
Affordable Sailboats You Can Build at Home

Affordable Sailboats You Can Build at Home | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

September 13, 2023

‍ Key Takeaways

  • There are many sailboats that anyone can build from home depending on tastes
  • Budget will be the biggest deciding factor on a majority of the process
  • Consider kits that come with most of what you need or choose ones that are all-inclusive
  • Design complexities and new materials may make the building time process longer
  • Plan the best you can ahead of time to save money and your working hours

‍ Buying a sailboat can be expensive, but building your own can save you money. So what are sailboats you can build from home?

Sailboats that you can build from home will likely be a small boat under 20 feet. These could be from many different boat suppliers such as B&B Yachts, Brooks Boat Designs, and Chase Small Craft. Boat plans will vary based on your budget and how much time you have on your hands.

Based on my previous experience, building your own boat will take much longer than if a professional were to do it. You also have to be able to study plans, consider various sailboat designs, and have tons of supplies such as fiberglass tape or fiberglass cloth. On top of that, you will also have to be good with your hands.

Table of contents

‍ Top 10 Affordable Sailboats Anyone Can Build at Home

Building your own pocket cruiser or other styles from boat plans is an impressive feat, as this will need dedicated time and money to assure your boat sails safely. Boat building takes a lot of patience as well, especially since this will not be completed in a fast manner.

Finding boat plans and materials that fit your budget will be key to being able to complete the project. The time it takes to complete these projects will vary on your overall experience and needs. Below are 10 of the most affordable sailboats that you can build in the comfort of your home.

B&B Yachts

B&B Yacht

B&B Yachts have 14 different boat plans you can choose from to find the boat of your desires. Their shop is located along the Bay River in North Carolina where they construct all of the kits and have a 100 foot dock to show off your project once you complete it.

One popular model to check out is their Core Sound 15, as it is the perfect size for those wanting to build a modest size boat for a handful of people on board. Their website features some videos of completed projects and the plans or kits for purchase.

  • 14 different models to choose from plus some dinghies
  • Various monohull and multihull options
  • Friendly customer service with attractive prices
  • Might be too many options for some that are indecisive
  • Not ideal for those wanting to have a motor sailer

Brooks Boat Designs

Brooks Boat Designs

Brooks Boat Designs has a handful of options to consider for your next sailboat building project. They are located in Brookline, Maine and give the option to buy the kits or have them build one from scratch for you. They have plenty of knowledge, so do not be shy to ask about modifications or custom features you are looking for.

Depending on your specifics, they can attempt to accommodate some of their plans to help fit your desired outcome. By checking out their site, you can see many examples of their construction in progress and what the boats will look like when completed.

  • Offers a variety of kits
  • Plans vary around $50 and up, while materials will obviously add more costs
  • Some plans can be rowing boats that can convert to sailboats
  • Might take a while to hear back from them, as their contact section is a little outdated
  • Their plans may not accommodate a ton of extras for your taste

Chase Small Craft

Chase Small Craft

Chase Small Craft offers a simple process for building boats. Their kits are equipped with everything you need and will help save you time than just buying the materials outright and other parts you could need. This is arguably one of the best bang for buck instances if you want to save time and money searching for pieces to your boat.

They are located in Saco, Maine and will ship everything to your home from there. All the necessary materials are included and all you need are the proper tools and working space.

  • All-inclusive kits with what you need
  • Tons of knowledge on their site for boat building
  • Easy process to order and customize
  • Complete kits can range over $20,000 for larger boats
  • Kits may take up to eight weeks to ship out

Chesapeake Light Craft

Chesapeake Light Craft

You can expect high-quality boat kits from Chesapeake Light Craft . They feature 18 different sailboat kits that vary from eight to 20 feet in length. This should be more than enough to find one for you if you are newer to boat building.

They also have a wide variety of other kits in addition to the sailboat, in the event that you wanted to order a small kayak or paddleboard in addition to your sailboat. The prices vary considerably when considering a small or larger boat, so check the complete list of options to in order to potentially fit your needs.

  • Plenty of sailboat offerings to choose from
  • Different beautiful hull form options to consider
  • Easy to build and perfect for sailing
  • Only has basic materials needed for kit, so you may need to purchase other items
  • Has epoxy shipping fee no matter if you pick up item

Dudley Dix Yacht Design

Dudley Dix Yacht Design has an extensive list of plywood and single skin sailing boat options. They have plenty of sail plans and kits to consider depending on your goals. These follow a classic look for sailboats, which are aesthetically pleasing.

If you are wanting one to accommodate a small family, they have more than plenty to look through. The cost is not as bad compared to others, but keep in mind that you may need to throw in your own supplies or specific tools to get the job done.

  • Plans start at $30 and range up to $7,500 or more for kits
  • More than enough of options to consider
  • Affordable variety of sailboat offerings
  • Might be too many options for those new to sailing
  • Most are wood without the use of aluminum or steel

Farrier Marine

Farrier Marine

If you are in search of a multihull to build, then Farrier Marine is what you need. They offer a unique folding catamaran that is trailerable and give you the option to build it yourself. This not only makes it an appealing option, but anyone can take this multihull boat wherever they want with ease.

It features a thorough construction guide once you receive all of the materials. These also come with stainless steel fasteners and an aluminum mast for high-quality materials. Pricing will vary since you must request which model type you are considering.

  • Ability to build a unique catamaran
  • In-depth construction guide to help
  • Easily handled and trailerable
  • Price may be too high
  • Limited offerings since only a few multihull options

Glen-L Marine Designs

Glen-L Marine Designs

Building a boat from Glen-L Marine Designs can save you time and money. They feature an easy system to order and receive the kits, as well as an in-depth guide to building them. This is an appealing option compared to most boat kit sellers.

The beauty about Glen-L is that anyone can build these from scratch, so you do not have to be the best boat builder in the world to get it done. They offer guides and helpful insights from their team to point you in the right direction. Plans vary around $15, while kits can range well over $1,000 depending on boat size.

  • Nearly 50 designs to choose from
  • Complete guide to help anyone build it
  • Plenty of price points depending on size
  • Might be overwhelming with the amount of options
  • Could take a while to get parts since they are popular

John Welsford Boat Designs

John Welsford Boat Designs

John Welsford Boat Designs invites new and veteran boat builders that want a taste of quality small wooden boats. The boat plans are designed to meet your specifications and are catered to your desires.

There are seven sailboat designs to choose from so you do not feel overwhelmed in the process. However, they do not sell kits all the time, so you would need to have the materials or be on the lookout for the best prices when they are available.

  • Seven sailboat plans with different sizes
  • Quality boat builder and supporting community
  • In-depth knowledge provided to you when you order
  • Might be too small of boat size
  • Kits are not always available

Iain Oughtred

There are plenty of options on the wooden boat store, but you should narrow down your search for Iain Oughtred’s line of sailboat kits and plans. There are 25 different plans to choose from, which should accommodate most everyone looking to build their own boat.

While they do offer some kits, they do not routinely offer sailboat kits. You would need to purchase all of the materials if you are considering one of their sail plans. Keep this in mind if you are considering, as you would need to hunt down the parts yourself.

  • 25 different sailboat plans to look through
  • Various sizes to contemplate for you sailing needs
  • Prices will vary but are not bad compared to market
  • No sailboat kits, only plans
  • Newer boat builders might find too many options unappealing

Paul Gartside Boat Builder and Designer

Gartside Boats is a boat builder company based in Long Island, New York that showcases a variety of boats from traditional and newer methods of boat building. Within that variety, they have boat plans meant for six to 50 feet in length.

With an abundance of options, you will need to contact them regarding prices and any customizable options. Kits may vary as well, as they typically design in-house and build for you.

  • Experienced boat designer that can accommodate with custom plans
  • Many options are trailerable
  • Can have plans for up to a 50 foot boat
  • You will need to contact them for prices
  • Customized options may make process more complicated for new boat builders

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Sailboat at Home?

As you have likely already done so, the math between building your own boat and buying one may be a huge difference. Likewise, you may even enjoy the challenge of taking an older boat that is gutted and restoring with parts from a kit to build one new again.

But how much does it cost exactly to build a boat from the comfort of your own garage or workshop? The prices are going to vary dramatically depending on your situation and material needed to get the job done. In addition, the time that it takes to complete this will also vary.

Sail plans are rather inexpensive if you are aiming to build a small boat. These plans allow you to see the workings of the boat design and what you need to build the boat.

Without these plans, you will not know the exact details of the design and it can cause major issues with the boat’s hull or other areas of the boat. Think of these as the backbone or instructions of the boat’s infancy before being built.

Price Per Square Foot

You should assume to pay anywhere between $300 to $600 per square foot if you are interested in building a boat. Buying a kit outright can be a good way to save time, but oftentimes these do not come with everything you need.

Instead, you should try to source as much of the materials at the best price as possible. Thinking ahead is part of the process and you might be able to score a deal at a lumber yard or hardware store for parts.

Boat Designs Matter

The design of the boat will be much different from one boat to the next, regardless if they are the same size in length. If you are pondering boats that range anywhere between 16 and 20 feet, you should factor in the shape of the hull, any rigging, and various appendages.

Prices tend to increase when there are more complexities within the designs. If you are considering a kit with more details than others, you will also have to pay more for the designs on that as well.

Kits Can Differ

It is important to understand that all kits are not going to be the same. As you gander at sailboat kits online to stitch together, you need to thoroughly look over to see if you have everything you need before buying.

It would also be at your advantage to ask the seller if any additional parts or supplies are needed. This may change your dynamic on the kit buying process and you may pass up one for another if it has everything you need. An all-inclusive kit may cost several hundred, if not thousands, of dollars more to have the convenience of everything in the bundle.

Construction Approaches

Some boat plans may require you to have certain tools to get the job done. This means special saws or planers, which the average person simply does not have.

Purchasing specialty tools might be expensive upfront and hard to find depending on what it is. Your best bet would be to check locally for others trying to sell their tools or consider a boat plan that does not require extensive tools to finish the job.

How Long Does it Take to Build a Sailboat?

An easy to build sailboat could take a while to build from scratch. Many different variances come into play that are difficult to pinpoint for everyone. But how long is that exactly and how will your experience play into this?

A fun project to sail in the wind could take you several months to well over a year depending on the boat plan and how big your boat is going to be. In addition, the materials all need to be accounted for prior to starting in the event a hardware store does not have them in stock.

Time Varies

The time that passes for simple boat designs on small sailing vessels can be done in a few weeks. This is assuming you have everything you need and work non-stop around the clock.

Certain complex situations may make the process long, such as the difficulty of working with some materials. If you are a skilled laborer, it may take you half the time compared to a novice. The amount of time it can take will vary on your availability and skill level.

Planning ahead will undoubtedly offer the most time-saving features. It also helps if you can tackle parts of the project at your own pace.

Complexity of Design

The design of the boat may make the construction process longer. For example, it may take you longer to build a catamaran compared to a similar lengthed monohull.

More complex designs might require more materials, therefore making the process a bit longer to complete. Furthermore, you will also need more experience working with difficult designs and that will affect you more as a newbie.

Be sure to manage your expectations well and do not allow yourself to become too stressed over this fun project. If you can, seek expert boat building advice from a local builder or the company you purchased sail plans through.

Quality Materials

The quality of the materials will matter significantly when building a boat and will greatly affect the time it takes to construct it. Handling fiberglass or carbon fiber might require specialty tools, while wood also demands a certain level of craftsmanship.

If you are not skilled at working with the material at hand, it might affect the quality of the build and you may have to go back to fix mistakes. This will definitely add more time to your project, because mistakes are bound to happen with your first project.

To save time, consider adding the tools and materials throughout the year or as often as your budget allows. You may want to try testing your skills on fiberglass or other materials to get a feel for how to work with it.

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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The Ultimate Guide to Planning and Building Your Own Boat

Welcome to the ultimate guide to planning and building your own boat . Whether you’re a seasoned boat builder or a beginner with a passion for the open water, this comprehensive guide will provide you with all the knowledge and insights you need to embark on your DIY boat building journey.

From the initial design phase to the final construction steps, we’ll walk you through the entire process, offering step-by-step instructions and expert tips along the way. With our guidance, you’ll be equipped to create your dream vessel and experience the satisfaction of cruising the waves in a boat you built with your own two hands.

Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of boat planning and building ? Let’s get started on this nautical adventure together!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Planning and building your own boat is an achievable DIY project.
  • This guide covers the entire boat building process , from initial design to final construction.
  • Expert tips and insights will help you avoid common pitfalls and achieve professional-level results.
  • Choosing the right materials is crucial for the success and longevity of your boat.
  • Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced builder, this guide has something for everyone.

The Pleasures and Perils of Plywood

When it comes to boat building, plywood is a popular choice due to its versatility and affordability. Many boat builders opt for plywood boat construction as it offers a range of benefits. However, it’s essential to understand the potential drawbacks as well. In this section, we’ll explore the joys and challenges of building a boat with plywood.

The Advantages of Plywood Boat Building

Plywood boat construction comes with several advantages that make it an attractive option for boat builders. These include:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Plywood is generally more affordable compared to other boat building materials such as fiberglass or aluminum, making it an excellent choice for those on a budget.
  • Easy to work with: Plywood is lightweight and easy to handle, making it suitable for both professional and DIY boat builders.
  • Versatile design options: Plywood can be easily cut and shaped, allowing for a wide variety of boat designs and customization options.
  • Strength and durability: While plywood may not be as strong as some alternative materials, it still offers sufficient strength and durability when used correctly.

