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Your Yachting partner since 1987

Cosmos Yachting has been providing exceptional yachting services since 1987. Our wide range of services caters to all your yachting needs, ensuring a memorable experience on the water. Trust us to make your yachting dreams a reality.



Our company has a global presence with offices in Munich, London, Athens, and Seoul. We are proud to serve clients from all over the world and provide them with top-yacht chartering services no matter where they are located. 


At Cosmos Luxury Yachts, we are passionate about creating exceptional yacht experiences for our clients. Our mission is to provide the ultimate luxury yacht charter service, tailored to their specific needs and desires.


We are proud to represent some of the biggest shipyards in the world, including Bavaria, Beneteau, Lagoon, Excess, and Bali. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the best possible service and helping you find the perfect vessel for you.

At our company Nomicos Yachts, we specialize in yacht chartering services, yacht maintenance, and other related services. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the best possible experience, ensuring that your yacht is always in top condition.


About Cosmos

Cosmos Yachting was borne out of love for the sea. Yachting and boating is celebrating the sea and experiencing the feeling of freedom. This is what Jordanis Chatziveroglou had in mind when he founded Cosmos Yachting back in 1987.  It was clear to him, his mission was to build "a trustworthy yachting company" by providing high quality services and by building a relationship of trust with his customers.  With a presence in London, Munich, Athens and Seoul we work alongside leading industry names like Beneteau, Bavaria, Lagoon and Nautitech. We’re constantly evolving to make sure we meet new challenges. We use leading edge technology for our online booking platforms and fleet management systems. But while technology is crucial, we believe it should never replace personalized service and human relationships. Our customers trust is our utmost priority.  Partner with us and get access to 34 years of world class experience. Our common journey continues.


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Welcome to our fleet of over 40 sailing yachts and catamarans! We offer a wide range of vessels to suit any sailing adventure, from intimate getaways to large group excursions. The yachts are berthed at different marinas across Greece!


We are proud to maintain bases in Athens, Lavrion, Corfu, Kephalonia, Preveza and Rhodes. Our dedicated staff is always on hand to provide you with top-notch charter support and technical services.

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Yachtcharter Kroatien 1

Yacht Charter Κροατία

Κροατία: 1200 νησιά σας περιμένουν.

Η Κροατία βρίσκεται στη βορειοανατολική ακτή της Αδριατικής και έχει μια γεμάτη ιστορία. Από τον 8ο αιώνα οι τεκμηριωμένοι κάτοικοι ήταν οι Ιλλυριοί. Λίγο αργότερα οι Έλληνες ίδρυσαν δύο αποικίες και λίγους αιώνες αργότερα η σημερινή Κροατία έγινε μέρος της Ρωμαϊκής Αυτοκρατορίας. Με τη διαίρεση της αυτοκρατορίας στα τέλη του 4ου αιώνα η Κροατία έγινε μέρος της Δυτικής Ρωμαϊκής Αυτοκρατορίας και παρέμεινε για αρκετούς αιώνες, κατά τη διάρκεια των οποίων διαφορετικοί λαοί πέρασαν ή εγκαταστάθηκαν εκεί – όπως οι πρώτες φυλές της Νότιας Σλαβικής – και κυβέρνησαν πάνω σε αυτήν την περιοχή, τα σύνορα μεταξύ Δύσης και Ανατολής, κυρίως ως προπύργιο ενάντια στους Οθωμανούς. Οι ταραχές και οι τραγωδίες των δύο παγκόσμιων πολέμων έληξαν στο αιματηρό τέλος στην πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβία το πρώτο μισό της δεκαετίας του 1990. Η σημερινή Κροατία είναι ανεξάρτητη από το 1991 και μέλος της ΕΕ από το 2013.

Οι ακτές της Κροατίας με τα καθαρά, καταγάλανα νερά και περισσότερα από 1200 νησιά και πολλούς υφάλους, κυρίως χωρίς κύματα που αξίζει να αναφερθούν και με χαμηλά ρεύματα, προσφέρουν αμέτρητους γραφικούς κόλπους, καθώς και λιμάνια διαφόρων μεγεθών και μαρίνες που δεν αφήνουν καμία επιθυμία ανεκπλήρωτη. Ο συνδυασμός της μαγευτικής φύσης και της καλής υποδομής καθιστά την Κροατία μία από τις πιο δημοφιλείς περιοχές ναύλωσης γιοτ στη Μεσόγειο. Η ακτή της Κροατίας ήταν ένας δημοφιλής προορισμός διακοπών την εποχή της Γιουγκοσλαβίας.

Οι διακοπές στην ιστιοπλοΐα στην Κροατία προσφέρουν στον επισκέπτη όχι μόνο μια υπέροχη εμπειρία στη φύση, αλλά και πολλά πολιτιστικά αξιοθέατα για μια βόλτα στην ακτή.  Πρέπει επίσης να δοκιμάσεται την κροατική κουζίνα. Κάθε μία από τις παράκτιες περιοχές – Istria και Kvarner Bay, Kornati Islands, Split and Central Dalmatia, Dubrovnik και South Dalmatia – έχει χαρακτηριστικά τοπικά χαρακτηριστικά.

Ίστρια και Κόρνερ: Ιστορία και Θάλασσα

Η κροατική ακτή της Αδριατικής ξεκινά στο Kanegra στη χερσόνησο του Ίστρια, απέναντι από το Portorož της Σλοβενίας. Η Ίστρια είναι η μεγαλύτερη χερσόνησος της Αδριατικής και βρίσκεται μεταξύ του Κόλπου της Τεργέστης και του κόλπου της Ριέκα.

Η δυτική ακτή της Κροατίας της Ίστρια ξεκινά από το Savudrija στα βόρεια και εκτείνεται μέχρι το Medulin στο νότιο άκρο της χερσονήσου. Το τοπίο της ακτής κυριαρχείται από καταπράσινους λόφους και γοητευτικές πόλεις του λιμανιού με βενετσιάνικη ατμόσφαιρα από περασμένες εποχές. Η Πούλα, η πρωτεύουσα της Ίστρια στο νότιο άκρο, μπορεί να ανατρέξει σε 7000 χρόνια ιστορίας. Εκτός από τα παλιά τείχη και τις καμάρες της πόλης, το αρχαίο, 117ο π.Χ., είναι ιδιαίτερα αξιοσημείωτο. Το αμφιθέατρο, η έκτη μεγαλύτερη ρωμαϊκή αρένα, μπορεί να φιλοξενήσει έως και 26.000 θεατές.

Σε ένα ιστιοπλοϊκό ταξίδι κατά μήκος της δυτικής ακτής της Ίστρια, ωστόσο, θα πρέπει επίσης να επισκεφθείτε τη Βασιλική του Ευφράσια του Πόρεου από τον 6ο αιώνα, η οποία χτίστηκε στη θέση παλαιότερης εκκλησίας του 5ου αιώνα. Στο Rovinj, από την άλλη πλευρά, μπορείτε να περπατήσετε στα στενά δρομάκια της παλιάς Ρωμανικής-Γοτθικής πόλης, η οποία έχει επίσης ισχυρά στοιχεία από την Αναγέννηση, το Μπαρόκ και τη Νεοκλασική περίοδο. Η χερσόνησος της παλιάς πόλης Rovinj δημιουργήθηκε το 1763 όταν το νησί στο οποίο χτίστηκε ο τόπος συνδέθηκε με την ηπειρωτική χώρα. Κοντά στο Rovinj υπάρχουν επίσης πολλές όμορφες αμμώδεις παραλίες, π.χ. στο Χρυσό Ακρωτήριο λίγο νότια και στα 22 νησάκια. Το Χρυσό Ακρωτήριο είναι μια χερσόνησος στην οποία υπάρχει ένα παλιό πάρκο που είναι άνω των 100 ετών και είναι τώρα υπό προστασία της φύσης.

