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2023/2024 Superyacht Crew Salary Guide

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Whether you’re continuing a long-standing career, climbing the career ladder, or getting your feet wet for the first time, Dockwalk ’s Salary Guide provides the full picture when it comes to crew compensation. 

Salary is generally one of the top motivators for those looking for jobs in yachting, but it remains a closely guarded secret. Each year, the Dockwalk Salary Survey goes out to thousands of crewmembers and crew agencies across the world, gathering real-time salary feedback with the aim of creating greater transparency and understanding across the industry.

The 2024 Salary Survey will be open soon.

The Results of the 2023 Salary Survey

Our annual salary survey provided some unprecedented insights to what captains and crew earned in 2023.

The yachting industry is slowly returning to normal in the wake of the pandemic. Yachts are back to work around the world and many new ones are in the pipeline thanks to the surge in popularity the "social distant" yachting lifestyle has enjoyed. But, while this return to normalcy has opened up new crew jobs this year, crew themselves have been returning to the workplace in large numbers and competition has been fierce.

Many of the crew agents reported that crew wages largely are flat this year compared to last. Salaries went up in 2021 and 2022 when crew were in short supply, but now more crew are available than previously. While crew are demanding higher pay this year, they’re not necessarily receiving it, but some agents have seen salaries continue to rise since Covid. There are many factors that can affect the salary crew can expect, including where a yacht is based and the season.

The tables below show the “agency range,” which gives the average lows and highs of all ranges provided by the agencies, the “poll range,” where results from individual working captains and crew are tallied to show the lowest and highest of all the responses, and the “poll average” calculated from all the responses. Note that our figures do not account for longevity and experience, crew benefit packages, tips, or similar extra remuneration.

Not all positions with corresponding boat sizes had enough poll responses to be considered significant; those categories are marked with an asterisk to indicate if fewer than five crew responded in that size range for that position. Several categories had no or only one response, which is also noted.

To view the full table:

Dockwalk Salary Survey 2023 in USD and Euros

Yacht Crew Salaries

Average starting salary guidelines.

The crew salaries reflected below have been derived from placement records and job orders for both power and sail, reflected as an average, received by Crewfinders within the past year and may change without notice.


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Captains Clients Superyacht Industry Insights

Superyacht Captain salary survey 2023 18 December 2023

captain salary survey crew salary survey superyacht captain superyacht salaries yacht captain

In our biggest salary survey yet, we have uncovered detailed insights into Superyacht Captain salary and leave packages.

Almost 300 Captains responded across a range of yacht sizes from sub-30m to 100m+. In addition to average pay and leave, pay rise and bonus activity, the 20+ page report also compares Captain and Chief Officer experience, ticket level, longevity onboard and comparisons to our 2020 and 2022 survey findings.

Some top-level statistics are:

  • Every yacht bracket has seen a salary rise since 2020 and 2022.
  • Full rotation is also increasing and becoming more prevalent on sub-50m yachts, with an 11% decline overall in Captains with less than 59 days leave.
  • Two-fifths of Captains receive an annual pay rise, although this is not part of their contract.
  • 38% receive a 13th-month bonus, but random and unpredictable bonuses are more commonplace.
  • 70% of Captains have Master 3000.
  • Exactly half of the Captains who responded have more than 10 years’ experience in the role and 32% were Chief Officers for 3 to 5 years prior.
  • A third have been Captains on their current yacht for more than 3 years.
  • Flight allowance improves with yacht size, with 49% of Captains receiving Business Class flights as part of their package.
  • The average age at which respondents first became Captain is 32.5 years old.

sailing yacht skipper salary

The full report contains a comprehensive analysis of salaries and leave in each yacht size bracket and also compares full time with rotational roles, as well as explores any correlation between experience and type of ticket.

Simon Ladbrooke, Captain Consultant at Quay Crew, commented:

“In our most detailed salary report to date, we have gained an insight into the real-time compensation Captains receive, broken down by yacht size and with several other comparables too.

“A key takeaway this year is that, despite a slight decline in salaries between 2020 and 2022, the average monthly pay is now higher across all size brackets, representing a median 6.75% increase.

“Time for time rotation has also grown in popularity on all sized yachts, with the exception of <39m yachts which are all full-time at the moment.

“By gathering Chief Officer experience as well as longevity on their current yacht, we can surmise that onboard promotion is on the rise. The average age that someone becomes Captain is now older and the number of years of experience as Chief Officer is higher, suggesting the transition is also taking longer.

“This is undoubtedly down to there being more competition amongst candidates and it being more difficult to make that initial step up.

“Yet, almost three-quarters say it took them less than 6 months to get their first Captain role. This could be, along with the extensive CO experience demonstrated in this survey, largely down to onboard promotion.

Having said that, we were very surprised at this statistic as it doesn’t match at all with our experience. Often, Chief Officers are looking for several years before they finally get their opportunity. It’s something we definitely want to explore further in another survey.”

All HOD salary surveys are available on our client portal, which you can request access to here.

Superyacht Captain salary survey 2023

About the author

Simon Ladbrooke

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Salary is generally one of the top motivators when choosing a job onboard a yacht, yet it is usually one of the best-kept secrets within the industry.

When negotiating the final salary, it's important that both the employer and employee have an idea of what the standard is for that particular position. This will help keep the transparency and build trust.

To keep their finger on the pulse of the industry and understand the changes that are happening within, YPI CREW set off to launch the yachtingsalaries. com website in 2016. There, every crew member in the industry is welcome to enter their yacht crew salaries along with the position they serve on a yacht. The process is completely anonymous and serves as a way of monitoring the industry's yacht crew salary movements. Yacht crew can also visit the site to check the anonymous data their peers have entered for reference.

The Importance of Yacht Crew Salaries Reports

Informed employers recognise that in order to attract the top level of talent and experience for a particular role, one of the strongest influences they have is the salary they can offer. To stay competitive within the yachting industry you have to offer competitive yacht crew salaries that reflect the current marketplace. And in order to do this, you have to know what the current market rate is.

Equally, employees can use a yacht crew salary report such as this as a guide point to get an idea if a job offer is reflective of the industry and the role they serve.

The Crew Salaries Data and How We Collect It

In 2016, YPI CREW launched a peer-to-peer salary comparison website for the yachting industry. Here, anyone working in the industry is welcome to anonymously enter their yacht crew salary along with their rank.

has so far attracted over 5.655 entries since its launch in 2016, providing an informative yacht crew salary guide for employers and employees. Best of all, the salary data is free for anyone to access.

The figures shown here are median values of the real salaries entered by yacht crew. They can be used as orientational figures but the real salary offered during the recruitment process will vary depending on the candidate's experience, training, certificates, and additional skills. This is why, when looking for work, it's important to have someone guiding you and championing your skills and experience.

All yacht crew salaries are expressed in euros. Please note that the blanks in the graphs are due to either lack of entries for that particular category or the nonexistence of a role in a specific segment. For example, there are generally no third officers on yachts smaller than 50 meters.