Tips for Successful Plywood Boat Construction

While plywood boat building offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to be aware of certain factors to ensure successful construction. Here are a few tips from experienced boat builders:

  • Choose the right type of plywood: Marine-grade plywood is specifically designed for boat building, offering superior resistance to water and weather.
  • Properly seal and protect the plywood: Applying a high-quality sealant and protective coatings is crucial to prevent water damage and increase the lifespan of the boat.
  • Follow proper construction techniques: Plywood boats require specific construction techniques, such as edge sealing, scarf joints, and proper fastening, to ensure structural integrity.
  • Regular maintenance is key: Like any boat, plywood boats require regular maintenance to prevent rot, delamination, and other issues caused by moisture exposure.

To better understand the benefits and challenges of plywood boat construction , let’s take a closer look at a comparison between plywood and other common boat building materials :

This comparison highlights the unique attributes of plywood compared to other materials commonly used in boat construction. While each material has its advantages and disadvantages, plywood offers an appealing balance of affordability, versatility, and ease of use.

In the next section, we’ll delve into the process of designing your own boat , offering guidance and inspiration for those seeking a more custom approach to boat building.

Building Your Own Design

custom boat building

If you have a specific vision for your boat and want to embark on the exciting journey of custom boat building , this section is designed to provide you with valuable guidance. Whether you dream of a sleek and fast motorboat or a sturdy sailboat, designing your own boat allows you to bring your unique ideas and personal style to life.

Boat Design Process

The boat design process is a creative and analytical endeavor that involves translating your ideas into detailed plans. It begins with the conceptualization stage, where you brainstorm and sketch your boat’s layout, size, and overall design. From there, you’ll refine your ideas, taking into consideration factors such as functionality, aesthetics, and safety.

During the design process, it’s important to consider how you intend to use the boat. Factors such as the type of waters you’ll navigate, the number of passengers, and the purpose of the boat (fishing, cruising, racing, etc.) will influence the design. This section offers valuable insights from experienced boat designers and builders who share their expertise on boat design considerations .

Key Considerations in Boat Design

When designing your own boat , there are several key considerations to keep in mind. These include:

  • Intended use and purpose: Determine the primary use of your boat and the specific features required to support that use.
  • Size and layout: Consider the desired size and layout to accommodate passengers, storage, and any special equipment needs.
  • Materials and construction methods: Choose the appropriate materials and construction methods that align with your design goals and skill level.
  • Aesthetics and style: Define the overall visual appeal and style of your boat to reflect your personal taste and preferences.
  • Performance and stability: Strive for a design that delivers optimal performance, speed, and stability on the water.
  • Safety and regulations: Ensure your design complies with safety standards and local regulations to guarantee a safe boating experience.

Designing your own boat is a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor that allows you to create a vessel perfectly tailored to your needs. By considering these key factors and drawing inspiration from experienced designers and builders, you’ll be well-equipped to embark on this exciting custom boat building journey.

Choosing the Right Materials

The choice of materials is crucial in boat building. The materials you select will determine the durability, performance, and overall quality of your boat. In this section, we will explore the different types of boat building materials and help you choose the best options for your project.

Wood has long been a popular choice for boat construction due to its aesthetic appeal and ease of working with. However, it requires regular maintenance and may be prone to rot and decay if not properly treated. Some common types of wood used in boat building include mahogany, teak, and cedar.

Fiberglass is a composite material made of a plastic resin reinforced with glass fibers. It is known for its strength, durability, and resistance to water. Fiberglass boats are low maintenance and can withstand harsh marine environments. They are also relatively lightweight, making them suitable for speed and performance.

Aluminum is a lightweight and corrosion-resistant material commonly used in boat construction. It offers excellent strength-to-weight ratio and requires minimal maintenance. Aluminum boats are durable and can handle rough conditions, making them popular for fishing and recreational purposes.

Composites, such as carbon fiber and Kevlar, are gaining popularity in boat building. These materials offer exceptional strength and stiffness while being lightweight. Composites are often used in high-performance boats, yachts, and racing vessels.

When choosing the right materials for your boat, consider factors such as the intended use of the boat, the desired lifespan, and your budget. It’s important to balance performance, durability, and cost to ensure the success of your boat building project.

By considering the advantages and disadvantages of each material, you can make an informed decision and choose the best materials for your boat construction project.

The Boat Building Process

Boat Assembly

Building a boat requires a systematic approach that involves several essential steps. Whether you’re embarking on a DIY boat construction project or assembling a pre-made kit, understanding the boat building process is crucial for ensuring a successful outcome. In this section, we’ll guide you through each step, from setting up the backbone to the final assembly of your boat.

1. Setting up the Backbone and Framing

The first step in boat construction is setting up the backbone, which includes installing the keel, stem, and sternpost. These components create the structural framework of the boat. Once the backbone is in place, you’ll proceed to frame the boat, adding the ribs or frames that provide shape and support. This stage requires accuracy and attention to detail to ensure a properly aligned and sturdy frame.

2. Planking

After the framing is complete, it’s time to attach the planks to the boat’s frame. Planking can be done using various methods, such as using plywood or traditional wooden planks. Each plank is carefully fitted and fastened to the frame, creating the outer skin of the boat. This process requires precision to achieve watertight seams and a smooth finish.

3. Fiberglassing

To strengthen and protect the hull, many boat builders choose to fiberglass the boat’s exterior. Fiberglass provides additional durability, water resistance, and improves the overall structural integrity of the boat. This step involves applying layers of fiberglass cloth and resin to the hull, followed by sanding and finishing to create a smooth surface.

4. Interior and Exterior Finishing

Once the hull is complete, attention turns to the interior and exterior finishing of the boat. This includes installing bulkheads, cabinetry, flooring, and other interior components. On the exterior, you’ll apply paint or varnish to protect the boat from the elements and enhance its appearance. Finishing touches such as adding hardware, windows, and electrical systems complete the boat assembly process.

As you progress through each step of the boat building process , it’s important to follow best practices and consult reliable resources for guidance. Experienced boat builders can provide valuable insights and advice based on their years of experience. By executing each step with care and precision, you’ll be one step closer to completing your very own boat.

Tips and Techniques

Enhance your boat building skills with these valuable tips and techniques. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced boat builder, these insights from professional boat builders will help you improve your craftsmanship and achieve professional-level results in your DIY boat construction project.

Tool Maintenance

Proper tool maintenance is essential for efficient and precise boat building. Keep your tools clean, sharp, and properly stored to ensure optimal performance. Regularly inspect and replace any worn-out or damaged tools to avoid compromising the quality of your construction.

Paint Finishes

Choosing the right paint and applying it correctly is crucial for a beautiful and durable finish on your boat. Consider factors such as durability, UV resistance, and compatibility with the boat’s material. Follow proper surface preparation techniques, including sanding and priming, to achieve a smooth and flawless paint finish.

Scarphing Plywood

Scarphing plywood is a technique used to join two pieces of plywood together to create longer panels without compromising strength. Properly scarphed joints are crucial in boat building to ensure structural integrity. Learn the correct angle and length ratios for scarphing plywood and practice the technique to achieve strong and seamless connections.


Fiberglassing is a common technique used to reinforce and protect boat structures. Learn the proper techniques for applying fiberglass cloth and epoxy resin, including wetting out, rolling out air bubbles, and achieving a smooth finish. Understanding the fiberglassing process will help you create strong and durable components for your boat.

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Recommended Boat Building Techniques

By implementing these boat building tips and techniques into your project, you’ll enhance your skills and ensure the successful completion of your DIY boat construction . Remember to always prioritize safety, attention to detail, and the use of high-quality materials to create a boat that is both structurally sound and visually impressive.

In conclusion, this ultimate guide to planning and building your own boat provides a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in DIY boat construction. The guide covers the entire process, from initial design considerations to final construction techniques, offering valuable insights and recommendations from experienced boat builders.

Whether you’re a novice exploring the world of boat building or an experienced builder looking to enhance your skills, this guide equips you with the knowledge and confidence to embark on your own boat building journey. By following the step-by-step instructions and incorporating the expert tips shared in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to bringing your dream boat to life.

Throughout the guide, we have touched on important topics such as the pleasures and perils of using plywood, the benefits of designing your own boat, the selection of the right materials, and the various stages involved in the boat building process. With this comprehensive coverage, you’ll be empowered to make informed decisions and tackle each step of the construction with confidence.

Whether you’re interested in building a small rowboat for calm lake excursions or a larger cruising yacht for adventurous voyages, this guide serves as a valuable resource for all types of boat building projects. We hope that the information presented here has inspired you to embark on your own boat building journey and that you find great joy and satisfaction in the process.

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Yes, You Can Build Your Own Boat!


With a kit boat that requires no measuring or cutting, you can confidently assemble a seaworthy Polynesian-style catamaran.

Build Your Own Boat

Want a new boat, but at an “old days” price? Rather than buying an old junker with the intention of fixing it up (when you can find the time), consider building your own boat. James Wharram, a British multihull pioneer and designer of plywood Polynesian-style catamarans ranging from 14 to 55 feet, is now offering the Mana 24 as a complete kit for $13,500.

Everything is included, even sails – the only thing you’ll need to buy is paint – so once you take delivery of the kit, you can start building almost immediately. Plywood parts are accurately cut on a CNC router so there are no fancy boat building joints required; everything essentially slots together so things start to take shape quickly, giving the newbie boat builder a confidence booster.

“Building time in the early stages is greatly reduced by the CNC cut plywood parts, which takes away all the worry of measuring and cutting and lets the builder assemble the hulls very quickly,” says Wharram .

He and his partner, Hanneke Boon, say they designed the boat specifically for home construction. A vee-shape below the waterline eschews the necessity for keels or daggerboards, allowing the boat to sail in shallow water or even be pulled onto a beach. Wharram estimates that finishing the boat to a high standard will take 750 hours, which may seem a lot of time, but as he notes, “You’ll have a brand new boat at the end, and the satisfaction of having built her with your own hands.”

BoatUS Members save at Boat Shows

Make sure to mark your calendars for two exciting events – the New England Boat Show, Chicago Boat Show, and Atlanta Boat Show. Don’t miss out on these incredible shows! BoatUS Members save 25% with code BOATUS25.

Here are the dates for each show:

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Contributing Editor, BoatUS Magazine

A marine surveyor and holder of RYA Yachtmaster Ocean certification, BoatUS Magazine contributing editor Mark Corke is one of our DIY gurus, creating easy-to-follow how-to articles and videos. Mark has built five boats himself (both power and sail), has been an experienced editor at several top boating magazines (including former associate editor of BoatUS Magazine), worked for the BBC, written four DIY books, skippered two round-the-world yachts, and holds the Guinness World Record for the fastest there-and-back crossing of the English Channel — in a kayak! He and his wife have a Grand Banks 32.

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Practical Boat Owner

  • Digital edition

Practical Boat Owner cover

Build a boat from a kit

  • Ben Meakins
  • February 19, 2015

There’s a great way to own a new boat on a budget – build it yourself. You could create a unique cruising yacht to be proud of and save yourself hundreds, even thousands of pounds into the bargain, explains Ben Meakins

build your own sailing yacht

In the late 1960s noted author and yacht designer Maurice Griffiths wrote: ‘There is nothing like sailing the boat you have constructed with your own hands, whose every timber, screw, bolt and fastening you know intimately.’ Take a look at the pages of any early copy of PBO and you’ll find it filled with adverts for kits for home building. But times have changed.

The advent of relatively cheap, mass-produced boats, the increased size of the average yacht and, to a lesser extent, the limitations of the EU’s Recreational Craft Directive, which states that if you build a kit boat you cannot sell it on for five years, have slowed the home building flood to a mere trickle. But building a boat you can truly call your own still can’t be beaten – and there are plenty of ways of going about it.

Motivation But why bother when it’s easier to buy a boat ready made? Well, for a start, it’ll save you money – and you’ll end up with a boat that’s worth far more than the kit that it came from. Then there’s the feeling of satisfaction you’ll get from sailing a boat you’ve built yourself. If you’ve been involved in the process from start to finish, you’ll have a boat tailored perfectly to your needs.

How long will it take? You skills and spare time will influence how long a project takes to complete. On balance, it’s fair to expect to finish a small pocket cruiser within 1-2 years, working on it part time. Two owners we spoke to provide a useful contrast, taking six months and nearly six years respectively – but it all depends on time pressures and the amount of modifications and custom-building that you put in.

Do you have space? The biggest limitation to building any boat is space. It may sound obvious, but there’s many a story of a proud amateur boatbuilder realising with dismay that he’ll have to remove large bits of masonry from his house if his shiny new boat is ever going to see the water. A garage, barn or lock-up is best for the UK’s inclement weather, and will ensure the best possible conditions for your build. If you can’t manage that, a large tent will suffice.

What skills are needed? It depends on the boat you choose. Most kit boats we’ll look at use the ‘stitch and glue’ technique, where plywood panels are held together by temporary ‘stitches’, or ties, while they are glued and glassfibred together. Phil Smith of Fyne Boat Kits says: ‘If someone can follow instructions and read a manual and have the time and inclination to study a set of plans then they should consider a build.’ If you’re in doubt, it’s a good idea to build a small dinghy first, to get an idea of the skills required. You can even use the small boat as a tender to your larger boat.

‘They say you should build your first boat second,’ says one owner. ‘That way you’ll get the boat you want and have the skills to make a good job of it!’ One major advantage to building a boat from a kit, as opposed to from a set of plans, is that the building methods will have been carefully thought through for home builders. Ray Anderson was a boatbuilding novice when he started to build his Swallow Boats Storm 17. ‘The hardest part of building my boat was getting confident in using epoxy well, but luckily it was all covered in the manual.’ he says. ‘The fit of the parts was excellent and the satisfaction as you move forward through the build is incredible.’

