a few examples of the Best Single Handed BlueWater Sailboats.

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10 of the Best Bluewater Sailboats Under 40 Feet

Best Bluewater Sailboats under 40 feet Hallberg-Rassy 372

Navigating the open seas requires a model that combines performance, safety, and comfort. For sailors seeking adventure beyond the horizon, choosing the right bluewater sailboa t is paramount. In this article, we’ll delve into the technical specifications and features of 10 of the best bluewater sailboats, both monohulls and catamarans, all under 40 feet in length.

Hallberg-Rassy 372

Length: 37’6′.

Best Bluewater Sailboats under 40 feet: Hallberg-Rassy 372

The Hallberg-Rassy 372 was built in 120 units and is optimized for comfortable and fast family cruising. She will take you anywhere, anytime. Compared to the Hallberg-Rassy 37, the 372 is only a few centimetres longer, is 5 cm wider and has a fuller transom. The canoe body is slightly shallower, the waterline longer and the keel slightly deeper and lighter. The aft and mid sections of the hull are flatter and the bow section sharper. The sheer line is more pronounced. All this gives both improved sailing performance and more interior space. The modern sailplan is easy to handle. The yacht breathes graceful elegance.

Hallberg-Rassy may be best known for its centre cockpit boats, but over 5 900 of so far 9 700 built Hallberg-Rassys have an aft cockpit. The aft cockpit 372 is in every aspect an all-new Frers design and is not based on the centre cockpit Hallberg-Rassy 37.

The boat features a moderate draft, allowing it to navigate a variety of water depths with ease. The combination of a long waterline and a well-balanced sail plan contributes to its impressive performance under sail. The Hallberg-Rassy 372’s deck layout is thoughtfully designed for single-handed sailing, with well-positioned winches and control lines.

Stepping below deck, the Hallberg-Rassy 372 welcomes sailors into a spacious and well-appointed interior. The layout is designed with extended bluewater cruising in mind, offering comfort and practicality. The main saloon features a U-shaped settee around a large dining table, providing a cozy space for meals and relaxation.

bluewater sailboats

The galley is equipped with all the amenities needed for preparing meals at sea, including a stove, oven, refrigerator, and ample storage space. The cabins are designed for comfort, with generous berths and storage solutions that make long journeys a pleasure rather than a challenge.

Outremer 4X

Length: 40′.

Best Bluewater sailboats under 40 feet Outremer 4X

This catamaran showcases a fusion of speed and stability. The Outremer 4X’s lightweight design and innovative rigging contribute to its impressive performance, making it a preferred choice for bluewater sailors with a penchant for velocity.

The Outremer 4X stands as a performance catamaran unwavering in its commitment to seaworthiness, staying true to its ocean cruising heritage. Its construction prioritizes weight optimization without compromising on structural integrity. The sail plan and deck layout are meticulously designed to navigate diverse weather conditions seamlessly.

Maintaining the comfort standards set by its predecessor, the Outremer 45, the Outremer 4X goes beyond, pushing the limits of performance for an ocean cruiser. Whether embarking on blue-water cruising adventures with the family or engaging in competitive regattas, the Outremer 4X excels in both realms, showcasing its versatility and capability to meet the demands of various sailing pursuits.

Pacific Seacraft Crealock 37

Length: 37’10”.

Best Bluewater sailboats under 40 feet Pacific Seacraft Crealock 37

The Pacific Seacraft 37, commonly referred to as the Crealock 37, is an American sailboat meticulously designed by the esteemed British naval architect, W. I. B. Crealock, with a primary focus on cruising. The initial construction of this sailboat commenced in 1978, marking the inception of a vessel renowned for its seafaring capabilities and thoughtful design.

Recognizing its exceptional contribution to sailing, the Crealock 37 earned a prestigious spot in the American Sailboat Hall of Fame in 2002, solidifying its legacy as a vessel of timeless significance within the maritime community.

The Crealock 37, a keelboat primarily constructed with a fiberglass hull featuring a plywood core and adorned with wooden accents, presents a versatile sailing experience. Its masthead sloop rig is complemented by optional configurations, including a cutter rig or yawl rig with a mizzen mast. The vessel boasts a distinctive design, featuring a raked stem, a raised canoe transom, a skeg-mounted rudder controlled by a wheel, and a fixed fin keel. With a displacement of 16,200 lb (7,348 kg) and a substantial 6,200 lb (2,812 kg) of lead ballast, the Crealock 37 ensures stability and seaworthiness.

Offering flexibility, the boat provides a draft of 5.50 ft (1.68 m) with the standard keel and 4.92 ft (1.50 m) with the optional shoal draft keel.

Designed to accommodate up to seven individuals, the Crealock 37 features a versatile layout. The bow offers an angled “V” berth, the main salon provides a double and single settee berth, and the stern houses a double berth alongside a quarter berth. The galley, located on the starboard side at the foot of the companionway steps, includes a double sink, a three-burner stove and oven, and a top-loading refrigerator. The head, positioned forward on the starboard side just aft of the bow cabin, includes a shower. A navigation station is thoughtfully provided aft on the port side, and the vessel ensures ample below-deck headroom of 75 in (191 cm). Ventilation is facilitated by two cabin hatches.

For sailing convenience, the jib is sheeted to short jib tracks, while the mainsheet traveler and three winches are mounted on the coach house roof. Additionally, two primary jib winches are strategically placed on the cockpit coamings.

Length: 37″11′

Best Bluewater sailboats under 40 feet Lagoon 380

The Lagoon 380, a French sailboat designed by Van Peteghem/Lauriot-Prevost, serves the dual purpose of a cruiser and a yacht charter vessel. This versatile watercraft made its debut in the sailing scene in 1999.

The Lagoon 380 offers a flexible accommodation layout, featuring either three or four cabins designed for private use or yacht charter ventures. In both configurations, a spacious main salon welcomes occupants with an oval table and U-shaped seating. Positioned in the aft starboard section of the main salon, the galley is well-appointed, equipped with a two-burner stove, an icebox, and a double sink. A navigation station complements the galley on the port side of the salon.

In the four-cabin arrangement, each hull houses a double berth fore and aft, accompanied by a centrally located head. The three-cabin layout opts for a larger head in the starboard forward cabin while retaining the port side head. Maximum headroom reaches 80 inches (203 cm) in the main salon and 74 inches (188 cm) in the cabins.

Designed for optimal downwind sailing, the vessel can be outfitted with a 570 sq ft (53 m2) asymmetrical gennaker. The Lagoon 380 exhibits a hull speed of 8.05 knots (14.91 km/h).

Introduced in 2003, the S2 model brought forth several minor enhancements. Notable improvements included a more spacious shower area, enhanced storage shelving, a redesigned galley, and a double helm seat. While acknowledges these updates, noting them as a marketing refresh, some potential buyers express a preference for the older models due to their increased storage capacity, superior interior finishes, and more straightforward engine access.