Το κέντρο ναύλωσης του κροατικού τμήματος της Ίστρια βρίσκεται στην Πούλα. Οι μεγάλες μαρίνες Marina Veruda και ACI-Marina βρίσκονται εδώ. Άλλα μέρη με μαρίνες και μαρίνες είναι Umag, Poreč, Rovinj, Medulin στη δυτική ακτή του Istrian και Mošćenička Draga, Medveja, Lovran, Ičići και Opatija στην ανατολική ακτή του Istrian. Οι θέσεις Koper, Portorož, Izola και Piran βρίσκονται στο σλοβενικό τμήμα της Ίστρια. Από την Ίστρια μπορείτε επίσης να ταξιδέψετε νότια προς τα νησιά Κορνάτι ή τη Δαλματία.

Η ανατολική ακτή του Ίστρια είναι το δυτικό άκρο του κόλπου Kvarner, που εκτείνεται μέχρι το Starigrad-Paklenica στο νότο. Γοητευτικές αμμώδεις παραλίες όπως αυτές στο νησί Susak και γοητευτικές αγκυροβόλια όπως αυτές στα νησιά Premuda, Olib, Silba και Molat περιμένουν την επίσκεψή σας. Ωστόσο, ο κόλπος Kvarner μπορεί επίσης να βρει πολύ καλές μαρίνες. Εδώ ξεχωρίζει το Marina Punat, το οποίο βρίσκεται σε ένα γραφικό φυσικό λιμάνι νότια της μικρής λιμενικής πόλης Krk στο νησί με το ίδιο όνομα στο βόρειο τμήμα του κόλπου, καθώς και τις μαρίνες στα νησιά Cres, Pag και Ραμπ.

Μια επίσκεψη στο “Blue Grotto” κοντά στο Lubenice στην περιοχή ναύλωσης γιοτ Kvarner είναι απαραίτητη.

Ιδιότητες Εδάφους

Άνεμος και καιρός, επίπεδο δυσκολίας, λιμάνια και αγκυρώσεις, κανονισμοί και αρχές, φτάνοντας εκεί.

Η TUIfly προσφέρει πτήσεις από Μόναχο, Στουτγκάρδη, Κολωνία, Ανόβερο και Λειψία προς Ριέκα. Το αεροδρόμιο προορισμού είναι στο νησί Krk. Είναι επίσης δυνατό να φτάσετε με αυτοκίνητο. Είναι περίπου 600 χιλιόμετρα από το Μόναχο.

Νησιά Κορνάτι: Πλούσιος υποβρύχιος κόσμος

Τα νησιά Kornati, μια ομάδα νησιών στην Κροατική Αδριατική, βρίσκονται μεταξύ Zadar και Šibenik. Αυτή η περιοχή ναύλωσης σκαφών αποτελείται από 150 νησιά, νησίδες και υφάλους και είναι γνωστή και αγαπημένη για τα άγονα τοπία της, τα καθαρά νερά και τον πλούσιο υποβρύχιο κόσμο. Ο υποβρύχιος κόσμος των νησιών Kornati είναι ένας παράδεισος για δύτες και ψαράδες. Οι γραφικοί κόλποι και οι όμορφες μαρίνες κάνουν το αρχιπέλαγος μια υπέροχη περιοχή ιστιοπλοΐας. Σύγχρονες μαρίνες βρίσκονται στα νησιά Piškera και Zut. Οι ηλιόλουστες καλοκαιρινές μέρες ολοκληρώνουν το υπέροχο σκηνικό με το φως τους. Δεν ήταν τίποτα που έγραψε ο συγγραφέας Τζορτζ Μπερνάρντ Σω: «Την τελευταία ημέρα της δημιουργίας, ο Θεός επιδίωξε να στεφανώσει το έργο του και έτσι δημιούργησε τα νησιά Κορνάτι από δάκρυα, αστέρια και ανάσα».

Στο νότιο τμήμα του αρχιπελάγους, 89 νησιά και βράχια, αποτελούν το Εθνικό Πάρκο Kornati, που ιδρύθηκε το 1980. Το μεγαλύτερο νησί είναι το Kornat, από το οποίο ονομάστηκε ολόκληρο το αρχιπέλαγος. Το διοικητικό κέντρο της περιοχής βρίσκεται στο νησί Murter.

Ο μέτριος δυτικός άνεμος Maestrale φυσά όλο το χρόνο. Την άνοιξη και το φθινόπωρο το Jugo φυσάει από τα νοτιοανατολικά. Η Μπόρα φυσάει από τα βορειοανατολικά σχεδόν όλο το χρόνο. Το Garbin φυσάει από τα νοτιοδυτικά και μπορεί επίσης να φτάσει στη δύναμη της καταιγίδας. Ένα δελτίο καιρού στα γερμανικά μεταδίδεται στο VHF, το οποίο σίγουρα πρέπει να το ακούσετε. Η καλύτερη περίοδος ιστιοπλοΐας είναι από τον Ιούνιο έως τα μέσα Σεπτεμβρίου. Δεδομένου ότι η περιοχή είναι αρκετά γεμάτη τον Ιούλιο και τον Αύγουστο, θα πρέπει να κατευθυνθείτε προς τις μαρίνες και τους κόλπους αγκύρωσης το συντομότερο δυνατό.

Ο πλοίαρχος χρειάζεται “επίσημη άδεια για σκάφη με παράκτια πλοήγηση”. Ο κυβερνήτης ή ένα μέλος του πληρώματος χρειάζεται επίσης ένα επίσημο “πιστοποιητικό λειτουργίας για χειριστές ραδιοφώνου”. Το τελευταίο μπορεί να αποκτηθεί μέσω εξέτασης στην αντίστοιχη λιμενική αρχή. Προειδοποίηση: Ισχύει μόνο στην Κροατία.

Η Croatia Airlines προσφέρει προγραμματισμένες πτήσεις από Αμβούργο, Ανόβερο και Φρανκφούρτη. Υπάρχουν απευθείας πτήσεις προς Ζαντάρ από Φρίντριχσχαφεν και Κολωνία. Η Croatia Airlines μέσω Ζάγκρεμπ και η Austria Airlines μέσω Βιέννης πετούν προς Σπλιτ που απέχει 760 χιλιόμετρα με το αυτοκίνητο από το Μόναχο προς το Sukošan.

Σπλιτ και Κεντρική Δαλματία: ήλιος και φύση

Η περιοχή ναύλωσης σκαφών στην Κεντρική Δαλματία από το Rogoznica στο βορρά έως το Gradac στο νότο θεωρείται μια από τις πιο δημοφιλείς περιοχές ιστιοπλοΐας στην Κροατία. Οι λόγοι γι ‘αυτό είναι ο ήλιος, οι ευχάριστες θερμοκρασίες της ημέρας, οι σταθερές συνθήκες του ανέμου, τα μαγευτικά τοπία και οι πολύ καλές μαρίνες στο Trogir, το Kaštel Gomilica, το Split και το Makarska.