To visit the site to contribute your salary or conduct a free search of the salary database, visit

Data presented here is collected from anonymous yacht crew members. It should not be seen as a definite portrayal of the current market but merely an informal indication.

As salary data is entered by members of the community the site works on an honesty system. There is really no incentive for contributors to mislead people about what they earn. Any inflated or inconsistent salary entries can be 'flagged' as suspicious by other members of the community or by YPI CREW and quickly removed from the system to ensure the accuracy of data is maintained.

Yacht Captain Salaries

347 captains have contributed their salaries. Of those, 287 (82%) are working on motor yachts and 60 (18%) on sailing yachts. This is coherent with the ratio of the global world yacht fleet. 83% of which are motor yachts and 17% are sailing yachts. Overall, only 33% of captains who contributed are on rotation. Rotation usually, if and when available, starts on yachts over 50m. When talking about sailing yachts, we didn't receive any entries for sailing yachts above the 51-65m segment. Also, salaries were on average slightly lower on sailing yachts compared to same-sized motor yachts.

Yacht Captains present the most senior management of a yacht, which is obviously reflected in the salary they command. Expectedly, with the size of the yacht increasing, so do salaries.

Experienced recruiters are invaluable at this level as they can definitely add value in the salary negotiation stage; it is their role to act as a middle person to ensure that, when a job offer is made, it is to all parties' satisfaction and is therefore accepted. They not only know how best to champion captains, their skills and experience at interview stage; they help craft and finesse a deal.

sailing yacht skipper salary

2020 Yacht Crew Salaries for Motor Yacht Captains

sailing yacht skipper salary

2020 Yacht Crew Salaries for Sailing Yacht Captains

Deck Crew Salaries

214 Deck Crew have contributed their salaries, broken down as 116 Chief Officers, 16 Second Officers, 12 Third Officers, and 64 Deckhands.

From the data, we see that fewer Chief Officers (43%) reported having a rotational position compared to Second Engineers (57%). However, they reportedly benefit more from rotation than Captains who are at 33%.

sailing yacht skipper salary

2020 Yacht Crew Salaries for First or Chief Officers

sailing yacht skipper salary

2020 Yacht Crew Salaries for Second Officers

sailing yacht skipper salary

2020 Yacht Crew Salaries for Third Officers or Bosuns

sailing yacht skipper salary

2020 Yacht Crew Salaries for Yacht Deckhands

Engineer Salaries

279 technical crew have contributed; 162 Chief Engineers, 60 Second Engineers, 16 Third Engineers, and 25 ETO/AVIT.

Overall, many more Engineers reported being on rotation than Captains. We see that 72% of Chief Engineers, 57% of Second Engineers and 56% of Third Engineers are rotational, along with 88% of ETO/AVIT Engineers.

For Chief Engineers we note that beyond the 66 – 80m segment, there is no data for permanent salaries. This reflects the engineering recruitment market where in fact, from +65m upwards, the market is rotation only, apart from a few exceptions. The same goes for Second Engineers and ETOs where permanent contracts on +65m yachts are for build contracts only. It is our experience that the market is rotation-only for Engineers on operational yachts over 65m.

sailing yacht skipper salary

2020 Yacht Crew Salaries for Chief Engineers

sailing yacht skipper salary

2020 Yacht Crew Salaries for Second Engineers

sailing yacht skipper salary

2020 Yacht Crew Salaries for Third Engineers

sailing yacht skipper salary

2020 Yacht Crew Salaries for ETO, AVI & Electrical Engineers

Chef Salaries

65 yacht Chefs contributed with their salaries, of which 50 were Head Chefs and 15 Sous Chefs.

It is our experience that at the point of recruitment on yachts +50m, most yacht Chef jobs offer some sort of rotation, so it surprising that only 26 % of Chefs who contributed are on rotation.

sailing yacht skipper salary

2020 Yacht Crew Salaries for Yacht Head Chefs

sailing yacht skipper salary

2020 Yacht Crew Salaries for Sous Chefs

Pursers & Stews

34 Pursers, 61 Chief Stews, and 22 Second Stews contributed their salaries.

Pursers, after Engineers, are the category who most have access to rotation. 59% of Pursers reported having rotation whilst only 18% of Chief Stews said they benefit from that perk.

Our experience is that in the past year, perhaps due to Covid-19, salaries offered to Stews were somewhat lower than the year before.

This underlines again the added value of registering and teaming up with recruiters who have their fingers on the pulse and are able to assist in negotiating the best conditions for job offers. Each situation is unique. Likewise, the same recruiters will advise Captains on the state of the crew market and how to position themselves in terms of conditions and salary to attract the best suitable, interested and available candidates

sailing yacht skipper salary

2020 Yacht Crew Salaries for Yacht Pursers

sailing yacht skipper salary

2020 Yacht Crew Salaries for Chief Stews and Stewardesses

sailing yacht skipper salary

2020 Yacht Crew Salaries for Second Stews and Stewardesses

sailing yacht skipper salary

2020 Yacht Crew Salaries for Yacht Stews and Stewardesses

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YPI CREW Yacht Crew Salaries Report 2020


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How to become a skipper

So you want to be a yacht skipper.

Many yachting graduates choose to start their careers on smaller yachts where they have the opportunity to refine their sailing skills and develop a great reputation. Being a Flotilla Skipper, Charter Skipper or Delivery Skipper is a great way to start working afloat in an industry you love.

How to become a skipper

What’s a skipper?

A skipper is a person who has command of a boat or watercraft and is more or less equivalent to a captain in charge of a ship. The skipper may or may not be the owner of the boat.

There are a number of types of different roles including flotilla, charter and delivery skippers.

Flotilla Skipper

What does a flotilla skipper do.

A flotilla skipper is responsible for the running, sailing, maintenance and guest care of a yacht forming part of a holiday flotilla or sometimes the entire group of up to 20 yachts, which form the flotilla.

Flotilla holiday companies often operate in the Mediterranean, you can earn anything between €100 – €250 per week (depending on operator) but can also earn some reasonable tips.

Working as a flotilla skipper is a great way to build on your miles.

Personality traits

You will need to be an outgoing and friendly personality who can accommodate guests at all times. You will need to be organised and efficient to cover all admin and paperwork as well as deliver safety and technical briefings, conduct general maintenance and assist guests with sailing.

Flotilla Skipper Salary

Flotilla holidays companies often operate in the Mediterranean, you can earn anything between €100 – €250 per week (depending on operator) but can also earn reasonable tips.

Flotilla Skipper Jobs

The types of jobs vary on different vessels. Some of your tasks will include but not be limited to:

  • De-fouling propellers and replacing anodes before launching
  • Checking and replacing all deck fittings where necessary
  • Assisting engineers with out-of–water work
  • Checking skin fittings
  • Replacing running rigging
  • Hoisting anchors
  • Servicing winches
  • Hoisting sails
  • Fitting biminis
  • Fitting guardrails
  • Checking dinghies
  • Splicing and whipping ropes

Charter Skipper

What does a charter skipper do.