Best Bluewater sailboats under 40 feet Najad 380

One of our most triumphant yacht designs to date, the Najad 380 is not only an aesthetically pleasing vessel with well-balanced proportions but also delivers remarkable performance for ocean-going ventures. Crafted through vacuum infusion, the yacht boasts a robust and rigid hull, ensuring durability on the open seas. The interior is thoughtfully designed, featuring two sizable double-berth cabins, an expansive saloon, and a fully equipped linear galley, providing an exceptionally comfortable onboard experience.

Gemini Legacy 35

Length: 35′.

Best Bluewater sailboats under 40 feet Gemini Legacy 35

The Gemini Legacy 35 is a bluewater sailboat under 40 feet designed with a focus on stability, safety, and ease of handling. Its catamaran design, with a beam of 14 feet, provides remarkable stability both at anchor and underway. The hulls are constructed using a combination of fiberglass and high-quality materials, ensuring durability and seaworthiness.

The sail plan of the Gemini Legacy 35 features a fractional rig with a large mainsail and a self-tacking jib. The self-tacking jib simplifies sail handling, making it an excellent choice for sailors who prefer ease of operation. The rig design contributes to the catamaran’s overall performance, making it responsive and agile under various wind conditions.

The interior of the Gemini Legacy 35 is designed for comfort and practicality. The saloon, located in the bridgedeck, is bright and open, with large windows providing panoramic views. The settee and dining area are spacious, creating a welcoming and social atmosphere. The galley, positioned for easy access, is equipped with essential amenities, including a stove, sink, and refrigerator.

The catamaran typically offers a three-cabin layout, including a comfortable owner’s suite in one hull and two guest cabins in the other. The cabins feature double berths and ample storage, providing a cozy retreat for extended cruises. The Gemini Legacy 35 can comfortably accommodate a small family or a group of friends.

Length: 37″3′

Best Bluewater sailboats under 40 feet Tayana 37

The Tayana 37, originating from Taiwan, is a sailboat penned by American designer Robert Perry, initially conceptualized as a cruiser and first introduced in 1976.

Originally commissioned by Will Eckert of Flying Dutchman Yachts and C.T. Chen of Ta Yang Yacht Building, the design was later acquired by the latter, commencing production under the name CT 37. Initially labeled the Ta Chiao 37 and then the Ta Yang 37, the nomenclature eventually evolved into the well-known Tayana 37.

The interior configuration of the Tayana 37 is adaptable, catering to various rig options and individual preferences. In a typical arrangement, the vessel provides sleeping quarters for seven individuals, featuring a double “V”-berth in the bow cabin, a U-shaped settee with a collapsible dinette table, and a straight settee in the main cabin. Additionally, a pilot berth is situated above, and an aft cabin with a double berth is found on the starboard side.

The galley is strategically positioned on the port side just forward of the companionway ladder, boasting a U-shaped design equipped with a three-burner propane-fired stove, an oven, and a double sink. Opposite the galley, on the starboard side, a navigation station facilitates onboard navigation tasks. The head, located just aft of the bow cabin on the port side, includes a shower with a teak floor grating, complemented by hot and cold pressurized water. Throughout the interior, the trim and doors showcase the craftsmanship of teak.

The Tayana 37 embodies a timeless design that reflects both functionality and elegance, making it a beloved choice among sailors seeking a reliable and comfortable cruising experience.

Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40

Length: 38’6′.

Best Bluewater sailboats under 40 feet Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40

The Lucia 40, designed by Berret-Racoupeau and built by Fountaine Pajot , is a catamaran that exudes contemporary elegance. Its sleek lines, aerodynamic silhouette, and stylish curves not only catch the eye but also contribute to its impressive performance on the water. The use of cutting-edge materials ensures durability and seaworthiness, making it a reliable vessel for extended cruises.

The catamaran’s layout is optimized for comfort, offering spacious living areas both above and below deck. The main saloon is bathed in natural light, creating an inviting space for relaxation and socializing. The interior design reflects a modern and luxurious ambiance, featuring high-quality finishes and attention to detail.

Accommodations aboard the Lucia 40 include multiple cabins, each designed for maximum comfort. The cabins boast generous berths, ample storage, and well-appointed en-suite bathrooms. The vessel’s thoughtful layout ensures that every inch of space is utilized efficiently, providing a sense of openness and airiness.

Island Packet 370

Length: 37’2′.

Best Bluewater sailboats under 40 feet Island Packet 370

Designed by Bob Johnson, the founder of Island Packet Yachts , the Island Packet 370 boasts a robust construction that prioritizes durability and stability. The vessel’s design reflects a timeless elegance, featuring a moderate freeboard, a well-balanced hull, and a bowsprit that adds a touch of classic charm. The encapsulated full keel enhances stability and ensures a smooth and comfortable ride in various sea conditions.

The interior of the Island Packet 370 is a testament to thoughtful design and attention to detail. The spacious and well-appointed main saloon features a U-shaped settee and a dining table, creating an inviting social space. Rich teak finishes and high-quality craftsmanship permeate throughout, providing an atmosphere of warmth and sophistication.

Accommodations include a generously-sized owner’s cabin forward with an ensuite head, a comfortable aft cabin, and a well-designed galley equipped with essential amenities. The vessel’s layout ensures that every inch of space is utilized efficiently, creating a cozy and practical living environment for extended cruising.

Seawind 1160

Length: 38′.

Best Bluewater sailboats under 40 feet Seawind 1160

The Seawind 1160 is the perfect cruising catamaran combining the best of the 100’s of Seawind previously built and sailing around the world with new and innovative ideas to keep her light, fast and affordable. Easily sailed by a family, couple or single handed coastal cruising or offshore.

The Seawind 1160 has a spacious owners cabin in the port hull with a queen size island bed and plenty of storage. The three cabin version has an adjoining full size bathroom with separate shower and glass shower screen. The starboard hull has two double berth cabins with optional second bathroom forward and the fully open galley. You have everything you need and enough space to be very comfortable, yet the hulls remain streamline and efficient so that speed is not compromised.

With twin helm stations protected from the weather, all lines leading back to the cockpit and 360 degree visibility, they are set up to be easily handled by a crew of one or ten. The award winning trifold door system allows for indoor/outdoor living like no other boat on the market and is perfectly suited to the Australian climate.

Are you in agreement with our selection of the best 10 bluewater sailboats under 40 feet? It was truly challenging to choose, and we had to set aside models that deserved to be included in this list. If you have any suggestions, please write them in the comments.

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Characteristics, technical specifications.

best single handed bluewater catamaran

The ideal single-handed catamaran

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A legendary model

Easy to handle whether a beginner or expert

The Outremer 45 is a 48 ft catamaran. Easy to control from the helm station, everything is within reach and the clear view over the four corners of the boat guarantees perfect maneuvers, even single-handed.

With its narrow hulls and light weight, the feeling of gliding, well wedged in a comfortable seat with tiller in hand, is exhilarating.