What’s available? Some companies will create a kit for you from a set of plans. Selway Fisher and Iain Oughtred have a number of designs listed on their websites from which Jordan Boats will build a kit. Fyne Boat Kits sell a number of their own and others’ designs in kit form, and Whisper Boats sell a range of kits designed and built in Australia – and the kits include everything from hardwood trim to screws.

Alternatively, you can buy a bare GRP hull moulding from a company like Lauren Marine of Southampton, which has recently started selling the hulls of Hunter Boats for home completion.

Go to it, then There’s no doubt that building your own boat is a challenge, but, in the words of Maurice Griffiths: ‘Go to it, then, and may the winds be fair for the little ship you will build.’


Jordan Boats will produce a kit from any set of plans with copyright permission, supplying you with all the plywood panels precision pre-cut. They are already tooled up to produce the kits for a number of Iain Oughtred, Selway Fisher and Dudley Dix rowing boats, dayboats and small cruisers, as well as a variety of craft from the pens of other designers. We asked three customers about their chosen boats.


The Iain Oughtred-designed Wee Seal has plenty of character

Retired from the financial services sector, Gordon Simpson is excited about his project. ‘She’s finally beginning to look like a boat,’ he says. ‘I’m one plank away from finishing the hull!’ Gordon started building his 18ft (5.48m) clinker-planked, gunter-rigged Wee Seal a year ago. ‘My neighbour had recently built a rowing skiff, and I thought it looked like a great idea. I built an Iain Oughtred-designed clinker rowing boat first. I then started looking for an open boat, but my wife wanted something we could sleep on – so we settled on the Wee Seal. I wanted something with character, and she fits the bill.’ Gordon’s kit included a full set of cut plywood parts, but the solid wood – the keel, trim and framework – was down to him. ‘Having the ply ready cut on a CNC router made everything much easier for a first attempt, as it was so accurate,’ says Gordon. ‘If you’re willing to put the time and effort in, boatbuilding’s a great hobby to have!’ he continues. ‘The plans reckon it’ll take around 1,000 hours to build – and I hope to have her sailing by next summer.’

Price: £2,685. Kit includes all plywood parts and MDF moulds. Total cost will  be around five times this price, for additional timber, glues, paint, fixings and rope.


‘Too enjoyable to rush’ – this Tideway 14 is a classic pocket cruiser

Graphic designer Graham Young started building his Selway-Fisher Tideway 14 pocket cruiser three-and-a-half years ago. ‘It’s been so enjoyable I haven’t rushed it!’ he says. ‘The thing I’ve enjoyed most is that there’s no time limit – unlike DIY around the house, when everything’s in a rush, I’ve been able to take my time. But I reckon three more months should see it through.’ Graham was disappointed he could find no DVD guides to building boats – so took some time off from his build to film one with Alec Jordan of Jordan Boats (see panel, page 51). Graham has just finished painting the hull and is now moving onto the rudder and rig. ‘It’s been quite a challenge,’ he says, ‘but definitely worth it. I would advise not starting too big – if you’re not sure what you’re doing, start with something small, learn the tricks and work up.’ Working from a kit also helps. ‘Having all the pieces pre-cut gave me a great kickstart,’ he says.

Price: £1,768. Kit includes all plywood parts for the boat. Total cost will be around five times this price, for all the additional timber, glues, paint, fixings, sails and rope.

Cape Henry 21


Gary Wallis finished his Cape Henry 21 gaffer in under a year

The Cape Henry 21 was developed from the well-known and successful GRP-built Cape Cutter 19. With a similar look to the Cornish Crabber, it was designed by South African designer Dudley Dix. Gary Wallis liked the look of the Cape Cutter and had built aeroplanes before he started his Cape Henry, which he built in just under a year. ‘I had to take my (now) wife to Las Vegas and marry her to keep her off my back,’ he laughs, ‘but I worked every evening until 8 and all my weekends until I’d finished.’ He says he’d highly recommend building from a kit. ‘Having the plywood panels precision pre-cut made everything so much more accurate, and improves the finished boat no end.’ Jordan Boats are also ready to tool up the plans for two more Dix designs, the Mini Didi, a Mini Transat racer, and the Dix 28, a sporty cruiser-racer.

Price: £2,536. Kit includes all plywood parts. Total cost will be around five times this price, for additional timber, glues, paint, fixings and rope.


If you ever built one of those wooden dinosaur skeletons as a child, you’ll know exactly how these clever kits go together. The frames, bulkheads, shelves and seats are connected to the keel and to each other by a series of precision pre-cut slots and tabs which interlock to form a rigid skeleton on a ready-made, lead-filled keel. Whisper’s kits are made by Scruffie boats in Australia, and according to Max Campbell, the UK importer, are unique. ‘We include everything down to the last bit of hardwood trim and laminated frame,’ he told PBO. ‘It’s the provision of these machined or laminated parts that makes the difference between a real kit and just having plywood sheets cut to suit plans.’ Whisper reckon it should take only three months working full-time on the build.


Chris Nunn built his Stornaway Weekender in just six months

Chris Nunn pulled out all the stops and built his 18ft (5.48m) Stornaway weekender in six months after he retired and moved to Bridport in Dorset. ‘Mooring charges were becoming extortionate,’ he says, ‘so we wanted something that would fit on the driveway. It all went to plan, I just threw it all together and in six months she was ready to sail.’ In common with all the Scruffie boats, the frame comes ready cut and ready to be assembled quickly and easily. ‘Everything came in the kit, even all the screws, so it was just a case of getting on and building it!’

Price: £8,953 complete kit


The Secret is Whisper’s best-selling model, and is a fast and capable boat

The 20ft (6.09m) Secret, described as halfway between an Essex Smack and a Sydney Harbour 18 footer, is Whisper’s most popular model. Max Campbell built one himself. ‘I was looking for a trailer-sailer to self-build, because I wanted control over the design and specification, but didn’t want the depreciation inevitable in buying a new finished boat,’ he explained. ‘My wife and I bought several sets of plans for other boats but always found a fatal flaw in their design – too ugly, or heavy, or wide, and then we came across the Secret, which fitted our bill perfectly.’ It only took a couple of weeks’ work to realise that the kit had taken most of the worry out of the build process, while leaving the satisfying building, and it still gave them plenty of scope for customisation. ‘From the first day there was no doubt that we were going to end up with a good, strong boat, and every day in the boat shed added significantly to what we’d done before. ‘The only woodwork I’d done before was building a model plane, and the process here was remarkably similar. Epoxy makes the whole process very forgiving – joints don’t lose either their strength or aesthetics if cut less than perfectly. ‘We were also grateful for the machined hardwood and laminated parts, because I don’t have a fully equipped workshop. We probably took about 1,500 hours, maybe more, and it did take longer than we’d envisaged, but in the end that didn’t matter because we enjoyed most of the actual building process, though fairing and painting did seem to go on for a long time!’

Price: £12,636 complete kit


This Scintilla has taken nearly five years to build, and is beautifully made

John Arter has been building his 24ft (7.31m) Scintilla gaffer in evenings and at weekends for five years. ‘The great thing about the kit is that it gives you a basic boat which you can personalise as much or as little as you like – I’ve put a lot of work in!’ he says. ‘I wanted a coastal cruiser, and the Scintilla has a wide hatch – so with a good awning over the cockpit, she’ll have standing headroom.’

Price: £12,352 complete kit

Contact: Whisper Boats,



The Pocket Ship: seated headroom below and a good turn of speed

Long-established Cumbrian company Fyne Boat Kits’ newest design is for the Pocket Ship, a 14ft 10in (4.52m) gaff-rigged cruiser with two berths down below and seated headroom. The kit includes all panels, and the holes for the ties are already cut. ‘She’s a fast-sailing pocket cruiser with a dry and commodious interior. It had to be quick and easy to build or the project would never get finished, so stitch-and-glue plywood construction was a given from the start. The panels are supplied ready-cut and with all ‘tie’ holes pre-drilled. The cockpit was laid out for day-sailing comfort and is large enough for sleeping on warm nights,’ explains Phil Smith.

Price: expected to be around £3,000

Contact: Fyne Boat Kits,



A daysailer like this Storm 17 makes a good, simple first project

Swallow Boats make a few small cuddy/cabin cruisers, such as the BayRaider (PBO February 2009), and will be releasing a kit version of the BayCruiser shortly. At present only their smaller models up to 17ft (5.18m) are available in kit form – and the Storm 17 open dayboat has found a loyal following. Ray Anderson got a kit shipped to South Africa. ‘When the idea to build a sailing boat got into my head I searched the internet for a suitable ‘old world’ type boat and eventually came across Swallow Boats,’ he says. ‘I fell in love with the looks of the Storm 17 and that was that. A lot of designs are all too much traditional building and I was put off. I wanted something that I could imagine building in a year or so. The Storm 17 has a low parts count and you have a lovely shape in a few weeks – you can pretend it’s almost finished! ‘It has been a fantastic project and totally satisfying. Every time I look at it I’m amazed at what started out as a few pieces of plywood.’ Price: £4,128 – everything included except paint and oars.

Contact: Swallow Boats,

Boatbuilding guides on DVD


This feature was originally published in PBO in 2009.

  • Types of Sailboats
  • Parts of a Sailboat
  • Cruising Boats
  • Small Sailboats
  • Design Basics
  • Sailboats under 30'
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  • Sailboats 45'-50'
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  • Masts & Spars
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  • The 12v Energy Equation
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How to Build a Boat

If you want to know how to build a boat you've come to the right place, because that's what we did, learning as we went. She's called Alacazam , and you can see her in action in the picture above, charging through the Caribbean Sea off Montserrat. And we're going to take you through the entire sailboat construction process...

Designers sketch of Alacazam, a light displacement cutter rigged sloop sailboat

Jumping forward several years...

She was called 'Alacazam' , from the great Nat King Cole's song Orange Coloured Sky, and these are her vital statistics...

  • Length overall: 11.5m (37.5 feet)
  • Waterline length: 10.6m (34.5 feet)
  • Beam: 3.9m (12.5 feet)
  • Draft: 2.2m (7 feet)
  • Displacement: 7,023kg (7.75 tons)
  • Displacement/length ratio: 159
  • Sail area/displacement ratio: 18.28

Of course you don't have to start from scratch as we did; there are a few other boat building options available that could save time and maybe cash too.

Whichever option you choose it's a very good idea to think the whole project through from beginning to end, as nothing can cause more disruption and additional cost than changing your mind halfway through a boat construction project.

It's an inescapable fact that cost and size are closely related, but not in a linear fashion as you might assume. If you double the length of the boat you're likely to increase the costs by a factor of four; and not just the build costs, but owning and operating costs too. Just wait until anti-fouling time comes around and you'll see what I mean.

Berthing costs seem to take a hike at around 12m (40ft) overall, and another at 15m (50ft), which was the final compelling factor in sizing our self-build cruising sailboat at 11.5m (38ft) on deck. This allowed for the anchor poking out at one end and the self-steering gear at the other, just in case any marina employee should get overzealous with the tape measure.

But where do you want to start? Here are your three main options:

  • Buy an old, tired boat and completely refurbish her, or
  • Buy a bare hull and deck moulding for home completion, or
  • Start from scratch, and build the hull yourself.

We'll take a look at these three options in turn:

1. Starting With a 'Fixer-Up'

This can be a great option, particularly if you can get your hands on an old but tired pedigree boat with a proven reputation like the Ted Brewer designed Morgan 28 shown here - and you might just get it at an absolute knockdown price.

An old tired sailboat ideal for a restoration project

With luck, much of the interior will be salvageable, but you'll probably want to bring the instruments and electronics up to date, replace the rig and all the rigging, install a new engine and stern gear and replace the hatches and much of the deck equipment.

But you really should get a professional surveyor involved before you take up such a project. Explain to him carefully what your intentions are, and ask him to prepare his report with that in mind; it could save you a whole heap of time and money.

2. Starting from a Bare GRP Hull

This approach will get you off to a flying start, particularly if the hull comes with the deck moulding already fitted and the bulkheads bonded in. The problem will be in finding one, as few manufacturers seem to offer this once popular option these days.

3. Starting from Scratch

You need to take a very deep breath before setting off along this route - and believe me, I know, because this is how we built our custom designed sailboat Alacazam .

Unless you're building from an established set of boat plans, you'll be well advised to get a yacht designer involved at the outset.

And one of your first decisions will be the choice of hull material - fibreglass, steel, aluminium, ferro-concrete or wood - but which one, and why?

The Outline Requirements for our 'Ideal Cruising Sailboat'

Jalingo 2, a heavy displacement, long keel, Nicholson 32 Mk 10 sailboat

My current boat at the time was a Nicholson 32 Mk10. Jalingo was a narrow hulled, heavy displacement, long keeled cruiser that I'd sailed thousands of miles - much of it singled handed (until I met Mary, who put paid to all of that self indulgence) - off the shores of the UK, France, Spain and Portugal, and to the Mediterranean and back.

Her hull shape and displacement ( Jalingo's , not Mary's) meant that she was comfortable in a seaway and great in a blow, but sluggish in light winds - and that keel meant she was a nightmare to handle in the confines of a marina.

Like all long-distance sailors we had a good idea as to what our 'ideal cruising sailboat' would be. I've always thought that a cutter rigged sloop is the ideal the ideal rig for a cruising boat, with a roller furling jib , a hanked-on staysail (easy to replace with a storm jib when necessary) and a slab-reefing mainsail with lazy jacks , as I don't trust either in-mast furling or in-boom furling .