A Charter Skipper manages and captains a yacht that has been hired out to paying guests. This role typically involves taking command of 35 – 60ft yachts (catamarans are particularly popular) operating in the Mediterranean or Caribbean.

You will have a busy schedule with a high turnover of guests during the season that will want to pack a lot into their 1 or 2-week holiday.

You will need to be an outgoing and friendly personality who is committed to providing the highest level of customer service.

A hard-working attitude is required, as you will be responsible for all aspects of the charter operation from maintenance and passage planning to the general management of the yacht.

Charter Skipper Salary

Charter Skipper salaries range based on experience, position, size of yacht, and type (charter vs private). Here is a simplified break down of monthly skipper crew salaries in dollars:

Charter Skipper Jobs

There are several responsibilities for a charter skipper. These include but not limited to:

  • Planning the entire passage to the proposed destination, possibly over a number of days
  • Navigating the vessel
  • Knowing how to operate and maintain all the equipment on board
  • Taking care of the safety of the vessel and the crew
  • Management of the vessel in all respects
  • It is the responsibility of the skipper to ensure that whatever trip the vessel is making whether for fishing or for holidays, he follows the regulations and maritime laws

Delivery Skipper

What does a delivery skipper do.

A delivery skipper is responsible for the safe journey of a yacht to its new owner or meeting the owner of the boat at a particular destination.

You are your own boss when working as a Delivery Skipper, you don’t have the responsibility of guests but it is up to you to make sure that the boat gets there safely and on time.

Delivery skippers usually work on a freelance basis or for an agency, either way, both will be looking for skilled sailors so your level of qualification and experience on the water will determine how much work you will pick up.

You will need to be a determined and reliable person with a good work ethic. Taking on this type of role means that you will have the benefit of a flexible lifestyle, you could be working for long periods of time followed by long periods of time at home, this role could also take you to any part of the world.

Delivery Skipper Salary

Your travel and food expenses will be paid for while on a delivery, freelance delivery skippers often negotiate their own wage but on average you could expect to be paid between £100 – £140 per day. As a newly qualified Yachtmaster, you will need to build on your miles and experience before taking on the role of skipper.

You can do this by joining a delivery as a crew member (often unpaid).

Delivery Skipper Jobs

  • The safe handling and navigation of a vessel
  • Ensuring that all activities are carried out in accordance with Safety and Operating Procedures
  • Leading and supervising the regular crew and any relief crew and volunteers
  • Looking after the welfare of clients, crew, volunteers, and trainees, including morale and discipline
  • Dealing with unexpected issues which might arise, such the need to implement emergency repairs
  • Maintaining paperwork
  • Being professional, and acting with tact and diplomacy at all times (both on and off the vessel)

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sailing yacht skipper salary


Becoming a skipper: qualifications, trainings, remuneration ..

avant de voilier

In a global context where the figures of the nautical sector are rather positive, the demand for skippers is growing every year. Becoming a skipper is a real passion coupled with a solid training. Capt’n Boat explains the role of a professional skipper, his trainings, his missions and his remuneration system.

A skipper is the person in charge of the navigation of a boat . He provides paid passenger transport (charter) as well as delivery (boat delivery) of pleasure boats from one port to another, he offers training services (sailing course) and improvement, or he sails a sailboat in sporting competitions (races).

1. What is a skipper?

The skipper is the only master on board . Thus, he is responsible for all the tasks and actions necessary on the boat:

  • Driving the engines and electrical installations
  • Relations between the crew and the client
  • Safety and security of the passengers and the ship
  • Management of the crew
  • Hygiene on board and health of passengers
  • Maintenance and repair of the vessel
  • Radio communications

The skipper also plays an important role in the animation of life on board.

skipper voilier

2. What are the missions of a skipper ?

The missions of a skipper are quite varied. A skipper works most often for vacation organizations, boat rental companies and takes summer guests on cruises. During the off season, he or she is more often employed to deliver private boats.

A. Boat deliveries

The mission of delivery consists, for a professional skipper, to convey a ship for a remuneration, between two ports or two sites by sea.

Generally, it is about :

  • Driving boats to a shipyard for maintenance or wintering
  • Routing boats to a race start
  • Conveying boats to the home port following a purchase

B. Boat coaching

The improvement or coaching is an educational mission. The skipper’s objective is to teach the fundamentals of navigation and the use of a boat.

The services of a skipper are generally requested to:

  • Train an owner following a boat purchase
  • Propose improvement courses to owners in order to be more comfortable on their boat

C. Cruise with a skipper

Going on a cruise with a skipper is a good compromise to enjoy both the navigation and the sea air without being embarrassed by maneuvers, anchorages…

We also talk about doing charter missions with clients.

voilier en mer et phare au loin

3. Which training to become a skipper?

A. internationally.

The most common certificate to work internationally as a skipper is the Yachtmaster . The Yachtmaster is an English degree from the Royal Yachting Association (RYA), recognized by the Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA) and throughout the world. It allows skippers to command pleasure boats up to 24 meters long, and up to 200 miles from the coast. It has 3 levels and each one have limitations: Coastal, Offshore and Ocean.

To obtain the Yachtmaster, the candidate must be over 18 and have at least 1000 miles of navigation in 1st or 2nd category (corresponding to the distance from the coast). The theoretical tests cover a wide range of subjects such as:

  • The ship and its components (technical, engine, electrical installations)
  • Navigation in all its states (coastal and offshore, day and night)
  • Maritime law relating to events at sea
  • Meteorology and hydrology
  • Sanitary conditions on board

The practical test takes place during a 12-hour navigation. It includes a night phase, a man overboard exercise as well as port maneuvers.

The Yachtmaster must be completed with a “Commercially Endorsed” endorsement in order to be used on commercial services for profit. To obtain this endorsement, the skipper must obtain the Professional Practices and Responsibilities certificate (PPR), the Basic Safety Training (BST), and the MCA Medical Examination (ENG1).

B. In France

In France, there are 2 main types of skipper certificates:

  • The Merchant Navy certificates (Captain 200, Captain 500, Captain 3000…) for fishing and trade. Merchant Navy diplomas are authorized for boat deliveries and charters.

A Captain 200 Voile certificate is compulsory to work as a professional skipper in France. This certificate allows you to work as a professional skipper in yachting and sailing, either to carry passengers (12 maximum) on ships of less than 200 tons (about 24 m), or to drive a ship for a third party.

In order for the Captain 200 to be effective, you must also hold the BST, ROC/GOC, EM1 and a Medical Checkup .

  • The State Certificates (BPJEPS, BEES ..), are qualified to carry out only training.

C. Yachtmaster or french title?

There is no one title better than another. It all depends on what type of vessel you want to work on.