But don’t worry if you leave the helm to the autopilot or if the wind gets stronger: the Outremer 45 is the most forgiving of catamarans. Peace of mind while cruising is non-negotiable on an Outremer, including on this single-handed catamaran.

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best single handed bluewater catamaran

Ideal sailing ergonomics

All maneuvers are accessible from the helm station, located at the center of the boat. With a perfect view of the four corners of the catamaran and the sails, single-handed maneuvering is child’s play! After hoisting the mainsail on your own, using the electric winch in front of you, trimming and fine-tuning your sails with the mainsail and solent sheets, take the tiller, comfortably installed in the ergonomic seat, to enjoy unique steering pleasure. Returning to port, the engine controls and windlass are also within easy reach, guaranteeing seemless maneuvering.

Unmatched view of the horizon

The 360° view from the saloon and cockpit of this blue water catamaran provides exceptional visibility of the water and the surrounding environment, contributing greatly to onboard comfort. Aboard the Outremer 45, whether sitting or standing, inside or outside, the vision is perfect. A crucial factor for serene cruising! No need to climb on deck to scan the horizon, night watches will never have seemed as comfortable as at the chart table!

Easy access

The very low boom allows easy access to the mainsail, lowers the sail’s center of effort and optimizes performance and comfort at sea. Access to the coachroof is made simple with just one step near the mast, and even the youngest can take part in maneuvers under the watchful eye of the skipper. When it’s time to reef or stow the sail, no acrobatics are required, and you stay safe. All these well-thought elements make the Outremer 45 the ideal catamaran for either beginners or a single-person crew.

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best single handed bluewater catamaran

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10 Best Sailboats for Solo Sailing (One Person)

10 Best Sailboats for Solo Sailing | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

December 27, 2023

The idea of single-handed sailing or solo sailing appeals to racers and cruisers alike. But what are the best sailboats for solo sailing? Well, let's find out.

Whether you've been thinking of going for a day's sail without assistance or dreaming of a solo passage to Bermuda, the desire and the magic of venturing out alone at the sea is something that any sailor can experience. It doesn't matter if you're cruising or racing, solo sailing, of course, requires you to change your thinking as you'll be solely responsible for the entire operation of the boat. More importantly, choosing a well-founded boat is critical to solo sailing.

When sailing with a crew, things may seem a little easy because you share the responsibilities among the crew and support each other in case of anything. But what happens when you decide to venture out alone or sail single-handedly? Whatever motivates you to go out sailing solo, you should choose a good boat that you can perfectly operate single-handedly.

In this article, we'll highlight 10 best sailboats for solo sailing, their prices, their best rigs, and everything else that you might need to sail them comfortably and safely.

Table of contents

General Features of Best Sailboats for Solo Sailing

Here are the general features to look for when choosing the best sailboat for solo sailing.

The Availability of Automation Systems

The forces that you sometimes have to deal with when out sailing can be extreme, to say the least. It doesn't matter whether you're sailing solo or with a crew, it's always very important not to underestimate the power of the wind and tide. While you can do a lot on your own, having some automation systems in place is an important feature if you're planning to sail single-handedly. In other words, a good sailboat for solo sailing should have various automation systems to make your work a lot simpler.

So if you're planning to go solo sailing, it would be great to consider a boat with the following systems:

  • ‍ Autopilot for steering
  • Lines running aft (running to the cockpit)
  • Roller furling
  • Electric windlass
  • Hydraulic bow/stern thrusters with remote

Stability and Ease of Use

Again, the best sailboats for solo sailing are generally not known for their speeds. This is because they typically have wide beams and short waterlines, which are vital in providing stability thereby limiting their speeds. In short, the best sailboats for solo sailing usually sacrifice speed and additional performance for ease of use and stability.

Boat Features

When it comes to the structure of the boat itself, it's important to go for a boat that is close to the water, relatively small when compared to the wave height, and has lighter ballast, especially when compared to the displacement ratio. The idea here is that these features can combine to increase the boat's performance when you're sailing solo.

Additionally, a good solo sailing boat should be designed with a flat profiled aft bottom section. This is to ensure that the boat can come up on a plane when the wind conditions are breezy or marginal.

When it comes to the best sails for solo sailing, you can go for the unique sail design that combines both a Bermuda sail and a gaff sail. This can be essential in giving you a more sail area on a shorter mast than is possible when using either a gaff sail or a Bermuda sail. More importantly, the combination of a gaff sail and a Bermuda sail not only gives you a greater sail area on a shorter and easy to control mast but can also reduce the heeling force that's common in boats with taller and narrower sails.

Still on sails, it makes a lot of sense to choose easily operated sail controls. You certainly want a sail that one person can tuck a reef in quickly and be able to easily adjust the sheets. You should, therefore, prioritize the reefing and sail handling systems.

In terms of rigs, the gaff rig is arguably the best when solo sailing. Although the Bermuda rig is the most common, especially in modern sailboats, you can lose some windward abilities because of its lower aspects. As such, you can choose to use the gaff rig thanks to its ease of use and superior downwind performance.

10 Best Sailboats for Solo Sailing

There are numerous sailboats out there that can be easily and properly handled by a skilled and experienced sailor. To make it a lot easier for you, the following boats are great choices when solo sailing. Whether you're just looking to experience how it feels to solo sail or short-handed, they all offer easy, comfortable, and safe sailing.

Jeanneau Sunfast 3200


From the outset, it's easy to see that the Jeanneau Sunfast 3200 is designed with offshore short-handed sailing in mind. In addition to being a purist's sailing boat, this boat is a small and light boat that can be easily handled. Even better, it has the stability and strength to handle long passages and that's exactly why it was initially designed with the Trans-Atlantic race in mind.

With this boat, you can easily attain double figures in terms of speed even if you're sailing downwind. In essence, the Sunfast 3200 is designed with some of the latest technology to afford you the best strength-to-weight ratios. It has all the necessary features to allow you to easily adapt it to perform perfectly either as a cruising or racing sailboat. Some of its greatest features include the two double cabins, the chart table, a galley, and a head compartment.

This boat is particularly impressive when sailing off the wind and it's designed to ensure that it's functional and reliable even when solo sailing. This is perhaps because it's designed and set up for racing, so it can be great for you especially if you're looking for a coastal cruiser that can be easily handled.

Using the sloop Marconi can be the best way to go given that this vessel has a keel-stepped mast. Its maximum beam begins at 60% aft of the stem before extending to the transom, which can result in the sled hull being driven by a mainsail-heavy rig. This can then fly the masthead asymmetrical off a short sprit.

Given that the Jeanneau Sunfast 3200 is a very modern boat that's equipped with some of the latest boating technology; it comes with a base price of about $160,000. This is a vessel that's built by one of the world's premier builders and offers an intriguing blend of technology, reliability, functionality, practicality, and performance.

Having been the European Yacht of the Year for 2008, the Sunfast 3200 may just be the godsend boat for your solo sailing dreams.