Το νησί Brač, ένα από τα πιο όμορφα της Μεσογείου, προσφέρει υπέροχες παραλίες και όμορφους κόλπους. Το νησί Hvar είναι γνωστό για την παραγωγή λεβάντας και για μερικά εξαιρετικά κρασιά, όπως ο Φάρος, που πήρε το όνομά του από τον αρχαίο ελληνικό οικισμό Φάρο – σήμερα λέγεται Στάρι Γκραντ. Το μέρος Vis στο νησί με το ίδιο όνομα τον 4ο αιώνα π.Χ. ιδρύθηκε με το όνομα Issa από Έλληνες έποικους από τις Συρακούσες, οι οποίοι αργότερα ίδρυσαν αποικίες όπως το σημερινό Split στην ηπειρωτική χώρα. Στο Vis, κοντά στο Komiža, υπάρχει το λεγόμενο “Tito Cave”, από το οποίο λέγεται ότι ο μακροχρόνιος κυβερνήτης της Γιουγκοσλαβίας Josip Broz Tito οργάνωσε την αντίσταση εναντίον των Γερμανών κατακτητών το 1944.

Στην ηπειρωτική χώρα ξεχωρίζει το Σπλιτ, που ιδρύθηκε από αρχαίους Έλληνες εποίκους με το όνομα Ασπαλάθος. Στα βόρεια της πόλης βρίσκεται ο παλιός ρωμαϊκός οικισμός της Salona. Το ανατολικό τμήμα της παλιάς πόλης του Σπλιτ αποτελεί το πρώην παλάτι του Ρωμαίου αυτοκράτορα Διοκλητιανού, το οποίο χτίστηκε περίπου το 300. Στο ανάκτορο και στα κτίρια που βρέθηκαν τον 7ο αιώνα, κάτοικοι της γειτονικής Salona κατέφυγαν για να σωθούν από την εισβολή των Σλάβων και των Avars. Με την πάροδο του χρόνου δημιουργήθηκε το ιστορικό κέντρο της πόλης του Σπλιτ. Περιέχει αγορές, πλατείες, καταστήματα και τον καθεδρικό ναό του Αγίου Δομνίου, ο οποίος ήταν το πρώην μαυσωλείο του αυτοκράτορα Διοκλητιανού και της συζύγου του Πρίσκα. Σήμερα το Split είναι μια πολιτιστικά ζωντανή πόλη και τα πολλά εστιατόρια και ταβέρνες – που ονομάζονται Konobas – σας προσκαλούν να απολαύσετε την τοπική κουζίνα.

Η λιμενική περιοχή του Σπλιτ με τις μαρίνες και τους μεγάλους στόλους γιοτ είναι ένα δημοφιλές σημείο εκκίνησης για διακοπές ιστιοπλοΐας στην Κροατία.

Σε αυτήν την περιοχή, αρκεί η βασική γνώση της επίγειας πλοήγησης. Εδώ εφαρμόζεται το πλευρικό σύστημα Α. Η περιοχή είναι πολύ καλά ανυψωμένη και φωτισμένη, επομένως είναι δυνατές οι νυχτερινές εκδρομές. Το παλιρροιακό εύρος είναι χαμηλό. Παρ ‘όλα αυτά, πρέπει να υπολογίζετε σε ισχυρά ρεύματα στα στενά περάσματα κατά τη διάρκεια της σεζόν.

Λιμάνια Και Αγκυροβόλια

Υπάρχουν 43 μαρίνες στην Κροατία, 21 εκ των οποίων ανήκουν στο Adriatic Croatia International Club (ACI). Οι περισσότερες μαρίνες έχουν αγκυροβόλιο. Στους κόλπους υπάρχουν σημαντήρες με αμοιβή και δεν μπορείτε να τους αποφύγετε, επειδή το κράτος διανέμει άδειες με μίσθωση. Τα πιο όμορφα λιμάνια σε αυτήν την διαδρομή πλοήγησης είναι η Marina Kremik στο Primosten και η Marina Frapa στη Rogoznica.

Λιμάνι Hvar Δεν υπάρχει σχεδόν καθόλου χώρος για σκάφη στο λιμάνι της πόλης Hvar, έτσι μικρότερα σκάφη συνήθως αγκυροβολούν στο κέντρο του λιμανιού και φέρνουν μια γραμμή προς τις δέστρες στη δυτική όχθη. Ένα αγκυροβόλιο για μεγαλύτερα σκάφη μπορεί να βρεθεί βόρεια και βορειοδυτικά του νησιού Galisnik. Το λιμάνι του Hvar προσφέρει παροχή νερού, ηλεκτρικού ρεύματος και καυσίμων, καθώς και εργασίες επί του σκάφους και του κινητήρα. Το λιμάνι προσφέρει επίσης ευκαιρίες για ψώνια, καθώς και πολλά μπαρ και εστιατόρια.

Μαρίνα Παλμιζάνα Η μαρίνα Palmizana στο νησί Sveti Klement ή Pakleni Otoci βρίσκεται σε έναν προστατευμένο κόλπο αγκυροβόλησης. Η μαρίνα προσφέρει νερό και ηλεκτρικό ρεύμα, εστιατόρια, μίνι μάρκετ και συνεργείο.


Ντουμπρόβνικ και νότια δαλματία: παγκόσμια κληρονομιά και φύση.

Η νότια Δαλματία εκτείνεται από το Ploče στα βόρεια μέχρι τα σύνορα με το Μαυροβούνιο. Είναι μια γραφική περιοχή ναύλωσης σκαφών στη νότια Κροατία. Το σημείο εκκίνησης για ένα ταξίδι ιστιοπλοΐας σε αυτήν την περιοχή αλλά και στο Μαυροβούνιο είναι το Ντουμπρόβνικ, η πρωτεύουσα της περιοχής με διεθνές αεροδρόμιο και μια πολύ καλά εξοπλισμένη μαρίνα.

Το Ντουμπρόβνικ, η πρώην Δημοκρατία της Ραγκούσα, το όνομα του οποίου προέρχεται από το Ελληνικό Ρασιόν, είναι ένα από τα σημαντικότερα πολιτιστικά κέντρα στην Κροατία και είναι γνωστό ως «Μαργαριτάρι της Αδριατικής» και «Κροατική Αθήνα». Το σημερινό όνομα πηγαίνει πίσω στη σλαβική λέξη για το δρύινο ντάμπ και προέρχεται από την εποχή της άφιξης των Σλάβων σε αυτήν την περιοχή τον 7ο αιώνα. Η παλιά πόλη του Ντουμπρόβνικ ανακηρύχθηκε παγκόσμια κληρονομιά το 1979.

Στην ακτή της νότιας Δαλματίας βρίσκεται το αρχιπέλαγος Elaphiti που αποτελείται από 13 νησιά με γραφικούς κόλπους, εξαιρετικές αμμώδεις παραλίες και υπέροχα μονοπάτια πεζοπορίας. Μόνο τα Koločep, Lopud και Šipan κατοικούνται.