Additionally she would:~

  • have high resistance to capsize;
  • be robust and easy to maintain;
  • have good performance under sail;
  • have a comfortable, easy motion underway;
  • be easily manageable by a small crew;
  • have sufficient internal volume for comfortable living aboard;
  • be affordable to own and operate.

Did we know how to build a boat with these desirable characteristics? No, but we knew a man who did. Enter Andrew Simpson, yacht designer, surveyor and shipwright - and one of my best chums...

The Designer's Proposals for our Ideal Cruising Sailboat

Gougeon Brothers on Boat Construction

We discussed all this at length, and made a number of sketches of both the interior layout and an efficient, workable cockpit .

Andrew did the number crunching and came up with an outline design for a 38ft (11.5m) cutter rigged wood/epoxy (cedar strip) water-ballasted cruising boat.

"She'll be light, quick, robust and comfortable" he said

"And seaworthy?" we asked

"Eminently so" he replied

"Right" we said, "Let's do it!"

And so we did...

So How Did We Build Alacazam ?

Here's the whole story, in words and pictures.

How to Build a Boat:

  • Part 1:  The All-Important Preparation
  • Part 2:  How to Build a Boat Hull in Western Red Cedar
  • Part 3:  Sheathing the Hull in Woven Glass Rovings
  • Part 4:  Cutting and Installing the Plywood Bulkheads
  • Part 5:  Building the Interior Structure
  • Part 6:  Constructing the Deck and Coach Roof
  • Part 7:  Moulding the GRP Cabin Top
  • Part 8:  Fitting the Bulb Keel
  • Part 9:  Making the Rudder

Next: How to Build a Boat, Part 1

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  • Length: 76.1m (249.7ft)
  • Built: 2024
  • Feadship, Royal Van Lent, The Netherlands

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  • Length: 80.1m (262.8ft)
  • Built: 2023
  • Bilgin, Turkey

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  • Length: 87m (285.4ft)
  • Built: 2020
  • Lurssen, Germany

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  • Length: 60.6m (198.8ft)
  • Built: 2022
  • Heesen, The Netherlands

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  • Length: 107.6m (353ft)
  • Benetti, Italy

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  • Length: 57m (187ft)
  • Built: 2019
  • Damen, The Netherlands

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  • Length: 56m (183.7ft)

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  • Length: 55m (180.4ft)
  • Amels, The Netherlands

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  • Length: 93m (305.1ft)
  • Feadship, The Netherlands

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  • Length: 109m (357.6ft)
  • Built: 2018
  • Oceanco, The Netherlands

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Abeking & Rasmussen

Founded in 1907, Abeking & Rasmussen is globally renowned for producing high-quality custom motor yachts from 45-125m.

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AKYACHT is an ISO 9001, Lloyd's-certified shipyard in Turkey. Its first breakthrough project was the spectacular 85m VICTORIOUS, the biggest superyacht ever built in Turkey.

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Alia Yachts

Alia Yachts was founded in 2008 in Antalaya, Turkey. Its Lloyd's certified facilities are equipped for cutting edge yacht construction in carbon reinforced composite, steel and aluminium up to 80m.

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Established in 1854, Cantiere Baglietto Spa specialises in the construction of new planing aluminium yachts between 35-50m in length, and steel and aluminium displacement superyachts over 40m.

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With three facilities spread across Viareggio and Livorno in Italy, and rich brand heritage, Benetti is a leading light in the production of 35-70m superyachts.

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Cantiere delle Marche

The Ancona-based Cantiere delle Marche (CdM), founded in 2010, builds 26-48m explorer yachts in steel and aluminum. CdM is the No.1 expedition yacht builder worldwide for the third year running.

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With origins dating back to 1825, Codecasa is a family company specialising in the building of large yachts in steel and aluminium up to 72m in length and fast motoryachts up to 50m in length.

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CRN Shipyards

Founded in Ancona in 1963, CRN yachts are often characterised by a distinctive pointed bow, which has become something of a signature for this Italian yard.

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Custom Line

Founded in 1996, brand of Ferretti Group and based in Ancona, Italy, Custom Line designs and builds planing and displacement yachts in composite from 30-42m in length with over 250 yachts delivered.

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Damen Yachting

Damen Yachting is the master yacht builder behind more than 100 Amels superyachts, SeaXplorer expedition yachts, yacht support vessels and major yacht refits.

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Delta Marine

Located in Seattle, Washington, Delta Marine has a worldwide reputation for producing custom-built luxury yachts of up to 100m in length.

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Based in the Netherlands and with roots dating back to 1849, Feadship is recognised as the world leader in the field of pure custom superyachts.

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Fincantieri Yachts, part of the leading Western shipbuilder Fincantieri, is a world leader in both superyacht and cruise ship design and construction.

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Heesen Yachts

Renowned for its innovation, Heesen is the world leader in aluminium construction, and dominates the 50-60m semi-custom market.

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Located in Ancona, ISA Yachts builds luxury superyachts from 44-80m in steel, aluminium and fibreglass.

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Based in Germany, Lürssen is the leading shipyard for large luxury yacht building as well as refit of yachts from 50-200m.

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Mariotti Yachts

Mariotti is a world leader in the fields of ultra-luxury cruise shipbuilding, superyachts and supply vessel construction.

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Located in Northern Germany, Nobiskrug has built over 750 seagoing vessels, delivering a select portfolio of custom superyachts including the 143m Sailing Yacht A.

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Oceanco builds award-winning large custom yachts, such as the 106.7m Black Pearl, the world's largest and most sustainable sailing yacht, and the 110m Jubilee, the largest Dutch-built yacht.

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Pendennis is a world-class custom build and refit yard in Falmouth, UK, specialising in luxury sail and motor yachts between 30-100m.

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Perini Navi

Renowned for pioneering automation and furling systems in large sailing yachts, Perini Navi today builds both sailing and motor yachts, most famous of which is MALTESE FALCON.

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Established in 1980, Rossinavi builds custom superyachts between 40-70m in four locations between Viareggio and Pisa.

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Royal Hakvoort

A family shipyard since 1919, Royal Hakvoort builds luxury yachts in steel and aluminium up to 65m in length.

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Royal Huisman

A family-owned shipyard established in 1884, Royal Huisman specialises in the build and repair of custom luxury sailing yachts, as well as motor yachts.

build your own sailing yacht

Founded in 1958, Sanlorenzo builds a limited number of high quality, made to measure superyachts at its shipyard in La Spezia, Italy. Today, Sanlorenzo ranks highly among builders of Superyachts over 40m.

build your own sailing yacht

Tankoa Yachts

Tankoa specialises in semi-custom and custom yachts of 50-90m with Northern European quality and Italian DNA for design and flexibility.

build your own sailing yacht

The Italian Sea Group

TISG operates in the new-built industry with the brands Admiral (yachts over 50m) and Tecnomar (yachts up to 45m) while it works in the refitting industry with the brand NCA Refit (yachts over 60m).

build your own sailing yacht

Turquoise Yachts

Turquoise Yachts (formerly known as Proteksan Turquoise) is a builder of custom power and sailing superyachts, and Dr. Al Barwani, owner of Oceanco, recently became the majority shareholder.

build your own sailing yacht

Based in Zwartsluis, The Netherlands, Vitters has established a reputation for delivering sailing yachts of uncompromising quality and innovative design.

  • Yacht designers

build your own sailing yacht

Bannenberg & Rowell Design

A luxury yacht and jet design company based in London’s Fulham. Headed up by Dickie Bannenberg, son of the great Jon Bannenberg, the studio is renowned for creative, contemporary and approachable design – both interior and exterior.

build your own sailing yacht

Espen Oeino

Under the leadership of the eponymous Norwegian naval architect, Espen Oeino International has been designing iconic superyacht interiors and exteriors since the 1990s. Based in Monaco the studio has worked with Burgess on several projects, most notably the 72m Trinity Yachts-built ALBATROSS and the 156m Lurssen DILBAR, the largest yacht afloat by volume.

build your own sailing yacht

H2 Yacht Design

Jonny Horsfield established H2 Yacht design in London in 1994. Today it is a multi-disciplined exterior and interior styling team that has earned a reputation for challenging conventions in yacht design. The studio has so far collaborated on five projects with Burgess, most recently with Heesen.

build your own sailing yacht

Harrison Eidsgaard

International yacht designers and architects, Harrison Eidsgaard Design is headed up by its three partners, Peder and Ewa Eidsgaard and Ben Harrison. Undertaking both exterior and interior styling, the studio’s most notable yachts to date include the award-winning TANGO and ELANDESS, the latter being the studio’s first project with Burgess.

build your own sailing yacht

Jonathan Quinn Barnett leads a talented team of award-winning yacht designers. Established in 1995, the studio has created original exterior yacht designs and interior architecture for discerning clients in the luxury marketplace. With a critical eye on proportion and detail, designs of distinction associated with Burgess include the interior of OCTOPUS and popular charter yacht MUCHOS MAS.

build your own sailing yacht

Michael Leach Design

Established in 1997 by Mick Leach with Mark Smith joining in 1999, MLD is an multi award-winning design practice specialising in marine, aviation and residential projects. With over 60 years’ industry experience collectively, having worked in various top design offices, MLD is now established as one of the industry’s leading and most successful design offices.

build your own sailing yacht

Reymond Langton Design

Headed up by design duo Pascale Reymond and Andrew Langton, the London-based studio was founded in 2001. The studio has since delivered 28 motor and sailing yachts, including the 134m SERENE, the largest yacht built in Italy at that time. Originally based in London, the studio’s HQ has since moved to the historic city of Bath.

build your own sailing yacht

Situated in the stunning surrounds of Beaulieu in the New Forest, RWD is best known for the design of superyachts such as motor yacht HASNA and sailing yacht TWIZZLE. Founded in 1993, RWD has to date completed six collaborative projects with Burgess.

build your own sailing yacht

Sorgiovanni Designs

Established by yacht designer Sam Sorgiovanni in 1997, the eponymous design studio is based in Perth, Australia, and undertakes both exterior and interior designs. The studio’s unique location lends a point of difference to its body of work and it has become well-known for designing superyachts with an exotic feel, as well as great attention to detail.

build your own sailing yacht

Terence Disdale Design

Terence Disdale Design is an award-winning design studio located in London, and responsible for the interior and exterior design of the some of the world's most significant yachts. Renowned for a ‘beach house’ style, the studio’s most notable yachts include ECLIPSE and PELORUS, and it has no fewer than 10 collaborative projects with Burgess to date.

build your own sailing yacht

Tim Heywood Design

A multi-award-winning exterior yacht designer, Tim Heywood Design has produced some of the largest yachts on water, including the 133m AL MIRQAB. Located in Hampshire, the eponymous yacht designer cut his teeth under the guidance of Jon Bannenberg and in the 40 years since has completed six collaborative projects with Burgess.

build your own sailing yacht

Winch Design

A full-service award-winning British design and architecture studio specialising in the exterior and interior styling of motor and sailing yachts, aircraft, residential and commercial properties, Winch Design was established in 1986 and has to date completed seven collaborative projects with Burgess.

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build your own sailing yacht

How Burgess helps clients like you to build a better yacht

build your own sailing yacht

PROJECT ACE – the perfect yacht?

build your own sailing yacht

ALVIA delivered – a true Burgess full-service yacht

build your own sailing yacht

Superyacht interior design ideas

build your own sailing yacht

Burgess and Alia Yachts collaborate on their first new build yacht project together

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Looking into future fuels

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Thanks to you, Burgess nears its 49th year on a high

build your own sailing yacht

The smart way to build a semi-production yacht

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Available in the Med & Adriatic for summer

Brand new, show-stopping yacht with every amenity you could hope for. Ideal platform for a multi-generational holiday

build your own sailing yacht


Few weeks remaining for summer in the West Med & Adriatic

Enormous open plan sun deck, eye-catching interior, gym, extensive al fresco covered dining areas and elevated platform for sunset viewing

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  • ABOVE 400'-200'
  • MID RANGE 200'-150'

It’s Time To Build Your Own Yacht

If you’re ever trying to rationalize a reason to build your own yacht,  look no further than your dreams. Think of the places you’ll go. The true beauty of a yacht, sometimes forgotten in her size and her solid feel and homelike surroundings, is that she is a conveyance, a mode of transport that can bring you and your family and friends to anywhere you could wish.

build your own yacht

Build A Yacht For Your Lifestyle

Imagine spending the day exploring the meandering, shadowed streets of an old world town, having lunch at a sidewalk café, and showing your children or grandchildren the frescoes of a cathedral you learned about in a college art class (was it really that long ago?), returning to the yacht at dusk for dinner on board, and then an overnight passage, where you wake to discover an island laid out before you, with no other boats around, and a selection of snorkeling gear, standup paddleboards, kayaks, and more at your disposal. Only a yacht can deliver this kind of experience.

Yacht Building Is Your Ultimate Creation

But, why build your own yacht? It’s a good question. When you’re ready to make your mark on both the world and your life, there are few better ways to express oneself than through the creation of something wonderful. And, with a team of professionals dedicated to making your dreams a reality, and guide you through the steps of creating something real, and substantial, and beautiful, there’s no limit to what you can accomplish. To build your own yacht is to embrace your full understanding of the yin and yang of your personality.

build your own yacht

New Yacht Construction Specialists

New yacht construction includes the technical specifications you lay out for performance and range, speed and hull volume, class and capability, all with the help of the yachting experts at Merle Wood & Associates who have extensive knowledge and new build experience. They have dedicated their careers to assisting their clients in creating something new and unique. Building a new luxury yacht can be a complex and costly event for someone unfamiliar with the process, which is why having a recognized global leader in megayacht construction on your team, before going to contact, ensures that the right elements are covered.