If you want to work on French flagged vessels, Capt’n Boat recommends that you opt for the French titles. Otherwise, the Yachtmaster titles are a good option if you want to work on foreign flags.

There is now a gateway to work on a French flag with a Yachtmaster : the Master 200 GT.

4. Qualifications and obligations of the skipper

A skipper’s ability to make decisions, sense of responsibility, interpersonal skills, dynamism, initiative, composure and great resistance to physical and nervous fatigue are essential qualities for a skipper. The journeys can be long and the customers demanding, a skipper must therefore be able to adapt his behavior to each situation and people, he must be versatile, available and autonomous.

In any case, being a skipper is a “passion job” that requires a lot of investment. The human element is an essential part of this job, especially for charter services.

skipper pro voilier

5. Remuneration of the skipper

The cost of a professional skipper varies according to the service (boat delivery, charter, coaching), the duration of the service, the sailing area, the size of the boat and the number of passengers :

  • For charters, the remuneration is a daily rate. Example : In Croatia, a skipper is paid at least 240€/day ; In France, 300€/day ; In Saint Marteen, 250€/day ; In Greece, 240€/day ; In the Bahamas, 350€/day ; etc ..

The price varies according to the geographical area, each country has its own minimum wage. 

  • For boat deliveries, the remuneration is per nautical mile. Here, the wage is the same internationally : 3,5€ per nautical mile.

Want to become a skipper? Capt’n Boat offers you a professional marketplace

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Yacht Crew Positions and Salaries

The organisational structure onboard a superyacht follows a strong hierarchy based upon a military model. Exact job duties and lines of authority are set and strictly adhered to. This hierarchy is followed on the vast majority of yachts; however, responsibilities of the crew on smaller yachts are often merged.

There are four departments on yachts with clear organisational structure:

  • Deck (including Bridge) – Safety, passage delivery, maintenance of the yacht's exterior, guest outdoor activities
  • Engineering – Safety and smooth operational running of the yacht
  • Interior – Housekeeping, guest wellbeing, activities, accounting
  • Galley – Food preparation, stock control, hygiene, galley maintenance

The top of the hierarchy on each yacht is the Captain , who reports to the yacht owner either directly, or through a representative or a yacht management company.

Salaries vary and depend on the yacht size, use, type and location, as well as the experience and qualification of the crew member. We included typical salaries of crew based on the data available from reputable industry sources, as well as our research of over 60,000 crew registered with us.

Deck Positions

The primary duty of the Captain is the overall safe manning and operation of the yacht. Yacht Captain is responsible for the vessel, yacht crew, owner and guests, including personnel management, shipyard/project management, legal and regulatory compliance, accounting, achieving owners' objectives, and answers to the owner regarding all decisions.

First Mate / Chief Officer

The First Mate or Chief Officer is the right hand of the Captain. Takes command of the yacht from Captain when required. Shares Captain's responsibilities as required.

Bosun / Lead Deckhand

Bosuns are usually experienced Deckhands with additional responsibilities. They are in charge of Deckhands onboard the yacht and often spend a lot of time with guests during outdoor activities. The Bosun is normally the main tender driver.

Responsible for the maintenance of the exterior of the yacht and keeping it in pristine condition at all times. Deckhands also assist in maintaining, cleaning and operating yacht's tenders.

Engineering Positions

Chief engineer.

Responsible for the Engineering Department and for all technical aspects of the boat and its equipment. The Chief Engineer's duties include overseeing all mechanical and electrical operations, ensuring all planned maintenance takes place and liaising with subcontractors.

Second / Third Engineer

The Second and Third Engineers report directly to the Chief Engineer. They assist in maintaining all mechanical and electrical operations of the yacht.

ETO / AV/IT Officer

Electro-Technical Officer (ETO) and AV/IT Officer are in charge of daily maintenance of all electronic, computer, audio/visual and communications equipment and their efficient operation. This includes the radio, radar, telephones, satellite communications, navigation systems, computers, Internet connection, interior equipment (TVs, sound systems), etc.


The Electrician is responsible for maintenance of all electrical circuits onboard the vessel, circuit breakers, switches, lighting, batteries, etc.

This is an administrative position on large yachts. The Purser is responsible for all operations in the interior department, including inventory, purchasing, provisioning, accounting, organising guest activities, and assisting the Captain with the yachts paperwork.

Chief Steward(ess)

Duties are similar to those of other Steward(ess)es onboard the boat, but on a more senior level, including managing the interior department and training. Small yachts with less crew do not have a Purser. The Chief Steward(ess) is in charge of all the responsibilities normally carried out by the Purser on large yachts.


Steward's or Stewardess's main responsibility is to maintain the interior of the yacht and provide the highest standard of care to the owner and guests. They serve food and drinks, prepare guest activities, pack and unpack luggage and are on call for anything that the guests want anytime day or night. On some yachts, they help the deck crew moor the yacht.

The Head/Executive Chef onboard a luxury superyacht is a culinary trained professional responsible for the overall management of the galley department on larger yachts, including guest and crew meals, provisioning, food safety, maintaining strict hygiene standards and financial/budgetary administration.

Assists the Head Chef in all aspects of galley duties. The Sous Chef may be required to independently provide crew meals or guest meals at the direction of the Head Chef.

Crew Chef / Cook

Large yachts employ a separate crew and guest chef. The Crew chef provides meals for the crew.

Other Positions

Many yachts, especially the large ones, have several additional positions. These are often combined with primary roles, e.g. Stewardess / Masseuse or Deckhand / Dive Instructor . The most common are:

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What is a Yacht Captain Salary?

Ian Fortey

As yachts get bigger they tend to require more crew members who are more skilled at their jobs and that includes a good yacht captain. The pay range for a yacht captain can vary greatly and for less experienced captains on smaller vessels it may start around $45,000 while it can range up to as much as $300,000 or more for very skilled captains on larger luxury yachts. 

Let’s take a look at what can affect a yacht captain’s salary and what you can expect to make (or pay) in this field.

Factors That Affect Yacht Captain’s Salary

sailing yacht skipper salary

Most people feel a yacht has to be at least 60 or so feet in length before it’s considered a yacht. The longest yacht in the world is the Azzam which is just shy of 600 feet long. You can imagine that the captain of the Azzam has to deal with more than the captain of a 60 foot yacht. As such, the Azzam’s captain is probably making more money.

Size of the vessel is arguably the biggest factor in what a yacht captain gets paid. You can divide yacht sizes up into three categories as it relates to yacht captains to get a better idea of the pay involved.

I’ve included some survey data here taken from Dockwalk and this was gleaned from information provided by 476 different yacht captains to give you  a pretty good idea of how much a captain makes at every single yacht size. 

Junior Captain

A Junior Captain would be captain of the smaller yachts that rank in around 60 feet up to 100 feet. Many yachts of this size may only have one or two crew members on board to help operate them. The captain of a smaller yacht like this could expect to make perhaps $45,000 to $98,000 per year or more. Obviously this can change on a case by case basis depending on the specific duties expected of the given captain.