Το Korčula, το νησί που ονομάζεται Κορκύρα Μελίνα (“Μαύρη Κέρκυρα”) από τους αρχαίους Έλληνες λόγω των πυκνών πευκοδάση του, θεωρείται η γενέτειρα του Μάρκο Πόλο. Το Merchant’s Birthplace είναι ένα δημοφιλές τουριστικό αξιοθέατο. Υπάρχουν πολλές θέσεις στη μαρίνα ACI στο Korčula και γύρω από το νησί.

Ο Mljet, του οποίου το όνομα προέρχεται πιθανώς από το όνομα της νύμφης Melite, που γεννήθηκε στην Κέρκυρα, είναι γνωστή ως το «πράσινο νησί» λόγω του μεγάλου ποσοστού δασών. Ένα μεγάλο μέρος του Mljet ανακηρύχθηκε εθνικό πάρκο το 1960.

Η χερσόνησος Pelješac με τους πολυάριθμους μικρούς κόλπους και τα κρυστάλλινα νερά σας προσκαλεί να αγκυροβολήσετε και να χαλαρώσετε. Το νησί Lastovo, νότια του Korčula, χρησιμοποιείται από πολλούς ναυτικούς ως στάση από το Σπλιτ στο Ντουμπρόβνικ.

Υπάρχουν 43 μαρίνες στην Κροατία, 21 από τις οποίες ανήκουν στο Adriatic Croatia International Club (ACI). Οι περισσότερες μαρίνες έχουν αγκυροβόλιο. Στους κόλπους υπάρχουν σημαντήρες με αμοιβή και δεν μπορείτε να τους αποφύγετε αγκυροβολώντας, επειδή το κράτος διανέμει άδειες με μίσθωση. Το ACI Marina Dubrovnik προσφέρει το πιο όμορφο λιμάνι σε αυτήν την περιοχή ιστιοπλοΐας.

Ντουμπρόβνικ Το ACI Marina Dubrovnik “Miho Pracat” βρίσκεται κοντά στο Komolac, περίπου δύο ναυτικά μίλια από την ενδοχώρα στην είσοδο του Rijeka Dubrovačka. Αυτή η μαρίνα είναι ανοιχτή όλο το χρόνο και προσφέρει 450 θέσεις για σκάφη μήκους έως 50μ. Βρίσκονται στον κυματοθραύστη, ο οποίος προσφέρει προστασία από τη ροή του ποταμού, στον τοίχο της αποβάθρας και στις αποβάθρες. Η μαρίνα προσφέρει παροχή νερού και ηλεκτρικού ρεύματος και η Komolac διαθέτει πισίνα, εστιατόρια, σούπερ μάρκετ, καταστήματα όλων των ειδών, γήπεδα τένις και πολλά άλλα. Επιπλέον, η μαρίνα προσφέρει υπηρεσίες ασφαλείας, τεχνική υπηρεσία, επισκευή πλοίων καθώς και επισκευή και συντήρηση. Υπάρχουν άλλες επιλογές ελλιμενισμού για σκάφη με ρεύμα έως και τρία μέτρα στο λιμάνι της παλιάς πόλης. Τα μικρότερα πλοία μπορούν να αγκυροβολήσουν στον κόλπο Gornja Bocina. Μικρότερα σκάφη μπορούν να βρουν επιπλέον αγκυροβόλια στο λιμάνι Gruž. Μπορείτε να αγκυροβολήσετε στους σημαντήρες ελλιμενισμού νοτιοανατολικά της προβλήτας Petka – αυτά εκχωρούνται από την εταιρεία «Luka». Με άδεια και με πληρωμή ενός demurrage, μπορείτε επίσης να αγκυροβολήσετε στο μικρό λιμάνι του ιστιοπλοϊκού συλλόγου “Orsan”. Οι γραμμές εδάφους μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για να αγκυροβολήσετε στον κόλπο Lozica, βορειοδυτικά από την είσοδο του ποταμού Rijeka Dubrovačka.

ACI Μαρίνα Korčula Το ACI Marina Korčula προσφέρει θέσεις σε έναν μικρό κόλπο ανατολικά της πόλης. Η μαρίνα προστατεύεται από έναν κυματοθραύστη στο βορρά και προσφέρει 160 αγκυροβόλια για σκάφη μήκους έως 12 μέτρα στην αποβάθρα, στην προβλήτα και στον κυματοθραύστη. Οι υπηρεσίες της ACI Marina περιλαμβάνουν νερό, καύσιμα και ηλεκτρικό ρεύμα, εγκαταστάσεις αγορών, σούπερ μάρκετ, καφετέριες, εστιατόρια και τεχνική υπηρεσία. Σημαντικές επισκευές μπορούν να πραγματοποιηθούν στο ναυπηγείο στο Korčula.

Νησί Mljet Συνιστώνται τα λιμάνια Pomena και Polače. Ο οικισμός των Πομένων στον ίδιο κόλπο βρίσκεται στο δυτικό άκρο του νησιού και προστατεύεται καλά από τους ανέμους από όλες τις πλευρές και προσφέρει καλές μόνιμες θέσεις. Τα ιστιοπλοϊκά σκάφη μπορούν να αγκυροβολήσουν στο νότιο τμήμα του κόλπου σε βάθος νερού 20 έως 30 μέτρα ή στην προκυμαία μπροστά από το ξενοδοχείο με βάθος νερού 2 έως 4,5 μέτρα. Υπάρχουν επίσης συνδέσεις ηλεκτρικού ρεύματος και νερού. Τρόφιμα και νερό διατίθενται σε περιορισμένες ποσότητες.

Το Polače βρίσκεται σε έναν μεγάλο κόλπο στα βόρεια του νησιού. Στο εσωτερικό αυτού του κόλπου, ο μικρός κόλπος Mala Tatinica, ο οποίος είναι πλήρως προστατευμένος, προσφέρει καλές θέσεις, είτε στην προβλήτα μπροστά από το χωριό Polače με βάθος νερού 4,7 έως 5,2 μέτρα ή στο βορειοδυτικό τμήμα της προκυμαίας, όπου το βάθος του νερού είναι περίπου 2, 5 μέτρα. Η προμήθειες είναι εδώ σε περιορισμένο βαθμό. Το εστιατόριο στην προκυμαία διαθέτει μια καλή κουζίνα. Καταστήματα βρίσκονται στο χωριό Govedari περίπου 1,5 χιλιόμετρα στην ενδοχώρα.

Οι τιμές που εμφανίζονται είναι σύμφωνα με τον επίσημο τιμοκατάλογο. Κατά το check out ζητήστε την ειδική προσφορά σας.

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boats found

Cosmos | Cosmos

Athens, Marina Alimos (Kalamaki), Greece

€ 15.400 Price from € 15.400 Not included Obligatory extras: APA (Advance Provisioning Allowance) On Hold Discount -0% Web Discount: -5%

Charter dates not specified

Cosmos  | Cosmos

Length 24.80 m

Engine x 0 0 hp

Gulet & Motorsailer Cosmos "Cosmos" is located in Athens, Marina Alimos (Kalamaki), Greece . Built in year 1979 , it provides accommodation for 9 people in 4 cabins , with 4 toilets and shower(s) .   read more

Cosmos "Cosmos" is equipped with mainsail, genoa type and GPS chart plotter, Autopilot. What makes this yacht special is Air Conditioning, Generator, TV, Solar panels.   Hide  


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  • Air Conditioning
  • Solar panels

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Location Go to Athens, Marina Alimos (Kalamaki)

Saturday from 17:00h | Saturday until 09:00h


Besides Croatian licenses the majority of international sailing certificates are accepted as well. If you or your crew members do not have the required certificates we can easily provide a skipper for you - you just need to add it as an optional extra to your booking. For more information about sailing certificates valid for bareboat charter in Croatia click .