Custom Mega Yachts

Your custom yacht also comprises the beautiful spaces you will create and enjoy with your family and friends, replete with the welcoming social spaces that will offer unmatched vistas, embracing the sea breezes on the aft deck or from the flying bridge, gathering spots for the whole family that will provide the latest in media technology or a respite from it, as you prefer. How you want to divide your available space between stateroom and bath, closets and seating, galley and on-board gym, family and guests, it’s all up to you.

build your own yacht

Build or Buy A Luxury Yacht

Of course, the creative process required to build your own yacht doesn’t happen overnight—and that’s part of the appeal, since the ultimate goal is meant to have an air of timelessness, of real creation, of getting it right. Often a candidate for a yacht-building project will instead buy a mega yacht, and this can be a simpler solution to one looking to step into a situation for the upcoming season. But similar to undertaking the effort to build your own yacht, the purchase process will be aided by dedicated professionals who will look to you for direction.

Luxury Yacht Ownership Awaits

Knowing one’s mind in terms of the required capabilities of the yacht and also the amenities desired will certainly help the process along and may in fact inspire you to consider building your own yacht, especially after one considers the available inventory on the market. After all, it all gets back to you and your dreams. And when you think of the places you’ll go, yacht ownership simply makes sense . The question is not, “ why buy a yacht ? ” The question is simply when and how. So whether you wish to know how to buy a yacht , build your own yacht or buy a mega yacht, the next step awaits.

build your own yacht

Speak To A Yacht Broker

To build your own yacht, you’ll want expert guidance from qualified new yacht construction specialists. Merle Wood & Associates have seen the construction (including those now in progress) of more than 60 yachts ranging from 100 feet to more than 500 feet in length. Because of this, we are globally recognized by our piers and clients as leaders in new yacht construction.

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How to Build a Boat

build your own boat

Whether you’re looking at an aluminum fishing boat , a cabin cruiser , or anything in between, you’re looking at a modern boat that took countless hours of designing, craftsmanship, and manufacturing to produce . And while you certainly can’t create that sort of advanced watercraft in your own back yard, that doesn’t mean you can’t build your own boat.

Missing media item.

Small, simple craft like the row boat you might use to paddle out to your “real” boat, canoes, and toy boats built for a wet joyride or two can all be fun DIY projects that enhance your own personal experiences on the water. 

Popular DIY Build a Boat Options

Some great examples of DIY boats include:

Plywood Sheet Boats

Duct tape & cardboard boats.

Before we get into each, let’s point out that not all of these are what you’d call “seaworthy.” Some will only be appropriate for use in small bodies of protected waters, where you can stand up if your boat sinks (yes, life jackets are still required!)

Others will work fine in ponds with no waves or current, but can’t be expected to have the stability nor wave-handling abilities of even the smallest dinghy that’s been manufactured to modern safety standards. In many of these cases the idea here isn’t to build a boat to go cruising or fishing —it’s to build your own boat for fun.

Explore Professional Boat Builder Models & Brands

One of the simplest and least expensive methods of building a boat that you can use repeatedly in small, protected bodies of water, is to slap together plywood sheets into a box with a section angled up for the bow. Will it comfortable in any sort of waves? Not likely. But it is a quick and easy project that you can tackle with a budget of just a couple hundred dollars, and it results in a mini-boat that will last.

The process is quite simple:

  • Sketch out the dimensions you want;
  • Cut plywood sheets for the bottom, sides, transom, and bow;
  • Cut trim (such as 1”-by-2” wood strips) to line all the joints;
  • Secure the sides and bottom by driving screws through them and into the trim; 
  • Seal all the joints with an adhesive/sealant; 
  • Finally, give the boat a coat of paint to protect the plywood and extend its lifespan.

If you want to build a plywood sheet boat, it’s a good idea to look at some basic plans first (plenty are available on the internet). And always remember that this sort of craft isn’t meant for use on open water, nor without lifejackets being worn at all times. When you go for your first sea trial you’ll likely find it rather unstable and difficult to row in a straight line—but you’ll be rowing your very own boat, that you built with your own two hands.

Building a kit boat can result in a much more seaworthy craft than most of these other DIY backyard projects, however, it also costs quite a bit more money. In most cases, you’ll be paying for the plans, pre-cut materials, and shipping. Accessories like oars or sails generally will need to be purchased after the project is complete. Depending on the size and type of kit boat you build your budget can range from a couple thousand dollars to $10,000 or even more.

Different kit boat companies offer different building styles, ranging from:

  • Strip planking over frames to stitch-and-glue construction (where the sheets of wood are connected by sewing wire through pre-drilled holes).
  • In some cases, the wood framework of the boat will need to be encapsulated in epoxy resin and/or fiberglass once its assembled.
  • Some kits have interlocking pieces and parts that snap together like puzzle parts, while others will need to be glued together or mechanically fastened.

Each of these different methods require different levels of skill, time, and expense, so before buying a kit boat you should thoroughly research just what’s involved with the construction method that’s to be used.

That said, the time and expense involved with building a kit boat is worth it to many people because the end result can be a rather substantial, long-lasting watercraft.

Can you merely cap off some PVC tubes to act as pontoons, strap on a deck or seat, and call it a boat? Sure you can. And while the end result is not likely to be a boat you’d ever want to launch in anything larger than a farm-pond, it will withstand the test of time.

PVC boats are also incredibly easy to build since the pieces and parts are all readily available at well-stocked hardware stores, can be glued together, and are fairly inexpensive. Depending on how ambitious you get you could spend a few hundred dollars on materials, even more if you built a plywood deck or added seating.

The most important thing to keep in mind when building a PVC boat is how much floatation you’ll get out of different sized pipes.

  • As an example, 10-inch diameter pipe will float about 300 pounds per 10-foot section.
  • So a pair of pipes can support around 600 pounds in total before becoming immersed.
  • But you have to account for the weight of the PVC and any decking material you might use, and to make sure you stay above the waterline it’s a good idea to only plan for half the total weight capacity to be used. S
  • So a boat you make with a pair of those pipes will be appropriate for a single adult of up to 200 or 250 pounds, give or take—depending on how willing you are to get wet.

There are some plans for PVC boats available for free on the internet, so a little bit of Googling can go a long way in making sure you end up with the type of boat you’re expecting.

We’re lumping duct tape boats and cardboard boats together, because quite often they’re one and the same. Often the boat’s structure will be cardboard and duct tape is used to (more or less) protect the cardboard from getting saturated. This is the most common construction method used for many of the cardboard boat races and contests held across the nation.

In some other cases, people build a basic framework out of thin PVC pipes, chicken-wire, or wood stripping, and then create multi-layer hull “plating” with the tape.

Although you can probably scrounge up plenty of cardboard without spending a dime, the expense of building a duct tape boat can be bigger than one might guess.

  • You’ll need several rolls of tape (the thicker you layer it on, the better) so a budget of $50 or more is not out of line.
  • Of course, neither cardboard nor duct tape are the best boatbuilding materials in the world. Often these are single-use boats that can be expected to sink in short order.
  • So this is another case where you shouldn’t so much as step aboard without having your life jacket  on, and the use of these boats should be close to the shoreline in protected waters.

Any way you look at it, however, building a duct tape or cardboard boat gets right at the heart of why you’d want to take on a DIY boatbuilding project in the first place: because it’s fun!

Read Next: 10 Easy, Affordable Boat DIY Improvement Projects

You May Also Like:

  • How to Buy a Boat
  • Boat Hull Types, Shapes & Designs
  • Why Should I Buy a Certified Boat?
  • How to Launch a Boat
  • Find the Right Boat for Your Lifestyle

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Your Vision. Your Burger.

Creating a custom-built yacht is a journey unlike any other. Conceiving your yacht alongside Burger’s engineers and design team is a remarkable experience: developing the specifics, reviewing the plans and making decisions as you watch your dreams materialize before your eyes. Burger welcomes all clients to enjoy the progression of their journey while your custom creation evolves.

build your own sailing yacht

The first step in delivering the yacht of your dreams is to share your vision with the Burger design team and engineering staff. Our in-depth design brief helps define your priorities for a yacht. We recommend touring the Burger shipyard where you can meet our exceptional team, learn how your yacht will be constructed and to witness the true value of Burger’s experience and craftsmanship.

After defining your vision, your dreams will begin to take shape in dramatic conceptual designs, renderings and cost estimates, presented for your direction and approval before moving forward.

Conceptual designs and renderings include:

  • Hull designs
  • Exterior styling and interior floor plans
  • Interior elevation renderings
  • Engines, propulsion and electric generation equipment selection
  • Special requirements, including recreational and/or shore tenders and storage options
  • Navigation electronics and entertainment system descriptions

build your own sailing yacht

Once you’ve approved the design, Burger will prepare a detailed design and specification breakdown with descriptions of every step in your yacht’s construction; from its development milestones to key points of approval. With a finalized and signed contract, your yacht is on the way to fruition. Each step of the build is documented before work begins, with a detailed timeline that describes each step of the process, so that you remain involved and aware of our progress, every step of the way.

build your own sailing yacht

Months of careful planning and construction culminate when it’s time to launch your new Burger yacht. Along with the Burger team, you and/or your captain take your new Burger yacht through various sea trials, including at-sea observations and detailed walk-through inspections. At this stage, final modifications and refinements are made.

Northland Cruising

Congratulations; owning a Burger built for you also means you’ve joined the most exclusive fleet of yachts in the world. Our craftsmen share your pride in seeing your new yacht launched, and value each customer relationship that endures long after delivery. Bringing your dreams to reality is what makes every Burger yacht unique and extraordinary.

With your Burger set out into open waters, a new journey begins.

Custom Yachts

View Burger's full fleet of custom yachts, uniquely crafted to each owner's vision of limitless luxury.

Design Concepts

Explore Burger's newest design concepts and yachts under construction — and bring your ideas to their design.

Salt Boatworks - Build your own boat

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Build Your Own Boat!

bay boat

Stitch & Glue Designs

solo skiff boat plans

The Flats River Skiff 12 is a light, compact and stable solo skiff to access shallow water.

  • 2″ – 4″ draft 
  • 1 person max

microskiff plans

The Flats River Skiff 14 is the big sister to the FRS-12 , a light weight 2 person solo style skiff.

  • 4′2″ beam
  • 3″ – 6″ draft @ 825 lbs
  • 2 people max

Flats Boat Plans

The Flats River Skiff 15 is a flats style 2 person shallow water hunting & fishing boat.

  • 15′ LOA
  • 5’4″ beam
  • 5″ – 7″ draft
  • 3 people max

FRS-16 buy boat plans

The Flats River Skiff 16 hits the sweet spot for a 3-4 person shallow water fishing boat.

  • 16’7″ LOA
  • 6’3″ beam
  • 8″ – 10″ draft
  • 4 people max

bay boat plans

The Flats River Skiff 18 is the perfect bay and flats fishing boat.

  • 18’6″ LOA
  • 7’3″ beam
  • 8″ – 11″ draft
  • 5 people max

Cold Molded Designs

build your own sailing yacht

The CS-18 is a smaller version of our original CS-21 for those looking for a smaller boat with lower freeboard to inshore waters.

  • Cruise 25-30mph

harkers island boat plans

The CS-21 was inspired by the iconic Harkers Island style work boats. This center console design features unmistakable lines, a Carolina flared bow and a modified V bottom.

  • 10″ – 12″ draft
  • Cruise 30mph

Carolina Bay Boat

The CB-17 is the sister design to the FRS-16.  She stands out as a custom flats boat with Carolina flare and rounded transom.

  • 17′ LOA
  • Cruise 25mph

Carolina Boat

The C-25 is a North Carolina sport fishing boat in a trailerable center console layout. With Carolina flared bow, broken shear and tumblehome she is an iconic design.

  • 28′ LOA (25’2″ hull)
  • 8′6″ beam
  • 16″ – 18″ draft
  • 350hp single or twin 200hp max
  • Cruise 30-35mph

More Info and Helpful Links

How to videos, plans & kits.

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Personalise your fishing weapon, limited series.

Bow Rider Models

Models Bar Crusher

Waveslicer® More


Building on the success of Bar Crusher's Waveslicer® deep-V, non-pounding hull, the innovative Gen2® hull design with Delta Flare® delivers significant benefit in the 490 to 615 hull series for better all-round performance.

Rigideck® More


Quickflow® More


Dual console More


Quality windscreen More


Casting platform More


The bow lounge area quickly converts to a functional forward casting platform, with five fully-carpeted and removable boards. Storage for all sorts of gear is available in the cavernous areas under the casting platform.

Folding rear lounge More


Deck grip More


Side pocket storage More


Side pocket storage running the full length of the cockpit on both sides of the boat. Ideal for bait rods, tagpoles, gaffs, nets, fenders and other gear. High-grade marine carpet along the bottom of each pocket to prevent gear banging around when underway.

Positive floatation More


Full-length air buoyancy chambers even further increase the safety factor of every Bar Crusher boat. Unlike foam (which is known to rot in a boat's hull), the fully welded and sealed deck ensures complete peace of mind on the water.

Step-through transom More


Livebait tank More


Baitboard More


Sturdy (and removable) baitboard with rod holders and integrated drink holders. The baitboard drains into the berley bucket, while the durable cutting board can be removed for cleaning and also replaced when worn. Baitboard is interchangeable with optional ski pole.

Berley bucket More


Heavy duty ladder More


The heavy duty boarding ladder allows easy access into and out of the boat, whether on the water or on the trailer. Solid alloy construction, flip-up/flip-down, firmly secured via a mounting bracket welded to the marlin board.