These smaller yachts have less involved operations and are, in general, easier to run which is why the captain of a yacht of this size would likely get paid less.

Survey data from 2021 shows that most captains working on yachts in this size range average just over $8,000 per month. On the low end of that scale were yacht captains pulling in about $3,100 a month while the highest paid make around $20,000 per month. Yacht captains can also pull in gratuities as part of the crew and that averages out to around another $1,300 per month.

sailing yacht skipper salary

In the middle is a Captain of vessels that range from 100 feet all the way to 170 feet which is superyacht territory. These vessels can include a crew of several different members and will require more organization and skill to maintain and run smoothly. At this size a Captain can expect to be making anywhere from about $80,000 per year up to $180,000. 

Survey data from 2021 shows that, up to 140 feet, a superyacht captain can average about $10,100 per month. The lowest paid were making about $1,175 per month while the highest were again making around $20,000. You also pull in gratuities at this level that average just under $1,400 per month.

Yacht captains working vessels between 140 feet and about 190 feet were averaging $14,100 per month. At the low end of that scale you’re looking at $5,750 and it can go all the way up to $34,500 per month, so this is some serious money. If it’s a charter yacht, tips can reach nearly $3,000 a month as well.

Senior Master

A Senior Master is the captain of any yacht over 170 feet. This gets into megayacht territory at 200 feet and even gigayachts at 400+ feet. These captains have to be highly skill and managed not only massive crews that can include dozens of people, but a lot of more complex technology than the smaller vessels may be making use of. 

Because of the demands of this job, it’s clear that pay grades increase substantially as well which is why captains at this level can make between $140,000 and $300,000 every year. 

Survey data shows that between 180 feet and 240 feet, yacht captains had an average salary of just over $16,100 per month in 2021. That means a starting, low end salary of $9,200 per month which went all the way up to $23,250 per month. Tips closed in at just under $3,700 per month as well.

From 240 to 280 feet a yacht captain averaged just under $15,500 in 2021 which you’ll notice is oddly under the average for the next size down. The low end of the scale here paid just under $7,500 per month which is a good deal lower than the low end for slightly smaller vessels. On the high end captains were making $20,125. For whatever reason, yachts in this range just don’t pay as well as those in the 180 range, on average.

When you head to 280+ feet, the largest that the survey data was able to account for, yacht captains average about $20,500 per month. Remarkably, the low end here was $9,200 which is the same as vessels a full 100 feet shorter. However, on the high end some of these captains are making $32,000 per month. Factor in gratuities and that’s another $5,600 on average.

How Yacht Captains are Paid

sailing yacht skipper salary

Most yacht captains get paid on a monthly basis. There are freelance captains who may also work under different payment terms. One such captain who responded to the survey charged $38 per hour as a flat rate. If they were chartered for a week, that would work out to $6,384 per week assuming you expect your captain to be ready for duty 24/7 on the water.

What do the Yacht Crew Members Make?

Like the captain, crew members can make more money on larger vessels and their experience in the business and time at sea can also factor in. But in general, here are some average numbers for crew salaries to put things in perspective.

First Officer

On a smaller yacht under 100 feet a first officer may earn up to about $65,000 per year. On a much larger yacht over 200 feet they could expect $100,000+

Second Mate

The bosun mate on a smaller yacht can start earning around $45,000+ per year. On a larger yacht over 200 feet this can be bumped up to well over $65,000 per year.

At the low end of the scale, on a smaller yacht a deckhand may make around $40,000 per year. However, on a much larger yacht they could potentially earn up to $65,000 per year.

Chief Engineer

A chief engineer on a small yacht may earn as much as $80,000 per year or more. On larger yachts that top 200 feet this can get closer to $150,000 per year thanks to the much more complicated machinery they need to deal with. They may also need to repair things like jet skis.

Assistant Engineer

The assistant engineer is obviously not earning what the chief does but they can still start at $45,000 per year or so. On large yachts this can reach over $85,000.

Chief Steward

The purser on a smaller yacht can make between $54,000 and $60,000. On the larger vessels this salary can increase to over $80,000.

A steward may make as much as $42,000 on some smaller yachts while that could increase to as much as $65,000 or more on larger vessels. 

A trained chef can expect $60,000 on a small yacht and that can reach well over $105,000 on larger yachts. Many larger luxury yachts also bring in Michelin starred restaurant chefs to work for limited times and these chefs can earn quite a bit more. 

On yachts up to 100 feet, a cook can look forward to making perhaps $54,000 to $60,000 per year. On the high end of the scale, a cook on a large yacht over 200 feet might make over $84,000 per year.

Motor Yacht Captains vs Sailing Yacht Captains

sailing yacht skipper salary

On smaller yachts, the salary difference between sailing yachts and motor yachts captains is often negligible or non-existent. As vessel size increases, the salary of a sailing yacht captain will tend to outpace that of a motor yacht captain, sometimes by a lot. Larger sailing yachts are often harder to come by and require more specialized knowledge so a captain able to handle a 200 foot sailing yacht is rather rare. 

Jeff Bezos currently has the largest sailing yacht in the world at 416 feet while, as we said, the largest motor yacht is the Azzam at almost 600 feet. Though Bezos’ yacht has yet to hit the sea officially, we can assume her captain will be well compensated. 

The Bottom Line

Because yacht captains may perform a wide range of duties for their clients, their pay range can vary widely as well. The yachting industry is nothing if not malleable about things like duties, yacht operations and salary ranges. As long as a captain is skilled and experienced they can expect to make a decent salary regardless of the size of the vessel, but it will definitely increase considerably as the yacht size increases. As such, yacht captain salaries can range anywhere from $3,100 per month to $32,000 per month.

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My grandfather first took me fishing when I was too young to actually hold up a rod on my own. As an avid camper, hiker, and nature enthusiast I'm always looking for a new adventure.

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Exploring the Role of a Skipper in Boating and Sailing

  • Exploring the Role of a Skipper in Boating and Sailing

The term " skipper " holds a prominent place in the world of boating and sailing, representing the individual tasked with the operation, navigation, and overall management of a vessel. Whether it's a small boat, a luxurious yacht, or a sailing dinghy, the skipper plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and smooth functioning of the maritime journey.

Boat Skipper and Yacht Skipper:

The title "boat skipper" is a broad term encompassing individuals in charge of various types of boats , while a "yacht skipper" specifically denotes someone overseeing the operations of a yacht. Both positions require a comprehensive understanding of navigation, safety protocols, and the ability to make informed decisions while at sea.

Charter Skipper:

In the realm of chartering, where individuals or groups rent boats for recreational purposes, a charter skipper may be hired. This professional takes the helm for those who may lack the necessary expertise, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all on board.