Security Deposit

It will be reimbursed to you at the disembarkation after the boat has been inspected and confirmed as undamaged.

Cancellation Conditions

Cancellation policy depends on the charter operator and will be presented to you in General T&C for your particular booking.

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Larus | Larus

Marina Pirovac, Croatia

Berths 6 + 2

Cabins 3 + 1

Length 17.50 m

Engine x 1 132 hp

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Gulet aegeas | Aegeas

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Berths 8 + 2

Length 15.24 m

06 Jul - 13 Jul 2024

€ 6.950 € 6.272

Pacha | Pacha

Pacha | Pacha

Split Town port, Croatia

Length 28.00 m

Engine x 1 440 hp

13 Jul - 20 Jul 2024

€ 26.500 € 25.175

Carpe diem | Carpe diem

Carpe diem | Carpe Diem

Berths 8 + 1

Length 30.00 m

Engine x 1 450 hp

21 Sep - 28 Sep 2024

€ 21.500 € 20.425

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Lotus | Lotus

Engine x 2 450 hp

10 Aug - 17 Aug 2024

€ 32.770 € 31.132

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Smart spirit | Smart Spirit

Trogir Town Port, Croatia

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482 people viewed this yacht in last 7 days

Croatia Yachting - Headquarters

Address: Dražanac 2/a , 21 000 Split, CROATIA

Booking Office: +385 21 332 332

E-mail: [email protected]

Office working hours: 8:00 – 16:00 CET

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Feel free to ask us anything – our team is on your side!

For any yacht charter questions during the office hours please call our booking team in our Split headquarters on +385 21 332 332 or send us an e-mail on the address croatia-yachting.hr .

For urgent inquiries after working hours, you can contact our booking agents individually on their mobile phones or send an e-mail and you will get a response as soon as possible:

Ms. Ružica Jozipović (English and German speaking clients) Tel: +385 91 331 3341

Ms. Monika Trumbić (English and German speaking clients) Tel: +385 91 332 3362

Mr. Roko Kovač (English speaking clients) Tel: +385 91 332 3370

Ms. Martina Barač  (English, Italian speaking clients) Tel: +385 21 332 332

Ms. Aleksandra Borjan (Italian, French, English speaking clients) Tel: +385 91 331 3343

Ms. Jelena Matkovic (English speaking clients) E-mail: croatia-yachting.hr

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Charter Dates: not specified

For all questions regarding yacht charter please fill out the form or contact our staff during office working time from Mon-Fri: 08:00 - 16:00 CET at:

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Ryan Bird at Cosmos

Ryan Bird at Cosmos has looked after our chartering needs at the Royal Yacht Squadron for several years. We have always found him to be helpful and efficient; and we are presently arranging another series of charters through him for our cruise from Split, Croatia in 2024. The quality and availability of well-equipped monohulls and catamarans has been very good.

Date of experience : December 08, 2023

Great service from Cosmos

Our 4th charter through Cosmos & our best! Kasia has been exceptionally helpful throughout the whole booking process & provided a great service.

Date of experience : December 03, 2023

Nearly 30 years with Cosmos

Myself and my wife and friends have been using Cosmos for nearly 30 years for our yacht charters. We have chartered with them in Greece, Croatia and Italy. We have always had excellent service and boats have always been good and well maintained which we find important as we always bareboat charter. When Covid struck Cosmos happily moved our booking forward for 2 years without additional fees or charges. Our latest charter was out of Corfu and once again we had a great trip a well equipped yacht.

Date of experience : July 01, 2023

I've been chartering a bare boat from…

I've been chartering a bare boat from Cosmos each year for the last 8 years or so. Ryan Bird been a great help. He's efficient, knowledgeable, always available and helpful. At this stage it's worth mentioning that bare boat is different to chartering a boat with a crew as there are more personalities involved, charterer and crew each have a responsibility to gel! We had a big family health problem a couple of years ago and Cosmos were brilliant, sensitive and supportive. We're going to the BVI's with them in December 2023 and currently looking at chartering in Dubrovnik in 2024. They've done a good job for me. Doug Wentworth

Date of experience : December 30, 2022

Ryan and his team are a class act

Ryan and his team are a class act. Always getting us the best boats at the best prices. Their systems and the team are seamless at getting all the advanced info over and they look after you at every stage of the process. He is respected at the bases we travel to and they always look after us well as a result in base. I have booked 6 weeks sailing with Ryan over the years and would recommend them to absolutely anyone. 5 Star isn't enough, your very important holiday will be in extremely safe hands.

Date of experience : December 04, 2023

A fully crewed boat in Greece is the perfect holiday

I was recommended Cosmos Yachting approximately ten years ago and have used them frequently to plan beautiful sailing holidays in Greece for the family. Kasia is excellent at her job, very attentive and I would have no hesitation in recommending them to find you your perfect boat. They will help you with every little decision which makes the experience stress free and pleasurable.

Date of experience : August 12, 2023

Best charter company I’ve used for many…

Best charter company I’ve used for many years. Knowledge and info is excellent. As is Kasia who I’ve dealt with for at least 6 charters. Plus 2 more coming up in March and April in the Caribbean. Information has been 100%.

Date of experience : September 16, 2023

Avoid this company

Chartered a catamaran through their Greek subsidiary. Brand new boat. Crew was terrible. Nasty hostess who moped around all day and basically did nothing. Couldn’t believe the captain in terms of his worries about the weather as the ports he avoided were all fine when we visited them in our own. One dinky towel per person per week ? Our food preference was completely ignored. We’re given breakfast three out if 7 days. Not what I expected for 18 000 euros.

Date of experience : September 02, 2023

Reply from Cosmos Yachting

Dear ‘Greek Travellers’, Thank you for getting in touch. However, although we are connected to our sister company in Greece it is not a subsidiary company of ours, and we have nothing to do with bookings made directly with them or their complaints process. Please could we ask that you remove this review and contact them directly with regards to your complaint? Many thanks in advance. Best regards, Cosmos Yachting

I and my family have just finished a…

I and my family have just finished a bareboat yacht charter out of Split Croatia organized through Cosmos Yachting. We had 3 other family’s on separate boat all through Cosmos Yachting. I have used Cosmos Yachting on every charter for the last 25 years. As always the service from booking, arrival, picking up the boat, condition of the boat and check out were superb. I will always use Cosmos Yachting and Ryan Bird as they and he said have given excellent professional service to me and my friends over many years. Graham Farrell Ireland.