Game Lock® coaming More


Cast alloy rod holders More


Hydraulic steering More


Underfloor fuel tank More


The 200L underfloor fuel tank, combined with the efficiency of modern outboard engines, ensures you will have a serious cruising range when out on the water. Fully welded and sealed, the tank is as durable as every Bar Crusher boat.

Fuel filler w/ fill-stop valve More


Clear bowl fuel filter More


Bilge pump – 2000gph More


Dual batteries More


LED navigation lights More


LED anchor light More


LED strip lights More


Illuminated switches More


12V power outlet More


A 12V DC power outlet installed in the dash allows you to run a handheld spotlight, charge your mobile phone or camera, or run other accessories. Controlled via a switch on the dash, so you can leave your accessory plugged in.

Charging ports More


SARCA anchor #2 More


Anchor deck fitting More


Dual-axle trailer More


Bar Catch® More


  • Bar Crusher White
  • Ebony Black
  • Inferno Orange
  • Venom Green
  • Shockwave Blue
  • Stealth Grey

Lounge cushions

build your own sailing yacht

The spacious lounge in the bow offers comfortable seating for several people. Each full set of cushions includes console backrest cushions and side/front cushions. The trim colour is matched to the selected hull colour.

Targa rocket launcher

build your own sailing yacht

Sturdy and stylish, the targa rocket launcher can also flip back into the boat for easy storage. Use with or without the optional bimini.

Bimini for targa

build your own sailing yacht

This tough canvas bimini top complements the targa rocket launcher. Removable when not required, it can also accommodate a set of optional clears.

Stressfree NG Mini 50

Stressfree mini 50.

build your own sailing yacht

The Stressfree NG Mini 50 (freefall) anchor winch has a 500W motor, which delivers a retrieval rate of around 52m per minute. The freefall function is very handy in deep water. Quick and easy.

build your own sailing yacht

Give your arms a rest and fit an anchor winch in your boat. The Stressfree Mini 50 anchor winch has a 500W motor, which delivers a retrieval rate of around 52m per minute. Quick and easy.

Anchor rope/chain kit

build your own sailing yacht

This rope/chain kit is designed to suit Stressfree anchor winches. Kit includes approximately 100m of 6mm double braid and chain, and is spliced and spooled onto the drum for your convenience.

Bow-mount bracket

build your own sailing yacht

A bracket designed for a bow-mount electric motor is welded to the bow. Strong and sturdy, it accommodates different brands of electric motors.

build your own sailing yacht

Designed with an electric actuator for positive closure, the Bar Flap® system is operated from a switch at the helm. This feature is useful for shallow draft applications or when running lightly loaded in heavy seas.

Saltwater deck wash

build your own sailing yacht

The saltwater deck wash system includes a 5.2gpm pump, heavy duty coiled hose and quality spray attachment. It's a great system for washing away mess while you're on the water.

Clip-on rod rack

build your own sailing yacht

The re-positionable rod rack clips directly to the side pocket. Each clip-on rod rack allows vertical storage for up to four fishing rods. Use or remove them from your boat as required.

Baitstation w/ drawers

build your own sailing yacht

STANDARD Sturdy (and removable) baitboard with rod holders and integrated drink holders. The baitboard drains into the berley bucket, while the durable cutting board can be removed for cleaning and also replaced when worn. Baitboard is interchangeable with optional ski pole.

build your own sailing yacht

A scaled-down version of the premium baitstation with drawers fitted to larger models, the mini deluxe two-drawer baitstation is permanently fixed to the transom. Rod holders, drink holders, two drawers (lined with deck grip) and secured with bungy cord on each side. Durable cutting board can be removed for cleaning, and also replaced when worn.

Removable ski pole

build your own sailing yacht

Interchangeable with a removable baitboard, the ski pole (105kg load rating) is suitable for towing a skier or wakeboarder. (Ski pole option is for boats with removable baitboard, as baitstations are permanently fixed to the transom.)

FishMat™ flooring

build your own sailing yacht

FishMat™ flooring is a convenient way to cover the checkerplate deck of your boat, while maintaining the low-maintenance benefits of every Bar Crusher. Anti-fatigue and non-slip, the deck can be hosed out in minutes.

build your own sailing yacht

All deep-V hulls can benefit from a set of trim tabs to assist with lateral trim, especially in windy conditions and offshore. These custom-designed alloy trim tabs are operated by electric actuators via a control at the helm.

Mid. horsepower

Max. horsepower, min. horsepower.

build your own sailing yacht

Mid-range recommended outboard engine for this boat.

build your own sailing yacht

Maximum recommended outboard engine for this boat.

Minimum recommended outboard engine for this boat.

Dual-axle trailer

Alloy trailer.

build your own sailing yacht

STANDARD Custom-designed for the hull, the factory-packaged galvanised steel trailer ensures the boat self-levels and aligns perfectly every time. Fitted as standard with Bar Crusher’s innovative Bar Catch® launch/retrieve system.

build your own sailing yacht

UPGRADE Custom-designed for the hull, the factory-packaged alloy dual-axle trailer ensures the boat self-levels and aligns perfectly every time. Fitted as standard with Bar Crusher’s innovative Bar Catch® launch/retrieve system.

Stone guard – framed

build your own sailing yacht

The stainless steel framed stone guard kit is ideal for protecting the boat while towing. A zippered section on each side also provides easy access to the hull when washing the boat.

  • Length overall (mm) 6150
  • Beam (mm) 2250
  • Internal freeboard (mm) 780
  • Bottom sides (mm) 4
  • Top sides (mm) 4
  • Transom length (in) 25
  • Fuel capacity (L) 200
  • Fuel system SafeTank™
  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 1620
  • Minimum horsepower 115
  • Maximum horsepower 150
  • Overall length on trailer (mm) – hitch to prop 7300
  • Overall width on trailer (mm) 2250
  • Height on trailer (mm) 2150
  • Overall height with roof folded (mm) n/a
  • Maximum persons 6

build your own sailing yacht

Bar Crusher's well-proven Waveslicer®  hull incorporates a smooth, deep-V design that slices beautifully through waves without pounding. The hull delivers exceptional performance in all directions and conditions.


The 230L underfloor fuel tank, combined with the efficiency of modern outboard engines, ensures you will have a serious cruising range when out on the water. Fully welded and sealed, the tank is as durable as every Bar Crusher boat.

SARCA anchor #3 More


Designed with an electric actuator for positive closure, the  Bar Flap®  system is operated from a switch at the helm. This feature is useful for shallow draft applications or when running lightly loaded in heavy seas.

STANDARD This premium two-drawer baitstation is permanently fixed to the transom. Rod holders, drink holders, two large drawers (lined with deck grip) and secured with bungy cord on each side. Durable cutting board can be removed for cleaning, and also replaced when worn.

  • Length overall (mm) 6700
  • Beam (mm) 2350
  • Internal freeboard (mm) 800
  • Bottom sides (mm) 5
  • Fuel capacity (L) 230
  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 1820
  • Minimum horsepower 150
  • Maximum horsepower 200
  • Overall length on trailer (mm) – hitch to prop 8000
  • Overall width on trailer (mm) 2350
  • Height on trailer (mm) 2090

Cuddy Cabin Models

Models Bar Crusher

Helm dash More


Ergonomically-designed dash capable of flush mounting mid-sized MFDs, digital gauges and other controls. Side-mount throttle control is located to starboard.

Folding windscreen More


The folding safety glass windscreen conveniently reduces the boat's overall on-trailer height for easy storage in low garages and carports, as well as creates a more aerodynamic profile when towing on the road.

Forward hatch More


The 115L underfloor fuel tank, combined with the efficiency of modern outboard engines, ensures you will have a serious cruising range when out on the water. Fully welded and sealed, the tank is as durable as every Bar Crusher boat.

Single battery More


Folding rear seat More


SARCA anchor #1 More

Seats w/ storage more.


Forward bunks More


A full set of forward bunks hides the spacious storage areas beneath. Covered in high-quality marine vinyl, these comfortable bunks fit neatly into position to ensure they stay in place, even during rough conditions on the water.

Single-axle trailer More


Custom-designed for the hull, the factory-packaged galvanised steel trailer ensures the boat self-levels and aligns perfectly every time. Fitted as standard with Bar Crusher’s innovative Bar Catch® launch/retrieve system.

build your own sailing yacht

Single battery

Dual batteries.

build your own sailing yacht

STANDARD Quality marine battery for confident engine starting and running onboard electronics. Housed in a weather-resistant battery box and secured in the purpose-built battery shelf in the transom.

build your own sailing yacht

If you're running an anchor winch or electric motor, you may like to consider upgrading to a dual-battery system in your boat. Complete with a battery isolation switch, the system provides peace of mind if you want more onboard power.

Seats w/ tackle box

Seats w/ tackle storage and icebox.

build your own sailing yacht

STANDARD Two comfortable, swivelling, bucket seats are mounted on top of sturdy seat boxes with convenient tackle storage beneath. The storage available in the seat boxes means you can leave gear in your boat, so you're always ready to go.

build your own sailing yacht

Side-mount bolster seat with easily-accessible tackle storage and 75L slide-out icebox. The insulated icebox is ideal for food, drinks, fish, or as additional dry storage or seating. A strap point secures the icebox while underway. Icebox can also be slid forward to maximise cockpit space.

Single-axle trailer

build your own sailing yacht

UPGRADE Custom-designed for the hull, the factory-packaged galvanised steel trailer ensures the boat self-levels and aligns perfectly every time. Fitted as standard with Bar Crusher’s innovative Bar Catch® launch/retrieve system.

  • Length overall (mm) 5350
  • Beam (mm) 2150
  • Internal freeboard (mm) 690
  • Top sides (mm) 3
  • Fuel capacity (L) 115
  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 1150
  • Minimum horsepower 60
  • Maximum horsepower 115
  • Overall length on trailer (mm) – hitch to prop 6750
  • Overall width on trailer (mm) 2150
  • Overall height with roof folded (mm) 1920
  • Maximum persons 5

Models Bar Crusher

Folding hard top w/ clears More


Folding hard top with clears for added weather protection. The folding gas-strut roof and windscreen reduces the boat's on-trailer height by up to a metre for easy storage in standard garages and carports.


Together with the folding roof, the folding safety glass windscreen conveniently reduces the boat's overall on-trailer height by up to a metre for easy storage in low garages and carports.

Rocket launcher More


Sturdy rocket launcher designed for the folding hard top. The rod holders can accept rods with gimbal fittings, and each is spaced far enough apart to prevent gear banging together while underway.

Seats w/ tackle box More


Two comfortable bolster seats are mounted on top of sturdy seat boxes with convenient tackle storage. Tackle storage trays are included. Front of each bolster seat flips-up to create a secure standing position for driving.

The 160L underfloor fuel tank, combined with the efficiency of modern outboard engines, ensures you will have a serious cruising range when out on the water. Fully welded and sealed, the tank is as durable as every Bar Crusher boat.


A full set of forward bunks hides the spacious storage areas beneath. Covered in high-quality marine vinyl, these comfortable bunks fit neatly into position to ensure they stay in place, even during rough conditions on the water.

build your own sailing yacht

STANDARD Two comfortable bolster seats are mounted on top of sturdy seat boxes with convenient tackle storage. Tackle storage trays are included. Front of each bolster seat flips-up to create a secure standing position for driving.

build your own sailing yacht

Side-mount bolster seat with easily-accessible tackle storage and 75L split lid, slide-out icebox. The insulated icebox is ideal for food, drinks, fish, or as additional dry storage or seating. A strap point secures the icebox while underway. Icebox can also be slid forward to maximise cockpit space.

Bunk in-fill

build your own sailing yacht

Two-piece bunk in-fill creates a full double V-berth for comfortable overnighter trips or a safe area for kids to play. Easily stows away under the side bunk cushions when not required.

  • Length overall (mm) 5750
  • Internal freeboard (mm) 730
  • Fuel capacity (L) 160
  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 1360
  • Minimum horsepower 90
  • Maximum horsepower 140
  • Overall length on trailer (mm) – hitch to prop 7200
  • Height on trailer (mm) 3100
  • Overall height with roof folded (mm) 2200

Models Bar Crusher

The strongest folding hard top in the industry, complete with LED cabin lighting, rock-solid grab rails, plus front and extended side clears for maximum weather protection. The folding roof reduces the boat's on-trailer height for easy storage.


  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 1550
  • Height on trailer (mm) 3020

Models Bar Crusher

Two comfortable bolster seats are mounted on top of sturdy king seat boxes with convenient tackle storage. Tackle storage trays are included. Front of each bolster seat flips-up to create a secure standing position for driving.

build your own sailing yacht

Stressfree Midi 50

Stressfree ng midi 50.

build your own sailing yacht

Give your arms a rest and fit an anchor winch in your boat. The Stressfree Midi 50 anchor winch has a 1400W motor, which delivers a retrieval rate of around 74m per minute. Quick and easy.

build your own sailing yacht

The Stressfree NG Mini 50 (freefall) anchor winch has a 1400W motor, which delivers a retrieval rate of around 74m per minute. The freefall function is very handy in deep water. Quick and easy.

Anchor rope/chain kit (8mm)

This rope/chain kit is designed to suit Stressfree anchor winches. Kit includes approximately 100m of 8mm double braid and chain, and is spliced and spooled onto the drum for your convenience.

King/Queen seat boxes w/ lockable storage

STANDARD Two comfortable bolster seats are mounted on top of sturdy king seat boxes with convenient tackle storage. Tackle storage trays are included. Front of each bolster seat flips-up to create a secure standing position for driving.

build your own sailing yacht

Comfortable bolster seat mounted on top of sturdy king/queen seat box with lockable storage. Front of bolster seat flips-up to create a secure standing position for driving. Rear of seat box will accommodate optional Engel fridge.