Sailing Skipper and Skipper 12 Sailing Dinghy:

A "sailing skipper" is someone well-versed in the intricacies of sailing, adept at harnessing the power of the wind to navigate the waters effectively. Meanwhile, a "Skipper 12" refers to a specific type of sailing dinghy , a smaller boat designed for sailing enthusiasts.

Caucasian male and two children driving a boat

Sailing a Yacht for the First Time:

For those embarking on their maiden voyage aboard a yacht, having an experienced skipper on board is often recommended. Navigating a yacht for the first time can be a complex endeavor, and the guidance of a seasoned skipper ensures a smoother introduction to this maritime adventure.

Hiring a Skipper:

Individuals who own boats but lack the necessary skills or time to operate them may opt to hire a skipper. This allows them to enjoy the pleasures of boating without the responsibilities and challenges associated with captaining the vessel.

Read our top notch articles on topics such as sailing, sailing tips and destinations in our  Magazine.

How to Become a Yacht/Boat Skipper:

Aspiring skippers often undergo training and certification processes to acquire the skills and knowledge needed for the role. This may involve learning about navigation, safety procedures, and gaining hands-on experience in boat handling.

Skippers Choice Marine Supply:

In the marine industry, businesses like "Skippers Choice Marine Supply" cater to the needs of skippers and boat enthusiasts, providing a range of products and services to enhance the boating experience.

In conclusion, the term "skipper" encompasses a diverse range of roles in the maritime world, from steering a small boat to captaining a luxurious yacht. Whether hired for a charter, sought for guidance in sailing, or responsible for the day-to-day operation of a vessel, the skipper is a central figure in the world of boating and sailing, ensuring safe and enjoyable journeys on the water.

So what are you waiting for? Take a look at our  range of charter boats  and head to some of our favourite 

sailing  destinations .

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With Bluewater's expertise in crew training and yacht crew recruitment, finding your ideal yacht crew vacancy is simple. We offer yacht management services to a variety of exclusive superyachts. Our team excels in sourcing top-notch yacht crew positions, spanning from 25-meter private yachts in the Bahamas to 50-metre charter yachts in the Mediterranean to luxurious 100+ metre superyachts navigating the globe extensively.

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Whether you're seeking a yacht crew position as a deckhand, engineer, onboard masseuse, stewardess, chef, chief stewardess, purser, first officer, or captain, take control of your yacht career. Create a profile and join one of the world's largest yachting communities for free.



  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1, PBL2
  • Experience: 1 Year +
  • Salary: DOE
  • Qualifications: STCW, PB2, PWC
  • Experience: at least 1 season
  • Salary: 3000
  • Relief captain 25th June - 30th Sept
  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1, Master 500gt
  • Experience: Similar experience
  • Salary: 7000 euros/month
  • Qualifications: Y4/Y3
  • Experience: 3 years+
  • Salary: €7000
  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1
  • Experience: Sailing experience
  • Qualifications: Yachmaster Offshore or Deck Rating
  • Salary: 3000EUR
  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1, Food & Hygiene Level 2
  • Experience: 2 Years +
  • Salary: 5000EUR
  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1, Food & Hygiene Level 2, Yacht Rating Certificate (Bonus)
  • Salary: 4000 to 4500EUR (DOE)
  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1, PWC, AEC 1 & 2, Deck Rating or Similar
  • Experience: 1 to 2 Years +
  • Salary: 3000 to 4500EUR (DOE)
  • Experience: 5 Years +
  • Salary: 7000EUR

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How to Become a Yacht Week Skipper

Possibly the best job in sailing.

Here at Sailing Virgins, we are often asked about what it takes to become a skipper for The Yacht Week. We should know: all instructors at Sailing Virgins are current or former skippers and/or instructors with The Yacht Week, so we thought we would share some tips. This post introduces The Yacht Week, the Skipper Academy, and gives you the nine steps to make a Yacht Week Skipper.  For a free infographic, click here .

What Is The Yacht Week?

If you are reading this you are probably already aware of The Yacht Week. If not, watch their trailer below. In short, the Yacht Week is a global phenomenon, where people - mostly in their 20s and 30s - become part of sailing events which are staged in six destinations around the world.

If you are into meeting some great people, enjoy partying and like the sound of sailing around the Mediterranean during summer (or any one of half a dozen other locations), check them out.

The Yacht Week Skipper

All Yacht Week skippers must have their RYA Yachtmaster certificate or equivalent. However, the Yachtmaster certificate is only the beginning concerning the Skipper Academy.

For qualifications, the Quarterdeck literature states a Yachtmaster Coastal level is required as a minimum, however, we recommend a Yachtmaster Offshore level, as this will increase your chances of being selected for the Academy and passing.

Besides, the additional miles and experience can come in very handy during a 40 knot squall at 7am when you are effectively single-handing.


The coveted Yacht Week Skipper polo. 

The Quarterdeck Skipper Academy

The Skipper Academy itself is run by Quarterdeck . Quarterdeck is a company related to, but separate from, The Yacht Week. Quarterdeck exists to train skippers in the advanced flotilla methods required by The Yacht Week and other sailing events companies.

The Skipper Academy is a 7-10 day course (current iterations have it at 8 days) covering principally how to deal with paying crews, familiarisation with the sailing routes and how to raft in their various configurations (such as line rafts, tunnel rafts, perfecting med mooring among other skills).

The Skipper Academy itself is widely acknowledged by participants to be one of the best weeks of their lives. It is tough. In any given course the pass rate is around 70-80%. Successful candidates are then invited to work in one of The Yacht Week’s locations, usually starting with Croatia.


Making Yacht Week Skipper In Nine Steps

There are many routes you can take to become a skipper for The Yacht Week. The nine steps below will help you to become not just a skipper for The Yacht Week, but a confident one at that.

1. Basic sailing experience

Budget: $0 - $500

Classic Sailing Virgins Education

Either through sailing with a friend, joining a local community sailing club or a university sailing club. Weekend races, beginner sailing courses, anything that gets you time on the water and on the winches.

Any time spent on a boat is beneficial here, whether it is on a sailing vacation (The Yacht Week included) or just on a lake near your home, on a dinghy. The more time spent here, the merrier.

2. Sailing Theory


This is usually classroom-based learning such as NauticEd Bareboat Charter Master, ASA 103/4, RYA Day Skipper, or online versions of this such as NauticEd.

During this course, you will be introduced to the fundamentals of navigation, weather and boat systems.

The cost of this is in cluded in some intermediate courses such as those offered by Sailing Virgins, and costs $250 - $500 if undertaken separately.

Free NauticEd Trial

3. Intermediate Sailing Course

Budget: $2,500 - $3,000

This is a 1-2 week duration, live-aboard sailing course where your instructor will impart to you the skills necessary to sail your own boat. Depending on the course you choose, this will count for your miles and variety of experience.


Some intermediate courses (such as the Sailing Virgins Island Adventure Course) will include extras like night passages and sailing between countries.