If you're looking for a slippery cruiser-racer that's always ready to sail single-handedly, you might perhaps want to take a serious look at the Hanse 371. Introduced in 2003, the Hanse 371 is a mid-sized boat that was designed in a true blend of old and new boating technology. Thanks to its furling and self- tacking jib, the Hanse 371 becomes an instant single-handed sailing vessel that takes much of the strain out of your solo sailing adventures. That's not all; this boat is more popular as a result of its autopilot system. Press a few buttons and you'll be ready to go.

Although it's a little bigger and not one of the smallest boats out there, it can be a great option if you're planning to sail solo but on a vessel that offers a tremendous amount of space. Whether you love a boat with a shallow or deep center of gravity, the Hanse 371 has a commendable large galley and a spacious cabin layout.

Everything about rigging this boat is designed to be easy. Again, the jib on a roller furler is self-tacking. In essence, everything is standard and easy to use, which makes this boat a dream when sailing single-handed.

Already a classic that's known for its stylish interior, timeless look, and ultimate performance, the Hanse 371 is a coveted vessel that may cost you around $60,000.

Hunter Channel 31


Launched in 2001, the Hunter Channel 31 is structured with a hull and keel design that makes it easy to sail single-handed. This is a British-made vessel that has steadily moved from the racing scene to become a well-respected cruiser, especially among the solo sailing community. Thanks to its faultless handling and impressive turn of speed, the Hunter Channel 31 provides near uncomplicated sailing without losing its impeccable handling features.

Its well-balanced hull shape can either be structured with a low or deep center of gravity. It also has an efficient twin keel to give it more stability, which is perfect for solo sailing. This is, without a doubt, one of the main reasons why Hunter Channel 31 has proved popular among solo sailors trying to sail across narrow channels.

The Hunter Channel 31 is also designed with a great standard deck layout, as well as a non-compulsory self-tacking jib that comes with a single line mainsail reefing. That's not all; the tiller steering is also efficient if you're sailing single-handed as you can steer it with your legs while trimming sails.

It should, therefore, not come as a surprise that owners of the Hunter Channel 31 keep them for a long time, so finding them on the market will be a long shot. But if you're lucky enough to find one, you'll be getting a great vessel that will never let you down if you want to sail solo.

Like many Hunter designs, the Hunter 31 can be fractionally rigged given that it has a relatively large mainsail to give it a more sail area in light winds and a small headsail with a lower sheet load. In other words, you can efficiently and easily reef from the cockpit.

At about $35,000, the Hunter Channel 31 is quite affordable and is a great bargain in its category.


The J/109 is unquestionably one of the best single-handed or double-handed sailboats that money can buy. Whether you're looking for a coastal cruiser or a long-distance single-handed vessel, the J/109 will rarely disappoint. That's essentially why its single-handed offshore capabilities remain popular with sailors looking to make North Atlantic crossings.

Even though it is widely categorized as a planing sailboat, this vessel is too heavy for simple planing. Instead, this is a superb boat that offers an all-round performance. It doesn't matter whether you're solo sailing or sailing with a crew, its performance is always top-notch.

Thanks to its asymmetric spinnaker, you can easily jib it from the cockpit, especially in light wind. But when the wind is on the north of 20 knots, you can pole out the jib to give you a quick downwind speed. No matter which type of rig you choose to use, the J/109 offers a fair degree of control.

In terms of price, the J/109 is one of the relatively expensive sailboats out there, though this is compensated with the high standard equipment and outstanding quality of construction. For about $58,000, you can get a great boat that offers excellent solo sailing adventures.

West Wight Potter 19


Designed for safety and easy handling, the West Wight Potter 19 is a great sailboat for solo sailing. Although its name might not be one of the catchiest in the sailing scene, it's been around for over three decades and is steadily becoming a popular pocket cruiser. The original design draws inspiration from the U.K. but is currently built by the International Marine in California.

Over the years, this boat has seen several improvements even though its original look and features still attract a large and dedicated group of followers. This is not only a tough little boat but its hard-chine hull offers incredible stability. This makes it a very easy and ultimately forgiving sailboat. Whether you're looking to sail from California to Hawaii or across the Atlantic, the Potter 19 is outstanding for solo sailing.

This is a Bermuda-rigged sloop. Its sail plan is huge enough to propel the sailboat in various conditions. This makes it a perfect single-handed boat as you can easily set it up or take it down with no special equipment.

This is a remarkably affordable boat. At around $5,000 you can get a superb solo sailing sailboat. But if you want a new Potter 19 with additional features, you could pay about $25,000.

Beneteau 31


As a small cruiser keelboat, this French-designed boat is primarily built of fiberglass and is perfect if you want a vessel that's great for solo sailing while still offering maximum space for comfort. Its galley is equipped with superb stowage and counter space and even a sit-down navigation station with a small table.

Maneuvering this boat under power is quite easy and is well worth it for any solo sailor who is in the market for a coastal cruiser.

It has a fractional sloop rig, which makes in-mast furling a great option. This makes it easy to handle but also powerful in light winds. If you're sailing the boat off the wind, bow pulpit and an optional asymmetric cruising chute can keep things lively.

The new 31 can cost around $115,000, which is quite expensive but certainly worth it if you want to cruise the world in this French masterpiece.

Catalina 315


This is a nifty pocket cruiser that raises the quality bar for solo sailors with extreme comfort and performance. With just a 9.45 meter hull, the Catalina 315 has more internal room than most classics and remains superb for solo sailing.

Although it's a much bigger boat, it has little but significant features that make all the difference. For instance, the split backstays are great for balance and functionality. This is one of the main reasons why it won the Cruising World's 2013 Boat of the Year Best Inshore Cruiser award.

With a masthead sloop, rigging the Catalina 315 is a lot easier as it is equipped with both an in-mast roller furling mainsail and a roller furling genoa.

Even though the Catalina 315 will exceed your expectations when sailing solo, it's a high-end sailboat that will cost you north of $175,000. But if that seems expensive, you can look for a used model, which will cost you slightly lower.


A boat that has become a staple in the Olympics Games, the Laser may be simple and small but a real-go to boat if you want a vessel that will rarely let you down for your solo sailing escapades. As one of the world's most popular single-handed sailboats, its main feature is its sheer simplicity. This might not be the best boat for you if you love those fussy, big boats. But if you're looking for an amazing boat with a two-part free-standing mast and a sleeved sail, the Laser should be on top of your list.

The fact that it has a lightweight hull and is easy to rig makes it one of the most popular racing sailboats in the world with over 200,000 boats in over 140 countries. This is undoubtedly a perfect boat that's specifically designed for solo sailing.

This boat can be rigged using various rigs, so you should go with whatever works for you. We, however, prefer cat rigging the boat since it has no headsail and only has one mainsail. This is a boat that is designed for speed, particularly in high winds. It's also easy to set up, which makes it a marvelous option for solo sailing.