  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 1780
  • Height on trailer (mm) 2980
  • Overall height with roof folded (mm) 2150

Hard Top Models

Models Bar Crusher

Hard top More


Stylish and functional hard top with full-height and tinted safety glass windscreen providing an unobstructed 360-degree view. Nothing beats a hard top for protection from the elements, especially in big seas chasing big fish!


Ergonomically-designed, anti-glare dash capable of flush mounting multiple large-screen MFDs, digital gauges and other controls. A small, carpeted shelf behind the wheel is ideal for storing mobile phones, lures and other small items.


Sturdy rocket launcher built into the hard top of Bar Crusher's HT models. The rod holders can accept rods with gimbal fittings, and each is spaced far enough apart to prevent gear banging together while underway.


The opening forward hatch allows access easy to the bow. The tinted hatch also provides filtered light into the cabin, and good ventilation if spending the night onboard. Sealed and weather-proof, it opens on durable struts.

USB charging port More


Flush-mounted 2.3A universal USB charging port for charging phones, action cameras and other devices. The dedicated USB port frees-up the 12V charging port(s) for use with other accessories.

build your own sailing yacht

Twin spotlight

build your own sailing yacht

Twin high-quality LED spotlights provide plenty of light at night.

build your own sailing yacht

High-quality LED light bar provides plenty of light at night.

  • Length overall (mm) 5850
  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 1430
  • Height on trailer (mm) 3050

Models Bar Crusher

Opening front window

build your own sailing yacht

The opening centre front window is useful for frosty mornings at the boat ramp and hot days on the water to allow good air flow into the hard top cabin.

Windscreen wiper

build your own sailing yacht

The windscreen wiper and washer (with freshwater reservoir) is a handy feature on a hard top boat, especially in rough and windy conditions.

  • Minimum horsepower 130
  • Overall length on trailer (mm) – hitch to prop 7400

Models Bar Crusher

Sliding side windows More


Baitstation w/ drawers More


Engel fridge

build your own sailing yacht

The 32L Engel fridge is a good option for extended trips to keep food and drinks cold. The 12V-powered unit is fitted on a slide-out system for easy access. (Engel fridge available only with king/queen seat box.)

  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 1880
  • Height on trailer (mm) 3200

Models Bar Crusher

Self-draining deck More


King/Queen bolster seats More


Two comfortable bolster seats are mounted on top of sturdy king/queen seat boxes with lockable storage. Front of each bolster seat flips-up to create a secure standing position for driving. Rear of seat box will accommodate optional Engel fridge.

The 420L underfloor fuel tank, combined with the efficiency of modern outboard engines, ensures you will have a serious cruising range when out on the water. Fully welded and sealed, the tank is as durable as every Bar Crusher boat.


A full set of forward bunks with in-fills hides the spacious storage areas beneath. Covered in high-quality marine vinyl, these comfortable bunks fit neatly into position to ensure they stay in place, even during rough conditions.

build your own sailing yacht

STANDARD Two comfortable bolster seats are mounted on top of sturdy king/queen seat boxes with lockable storage. Front of each bolster seat flips-up to create a secure standing position for driving. Rear of seat box will accommodate optional Engel fridge.

build your own sailing yacht

Comfortable bolster seat mounted on top of sturdy king seat box with convenient tackle storage. Tackle storage trays are included. Front of bolster seat flips-up to create a secure standing position for driving.

Lock-up cabin

build your own sailing yacht

Roller door lockable cabin provides peace-of-mind security to lock tackle and other gear in the boat. Also ensures privacy if spending a night on the water. Lockable roller door is available in anodised silver or gloss black.

Macerator toilet

build your own sailing yacht

An electric macerator toilet can be a welcome feature onboard any boat during extended offshore fishing trips.

Dual outboards

build your own sailing yacht

Dual outboard installation up to the recommended maximum horsepower for this boat.

  • Length overall (mm) 7300
  • Beam (mm) 2450
  • Internal freeboard (mm) 720
  • Fuel capacity (L) 420
  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 2260
  • Minimum horsepower 200
  • Maximum horsepower 300
  • Overall length on trailer (mm) – hitch to prop 9100
  • Overall width on trailer (mm) 2450
  • Height on trailer (mm) 3400
  • Maximum persons 7

Models Bar Crusher

King/Queen pilot seats More


The 450L underfloor fuel tank, combined with the efficiency of modern outboard engines, ensures you will have a serious cruising range when out on the water. Fully welded and sealed, the tank is as durable as every Bar Crusher boat.


STANDARD Two comfortable pilot seats are mounted on top of sturdy king/queen seat boxes with lockable storage. Front of each pilot seat flips-up to create a secure standing position for driving. Rear of seat box will accommodate optional Engel fridge.

  • Length overall (mm) 7800
  • Fuel capacity (L) 450
  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 2380
  • Maximum horsepower 350
  • Overall length on trailer (mm) – hitch to prop 9250
  • Height on trailer (mm) 3330

Hard Top Pilothouse Models

Models Bar Crusher

Pilothouse More


The fully-enclosed and lockable pilothouse of the HTP series offers superior protection from the elements, with its hinged aluminium doors, slide-open windows and fully-lined cabin. Its perfect for extended offshore adventures.

build your own sailing yacht

Cockpit sink

build your own sailing yacht

Additional seat located outside the pilothouse, with built-in freshwater sink under the seat cushion. The seat box also houses tackle storage and a leader dispenser.

  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 2360

Models Bar Crusher

Pilot seat w/ fridge More


Portside dinette More


A full set of forward bunks hides the spacious storage areas and optional toilet beneath. Covered in high-quality fabric, these comfortable bunks fit neatly into position to ensure they stay in place, even during rough conditions on the water.

Forward bunks – fabric

Forward bunks – vinyl.

build your own sailing yacht

STANDARD A full set of forward bunks with in-fills hides spacious storage areas and optional toilet beneath. Covered in high-quality fabric, these comfortable bunks fit neatly into position to ensure they stay in place.

build your own sailing yacht

A full set of forward bunks with in-fills hides the spacious storage areas beneath. Covered in high-quality marine vinyl, these comfortable bunks fit neatly into position to ensure they stay in place, even during rough conditions on the water.

  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 2480


Models Bar Crusher

Centre console More


Positioned to create a full 360º fishing platform, the spacious centre console features integrated grab rails, drink holders, and allows flush-mount installation of large-screen marine electronics and other controls.

Toughened windscreen More


Large and tough acrylic windscreen provides protection for marine electronics, controls and other switches at the helm. Tinted to reduce glare on bright and sunny days. Drink holders located on the front of console.


Covered in durable deck grip, the casting platform provides an elevated position to fish. Beneath the platform's lockable hatch is a cavernous storage area to house an additional battery (for bow-mount electric motor) and other gear.

Console storage More


Integrated footrest, for a comfortable seated driving positing, and plenty of storage space beneath the console to stow tackle bags, jackets and other gear. Keep it out of the way so the deck is clear.

Icebox bench seat More


Quality icebox with comfortable cushion-top seating. The 70L icebox can be securely fastened to the checkerplate deck while underway, yet can be easily removed in seconds. Use it as an icebox (in its true sense) or as additional dry storage. Cushions can be removed for cleaning.

build your own sailing yacht

Icebox w/ cushions

Flip-flop back rest.

build your own sailing yacht

STANDARD Quality icebox with comfortable cushion-top seating. The icebox can be securely fastened to the checkerplate deck while underway, yet can be easily removed in seconds. Use it as an icebox (in its true sense) or as additional dry storage. Cushions can be removed for cleaning.

build your own sailing yacht

This welded-in, padded bench seat with drawer storage has a flip-flop back rest. A pin system locks the back rest into place, which allows it to be used while driving and also at anchor while fishing out the back.

  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 1220
  • Height on trailer (mm) 2110

Models Bar Crusher

Side deck drink holders More


Rod Locker - carpeted

build your own sailing yacht

Carpeted rod locker (inside and out) to keep your gear safe.

  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 1350
  • Height on trailer (mm) 2160

Models Bar Crusher

Covered with durable deck grip, the heavy duty casting platform provides an elevated position to fish, yet still offers enough freeboard to feel safe in average conditions. Seat spigots in the casting platform also accommodate a re-positionable lean seat.

Bulk storage More


The lockable hatch in the forward casting platform reveals a cavernous storage area to house additional batteries (for the bow-mount electric motor) and other gear. Drainage channels ensure everything stays dry.

build your own sailing yacht

  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 1420
  • Height on trailer (mm) 2180

Models Bar Crusher

  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 1580
  • Height on trailer (mm) 2120


Models Bar Crusher

Rear centre console More


Covered with durable deck grip, the elevated casting platform is easily accessed via a step in each corner of the deck. Heavy duty seat spigots in the casting platform also accommodate re-positionable seating.


The massive storage area is accessed via a dual-lock hatch with gas struts. Remove the drop-in front section to slide in an icebox/fridge, swag and camping gear. Drainage channels ensure everything stays dry.

Seats - repositionable More


  • Length overall (mm)   6150
  • Beam (mm)   2250
  • Internal freeboard (mm)   780
  • Bottom sides (mm)   4
  • Top sides (mm)   4
  • Transom length (in)   25
  • Fuel capacity (L)   200
  • Fuel system   SafeTank™
  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight   1360
  • Minimum horsepower   115
  • Maximum horsepower   150
  • Overall length on trailer (mm) – hitch to prop   7300
  • Overall width on trailer (mm)   2250
  • Height on trailer (mm)   2160
  • Overall height with roof folded (mm)   n/a
  • Maximum persons   6

Models Bar Crusher

  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 1700
  • Height on trailer (mm) 2130


Models Bar Crusher

Open hard top More


The spacious centre console, with integrated side grab rails, allows flush-mount installation of large-screen marine electronics and all other controls.


Large and tough acrylic windscreen provides protection for marine electronics, controls and other switches at the helm. Tinted to reduce glare on bright and sunny days.


Sturdy rocket launcher designed for the open hard top of Bar Crusher’s XT models. The rod holders can accept rods with gimbal fittings, and each is spaced far enough apart to prevent gear banging together while underway.

Secure storage More


  • Length overall (mm)   6700
  • Beam (mm)   2350
  • Internal freeboard (mm)   800
  • Bottom sides (mm)   5
  • Fuel capacity (L)   230
  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight   1820
  • Minimum horsepower   150
  • Maximum horsepower   200
  • Overall length on trailer (mm) – hitch to prop   8000
  • Overall width on trailer (mm)   2350
  • Height on trailer (mm)   2900

Models Bar Crusher

  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 2240


Models Bar Crusher

Folding T-top More


Super-strong frame T-top for protection over the console. The T-top folds/pivots back into the boat when travelling long distances on the road or for easy storage of the boat in a standard garage or under a car port at home.

build your own sailing yacht

  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 1540
  • Height on trailer (mm) 3060
  • Overall height with roof folded (mm) 2350

Models Bar Crusher

  • Tow weight (kg) – dry weight 1750
  • Overall height with roof folded (mm) 2370


Models Bar Crusher

Exocet colour scheme More


The Exocet (Special Edition) series features a highly-distinctive colour scheme comprising an Ebony Black hull and transom, contrasted with Aircraft Grey on the sidedecks and cabin. Internally, the boat is also finished in Aircraft Grey.

Special Edition graphics More


Each Exocet (Special Edition) series boat features instantly-identifiable graphics. (‘Exocet’ is actually the name of a French-built anti-ship missile, hence the military reference in the graphics.) A Fishing Weapon like no other!

Matte black helm More


Another distinctive feature of the Exocet (Special Edition) series is the matte black painted helm. The stylish helm adds to the tough and stealthy appearance of the boat, setting it apart from other C series models.

Carpet-lined roof More


Carpet-lined cabin More


The lower section of the cabin in the Exocet (Special Edition) series is lined with quality marine carpet to create a more comfortable atmosphere when spending the night onboard, or when you're on the water with the family.

Uprights in pockets More


The 615C Exocet (Special Edition) has a scaled-down version of the premium baitstation with drawers fitted to larger models. Permanently fixed to the transom, it has rod holders, drink holders, and two drawers secured with bungy cord. Durable cutting board can be removed for cleaning, and also replaced when worn.

15-inch wheels More


The trailer on the Exocet (Special Edition) series features 15-inch black mag wheels and black-painted mudguards. Quality and style on every level, which adds to the overall appearance of this Fishing Weapon!

build your own sailing yacht

The Exocet (Special Edition) series features a highly-distinctive colour scheme comprising an Ebony Black hull, complemented by Aircraft Grey on the sidedecks and cabin. Internally, the boat is also finished in Aircraft Grey.


Distinctive transom More


One of the most obvious characteristics of the Exocet (Special Edition) series is the distinctive Ebony Black transom. On the water or on the road, the black transom instantly identifies the boat as a 670HT Exocet.

build your own sailing yacht

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Standard features, options selected.

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How to Build Your Own Yacht by 8 Steps? | Custom Yacht Guide

build your own sailing yacht

Building your own custom yacht is fun. But is it really enjoyable?. By reading this custom yacht guide, you will be able to learn, How to Build Your Own Yacht in 8 Steps.

Also, you can know,

Introduction to the topic

Why should you build your own yacht, stepwise complete guide on how to build your own yacht, what to consider before building your own yacht, watch building a sailing yacht – 12 months in 3 minutes | video, top 5 faqs and answers related to how to build your own yacht.

Let’s start,

How to Build Your Own Yacht by 8 Steps  Custom Yacht Guide

You’ve come to the proper put on the off chance that you want to learn how to build a boat because that’s precisely what we did while learning on the job. We’ll walk you through the entire process of building a sailboat.