Sailing Virgins courses are designed for people in their 20s and 30s - Sailing Virgins is the only sailing school in the world to offer this. This makes the week much more social, athletic, and prepares you for some of the techniques assessed during The Skipper Academy.

4. Purchase Sailing Gear

Budget: $1,000 - $2,500


Image thanks Zhik

At this stage, you may look to purchase your own foulweather gear, deckvest, and Personal Locator Beacon. Ideally, you want to be self-reliant, as given you will be sailing on other people’s boats and across oceans, you cannot always vouch that their methods or equipment are up to speed.

You ultimately need to trust your gut before embarking on any long journey. We have known sailors to refuse getting on a boat due to either issues with the skipper or the boat itself. Regardless of boat or skipper issues, when you are on a night watch and it is blowing 40 knots in the middle of an ocean, it is a good feeling to know you have decent equipment.

If you'd like some pointers on what gear to buy, we wrote a blog post on 10 Items Every Skipper Should Own and also 8 Apps Every Sailor Should Have .

When you take your Intermediate Sailing Course with Sailing Virgins, you will receive alumni discounts of up to $1,000 on co-branded Sailing Virgins / Zhik sailing equipment. Zhik is said to produce some of the best performance equipment in sailing, and makes gear for the biggest sailing events such as America's Cup, Volvo Ocean Race, and Olympic Games/World Cup. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(1817063, '10322372-0bdc-48b3-8c28-fd4040049937', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"});

5. Log Sea Miles

Budget: $500 - $3,000


Cross an ocean or two, sign up for deliveries, the aim is to attain skills through diverse experience. You will sail with fantastic sailors, and possibly terrible ones. The variety is all part of it.

In other words, learning what not to do is as valuable as learning what to do during this stage. When you cross an ocean there is a good chance you will have a variety of conditions, and will be on watches including, as a matter of course, night sailing.

Your aim is to log at least 2,500 miles, with at least four distinct major journeys, sailing with several different skippers, in a variety of areas, sampling a variety of experiences. Here are some ideas on how you can build your sea miles.

If you do your Intermediate Sailing Course with Sailing Virgins, we will share tips with you on how to find the longer passages, what to look out for and how to approach such an adventure. Every January Sailing Virgins also sponsors an alumni “ex-Virgins” sailing week, where students are invited to return to the Caribbbean for a low cost week of sailing and adventure.

6. VHF, First Aid Courses

Budget: $150 - $300

These are prerequisites for the Yachtmaster Oshore course. One tip is to organise this when you book your Yachtmaster course (see below). Some of it can be done online. Many training centres (such as the  Hamble School of Yachting , who we can vouch for) offer these courses as well as the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore preparation course (as described below)

7. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore course

Budget: $1,000 - $3,000

This is a week-long course where you will do five days of “preparation”, followed by two days of examination, carried out by an independent examiner.

The separation of preparer and examiner, the reputation of the non-profit Royal Yachting Association, and the fact that the Yachtmaster scheme was invented by the RYA, mean heading to Southampton (aka “Yachtmaster mecca”) is a valuable part of the process.

For most sailors, whether from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Europe or the US, sailing is a great sport. For the British, sailing saved their nation on more than one occasion.

Consequently the British have a reverence for sailing that does not really exist in any other culture we are aware of. It is nice to experience this as part of your journey to becoming a professional skipper.   Blue skies and warm waters it isn’t, but well-honed sail training location with a variety of tidal and traffic experiences, it is. 

We recommend Hamble School of Sailing as our favourite in southern England.

Budget: $500 - $1,500


Short for “Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping”, more commonly known as Commercial Endorsement, the STCW is a series of five mini-courses that allows you to work in the industry.

While not mandatory to become a Yacht Week skipper, it will be looked upon favourably when you apply to the Skipper Academy. Plus, STCW-qualified skippers will normally earn a weekly "bonus" for this qualification.

And particularly with the surprisingly realistic firefighting and sea rescue components (among a couple of admittedly boring subjects thrown in) it is a worthwhile learning experience in its own right.

The STCW series of courses can be done in a variety of places, including the UK, USA, Australia and for a low-cost option, the Philippines.

9. Quarterdeck Skipper Academy

Budget: $0 - $1,000


Image thanks Quarterdeck

With the steps outlined above ticked off, you are in a good position to apply for the Quarterdeck Skipper Academy. You may not be accepted to the academy, and even if you are, you may not pass, so a positive outcome to this step is by no means a certainty.

Conducting your Intermediate Sailing Course with Sailing Virgins will give you a much better idea of what Quarterdeck looks for in its candidates and how to optimise your chances of being accepted and passing the Skipper Academy.

How long does it take?

The fastest I have seen the process successfully take was someone dedicating six months of their life to sailing, including sailing in the Mediterranean, an ocean crossing, sailing with instructors for multiple weeks in the Caribbean, then heading to the UK to do their Yachtmaster.

This individual, an athletic, fast learner and already familiar with mechanical systems, later told me that six months felt hellishly fast for what he had achieved.

A normal process for someone taking weeks where they can, is around two years. There is no effective short-cut to this: people who try to override the natural learning curve end up losing confidence at precisely the wrong time.

Should Intermediate Courses be RYA, ASA, IYT, or NauticEd?

Below Yachtmaster Offshore, it really doesn't matter which syllabus you choose. We have written another blog post discussing this in further detail. In short, until you get to Yachtmaster Offshore (which is RYA), concentrate on the testimonials of the sailing school, and in particular what the instructors are like. Here is a blog post giving more detail on choosing a sailing school in the BVI.

What about Zero to Hero?

Some schools offer courses that start with the most basic sailing course, and provide the student with the miles and expertise to pass the yachtmaster exams in one go. These “zero to hero” courses can take between 8-12 weeks, and cost from $6K - $14K. That is, around the same cost as the steps described above if you were to do them individually.

The advantage of such a course is that it is more or less a guarantee that a Yachtmaster certificate will be attained.

However, such courses are looked upon with skepticism in the sailing community, and in the Yacht Week in particular. They tend to provide a “monocultural” experience, without the rich learning that comes through the longer, more peripatetic journey described above.

Free Infographic - 9 Steps To Become A Yacht Week Skipper

Becoming a Yacht Week skipper is a great thing to do. As well as being one of the best jobs on the water, the people you meet and the experience you gain whilst being a part of this organisation can set you up for years into the future.

The path described above, with nine steps to achieving Yachtweek Skipper status, is more than the bare minimum, for a reason: you want to be confident in your sailing before you are paid to do it.

Confidence comes with milage and variety. A mix of sailing in your local area, the Caribbean and the UK, decent instruction, plus at least one long journey such as an ocean crossing, should set you up for success.

Sailing Virgins is a Caribbean-based sailing academy for people in their 20s and 30s who wish to level up their sailing game. Check out our Intermediate Sailing Courses and our Island Adventures , both of which can gain you a sailing qualification that is an essential part of your path to becoming a Yacht Week skipper.