Date of experience : July 02, 2022

I have been chartering with Cosmos…

I have been chartering with Cosmos yachting since 1996 and dealt with Ryan Bird on each occasion. I have chartered in Greece in the Ionian, out of Athens and in the Cyclades. I have also chartered in Croatia and the British Virgin Islands. I am chartering next week again in Croatia with Cosmos and Ryan where we booked in 2020 and are now able to go. Ryan and team have always been professional,courteous and helpful particularly on this charter which had to be postponed twice due to covid. Ryan could not have been more helpful. It is great to deal with the same company and same personnel over 26 years where the service on every occasion had exceeded expectation. I always recommend Ryan and Cosmos to my friends. Well done Cosmos. Graham Farrell

Date of experience : June 16, 2022


WARNING! AVOID.Originally posted June 2022. Unfortunately we've had an utterly appauling experience with Cosmos. My girlfriend and I booked a weeks charter through their London office to sail the Greek islands in May 2022. We are still in dispute with them and see no motivation from their side to resolve it. We filed a complaint - if you would like a copy please get in touch. There are primarily two issues: firstly we were informed less than five minutes (quite literally) after we boarded the vessel and handed over €2000 in cash (on top of the £1250 we had already paid in the weeks leading up to the holiday), that very high winds (40knots) were heading our way and that the severity would mean we would have no choice but to abandon our holiday after just 3 days. This was despite the weather forecast apparently showing this for several days before we arrived and despite us asking if, the day before we arrived, everything was going to plan. Their response was that they don't check the weather. That seemed incredibly irresponsible and actually made us feel we had been intentionally duped. The second issue was that the Skipper they had allocated was incredibly unprofessional, rude and more concerned with his own agenda than ours. He rarely checked when we were ready to depart and just started the engine when it suited him. He would take and make many personal calls, speaking very loudly, sometimes shouting while we tried to relax (this sometimes went on for 10-15 mins). He smoked constantly (we had no idea we should have asked for a non-smoking employee, presuming anyone working in a professional capacity, and in such close-quarters, would not be allowed to smoke). On many occasions, he would rush us, with no regard for what we wanted to do - in fact he would sometimes stop the boat so he could fish. He told us a story of how on a previous trip, he was fed up with a clients music and so disconnected the speakers, telling them it was broken. One afternoon we wished to spend the evening in a quiet bay. Our Skipper did not - he told us it would be boring for him, mainly because he had no phone service (5 minutes after this protest his phone rang). He spent all evening brooding. The next morning he invented a situation that had us believing we were in serious danger - he pretended to panic, swearing and crossing his chest as a form of prayer. He allowed the boat to run out of fresh water, telling us that was our fault because we elected to stay one night in a bay. There was no safety or First Aid briefing and our Skipper was not at all familiar with the vessel. He then told us that our itinerray was impossible as the boat had a low maximum speed - so we would not be able to reach the destinations we had agreed. We had to revise our holiday entirely. You would hope any professional commercial organisation properly vets their employees/service providers. Of course sometimes people go rogue. Regardless, the ultimate responsibility rests with Cosmos. They have told us they are not willing to do anything for us. As yet we've had no apology, no offer of goodwill. Please heed our warning and book with ANY other yacht charter company, these guys care not one bit about their clients wellbeing, safety or putting right a very poor experience. Since posting this review I've been contacted by others that had simiilarly horrific experiences with Cosmos, one poor guy was taken for almost £10k and had his life and the lives of his guests put in danger. He had the same skipper as we did. We visited the International Boat Show in September and heard from many in the industry that Cosmos have always been a cautionary tale. Wished we'd known beforehand. Never Again. Dec 1st 2023: 16 months after the trip! - Cosmos post a reply to my review. If you read my report you will see that the weather itself was almost the least of our problems - it was the way every aspect of the trip was managed (or mismanaged). The tone of their response should tell you everything you need to know about this company.

Date of experience : July 13, 2022

Dear Jay, Thank you for your feedback, something we always take very seriously. We are sorry to hear that you were not happy with the outcome of the lengthy negotiations we made on your behalf with the boat owner. However, it is not really surprising that the boat owner did not wish to refund you, as you had claimed, for 2 days due to "bad weather". Neither Cosmos nor the owners can be held responsible for bad weather. Also, the skipper reported that you seemed quite happy to share his cigarettes with him on board. Best regards, Cosmos Yachting

Cosmos, the "take it or leave it" company

Having recently returned from our Ionian yacht charter this summer we wanted to reflect on our experience with the holiday company Cosmos. Yachting Ltd. The good Our experience first meeting Cosmos at the London Boat Show earlier this year (2018) was pleasant. We went to the show ready to buy a yacht charter but being first timers we wanted to meet with companies rather than rely solely on phone/internet. We met a couple of other companies but settled with Cosmos as we liked their approach and the confidence we gained throughout the couple of hours spent together. We also thought at the time that being one of Cosmos’s own boats [Nomicos Yachts Ltd] that their customer care would be better than if agent only. Having agreed price and secured a boat option at the show the process through to booking took a few more questions and was all sorted within the week. There were further regular updates and information over the months and as none of our party sailed we also requested a skipper be provided. At each step we felt comforted that we had chosen the best commpany for our first adventure on the water. Payment for the £6900.00 was taken 25% as deposit, 25% after 6 weeks and the balance 6 weeks prior to the charter and paid by credit card with no further fees. The bad After boarding the handsome 2018 built Nautitech 46 Fly “Athinais” at the booked time of 5pm and after the skipper had done his checks and briefed us with the do’s and don’ts we were ready to depart. I did comment to the skipper why all the toilets onboard were so full of water (an inch or so from the pan top) as whilst we werent expected rough seas spillage would occur if it was. I also noticed that whilst the toilets flushed it took 2-3 flushes to clear as there was a lot of backwash. The skipper did report it to the owners rep but was informed this was normal hence we departed without further ado. This is when things got interesting as from our first night on Saturday up until Wednesday afternoon all 4 toilets were mostly out of commissoin and we had to be creative how we dealt with waste whilst onboard. The skipper did try several times to unblock the system and although this provided temporary relief the problem was not resolved until the Wednesday when we spent most of the day in port waiting for the company’s plumber to arrive to fix the issue. The plumber Heraklis who spoke little English and for whom we had to translate for the skipper said that the toilets lines were severely backed up and that blockage had built up over some time. Certainly not from the odd piece of paper that might have accidentaly found itself in each pan. He also commented that the design of the system and the type of valve used would mean this boat would always suffer from this problem. He also unblocked the basins whose lines were blocked with what looked like human hair and leaves. After the plumber left we continued with our holiday albeit the malodour never quite disappeared even though we throughly cleaned the area. The ugly After we returned from our charter we contacted Cosmos not only to book another charter for next summer but to air our grievances that although opted for a Rolls Royce experience on a new boat we didn’t receive something commensurate to the amount of money paid. We asked for what we felt was a fair credit as we wanted to rebook and were offered what we were told was a “great” deal for a charter next year. However, after checking with another company it was in fact slightly more expensive for the same dates and boat. Even after telling them that being unable to use the toilets for the best part of 4 days just wasn’t good enough the head brokers was indifferent only caring about our next booking and telling us to take it or leave it. The director who refused repeated requests for a chat and instead getting his broker to ‘handle’ us did eventually email a reply 9 days later apologising for the delay in reply. We never receive an apology for our experience other than to say Cosmos wouldn’t be charging us the Eur 400.00 it cost their plumber to unblock the system which they said was caused by us. Whilst we remain eternally grateful at not being charged for a problem not of our doing it would have been nice to have received an acknowledgement for the anxiety of having to pee and poop into bags for the best part of 4 days. Their broker who presumably got anxious at the thought of losing our business did offer us £150.00 off our next booking however given our experience we decided it was too little too late. Final thoughts It’s a real shame that after spending so much time investing with us that Cosmos was so quick to throw our custom away not just for the next charter which has been booked for next summer for likely for any that follow. The fact that our new agent is not affiliated in any way with the owner is I feel a bonus as the agent works for us rather than the conflict of interest we experienced with Cosmos/Nomicos. It would be great if an owner directly offered skipper services as we felt that our poor Skipper Rollo who worked for and was paid by us had to attend to every problem that really should have been down to the owner/operator to sort out. I can only assume that this is typical in the chartering world as it allows these companies to wash their hands of any and all responsibility short of making sure the engine works.