The fact that price and size are inextricably linked is unavoidable. Cost and size are inextricably linked, but not in the linear way you might think. If you double the boat’s length, the costs will almost certainly increase by a factor of four, not just in terms of construction but also in terms of ownership and operation.

But where would you like to begin? The following are your three primary choices:

  • Purchase an old, worn-out boat and completely renovate it, or
  • Purchase a bare hull and deck molding to finish your home, or
  •  Begin from the ground up and construct your hull.

1. Using a ‘Fixer-Up’ as a foundation

This is a great option, especially if you can get your hands on an old but tired pedigree boat with a proven reputation. Much of the interior may be salvageable, but you’ll almost certainly need to update the instruments and electronics, replace the rig and all rigging, install a new motor and strict equipment, and supplant the hatches and much of the deck gear.

However, before starting such a project, you should consult a professional surveyor. Explain your intentions to him carefully, and request that he prepare his report with that in mind; it might spare you a parcel of time and cash.

2. Commencement with a Bare GRP Hull

This method will get you off to a great start, especially if the hull comes with the deck molding and bulkheads already installed. Finding one will be difficult, as few manufacturers appear to offer this once-popular option these days.

3. Getting Started from the Ground Up

 Sometimes recently set out on this travel, take a deep breath- and believe me, we know because this is how we used to build our custom-designed sailboat. Unless you’re working from a pre-made set of boat plans, you’ll want to hire a yacht designer immediately. One of your beginning choices will be which body fabric to utilize- fiberglass, steel, aluminum, ferroconcrete, or wood – but which and why? That’s a long process.

Top 10 Most Efficient Wind Turbines for Boats | Guide

How to Build Your Own Yacht by 8 Steps? | Custom Yacht Guide

Look no further than your dreams if you’re ever trying to justify why you should build your yacht. Consider the places you’ll visit.

The true beauty of a vessel, which is sometimes overlooked due to her size, substantial feel, and homelike environment, is that she could be a movement, a mode of transportation that can transport you, your family, and your companions to any area you want. Mentioned below are a few of the reasons to inspire you to build your yacht

1. Construct a yacht that suits your lifestyle

Imagine spending a day exploring the winding, shadowed streets of an old-world town, stopping for lunch at a walkway café, and appearing your children or grandchildren the frescoes of a cathedral you learned around in college art class (was it really that long ago?), returning to the yacht for dinner on board at dusk, and then an overnight passage to an island laid out before you, with no other boats in sight and a variety of snorkeling gear, standup paddleboards, kayaks, and other watercraft at your disposal—usually, an involvement that can as it was be had on a yacht.

2. Yacht construction is your crowning achievement

But why would you want to build your own yacht? It’s an excellent question. There are few superior ways to precise oneself than by making something extraordinary when you’re prepared to form your stamp on both the world and your life.

There’s no restraint to what you’ll be able to accomplish with a team of professionals dedicated to making your dreams a reality and guiding you through the steps of creating something real, substantial, and beautiful. Building your yacht means embracing your complete understanding of your personality’s yin and yang.

3. Specialists in new yacht construction

The technical specifications include a layout for performance and range, speed and hull volume, class, and capability, all with the help of Merle Wood & Associates’ yachting experts, who have extensive knowledge and new build experience.

They’ve made it their life’s work to help their clients create something new and unique. Building a modern extravagance yacht can be a complex and absurd undertaking for someone unfamiliar with the process. Having a recognized worldwide pioneer in megayacht development in your group sometime recently contacting ensures that all of the necessary elements are covered.

4. Mega yachts made-to-order

Your custom yacht also includes the lovely spaces you’ll create and enjoy with your family and friends, including welcoming social spaces with unrivaled vistas, embracing the sea breezes on the aft deck or from the flying bridge, and gathering spots for the whole family with the latest in media technology or a break from it, as you prefer.

It’s entirely up to you how you split your available space between stateroom and bath, closets and seating, galley and onboard gym, family, and guests.

5. The building or purchasing of a luxury yacht

Of course, the creative process required to build your yacht takes time—which is part of the appeal since the ultimate goal is to have an air of timelessness, genuine creation, and getting it right.

A candidate for a yacht-building project may instead opt to purchase a mega yacht, which can be a more convenient option for someone looking to get into a situation for the coming season. However, similar to building your own vessel, the purchase process will be aided by knowledgeable professionals who will look to you for guidance.

How to Build Your Own Yacht by 8 Steps? | Custom Yacht Guide

Imagine having your superyacht built to your specifications, tastes, and wants. Whereas building a yacht is complicated and may take years of research and planning, it will be just as exciting and rewarding as all of the future journeys you will take onboard it. But where do you begin? How do you tackle your superyacht construction and realize your dream yacht?

1. Identify the process

Every custom-built superyacht begins with a vision based on personal preference and taste, as well as the desired onboard lifestyle. What type of cruising is required, and what amenities, such as a spa or swimming pool, would you like onboard? Is a helipad required?

With so many options to choose from, the future owner will naturally be the driving force behind their own superyacht construction, but they will need a team of experts to help them with such a large project.

2. Key members of the superyacht construction team

Because the process of building a yacht entails numerous decisions, having the assistance of a knowledgeable and experienced team is essential.

The owner may want to hire a reputable yacht broker to put together the team, knowing that they spend a lot of time interacting with key players in the yachting industry. They will also protect the owner’s interests while allowing access to some of the world’s most innovative and exciting yacht builders.

3. Team of dedicated project managers

A project management team will also be hired when building a yacht to oversee the day-to-day details, from coordinating technical specs to running a tender process with shipyards to price and contract negotiations.

They will act as a go-between for the various parties involved as the superyacht construction progresses, ensuring that every aspect of the project is handled efficiently and to the highest standard. Some will work full-time, while others with short-term specialties will be hired for specific construction phases.

4. The heart of superyacht construction is the shipyard

With its state-of-the-art equipment, experienced representatives, and skilled artisans, the shipyard is where the superyacht construction finally gets underway. The shipyard will work closely with the venture chief, owner’s representative, and interior and exterior designers from the beginning of the design process to ensure that the end result not only meets the owner’s specifications but also meets marine legislation and technical requirements.

Because of the complexities of changing international legislation, the project manager’s responsibility is to keep all parties informed about any necessary design changes or alterations.

5. Consider Legal Issues

An experienced team of maritime lawyers will be hired to draft contracts that outline the construction process and protect the buyer from technical problems and delays. There will also be detailed build milestones and payment schedules drawn up. Lawyers will advise on flag registration and handle all other regulatory aspects and the operational setup and ownership structure once the vessel is completed.

6. Sea Trials are both exciting and necessary

After building a yacht to the owner’s specifications, surveyors will be needed to determine the vessel’s performance and seaworthiness during a sea trial, which is essential to any new superyacht construction. During a sea trial, all parties collaborate to fine-tune the systems and resolve any issues that arise.

A sea trial is usually conducted on open water and can last several days. The yacht crew will typically be hired six months to a year before completion and will play an essential role in putting the superyacht through its paces. The vessel’s speed, maneuverability, equipment, and safety features will be tested.

7. Owner’s provisions

Most custom yacht contracts exclude the Owner’s Supply, including items like tenders and water toys, audio-visual and entertainment systems, loose furniture, tableware, and decorative objects that the owner may want after the yacht is built. Before final delivery, each must be purchased, insured, managed, and integrated into the vessel.

8. The finishing touches on a yacht

Finally, the big day arrives: the superyacht is delivered to her ecstatic owner and launched to great fanfare. The happy new owner can now enjoy their very own one-of-a-kind superyacht on the open seas.

Building a yacht is a complicated, long-term commitment and a significant financial investment, but the owner’s imagination limits a custom-built vessel. Nothing can compare to the excitement of realizing a new build yacht that fulfills all of your dreams and requirements and then enjoying it with family and friends for many years to come.

How to Build Your Own Yacht by 8 Steps? | Custom Yacht Guide

Creating your custom yacht should be a dream come true. Every detail should be exactly as you imagined it. Get a better understanding of the essential steps and factors to consider before diving into the custom yacht design and construction processes.

1. Knowing your likes and dislikes

You should take the time to figure out what you like and want in a boat first. Consider how you intend to use the yacht in particular. When you have a clear picture of what your vessel will require, you’re less likely to get distracted by minor details.

For example, when you need shade, you won’t be swayed by a barbecue and sun lounges. Write down your priorities for the new yacht project so that the designer, project manager, and shipyard are all on the same page.

2. Project management

A luxury yacht broker can be your best friend for a custom build. Brokers with a wealth of experience, such as G Marine, can assist you in determining the correct type of yacht and technical features for your needs. They can then assist in negotiating a fair price and filing all legal documents.

During the design phase, G Marine can offer invaluable advice on how to maximize resale value. When it’s time to make a decision, we can assist you in striking a balance between your preferences and what will help it sell faster once it’s on the market.

3. The construction process

Even smaller yachts now offer a high level of customization. Personalization, which is usually reserved for superyachts, is available on a 66-foot motor cruiser, as it is with the Astondoa 66′ Flybridge . Owners have a virtually limitless number of floor plan options, fittings, and finishes to choose from.

4. Selecting the best shipbuilder

A custom yacht build is a lengthy process involving numerous companies and individuals. Having the assistance of trained professionals can make the process much less stressful and much more efficient. Choosing the right shipyard is critical because it will ensure that the yacht is built to the highest quality standards, meets deadlines, and adheres to your ultimate vision.

5. Finishing and delivery

Building a custom yacht takes time, just like all the best things in life. Also, don’t be astonished if you encounter difficulties during the custom yacht building process. Many factors are involved in building a one-of-a-kind yacht, including adequate space, technical specifications, weight, and hydrodynamics.


Have your superyacht built to your specifications, tastes, and wants. Whereas building a yacht is complicated and may take years of research and planning, it will be just as exciting and rewarding as all of the future journeys you will take onboard it. Creating your custom yacht should be a dream come true.

Every detail should be exactly as you imagined it, like the shipbuilder must be the best, knowing your likes and dislikes, project management, the construction process, and time finishing and delivery. Having the best members in the team for superyacht construction, Project management team, legal issues resolved, proper trials, and finishing, you can have one of the best megayacht constructed.

So, I hope you got the full idea on How to Build Your Own Yacht by 8 Steps? | Custom Yacht Guide .

Please comment below about your ideas and share this “ How to Build Your Own Yacht by 8 Steps? | Custom Yacht Guide ” article with your friends.

Stay tuned to our website to find out more exciting stuff. Don’t forget to check out our previous articles too.

Until then, Read about, What Is the Best Country to Register a Yacht? | Guide

Have a good day!

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Welcome to Fyne Boat Kits , makers and suppliers of wooden boat kits , boat plans and boating equipment . Our range of recreational and performance watercraft includes rowing, sailing and motor boats, canoes and kayaks as well as surfboards and paddleboards.

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Building a boat is made stress-free by our step-by-step manuals and free expert support by phone and email. Most of our boat kits can be built to a high standard by complete novices.

We use only the highest-quality materials, so that your boat will last decades, not just years. All our timber comes from sustainable sources. Our kits are often cheaper than sourcing all the components yourself.

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Dad sends message from his boat to daughter leaving on plane in extraordinary moment

Dad sends message from his boat to daughter leaving on plane in extraordinary moment

He went above and beyond as she flew away.

Jess Battison

It’s not so uncommon to receive a nice little message before you travel somewhere.

You know, like a quick ‘safe flight’ text from your parents or a ‘have a good one’ reply to your Instagram post with an airport pint .

But this dad really one-upped everyone else for his daughter.

He 'drew' an infinity symbol in the sea below her. (Camille Zea)

The bloke sent a message from his boat as she left on a plane in a pretty extraordinary moment.

Camille Zea was heading off for a ‘ big trip to Europe’ from Los Angeles International Airport when her dad wanted to make sure she got a proper sendoff.

And no, it wasn’t just a ‘have the best time’ message with a clip of him waving.

Instead, her dad took his boat out into the Pacific Ocean and waited for her plane to take off and fly over.



Zea took to TikTok to share the incredible gesture that he conjured up.

The man used the wake of his boat on the waves to move it in a figure of eight, creating an infinity symbol in the water.

He was perfectly placed for his daughter to see it from the window of her plane seat, as she wrote in the caption: “Infinity times infinity. right back at ya dad.”

With The Temper Trap’s ‘Sweet Disposition’ playing in the background, users said they were ‘crying’ watching it as they asked: “Who’s cutting my onions.”

Others put: “I am UNWELLLLLL. Love had no limits.”

While many were left ‘sobbing’, users called it ‘so sweet’ as they decided: “I need to call my dad.”

And one joked: “I would’ve jumped out of the plane and onto his boat to give him a hug.”

Plenty of users simply said: “He’s our dad now too.”

He looks pretty proud of himself. (TikTok/Camille Zea)

Racking up over eight million views , the dad certainly outdid himself in sending a simple message to his daughter.

Zea later shared another clip calling the moment ‘extremely special’ as she expressed how amazed she was by it going so viral.

She then shared photos of him in a ‘dad reveal’ as well as sharing some behind the scenes of him steering his boat for that infinity sign.

And it is pretty sweet, as he’s smiling up at the plane in the sky while creating his absolute work of art in the water. What a bloke.

Topics:  Parenting , TikTok , Travel , Viral , Social Media

Jess is an Entertainment Journalist with a love of all things pop culture. Her main interests include keeping up with the Twitter girlies, waiting for a new series of The Traitors and losing her voice at a Beyoncé concert. She graduated with a first in Journalism from City, University of London in 2021 and has previously worked at MyLondon.

@ jessbattison_

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