Please post any thoughts or questions in the comments below. Enjoy the journey.

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The founders of Sailing Virgins started things as a result of having some incredible sailing seasons in the Mediterranean and Caribbean working for sailing company The Yacht Week. James then worked for and for a while managed Tortola Sailing School. In 2016 he branched off and started Sailing Virgins. We LOVE how sailing is changing. Top speeds in the America’s Cup were thirteen knots not so long ago. Now they’re 45 knots. If you’re excited by that, we’re with you. Giddy up!

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sailing yacht skipper salary

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Sunsail yacht skipper salary?

  • Thread starter [3889]
  • Start date 29 Aug 2014
  • 29 Aug 2014

Anyone KNOW (I can guess) what the current salary is for yacht skippers?  

Active member

Quiddle said: Anyone KNOW (I can guess) what the current salary is for yacht skippers? Click to expand...


Well-known member

Jamesuk said: Just under £200 if you are a Cruising Instructor, Yacht skippers on flot are on about £180 and I think the 3 day flotilla training lot are on about £130. Click to expand...


JumbleDuck said: Per day, I presume? Click to expand...


Is a similar amount paid to the lowly fo'c'sle hand who cleans the inevitable, ubiquitous slicks of vomit from around the guests' cabins? Or...does...someone else that? :hopeless: Regardless of whether charter boats themselves are the skipper's favourite style or total anathema, it must be the human element aboard that turns the role from dream to dreadful. Funny how paying a person to do something they enjoyed as an amateur, usually turns their minds to resenting almost every aspect of it.  

Jamesuk said: It is great fun. the Pay is awful." ...Per week my friend and that's a 7 day week. Click to expand...
dom said: These days employers are really hot on work experience and I can't see many being impressed by someone who took a doss job ...and if it isn't a doss those rates sound pretty close to exploitation. TUI (who own Sunsail) won't care, but I for one would advise kids to think twice before taking such a job. It might be better to get a decent job, then take a decent holiday. Click to expand...


dom said: TUI (who own Sunsail) won't care, but I for one would advise kids to think twice before taking such a job. It might be better to get a decent job, then take a decent holiday. Click to expand...
dom said: These days employers are really hot on work experience and I can't see many being impressed by someone who took a doss job Click to expand...
Jamesuk said: £200 per week...and that's a 7 day week. Click to expand...
vyv_cox said: As you say, the pay was rubbish but he gained unrivalled experience and now has contacts on superyachts all over the world, all ex-sunsail employees. On the way he learned to speak Greek and fluent Spanish. Look on it as a kind of apprenticeship rather than a final career position and enjoy the benefits. Click to expand...
dancrane said: taking care of packs of stinky drunken idiots. Click to expand...

True, I've virtually no idea. Is it strictly training/racing that Sunsail do?  

Jamesuk said: It is great fun. the Pay is awful. Click to expand...
dancrane said: And I bet skippers don't often get eight hours' sleep. I don't on my own boat. Must work out about £1.50 per hour, and they're always responsible for everyone's safety on board. I am on my boat and get paid far less than that. I wouldn't have wanted to sail, ever , if the fun & freedom was clouded by professional responsibility, cleaning schedules & taking care of packs of stinky drunken idiots. Sounds like my last "proper" job as course director at the Fire Service College (apart from the cleaning - I wasn't qualified for that). Click to expand...
dancrane said: True, I've virtually no idea. Is it strictly training/racing that Sunsail do? Click to expand...
Jamesuk said: "Having said that, why not check out Sunsail now, get some last minute flot skipper experience. It is great fun. the Pay is awful." Per week my friend and that's a 7 day week. Click to expand...


I was a Sunsail Skipper for the season straight after university. It was just a seasonal job before I started my proper career, but I really enjoyed it. It was hard work and the pay was rubbish, but I still saved because there was so few opportunities to spend. Unfortunately, on the weather front. I was based at Port Solent, but it actually made for a much more varied job. Apart from flotilla training and weekend charters, I skippered in competitions like the Industry Challenge, Beneteau Cup(the fleet was Beneteau 35s5s in those days) and Cowes week. Very occasionally there was a yacht free at the weekend and I would not be skippering, so got to take my friends out for a weekend jolly. What it did teach me was that I would never do it for a proper job.... On the sailing front it gave me a lot of useful experience, particularly on the berthing front. Sometimes I would have to re-arrange 8-10 boats singlehanded at changeover.  

Daydream believer

vyv_cox said: My son Owen was with Sunsail for seven years, started as a dinghy instructor and finished as base engineer in Palma Mallorca. As you say, the pay was rubbish but he gained unrivalled experience and now has contacts on superyachts all over the world, all ex-sunsail employees. On the way he learned to speak Greek and fluent Spanish. Look on it as a kind of apprenticeship rather than a final career position and enjoy the benefits. Click to expand...

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Clipper Race Skipper

Vacancy Clipper Race Skipper

It takes an exceptional candidate to skipper in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. We are not just looking for the best yacht racer or the best sailor, we are also looking for talented and qualified individuals with proven strong leadership and instructing backgrounds. You will be in charge of a team of approximately 60 Race Crew, up to 22 of whom will be on board at any one time. You, along with the support of a professional mate on-board, have a unique opportunity to develop the different personalities in your team to create a competitive entry in the challenge of a lifetime.


To lead a team of novice crew of all ages and abilities, facilitating their race around the world.

Responsibilities include:

  • Ongoing crew training and development throughout the race
  • Team structure and role allocation
  • Safety and seamanship
  • Standard maintenance of an ocean racing yacht
  • Interface between race team and crew
  • Representing boat sponsors, including media and corporate responsibilities.


  • UK MCA Recognised Yachtmaster Ocean with commercial endorsement or IYT (International Yacht Training) Master of Yachts
  • ENG1 Seafarer's medical certificate
  • STCW Proficiency in Medical Care
  • STCW Basic Safety Training
  • Approved Engine Course (AEC)
  • GMDSS GOC with sat-com endorsement
  • UK Work Visa
  • RYA Yachtmaster Instructor or Cruising Instructor (highly desirable)

Note: Qualifications in progress may be accepted under certain circumstances.


  • Fluent English (spoken and written)
  • Excellent interpersonal, man management and leadership skills [please give examples in your covering letter]
  • Ability to build, inspire and motivate teams
  • Strong communications skills
  • Significant offshore/ocean experience (c. 30,000nm), with a significant proportion in command
  • Significant time in command of crewed yachts greater than 50-foot
  • Strong background in sail training
  • Commercial and media awareness and a professional image
  • Offshore yacht racing experience and competitive nature
  • High level of seamanship, practical yacht husbandry and maintenance skills

Recruitment for Race Skippers for the Clipper 2025-26 Race is now open.

If you are interested in the role for the next edition, please do still get in touch. Send your CV and a covering letter stating why you would make a great race skipper/ leader. Please contact Race Director, Mark Light [email protected] .


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