For around $7,000, this is probably one of the most affordable solo sailing sailboats you could ever get your hands on. You should, however, keep in mind that its price may widely vary depending on their availability in your area.


A real classically-styled sailboat, the Rhodes 19 is an ideal family daysailer that can be perfect for you if you're a spirited solo sailor. Whether you're planning to sail in heavy weather or fast, the Rhodes 19 is designed with a forgiving hull and is an accomplished heavy-weather performer. For over 5 decades, and with more than 3,500 boats built, this sailboat has proven time and time again that it has the characters for both beginners and experienced sailors.

With a low center of gravity, this boat remains a classic beauty that's very fast, easy to trailer, and will get many compliments whenever you're solo sailing. No wonder it is still actively raced throughout the United States.

A simple sprit rig can work greatly on this boat but you can also consider Bermuda-Rigged sloop, which is efficient in propelling the boat in various wind conditions.

Its price may vary depending on your location but something around $20,000 will get you a sailboat that's still in tip-top condition.


If like most Americans, you have a soft spot for finely engineered German automobiles, the Dehler 29 can be a great option for your solo sailing escapades. Even though the Dehler 29 hasn't attracted a huge following in the American shores, it remains an excellently-structured German sailboat, especially for sailors looking for a stable, agile, adaptable, and comfortable sailboat.

Whether you enjoy a smooth and solo cruise on a breezy afternoon or is energized by speed, the Dehler 29 is one of the most adaptable sailboats. This is certainly why it has received numerous accolades in the boating scene including the 1998 Cruising World Magazine Boat of the Year, as well as Sailing World Boat of the Year award.

Given that it's a single-handed sailboat, you can tiller steer it and cat rig it with ease to give you easy maneuverability, confidence, and absolute versatility.

With powerful dynamics and maximum safety, the Dehler 29 is one of the best German-produced sailboats that will set you back around $55,000.

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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My Cruiser Life Magazine

What are the Best Single-Handed Sailboats and Catamarans?

Single-handed boats aren’t just limited to solo travelers. Many cruising couples will tell you that it’s a good idea to have your boat rigged and ready to be sailed single-handed. Why? What if one person gets injured—or just seasick? If your usual crew complement is only two, it makes no sense—from a safety standpoint—to require them both to be “on duty” all the time.

Of course, there are times and situations when you’ll be headed out by yourself. Maybe you like to travel but lack a consistent crew. Or many you’d just rather not bother with a crew.

The good news is that most modern cruising boats can be modified and re-rigged to improve their single-handed abilities. It all comes down to picking the right boat and making the correct modifications. Here’s a look at some of the things you’ll want to consider and five great single-handed monohull and catamaran designs.

Table of Contents

Goals for your boat, the under-rated importance of ease of single-handing, what does a single-hander need, types of autohelm, what does a single-hander want, single-handing rigging considerations, 5 great sailboats for single-handed cruisers, best single-handed sailing catamarans.

To find the perfect boat for you, whether solo or crewed sailing, is to make a list of goals and find the vessel that best meets them. There is no perfect boat. Furthermore, while you might be interested in solo sailing now, you might find yourself with a crew later on. 

Start with the basics—why are you looking to single-hand your boat? Are you an adventure seeker looking to break records and find adventure with long-distance cruising? Thinking of entering a single-handed sailing race, like the Vendée Globe ? 

Or are you just a solo sailor looking for a production boat that’s easy to operate by yourself? This is more common than you might imagine. Most cruising couples out there will readily admit that one member of the crew does very little to help during the actual act of sailing. 

Even on two-person crews where both partners are capable, it’s often desirable for the boat to be equipped to be handled by just one person. What if one partner becomes incapacitated by seasickness—or worse, an injury? What if, even rarely, one person needs to move the boat while the other person is away?

The point is simply this—every boat that is being considered by a couple or a short-handed crew should be able to be handled by a single sailor. Whether you’re on watch while the rest of the crew sleeps or you just want to be ready for an emergency, no cruising boat should be impossible to handle alone.

What are the Best Single-Handed Sailboats and Catamarans_Where you make

Nearly all modern cruising boats can at least be modified for easier solo handling. Here’s a look at some of the most critical gear and considerations. 

The importance of each of these items will vary greatly depending on the boat, its mission, and its crew. Rigging any boat is a very personal choice. Sailors notoriously like to do things their own ways, and their boats demonstrate this character trait. The way the manufacturer or the last owner set things up is just a starting point from which you begin modifying the boat for your use. 

Probably the most helpful thing to be able to single-hand is a competent hand on the helm. Thankfully, several modern and old technologies can provide solo sailors with just that.

The goal here is to allow the boat to hold a course without the operator being at the helm. Some form of “autohelm” or “autopilot” is invaluable on long passages. While it’s romantic to think of steering your ship through the dark night, in truth, it is exhausting work. An autopilot or windvane lets you relax and know that the boat will hold its course while you keep watch.

In severe weather at sea, it’s not uncommon for hand-steering crews to stand very short watches, sometimes less than an hour. This is simply due to the workload of controlling the boat in heavy weather. Some boats are more work than others, but all require more helm work when the seas are up.

This is the primary reason why the autopilot system, whatever it is, should be considered an essential part of a boat’s safety gear. A sailboat autopilot system is simply invaluable if you plan to travel far distances or do overnights on your boat.

A windvane is a purely mechanical method to controlling the boat’s heading. It has two parts—the actual windvane and then some form of steering. Many wind vanes are so well regarded as to be recognizably by brand name. Monitor and Hydrovane are probably the two most well-known models.  

The windvane assembly is mounted on the transom of a vessel. The windvane itself sticks up like the rudder of an airplane, and it reacts to the wind and spins. As it spins, it uses linkages to either move the ship’s rudder or its own smaller rudder. The operator simply adjusts some small lines to select what direction the boat should be sailing from the wind. The windvane then holds that angle.

There are many advantages to these systems, and their usefulness offshore should not be underestimated. While we’re often dazzled by the digital and the new-fangled, a windvane is dead simple and offers the ultimate in reliability. It uses no battery power and requires very little input to operate. It is nothing more than metal, and short of being severely damaged or bent, there’s just not much that can go wrong with one. And one final bonus—some windvanes can be used as emergency rudders.

For all their pluses, windvanes do have some downsides. They are large and bulky, hanging off the back of the boat. And they are costly to purchase and install, too. 

Electronic Autopilots

Most modern boats are equipped with at least a little bit of electronics, and autopilots are now very common. An autopilot can be described as above or below decks, depending on where the drive unit is mounted. 

Regardless of the details, all autopilots work in approximately the same way. They use either a motor or hydraulic system to move some part of the boat’s rudder linkages. Some move the wheel, while others attach to an arm on the rudder shaft. Either way, the autopilot uses electronic signals to move the boat’s rudder left or right, just like moving the wheel.