Date of experience : August 30, 2018

Cosmos Yachting GmbH Logo

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cosmos yachting front slide 24-2-21


cosmos yachting kroatien

Cosmos Yachting was established in 1987. The company’s activities include sales of new and second hand yachts, bareboat yacht charters, crewed yacht charters.

Cosmos Yachting cooperates with internationally renowned shipyards to offer a broad variety of monohull sailing yachts and catamarans for private or professional use. With a comprehensive knowledge of the Greek and the international brokerage market, the Cosmos Yachting team can also assist you in purchasing a second hand yacht.

Cosmos Yachting has been providing high quality chartering services throughout the Mediterranean, the Caribbean and exotic destinations such as Thailand, Seychelles etc.for more than 30 years. With an extensive fleet of yachts, a network of bases in Greece and Turkey a team of professionals at your service, you will definitely enjoy an exceptional vacation experience.

cosmos yachting kroatien


Partnership programmes.

Our Yacht-Partnership-Programmes allow you all the advantages of having your own yacht, with none of the worry. You can use your yacht for three weeks during the summer season and at any time in the low season, free of charge. So there is nothing stopping you from offering a dream holiday to your friends or business associates.

Should you wish to achieve a fixed return, then we can also take care of this. We deal with all the formalities while ensuring your boat is kept in pristine condition. Plus, in order to offer you more flexibility, you have access to equivalent types of yacht in any or our other bases.

And if you ever decide to sell your yacht, then our pre-owned boat department will take care of marketing and obtain the highest possible re-sale value for you in the international market. Not only do we offer the very best maintained boats for sale we also keep all yachts under our management in top condition.

Regardless of whether your yacht ownership is motivated by pleasure or as a profitable investment, we have the perfect solution. I you would like to learn more about our offers of finance options, please feel free to contact us without obligation.

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Cosmos Yachting LTD

Chartering a catamaran in Corfu is an invitation to a symphony of serenity where the Ionian Sea meets the Venetian splendor of an island rich in history and natural beauty. The sea breeze becomes your companion as you navigate the crystal-clear waters that mirror the lush landscapes of this Greek gem.

Corfu’s UNESCO-listed Old Town, with its narrow cobblestone streets and Venetian architecture, is a tapestry of historical charm. Every corner unfolds a new chapter of the island’s past, where the echoes of Venetian footfalls resonate through time. Anchoring off the shores of Paleokastritsa or sailing towards the Diapontia Islands is not just a maritime journey; it’s an immersion into the tranquility of turquoise seas and the warmth of Ionian hospitality.

As you cruise along Corfu’s coastline, each bay and beach unveils a new facet of its allure. From the golden sands of Glyfada to the secluded beauty of Porto Timoni, every stop is a brushstroke on the canvas of catamaran bliss. Corfu is not merely an island; it’s a sanctuary where the whispers of Venetian history harmonize with the tranquil melody of turquoise seas.

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Frugal Traveler

Affordable Island-Hopping in Croatia? What Could Go Wrong?

A 30-percent-off Black Friday sale on a cruise aboard a yacht meant off-season sailing and being prepared for the unexpected.

A view from a hill of a red-roofed town surrounding a harbor. In the foreground, the ruins of an ancient fortification wall follow the downward slope of a steep hill. And in the distance, beyond the harbor with its numerous small boats, is a string of small green islands.

By Elaine Glusac

Elaine Glusac is the Frugal Traveler columnist, focusing on budget-friendly tips and journeys.

As Croatians tell the story , the Greek hero Odysseus was shipwrecked and held captive on the Croatian island of Mljet. Visiting in May, I and six other sailors embraced the myth when the motor on our 54-foot yacht failed.

“Remember, Odysseus spent seven years on Mljet,” said Ivan Ljubovic, our captain. “We can do two nights.”

In the scheme of things, the clogged fuel filter that impeded our progress on a seven-night, island-hopping cruise from Split to Dubrovnik on a yacht — which the passengers helped sail — was minor. Though an engine, even on a sailboat, is vital for docking and sticking to schedules on becalmed days, most of my shipmates agreed that getting waylaid in a village with Roman ruins on a turquoise bay was an acceptable fate.

I had been resigned to what were, in my mind, worse inconveniences when I had signed up for the trip last November. Then, the tour operator G Adventures had put several trips on sale over the Black Friday weekend. Its best deals were in the off-season, which meant potentially chilly weather and closed restaurants and attractions. But leaving in late April for seven nights of island hopping at roughly $1,300 — after a 30 percent discount — was too tempting to pass up.

My cousin Kim agreed and we made plans to pack rain gear and meet in Split to test the budget waters.

‘Everything between is an adventure’

Little about the itinerary was published pre-departure and none of it was firm.

“Split and Dubrovnik are fixed,” said the captain, who would pilot the ship solo and double as our guide, on our first day. “Everything between is an adventure.”

It started with the Sauturnes, a handsome Kufner yacht with four snug guest cabins, four economical bathrooms where the retractable faucet doubled as a shower spigot, and a spacious galley. Our “crew,” a mix of Australians and Americans ranging from 18 to 75 — all of whom had also jumped on the promotional pricing — spent most of the time atop the boat, where foam mattresses invited sunbathing and a cockpit awning provided shade.

The weather, which turned out to be sunny and comfortably cool, was not our greatest concern. The G Adventures website had mentioned well-known islands, including beachy Brac and Vis , which played a convincing Greek idyll in the movie “Mamma Mia 2.” But since many places would be closed in the shoulder season, we would proceed, according to the captain, based on the dictates of the weather and conditions on shore.

Meals were not included, which meant finding open restaurants was critical. For shipboard breakfasts and lunches, we each chipped in 50 euros (about $54) for communal groceries, which we shopped for at local markets. At night, we would dine at restaurants; G Adventures advised budgeting $250 to $325 for the week, which was accurate, though we often splurged on Croatian wine (a carafe of house red averaged $15).

Small ports

After the frenzy of grocery shopping and moving into the bunk-bedded cabin Kim and I shared, we experienced the Zen of sailing as the ship set off on a sunny morning for 43-mile-long Hvar , the longest and purportedly sunniest island in Croatia.

Neighboring islands drifted past as the wind patterned the sea in shifting ripples and ruffles. A flock of shearwaters soared by at eye level.

Within a few hours, the ridgelines of steep Hvar appeared, revealing terraced lavender fields and olive orchards. Motoring down a long, narrow inlet, we arrived in Stari Grad , a village of stone homes with terra cotta roof tiles, as travelers had since 384 B.C., when Greek sailors from the island of Paros settled here.