Most simple autopilots are connected to an electronic compass, giving the operator a heading hold. Sailing models may also tie into the wind instruments to allow the holding of an apparent wind angle. New models that talk to the chartplotter may track navigation courses between waypoints or entire pre-planned navigation routes. 

The bigger the boat, and the heavier the weather it might encounter, then the beefier an autopilot system needs to be. Autopilots can and do fail—they’re complicated electronics with a lot of moving parts. Single-handers venturing far offshore will likely want to have an entire backup unit installed or use their autopilot in concert with a manual windvane.

For boats looking to travel long distances or make overnight passages, there is no substitution for having a spare set of eyes on board. All vessels operate on the concept of “see and avoid,” meaning each captain’s responsibility to watch out for other traffic. If a single-hander is busy doing something else, like letting the autopilot drive the boat while they make their supper, who’s “on watch?”

There is only one electronic device that can be used as a second set of eyes, and that’s a good quality marine radar. All modern units allow operators to set up “guard zones.” The unit will monitor a pre-determined zone around the boat and notify you if an object is detected inside that zone. 

Of course, there are other benefits to having radar on board. It can see through rain and fog. If you’re sailing solo, there’s no reason not to have a second set of eyes on board, even if they’re electronic.

What are the Best Single-Handed Sailboats and Catamarans_Where you make it

Once you’ve got a reliable autopilot and radar on board, you can move from the items you need into the items you might want. If you have an autopilot that works and you plan your actions carefully, you can likely handle any vessel without the following equipment. But these items might make it all a little more pleasant and are worth considering. 

Electric Windlass and Winches

Cruising vessels that anchor regularly often have electric windlasses. These make hoisting the anchor and chain back aboard as easy as pressing a button. While manual windlasses enable you to bring up very heavy ground tackle, they take a long time to do it and require an awful lot of elbow grease.

The same applies to sailing winches on larger boats. Electric winches are complex and do take a lot of power, but they also make hoisting and handling big sails a breeze. 

Line Control From the Cockpit

Pretty much every sailboat has the most crucial control lines rigged to the cockpit. Jib and main sheets are the perfect examples. But some boats go one step further, also running halyards and reefing lines to the cockpit, too. 

There are plusses and minuses to this approach. Running these lines from the base of the mast aft to the cockpit increases the drag on the system, meaning it will take more effort to hoist or tighten the lines. But the security of not having to leave the cockpit if you don’t have to is worth the investment, so long as you have the rope clutches and winch power to make it all work. 

Some sailors balk at the idea of running these lines aft, often citing that they’ll have to go forward if something goes wrong. But most of the time, they won’t have to. Fewer trips up on deck at sea means a safer and easier voyage all around. For the single-hander especially, the more you can do from one position, the better.

The layout of how the lines are run to the cockpit is important, too. This is often more a factor in the yacht’s design than something you can easily play with. But where applicable, a sailor will want to spend considerable time thinking about where they want to put lines and how they want to get them there. 

What are the Best Single-Handed Sailboats and Catamarans_Where you make

Rig Simplicity

The simpler the rig, the easier it is to sail. While nearly all production boats are sloops, the catboat has some distinct advantages here. With only one big sail to worry about, the amount of work and line handling is instantly reduced by two (or three, in the case of ketches or cutters). Catboats like the Nonsuch are known to be excellent performers and are super easy to sail. There are a few cat-rigged schooners out there, too. 

There are many variations of traditional sailplans that have been played with on modern boats. Junk rigs, for example, are simple to create and very easy to sail. They’re complex in their setup and not very common on fiberglass boats, however.

If you’re looking for something easy to handle, efficient, and really wild, check out this article from Sail Magazine featuring some of the cutting-edge things found on yachts and the very interesting AeroRig.

Related: Best Trailerable Sailboats

Self-Tending Headsails

Some sloops have smaller headsails that are “self-tending.” This is another way of saying that these sails don’t need to be tacked, you can trim them like a mainsail, and you can tack the boat simply by turning the helm. That’s a considerable reduction in workload for the crew, whether they’re a single-hander or not. 

Roller Furlers on Sails

Headsails can either be hanked on or rolled up on a furler. A furler means less hoisting, and you can open the sail from the cockpit. Although somewhat less common, mainsails can be furled too. Some boats have in-mast furlers. On boats with large full-batten mainsails, in-boom furlers are becoming more common. 

The advantage of these systems is that they make reefing and reducing sail extremely easy. The hassle, of course, is that they have more moving parts and are expensive to install. 

Cockpit Layout

The cockpit layout is about more than just the rigging. You’ll also want to take note of where and how the electronics are mounted. For example, is there a handheld VHF or do you have to go down below every time you make or answer a radio call? Are the chartplotter and radar in easy view of the helm? These are easy things to fix but worth looking at and thinking about as you set the boat up.

Easy Docking

Finally, the boat should be easy to dock single-handed. Of course, it’s always preferable to have help on the dock to get the slip safely. But this doesn’t always happen, so you should be prepared to do it yourself. 

Many sailboats benefit from having a bow thruster installed, as this can help control the bow when docking in close quarters, especially in crosswind situations. 

The overall size of the boat is an important factor, too. You can single hand huge yachts, which is all well and good until it comes time to dock it. 

Monohulls Rigged for Easy-Operation

The good news is that you can rig nearly any boat for safe and easy single-handing. The newer the boat, the more likely it will already be set up for single-handing. Modern items like line organizers and rope clutches make it all the easier. 

The boats below are exceptional in that they step away from the now ubiquitous Bermuda sloop rig. As a result, they may lose some performance abilities in some conditions, but they more than make up for it in their ease of handling. 

Nonsuch 36/40

Nonsuches are distinctive boats—they are some of the only large catboats on the water today. They’re rigged with a large mainsail that is made easy to control by a wishbone boom rigging system. In effect, this makes handling a Nonsuch much like sailing a giant windsurfing board. The larger Nonsuches come from the drawing board of respected marine architect Mark Ellis.

With only one sail, the boat is straightforward to operate. First, hoist the main, and then control it with a single sheet. Tacks and jibes are easy. Reefing is as simple as letting out the halyard a little and reducing sail.

Freedom has made various interesting and straightforward rigs that contrast with the run-of-the-mill sloops found in most marinas. The number one thing you’ll notice about Freedoms is their distinctive tapered un-stayed mast. With no spreaders and no standing rigging, Freedoms look sleek from the outset.

Several models of Freedom are catboats rigged with a giant mainsail. Others, like the popular 36, are free-standing, fractionally-rigged sloops with a tiny, self-tending jib. This is the best of both worlds since the jib will provide extra power when going upwind and presents very little extra work for the crew.

Picking a catamaran for solo sailing may seem counterintuitive since they are so much larger than monohulls. But most modern catamarans are rigged from the factory for single-handed sailing. These boats are designed from the ground up for charter work—meaning that a captain will do all the work while their guests enjoy themselves. This flies in the face of the design ethos shared by most older “classic plastic” monohulls built for the club racing scene.