Our mooring provided a front-row view of fishing boats and cafes animating the waterfront. Stari Grad’s attractions, including the Greek ruins of Faros and a 17th-century Venetian cathedral, had yet to open for the season, but we relished exploring the old quarter’s narrow lanes and deserted plazas.

From the waterfront, an aerobic 20-minute hike up a steep hill crowned by a giant white cross offered views over Stari Grad and the plains beyond, a UNESCO World Heritage Site of fourth-century agricultural fields, with stone walls circumscribing grapevines and olive orchards.

That evening, we visited them to reach Konoba Kokot , a farm restaurant that specializes in “peka,” a kind of barbecue in which meat cooks under an iron lid piled with hot coals. The family that runs it opened in the preseason, welcoming us with bracing shots of rakija, a local herbal liquor. At a long table under an arbor, we gorged on homemade goat cheese, wild boar pate and, from the hearth, roast lamb, veal and octopus with limitless jugs of red and white wine for 35 euros a person.

Starry nights

Small ships are unmatched at getting into small ports, but a yacht trip is also a little like camping, starting most mornings with D.I.Y. instant coffee. Marinas offered free bathhouses with showers.

Cool temperatures apparently deterred the celebrity-filled mega yachts, which are known to anchor in the town of Hvar on the south shore of Hvar island. Our captain declared it the “Mykonos of Croatia” as we motored by the port bustling with visitors carrying shopping bags and cones of gelato.

With clear weather in the forecast, we moored in an undeveloped cove east of town. The mooring belonged to the owners of Moli Onte restaurant, who ferried us to land on a motorized dingy, allowing us enough time before dinner to visit the fortress above Hvar and have an Ozujsko beer on St. Stephens Square, the largest in the region of Dalmatia.

Back on board, with no artificial light to wash out the night sky, we hit the upper deck for stargazing. As my shipmates peeled off to bed, I grabbed a blanket and beanie and bedded down under the stars for the evolving show, periodically waking to catch the drama of the moon rising, reflected in the still water.

Little Dubrovnik

Fingers of gray rock reached down to meet sloping vineyards along Hvar’s south coast as we departed for its neighbor, Korcula. On our longest day of sailing, five hours, I welcomed the chance to play first mate, manning the lines on the jib sail.

To break up the trip, Captain Ljubovic navigated to a quiet cove off the Peljesac Peninsula where the Caribbean-blue waters, cloudless sky and sandy bottom convinced us to jump in despite numbing sea temperatures.

Fifteenth-century walls ring the historic center of Korcula, earning it the nickname “Little Dubrovnik.” Past the stone gates carved with a winged lion representing the empire of Venice, which controlled much of the Adriatic after the 13th century, narrow alleys led to ornate churches and mansions. There was no better history trip than getting lost in the web of pedestrian lanes. Or so we told ourselves as we passed the purported home of Marco Polo, still closed preseason.

Along the seafront walls, restaurants served pizza and seafood under lights strung in the pines and we caught sunset from a former turret, now converted into Massimo Cocktail Bar , which requires patrons to climb a ladder to the rooftop, a caution against second rounds.

The most romantic port of the trip was also the rowdiest, at least in the marina, which was hosting a Polish sailing regatta. When I headed for the showers at 6 a.m. the next morning, I found a group still cheerfully dancing atop a yacht littered in empty booze bottles and crushed potato chips.

Marooned on Mljet

We left Korcula on strong 20-knot “jugo” or south winds and Captain Ljubovic unleashed the sails, saying “You paid for a sailing vacation, not a motorboat.”

As we tacked back and forth toward Mljet , the boat heeled at a queasy angle and we took face shots of ocean spray.

On Mljet, where the western end of the island is home to Mljet National Park , we rented bikes (10 euros) to ride a lung-busting route over the park’s mountain spine. On the other side, we cycled around a pair of inland lakes and took a boat trip to a 12th-century monastery built on an island in one of them (park admission, 15 euros).

Docked in the still sleepy town of Polace, we heard tales of high season, when up to 100 yachts anchor in the bay and members of the band U2 were once seen biking in the park. After a brief shower, the town glimmered at sunset and the restaurant Stella Maris welcomed us with grilled sea bass (25 euros) and prawns (20 euros).

“I’m so glad I chose this time, because I don’t do crowds,” said my shipmate Nova Hey, 46, of Sydney, who was traveling with her 18-year-old daughter.

In the morning, I had the trail to the peak of Montokuc to myself. The roughly three-mile round-trip hike reached one of the highest points on the island, a rocky knob with stunning panoramas shared by a family of feral goats.

Not long thereafter, the Sauternes’ engine refused to turn over, stranding us in a national park on a remote island with no mechanics.

Teeming Dubrovnik

The next morning, Captain Ljubovic jimmied a fix but it didn’t last long and the engine died again, this time just opposite a cave on Mljet that we joked had to be the refuge of Odysseus.

After a morning of light sailing, a mechanic from the mainland arrived by speedboat and within an hour we were motoring toward the Franjo Tudman Bridge that spans the inlet to the Dubrovnik marina where hot showers awaited.

“Dubrovnik is the most expensive city in Croatia,” said Captain Ljubovic as we spent the last of our pooled money, 70 euros, hiring a taxi van to get us to and from the walled heart of the ancient city about 15 minutes away.

With two large cruise ships in port, Dubrovnik was teeming with visitors and the price to climb the stone walls that encircle the city was a sticker-shocking 35 euros. (In the ensuing two days Kim and I would spend post-cruise in the city, we bought the more comprehensive Dubrovnik Pass for 35 euros that included admission to the walls as well as several museums and public bus transportation.)

On our final evening, we measured the lack of crowds versus closed museums; perfect hiking weather versus swim-inviting water; ample dock space versus more restaurant choices — and felt we’d come out ahead sailing in the bargain season.

Follow New York Times Travel on Instagram and sign up for our weekly Travel Dispatch newsletter to get expert tips on traveling smarter and inspiration for your next vacation. Dreaming up a future getaway or just armchair traveling? Check out our 52 Places to Go in 2024 .

Open Up Your World

Considering a trip, or just some armchair traveling here are some ideas..

52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .

Ljubljana, Slovenia:  Stroll along the river, explore a contemporary art scene and admire panoramic views in this scenic Central European capital .

Cities With Great Beaches:  Already been to Miami, Honolulu and Sydney? These five other coastal destinations  are vibrant on land and on the water.

Southern France:  The Canal du Midi traverses the Occitanie region and gives cyclists of all skill levels  access to parts of France that are rich in lore .

Port Antonio, Jamaica:  The D.J. and music producer Diplo recommends spots in a city he loves  on Jamaica’s northeast coast. A dance party makes the cut.

New Mexico:  Visiting the vast and remote Gila Wilderness, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary, is both inspiring and demanding .


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  23. Corfu

    The sea breeze becomes your companion as you navigate the crystal-clear waters that mirror the lush landscapes of this Greek gem. Corfu's UNESCO-listed Old Town, with its narrow cobblestone streets and Venetian architecture, is a tapestry of historical charm. Every corner unfolds a new chapter of the island's past, where the echoes of ...

  24. An Island-to-Island Yacht Cruise in Croatia

    June 24, 2024. As Croatians tell the story, the Greek hero Odysseus was shipwrecked and held captive on the Croatian island of Mljet. Visiting in May, I and six other sailors embraced the myth ...