Most cruising catamarans are rigged with straightforward fractional sloop rigs with large, full-batten mainsails. The mains typically feature slab reefing, and the foresails are almost always mounted on furlers. Operating these boats is as simple as hoisting the main and then unrolling the jib.

What are the Best Single-Handed Sailboats and Catamarans_Where you make

Leopard 39/40 (circa 2010)

Leopard catamarans, built by Robertson and Caine of South Africa, is the sole supplier of catamarans to The Moorings yacht charter company worldwide. But their boats are equally popular among private owners who want the catamaran lifestyle and ease of sailing.

Unlike competing brands, Leopard embraced the idea of the single-handed operator from their earliest designs. Even some of their original boats, the 38, 45, and 47 (circa 1998), had excellent walk-through helm stations with all lines led to them. As a result, you can perform every task on these boats—from hoisting the main, unfurling the jib, reefing, and even trimming the traveler—while keeping one hand on the helm.

Lagoon 39/40/42 (2015 and newer)

Lagoon is Leopard’s main competitor, but if you look at their older designs, they spent years catching up to Leopard in terms of helm positioning and single-handed operations. This changed dramatically when Lagoon introduced the 39 around 2015 and the 42 and 46 a few years later.

This new generation of Lagoons went one step better than Leopard. They have ditched the enormous and powerful mainsail in favor of a larger and self-tending jib. These boats carry their masts much farther aft than other catamarans, and the design is more similar to the Prouts of the 1990s than other modern catamarans.

But this setup makes two significant improvements. First, it reduces the power of the sometimes difficult to control mainsail. Second, it also adds self-tacking abilities to the headsail. And since most cats use furling light-wind sails for downwind and calm-day sailing, no real performance loss results. 

Prout Snowgoose (circa 1987)

An older boat that is underrated these days is the Prout 37 Snowgoose. These boats featured a double headsail paired with a very small and easy to tend main. While the headsails aren’t self-tacking, they are both usually mounted on furlers. This provides a lot of sail plan options for offshore adventures. Additionally, the mast on these boats is located so far aft as to be even with the helm, meaning you can do reefing and hoisting chores without leaving the cockpit. 

best single handed bluewater catamaran

Matt has been boating around Florida for over 25 years in everything from small powerboats to large cruising catamarans. He currently lives aboard a 38-foot Cabo Rico sailboat with his wife Lucy and adventure dog Chelsea. Together, they cruise between winters in The Bahamas and summers in the Chesapeake Bay.

best single handed bluewater catamaran

Yachting Monthly

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Yachting Monthly cover

Monohull or multihull: which is best for blue water?

  • Chris Beeson
  • March 29, 2016

As former editor of Yachting World, David Glenn has plenty of experience of both monohull and multihull cruising. Here he weighs up the pros and cons

Monohull multihull

One hull, or two? Your choice will define your life afloat Credit: David Glenn

Through the binoculars I could see masts off Basil’s Bar on Mustique. Their lack of movement suggested a fine anchorage, sheltered from the tradewind-driven swell that builds up in the channel between Mustique and Bequia. It soon became apparent that most belonged to cats, immune from the rolling monohulls like ours would endure if we were to stop in this otherwise enticing bay.

More anchorages in a multi

Monohull multihull

Cats galore off the Soggy Dollar Bar, Jost van Dyke: too shallow for a fixed keel monohull of similar size

Stability is one of the truly great advantages of a cruising multihull. Not just at sea where the tiresome business of heeling is something that simply doesn’t – or shouldn’t – happen to any great extent, but at anchor too. It dramatically widens one’s choice of anchorages to include those affected by swell – not uncommon in the Caribbean, for instance, where a subtle change in wind direction can make a previously flat calm anchorage unbearable in a monohull. Its comparatively shoal draught widens the choice still further.

I grew up with monohulls, own one, and frankly wouldn’t consider a multihull for the sort of sailing I do. In northern European waters, marina berthing is a regular necessity and completely safe open anchorages are few and far between.

Monohull multihull

No rolling or heeling, 360° views and one-level living, as here on a Lagoon 52, appeal to many

But if I were to undertake some serious blue water cruising and I wanted family and friends genuinely to enjoy being afloat, particularly those less experienced, a multihull would have to be a consideration. I would have to put aside the question of aesthetics – let’s face it, they’re ugly beasts – and forego that unique and satisfying sensation of a yacht sailing well, because to date I have not experienced it in a cruising multihull. And that’s quite a sacrifice.

More space in a multi

My attitude changed after chartering catamarans in the Caribbean and Mediterranean. The need to accommodate two families comprising largely of teenage children made the choice of a multihull a no-brainer. In a 46-footer we could accommodate a party of 10 in comfort and the paraphernalia demanded by youth, like surfboards, windsurfers, kites and snorkelling kit, without feeling jammed in.

Monohull multihull

One-level living makes a big difference when sailing as a famly

The cavernous berths in the ends of the hulls, the wide saloon-cum-galley with its panoramic view and the inside/outside lifestyle made possible by the juxtaposition of the big aft deck and the same level saloon, got the entire crew onside instantly.

As an outside living space, with a trampoline at one end and a massive aft deck at the other, there is simply no comparison with a monohull of the same length. So space, linked to stability, makes for an experience that everyone, even the timid and novices, will find hard not to enjoy.

No speed difference

Monohull multihull

A multihull, like this Moorings 46, has abundant stowage on deck and below, but filling it all will slow her down

Load-carrying ability is a double-edged sword. On the up side there is room for a big crew and its kit, much more fresh water tankage than a monohull, eliminating the need for an expensive, temperamental watermaker, and finding space for a generator should be easy.

On the down side the temptation to overload will probably cancel out any perceived performance advantage. Multihulls can be relatively quick in the right offwind conditions, but if they are heavily laden – as they will be for blue water cruising – there really is no significant speed advantage.

Monohull multihull

The Gunboat 66 Phaedo 1 piles on the speed, but for blue water cruisers, comfort and stowage is more important than pace

Some new designs such as Gunboat and Outremer have concentrated on performance, but most clients aren’t overly concerned about outright speed and are happy to trade performance for the considerable comfort offered by brands like Lagoon, Broadblue, the Fontaine Pajot stable, Leopard, Catana, Privilege and others.

Mono sails better

Monohull multihull

Monohulls, like this Amel 55, sail better upwind, and her ballast keel adds displacement, which means comfort when it’s rough. Multihulls can develop an unpleasant motion in a big sea

Upwind, most cruising multihulls won’t point like a monohull with a deeper keel, and when it gets lumpy and fresh, the motion can become distinctly unpleasant. You have to keep a particularly careful eye on sail area too, but more of that in a moment.

In 2011 I was involved in a test of three cruising catamarans and among my fellow judges was multihull design legend Nigel Irens. He pointed out that catamaran buyers have voted for accommodation (which means weight) over performance, so the dilemma of mixing the two has largely disappeared. With it went the spectre of capsize because, relative to their displacement and beam, the modern cruising catamaran is under-canvassed. But that doesn’t mean that sailors can simply set sail and go in any weather.

‘Speed limits’ on a multi

Monohull multihull

On a multihull, it’s more important to know when to reef. Set speed limits and stick to them

Also on the panel was Brian Thompson, the lone Brit on board the 130ft French trimaran Banque Populaire V that sailed around the world in under 46 days. He told me that the tell-tale signs for knowing when to reef are far more subtle on a multihull. Apart from instinct, Brian suggested monitoring boat speed closely and having a speed limit to trigger reefing. It is easy to overlook a building breeze when bowling along downwind in a multihull, which is going faster and faster. ‘Keep your boat speed within safe limits you should not get into too much trouble,’ he said.

People often ask about anchoring a multihull, which is important as a multihull will spend a lot of time at anchor. Squeezing into a marina can be nigh on impossible, and expensive if you can get in. An essential piece of kit, which should be standard with a new boat, is a bridle that runs from either hull and keeps the anchor cable on the centreline. In many ways this is easier than anchoring a monohull as it prevents the ground tackle from fouling the hulls.

If you do get alongside a marina pontoon you will soon discover another modern cruising multihull issue: excessive freeboard. It’s worth investing in a portable ladder for those marina moments. Of more concern is MOB recovery. There are bathing platforms on both hulls of most new boats, but it’s not the place to be if a yacht is pitching in a heavy sea. So considerable thought needs to be applied to retrieving an MOB if the worst happens.

The recent and dramatic increase in numbers of multihulls going blue water cruising is certainly testament to their appealing ‘lifestyle’ attributes, but one must bear in mind that they are not a fix for all liveaboard cruising challenges. It’s just a different way of doing things. The elements remain the same and can inflict just as much punishment for the unwary on a multihull as they can on a monohull.

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Yachting World

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Yachting World cover

4 best bluewater cruisers of 2022

  • Toby Hodges
  • March 28, 2022

Thinking of heading off on a world-girdling cruise or just want to cross oceans in style? Here's the best bluewater cruisers of 2022 that will help you se off on a new life at sea

best single handed bluewater catamaran

The results are in from the European Yacht of the Year Awards as the judges have announced their top four bluewater cruisers of 2022.

The European Yacht of the Year awards are well regarded as the definitive yacht awards in the world a variety of categories are judged by the panel from best luxury cruisers , to best family cruisers to performance yachts .

But for those looking to liveaboard their yacht, making plans to do some ocean crossings, or looking to undertake some long distance passage making, the best bluewater cruisers will likely be the category that draws the eye.

There were a brilliantly diverse and interesting collection of new designs for this category – a celebration of French ingenuity. For those planning long term cruising, would you choose a robust aluminium build for higher latitudes sailing, shoal draught to tuck into the shallows (a mix of both?), sustainable living or reliable comfort, or the ability to log sustained high speeds to outrun weather systems? This selection gives you all those choices and more.

Best bluewater cruisers of 2022

The new flagship Allures 51.9, for example, is a no-nonsense adventure cruising design built and finished to a high standard. It retains Allures’ niche of using aluminium hulls with glassfibre decks and superstructures, which, the yard maintains, gives the optimum combination of least maintenance and less weight higher up. Priorities for this design were a full beam aft cabin and a spacious, long cockpit. Both are excellent, with the latter, at 6m long, offering formidable social, sailing and aft deck zones.

It likes some breeze to come to life on the wheel, but I appreciate that it’s designed to take up to five tonnes payload. And I like the ease with which you can change gears using the furling headsails and the positioning of the powerful Andersen winches inboard. The arch is standard and comes with a textile sprayhood or hard bimini.

Below decks you’ll find abundant headroom and natural light, a deep U-shape galley and cavernous stowage. For those who like the layout of the Amel 50 but would prefer aluminium or shoal draught, look no further.

Allures 51.9 price: €766,000

The Ovni 370 is another cunning new aluminum centreboard offering, a true deck saloon cruiser for two. The designers say the biggest challenge was to create a Category A ocean going yacht at this size with a lifting keel, hence the hull had to be very stable.

Enjoyable to helm, it has a practical, deep cockpit behind a large sprayhood, which can link to the bimini on the arch. Many of its most appealing features lie in the bright, light, contemporary, clever, voluminous interior, which has good stowage and tankage allocation. There’s also a practical navstation, a large workroom and a vast separate shower. I particularly like the convertible saloom, which can double as a large secure daybed or pilot berth.

Potentially the least expensive Category A lift keel boat available, the Ovni will get you dreaming of remote places again.

Ovni 370 price: €282,080

best single handed bluewater catamaran

There’s no shortage of spirit in the Windelo 50. We gave this a sustainability award after it’s founders spent two years researching environmentally-friendly composite materials, developing an eco-composite of basalt fibre and recycled PET foam so it could build boats that halve the environmental impact of standard glassfibre yachts.

The Windelo 50 is an intriguing package – from the styling, modular interior and novel layout to the solar field on the roof and the standard electric propulsion, it is completely fresh.

Windelo 50 price: €795,000

Best bluewater cruiser of 2022 – Outremer 55

I would argue that this is the most successful new production yacht on the market. Well over 50 have already sold (an equipped model typically costs €1.6m) – and I can understand why. After all, were money no object, I had this design earmarked as the new yacht I would most likely choose for a world trip.

Indeed 55 number one Sanya, was fully equipped for a family’s world cruise, and left during our stay for the Grand Large Odyssey tour. Whereas we sailed Magic Kili, which was tricked up with performance options, including foam-cored deckheads and supports, carbon crossbeam and bulkheads, and synthetic rigging.

At rest, these are enticing space ships. Taking one out to sea is another matter though. These are speed machines with the size, scale and loads to be rightly weary of. Last month Nikki Henderson wrote a feature for us about how to manage a new breed of performance cruising cats just like this and how she coaches new owners. I could not think of wiser money spent for those who do not have ample multihull sailing experience.

Under sail, the most fun was obviously reserved for the reaching leg under asymmetric, where we clocked between 11-16 knots in 15-16 knots wind. But it was the stability and of those sustained low teen speeds which really hit home  – passagemaking where you really cover miles.

Key features include the swing helms, which give you views from outboard, over the coachroof or from a protected position in the cockpit through the coachroof windows, and the vast island in the galley, which is key to an open plan main living area. It helps provide cavernous stowage and acts as the heart of the entertaining space as it would in a modern home. As Danish judge Morten Brandt-Rasmussen comments: “Apart from being the TGV of ocean passages the boat offers the most spacious, open and best integration of the cockpit and salon areas in the market.”

Outremer has done a top job in packing in the creature comforts, stowage space and payload capacity, while keeping it light enough to eat miles. Although a lot to absorb and handle, the 55 offers a formidable blend of speed and luxury cruising.

Outremer 55 price: €1.35m

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